What do you mean. What does emoticon mean. Headline tricks

What do you mean. What does emoticon mean. Headline tricks

Smiley dictionary | What does emoticon mean

[smile what does it mean, list of smiles, set of smiles ]

    :-& speechless; embarrassed; tongue-tied

    :-Rprotruding tongue

    :-s incoherent, incoherent

    :-/ skeptic

    :-\ undecided

    about:-) angel

    >:-) devil

    :-q trying to reach the nose with the tongue

    :-a the same but on the other side

    :-e disappointed

    :-about ox-ox

    :-9 licking lips

    :-O don't yell! (also speaker)

    about-) Cyclops

    .-) one-eyed

    ,-) winking one-eyed

    8-) wearing sunglasses

    AT-) wearer of glasses

    %-) staring at the screen for a very long time

    :-> sarcastic smile

    ;-> same plus wink

    >:-> sarcastic face with a devilish tinge

    :u)funny looking nose (right)

    :n)funny looking nose (left)

    8:-) little girl

    :-{} girl painting lips

    8-| alarmed

    :-)~ fooling around

    :"-) crying with happiness

    :-) your basic smile

    ;-) smile with a wink

    -:-) punk

    -:-( unsmiling punk

    *:-) in Santa's hat

    8:-) sorcerer - invisible

    :-[ vampire

    :-Efanged vampire

    :-Fbroken-toothed vampire

    >[-) Chinese

    >|-( a chinese who doesn't understand such jokes

    :"-( crying with grief

    (8th with a hangover

    3:o[ clown

    :about) clown

    *:about) clown

    :-)Xwearing a bow tie

    :-% banker

    C=:-) Chef

    @:-) wearing a turban

    [:-) in headphones

    d8=bearded man in dark glasses

    :| thinking

    :( saddened

    :Ospeaking loudly

    +-:-) Pope

    +:-) Priest

    O|-) religious

    g-)wearing pince-nez (monocle)

    ::-) wearing glasses (four-eyed)

    AT:-) with glasses on forehead

    :-| duty smile

    :Y yawns

    =:-) boring, uninteresting type

    :-[ vampry

    :-Evampri with protruding teeth

    :-Fa vampire with protruding and broken (he was broken off (vampire)) teeth

    :-7 disgusting.distorted statement

    :-* ate something sour

    :[email protected] yells

    :-& knotted tongue

    :-Sinconsistent statement

    :-Xsealed lips

    :-C quite bad...

    :-/ skeptically

    :-9 lick

    :-0 do not Cry! (silence during sleep hours), also speaker

    :- spitting device

    :-1 fine

    :-$ mouth shut shut

    :-% banker

    :-qtrying to touch the nose with the tongue

    :-asame on the other side/end/position... :-)

    :-e disappointed

    :-t cut off

    :-i half smile

    :-] fool, you :-)))))))

    :-[ unsmiling fool, the same you

    :-jleft smile - and sometimes right :-)

    :-dleft teasing reader smile

    :-k beat me!

    :-\ hesitantly

    :-< totally sad

    :-c bad

    :-vtalking head

    :-d mockery

    :^ nose broken

    :v) nose broken in the other direction

    :_0 nose off face

    :=) two noses

    :o) clown

    :u) funny nose

    :n) funny nose

    (:-) big smile (mouth to ear)

    :-D laughs out loud

    :-X mouth shut

    :-WITH quitter

    :[ quitter

    :-{ whiskered

    :-{) whiskered

    :-#) whiskered

    {:-) wearing a wig

    }:-) wig on end

    =:-) smooth-headed

    :-7 crooked smile

    :-* sullen

    :[email protected] orutschsh

    |-| sleeping

    |-O yawning

    |~o snoring

    :) normal

    :] cheerful

    :-~) frozen

    :*) drunk

    :-| stupid

    (:| egghead

    :-)) double chin

    ":-) head shaved on one side

    ,:-) head shaved on the other side

    :-] blockhead

    :[ unsmiling chump

    :-< sad

    :-t angry, irritated

    :-i half smile

    :-} chapped lips or smirk

    :~) with a broken nose

    :v) the same but on the other side

    :_) nose slipped off face

    :-Q smoking

    :-? pipe-smoking site creator at WWW.YAXY.RU

    :-" spitting tobacco

    ;-) Wink (See I'm joking)

    :-( Sadness, upset

    :[email protected] A scream of terror.

