How to make your own snow chains. Varieties of snow chains for a car, which are better and how to make it yourself. Increase cross-country ability: how to make snow chains with your own hands and video of working moments

How to make your own snow chains.  Varieties of snow chains for a car, which are better and how to make it yourself.  Increase cross-country ability: how to make snow chains with your own hands and video of working moments
How to make your own snow chains. Varieties of snow chains for a car, which are better and how to make it yourself. Increase cross-country ability: how to make snow chains with your own hands and video of working moments

Winter tuning wheels

Tire chains are a type of removable tread that converts an ordinary highway wheel into a rubber with improved flotation. From the point of view of the design, the chains on the wheels are a connected wire with reinforcement, evenly wrapping around the entire circumference of the tire. The composition of such chains includes two longitudinal cables located on the circumference of the wheel inside and outside. To connect them to each other, transverse elements or special "lugs" made of reinforced rubber are used.

The use of anti-skid chains can significantly increase the cross-country ability of the vehicle by improving the grip characteristics of tires. This is true when driving on surfaces such as ice, mud, loose or wet snow, etc. For example, when traveling outside the city, the first 100 km of the path can run along a regular asphalt road, while then you need to turn onto a dirt track, which is an “impassable” off-road.

In this case, anti-slip chains are put on the wheels and continue on their way. Otherwise, the risk of getting stuck in impassable mud increases significantly, as a result of which you will have to look for a tractor or other vehicle to tow the car. In addition, snow chains greatly facilitate the passage of such sections as steep slopes covered with ice, which are quite difficult to overcome even with studded tires.

Types of wheel chains

Different types of protective circuits

There are two main types of snow chains: soft and hard. In soft chains, rubber “lugs” act as crossbars, while hard chains are connected using link elements. In addition, there are two types of chain pattern: “ladder” and “diamond” (another name is “honeycomb”). In the case of the "ladder" pattern, the connections between the longitudinal cables are made in the form of straight lines located across, similar to a rope ladder. Diamond or honeycomb chain connections are made diagonally, resulting in an interlaced design.

Snow chains are also classified according to the following criteria:

  • the size;
  • the shape of the links or "lugs";
  • production material: steel, aluminum, titanium, fiberglass with reinforcement and so on.

In some cases, additional reinforcement of wheeled chain structures is performed using metal spikes. It is quite difficult to unequivocally answer the question of which kind of chains should be preferred, since individual characteristics largely depend on the planned operating conditions. In particular, hard chains are better than soft chains for driving in difficult off-road conditions such as loose snow or mud.

At the same time, certain limitations are associated with rigid structures, since at speeds exceeding 40 km / h, there is a risk of damage to the transmission. In the case of soft snow chains, optimally suited for icy or slightly muddy sections of the road, you can accelerate to 80 km / h. At the same time, rubber wear is significantly reduced compared to rigid chains.

The situation is similar with the size of the chains: an increase in the links increases the cross-country ability, but at the same time the mass of the structure also increases, and the movement of the car on flat sections of the road becomes more difficult and unpleasant. In addition, the transmission is more heavily loaded and the wear of rubber is accelerated.


Everything you need to make an accessory

It also happens that you need to drive off-road, but there is no ready-made snow chain at hand. In such a situation, you can try to make snow chains with your own hands, using the available tools and materials. To do this, you will need the following details:

  • tension devices;
  • a chain with a wire diameter of 4-5 mm;
  • carabiners with a diameter of 5 mm;
  • hooks.

We cut the chain into pieces of a certain size. For the manufacture of longitudinal sections, four pieces will be required, each of which has 83 links. The transverse sections will be made from sixteen 13-piece pieces. The first transverse section is attached to the sixth link of the longitudinal chain, the last - to the twelfth. The remaining transverse chains are fixed at intervals of 10 links. Hooks or rings are used to connect the transverse and longitudinal links. After the fourth transverse chain, a five-link segment is attached on one side. Carabiners are installed at the ends of the links located along. The tensioner is placed on the fixed end of the carabiner, the hook on the other. On this, the chain can be considered ready and suitable for testing on the wheels of a UAZ car.

Mounting elements

Here are the finished homemade chains

Chains that increase patency are installed on the drive wheels of the vehicle. This can be done with your own hands in two main ways: with or without lifting the car. The specific method is chosen by the car owner in accordance with his practical skills and working conditions. In any case, it is advisable to start installing chains even before leaving for a difficult section of the track.

