Making a hydraulic press with your own hands: drawings, photos, videos. Do-it-yourself press: making the simplest mechanical or hydraulic mechanism (90 photos and videos) How to make an electro-hydraulic press

Making a hydraulic press with your own hands: drawings, photos, videos.  Do-it-yourself press: making the simplest mechanical or hydraulic mechanism (90 photos and videos) How to make an electro-hydraulic press
Making a hydraulic press with your own hands: drawings, photos, videos. Do-it-yourself press: making the simplest mechanical or hydraulic mechanism (90 photos and videos) How to make an electro-hydraulic press

The cost of industrial products of the hydraulic press is such that rarely anyone wants to buy it for "home and family". Such models are used, as a rule, in production or in workshops (in the sector of medium and small businesses), and then in specialized ones (forge, car service, etc.).

A “solid” apparatus is not sold for less than 170–180 thousand, and small devices called “press tongs” (within 2–3 thousand rubles) are of limited use, mainly for “crimping” metal products.

You can buy a press for 25 - 30 thousand rubles (made in China), which is not so expensive these days. But if you look closely at how and from what it is assembled, then the thought involuntarily comes that all this can be mounted from improvised materials. If you have to "spending", but very little.

There are many options for self-manufacturing hydraulic press. Each owner, depending on his needs, determines his dimensions, configuration, the limit of the "stroke" of the working part, the necessary force that hydraulics must provide. Let us dwell on one, simple to manufacture model of such a product.

We will not indicate specific dimensions, the main thing is to understand the principle of assembly and operation of the device. And any skilled person will figure out for himself how and from what it is more convenient for him to make a press. The essence of the work is as follows. There are 2 containers (vessels) in which there is a liquid (as a rule, this is a special oil). They communicate with each other (remember the lessons of physics at school). By applying a small effort to compress the liquid in one (small vessel), we get pressure in a large one, several times higher than the “primary” one.

If you put a rod in it, then it will move. Any part located between the support (on the frame) and the working "tool" (rod) will be under pressure. In other words, we press on the handle, and the workpiece is flattened. And the more, the stronger we act on the lever. Everything is simple.

The photographs show the press at various stages of manufacture. Therefore, it makes sense to dwell only on some features of the assembly, and it is not difficult to determine what materials are needed, based on its capabilities and the specific purpose of the device.

Components of the mechanism


It must be strong, since it is on this part that the maximum load will fall. It is possible, for example, to weld a frame from a corner, inside which, to increase strength, weld segments of the same corner or a thick metal bar (pins, etc.). It should be taken into account that a hydraulic jack will stand on such a frame (platform), therefore, on the upper surface of the frame, it is necessary to fix the cut sheet of iron by welding. Its thickness depends on how "powerful" the press should be.

Top stop

In fact, it is necessary to make a welded structure in the form of the letter “P”, which will be fixed on the platform with “legs”. Its height is determined by the maximum possible extension of the jack rod. The easiest way for this purpose is to use a thick-walled pipe with a square or rectangular profile. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that all elements of the stop are located at right angles. Not even the slightest distortion of the "letter" is allowed.

work item

In fact, it plays the role of a lower, movable stop. In the process of pressing the part, it is with him that it will be pressed against the upper stop (“crossbar” of the letter “P”). The principle is clear. How to make, there are several options. For example, to make an assembly of metal plates of appropriate thickness, which are fastened together either with bolts or by the same welding.

In order for this part to move freely up and down and not move at the same time, the length of the extreme plates is chosen more. The resulting "protrusions" on the sides will play the role of position locks along the horizontal axis. In other words, such an “assembly” can move in the vertical direction, but not left-right.

To exclude a large skew of the movable stop, the length of the "internal" plates is selected so that they are almost closely adjacent to the structure uprights (legs of the letter "P"), with a minimum gap.


We have given only one of the options. You can make a press in which the stroke of the rod will not be from the bottom up, but vice versa. Naturally, for this, the hydraulic cylinder is placed on the upper stop. At the same time, the center of gravity of the entire structure shifts, so the platform will have to be made more massive, wider.

