Adam's head plant. Mandrake officinalis: description of properties, contraindications, photos. Medicinal properties of the root

Adam's head plant.  Mandrake officinalis: description of properties, contraindications, photos.  Medicinal properties of the root
Adam's head plant. Mandrake officinalis: description of properties, contraindications, photos. Medicinal properties of the root

There was a belief that if you bless the root of Adam's head, collected on the day of Ivan Kupala, with water, and put it on or under the altar in the church, and after forty days you take it for yourself, you can see evil spirits, in order, for example, to steal the invisibility cap from the devil, as they believed in the Vologda province. It was believed that if you give an infusion of this herb to a person to drink, it will “convict” “which person is corrupt and who spoils.”

It was also believed that Adam's head heals wounds, facilitates childbirth, strengthens mill dams and inspires courage. In the Perm province, it, together with Peter's cross, was sewn into an amulet, which was hung around the neck of a cow to protect against the plague. In the Nizhny Novgorod province, Adam's head and Peter's cross were sewn into a shirt at the seams or the cross was trimmed to protect themselves from illness. Hunters fumigated Adam's head, collected on the day of Midsummer and kept until Maundy Thursday, bullets and snares.

Adam's head in different regions described differently, accordingly it is identified as:

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Excerpt characterizing Adam's head (plant)

“Yes, that’s so,” Prince Vasily continued impatiently, rubbing his bald head and again angrily pulling the table pushed aside towards him, “but finally... finally the thing is, you yourself know that last winter the count wrote a will, according to which he has the entire estate , in addition to the direct heirs and us, he gave it to Pierre.
“You never know how many wills he wrote!” – the princess said calmly. “But he couldn’t bequeath to Pierre.” Pierre is illegal.
“Ma chere,” said Prince Vasily suddenly, pressing the table to himself, perking up and starting to speak quickly, “but what if the letter was written to the sovereign, and the count asks to adopt Pierre?” You see, according to the Count’s merits, his request will be respected...
The princess smiled, the way people smile who think they know the matter more than those they are talking to.
“I’ll tell you more,” continued Prince Vasily, grabbing her hand, “the letter was written, although not sent, and the sovereign knew about it.” The only question is whether it is destroyed or not. If not, then how soon will it all be over,” Prince Vasily sighed, making it clear that he meant by the words everything will end, “and the count’s papers will be opened, the will with the letter will be handed over to the sovereign, and his request will probably be respected. Pierre, as a legitimate son, will receive everything.
– What about our unit? - asked the princess, smiling ironically, as if anything but this could happen.
- Mais, ma pauvre Catiche, c "est clair, comme le jour. [But, my dear Catiche, it is clear as day.] He alone is then the rightful heir of everything, and you will not get any of this. You should know, my dear, were the will and the letter written, and were they destroyed? And if for some reason they were forgotten, then you should know where they are and find them, because...
- This was all that was missing! – the princess interrupted him, smiling sardonically and without changing the expression of her eyes. - I am a woman; according to you, we are all stupid; but I know so well that an illegitimate son cannot inherit... Un batard, [Illegitimate,] - she added, hoping with this translation to finally show the prince his groundlessness.
- Don’t you understand, finally, Katish! You are so smart: how do you not understand - if the count wrote a letter to the sovereign in which he asks him to recognize his son as legitimate, it means that Pierre will no longer be Pierre, but Count Bezukhoy, and then he will receive everything in his will? And if the will and the letter are not destroyed, then nothing will remain for you except the consolation that you were virtuous et tout ce qui s"en suit, [and everything that follows from here]. This is true.
– I know that the will has been written; but I also know that it is invalid, and you seem to consider me a complete fool, mon cousin,” said the princess with the expression with which women speak when they believe that they have said something witty and insulting.
“You are my dear Princess Katerina Semyonovna,” Prince Vasily spoke impatiently. “I came to you not to pick a fight with you, but to talk about your own interests as with my dear, good, kind, true relative.” I’m telling you for the tenth time that if a letter to the sovereign and a will in favor of Pierre are in the count’s papers, then you, my dear, and your sisters, are not the heir. If you don’t believe me, then trust people who know: I just spoke with Dmitry Onufriich (he was the house’s lawyer), he said the same thing.