Experienced owners of UAZ vehicles who have gained a hand in this matter do not experience any difficulties with putting on snow chains on their own and cope with this work in just a few minutes. Beginners, on the other hand, quite often face certain difficulties, as a result of which they may even refuse to use wheel chains. Therefore, it is recommended that you first practice and hone your skills on a flat and dry site, so as not to encounter such difficulties in the "field conditions", that is, on the road.

Installation of chains without lifting the car is carried out as follows:

  • the anti-skid chain structure is carefully straightened so that its links do not wind on each other, after which it is laid out on the surface of the earth;
  • start the UAZ car, drive the driving wheels on the unfolded wheel chain and fix the car in order to avoid spontaneous start of movement;
  • chains are put on tires in such a way that a locking hook and a locking ring are located on the outer side of the wheels;
  • the locking hook clings from the inside of the wheel to one of the links of the tail section of the chain (3);
  • transverse branches of the chain structure are evenly distributed along the entire circumference of the wheel;
  • the locking hook is inserted into one of the links located at the end of the tail section and unfolds in the direction of the locking ring;
  • the locking ring is inserted into the hook hole.

Putting on the chain with a lift includes the following additional steps:

  • stops are installed under the front wheels of the car;
  • the car is put on the handbrake;
  • the wheel is brought to a height of 2-3 cm above the road level.

Further, the installation of the anti-skid chain on the UAZ with your own hands is carried out by the method described above. The dismantling of the structure is carried out in the reverse order. Having installed the anti-skid chain, it is recommended to test it, that is, drive the car for 10-50 meters and, if necessary, perform additional chain tension. To do this, the locking hook and the locking hook are moved to the next links in the tail of the chain.

Hello! Winter operation of any car brings a lot of trouble and problems to the driver, if he does not live, of course, somewhere in Thailand or Bali. And in our latitudes, there is often a multi-centimeter layer of snow, plus ice, frost, and so on. In such conditions, it is necessary to provide for various devices that will increase traction. How to make snow chains with your own hands, and what it is all about - we'll figure it out further.

Experienced drivers are preparing for the winter in advance - someone simply sets, and someone is trying to provide their car with more reliable means of resisting slippery surfaces. Many devices are expensive or do not provide high-quality contact of the wheels with the road in icy conditions. At the same time, the manufacture of such chains will not be difficult, and the necessary components can be found in stores even in small towns.

To make a simple design, you will need to stock up:

From the tool you need to prepare a grinder, a vice, a set of wrenches, a hammer, screwdrivers. In order to start preparing a steel body kit at home, you should know the size of your tires, or take preliminary measurements. You will need to know the diameter and width of each slope. For each car model, it is also necessary to individually select transverse elements, the so-called lugs.

How to make chains - read the instructions

Now let's see how to make anti-skid chains that will increase the patency of your car. The algorithm for performing work will be approximately as follows:

  1. We cut the transverse and longitudinal elements from the prepared chain with a grinder.
  2. We find the 6th link and fix the first transverse element on it. This can be done by welding or by bolts and hooks.
  3. Every few links we mount the following transverse elements.
  4. To ensure good tension of the entire structure on one longitudinal element, we put a segment that includes 7–8 links. It will give additional reliability.
  5. We fasten carabiners at the ends of the longitudinal sections, the diameter of which should be at least 5 mm.

If you stock up on all the necessary tools in advance and have some skills in using them, then the operation to create chains for cars will not take more than an hour. The use of welding will make it possible not to use fasteners, and this will positively affect the overall structural reliability. Now it remains only to install the assembled chains on the wheels of the car.

It is best to carry out this operation in a garage. You will need to jack up the vehicle in order to put a piece of chain on each of the wheels. To facilitate dressing, it is necessary to release some of the air from the wheel. If it is not possible to use a jack, you can act in another way. The chains are laid out in front of the wheels so that there is no twisting anywhere. The car runs over the structure with a wheel and is put on the handbrake.

After that, the chain for SUVs and other types of cars is put on in such a way that the hook with the carabiner is located on the outside of the tire. The carabiner clutch is put on the outside of the tension system and fixed. Along the perimeter of the car slope, the transverse elements are evenly distributed and a general stretch can be performed. Now you can start the engine and drive a few tens of meters. After that, the final fitting and adjustment is made so that the chain fits as tightly as possible to the wheel.

