The most unusual people in the world. Unusual possibilities of man. Unusual abilities of the human body

The most unusual people in the world.  Unusual possibilities of man.  Unusual abilities of the human body
The most unusual people in the world. Unusual possibilities of man. Unusual abilities of the human body

Incredible Facts

Many people possess such talents as singing, dancing, but there are those who have almost superhuman abilities.

Some of them acquired their abilities suddenly, having experienced trauma or an accident. For others, their gift brings a lot of difficulties in life. And there are those who are almost genetically predisposed to their supernatural qualities.

Here are the stories of several people with amazing abilities.

1. Orlando Serrell - savant syndrome

After a brain injury, a small percentage of people can gain unusual abilities. They are called savants. As a rule, savants have amazing mathematical abilities or, for example, they can draw an entire city in amazing detail.

This is how the case of Orlando Serrell is described, who in 1979, while in primary school suffered a brain injury during a baseball game. Over the next year, Serrell began to experience headaches that lasted for several hours.

However, by the end of the year, he discovered amazing calendar abilities, for example, naming all Mondays in 1980. In addition, he remembered all the details of each day, as it happens when hyperthymesia - exceptional autobiographical memory.

Although many people may envy such abilities, savants acquire such abilities due to the fact that their the brain takes everything literally and sees details we don't pay attention to. That's why many of them find it difficult to take exams in schools where broader questions are asked.

2. Thai Ngoc - 40-year-old insomnia

Vietnamese peasant Thai Ngoc(Thai Ngoc) suffered from a fever in 1973, after which he developed Hard case insomnia. At first he thought that this one would pass in another week, and did not attach any importance to this.

However 40 years later he is still awake having spent more than 12,000 nights without sleep. Any other person would not have survived such prolonged insomnia, but the only problem found in the man was a slight liver problem.

Ngoc complains of a little irritability due to lack of sleep and has resorted to many therapies, even trying to drown the problem in alcohol, but nothing has worked.

One of the reasons explaining how the Vietnamese could go so long without sleep is the phenomenon of " micro sleep"Micro-sleeps occur when the brain is tired and a person falls asleep for a few seconds. An example of this phenomenon is a short falling asleep while driving.

3. Sherpas

Sherpas often accompany climbers when climbing Everest- the highest peak in the world.

It has long been observed that Nepalese Sherpas and Tibetans have the ability to survive in harsh environments. mountain conditions located at an altitude of about 4 km above sea level.

More recently, researchers found that 87 percent of Tibetans have specific EPAS1 gene which allows them consume 40 percent less oxygen, how a common person. Thanks to this, the level of hemoglobin does not rise above a certain level, which prevents heart problems.

According to scholars, Tibetans inherited this gene from Denisovans - an extinct species of people. The Denisovans lived in the area where the Tibetans now live, and their remains contain the same EPAS1 gene.

4 Elisabeth Sulser - Synesthesia

Many are familiar with an unusual phenomenon called "synesthesia", when sense organs intersect. For example, you can taste cherries when you eat red candies, even though they may not have the taste. Other people can perceive colors with their eyes closed.

Elisabeth Sulser from Switzerland mixed sight, hearing and taste, making her sees colored sound waves and feel the taste of music.

The woman herself considered her abilities to be the norm and thought that other people could also taste and see music and sounds. Sulser is a musician and her abilities help a lot, allowing her to compose symphonies and melodies from flowers.

However, synesthesia also has back side. For example, people who see sounds are constantly distracted in noisy areas and often suffer from headaches.

5. S.M. - lack of fear

The patient, who is known under the pseudonym S.M., suffers from an unknown disease, due to which her amygdala The part of the brain responsible for fear is completely damaged.

As a mother of three children, she does not feel fear, no matter how frightening the situation is. During the study, she watched the most frightening horror films and touched the snake's tongue.

As a child, S.M. recalls being afraid of the dark, but by the time she reached adolescence, her amygdala was already destroyed. A woman recalls a case when one night a man ran up to her, putting a knife to her throat, and she was not afraid, but only calmly replied that he would have to go through her guardian angel.

She describes her condition as "weird".

6 Dean Karnazes - Infinite Stamina

If you've ever run a marathon, you probably know that at some point you feel like you need a break.

The muscles of the American marathon runner Dean Karnazes have amazing properties thanks to which he can run forever.

Normally, the human body gets its energy from glucose, which produces lactic acid. If too much lactic acid builds up, you will start to get tired. Dean's body is not affected by the accumulation of lactic acid, and he does not get tired.