This herb is also known under other names - cuckoo's tears, male root, sleeping potion, umbilical cord. But perhaps the most famous name The name "mandrake" is considered.

Adam's head has a very wide magical range of applications - for a successful hunt and calling the devil, for eliminating the enemy and protecting the home, improving the financial situation and, of course, for victories on the love front.

The interesting thing is that this herb has both male and female genders.
– The white Adam’s head is male, the black Adam’s head is female.

However, it should immediately be noted that carrying out all the rituals is a much less complicated process than digging up and storing roots, which in fact are the main component of all magical acts.

The magical part of Mandrake - Adam's head:

Ritual of digging up Adam's head:
In ancient herbal books there is a recommendation for obtaining this herb - “Tear it with the cross of the Lord and say “Our Father” and other three hundred prayers.” But this is far from full list necessary actions.
Theophrastus (orator, philosopher - 372-287 BC) wrote that two people need to dig up a mandrake. The first must draw three circles around the mandrake with a sword that has never been removed from its sheath before, and stand facing west, while his assistant must dance around the plant, whispering love speeches.
But this method apparently did not guarantee complete success, because over time more and more new objects necessary for the ritual appeared.
You can only dig up the plant at night, covering your ears with cotton wool or wax. Apparently this was due to the fact that those digging up the root noticed that the plant, as if sensing that it was going to be dug up, was trying to hide in the ground, and when it was pulled out, it uttered a terrible cry that could make you deaf or go crazy.
Prevented escape quite in an unusual way– they relieved themselves lightly on Adam’s head. Most likely, this is why further recommendations stipulated that the plant should not be touched with hands.
After such “watering,” Adam’s head was dug in a circular ditch so that the spilled liquid would not come into contact with the root. The root itself was wrapped in rope and attached to the collar of a black dog. Having moved away to a respectful distance, they threw meat to the dog. The animal ran to the bait and pulled out the root.
Legends say that at this moment all living things around died. In any case, the dog dies for sure. The dog's corpse must be buried in a place from which the root of Adam's head is pulled out.
Extracting the root by a human hand nullifies the entire power of Adam's head.

Storing Adam's Head Root
A process no less important, because if the root is stored incorrectly, it loses its potency. With the roots plucked, mandrakes perform monthly rituals according to the lunar cycle. The root is stored wrapped in a piece of red cloth (possibly white). Replacement of tissue occurs at every new moon. The root must be washed every week using red wine.

Love amulet
To make an amulet, you need a root of the opposite sex. However, the gender of Adam's head depends only on your personal preferences.
You need to bring the main part of the root home and carve on it with your knife the features of a doll, the gender of which is determined by your feelings. At the same time, be sure to repeat the words: “Keep this house!” Next, the root is planted either at the intersection of two roads or in a church garden. This increases the strength of the root! Having chosen a place, draw a circle around it in the direction of the sun. In the northern hemisphere, the direction corresponds to the clockwise movement, in the southern hemisphere it is the opposite. It is best to plant the root at midnight during the new moon.
After planting the root, it must be cared for for twenty-eight days, watered with a mixture of water and blood. One part blood to twelve water. The proportion is not accidental - the sum of the parts gives the number thirteen!
After twenty-eight days, the root is dug up, first outlined in a circle. As with landing, it is better to do this at night.
If all the recommendations are followed correctly, the “wounds” will heal at the root. The love amulet is almost ready!
Amulet care
Practically - because it must “ripen” for another three months before it is fully ready. During this entire time, the root must be washed daily and smoked with verbena smoke.

Home mascot
To make a talisman, you need to cut a human figurine from the root of Adam's head. Next, the figurine is dressed and stored away from human eyes. In the linen closet, secretary, safe. The choice of location is not limited or regulated in any way.
But during meals, the figurine opposite is brought out into the light of day. The dressed root is seated in a place of honor at the table. Moreover, the right to open the feast belongs to Adam’s head.
On Saturdays, the root man is bathed in wine, and a wardrobe change occurs on the first day of the lunar month.
The talisman reliably protects the house from all troubles.

Medical part of Mandrake - Adam's head:

Witch Doctors
In Rus', Adam's head was used to treat gastrointestinal diseases, muscle, joint and neuralgic pain, glandular induration, tumors and swelling.