Some drivers simplify the design and put the so-called bracelets. They do not have longitudinal elements, but only transverse ones. They require a more modest set of tools and up to 5 meters of steel chain. They are convenient because they do not take up much space in the trunk, but they will always be at hand in the winter season.

For those who still have questions about the technical part of the assembly, we advise you to watch a video on the topic described. If you like to improve your car on your own, then there is a whole block of articles for you, from self-production to implementation. Today we will say goodbye to you. Don't forget to subscribe to updates and tell your colleagues and friends about the blog. Thank you for your attention!

Why are they needed?

Dramatically increase the patency of the machine on surfaces with a solid base. On chains, a Zhiguli is almost a Niva, a Niva is almost a UAZ, a UAZ is almost a tractor. Didn't try further.

Maybe not needed?

If you think so, then either you haven’t tried it or you don’t know how to use them correctly. A third option is possible: You are extremely lazy to spend half an hour putting on chains. But on the other hand, you will have to wait half a day for a tractor that will pull you out lazy. Nothing further for you to read

What are there?

    • bourgeois. Either rubbish suitable only for tying a dog, or a well-known company and, accordingly, money is not small. Haven't tried it myself.
    • Domestic. They differ in design.

Instructions for putting on chains. (UAZ 31514)

    1. We spread the chains in front of the wheels of the car exactly along the axis of movement. Locks forward and position outwards. So that the hook is on the inside. Spread neatly "treadmills". The procedure for the front and rear axles is identical. The sequence front or rear axle is not important. It is necessary to perform sequentially - first 2 wheels, let's say the front axle, then 2 wheels of the rear axle.
    1. We drive with wheels on a chain, stopping 20-30cm from the end of the chain. We start most of the chain on the wheel. We hook the hook from the inside.
    1. Then, having straightened all the links on the wheel, we start and hook the lock. The lock must be fastened to the link furthest from it. In case of difficulty, you can use a flat screwdriver. After all the chains are dressed and the lock is fastened, it is useful to drive 5-10m. After that, it is still possible to move the lock by one link (refers to "toothy" rubber, where by such actions it is possible to achieve a uniform distribution of chain links between the rubber lamellae)

Tests of "honeycomb" circuits on UAZ.

More precisely, not “honeycomb”. And again, by mistake of the factory, a truncated “honeycomb” or a mixture of “herringbone” and “ladder” turned out.
We'll fix it soon. But this is also an indicator.

Due to the lack of those wishing to try out the chains on the Niva, only UAZ 31514 was used. Rubber Ya-192 215 / 90R15. Chains on all wheels.

    1. Krylatskoe 31/01/2002

More confident movement. Those. in the absence of jerks, the chance of digging is reduced.
Yes. Undoubtedly. There is no lateral drift of any axle of the vehicle.

Significant reduction in jerks during movement (the ladder has this effect due to its design)
Yes. Undoubtedly. COMPLETELY absent any jerks in the movement. There is a spillover effect. It is expressed in smooth onboard rolls by a not so significant amount. Approximately 45 degree speed bump.

Easier exit from the rut (due to the greater engagement of the chain itself on the ground)
Failed to try. There was no track J What was available simply did not cause difficulties. He turned the steering wheel and the car turned exactly to the angle of rotation specified by the steering wheel.

Increased reliability (use of a different chain material)
The material on these chains is the same as on the ladder. I couldn't tear or unfasten. Although he did not fix the lock additionally.

Who was in Krylatskoe, knows bulk hill. On the day of the test, the slide was rolled to the state of ice. It turned out to call on it in the 2nd lower gear, acceleration of 2-3 meters, on the second attempt.
On other climbs, I just put the car nose to the top, stopped and engaged in 1st low gear, drove up the slope. Feelings - dry asphalt under the wheels.
Descents from the slopes. Even on a bulk hill, it was possible to keep the car on the slope for an arbitrarily long time only with the brakes

General impression: The surface holds the teeth :). Or as if he put on another, very toothy rubber, or changed the coating under the wheels. I just couldn't get stuck anywhere. The car goes where the driver wants.

NEGATIVE: To my great regret, the factory made a mistake in the manufacture of chains. As a result, the middle “treadmills” dangled very freely on the dressed wheel due to the extra pair of links. The defect will be corrected in the near future. But this could not significantly affect the experiment.
It is somewhat more inconvenient to straighten more "treadmills" when putting a chain on a wheel.
More than 1.5 times the weight of the chain. But at low speeds, it can not affect in any way.