Dean started running in high school, and while his classmates did 15 laps, he could run 105 laps until he was asked to stop. He once ran 50 marathons in 50 days.

7. Tibetan monks

In South Asia, especially in Tibet, monks claim they can regulate your body temperature through an ancient form of meditation called tummo. According to Buddhism, apart from the life we ​​live, there is a kind of other reality. Practicing "tummo", the monks can get into that other world.

During practice, they generate a large number of heat. Scientists studying Tibetan monks were surprised to find that the temperature of their toes and hands rose by 8 degrees Celsius.

Tummo is not the only form of meditation practiced by Tibetan monks. They are also able, through meditation, to slow down metabolism, which controls the rate at which the body breaks down calories.

People with low level metabolism gain weight faster, as their body does not break down calories as quickly. By meditating, monks can lower their metabolism by 64 percent which allows them to conserve energy. For comparison, in normal people, the metabolism is reduced by 15 percent during sleep.

8. Chris Robinson - predictive dreams

Scot Chris Robinson (Chris Robinson) once woke up from a very realistic dream, in which he saw how the planes collided in the air. Since then, he began to see the future in his dreams.

Robinson can wake up whenever he wants and write down his dream in a journal.

He even participated in an experiment on Stan Lee's Superhumans where he was asked to predict in his sleep where he was going to be taken the next day. Robinson wrote down the place he saw in his dream and put it in an envelope. When the researchers arrived at right place they opened the envelope and found that it matched.

During another experiment, he was asked to guess an object in a box, and out of 12 times he guessed right 2 times.

9. Eskil Ronningsbakken - Extreme Balancing

Eskil Ronningsbakken(Eskil Ronningsbakken) is one of the most amazing extreme sportsmen who learned the art of balancing since the age of five. At the age of 18, Ronningsbakken got into the circus, where he worked for 11 years.

Now in his early 30s, he risks his life driving on a bike upside down on a tightrope over a canyon, cycling backwards on one of the most winding roads in Norway, or doing a handstand on a bar hanging from a hot air balloon.

Ronningsbakken himself admits that he is not fearless and experiences anxiety when performing some stunts. He believes that fear is part of what makes us human, and if he ever loses his sense of fear, he will stop doing what he does.

10. Natalya Demkina - x-ray girl

Natalya Demkina, a girl from Saransk in Russia, suddenly at the age of 10 began see people through. From a young age, she accepted people who came to her for help, so that she looked inside and told about their illnesses.

The girl claims to have "second sight" that allows her to see internal organs human. Some of her diagnoses were more accurate than doctors'. In 2004, she was invited by the English media to participate in an experiment where she was able to demonstrate her abilities by describing all the injuries received by a woman in a car accident.

She also took part in the program organized by Discovery Channel, where she was presented with 6 patients with various disorders, of which she correctly diagnosed four.

In 2004, Natalia graduated from high school and entered the Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry.

Incredible Facts

We are used to seeing superheroes either on TV screens or in fiction.

But people with amazing abilities do exist in real life.

Below is a list of 10 of the most unusual of them.

The ability of the human brain

1 Incredible Brain - Daniel Tammet

Daniel is a gifted British man with a pronounced form of autism, with an unrealistic ability for mathematical calculations, an incredible memory and ability for languages.

He was born with epilepsy. Seeing numbers in the form of colors or sensations is a well-studied form of synesthesia, however, Daniel's mental perception of numbers is unique. According to him, each number up to 10,000 has its own unique shape, and he sees the results of the calculations in the form of landscapes, while feeling whether the number is prime or composite.

For example, Daniel described the visual image of the number 289 as "ugly", 333 - "especially attractive", the number Pi - "beautiful".

Tammet not only verbally describes his visions, but also creates works of art, especially he loves to paint in watercolor. One of his works - favorites - is the painting "Pi".

Daniel set the European record for memorizing and listing 22,514 digits after the decimal point in pi in just five hours. Moreover, he speaks different languages, including English, French, Finnish, German, Spanish, Lithuanian, Romanian, Estonian, Icelandic, Welsh and Esperanto.

He always emphasizes that he loves the Estonian language very much, because it has a lot of vowels. Tammet is currently creating his own language called "Manti" (Mänti). New language a man is given very quickly. To document this, Daniel was challenged to learn Icelandic in one week.

Seven days later, he appeared on Icelandic television and had a very nice conversation with a journalist who, after talking with this unique man, said that "this is not a man."

