Houses with a garage from Alfaplan are profitable and convenient. The best projects of houses with a garage under one roof (50 photos) of various accommodation options A detailed project of a house with a garage and a wardrobe

Houses with a garage from Alfaplan are profitable and convenient.  The best projects of houses with a garage under one roof (50 photos) of various accommodation options A detailed project of a house with a garage and a wardrobe
Houses with a garage from Alfaplan are profitable and convenient. The best projects of houses with a garage under one roof (50 photos) of various accommodation options A detailed project of a house with a garage and a wardrobe

Each owner of a country house knows how important it is to have not only a car, but also a territory specially equipped for it, where you can create comfortable conditions for storing and servicing the car. Today, there are several options for placing a garage on the site. The article will consider projects of houses with a garage under one roof: the advantages and disadvantages of such a solution, as well as the features of planning and construction.

Projects of one-story houses with a garage under one roof: advantages and disadvantages

Ventilation device in the cellar and basement of the garage. Metal garage ventilation.

What requirements should the project of a house with a garage for 2 cars meet?

In order for the use of garages in subsequent years to be comfortable, even at the planning and construction stage it is necessary to adhere to certain standards, among which the main ones are:

  • the area allocated for one car should not be less than 18 m². This is necessary first of all so that almost any car can be put in the garage. After all, even if today the dimensions of your car are very modest, in a few years everything can change, and this must be taken into account;

With garage for 2 cars

  • the standards provide for the presence of free space as follows: on the right and left of 70 cm, and at least 70 cm more margin for the front and rear of the car;
  • the gate to the garage should be such that the exit does not present any difficulties. Usually the standard dimensions are 2.5x2 m in width and height, respectively. The garage height standards in a private house also provide that the ceiling of the car box must be at least 2.2 m.

Helpful advice! Since the car is made of metal, it is easy to corrode if stored in inappropriate conditions. Therefore, it is desirable to provide high-quality heating and ventilation systems.

Styles and materials for building a house with a garage under one roof: photo examples

When viewing photos of garages in private houses, it should be noted that often this part of the building looks inorganic with its environment. Often the garage looks unnatural against the backdrop of an exquisite house, spoiling the perception of the whole picture with its appearance.

Consider what materials can be used for construction, as well as which design styles are most suitable for construction.

  1. Russian estate or, more simply, a house made of timber, with or without a garage. As a rule, such buildings made of wood are popular outside the city and are rarely built within the boundaries of large settlements. Looking through the projects of houses from a bar with a garage, you can see that such a familiar material as wood can be used to implement very unusual, but rather practical ideas.
  2. The house in the English style is distinguished by its simplicity and at the same time sophistication. Simple lines and geometric shapes can be complemented by columns or stucco that sets the house apart from the rest. A wide variety of materials can be used for construction. Including can be found with a garage.
  3. Empire style is the most solemn style, in which every feature of the building should create a festive mood. Far from the easiest solution when it comes to the need to arrange a garage attached to the house. The photos, however, perfectly demonstrate how spectacular the result can be if you approach this issue with due attention.

Helpful advice! Among non-standard ideas, you can consider the project of a one-story house with an attic and a garage. The implementation of such an idea will create additional living space even if the garage and upper rooms have to be attached to an existing house.

The best materials for the implementation of house projects with a garage: photo examples

As for the choice of the most suitable building material, it is worth carefully weighing all the advantages and disadvantages of each option. Briefly consider the most popular:

  • wooden houses "breathe" best of all and are highly environmentally friendly. As for the main claims - combustibility and tendency to rot, modern processing compounds have long solved these problems. So the only significant drawback of such a solution is the high cost of the material;
  • foam concrete or aerated concrete blocks - materials with excellent thermal insulation characteristics. Among other advantages, it is worth noting excellent soundproofing properties, incombustibility and a rather high strength index. However, do not forget about the disadvantages, for example, in the case of using a cement-sand mortar for masonry, the presence of cold bridges is ensured, and special glue will cost several times more;

  • Brick remains the undisputed leader for many years. The features of this material include a large weight, which is the reason for the need to lay a reliable foundation. In addition, the cost of a brick cannot be called low, which, nevertheless, is fully justified by its strength, thermal insulation properties, and long service life.

