Profession weaver. In its modern form, it is mainly a female profession. Weaver categories according to etc.

Profession weaver.  In its modern form, it is mainly a female profession.  Weaver categories according to etc.
Profession weaver. In its modern form, it is mainly a female profession. Weaver categories according to etc.

Since its inception, fabric has played a huge role in the life of every person. It is for this reason that production of this material will always be an important and necessary activity. And since its inception, the weaving craft has undergone significant changes: various techniques, created special equipment. The only thing that has remained unchanged is the master of fabric production - the weaver.

The history of the weaving profession

It is already reliably known that the first artisans in the field of creating fabrics worked already during Ancient Egypt And Ancient Greece. And the most popular material was linen. Moreover, the first weaving machines appeared around the same period of time. At the time of their inception and until the 18th century, they were exclusively manual.

The year 1733 can be considered a turning point in the field of textile creation, when the flying shuttle loom was invented. Its appearance made it possible to transform fabric production into an independent industry. The next stage of development was mechanized machines, and then completely automatic equipment with electronic programming.

But it should be noted that both manual and mechanical machines are still actively used. True, not in large industries, but in small, private workshops.

Weavers and weavers: who is more?

The modern weaver for the most part only controls the operation of the machines. It is also worth mentioning that if previously weavers were mostly men, now they are predominantly female profession. Therefore, quite often in official documents or advertisements for hiring workers you can find a female form of the profession - weaver.

Responsibilities of a weaver

Throughout the existence of this craft, the main responsibilities of the weaver have remained unchanged. The list of his responsibilities includes:

    production of fabrics of various weaves;

    monitoring the performance of the machine, adjusting its operation;

    product quality check, rejection.

It is worth noting that in automated production one specialist works with several machines at once.

In order to perform the tasks assigned to him, the weaver must know:

    established quality standards for manufactured products and materials used;

    device and principles of operation of machines;

    rules for product rejection;

    features and characteristics of the materials used and fabrics produced.

Requirements for the profession of weaver

Obtaining access to independent work for a specialist it is possible only after undergoing a series of instructions on safe work organization and regulations labor activity, adopted in production.

In addition, the weaver must undergo a medical examination and provide a certificate of no contraindications to work. For example, the presence of diseases of the musculoskeletal system or visual impairment may become reasons for refusal of employment.

Working with machines, like many centuries ago, requires a specialist to have endurance, keen vision and dexterity.

Place of work and working conditions of the weaver

Of course, the main place of employment for a modern weaver is large enterprises in the textile industry. But this is not the only place of work for a specialist. The skills and abilities of a weaver are also necessary in small workshops that produce carpets or unique products. However, it should be noted that main principle similar enterprises - copyright, unique design And manual labor. In other words, small companies most often use either mechanized or manual machines.

Also, a weaver, having sufficient skills and ambition, can open his own business.

Most often, representatives of this profession work according to standard working week with two days off. Exceptions are cases where workshops receive urgent or complex orders, so specialists have to work overtime.

Where can I learn the weaver profession?

It is possible to study this specialty in specialized technical schools and colleges. In this case, there is an option to get how basic knowledge in the region, having received an initial professional education, and in-depth knowledge upon admission to a secondary specialized educational institution.

More often required direction is called “Textile Technology”. The duration of training is approximately two years full-time. And in educational program industrial practice included.

Weaver categories according to ETKS

In total, the specialty has five levels of qualification.

Weaver 2nd category

Works on handlooms and can create decorative items and simple carpets.

Weaver 3rd category

Able to work on all types of machines: manual, mechanical, automatic.

Weaver 4th category

Can create decorative items on hand looms, metal and synthetic mesh on metal looms.

Weaver 5th category

Proficient in combined weaving techniques.

Weaver 6th category

Has the skills to create unique subject-themed products.

Salary level of the weaver profession

Depending on the place of work and professional skills, a weaver’s earnings can vary from 25,000 to 40,000 rubles per month.

Pros and cons of the weaver profession

In number positive points professions must include the following:

    relevance and relevance;

    opportunity to work both in large production and in small companies;

    prospects for professional development.

The disadvantages include:

  • difficult working conditions.

Ancient craft

The craft of weaving arose approximately 20–30 thousand years ago BC. The first fabrics appeared around the time when people learned to make fire and build shelters on their own. In prehistoric times, weaving technology was quite primitive: strips of leather, grass or reed were intertwined with each other. Creating fabric by weaving longitudinal and transverse threads is still practiced today.

The first mechanical loom appeared only in 1786. It was with the advent of this invention that weavers had the opportunity to operate several machines simultaneously. This made it possible to significantly simplify and speed up the fabric manufacturing process. The advent of automatic machines increased labor productivity even more significantly.

The result of the weavers' work is household and technical fabrics of all types. The weaver changes the shuttles, adjusts the tension of the threads, eliminates the causes of problems and removes the finished fabric. Also, the weaver independently prepares the serviced machines for work, processes finished products, clearing them of threads, collects and delivers waste. The main task of the weaver is to prevent downtime of the loom, eliminate thread breaks as quickly as possible, try to avoid defects and eliminate them at the first opportunity. Health restrictions

High demands are placed on representatives of this profession. The weaver must have physical endurance, good reaction and finger dexterity. A good eye, observation and attentiveness are also important in this work.