2 The Boy With Sonar Vision - Ben Underwood

Ben is a blind boy whose eyes were removed at the age of three as a result of cancer. However, no matter what he played basketball, rode a bicycle and lived a perfectly normal life.

But how did Ben see? Like the most common bat. As a rule, both during movement and during hunting, they emit special sounds of the same frequency, which, when colliding with a potential victim, abruptly change the frequency to a lower one. Thus, mice use these sounds to navigate using echolocation. You can read about their sonar vision.

Ben also learned how to use echolocation to get around. With no guide dog, he didn't even need his hands because he used sound. At some point, after the boy was noticed by Dr. Reuben, Ben became famous.

He has performed on radio and television shows, and has lectured blind people like him. Moreover, he did everything with pleasure, because he loved to help people.

Ben made a short sonic flick with his tongue that "bounced" off objects. Surprisingly, his ears let him know where the object was. He only person in a world that is seen solely by echolocation, like a dolphin or a bat.

The boy was very capable, his plans were to create video games for the blind, which he himself loved very much. Ben even made some sketches, moreover, according to the stories of his mother, he wrote almost 20 chapters of a science fiction novel.

Unfortunately, his dreams were not destined to come true, as cancer still defeated him. little man, and in 2009, at the age of 16, he died.

3 Gutta Percha Boy - Daniel Browning Smith

A five-time Guinness World Record holder, the rubber guy is the most flexible living person, as well as the most famous acrobat.

Daniel learned to twist his body into incredible "knots" at the age of 4 years. Then he thought that everyone could do it, but he soon realized that he has incredible talent. At 18, he runs away from home, joins a circus group and travels the world with them.

This is how Daniel earns his living today. He can do incredible things with his body, twisting it in such a way that it becomes incomprehensible to the mind how this is possible.

He can fit in very tight spaces with twisted limbs, he can climb through a tennis racket and through a toilet lid, and he can move his heart in his chest. Experts say that this ability was given to the guy from birth, and he developed it to such proportions.

supernatural human abilities

4. Mr. "Eat Everything" - Michel Lotito (Michel Lotito)

Michel Lotito, born in 1950, is a French entertainer famous for his ability to eat inedible foods. He is also known by the nickname "Mr. Eat It All".

Lotito's performances "take part" in metals, glass, rubber, as well as integral objects such as bicycles, televisions, tables, etc., which he disassembles into small parts, cuts and eats.

Michel's biggest achievement to date is eating an airplane. It took Michel about 2 years to eat the plane: he did it from 1978 to 1980. He began to eat unusual things as a child, and began performing publicly in 1966.

Lotito does not often suffer the consequences of his strange diet, even if he consumes metals that are considered poisonous. As a rule, he eats about 1 kilogram of material per day, drinking it all down mineral oil and a significant amount of water.

It appears to possess a stomach and intestines at least twice as thick as normal, and its digestive acids are powerful enough to digest metallic food.

5. Tooth King (Rathakrishnan Velu)

On August 30, 2007, on the eve of Malaysia's 50th Independence Day, Rathakrishnan Velu, or Raja Gigi as the locals call him, broke his own world record for pulling a train with his teeth.

This time under the supervision of Raj specialists was able to move a train weighing 297.1 tons a distance of 2.8 meters. He did it at the old Kuala Lumpur railway station, holding the train in literally teeth.

Raja Gigi learned about his incredible powers from an Indian guru at the age of 14.

People with extraordinary abilities

6. Magnet Man - Lie Thow Lin

Lew Tou Lin, a 70-year-old pensioner from Malaysia, was once the hero of all news feeds after he dragged a car for more than 20 meters using an iron chain, the second end of which was "tied" to metal plate on his stomach.

A Malaysian tells that he recently discovered this ability in himself - to attract iron objects to your skin with a magnet, while creating the strongest grip. Now he has added a car to his "repertoire".

The man tells how, after reading an article about a family in Taiwan that has such power, he decided to try something similar on himself. To his surprise, Liu noticed that iron objects placed on his stomach did not fall, but, moreover, firmly cling to the skin.

Since this feature is present in three of his sons, as well as in two of his grandchildren, he believes that this is hereditary.

7. The man who does not sleep - Thai Ngoc (Thai Ngoc)

Thai Ngoc, a 64-year-old pensioner, says that after suffering from a fever in 1973, he cannot sleep at night and has already counted countless sheep over the course of over 11,700 sleepless nights.