Well-chopped Adam's head root is infused in alcohol (1:4 ratio) for two weeks, then filtered. Take 3-10 drops as a painkiller and sleeping pill for rheumatism, gout.

Nutria fat is mixed with tincture of Adam's head root (1:5). Used as an external pain reliever for rheumatism and gout.
The crushed fresh plant along with milk and honey is used in the form of dressings as a softening agent for glandular indurations, tumors and edema.

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Recently, while visiting an old lady I knew, I accidentally swept plastic flower pots from the window. Trying to quickly cover up the traces of the robbery, I could not help but pay attention to unusual plant, blooming with small blue flowers. More precisely, its roots were unusual, clearly repeating the human body. Out of overwhelming curiosity, I confessed to the hostess that I had done wrong and presented my find. The old lady smiled and told me many interesting things about this flower, which is famous precisely for its roots.

Adam's head, or mandrake- a legendary plant with amazing properties, used by people for thousands of years.

This beautiful plant with red and orange berries is surrounded by mystery. There are legends about him. It is popularly called Adam's head, half-human grass, humanoid plant, male root... It has been known since antiquity, amazing people for many centuries with its roots, which are surprisingly similar in shape to the human body.

He has always been credited with miraculous properties. They said that the mandrake grows in the very center of paradise. True, over the centuries everything has appeared more people, who believed that mandrake, on the contrary, is a product of hell. But no matter what anyone says, very, very for a long time The roots of the plant were used as a remedy supposedly to cure frigidity and impotence.

There was a belief that the mandrake, with its leaves of purple and blue color endowed with other incredible qualities. Homeopaths are convinced that appearance plants speaks of his undoubted healing power. The root, bearing an obvious divine sign, was used by them as a universal healing agent.

In a record discovered in one of the Egyptian papyri, mandrake is reported as a stimulant; A “love potion” was made from the fruits of the plant. Among the Assyrians, mandrake was used as an anesthetic and sleeping pill. The Greek healer Dioscorides used an extract from mandrake to euthanize soldiers of Nero's army during surgical operations.

The famous Hippocrates studied the effects of different dosage forms obtained from the plant. His conclusion: small doses have a slight stimulating effect, saving from melancholy (antidepressant), while increasing the dose has the opposite effect - calming, sedative.

They said that at the moment when the mandrake was pulled out of the ground, the plant uttered a terrifying scream. A man died from this scream. Therefore, the advice was given that in order to pull out a plant, you need to tie a hungry dog ​​to it, then throw a piece of meat at a distance from the animal; the dog will rush towards him, pull out the root and die...

These are the legends about the mandrake. But what in reality? Modern doctors have found that some plant varieties have healing properties- and not only the roots, but also large orange and yellow berries. Mandrake, which contains the alkaloids hyoscyamine and scopolamine, is used to make whole line painkillers. But Adam's head is still especially popular in folk medicine.

“...Speak, calculate what magical herbs there are? Speak up, sorcerer! - ... There are all kinds of herbs. There is thorn grass, which gathers on Peter's Fast. If you smoke an arrow with it, you won't miss. There is tirlich grass, growing on Lysaya Mountain near Kiev. Whoever wears it on himself will never be subject to royal wrath. There is also a weeping grass, if you cut a cross out of the root and hang it around your neck, everyone will be afraid of you like fire!.. There is also Adam’s head, a spike of swamps grows, allows childbirth and brings gifts. There is swamp cabbage roll; If you want to go after a bear, drink a brew of cabbage rolls, and no bear will touch you. There is rhubarb grass; when you start pulling it out of the ground, it groans and roars like a man, and if you put it on yourself, you will never drown in the water.
- Are there any others?
- How could it not be, father, there is also a kochedednik, or fern; whoever manages to pluck its flower will own all the treasures. There is Ivan da Marya; whoever knows how to take it on is on the first nag from best horse will get away.
- Do you know of such a herb to make a young girl fall in love with a hateful person? The miller hesitated.
- I don’t know, father, don’t be angry, darling, God knows, I don’t know!
- Do you know someone who can overcome your love?
- I don’t know anyone like that, father; but there is a tear-grass: when you touch it to a castle or an iron door, it will tear it into pieces!
- Get lost with your herbs! - Vyazemsky said angrily and fixed his gloomy gaze on the miller.”