Projects of houses with a garage and a bathhouse under one roof: combination features

Despite the fact that the implementation of the plan for a one-story house with a garage is not an easy task in itself, many owners do not stop there, additionally creating other buildings - a gazebo, a sauna, a veranda, etc. Often provided for in projects of one-story houses with a garage and a terrace with a bath, which by themselves would take up too much free space on the site.

Country can be designed with maximum convenience, for example, with a built-in bathhouse and a garage

Such a solution has its own difficulties, but at the same time it retains the advantages that are in the case of any combination - saving time, effort, building materials. In addition, there is no need to overcome a serious distance from one object to another.

You can also consider an interesting option for a more rational use of available resources. For example, you can heat the garage from the stove, which is located in the bath. Sometimes this option is also used for partial heating of the house. However, in this case, it is important to design this moment so that the heat from the furnace does not disappear, but can be used.

With a garage and a sauna under one roof

Important! This method of heating is best used as an additional one. Moreover, this method is not very effective when it comes to rooms whose area exceeds 100 m².

Looking through photos of one-story houses with a garage, as well as more complex buildings that provide an attic or a bath, one cannot fail to notice that such a solution is not only an opportunity to save money. For many, this is an opportunity to design the most comfortable house in operation, which allows you to conveniently store and maintain the cars in the family.

A one-story house with a garage has long been an integral part of country life. The main thing for the developer is to decide which projects of one-story cottages should be chosen: with a built-in garage or a separate one. The choice of the project is largely influenced by the size of the plot for construction and its individual characteristics. Properly designed and implemented residential buildings with a built-in garage are more convenient and comfortable, but they take up more space on the site. This is especially true of one-story houses, the garage to which is attached to the side. Such houses require wide plots. If the developer's land allotment is just shallow and wide, then a private house with a garage, on the contrary, will be the best solution and will save space on the site.

Plans for projects of one-story houses with a garage: advantages

Among developers, projects of one-story houses with a garage are quite popular, as they are characterized by such positive aspects as:

  • Saving. Choosing a one-story house with an attached garage, you can save on one wall and the foundation under it. If the layout of one-story houses with a garage completely built into the body of the house is chosen, then in addition to the walls, you can also save on the roof. At the same time, more budget materials can be used to build the walls of the garage. Laying a plumbing, heating and sewerage system in such a garage will also be cheaper than in a separate room.
  • Comfort. One-story houses with a garage provide a faster and more comfortable transfer of overall items to the house.

In 2016, our catalog was replenished with new projects of one-story houses with a garage (photos, drawings, diagrams, videos, sketches are placed on the website in this section), which can be bought at average market prices. If the client failed to choose a suitable option for turnkey implementation from ready-made cottage projects, then specialists can develop a plan for a one-story house with a garage. If necessary, there may simply be a typical layout of projects for one-story houses with a garage. Also, for an additional cost, specialists will create original one-story houses with a garage.

Plans for one-story houses with a garage: key points in construction

If a one-story house with a garage is chosen for construction, then the following points must be taken into account:

  • If there is no garage in the architectural project chosen by the client, then you should not attach it yourself. It seems simple enough at first glance. The project of a one-story house with a garage provides for a number of mandatory design requirements, failure to comply with which will lead to serious consequences.
  • Before designing a garage in a basement or basement, it is necessary to analyze the cost estimate for its implementation. The price of a one-story house with a garage in the basement will be much higher due to the greater amount of foundation and land work. A basement garage is convenient only if an access road with a slope of no more than 12 ° is provided to it.

Photos of one-story houses with a garage can be viewed in this section. We wish you to find a good project that meets your requirements!