For the convenience of working with parts of different sizes, it is advisable to prepare "inserts". If necessary, they can be put on the working part, thereby reducing the distance over which the stem will have to be extended.

When performing various work in a home workshop, it often becomes necessary to influence the workpieces by pressing. We will talk about how to make a hydraulic press with your own hands to perform such operations in this article.

The device and functions of the hydraulic press

A hydraulic press is an equipment that is specially designed for processing parts and workpieces by exposing them to high pressure. Such a press works due to the pressure of the liquid acting on the elements of its design.

The design of most hydraulic presses provides for a vertical arrangement of the working cylinder, but there are also models in which it is located horizontally. Various models of presses can create working forces in the range from several tens to several thousand tons.

The principle of operation of a hydraulic press is based on Pascal's law, known to us from a school physics course. The design of the press consists of two working chambers of different sizes or, as they are also called, cylinders. The principle of operation of a hydraulic press, if we describe it in a few words, is as follows.

In the smaller of its cylinders, a high pressure of the working fluid is created, which is fed through the connecting channel into the chamber of a larger diameter and acts on the piston connected to the working tool. The latter exerts pressure on the workpiece, which is located on a rigid support to prevent it from moving under its action. All hydraulic presses use special oils as the working fluid.

Hydraulic presses are most widely used when performing such operations on metal parts as stamping, forging, straightening, bending, extrusion of pipes and other profiles. In addition, with the help of such presses, briquetting, packaging and pressing of various materials are performed (as a rule, a mini-press is used for these purposes).

The device of the hydraulic press allows its active use both in enterprises for the production of rubber, plastic and wood products, as well as in other areas. A variety of functions and applications of this equipment determine the existence of its various modifications. For example, on sale you can find a hydraulic desktop press, a mini-press, a hydraulic floor press, a manual hydraulic press, presses with and without a pressure gauge.

Use cases at home

The use of a hydraulic press in a garage or home workshop is quite common. It is possible to use such a press, which is small in size, both when repairing a car, and for performing work of a different nature.

In particular, with the help of such compact equipment, it is possible to press out bearings or silent blocks, as well as to press new parts in their place. In addition to automotive repair, a hydraulic press can be used for bending metal parts, creating the required pressure when gluing surfaces, briquetting waste, and for squeezing out oil and liquid. Factory equipment for this purpose (even a manual hydraulic press) costs a lot of money, and not everyone can purchase it. Meanwhile, you can make such a press with your own hands, spending money only on the purchase of the necessary materials.

Remarkably, the design of a home-made hydraulic press can immediately be adapted to solve a specific problem with a specific part or workpiece. A do-it-yourself press will not take up much space; it will be enough to allocate a little space in the workshop or garage to accommodate it. Detailed instructions on how to make a hydraulic press are given below. There is also a video on this topic at the end of the article.

home press design

Do-it-yourself hydraulic presses should not have too outstanding technical characteristics, it is enough that they develop a force of 10–20 tons. This parameter of a homemade hydraulic press depends on what actions you are going to perform with it.

One of the most common and simple options for a homemade press

There are a number of other parameters that correspond not only to industrial, but also home-made household hydraulic presses:

  • dimensions;
  • weight of equipment;
  • piston stroke;
  • the presence of a pressure gauge in the design of the press;
  • characteristics of the machine used.

In self-made presses, the pressure in the working cylinder is usually created using a manual hydraulic pump, which can be either built into the design of such a device or located separately from it. Such a design feature depends only on what equipment you choose for the manufacture of such a device. It is very easy to make a hydraulic press with your own hands, if you take a bottle-type jack as the basis for its design. Such a jack, which is convenient, already has a built-in hand pump in the design.