A.K. Tolstoy. "Prince Silver"

Tales about good and evil plants came to us from hoary antiquity. There are so many legends, songs and stories about them! The good herbs were affectionately called ant grass, silk grass, and the evil ones were called dashing, fierce roots, demonic poisons. Healing plants were especially revered, with the help of which they cured various ailments and illnesses. Healers were considered special people, sorcerers who knew secrets inaccessible to ordinary residents and could communicate with “extraterrestrial beings.” Sorcerers-healers tightly kept their medical secrets; they passed on their knowledge from mouth to mouth only to trusted persons, initiating them into the secrets of communication with otherworldly forces, which allegedly helped them with herbal treatment.

Stories about nine magical herbs with which you can perform miracles have survived to this day. This is weeping grass blooming fern, gap-grass, tirlich, overcome-grass, Adam's head, orlikhin, cover and insensible wind.

Weeping grass has long been respected and feared in all villages. It was believed that this herb has amazing power: it leads to the humility of unclean spirits, drives out sorcerers and kikimoras, makes demons and devils cry. Sorcerers collect weeping grass on Midsummer's Day at dawn and only with their hands, without using any tools. It was important to find the root and flowers. The one who finds the grass must cast a spell: “Weeping, crying! You cried long and a lot, but you cried little, don’t roll your tears across the open field, don’t carry your howl across the blue sea. Be terrible.” evil demons, old witches. If they don’t give you submission, drown them in tears, but if they run away from your disgrace, lock them in the pits of hell. Be my word strong and firm. Age of centuries!

Modern name of weeping grass loosestrife. It grows along the banks of rivers and lakes and has no special medicinal properties. But in popular belief, weeping grass is the mother of all herbs. Healers made powders and tinctures from it, which helped against many diseases. They even took grass for melancholy and depression, saying modern language. And it did help! An old herbalist says: “Weeping grass is good, keep it clean, give it to the cattle that are spinning or the guys who are not sleeping, put it in their heads, and cut out a cross from it and carry very good stuff with you.”

Fern or Perunov fireflower perhaps the most famous plant, shrouded in secrets and legends. In Rus' they have always collected medicinal plants on the day of Agrafena-bathing bath (July 6, new style), when it is established hot weather. Fortune tellers called this day “Agrofen - evil roots”, since potent drugs were made from these roots, from which patients often died. Healers revered this day also because behind it stood the holiday of Ivan Kupala - the time for collecting magical herbs. Midsummer's Night is special, only at midnight the most incredible miracles. At this time, sorcerers and sorcerers collected many different wonderful herbs. But the most important miracle is the flowering of the fern or Perunov's fireflower.

It happens like this. First, a holy light rises between the leaves. It moves, jumps and even chirps. At midnight, the fern bud opens with a bang and appears fire flower, which illuminates everything around. At the same time, thunder is heard and the earth trembles.

Anyone who is lucky enough to find and pick a flower must run home without looking back, despite the fact that he is being pursued by devils and demons howling and howling. If you turn around, you will disappear. The demons will overtake you, drag you into the swamp and drown you there. The one who overcame all the adversity and safely brought the flower home will begin to possess all the secrets and enchantments. Fern, by popular belief, is very useful for those who want to be smart, rich and successful. The owner of the flower can use it to quickly find treasures, become invisible, and have power over devils and brownies. belief miraculous power fern is still alive, especially in rural areas.

Rip-grass According to legend, it is extremely rare. Thieves and treasure hunters have always dreamed of it, because it has the ability to tear apart the locks and bars of prisons, and rip off any locks. They called it both the jumper and the grass jumper, just as the flower seemed to jump and jump on Midsummer night.

They said that in the old days, robbers buried their treasures underground and locked them on huge iron locks, and the keys were thrown into the rivers. Even the one who found such a treasure could not open it, since the treasure was guarded by devilry, which did not allow me to cope with iron constipation. And only the owner of the gap-grass can unlock the enchanted treasures.

It is believed that common balsam was called rip-grass, but this is not entirely correct, since not every balsam that grows in nature will be that same rip-grass.