    1. Der.Vornovo. Vladim. region 120 km Gorky highway 03/02/2002

A similar car UAZ 31514. The same tires. Chains on all wheels. But this time each lock of the chain was fixed with Al wire dia. 3mm. I was afraid to lose the experimental sample in the snow. :)

The temperature outside is about 0. Packed wet snow. Nast supported the weight of me as such. The depth may not be so significant, but I repeat, the crust is very strong. Snow packed. With such a depth of freshly fallen snow, even chains should not be worn.

1st low, front axle naturally ON. For a trip of 3 km, it was not possible to sit anywhere. In a straight line, the car goes slowly, punching a rut through the crust. When cornering, he tries to dig with an unloaded wheel. I gave it back a couple of times. There are simply no difficulties in moving along an already broken track. On climbs it is slower, but climbs. Without chains, the probability of driving through such snow, even on the Ya-192, is very small. Unfortunately, I did not have time to try to remove the chains and try without them. As a travel option, you can consider the use of a much wider rubber (let's say 12.5 "against 8.40" Ya-192). And drive through, trying not to fall under the crust.

Video from the 11th birthday of Uazbuki clearly showing the work of chains.

Often, car trips in winter can result in unpleasant consequences for drivers, as a result of which a tug has to be called for help. Unpleasant weather conditions such as snow, ice and rain reduce the car's cross-country ability. Especially for snow-covered sections of the tracks, special equipment is provided, which is called snow chains. When there is an obstacle ahead in the form of a section of a snowy track, chains put on wheels will help to increase the efficiency of overcoming such a distance. Such products can be bought at any auto shop, but not every driver can afford their cost. There is only one way out - to make snow chains with your own hands.

Purpose of snow chains

The cost of high-quality snow chains starts from 5 thousand rubles. Moreover, this does not require special knowledge and experience, since if you have the instructions indicated in the material, you can make products yourself.

Anti-skid chains (lugs) are products that are put on the drive wheels, increasing the cross-country ability of the vehicle. By installing such products on wheels, the driver receives the following benefits:

  1. High performance on snow-covered roads.
  2. Overcoming climbs and descents on sections of tracks with ice with a low probability of loss of control.
  3. Improving the quality of driving on snowy and icy road surfaces.
  4. Improving the rowing properties of the car when passing through muddy sections of the road.

It is important! Snow chains are installed on the wheels only when it is necessary to overcome a difficult section of the road. It is not recommended to use them constantly, as this negatively affects the vehicle.

The negative impact is due to the following factors:

  1. Increased load on the steering mechanism, as well as transmission elements.
  2. Impossibility of fast travel.
  3. Increased tire wear.
  4. Lack of comfort.
  5. Extraneous noise.
  6. Negative impact on the suspension elements.

In addition to everything, it is forbidden to operate a car with hooks on asphalt, as this contributes to the destruction of the coating. The products in question should always be in the trunk of the car in order to be able to use them if necessary. This applies not only to cars of the crossover and SUV class, but also to light mono-drive vehicles.

Varieties and how they differ

Many drivers, having familiarized themselves with the shortcomings of lugs, make a negative decision to purchase or manufacture them. However, sooner or later there comes a situation when the presence of chains does not hurt. Grousers are divided into several varieties. The main distinguishing parameters are: the material of manufacture and the geometric pattern of the chain product on the tire.

It is interesting! The above parameters have a corresponding effect on the vehicle and its off-road performance when driving.

Depending on the material of manufacture, lugs are divided into the following types:

  1. Rigid.
  2. Soft.

Rigid lugs

Hard types include products from the following types of metals: titanium, steel, aluminum. The strength of the product depends not only on the material, but also on the thickness of the links. The larger the size of the links, the higher the cross-country ability of the car. However, the indicators of the negative impact on the car are also higher.

On the one hand, thick chains increase the vehicle's cross-country ability, on the other hand, they negatively affect the suspension and steering rack.

The disadvantage of rigid products is a high noise effect, as well as accelerated tire wear. On chains of this type, it is impossible to reach speeds above 40 km / h. In addition, the massiveness and heaviness of the chains adversely affect the vehicle. Not all types of passenger cars can use rigid chains due to the small space between the wheel arches.

Soft lugs

Soft lugs are made from non-metallic materials such as rubber, polyurethane, and even plastic. To increase the strength of products, a method such as reinforcement is used. Soft lugs for cars are more forgiving, as they contribute less to rubber wear, and they are also almost silent. A car on such lugs can reach speeds of up to 80 km / h, while maintaining high-quality grip with the road surface.