"I don't know if insomnia has affected my health or not, but I can still exercise agriculture just like everyone else," says Ngoc.

His words are confirmed by other residents of the commune, and Ngoc himself, being its oldest resident, can carry two bags of 50 kg for more than 4 km. His wife says that Ty used to sleep well, but now even alcohol does not help him sleep.

Most recently, Ngoc underwent a full medical examination, the results of which revealed that all organs in a man function according to his age, except for a slight decrease in liver function.

Currently, Ngoc lives on his 5-hectare farm at the foot of the mountain, farming and looking after pigs and chickens. His six children live in their home in the urban commune of Que Trung.

Ngoc often works on the farm or guards it from thieves at night, talking about how he used three months of sleepless nights to dig two large fish ponds.

People with extraordinary abilities

8 Torture King - Tim Cridland

Tim Cridland doesn't feel pain like everyone else. He will amaze every person by doing his terrible trick of piercing his arm through and through, while not batting an eyelid. Now he is showing his unique abilities to audiences across America.

Scientific tests have shown that Tim can endure much more pain than the average person. Cridland explains this by saying that with the help of the victory of mind over matter, he is able to pierce his body through almost anywhere.

However, before doing this, he carefully studied human anatomy, because piercing an artery can be fatal.

9. Best friend Lions – Kevin Richardson

Animal behavior researcher Kevin Richardson talks about how he relies on instinct to gain trust and build a special bond with big cats. He can spend the night quietly curled up near them without fear of being attacked.

His magic works not only on lions, but also on other animals such as cheetahs, leopards and even hyenas, which turn off aggression when interacting with him. Lions are his favorites. It's amazing to watch him play with them, take care of those with teeth so sharp they can easily bite through steel, not to mention human bones.

It's incredibly dangerous, but Kevin doesn't stop because he's too passionate about his job.

10. Man - "bulging eyes" - Claudio Pinto (Claudio Pinto)

Claudio Pinto can protrude his eyes by 4 cm, or approximately 95 percent of the orbits. To go for the world record, Claudio went through quite a lot of various tests, doctors, in turn, say that they have never seen a person who could push the eyeball out of the orbit so strongly.

"It's a pretty easy way to make money, I can bulge my eyes 4cm, it's a gift from God, I feel happy," says Pinto.

Incredible Opportunities human body have always been of interest to both scientists and ordinary people. After all, some people are endowed with such strange abilities that are extremely difficult to explain from a rational point of view.

Iceman Wim Hof

Dutchman Wim Hof ​​absolutely does not feel the cold. Even in the most extreme conditions his body does not suffer from low temperatures. The man lay in the ice more than once long time or conquered Mountain peaks in just shorts. According to medical tests, even in severe frost, his body does not undergo any changes

Kam Ma and 1015 rings in the body

Sunderland hairdresser Kam Ma put an incredible number of rings on his body - 1015 - without anesthesia. He endured 7 hours 55 minutes - all the time until the master's working day ended.

Bioenergy resources of Etibar Elchiev

Azerbaijani Etibar Elchiev has a unique ability - he can attract metal. In 2011, he set a record by holding 50 iron spoons on his body. He also held for half a minute on his chest a “stuck” iron hood weighing 14 kilograms, on which stood a man weighing 92 kilograms. Thus, total weight held cargo amounted to 106 kilograms.

The Amazing Spine of John Evans

John Evans' spine is to be envied. Or vice versa... A man can hold a car on his head, of course, not without the help of hands.

The strongest grandmother Sakinat Khanapiev

At 76 years old, Sakinat will not yield to, perhaps, a super-strong girl. Grandma loves to stand on nails while lifting a weight of 24 kilograms

Strong ears of Lasha Pataray

The champion of Georgia in Greco-Roman wrestling set 2 world records in lifting weights with his ears. First, he dragged a minibus for 48 meters, attaching it to his ears with a nylon cord, then, again with his ears, he tore weights with a total weight of 52 kilograms from the ground and held them in this position for 14 seconds.

Lightning Rod Man Cleveland Sullivan

Roy Cleveland Sullivan is a man who got into the Guinness Book of Records as a man who was struck by lightning a record 7 times, after which he survived.

"Hercules" from France Pierre Gasnier

A man could lift dumbbells that weighed 2 times more than himself, and could break an iron chain by expanding his chest.

Cannonball catcher John Holtum

To become famous and make a name for himself, the circus strongman came up with not just playing with heavy objects and catch them. Moreover, these were not weights, but real cannonballs, which are fired from cannons.