Finding the grass gap is difficult, but you can do it by accident. If you mow the grass on Midsummer night and the scythe breaks, it means you have come across a gap in the grass. But there is another way to find grass. To do this, they look for a turtle's nest and wait for the turtle to leave the nest and crawl to the side. Immediately, without delay, the nest is fenced off with iron nails, driving them into the ground so that the turtle cannot enter its home. Then you have to hide and wait. When the turtle returns and sees that the nest is closed, then it leaves for a while and then returns back. You can see pieces of grass in her mouth. The turtle approaches iron fence, touches it with grass, and a miracle happens. All the iron nails break and fly away. Thus, the passage becomes free. Now you need to take the grass from the turtle and quickly run away from this place. And then everyone uses the gap-grass at their own discretion, and the properties of the grass are valid only for one season. Next year we need to find fresh grass again.

The night spirits gave birth to the miraculous tear-herb. Its power destroys the strongest iron. Touching it to the sword will break it into pieces. She hides from human eyes in the depths of impenetrable forests: she is forever guarded by two snakes, which alternate for day and night.
N.I. Lazhechnikov "Basurman"

The ancient Slavs had a myth associated with the gap-grass. According to him, a young warrior, who had fallen behind his army, was walking tired along the edge of the forest. It was autumn outside. Suddenly the young man’s attention was attracted by the hissing of many snakes, which were crawling towards the mountain, took a blade of grass on their tongue, touched the rock with it - it opened, and crawled inside. Then the surprised warrior also plucked this blade of grass. He felt a sharp pain in his finger, but endured it and touched the stone. The rock parted, and the young man found himself inside the cave. There was gold and silver everywhere, and jewelry sparkled. In the very center of the cave stood a golden throne on which sat huge snake. Around her, curled up in balls, snakes slept soundly. Then the young man began to walk around the cave, putting aside his sword, bow and shield, touching gold bars, pouring coins and gems, completely forgetting about time. Suddenly he heard that the snakes woke up and spoke. They asked each other: “Isn’t it time for us?” Then the main snake said: "Now it's time!"- she slid off the throne, and everyone crawled out of the cave. The warrior, afraid that he would remain here forever, rushed after them. Having barely had time to jump out, he was taken aback by surprise - it was spring at the edge of the forest. The young man realized that he had spent the entire winter inside the cave and began to scold himself for not taking any coins, gold, or stones with him, and even leaving his weapons there. Frustrated, he wandered along the edge of the forest and suddenly saw a crowd of horsemen galloping towards him, raising their swords over the young man’s head. He could only put his hands forward, and suddenly a flame burst out of his finger, which struck the enemy. The rider fell to the ground without breathing. The rest, seeing this outcome of events, got scared, turned their horses and rushed away.

The young warrior guessed that he had struck the enemy with precisely the finger with which he had cut himself on a blade of grass. It was then that the young man realized that he had taken away the most important treasure, which made him invincible.

Overcome-grass enjoyed respect and veneration among the people. She has the gift of protecting people on the road from various troubles and satanic slander. They carried it with them as an amulet. Before going on the road they always said: “I’m riding in an open field, and in an open field the overpowering grass grows. Overcome the grass! I didn’t water you, I didn’t give birth to you, mother earth gave birth to you, simple-haired girls watered you, women rolled cigarettes. Overcome you evil people, they wouldn’t think evil of us, they wouldn’t think bad. Drive away the sorcerer, the sneaker. Conquer me high mountains, low valleys, blue lakes, steep banks, dark forests. I will hide you, overpowering grass, near a zealous heart, all the way and all the way.”

Overcoming grass is a water lily, a water lily. It also had another name - mermaid flower.

Healers used this plant as a remedy for toothache and to calm the nerves. It was believed that if you give the root of the herb to your enemy, then he will not be able to do anything against you. And if a shepherd chews such a root, then his flock will never get lost and will find the shepherd itself in the event of his disappearance or absence. Young guys in the village, when they went on a date with a girl, always took with them the overpowering herb, which imparted enormous masculine strength and the ability to charm their beloved.

“The king of all herbs” - this is how the plant called Adam's head or mandrake, as it was called in Western Europe. They said that “Whoever wants to see a heretic or a devil, take the mandrake root, consecrate it and put it on the throne in the temple. After forty days, take it and carry it with you - you will recognize the water and air demons. And when someone is wounded, apply it to the wound, and immediately everything will heal.” .