Bottle type hydraulic jack is great for use in DIY hydraulic press

Before you decide to purchase a suitable jack for making a home hydraulic tool, it is important to decide what tasks you will solve with it. Both the design scheme of the manual hydraulic press and the force that it will develop depend on this. The next step is to develop a drawing of a hydraulic press, which you are going to make with your own hands. You can, of course, find such a drawing on the Internet and even see photos and videos of the process of making a press from a hydraulic jack with your own hands. But in this case, you will be faced with the need to customize the devices you have for someone else's homemade press.

The development of a drawing of your future home-made press begins with the question of how it will work. There are only two options here.

  • The jack will be located at the bottom of the press - on its frame - and will push up.
  • The jack is fixed in the upper part of the press structure and presses, respectively, down.

However, when choosing a scheme for the operation of a home-made press, one should take into account the fact that for the main part of the jacks produced by modern industry, the only correct position is the pressing rod up, and it is simply not allowed to place them differently. That is why the first hydraulic press scheme is most often taken as a basis. The second option is used only in cases where it is required to make hydraulic equipment for pressing out bearings or bushings from individual units and mechanisms with your own hands.

Version of the press with the lower location of the jack

What to consider when developing a drawing of a homemade press

The supporting element of any press, including a home-made one, is a bed, the development of a drawing of which should be approached as responsibly as possible. Structurally, the frame is a frame, inside of which there is a jack with a working tool that puts pressure on a part or workpiece.

The type of bed can vary significantly depending on the purpose of the press.

The frame of a do-it-yourself hydraulic press must have high strength, as it will experience loads in two directions at once. The jack, which creates a certain force, will simultaneously put pressure on the upper and lower parts of the frame, trying to break it, as it were. That is why, when calculating the frame and choosing materials for its manufacture, its strength is provided with a margin.

The lower part of the frame - its base - is developed taking into account the fact that it must ensure high stability of the entire structure. When calculating the width of the internal opening of the frame of a homemade press, they take into account both the dimensions of the parts and workpieces that will be processed on it, and the total dimensions of all the constituent elements of the future press.

Another version of the bed with the simplest base design for stability

When calculating the height of the internal opening of the frame, the following parameters are summed up: the height of the jack, the desired free play of its rod, the thickness of the working body and the part to be processed. If a home-made press is made according to the first scheme, then its design is as follows: the jack is installed on the lower base, and the part is in the upper part of the frame; the force from the jack to the part is transmitted through its rod and a movable working platform moving along the guides in the side elements of the frame.

In order to ensure the return of the rod to its original state, two springs are used, the lower part of which is attached to the base, and the upper part to the movable working platform. If you decide to make a press from a jack with your own hands, then it is very important to correctly calculate the stiffness of the springs so that they effectively perform all the functions assigned to them.

When implementing the second scheme, a part is placed on the lower base, and the jack is installed on a movable platform, to which springs are also attached, connecting it to the upper crossbar of the frame. Both in the first and in the second case, at the point of contact of the rod with the movable platform or the upper crossbar of the frame, a so-called nest is made, which can be used as a pipe segment of the appropriate diameter.

The inability to adjust the height of the working area simplifies the design, but significantly limits the use of the press

A do-it-yourself hydraulic press will be much more convenient to use if you provide for the possibility of adjusting the free jack rod, which also affects the allowable height of the workpiece. To do this, you can do the following.

  • An additional plate is located in the upper part of the inner contour of the frame, which can move along the guides due to a screw drive with a steering wheel. Thus, it is possible to change the clearance within a fairly wide range for the location of parts inside the frame.
  • You can make a removable stop, which is most often used as a mobile removable platform. It is possible to fix the position of such an emphasis inside the frame using bolted connections, for which holes are drilled in the frame with a certain step. In this case, the height spacing of such holes should not exceed the value of the free play of the jack rod.
  • From a solid piece of metal or a metal profile, several interchangeable inserts-gaskets of different thicknesses can be made.
  • You can also use several of the above methods at the same time.

If you are making a drawing according to which you will make a press with your own hands, be sure to indicate not only the dimensions of the main elements of such a device and the workpiece, but also other rolled metal from which the frame will be made.