    :-D Laugh.

    :-} Irony

    :o Amazement.

    :-] Sarcasm.

    :-[ Evil smile.

    :"-( Crying, sobs.

    %-) Embarrassment.

    :-* Kiss.

    :-\ Indecision.

    :-# Silence.

    :-)_) It's very funny to me

    :-)D) I'm very, very funny

    J:-)_) My hair is on end from laughing

    @%-D I can't - I'm all / all lying around!

    :-( I'm sad. I do not like your last statement or I am upset or depressed about something

    <:-( I'm very sad

    :-WITH I am in a bad mood

    U:-[---X+ My head is pierced and I'm dying

    >:-( I frown

    :-I Indifferent smile. Better than a sad smile, but not as good as a happy one.

    :-> Irony. I'm sarcastic, I'm very sarcastic. Smile enhancement :-)

    :-> I made a really infernal (devilish) remark

    ;-> I blink and snarl at the same time. I just made a VERY smutty remark

    Y:-) I was on YAXY.RU and I am very satisfied

    (-: I'm left handed

    %-) I stared at the screen for 15 hours straight

    &%-( I'm completely sick of the computer, I spent (all) the night with it

    :*) I'm drunk

    #-( I've got a hangover

    [:] I am a robot

    8-) I wear sunglasses

    B:-) Sunglasses on the head

    ::-) I wear regular glasses

    B-) I wear horn-rimmed glasses

    :-R I show my tongue

    :O Battle cry

    :[email protected] I scream

    :-\ I was taken aback by surprise

    :-c I took offense

    :-)~ I chat

    :-X I won't give anything away (I won't give anything away)

    8:-) I am a little girl

    :-)-8 I am a big girl

    :-{) I have a mustache

    :-{} I have painted lips

    {:-) I wear a wig

    }:-( Wig in the wind

    :-[ I'm a vampire

    :-E I am a vampire with a protruding tooth

    :-F I'm a vampire with a protruding tooth and a broken fang

    :-7 I just made a quip

    :-* I just ate something sour

    :-)~ I salivate

    :-~) I've got a cold

    :"-( I'm crying

    :"-) I cry with happiness

    :[email protected] I scream

    :-# I wear a dental brace

    :^) I broke/broken my nose

    :v) I have a broken / broken nose, but in the other direction

    :_) My nose is cut off my face

    :<) I'm from the Ivy League School

    :-& My tongue is tied. (I am a stutterer)

    =:-) I have a horse head

    -:-) I am a punk rocker

    -:-( True punks don't smile

    :=) I have two noses

    +-:-) I am the Holy Father (Pope) or any other religious person

    `:-) I shaved off one of my eyebrows this morning

    ,:-) I shaved one of my eyebrows off the other side this morning.

    |-I I'm a little sleepy

    |-O I yawn/snor

    :-Q I am a smoker

    :-? I smoke a pipe

    O-) Megaton Man on Patrol. Megaton Man On Patrol. (otherwise, I am a scuba diver)

    :-) I'm an angel (in my soul at least)

    :P Yiiyyyyyy!!!

    :-S I said something incoherent

    :-D I laugh (at you)

    :-X I have sealed lips. I won't say anything. I won't give out. I am a partisan!

    :-C I'm really upset. I am very lazy.

    <|-) I am Chinese

    <|-( I'm Chinese and I don't like such jokes

    :-/ I am skeptical. I was taken aback by surprise

    C=:-) I am a chef

    @= I am pro-nuclear war. Nuclear explosion.

    *<:-) I wear a Santa Claus (Santa Claus) hat

    :o E oh.

    (8-o This is Mr. Account (Bill)

    *:o) I am Bozo the Clown.