Kevin Richardson has the ability to "understand animals"

Also known as the "lion gossip", Kevin Richardson has become a worldwide legend thanks to his friendship with wild animals such as lions, cheetahs and hyenas. The friendship is so close that a movie was made about how Richardson sleeps, plays and walks among these wild animals.

Telescopic eyes Claudio Pinto

Claudio Pinto doesn't look like a superhuman at first glance, but he does have a special talent. He is able to pop his eyes out of their sockets and expand them up to 7 millimeters, which is approximately 95% of the eyeball.

Tibetan monks control their body temperature with their minds

Monks from Tibet have the impressive ability to change body temperature using only their minds. There is a recorded fact that they changed their temperature by as much as eight degrees Celsius.

Radhakrishnan Velu - man with steel teeth

A Malaysian with the funny nickname "Tooth King" can move a train with 7 cars using steel rope, clamped in the mouth. It was a world record as he was able to pull this 297 ton train 2.8 meters with his teeth.

Steven Wiltscher is a man with a super photographic memory.

Steven Wiltsher is an artist who paints cityscapes in the smallest details. However, unlike other artists, Stephen has a particular talent for drawing realistic and accurate representations of cities just by looking at them. While the average artist will need to repeatedly look at the subject long time to fully draw all the details.

Ma Xingang is Mr. Electricity.

Ma Xingang is apparently impervious to electricity.

He is able to touch live wires without feeling pain (wires that would normally kill most people), and is also able to turn on a light bulb by touching a source of electricity.

Natasha Demkina has x-ray vision

It is widely believed in Russia that a young girl named Natasha Demkina can identify diseases in patients better than their doctors. How is this possible? With her extraordinary vision. According to her, she can see through the organs of patients, which means Natasha has x-ray vision. Cool, isn't it?

Daniel Tammet is a math genius

Daniel Tammet is an autistic scientist who can perform mind-boggling mathematical calculations with incredible speed. But unlike other scientists who can accomplish similar feats, Tammet can describe how he does it. He also speaks seven languages ​​and even develops his own.

Dean Karnazes has super stamina

Most athletes and runners should stop when they reach their lactate threshold, but Dean Karnazes' muscles never tire, and because of this rare ability, he can run for days and nights without sleeping or stopping. His extraordinary feats include: running on a treadmill for eighty hours non-stop (350 miles) and running 50 marathons, in 50 states, in 50 consecutive days.

Al Herpin - a man with eternal insomnia

The average person won't go a few days without sleep, but not Al Herpin, who apparently hasn't slept in his entire life. Even though the alleged cause is unknown, some scientists believe that he lost his sleep due to his mother being severely injured in the days before he was born.

Tim Cridland knows how to heal quickly.

Tim Cridland is widely known for his performances, where he pierces his body with large needles, directly into muscle tissue, without feeling pain and without losing blood. After that, his wounds heal very quickly, leaving no traces.


How often do we try to find something unusual in ourselves that will help us to become an individual person, to distinguish ourselves from other people. Each of us tried himself in the field of magic, tricks, tried to perform some tricks. The Americans are completely obsessed with records, and every time they try to beat them. But there are individuals in the world who do not need any refresher courses - they themselves will surprise anyone. And they have this gift by nature. Today we will talk about amazing human abilities.

Each of them is an ordinary person with his own reputation, hobby and work. They are not world stars, they do not have bank accounts, they do not spend millions of dollars on their appearance. We will tell you a secret - these are the top 10 people with incredible abilities who just live and surprise the audience with their innate talents for free. They do not need recognition, just quiet applause and understanding is enough.

10. Daniel Tammet

The autistic man was born in England. He has been speaking badly since childhood, does not know where the right and left are, he never succeeds in inserting the plug into the socket the first time. But these minor troubles do not prevent him from being a unique person. God created him not like everyone else - in return for his shortcomings, he became a professional numbers. Yes, yes, that's what he called himself. Daniel handles well mathematical formulas, tasks, understanding of space. In his mind he can do the most complex calculations, without the use of improvised tips, rulers, calculators, etc.

"I see numbers in a special way - they are colors, and each color has its own number." In principle, if we take computational formulas as a basis, take into account the rules for the formation of colors, then he is right - each number (on a computer) has its own color. Remember green, red and yellow in photography and blue, red and yellow in television are the basics. color combination. Only Daniel has a slightly different view of all this. To calculate the equation, he imagines a landscape, the colors mean numbers, and he easily manipulates them by changing the pictures in his head. He knows 22517 digits by heart that follow the decimal point in Pi! He is fluent in 17 languages, which he learned in 78 days. Reminds me of something - reality transerfing (Zeland).