Tools and materials

If you are going to make a hydraulic press with your own hands, then you will need the following tools, supplies and equipment:

  • welding equipment;
  • electrodes;
  • hacksaw or grinder (angle grinder).

In addition, you will need the following elements that your future garage press will consist of: a hydraulic jack, two springs that will pull the movable platform back to its original state. If you find an old bridge fungus left over from a repair in your garage, then you can use it as a pulling device for homemade presses with a lower jack. In this case, the fungus is put on the jack rod, the upper part of the springs is attached directly to it, and the lower part is fixed on the frame.

The type and amount of materials needed to build a press depends heavily on the chosen design option.

In order to make a press from a jack, you will need the following rolled metal:

  • channels (not less than 8 numbers), (with dimensions not less than 40x40), corners with a shelf width of not less than 50 mm;
  • steel sheet with a thickness of at least 8 mm, which will be used as a reliable foundation for the entire structure;
  • a piece of steel strip 10 mm thick - for the manufacture of guides and stiffeners, if necessary;
  • a piece of pipe - for making nests for the head of the jack rod.

Manufacturing process

When the drawing of your future hydraulic press is ready, and all the necessary materials, tools, equipment and components are available, they go directly to manufacturing. The first thing to do is to cut all the metal, guided by the dimensions indicated in the drawing.

Now you should make the base of the press, for which prepared square pipes are welded together, and a steel plate is welded onto the rectangle formed from them. Then the side and upper parts of the frame are welded together, carefully making sure that the resulting U-shaped structure is even and has strictly right angles in the joints. Now the resulting structure should be welded to the base and we can assume that the frame for your hydraulic press is ready.

The next element that you will need to make for the press is a movable platform. For its manufacture, you can use a channel, square or rectangular pipe. A piece of pipe is welded in the central part of the platform, which will serve as a socket for the head of the jack rod. For the manufacture of guides for the working platform, you will need two steel strips, the length of which should correspond to the width of the press frame along its outer contour.

There are plenty of situations when you need to compress parts and materials with great force in everyday life. As a result, the press is an essential attribute of any economy.

Of course, you can purchase factory-made pressing equipment. However, it is not cheap, and it can not always suit the master with its parameters and dimensions. Therefore, more and more people are wondering how to make a press from a jack.

The specifics of the hydraulic jack

The hydraulic jack was chosen as the basis for the manufacture of the construction of a home-made press by no means by chance.

An important feature of this device is that its operation is based on the fundamental laws of physics, according to which a liquid under pressure does not compress and does not decrease in volume. This explains why there is no loss of power when the jack acts on the workpiece.

In addition, the hydraulic jack has a rather high efficiency (80%), which makes it possible to rely on a significant compression force in the case of a power press.

The principle of operation of the hydraulic press

A do-it-yourself pressing device is not inferior in quality and technical characteristics to factory counterparts.

As you can see in the photo of a homemade press, it can be used in everyday life for various needs, whether it be:

  • arching;
  • forging;
  • stamping;
  • profile extrusion;
  • pressing different parts.

In addition, a pressing device can be useful:

  • in squeezing juices from fruits and vegetables;
  • to make your own butter.

Materials and tools for self-assembly of the press

Any instruction for creating something, and the instruction for making a press is no exception, the first step dictates to us to prepare a workplace and all the necessary materials.

In this case, we need:

  • jack;
  • channels;
  • steel profiled pipe of rectangular section;
  • steel corner and strips;
  • a pipe whose diameter is equal to the size of the head of the jack rod;
  • steel plate 250*100 mm;
  • steel springs - 2 pcs.

Of the tools, you can not do without a welding machine and a grinder.

Making a press with your own hands

After the drawings and dimensions for the manufacture of the press are determined and verified, and all the necessary materials and tools have been prepared, the assembly of the device can begin.

Here is the sequence of creating a press from a jack step by step:

We make a base platform. It must be as reliable, durable as possible and withstand the performance of the power of the jack, otherwise the entire device will be unstable.