    :] Home (affectionate) smile. pet smile

    :[ Implied homely smile. Hint of a smile

    8= Your pet beaver wears goggles and a hard hat

    E-:-) I am a shortwave radio operator

    :-9 I lick my lips

    %-6 I have a softening of the brain (braindead)

    [:-) I wear a walkman

    (:I I am smart (egghead)

    <:-I I'm dumb

    K:P I'm a propeller kid (benie propeller)

    @:-) I wear a turban

    :-0 No scream. (silent lab)

    :-: Mutant smile

    .-) I only have one eye

    ,-) I only have one eye but it blinks

    X-( I just died

    8:-) I am a fakir, magician (magician, sorcerer, wizard)

    :) petite smile

    :] Glee (joy) ... friendly miniature (dwarf) smile. I will be happy to be your friend

    =) Change in theme...

    :} How should we call it? What should we call these? (What?)

    :) Happiness

    :> What?

    :@ What?

    :D Laugh

    :I Hmmm...

    :( I'm sad

    :[ Really depressed (Downer)

    :< What?

    :{ What?

    :O I scream

    :C What?

    :Q What?

    :,( crying


    :* kisses

    |I I sleep

    |^o Snore

    :-` Smiling while spitting chewing tobacco

    :-1 A smile on a fresh face. insipid face

    :[email protected] scream

    :-#| Face with bushy mustache

    :-$ Smile with a sewn mouth

    :-% banker's smile

    :-6 Smiling after eating something sour

    :^) Smile with pointed nose

    :-7 Smiling after a subtle statement (remarks)

    8-) Swimmer's smile

    :-* Smiling after eating something bitter

    :-& Smile with tied tongue

    :-0 speaker's smile

    The smile of the invisible man

    (:-( Frowning unsmiling

    (:-) A smile on a big face

    ):-) big face

    ):-( gloomy big face

    )8-) Scuba diver smile with big face

    =:-) Punk smile

    =:-( True (real) punks don't smile)

    +:-) Priest's smile

    :-q Smiling when trying to touch your nose with your tongue

    :-e Disappointed smile

    :-t cross smile

    :-i half smile

    :o I sing the national anthem

    :p Tongue out smile (to you!)

    :-[ Stupid without a smile

    :-] dumbass smile

    :-{ Change in theme

    :-} To echo (ditto) (Change in theme?)

    {:-) Smile with a straight cut

    }:-) Higher (parted smile) in the wind

    :-a Smiling when you try to touch your nose with your tongue on the left

    :-s Smile after a FUNNY comment

    :-d Left derogatory (razzing) smile

    g-) Smile in a monocle (pince-nez)

    :-j left sided smile

    :-k Beats me, looks like something (tho).

    :-l y. a. s.

    :-: Mutant smile

    :-\ Hesitant smile

    :-| facial expression normal day

    ;-) winking smile

    :-< Really sad smile

    :-> y.a.s.

    :-z y.a.c.s.

    :-x My lips are sealed (sealed)

    -c Smile with a beard

    :-v I speak

    :v) Smile with nose pointing to the left

    :-b Smile with tongue to the left

    :-/ Left hesitant smile

    :-? smoke with a pipe

    .-] One-eyed smile

    ,-} Sneak and wink

    0-) Cyclops (scuba diver) smile

    :-=) Smiling old man with mustache

    :u) Smile with a strange nose to the left

    :n) Smile with odd-looking nose to the right

    :< petite unsmile

    :> petite smile

    }:^#}) Mega-smile: flowing thick mustache, (you \ fawning) smile with a pointed nose and double-chin

    :-) ha ha

    ~~:-( Brains are smoking (melting)

    -) hee hee

    O |-) Religiosity

    |-D Ho-ho-m

    :-> Hey Hey

    8:-I Unix Guru.

    :-( Buka (boo) (boo hoo)

    X-( Suicide (suicide)

    :-I Hmmm..

    E-:-I Shortwave radio.

    :O uh oh

    >:-I star Wars

    :P Om-Nom-nom

    3:o[ little animal

    |-P Hic (Like the sound when lips are licked after eating...)