9. Ben Underwood

This man is from Sacramento, California. He became famous for his intuition. As a child, he was absolutely healthy, loved to play role-playing games had good intuition. As a child, he ended up in the hospital with a congenital, but not immediately identified defect. He had his eyeballs removed. Since then, Ben Underwood has learned to live without retinal cancer. By the age of 5, he already moved without the help of a stick. Many considered him a deceiver, because he wore simple glasses, moved like a fully sighted person.

Ben never had a guide dog around him, he didn't use equipment for the blind, he didn't ask for help from caretakers and guides. Walking the streets, he did not touch a single object, while not touching any signs or walls. To identify obstacles, Ben uses his language, which he has learned to make sounds. Making clicks, the sound is reflected from the surfaces of oncoming obstacles. They live the same way the bats, which use ultrasound to determine the range of a signal in flight.

8. Daniel Smith

Daniel lives in the USA, where he comes from. He became known for his ability to bend the body in such a way that not a single gymnast stood next to him. Gutta-percha boy became a five-time champion - he broke records in the Guinness Book, and more than once. From the age of 4, he studied at home in the yard, repeating some tricks after the circus performers. Instead of tricks, it really took shape, almost in half. A few years later, he began to notice that his talent was a gift from God. He dropped out of school and began to train with adult artists.

At 18, he ran away from home with a circus troupe to earn a living the way he wanted. Parents did not accept the choice of their son, so for a long time they could not believe that their only child was a circus performer, and not a scientist or financier. By full age, by the age of 21, he became famous throughout the world. He was called the "rubber man", who also acted as an acrobat. They invited him to matches, to the circus, on tour, to magic tricks and concerts. It can crawl into the hole of a toilet seat, curl up 7 times, tie knots from the body, and also move the heart in the chest.

7. Michael Lotito

Michael was born in France in 1950. At the age of 10, he ate a TV, which scared his parents to a heart attack. The mother, frightened, called an ambulance, and the father decided to commit suicide, fearing that he would be accused of negligence and the child would be taken away. Fortunately, everything worked out, but their son, Michael Lotito, began to earn money on the streets of the city. By the age of 16, he created his own program - he could eat glass, rubber, metal, etc. For such street performances he was given money. After an unusual meal, no side effects or indigestion the child did not have. Once he ate poisonous substance The doctors didn't find anything either. This fact was registered in the Book of Medical Observations, in order to track the work of the gastrointestinal tract later.

Michael himself admitted that he used to cut objects before using them, but then considered it a waste of time. He only washed down everything he ate with water so that it "was better digested." In the 1970s, he received the Monsieur, Eat It All prize for swallowing a Cessna 150. Well, once he swallowed it, he ate it for 22 months, and got into the Guinness book as omnivorous Michael. Every day Lotito ate 1 g per day from the plane, he did not eat anything else. Michael was observed by a doctor for six months after that, the metal remained in the stomach, but he would not die - the walls of his stomach are twice as thick as those of an ordinary person.

6. Radhakrishnan Velu

This man is known to the world thanks to his nickname - "Tooth King". Born in Malaysia, he practices dragging objects. No, he does not just pull them, and not with his hands. Radhakrishnan is the Sami champion of strong teeth. He drags all heavy loads with his jaw, and can even budge a train. He moved 17 wagons filled with cargo back in 2007, breaking his record. Then there was a holiday - Independence Day of the country.

The man decided to congratulate the country in such an unusual way. He decided to present a gift - such amazing people live in the country, and she needs to be proud of them. The event itself was talked about in all countries - a man broke his own record, moved the train by 4 meters! His weight exceeded 300 tons, and the man was not even tired - he had no sweat on his forehead, no blood from his nose.

5. Liv Tou Lin

Liv Toe is a real magnet. It attracts all sorts of things! There are people to whom chest you can put a few spoons, but Liv is completely different. Objects themselves are drawn to him, that's love, what kind of love. When he turned 70, an acquaintance of his (the previous item in our rating) managed to drag the car on a chain with his teeth, and the chain was attached to Liv To Lin's stomach. A man considers his gift hereditary, since his sons and grandchildren have the same abilities, and he himself inherited them from his grandfather.