The planning of any house begins with the choice of its location. It is best to place the house so that it gets as much light as possible. Elevations are ideal for this. Since we will talk about a house with a garage, you should take care of a convenient entrance. Let's take a closer look at all the subtleties of the layout.

Two-story house: advantages and disadvantages

A two-story house is well placed on a small plot

Main advantages of two-story houses:

  • attractive appearance;
  • land area savings for construction;
  • the possibility of building a balcony;
  • savings on foundation construction due to the smaller area;
  • the possibility of dividing the space into separate zones.

To the disadvantages of a two-story house include the following factors:

  • the need for design and construction of stairs;
  • careful calculation and design of ventilation systems;
  • significant expenses for the installation of plumbing and heating systems.

How to plan the first floor

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Usually, on the ground floor of a two-story house there is a public area, that is, common areas. Also here you can arrange rooms for elderly family members to save them from the difficult climb up the stairs. Follow the link to see what they are. How to build a terrace with your own hands, you can watch the video.

Classic rooms for the first floor:

  • kitchen;
  • dining room;
  • living room;
  • hallway;
  • pantry;
  • bathroom;
  • guest rooms.

By placing these rooms on the ground floor, you will provide free access to them for both owners and guests of the house.


Living space in the garage will make a stylish and fashionable room

When planning, the garage is located under the same roof with the house, or attached to it. As a rule, it has two entrances: from the house and through the central gate.

When planning the position of the garage, you need to pay special attention to a convenient exit, both in summer and in winter.


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With a classic layout, the second floor is a family recreation area. The following rooms are located on the second floor:

  • bedrooms;
  • children's rooms;
  • bathroom in the adult bedroom;
  • shared bathroom with bathtub;
  • study;
  • wardrobe.

House on two floors

Do not place children's rooms and bedrooms above the garage. Since exhaust gases and gasoline vapors are harmful to the human body.

To prevent these substances from entering the living quarters, it is necessary to equip the garage with powerful forced-type ventilation.

Avoid large corridors on the second floor. It is enough to plan a small space in front of the stairs, into which all the doors of the located rooms will go.

What to consider when planning

Designing a two-story house with a garage inside, certain rules must be taken into account.:

  1. Conducting communications. Heating and plumbing systems. When planning heating, it is necessary to take into account the costs of it;
  2. The garage must have a good ventilation system. so that exhaust gases and unpleasant odors do not enter the room located above the garage;
  3. It is worth taking care of high-quality sound insulation;
  4. The garage room is not heated to the same extent as a residential one, therefore floor insulation needs to be considered in the room above the garage;
  5. If it is planned to place a winter garden above the garage, it is worth carrying out work on wall insulation;
  6. Conducting electricity and placing lighting fixtures inside the house and in the garage;
  7. Planning the cost of construction and decoration, always throw 20 percent on unexpected expenses.

Above the garage you can arrange a winter garden. However, it should be borne in mind that this room requires a large amount of energy. Therefore, it would be advisable to make floor heating. Finish the walls of the room with good thermal insulation materials. This will significantly reduce heating costs.

Particularly important is the placement of a winter garden above the garage, if it is located on the south side of the house. The roof over the winter garden should be steep so that in winter snow does not accumulate on it, and in summer the sun does not heat the surface much.

Living room

A two-story house needs to be properly designed

A living room can also be located in the room above the garage. The main thing is that it should not be a nursery or a bedroom. In this room, you can equip a home theater, office, gym or creative workshop.

Your own home is an opportunity to independently equip housing, choose a layout and carry out the necessary communications. If the family has a car, when building a site, you should think about a parking space.
The ideal solution is a garage located inside the cottage.
On our website you can find projects of country houses with an internal parking space, including layouts and photos. A house with a garage under one roof is a practical solution for a modern suburban area. Built-in parking is suitable for both small one-story houses and more massive buildings. It makes boarding and disembarking more comfortable, creates a safe parking space on the site.