    :-} Beard

    :-{ Mustache

    :-# dental brace

    :-X Butterfly tie)

    :-Q Smoker

    <:I dumbass

    (:I smart ass

    @:I Turban

    8-) Glasses

    B-) Horn glasses (signal rims) (horn-rims)

    8:-) Glasses on the forehead

    :-8( condescending gaze

    ;-) Wink

    :-< Crazy

    :-( Drama

    :-) Comedy

    :o Surprise

    8-| Uncertainty

    :- He

    >- She is

    |-O Birth

    8-# Death

    8 Infinity

    :O Black person

    C=)>;*())Mega Smile... A drunken, devilish chef with a wig in the wind, a mustache, and a double chin

    ^_|_^ Satisfied muzzle

    ^______^ Very satisfied muzzle (The longer, the happier)

    [What does emoticon mean , emoji meaning, smiley list ]

You can see the copyright icon in forums, on websites, and in various photographs. It is quite widespread, although not many people know its true purpose. About what the icon with in a circle means, many still argue and use it in different ways. But this pictogram is not an invention of the authors, it has a legislative basis, and, accordingly, a single meaning.

Sign with in a circle

You can only find this icon on the Internet. There are two interpretations of this symbol:

  1. The sign is used when necessary to highlight a quote, that is, to make it clear that the lines are not author's;
  2. The pictogram is needed in order to inform the reader that this text, on the contrary, is copyrighted and protected by appropriate rights.

The letter C itself is the first letter of the word copyright. Translation means "right to copy". People who set up such a pictogram wherever they retell someone else's thoughts already expressed do not use it quite correctly. To designate a quotation in Russian, quotation marks are placed at the beginning and end of the exact statement and the name of the author is indicated after or through a footnote.

Sign "C in a circle" is a symbol for the uniqueness of the text written by you and the right to dispose of it. It was first designated in 1952 thanks to the Geneva Convention, and it has become used on the territory of our country relatively recently, only since 2003.

If you need this icon itself, you can find it in the following way:

  • Open a Word document;
  • Enter the "Insert" tab;
  • Press the "Symbol" button;
  • Find the required symbol;
  • Click on it.

If you're not using Word or need to provide an icon on a site or forum:

  1. Hold down the Alt key;
  2. Dial 0169 on the numeric keypad.

Why put a copyright sign on websites?

So, we already understand that the sign is "copyright" used to indicate copyright in text. But besides this, using such an icon, you have the right to dispose of your unique work.

In order for the Internet world to understand you unambiguously, there is icon writing rule :

  • First you put the icon itself;
  • Next, enter your last name and initials. All this is done through a space. If the author of the document is a company, its name must be indicated as it is registered and with the relevant authorities;
  • After the comma, indicate the year of publication or the period while your creation is valid.

Nikiforov S. V., 2018

Thus, you warn readers that they have no right to copy and use parts of your work, although they can use the idea. A license for a specific product will help to protect your copyrights more reliably, however, even without this, you can make a claim to the person or company that used your work.

Thus, having written a story or writing a treatise outlining your point of view and conclusions about a particular situation, you have the right to mark them with an icon and this will help you prove your authorship in case of disputes.

Where else is the copyright sign used?

The icon is used almost everywhere where unique creations are made:

  1. In cinematography, this sign indicates not the authors of the work, but the person who has the exclusive right to the work. After the conclusion of an agreement with the author of the film, a producer can become such a person. In this case, the author himself loses the right to use the film;
  2. Painters;
  3. Photographers;
  4. Composers.

This sign is not mandatory, as your right to the created work arises at the moment when you transfer it to paper or any tangible form. And the copyright icon is informative, warning people about the consequences of copying and using all or part of the work.

As a result of the emergence and widespread use of the copyright sign, in 2000, fighters for the freedom to use and reproduce copyrighted works created a pictogram that is a mirror image of copyright with the “C” turned in the opposite direction.

Thus, the creators express their point of view that the authorship of works is not so important and does not carry value. In the struggle for the rights and freedoms of all people, they believe that it is senseless to forbid the population to use the works created by another person for their own purposes and violates the basic law of equality between people.

The founders of the sign were IT specialists, and today the practice of copyleft is widespread among software developers.

The main condition of copyleft is the requirement that the distribution and modification of the software must be carried out under the same license as the unique product.

How to secure copyright?

By law, the right to work arises at the moment of its birth and transfer into a tangible form. The publication of a masterpiece for the general public in this case is not mandatory.

However, in order to avoid lengthy litigation, the authors seek to secure their rights documented.