Scientists even tried to study his body and skin - they were not happy with the result, since the mystery remained unsolved. Experts said that the man has no problems with the skin, and there is no magnetic field around the body either. His descendants will also suffer from the phenomenon, and probably several generations of scientists will discuss this magic, referring to the conclusions of their ancestors. We hope that in 100 years at least someone will be able to find the answer to this question.

4. Thai Ngoc

Scientists, on the contrary, are in shock - if a person does not sleep for more than 2 weeks, then this leads to death. Some experiments have shown that people are afraid to return to sleep, because they are so comfortable in reality that the world of dreams no longer attracts them. At the same time, the Vietnamese Tai is not sick, he has no liver problems, and every day he carries several kilograms of fertilizer for his garden, which is located 5 kilometers from his house.

3. Tim Cridland

The top three is opened by Tim Cridland - a man who never feels pain. This is not a phenomenon, and he has no problems with pain defect. He simply does not have a feeling of pain syndromes, for which the nerve endings are responsible. As a student, at school he received the nickname "King of Torture" for the fact that experiments were carried out on him, they hurt him, but he did not feel it at all. Some of the guys suggested that he was faking, and in fact, he was just pretending, enduring. He could pierce his arm with a needle, stand in a 40 degree frost without shivering, endure any temperature - boiling kettles were leaned against him, and boiling water was poured over him.

The boy endured absolutely everything, and classmates began to respect his gift. To date, he has become an artist who amazes the audience with his tricks. Across America, there are no legends. He studied anatomy all his life to surprise people. Doctors explained his gift by the fact that his defect of the pain syndrome is much higher than that of the average person. The chance of death when inserting needles or other objects is zero, as is the case with injuries to the body.

2. Kevin Richardson

Kevin has become a true friend of animals, and only those who belong to the cat family. No, he does not like domestic cats, his calling is to understand the language of predators - lions, tigers, etc. Kevin learned about his gift when he accidentally got lost in the woods. And since then, he can spend the night in a cage with lions, cheetahs or other predatory cats. The Internet is full of such videos where animals are happy to see their saviors, but no one from the animal world owes Kevin anything, he is not a savior of lives and forests. Later, he became the director of his animal center, began to travel around the countries and study the world of cats.

The same hyenas could easily give their newborn cubs to Kevin without encroaching on his life. Leopards can play with him, and tiger cubs do not want him to leave them after a fun time. Richardson explains the behavior by saying that his intuition is well developed, and if the animal is against it, he will never approach him. So it’s hard to call it a gift to win over any animal. He simply uses his charm and warmth of heart, does not use sticks, whips, rudeness or assault.

1. Claudio Pinto

The leader of our rating is a man of legend, originally from Belo Horizonte. Mira fell in love with the goggle-eyed trick. He can bulge them 4.3 cm forward! This is almost 96% space when the eyeball is outside the orbits. The man underwent examinations, took tests, but all to no avail - doctors cannot substantiate this fact. Claudio has earned a lot of money in his city - he likes to show people his eyes, receiving a reward for this.

There was another such lover of the thrill of the audience, but she did not earn such the easy way. That's what you can't do for money, although who said that this trick or talent cannot be sold. There would be a spectacle, but there will be bread. Claudio himself calls himself not defective, but happy man because he is talking about easy way earnings. Indeed, what else can you think about if crazy fees are paid for such nonsense!

And this was our top 10 people with incredible abilities. Maybe you have some talent or gift that no one has yet known about. Tell us about yourself, and we will be happy to write about you in the next article.

Who said that people with superpowers can only be found in movies, cartoons and comics?

With this selection, I want to prove to you that such people can be found in the real world. Of course, they do not fly like birds and are not able to move at the speed of light, but each of them has extraordinary abilities and talents that science will not be able to explain for a long time.

Gino Martino: Anvil Man

Gino Martino is an American professional wrestler and entertainer who shocks audiences with his incredible ability to crack his head against various hard objects, including iron bars, baseball bats, and concrete blocks. His skull even withstood bowling balls falling from a height of five meters. According to doctors, this unusual physical ability of Gino is due to the fact that he naturally has a super-strong skull. For this he was nicknamed the Anvil Man.

Tim Cridland: Torture King

Tim Cridland, performing under the stage name "Zamora - King of Torture", for decades has demonstrated to the world his unique ability - exceptional tolerance for pain. He stabbed himself with swords, swallowed fire and swords, lay down on nails - and this is just a small part of the dangerous tricks that he did throughout his career. Tim is a Guinness World Record holder.