Soft chains can hardly be called “chains” in the truest sense of the word, but they do the job when driving around the city just as well

Like hard chains, soft lugs have disadvantages that are clearly manifested when moving on ice. Soft chains perform well when moving around the city, without having a negative impact on the road surface. However, they are not able to ensure the effective passage of snowy areas and mud, so in such situations, only rigid chains should be used.

Varieties of lugs according to the geometric pattern

Depending on the geometry of the pattern, there are three types of snow chains:

Each option has its advantages and disadvantages, so let's look at them in detail.

"Ladder" is a base in the form of longitudinally arranged branches. These branches are evenly distributed around the entire circumference of the wheel. To fix the chain on the wheel, the appropriate type of locks are used. Outwardly, this type of lug resembles a ladder, from where the name came from.

This version of the lug is one of the most popular, effective and in demand. Of the disadvantages of this type of chain, it is worth noting:

  • parallel arrangement of chains on the wheel, so the car will dig in when overcoming snowy or soil areas;
  • low lateral stability, which is also due to the parallel arrangement of the chain branches;

Despite the high raking properties, ladder-type chains are practically useless on snow-covered ground.

Chains of this type are recommended to be used only when it is necessary to overcome a risky section of the route. This option is one of the cheapest, so when the need arises, most drivers prefer this option without delving into its features.

The rhombus design of the lugs is a modernized design of the Ladder. For this, there are longitudinal branches that form a diamond-shaped pattern, excluding all the negative factors that are characteristic of the Ladder.

The geometric shape in the form of a rhombus is intended for the use of lugs when it is necessary to overcome a snowy or swampy area. The diamond shape is shown in the photo below.

Diamond shaped chains for increased strength and high traction

The diamond-shaped form of snow chains is popular among SUVs and crossovers, since this type of pattern on the lugs increases the passable qualities of the car several times. This is especially true for snowy and icy road sections.

An analogue of a rhombus are “honeycombs”, which have transverse branches similar to a rhombus, however, they are additionally connected by straight connectors. Rhombus and honeycombs are improved types of lugs, when using which the contact of products with the road surface occurs constantly. This is a big plus for both rubber and transmission, so when making lugs, it is recommended to pay attention to the last two models.

"Honeycombs" provide constant contact with the road, therefore giving the car a high level of lateral stability

It is also worth noting that when buying snow chains, you must consider their size. Grousers manufactured in production are divided not only in size for wheels, but also depending on the type of car.

Anti-skid chains and bracelets: which is better

The analogues of chains for cars are bracelets, which are a pair of segments of chains fixed on wheels with belts. The chain is located on top of the bar, and the belt is located in the hole between the disc. At the same time, the bracelet, unlike the chain, is firmly tightened on the tire, which allows the chain to be located in one place.

To increase efficiency, it is recommended to attach at least three anti-skid bracelets to one wheel

Usually three bracelets are installed on one wheel, which is enough to reach a hard surface, while creating friction and repulsion of the car. Unlike chains, bracelets have the following advantages:

  1. Speed ​​and ease of installation. If the chains are recommended to be installed only before overcoming a snowy or swampy area, then the bracelet can be installed even when the car is stuck.
  2. Compact, as they do not take up much space in the trunk, unlike chains.
  3. No need to jack up the wheel.
  4. Versatility. If the chains are designed for a certain wheel diameter, then the bracelets are suitable for any wheel size.
  5. Unlike chains, bracelets are several times cheaper.
  6. Long service life.

Like chains, bracelets are divided into hard and soft. One of the cheapest options for bracelets are plastic products. They are suitable for any type of car: from small cars to SUVs, so every driver can afford them.

Bracelets, like chains, are divided into hard and soft

What is the difference between chains and bracelets? Numerous observations of drivers show that the chains have a better grip on the road surface, which has a positive effect on the patency parameters. Chains can be used to overcome snowy and icy areas until they end. Bracelets can only be used for short-term use up to 5-10 km.

It is important! If one link breaks on the chain, then this poses a threat to the car body. Damage to the paintwork may occur, which ultimately contributes to the formation of a corrosion site.

When it is known what chains and bracelets are, we can conclude:

  1. If you plan a long road through swampy, snowy and icy terrain, then it is recommended to use chains.
  2. Bracelets are used only when rare trips are planned around the city or outside it in bad weather. Even if during the trip you forget to wear a bracelet, you can do it at any time, even if the car gets stuck.