There are different ways to do this:

  • The deposit of labor is carried out by providing the work to a special organization (patent bureau), where the name of the author and the date of creation of the work are recorded, filed together with its copy, and the author is given the appropriate paper;
  • Registration of rights to software and databases is handled by Rospatent. In this case, the author or an authorized representative can apply there. Programs containing state secrets are not registered;
  • If you have developed a completely new product, then Rospatent will also help you register a trademark. For this, many international examinations will be made and as a result you will be issued a certificate.

Thus, the copyright icon is purely informative, but by using it you endow the work with a special status of ownership.

Thus, in order to use the copyright icon, you first need to know what the icon with in a circle means. If you understand it correctly, you will be able to protect your intellectual property from infringement by persons who wish to use it without your consent.

Video: what is copyrighted?

In this video, lawyer Anton Vernikov will tell you which works can be protected with a copyright sign:

The frog lives in the aquatic environment, is not afraid of the quagmire. She can get out of any difficult situation safe and sound, if she is in danger in the water, she escapes on land, and vice versa, if it becomes unsafe on land, she jumps into the water.

Joyful croaking is a harbinger of rain. In ancient China, there was a whole ritual of calling rain, it used these magical amphibians.

Since ancient times, all world cultures have honored their traditions and customs, while using certain symbols and adhering to certain rituals. They believed that if you worship a certain deity or use a talisman, you can attract love, luck, happiness, prosperity, success into your life.

One of the most popular symbols among many nations is the frog. But its meaning in different peoples and in different countries is very different. So, what does the frog symbol mean in ancient times and at the present time?

The traditional meaning of the symbol at the present time

If you look at the development of an amphibian from its birth to an adult, then the idea of ​​transformation and the unusual abilities of a living organism are clearly noticeable. From eggs, she turns into a tadpole, from which she grows into an adult. The frog is able to move both on land and in water. This transformation, as well as reproduction in the shortest possible time in large numbers, is associated in people with the increase of wealth.

in ancient Egypt

What does the frog symbol mean in ancient Egyptian civilization? In mythology, male primal deities were depicted with the heads of frogs: Hook (Infinity), Amon (Air), Kuk (Darkness), Nun (Water).

The frog was considered a symbol of fertility in Egypt. Small individuals always appeared in the Nile River a few days before the flood, on which the crop depended. That is why it was considered a harbinger of a good harvest. In addition, according to ancient folk belief, frogs had the ability to spontaneously generate. Her image was associated with the afterlife cult and resurrection after death. She was considered a sacred animal of the goddess Heket (a symbol of immortality), who, together with her husband Khnum, created people and, together with the goddess Isis, participated in the ritual of the resurrection of Osiris.

The frog goddess helped all women in childbirth, and in the underworld she resurrected the dead.

The symbol of the frog and its meaning in ancient Greece

What does the frog symbol mean in ancient Greek civilization? The frog in the representations of the Greeks was also a symbol of fertility and harvest. She was a faithful companion of Aphrodite, the goddess of depravity and love. Black toads lived in the waters of the Styx, they signaled to the carrier Charon.

Now the frog is a fairly common symbol in the country, it is considered the patroness of the family, lovers, romantic relationships.

The symbol of the frog and its meaning in Christianity

Early Christians used the symbol of the frog in temples in the form of lamps on which the words "I am the Resurrection" were carved. What does the frog symbol mean in Christianity?

Its image and meaning have changed over time. At first, she was really associated with the mystery of the Resurrection. But along with this, the animal is mentioned in the book of the apocalypse in a negative sense. She symbolizes ignorance, which tries its best to appear as wisdom. Over time, the animal became associated among Christians with the souls of unbaptized babies, young girls who had sinned. In the Middle Ages, the mysterious amphibian became a symbol of greed and envy.

The frog is a symbol of what among the Slavs in Kievan Rus?

In Slavic mythology and beliefs, the frog was associated with moisture, fertility, and rain. She was, in their ideas, the keeper of rivers, lakes, ponds, wells. The idea of ​​fertility is explained by its fertility. In addition, it was believed that frogs pulled newborn babies out of the water and brought them home.

She was credited with the role of the patroness of the hearth, often used in witchcraft, divination, folk medicine. Often, sorcerers and healers prepared love potions from the skin of frogs.