Reliability can be increased by using four channels welded to each other by the sides. Moreover, the welds must be of high quality.

Vertical posts and bottom stop are made of profiled steel pipe. Their height must correspond to the value of the maximum rod output, the dimensions of the jack and the thickness of the removable stop. As for the length of the bottom stop, it is equal to the length of the support platform.

We weld the bottom stop, platform and racks into a single structure, not forgetting that the corners must be straight. For this we use corners. We add strength with plates by welding them diagonally to the racks and the base of the press.


We make a removable stop from steel strips. It will move in a vertical plane with the help of guides, creating pressure on the workpiece. Instead of strips, you can use a piece of pipe from which the bed was made.

We fasten two guide plates to the stop with bolts. Since the press will be used for processing different materials and for different purposes, this stop must be removable. To do this, we make a pair of through holes in a block of strips.

Installing a jack. To mount it, we pull back the shifting stop and insert the jack between it and the platform in such a way that when the rod tip is pushed in, it is inside the latch. We fix the base of the jack on a movable stop by welding or bolts. The pressing equipment is ready!

In conclusion, we note that it is not difficult to make a press from a conventional jack. For this purpose, ordinary improvised materials are suitable, and diagrams and drawings can always be found on the Internet. With a little effort, you will get a useful mechanism that will always come in handy on the farm.

Photo press from the jack



The hydraulic press is used to obtain high pressure. It is used in many body shops to press various shafts, bearings and gears. Home craftsmen use it to stamp parts made of plastic, rubber or metals. If your workshop does not have it yet, then you can try to make a press with your own hands.

Read in the article

Purpose and functions of the press: areas of application of the device

The press has a wide range of applications. Sometimes this is a necessary item in the workshop or in the garage. A small device is often used in car repairs. You can use a press for silent blocks, as well as for pressing out bearings.

Such equipment is used to create briquettes from waste, when gluing two surfaces, as well as for bending metal parts. At the same time, factory devices can be unaffordable for many. If you decide to make such a device with your own hands, then it can be easily adapted to certain tasks.

The principle of hydraulics makes life much easier. Thanks to a simple mechanism, various equipment works effectively.

So, let's take a closer look at why such a device is needed:

  • pressing out different bearings, it is used in small auto repair shops;
  • bending hardware of various shapes;
  • providing pressure to bond the two elements;
  • rivet installation.

Try to make a press with your own hands in. Such a device is used for pressing and pressing all kinds of parts. At the same time, the equipment performs a huge range of repairs, maintenance and preventive maintenance.

Let's look at some options:

  • even a small car service needs hydraulic press, which you can buy or make on your own. To make such a unit, you need to decide on the installation of a pressure gauge, the mass, dimensions and performance of the piston. Before developing a press, you need to consider car models. A simple design is not suitable for large machines;

  • often needed for workshop and home waste paper press. If there is a large accumulation of paper, it must be disposed of. This design has an average power rating and can be powered by the mains. With the help of a small device, you can remove a significant amount of waste paper;

  • useful and cardboard press, with which you can press plastic bottles and cans. When installing the device yourself, you need to take into account the parameters of the piston, bed, equipment dimensions and weight. Such a device uses ready-made or manual hydraulic;

  • sawdust press used to create briquettes. The resulting briquettes are used for heating private houses. Such a device consists of a power frame, a base and a drive. A jack is often used for a manual mechanism, and an electric motor is suitable for a mechanical structure;

  • homemade hay baler is a special box that is installed on a frame structure made of. Such frames can be made from a metal profile. The design is made in the form of a box, but without the upper part. You will need some materials to make your own hay press. Dimensional drawings will make the task easier. It is worth using corners, metal slats and.

To make a hay machine, you need to connect the boards using metal corners. After that, the box is upholstered with slats. This will give strength to the product. Then you need to go to the gate or door, which is fixed on the hinges.