Making snow chains: sequence of actions

Many motorists value their work, so they resort to solving the problem with the lack of lugs on their own.

Necessary tools and equipment

Before performing the corresponding work, you must first make sure that the appropriate materials and tools are available. You can watch the process of making snow chains on the video, but the disadvantage of the videos is the lack of information about the necessary equipment.

To make a simple Ladder chain, you will need the following materials:

  1. Steel chain. The thickness of the reinforcement must be at least 5 mm.
  2. Carabiners with a clutch and a thread. Products with latches are not suitable for the manufacture of a lug.
  3. Chain tensioner.
  4. Bolts, nuts and washers.
  5. Hooks.

For the manufacture of snow chains, carabiners with a clutch and a thread are required

The main material is a chain, the length of which for two medium wheels with a diameter of R15 must be at least 15 meters. Buying a chain separately and making a lug out of it yourself is much cheaper than buying a finished product.

To make lugs, you will also need a set of tools:

  • Vise;
  • Bulgarian with a circle for metal;
  • Roulette;
  • A hammer;
  • Wrenches for tightening bolts and nuts.

As you can see, the stock of materials and tools is insignificant, so after preparation, you can start making snow chains.

Step-by-step instruction

The manufacturing procedure involves the following steps:

  1. Tire circumference measurement. This is necessary in order to make two rings from a chain of the appropriate diameter. Here is one important point: the length should be such that the chain lies on half the width of the bar, as shown in the photo below.

    To determine the length of the chain, it is necessary to close the chain on the imaginary middle of the wheel

  2. The required chain length is cut off, after which the chain segment is connected using threaded carabiners. The second segment of the chain is prepared of the same length.
  3. Manufacturing of cross links. Using a tape measure, a measurement is taken, after which a decision is made on the required number of links. The greater the number of such links, the better the patency, but even this will require a longer chain length. The number of links is also determined depending on the size of the wheel. Their optimal number is 8 pieces.

    To determine the width of the transverse links, it is necessary to take a measurement with a tape measure

  4. All links must be the same size. At both ends of the links you need to fix a carabiner. Bolts, nuts and washers can be used instead of carabiners.

    In the absence of carabiners, the links can be fixed with bolts, nuts and washers

  5. The length of the links should be such that the chain on the wheel is well tensioned. If the length is longer, then they can fly off.
  6. When the required number of links is ready, you can start assembling. The assembly must be done so that each link is located at the same distance from the previous one.

    For efficient use of chains, the distance between adjacent links should be approximately the same.

  7. When the product is assembled, you can try it on the wheel. To put snow chains on the wheel, you will need metal springs or rubber. The springs can be terminated with hooks to facilitate installation of the product.

    To simplify the installation of chains, rubber bands with hooks at the ends are used.

  8. Instead of springs and rubber, other elastic materials can be used as tensioners. The main condition is that the products must securely fix the snow chain on the wheel. The result is a product of the following form:

With proper observance of the instructions, the following circuit design should be obtained

Such a homemade device does not take up much space in the trunk, and it will take no more than 2 hours to make it. By analogy, a chain is made for the second wheel. For all-wheel drive SUVs, chains must be worn on all wheels. On mono-drive vehicles, the chains are located exclusively on the drive wheels.

Features of installation on a car

Making chains is only half the battle. Now you need to properly install them on the car. There are several ways to do this. The first of these involves jacking up the car. To do this, the driver must perform the following manipulations:

  1. Before an obstacle, you must stop on a hard surface, then set the car at first speed and squeeze the handbrake;
  2. Using a jack, you need to hang out the part of the car on which you plan to install the chain;
  3. As soon as the wheel is hung out, you should proceed with the installation of the lug;
  4. This process usually takes about 10-15 minutes for one wheel. In this case, you need to make sure that the chain is securely fastened.

The product is installed in the same way on the second side and, if necessary, for all four wheels. The second option involves installing a chain without raising the wheels:

  1. You need to stop, and then place chains on both sides in front of the wheels.
  2. Run on the chains to the middle of their size.
  3. Fasten the product from the inside with a hook or carabiner.
  4. Straighten each link, then connect the tension adjuster.

In the absence of a jack, it is possible to run into chains lying on the ground

This option seems simple, but in reality it is not. After installing the chain on the wheel, you need to drive a few meters, and then adjust the tension. Then you can storm the obstacles.