The symbol of the frog and its meaning among the Jews

The meaning of the frog symbol in Judaism: a person who began to learn wisdom (neophyte). He is at the beginning of the path of becoming, his soul is immature and requires an experienced and wise mentor. This amphibian is mentioned in the Pentateuch when describing the Egyptian car. After a while, the frog began to be perceived as a symbol of rebirth, renewal, rebirth (the meaning was adopted from Christianity).

The symbol of the frog and its meaning in India

The animal is mentioned in the ancient Indian sacred texts - the Rig Veda. The frogs are dedicated to a hymn that praised them. They were harbingers of the beginning of the rains, which played an important role in people's lives. Some scholars argue that the frog hymn is a verbal part of a ritual performed to bring rain. It should be noted that this ritual is also known in modern India.

in feng shui

A frog in the Middle Kingdom is a special attitude towards them. The frog symbol in China is associated with luck, abundance, fertility, wealth. The Chinese talisman toad has three legs and holds a coin in its mouth. It must be made of gold or gilding.

Indoors, it should be placed in the right place so that it begins to attract a flow of abundance and well-being.

In order for it to act in full force, it should be bathed, you can take a shower. After each receipt of money - you need to thank her in your own words, you can put several bills under the talisman.

Now the Chinese art of home improvement has become quite popular. The dwelling is divided into zones, the special placement of objects, symbols and talismans in them is considered to bring many benefits and a beneficial effect on the owner. That is, with the help of items you can ensure family happiness, love, attract good luck, success, luck. What does the frog mean as a feng shui symbol? It is believed that she is a talisman that attracts financial well-being to the house. But such an amulet should be used correctly. Here are some rules:

  • the figurine-talisman should not gather dust or stand in the dark;
  • it is best to place it in a small indoor fountain;
  • periodically it should be washed under running water;
  • always, when they appear, you need to thank;
  • under the figure you need to put bills and coins;
  • to attract finance, it is best to purchase a jade toad.

The recommendations should be followed exactly, otherwise the toad will stop helping or start harming. For example, if you forget about the frog, it reduces income. If you do not thank her, luck will end, and profits will no longer be seen.

Recently very popular purse toad, it is small, most often in the form of a pendant or pendant. Such a talisman should always be carried with you, you need to put it in the compartment where the largest bills are folded. After making a profit, she should also be thanked. From time to time, she needs to be bathed and brought back to her workplace.

The location of the mascot in the house

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, the toad is placed in the sector of wealth in the southeast of the dwelling. Here are some guidelines for mascot placement:

  • it is best to place the frog in the living room;
  • she should stand in such a way as if jumping into the house.

If you need to attract money, you should put a coin in the toad's mouth, if love is a ring.

The toad possesses the greatest power if a favorable environment is created for it. It can be put in a container of water or in a home mini-fountain. But in no case should the toad be placed in the bathroom, otherwise the money will flow out of the house in an unknown direction.

Other types of talisman

What is the frog a symbol of? What other meanings does this talisman have? In addition to the monetary Chinese three-legged toad, there are other talismans that depict this animal. She is depicted with four paws and is made of various materials.

For example, it is considered that:

  1. A golden frog attracts good luck to men in business, and a silver frog to women.
  2. A frog with a ring in its paws or in its mouth attracts family well-being and happiness.
  3. A frog made of amber has a very beneficial effect on women, it helps to hide flaws and emphasize dignity: attractiveness, sexuality, femininity.
  4. For creative individuals, a frog made of quartz will be very useful.
  5. Malachite toads protect from envious people and bring success in all endeavors.
  6. An onyx talisman will help free the heart from pain due to unsuccessful love.
  7. To quickly adapt to a new place, in a team, you should buy a rock crystal talisman.

All amulets need to be charged in order for them to take effect. The frog is placed in a container of water for a day, and she must be told about her desire so that she knows what exactly she needs to fulfill. After that, it must be pulled out of the water and, without wiping, put in the right place. You should know that you cannot accept a talisman as a gift, you should definitely buy it yourself.

Folk omens

There are many signs in which the frog is mentioned. In most cases, it symbolizes the amazing ability to adapt and transform, to find a way out of any situation. She feels great both on land and in water. She is not afraid of swamps and bogs.