For assembly, you will need an element for attaching to the front, a base for mounting all the nodes, a running part and a transport pick-up. You will also need a special camera with a gearbox and hay. The roll-type pick-up device is used to carry out one cycle of packing and collecting straw or hay.

At the same time, a selection of dried hay is made in the field, as well as pressing the selections. Then rolls are formed from the canvases. Such a process is distinguished by baling without deforming the vegetation. Factory pick-ups have a rather complicated device, which is rarely done at home.

Waste paper units are used in points that are engaged in the acceptance of various secondary raw materials. Such a unit is characterized by an increased pressure of about 15-50 tons, which helps to make small bales. For their loading, you can use any manipulators. Presses for fuel briquettes also have great power.

Such a structure can be made of two types:

  • the mechanical version is a simplified design with low power. In this case, the force can reach one ton;
  • more powerful ones include a home-made hydraulic apparatus, the power of which can be up to 4 tons.

Similarly, the production of a press for plastic bottles occurs.

Press design: features of existing devices

To create a significant effort on a certain area, the design of a hydraulic press is used; you can buy such a unit in specialized stores. Such a device is an effective and simple device.

If you decide to make such a design according to the drawings, then you need to figure out what it consists of:

  • the bottom or base is necessary for the stability of the structure. It looks like a platform and is made from massive rolled metal. For this, corners made of metal and channel are suitable;
  • racks are vertical parts of the structure. The height of the elements is calculated as the sum of the length of its rod, the height of the jack and the thickness of the fixed stop. Racks are made of steel corners welded to the base;
  • the fixed stop is fixed in the upper part of the uprights. To make it, the same corner is used as for the racks;
  • the jack allows you to develop the necessary effort. This element is attached to the movable stop. It is driven by an electric drive or manual control;
  • the movable stop exerts the main pressure on the mechanism. It can be made from corners or strips of steel;
  • the return device is used to move the movable stop to its normal position. In this case, springs are used, the degree and length of stretching, which is calculated depending on the parameters of the press.

How to make a simple design can be seen in the video below:

vacuum press

When making a vacuum press with your own hands, it should be borne in mind that the device consists of a thermal module, a table and a vacuum chamber. In this case, the last element often has the shape of a rectangle and is made of a rigid material.

This design has some features:

  • the device has only manual control;
  • available materials are used for work;
  • the speed of work should not be inferior to factory counterparts.

The vacuum design is assembled from the following parts:

  • the bed is made of a rail for a thermal module and a profiled pipe. For work, you will need an electric drill;
  • a vacuum table is made from a clamping frame, clamps and a bath;
  • a water ring pump is also needed.

By analogy, a thermal vacuum press is also produced.

Press picker

An apparatus such as a baler is installed as a trailer for. It is used in small farm fields and large agricultural areas. After the green mass is cut off by the mower, this device is engaged in its processing. At the same time, rollers are formed from the stems, and after that, using the unit, pressed bales are obtained.

Here are the advantages of using such a unit:

  • drying time is reduced, and hay losses are reduced;
  • labor costs are reduced several times;
  • improves the quality of hay during storage;
  • independent adjustment of the hinged device is possible.

The most common option is the roll mechanism. Spring teeth allow you to collect a lot of grass. After that, each portion is rolled into bales. A minitractor with the help of such a press can load up to 20 tons of straw in 20 days. Roll structures have small dimensions.

The roll press type makes briquettes in the shape of a rectangle. The grass in the windrows is picked up by the tines and sent to the pressing chamber. Dimensions can be adjusted by technology. The bales are tightly packed and tied with twine. After that, the block is thrown onto the field.

You can also make a homemade version of the running beam and lumber. In this case, a large box is made of boards and a horizontal method is used to load hay. A rack or screw jack is used as a press. With the help of such a device, you can knit straw bales and press them.

Tabletop mechanical press

The desktop press can work both on automatic, and on manual draft. Such equipment is often made of durable steel.

By means of a manual press are processed:

  • polymers and plastics;
  • cardboard and foam rubber;
  • all kinds of metals;
  • rubber and leather.