Advantages of house projects with a garage under one roof

Built-in parking space adds aesthetics to the house. With it, the building resembles American brick cottages located on the outskirts of Hollywood. But this is not the only advantage of cottage projects with a garage:
  • saving the effective area of ​​the site;
  • to get into the car, you do not need to go outside;
  • communications are simpler and without additional coordination;
  • the same materials are used in the construction as in the construction of the house;
  • even if the parking lot is not heated, it will receive heat from the main building.
An extension for a car, due to its size, requires changes to the interior of the house. This will allow the implementation of unique design projects and the purchase of unusual furniture for the property. The costs of creating ventilation and soundproofing are disproportionately small compared to the final benefits of parking inside the house. The architects of our company implement the most comfortable design project, where every square meter will be used wisely.

Attached garage - an integral part of the house

With an extension, the site looks more harmonious than with a separate parking space. A practical space is created where, in addition to the machine, a workplace can be placed: a workshop, a pantry, an utility unit, etc. A house with a garage under one roof suits Russian realities - less hassle with heating the room, cleaning snow from the roof, and supplying electricity. Often inside such a room there is an entrance to the basement, the boiler room. The extension mentally separates housing from technical premises.

Garages with a second floor - a great solution

Many owners think that built-in parking makes an awkward adjustment to the building's final shape - the extension block needs to be taller than the ground floor walls. As a result, when combining a parking lot with a building, you have to make a staircase to the living space. This opinion is especially widespread among the owners of suburban areas. In fact, the built-in garage block allows you to enrich the interior of the cottage: make high ceilings, place a unique non-residential space above the parking space.

Garage options

There are three options for placing a car in a building:
  1. Annex. The most popular and practical option. The parking space is located in a separate block, which is adjacent to the house. Noise isolation is provided by a thick load-bearing wall of the cottage, it is easier to carry out ventilation. Such an extension is heated worse.
  2. Inside the house. Difficult, but more comfortable option. In architectural terms, the garage does not stand out from the general surroundings of the building. The room is perfectly heated by adjoining residential blocks. In such a building it is more difficult to organize sound insulation and exhaust gases.
  3. House with underground garage. It is located below the level of the entrance to the cottage. Such a garage space will not affect the use of space inside the building and will look harmoniously against the backdrop of the building. For the entrance, it is necessary to additionally equip the descent.

Entrance to the garage

An important stage of construction is the creation of an entrance. The road to the parking space should be level, consistent with the architecture of the site, and combined with a small footpath to the porch. For an extension or project of a house with a garage, the design of the entrance is not difficult. Another thing is when the parking is in the basement. In this case, it is necessary to artificially create a slope for the car to enter. Here it is necessary to take into account the height of the family car and the depth of the garage space. We realize all types of entrances, including inscribing the road into the natural landscape.

Features of designing a house with a garage

An extension for a car is not quite an ordinary room. It requires compliance with certain building codes. For example, houses with a two-car garage and larger parking lots differ in building characteristics. Recently, houses with a garage and a bathhouse have become popular. Construction standards affect not only the height of the garage door, but also finer details. Let's take a closer look.


The parking lot is a fire hazardous area. To avoid unpleasant situations, it is necessary to properly equip the garage: place an automatic fire extinguishing device, get rid of the use of combustible building materials, organize ventilation. Our interior decorators will make your garage safe and protected from the elements.


If you decide to build a brick house with a garage, you need to build a foundation for the garage space along with the main building. This will eliminate the subsidence of the foundation, the rupture of the connecting seams. You can create an extension separately, but in this case the building will not last long.


Exhaust gases pose a serious danger to humans. When entering a room smoky from a car, after a few minutes you can lose consciousness without noticing the danger. To prevent this from happening, be sure to create ventilation in a private house with an internal parking lot. Our architects include in the initial design of the garage a ventilation system designed for any car. It will also help eliminate dampness, the spread of mold and make the room more comfortable in the summer heat.