In Rus', mainly hunters believed in the magical effect of Adam's head. Before going into the forest to hunt, hunting equipment was supposed to be fumigated with the leaves of the plant, and it acquired strength and luck. And on this day the hunting was always good, especially for wild ducks.
According to legends, you need to look for mandrake with extreme caution. It was necessary to turn your face to the west and outline the place where you were looking for the plant three times with a knife. Then tie Adam's head to the tail of a black dog and force it to pull out the root. At the same time, at the moment of pulling out, there was a sound terrible scream. If you try to pull out a plant yourself without a dog, then death is inevitable.

Tirlich or Witch's Potion- This is a herb that is considered demonic. On the eve of the holiday of Ivan Kupala, witches and sorceresses go to Bald Mountain to collect tirlich grass. Juice is squeezed out of the grass, which witches use to anoint their hands and feet. This helps when performing spells. Whoever rubs himself completely with grass becomes a werewolf and can turn into anyone. If a simple peasant finds this herb and does the same, he will be able to communicate with witches and ghouls. Knowing this, sorceresses try to protect those places where tirlich grows from ordinary people, in every possible way leading them astray.

Centaury, or tirlich

Grass Prikrysh gathered by magicians at the end of summer. It is used against wedding slander. When the bride is brought from the church to the house, then the healer places a cover under the threshold of the newlyweds’ house. The bride, having learned about this, must necessarily jump over the threshold when entering the house. If she accidentally steps on the grass, then all the malicious slander of the sorcerers will fall on the girl.

The cover grass was also called wolf-grass, omeg, blekot, tar, underripe, penny clear, sheep's runish, black potion, one-month-old. Scientifically, it is a woolly-mouthed fighter from the buttercup family.

About don't smell the grass They say that you only need to tear it with your mouth. Only then is the ability to stop the wind and catch fish without fishing rods and nets transmitted.

Unsensible grass, unsensible wind, or immortelle

Thistle, according to the peasants, drives away devils and all evil spirits in general. If you are being pursued by devils, then you need to stand among the thistles and throw cones of this grass at the demons. All sorcerers and demons will immediately disappear. And if you bend the thistle to the ground, while saying: “Drive the worms off my cattle - I’ll let them go,” the attack will disappear from the cattle.

Since time immemorial, it has been believed that if anyone wants to be safe on the road, he should stock up on wax in which thistles were boiled. In the Great Russian provinces, the old women-transitioners trade in wax, going all the way and paths from the Moscow River to the Jordan. To perform the ritual, thistle is first placed under the pillow for seven days and nights. No one should see or touch him. On the eighth night, the last of Christmastide, they bring thistles to the old woman-transitioner. She cooks it with special rituals, with wax and palm. The boiled wax is sewn into the palm.
Tales of the Russian people collected by Ivan Petrovich Sakharov

Nettle, according to popular legend, has the ability to determine whether the patient will live or die. To do this, you need to put nettles in the patient’s fresh urine and let it sit for a while. If, after a day, the nettle dries out, shrinks and loses color, the patient will die. When the nettle remains green and does not lose its freshness, then recovery will soon come. Nettle is also used for aches, rheumatism and colds.

love apples- through them you can get the love of the desired girl. To do this, you need to cut the apple in half, put a note in the middle with the name of your loved one and put it in the sun. As the apple dries, the girl you love will also suffer. When the apple is completely dry, the girl herself will run to her admirer.

Petunia- this is known garden plant. He was credited with the ability to protect a person from intoxication. If you are going to a party or an important meeting where you need to drink a lot, but at the same time keep a clear head, then only petunia will help. It is necessary to take two tablespoons of this herb powder an hour before drinking and wash it down with a spoon. olive oil. Now you can safely drink as much as you like and remain completely sober.

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Other plant names:

Adam's head, cuckoo boots, love apples, male root, umbilical cord, hollow, sleeping potion, creek grass, pine cone, devil's apples.

Brief description of mandrake officinalis:

Mandrake officinalis (Adam's head) - This perennial, related to belladonna. Mandrake is able to withstand long-term summer drought, leaving on the surface of the earth only a rosette of leaves that rise to great heights. Its root, which goes down to a depth of 2 m, is dark brown on the outside and white on the inside; it miraculously bifurcates, becoming like a human torso.