With the help of a mechanical press, bearings and bushings are pressed out, stamped, as well as die-cutting of small products. Such a unit allows you to save time on the manufacture of parts.

The device of the hydraulic manual device produces force with the help of a hydraulic cylinder rod. This element contains a liquid that is compressed under pressure. The unit is used to compress, deform and connect parts.

The punching option is used for punching holes in sheets of different materials. Manual mechanical devices are necessary for crimping tubular sleeves and cables.


Vibropress allows you to reduce the time of construction work, as well as reduce their cost. The device device assumes the presence of three drives: hydraulic, mechanical and pneumatic. The vibpressing technology is at the heart of the unit operation.

Even if you have instructions and the necessary drawings, creating a vibropress with your own hands may not work. This can happen due to incorrect calculations, inaccurate setup and low productivity.

Press with electric drive

The hydraulic press with electric drive has a simple device. Most often it consists of a thick corner and a channel. All elements are connected with thick bolts.

Particular attention should be paid to the frame, as it will be subjected to significant mechanical stress. In this case, the thickness of the metal must be sufficient.

Such a device is often used in production and industry. The force is generated by the operation of an electric motor. The use of such a mechanism helps to reduce the time of many technological processes.

Garage hydraulic press device: main characteristics

How to make a hydraulic press sometimes you need to know to make such a unit for your garage. At the same time, practical designs can be made from improvised raw materials. The garage unit will require a manual drive, as well as hydraulic. It is necessary to decide on the type of installation: it will be desktop or floor. A drawing with dimensions will also come in handy.

For the production of a hydraulic press, it is important to decide on the model variant. Here they can be:

  • complex hydraulic design requires specialized equipment and time to work;
  • manual mechanism can be done independently;
  • The standard tire changer design is two speed and has a hand pump. The piston is mobile;
  • the floor model is equipped with an overload valve and a manual pump drive.

For self-production, you will need a cutting tool and. The advantage of the garage assembly will be the ability to control each stage of installation work.

It is important to determine the type of construction. Horizontal devices are used for bending, straightening and cutting individual elements. And vertical equipment is required for pressing out and pressing parts. The hydraulic plant is used for waste disposal. At the same time, waste paper, plastic waste and corrugated cardboard are pressed.

Also, devices can be desktop or floor. In this case, the desktop mechanism can be installed on a workbench. The presses differ in carrying capacity.

Floor structures have a wide range of desktop adjustment. This option can have a load capacity of up to 20 tons. With their help, disassembly and assembly of nodes is carried out.

There are special safety rules for working on such equipment:

  • for work, you should work in clothes without parts that can get under the press. It is important to protect the hair from such a hit;
  • special glasses are used for the eyes;
  • in the working area there should be no children and strangers;
  • parts are placed in the center of the press;
  • only high quality oils are used for jacks.

An important drive is a manually operated hydraulic pump. He is able to perform reciprocating movements in the working part. Hydraulic cylinders can be plunger and piston. This largely depends on the quality of the liquid used.

To make a simple assembly for the garage, you need a bottle jack. For a small workshop, you can choose a mechanism that can create a force of up to 10 tons. This will reduce the size of the device. You will also need a welding unit, and discs for cutting metal.

Before assembly, it is important to choose only a good jack and make a solid base for it. Such a press consists of a hydraulic pump, a pressure gauge, a frame with a bed and a hydraulic cylinder. In some designs, the cylinder and pump may be replaced by a jack.

The hand press has the following advantages:

  • simplicity of the device;
  • lack of safety mechanisms;
  • the location of the desktop does not affect the working force of the structure;
  • there is a possibility of adjustment of length and height of the working course.

The disadvantages include the insignificant speed of the working surface.

How to make a device for the garage can be seen in the video:

Do-it-yourself hydraulic press drawing options

An important part of any press is the frame. To make a manual hydraulic press with your own hands, the drawings must be chosen very responsibly. The bed consists of a frame, inside of which there is a jack with a tool.