The weaver has to listen carefully to the operation of the machines - he must be able to recognize malfunctions by sound. In addition, you need to be able to determine the quality of fabric and threads by touch.

However, the work of weavers is not only physical. They also have to independently determine the route to take around the machines. In order to determine this route, it is necessary to take into account the quality of the threads, the operating mode of each machine, and the air temperature in the workshop.

The weaver profession has a number of medical contraindications. This work is not recommended for those suffering from cardiovascular diseases, people with respiratory pathologies, those who suffer from disorders of the central nervous system and mental health, as well as for allergy sufferers and people with visual and hearing impairments. Physics and chemistry

You can master the craft of weaving at a vocational school. The training period for a profession is usually 2–3 years.

To work as a weaver, you must have knowledge of physics and organic chemistry. You need to know the basic qualities of various fibers and fabrics, understand the structure of fabrics and the design of weaving machines. The weaver must be able to distinguish between types, colors and numbers of raw materials, be able to identify defects in fabrics and malfunctions in the operation of equipment. Women's profession

Mostly women work as weavers. average salary The cost of weaving in Russia is low: it is approximately 5,000–7,000 rubles. The salary of an assistant foreman, for example, is often about 1,000 rubles per month. In the capital, salaries are much higher than in the periphery.

The weaver starts working at the factory as an assistant and has the opportunity career growth to the position of a master.

Weaving (weaving) Weaving, like spinning, arose in the Neolithic era and became widespread during the primitive communal system. Handloom with vertical arrangement the foundations appeared approximately 56 thousand years BC. e. F. Engels considered the invention of the weaving loom to be one of the most important achievements of man at the first stage of his development. IN feudal period The design of the weaving machine is being improved, and devices are being created to prepare yarn for weaving.

Weaving in folk culture Until a century, weaving was one of the most common household activities in traditional cultures peoples of Russia and neighboring territories. It was used mainly in the manufacture of linen and hemp canvas for underwear, cloth for outerwear, as well as belts and finishing braid. The traditions of folk patterned weaving are supported today by numerous enthusiasts and professional artists, including at folk arts and crafts enterprises.

About the loom The history of the creation of the loom goes back to ancient times. Before learning how to weave, people learned to weave simple mats from branches and reeds. And only after mastering the weaving technique did they think about the possibility of intertwining threads. In 1550 BC, the vertical loom was invented. The weaver passed the weft with a tied thread through the warp so that one hanging thread was on one side of the weft and the next on the other. Thus, odd warp threads appeared on top of the transverse thread, and even ones below, or vice versa. This method completely repeated the weaving technique and took a lot of effort and time.

Weaver is one of the ancient professions that deals with production. This profession originated 20 thousand years ago.

A weaver is a worker in a weaving workshop. By the way, in the Middle Ages this profession was quite unpopular.

Functional and job responsibilities of a weaver

A weaver is engaged in the production of cloth, that is, weaving. Moreweaver's dutiesinclude quality control of the manufactured product, elimination of minor problems in weaving machines. As a rule, not everyone is involved in troubleshooting, but only those workers who understand certain equipment. The weaver also takes ready materials and rolls them up, eliminates broken threads on the machine, repairs defects, collects and throws away waste that the machine does not need.

Qualification requirements for a weaver

To work as a weaver, you need to have a secondary vocational education, that is, you need to graduate from a special college. In addition, to fulfill existing requirements for the weaver, need to h You need to know all the properties of yarn, fabrics, fibers, as well as the structure of fabrics, and you definitely need to know how the loom works. Physical endurance is one of the main skills that a weaver should have, as well as attentiveness, observation, a good eye, and manual dexterity.

Weaver's career and salary

The work is not so much promising as it is interesting, because weaver's career and salary is formed for the most part personal experience and quality of work. There are not many steps for career development at enterprises.

A weaver or weaver is a specialist in the textile industry who produces fabrics on a special loom.


20,000–30,000 rub. (

Place of work

The position of weaver is represented in textile factories. Often craftsmen work individually at home or in small workshops.


Modern textile production is a large workshop consisting of many weaving machines. The work is automated, the weaver only needs to walk around the workshop, monitor the quality of the finished product and literally listen to the operation of the machines. The weaver maintains the machines, adjusts the thread tension, eliminates breaks, changes shuttles, removes ready product. Sometimes you need to fix minor technical problems.

Work for manual machine possible in a private workshop. Such work is always valued an order of magnitude higher, but requires significantly more time and labor costs.

Important qualities

The profession of a weaver requires such qualities as: excellent eyesight and good hearing, dexterous fingers, physical endurance, good health and no allergies to chemicals.

Reviews about the profession

According to experts, light industry in Russia is constantly developing, which means that there is no shortage of jobs in the near future. Most modern weavers are hereditary masters. The work of some is highly respected and often highly paid.

Stereotypes, humor

The profession is considered traditionally female. The only thing that has changed since ancient times is technology.


To become a weaver, you need to receive a vocational education at a specialized school or college. In the future, you can continue your studies at a university with a degree in Textile Technology. The direction is presented at the St. Petersburg State University of Technology and Design.

Moscow universities: Russian State Geological Prospecting University named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze, Moscow Polytechnic University, Russian the University of Economics named after G. V. Plekhanov, Russian State University them. A. N. Kosygina (Technology. Design. Art).