Snow chain test

The manufactured device must be tested in operation to ensure its reliability and effectiveness. It is worth remembering that the effectiveness of the product depends not only on the number of links available, but also on the size of the chain used. The larger the chain size, the higher the quality of the car's patency.

To test the snow chain, it is enough to wait for bad weather, and then rush to an area where there is no traffic. After installing the chain on the drive wheels, it is necessary to overcome various obstacles in the form of snow slides, icy sections of the road surface, as well as swamps. After overcoming each obstacle, it is necessary to check the features of the location of the product on wheels.

It is important! During testing, damage to chain links may occur, so be sure to check their condition regularly.

If after testing the results are pleasing to the eye, then you can try to overcome obstacles without chains on wheels. The result is sure to amaze, and snow chains will become an indispensable attribute in the trunk of your car.

As a conclusion, it should be noted that snow chains are not installed at all in order for the car to stand out on the road. In addition to improved cross-country ability, chains ensure the safety of the driver and passengers on the road in adverse weather conditions. With the presence of such devices on the wheels of a car, you have a chance to overcome an obstacle or escape from a snow drift.

Anti-skid chains - structurally, they are a structure made of reinforced wire or a chain connected so that it evenly braids the tire around the entire circumference. Such a structure consists of two longitudinal cables - external and internal, passing along the circumference of the wheel, which are connected by transverse elements or rubber "lugs".

There are 3 types of snow chains:

    snow chains in the form of a ladder;

    anti-skid chains in the form of a rhombus;

    anti-skid chains in the form of honeycombs.

Each has its own advantages and disadvantages, but it is easier to make snow chains in the form of a ladder. Therefore, we take them as a basis:

Ladder-shaped snow chains consist of longitudinal and transverse branches, tail branches, locking hook, locking hook and locking ring. The connection of the chain elements occurs with the help of connecting rings (Fig. 1)

Fig.1 Scheme of the anti-skid chain (ladder)

1 - transverse branch, 2 - longitudinal branch, 3 - tail branch, 4 - locking hook, 5 - locking hook, 6 - locking ring.

Materials for manufacturing

    Chain with a bar diameter of 4-5 mm - 15 meters;

    Hooks - 32 pieces;

    Tensioner - 2 pieces.


We cut 4 pieces of chain of 83 links for longitudinal chains.

We cut 16 pieces of 13 links for transverse chains.

We fix the first transverse chain on the 6th link of the longitudinal chains, and all the rest, except for the last one, on every 10th link from the previous one, we fix the last one on the 12th.

We fasten the longitudinal links with the transverse ones using hooks or rings.

After the 4th transverse chain, we fix a segment of 5 links on one side, and on the ends of both longitudinal links we put on such carabiners with a diameter of 5 mm.

On the side where the segment of 5 links is fixed, we fix the tension device on the carabiner.

Attach a hook to the other end.

We put chains on the wheels.

We test the chains on our car .....

Mounting on a car

Snow chains are mounted on the driving wheels of the car. The snow chain can be installed in two ways:

1 - without jacking up the car;

2 - with jacking up the car.

The mounting method is chosen by the driver depending on skills and road conditions. It is advisable to install snow chains before entering a difficult road section.

1st method - without jacking up the car:

Carefully straighten the snow chain (chain links must not be twisted);

Spread snow chains on the road surface and run over them with driving wheels;

Fix the car in a position that excludes spontaneous movement on the road;

Put the chains on the tire in such a way that the locking hook (pos. 4) with the locking ring (pos. 6) is on the outside of the wheel;

Hook the locking hook (pos.5) on the inner side of the wheel for one of the links of the tail branch (pos.3);

Spread the transverse branches (pos.2) evenly around the circumference of the wheel;

Thread the locking hook (pos.4) into one of the end links of the tail branch (pos.3);

Turn the locking hook towards the locking ring (pos.6);

Insert the locking ring into the groove of the locking hook;

If necessary, make an additional tension of the chain (reattach the locking hook and the hook for the following tail links).

Longitudinal and transverse branches should grip the tire tightly. Removing the tool from the wheel is carried out in the reverse order.

2nd method - with jacking up the car:

Install stops under the front wheels of the car;

Set the car to the handbrake;

Jack up the car by hanging the wheel above the road to a height of 20-30 mm;

Put on the device in the same way as in the 1st method.