The hydraulic press frame must have increased strength, as it will experience loads in two directions at once.

The lower part of the frame is designed to ensure the stability of the entire structure. To calculate the internal opening of the frame, parameters such as the thickness of the operating mechanism and the free play of the stem are summarized.

To increase the height of the workpiece, it is necessary to ensure the adjustment of the free rod of the jack. Here is what you can do for this:

  • in the upper part of the frame contour, another plate is installed, which can move along the guides;
  • a removable emphasis is made for a mobile platform;
  • from a solid piece of metal, you can make several gasket inserts.

If the correct drawing is used, the hydraulic press will turn out to be of high quality and durable.

Do-it-yourself hydraulic press: how to make

Figuring out how to make a press with your own hands is not difficult. To do this, you need a welding unit, an angle grinder, and a steel profile. A jack is required for the manufacture of a hydraulic device. The shape of such a mechanism should be bottle.

When making a homemade hydraulic press, you will need a jack weighing from 2 to 100 tons. Depending on the purpose, the press can be both floor and desktop. The last option is more compact.

To make a hydraulic press with your own hands, you will need a grinder, a welding machine and a metal drill, as well as drills of different diameters. All kinds of channels, corners and pipes made of metal are used as the starting material. Any hydraulic press consists of movable and fixed elements. The movable ones include return mechanisms and a movable stop, and the fixed ones include racks, stops and a base.

The base of a hydraulic press for a garage can be made from any materials at hand. In order for the structure to be stable, it is necessary to place the center of gravity as low as possible. For a floor device, the base is made of thick-walled corners and channels.

In the manufacture of desktop equipment, you can use a pipe with thick walls and a square section. Iron can be used if the thickness of the metal is about 10 mm. For the base you will need a high-quality emphasis and racks. Such elements are made from improvised materials.


The scope of hydraulic presses is quite wide: they can be used in auto repair shops for pressing in, pressing out bearings, gears, shafts, etc. They are also used for stamping metal parts, pressing wood shavings, plastic, rubber. Finished machines cost from 100 thousand rubles. In this article, the author describes a fairly budgetary, and at the same time high-quality project of a hydraulic press capable of producing a maximum force of 35 tons per 50 square centimeters.

Creating a machine will require access to the following equipment:
- Lathe;
- Drilling machine;
- Welding machine.

You will also need tools such as a grinder, a drill.

The materials needed to create will be listed in the article itself.

In the process of creating a machine frame, it is important to pay great attention to its strength, since it will be subjected to enormous mechanical stress. The thickness of the metal here must be sufficient to withstand the forces given by the hydraulic cylinder and not bend. The author of the article used a 14 T-beam as a basis. A “P” shaped bed is boiled out of it, at the bottom of thinner channels and corners a base is made on which it will stand.

Approximately in the middle, a working platform is boiled out of two thick channels:

Initially, the author used another hydraulic cylinder mount, but it was torn out of the bed, so it was decided to dismantle and make a new one. If earlier the cylinder was simply welded to the beam, now it was decided to put it through the flange on a 20 mm plate. The plate itself will be located on two T-beams.

In order to fit the cylinder into the flange, the cylinder is machined on a lathe.

Here is the output:

The flange is made from a car hub, machined on the same machine:

Next, a metal plate, 20 mm thick, went into action. In order to machine a hole in it for the cylinder, it must somehow be fixed in the machine. To do this, a round boss is welded to the center of the plate. For it, the plate is attached to the machine.

Next comes the welding. The plate is welded to the beams:

The flange is put on the cylinder, and scalded in a circle:

In order for the cylinder to sit evenly, the adjacent surface of the flange is machined on a lathe:

The plate with beams welded to it is installed in its place and welded:

Further, holes are drilled along the reciprocal holes of the hub in the plate, through which the fixing bolts will pass.

In order for the cylinder to be attached not only at one point, another flange is machined, put on the top of the cylinder and welded to the beams.