On each side of the “torso” there is one side root, reminiscent of arms. Mandrake is a stemless plant with large oval leaves collected in root rosette, with a diameter of up to 1.6 m. Mandrake officinalis flowers have purple and appear in the fall, while the wild flowers appear in the spring and have a light greenish tint. The fruits resemble small yellow apples and emit a sweet and delicate smell. It was the fruits of this plant that the Egyptians considered a means of arousing sensuality, and this knowledge, in turn, was passed on to them from the Arabs, who called these fruits “devil’s apples” because of the stimulating dreams they caused. Spring mandrake (Mandragora vernalis) is considered a male species and grows in more northern regions. The male mandrake also differs from the female, or medicinal, mandrake in having a thicker root - whitish in color both outside and inside; a more pronounced unpleasant, stupefying, stimulating odor that spreads from the leaves and flowers of the plant; finally, its fruits are much larger than those of the female mandrake. However, both plant species are equally hermaphrodite. The plant has a strong and unpleasant smell. Its berries glow at dawn due to the presence of phosphorus in them.

The signs by which it was necessary to look for a mandrake were known and described by Dioscorides. In the 18th century, Carl Linnaeus met her and named her healing mandrake. Other botanists later described two of its species - autumn and spring. Both species are very similar to belladonna. At the mandrake autumn flowers purple, the spring one is light green, and the leaves, unlike belladonna, are not on the stem, but grow from the base of the root.

But the mandrake disappeared, and there was a period when they could not find it. Unexpectedly, in 1902, the search led to success. On the shore Mediterranean Sea They discovered an almost ancient mandrake - its closest relative - Carniolian scopolia, then in the Himalayas they found light yellow scopolia. In China, back in 1872, Przhevalsky described Tangut scopolia.

Places of growth:

The medicinal mandrake species grows in Southern Europe and is especially abundant in Calabria and Sicily. With great difficulty we managed to find the magic mandrake. Two of its types - medicinal and autumn - grow in Southern Europe and the Middle East. They are very difficult to find because the above-ground part withers quickly. Mandrake also grows in Turkmenistan. In spring, clusters of edible, melon-smelling orange fruits ripen.

Preparation of mandrake:

The root of the plant is used for medicinal purposes. Paracelsus talked about a peculiar way of tearing a plant out of the ground. In his opinion, this can only be done in the evening, leaning towards the setting sun, turning your face away from the plant. They are collected on the day of Kupala and stored secretly until Maundy Thursday. It was believed that if you fumigate a gun with mandrake on this day, the hunt would be successful.

Chemical composition of mandrake officinalis:

Chemical research Mandrake roots were found to contain the alkaloids atropine, hyoscyamine and scopolamine and others, including mandrake, which is characteristic only of this plant.

Roots, fruits and seeds contain alkaloids: atropine, hyoscyamine, mandrake, scopolamine, etc.

All these active ingredients form the basis of the chemical composition of mandrake officinalis (Adam's head).

Pharmacological properties of mandrake officinalis:

The pharmacological properties of mandrake are determined by its chemical composition. Mandrake has analgesic, sedative, hypnotic, cholagonic, narcotic and such strong anesthetic properties that a person under its influence seems to be dead.

Probably mandrake excites sensuality; the visions, hallucinations and delusions it causes can lead to dementia, which was once noticed by Hippocrates. The Assyrians used it as a sleeping pill and pain reliever. Hippocrates specified that in small doses it is effective means from fear and depression. In larger quantities, it causes strange sensory impressions close to hallucinations. In even larger doses, mandrake has a sedative and hypnotic effect and, finally, causes deep sleep, accompanied by complete insensibility. Homer mentioned that epileptics were treated by inhaling mandrake vapor. In terms of pharmacological activity, extracts of mandrake roots are close to belladonna, henbane, and datura. The roots are used to prepare analgesics and antispasmodics for gastrointestinal diseases, as well as for muscle, joint and neuralgic pain.

Mandrake thins mucus.

Use of mandrake in medicine, treatment with mandrake:

Plants have been known since the time of Dioscorides. Ointments and drinks were made from the roots for special rituals, just as belladonna and henbane were used in the Middle Ages. In the Middle Ages, mandrake was used in syrups and other preparations taken against insomnia and various kinds pain. In order to quickly fall asleep, it was enough to hold a mandrake apple in your hand before going to bed. The rhizome peel and juice mixed with cognac were given to patients before surgery as anesthesia.