Wim Hof: Iceman

Dutchman Wim Hof ​​has amazing ability withstand extreme low temperatures. He ran marathons barefoot in the snow, plunged into cold water and set a world record for staying in an ice bath - 1 hour 52 minutes. In addition, Wim Hof ​​climbed Mount Kilimanjaro wearing nothing but shorts, earning him the nickname "The Iceman". The man claims that he has reached a state in which he absolutely does not feel cold, solely due to meditation. Researchers have confirmed that Wim is indeed able to consciously control his autonomic nervous system and immune system responses.

Masutatsu Oyama: could knock down a bull with one blow

Masutatsu Oyama (1923-1994) was a martial artist and champion that no one could beat. They say that in three days he fought with various opponents in a hundred fights lasting no more than two minutes and emerged victorious from each. Masutatsu Oyama also became famous for fighting angry bulls with his bare hands and could knock them down with just one blow.

Tibetan monks practicing tummo: able to generate a huge amount of heat with their own body

It is known that Buddhist monks practicing tummo (yoga of inner fire) are able, without a single movement of a muscle, to increase the temperature of their own body to an incredible high level. To demonstrate their extraordinary abilities, they place large towels dipped in ice water, and within an hour after deep meditation they become absolutely dry. The ability of a person to consciously raise the temperature of his own body has not yet been explained by science.

Master Zhou: "The Pearl of China"

Master Zhou is a healer and master of Taijiquan, Kung Fu and Qigong. "Qi" in the word "qigong" is translated as "heat"; this is precisely the extraordinary ability of Master Zhou: he has a rare gift with my own hands heat objects. He demonstrated his outstanding talent by drying clay and bringing water to a boil. Master Zhou also uses his unique ability to treat tumors, body pain, and a variety of other ailments that torment ordinary people. Among his patients were famous people like the Dalai Lama and members of the Los Angeles Lakers basketball team. For his exceptional gift, Master Zhou was nicknamed the "Pearl of China". He claims that the appearance of “chi” energy in his hands is the result of constant meditation.

Michel Lotito: "Monsieur will eat everything"

The Frenchman Michel Lotito (1950-2007) was not without reason called ‘Monsieur Mangetout’ in his homeland, which in Russian sounds like “Misier will eat everything”. In the period from 1959 to 1997, he literally swallowed about nine tons metal objects, including an airplane, seven televisions, 18 bicycles, 15 shopping carts, a coffin and part eiffel tower. What is the reason for the manifestation of such a shocking ability in Lotito? This rare phenomenon in science and medicine is known as "picacism" - an eating disorder that is expressed in cravings for inedible substances. It, along with the unusually thick mucous membrane of the stomach, allowed Lotito to consume a huge amount of metal, which, by the way, he cut into small pieces, watered vegetable oil and swallowed with water. Michel Lotito died, oddly enough, of natural causes.

Isao Machii: Super Samurai

Isao Machii stuns the audience with his incredible sword skills: he is able to cut in half a fired from pneumatic weapon plastic bullet, the speed of which is more than 320 km / h.

Ben Andenrvud: navigated in space with the help of sounds

Ben Andenrwood was born in 1992; At the age of three, he underwent a complex operation, during which both eyes were removed. But Ben was significantly different from other visually impaired people: he did not need a cane or a guide dog, but all because he learned to navigate in space with the help of sounds. By the age of five, Ben had developed echolocation, a skill that allows him to "see" the surrounding objects through the perception of sound signals reflected from them. Thanks to this, he, like all normal children, could ride a skateboard, play football, defend himself from hooligans, and so on. Unfortunately, Ben could not overcome the disease that led him to complete blindness. He died in 2009 at the age of 16.

Natalia Demkina: X-ray vision

Natalia Demkina first discovered her unique ability to see through human skin at the age of ten and has been using it ever since to diagnose people who seek her help. To prove or disprove the girl's claims that she has X-ray vision, medical experts conducted a number of extensive studies with her participation.
In 2004, the Discovery Channel released documentary about the extraordinary abilities of Natalia Demkina under the name "Girl with X-Ray Eyes". During a study conducted by the Committee for Skeptical Research (CSR), Natasha was asked to determine the health status of six volunteers who had undergone surgery or had physical abnormalities. The girl examined the patients for four hours and was able to correctly diagnose four of them. Representatives of the CSI considered these results inconclusive, and the study ended there. Nevertheless, Natalia continues to help sick people to this day.