There is a belief that a person in great need can meet a toad with a crown on his head. He should substitute a hem or spread a rag in front of her. The toad will jump up and give him riches.

If you catch a frog, bring it home, tell about your desires, put it in a box and leave it on the window, and don’t find it in the morning, then the desire will certainly come true. But if the frog is left sitting in the box, the wish will not come true.

It is considered a bad omen if a frog jumps around the house - good luck and luck will not come to the house for a long time.

It's all up to us

Everyone decides for himself whether to believe him in signs or not. Many believe that the talisman helps in business, affairs, brings success. But you should not rely only on the amulet, you must also make efforts yourself. You should flounder like a frog, otherwise nothing will come of it, and the swamp of failures will quickly suck in so that not a single talisman or symbol will help.

No wonder there is a parable about two frogs that fell into a jug of milk. One of them lost heart, did not fight and drowned. And the second fought for life to the end, she floundered and beat so hard with her paws that she churned butter and got out of the jug.


* When will you write your book? *

Phraseological dictionary (Volkova)


There is when! to whom (unfold fam.) - once.

There is when I mess around!

Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language


There is when! simple.- no time, no time

When we die, then we will mourn- ahead of time should not grieve, lament

When it started in the tail, then there was a wash in the head- at the beginning of the case, they judge what kind of person, what kind of worker

Dictionary of Efremova


  1. adv.
    1. :
      1. What time?
      2. Use in rhetorical questions suggesting a negative answer, corresponding in meaning to the following: unless.
    2. Sometimes (with contrasts).
    3. razg.-decrease. Same as: someday.
    4. Use as a union word, adding explanatory and attributive subordinate clauses.
  2. union
    1. Use when attaching relative clauses of time, indicating: 1) simultaneity of action, corresponding in value. union: while; 2) repeatability of the action, corresponding in value to the following: whenever; 3) the initial moment of action, corresponding in value. union: since; 4) sequence of action, corresponding to the value. union: after.
    2. unfold Use when attaching conditional subordinate clauses, corresponding in value. union: if.
  3. particle Use when expressing a strong desire (usually in combination with a particle: would).

Ozhegov's dictionary


1. places. adv. and allied sl. What time. K. will he come? I don't know when he will come. On the day the news of the Victory came.

2. places. adv. When contrasting the use in meaning sometimes (simple). K. I drive, k. I walk.

3. places. adv. Same as someday(simple). Did you live in the North?

When else(colloquial) a very long time ago or not very soon. When else was that! When will he be back!

When so (when so, then),union(colloquial) the same as if so then. When so, (then) I agree with you.

When... then (so) meansunion(colloquial) the same as if ... then (so) means. When ordered, then (so) it means you need to obey.

Whenever,union(colloquial) the same as if(in 1 value). If I had known, I wouldn't have gone.

It depends(colloquial) at different times in different ways, it happens this way and that. You do not quarrel with him? When, how.

Dictionary Ushakov



1. question. adverb. What time? When will you come? When did she die?

| In a rhetorical question that assumes the answer is "never". When did the dog run from the hare?

2. relation adv. In what, in what, in what, in what (depending on the word: year, era, time etc. in the main clause). “There was that vague time when Russia was young ... She was mature with the genius of Peter.” Pushkin.

3. indefinite adv. Same as . Have you heard *****

4. indefinite adv. When opposing two sentences or members of sentences through repetition: when-when, at one time - at another time, sometimes-sometimes ( unfold). When you can, when you can't. When full, when hungry. I do when in the morning, when in the evening.

5. temporary union. Begins a subordinate clause of time. It was when you were little.

6. conditional union. Starts a conditional sentence in meaning if ( unfold). When so, then I will avenge you.

| In conjunction with the particle "would" - if. "It would all be funny if it weren't so sad." Lermontov.

7. union. Attaches an additional subordinate clause ( unfold). I can't wait until I go on vacation. I don't like it when they fight. “The most disgusting thing about bureaucracy is when they don’t delve into the essence of the matter, but try to get away with it as soon as possible.” Bukharin.

There is when! to whom ( unfold fam.) - once. There is when I mess around!

Sentences with "when"

And when the natural disintegration of thrombotic masses begins, a huge amount of fibrin fragments enter the bloodstream, which dissolve all blood clots.

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