When planning a house, it is necessary to take into account the number of cars that need to be placed in the garage. As a rule, within the framework of the characteristics of a standard cottage, projects of houses with a garage for 2 cars are created. If you plan to use an extension for parking 3-4 cars, in this case the dimensions of the garage compartment may differ. A convenient way out of the situation is the combination of a built-in parking space and parking in the basement. At the same time, two garage blocks will have common communications and are interconnected by an entrance.

Architectural designs of country cottages cannot be imagined without a garage in it. This section contains the best projects of Z500 guest houses. They are distinguished by comfortable layouts of guest houses, solutions that help to save money during the construction of a guest house, and further low maintenance costs of the house.

Although developers can not always decide which garage costs less - combined with the house or standing separately. But besides the issue of price, it is also necessary to take into account the individual needs of an individual developer. It is important to note that the layout of a house with a garage for 1 car provides homeowners with more comfort and benefits than house designs with a detached garage. But this condition is feasible only if competent design and professional calculation of structures were made. The design of house projects with a garage for 1 car is also best left to specialists.

Scheme of a house with a garage for 1 car. Why choose a house plan with a garage?

Projects of houses with a garage for 1 car, photos, drawings, sketches and videos of which can be viewed in this section, are attractive because:

  • A finished cottage with a garage for 1 car is very convenient when it becomes necessary to unload large items. In addition, the layout of houses with a garage for 1 car allows you to get rid of unpleasant dashes to the garage in adverse weather.
  • The construction of private houses with a garage saves money. The savings are due to the fact that, combining a garage with a house, there is no need to build one wall and a supporting foundation. When the garage is fully built into the house, you can save on the roof. At the same time, for laying the walls of the garage, you can buy simpler and cheaper building materials than for the main residential building. Significant savings can be made by projects of houses with a built-in or attached garage and on a single network of engineering systems.

Typical project plans for houses with a garage for 1 car: important points when building a private house

When building a house with a garage for 1 car, it is important for developers to consider the following aspects:

  • In the case when the developer liked the project of the house, which does not provide for a garage, it is highly not recommended to implement this idea with a garage on his own. After all, a project with a garage is quite complicated and necessarily meets the increased requirements of reliability, and also takes into account a lot of nuances and design solutions for combining a house with a garage. When creating a heating system in a house with a garage, designers take into account the heat loss of the building through the garage. To prevent gasoline combustion products from entering the house through the garage, a ventilation system must be designed. In order for the garage to look harmonious against the general background of the image of the house, you need a competent calculation of the dimensions of the garage, the right choice of the roof and its angle of inclination.
  • Before embarking on a project for a house with a garage for 1 car, it is recommended that the developer evaluate the funds required for it. Quite costly are the foundation and land works, the costs of which make up a third of the total estimate for the construction of the structure. The use of a garage can be better and more comfortable if you apply an additional snowmelt system on the driveway and make its slope optimal (within 12 °).
  • The developer needs to be prepared for the fact that the garage combined with the house occupies a large area, especially if the garage is attached to the side. To implement such a project, you need a good wide area. On a wide plot with a shallow depth, houses with garages look more compact.

The catalog of projects for houses with a garage for 1 car also includes new projects in 2018.

Projects of houses with a garage: the composition of the documentation

When buying a house project with 1 garage in our company, the client is provided with all project documentation, including 5 sections: engineering, which consists of 3 parts (power supply, water supply, heating and ventilation wiring), structural and architectural. This page contains one of the options for the project of such a house.

Engineering sections of project documentation are available for an additional fee.

An example of project documentation for a Z500 house

Each of our projects for a house with a garage for 1 car is protected by copyright, which ensures your legal safety when implementing a Z500 house project. The certificate presented below confirms that our company is the official representative of the international architectural bureau Z500 Ltd.

We wish you to find in our collection a house plan with a garage that meets your requirements!