In the Middle Ages, the doctrine of similarity was in use. In accordance with it, people believed, for example, that nuclei walnut, resembling the cerebral hemispheres, can be treated headache. Therefore, the mandrake root, which resembles a man, was considered a remedy for all diseases in the world. They also used it to make love potions and remedies that supposedly made it easy to find treasures. And not a single self-respecting sorcerer showed himself in public without a magical root. Mandrake has long been used in folk medicine. The ancient Greek naturalist and philosopher, one of the first botanists, Theophrastus wrote about its hypnotic effect, warning that in large doses, drugs from mandrake can lead to death. It is now known that mandrake, like many nightshades, contains toxic substances that cause hallucinations.

It was believed that this plant could cure all ailments - from madness to insomnia. Its “apples” (orange fruits) were believed to increase sexual desire and help with infertility.

Saint Abbess Hildegard (1098–1178), who lived in the Rupertsberg monastery near Bingen, built at her own expense, was famous as a prophetess. Hildegarde recommended immediately placing the dug root in spring water, then “all anger and the opposite will disappear from it.” She prescribed using the appropriate parts of the root figurine for diseases of various parts of the body: for headaches - “head”, for sore throat - “neck”, etc.

And if “... someone is in bad mood and does not find peace for himself due to sadness and sadness, let him put the mandrake in his bed so that the plant warms up from his sweat.”

As a hallucinogen, mandrake was used in tea (in very small doses) - because it has enormous power as a mystical herb that causes visions and contributes to their manifestation in reality.

Dosage forms, route of administration and doses of mandrake officinalis preparations:

Effective products are made from mandrake root. medications and forms used in the treatment of many diseases. Let's look at the main ones.

In small doses, mandrake is used as an antidepressant, and in larger doses it has a sedative and hypnotic effect.

Mandrake root tincture:

Mandrake root tincture: infuse the crushed root in alcohol in a ratio of 1:4 for 15 days, strain. Take 3–10 drops as an analgesic and hypnotic for rheumatism and gout. Mandrake tincture is included in medications against vitiligo and air sickness.

Mandrake root oil:

Mandrake root oil: mix interior fat with mandrake tincture in a ratio of 1:5. Use as an external pain reliever for rheumatism and gout.

Crushed Mandrake Plant:

Crushed fresh mandrake plant along with milk and honey is used in the form of dressings as a softening agent for glandular compactions, tumors and edema.

Mandrake officinalis contraindications:

Mandrake is very poisonous plant. Signs of poisoning are: nausea, vomiting, muscle weakness (feeling of “wooliness”), drowsiness, hallucinations. There is a possibility of falling into a comatose sleep.

A little history:

Mandrake is a symbol of the Great Mother, the giver of life. Emblem of Circe. In European symbolism, the mandrake personifies conception and fertility, and also has magical power. Spell plant. Mandrake was compared to the spirit of the dead. First of all, this is evidenced by its ancient Latin name - Atropa, which then passed on to henbane, which was characterized by somewhat similar properties. For many millennia and until recently, mandrake was considered a primarily sacred plant. The magical properties of the mandrake root, which resembles a human figurine, were greatly valued in the Middle Ages. Then they believed that he bestows youth and health, beauty and love, happiness and wealth. The stronger and more incomprehensible the plant acted, the more they attributed to it magical properties, the more legends arose about him. In this regard, perhaps no plant is as “lucky” as the mandrake. Too much fame turned out to be sad for her: two types of mandrake, especially valued, almost disappeared from the face of the earth.

There are many legends about the origin of mandrake and its properties. The ancient Arabs and Germans believed in mandrake, demonic spirits that resembled small, beardless men that lived in these plants. IN Ancient Greece mandrake was called the plant of Circe, the witch goddess, who prepared juice from the root and used it to turn Odysseus’s companions into pigs. They say that medieval witches collected roots at night under the gallows on which unrepentant criminals, vicious from birth, died. It was implied that the root grows from the place where the sperm and the decaying body of the criminal seep. Mandrake has a reputation for enhancing love and fertility, known as love apples. In the Book of Genesis, barren Rachel, the wife of Jacob (Israel), ate mandrake roots and conceived Joseph. Mandrake is given to women to encourage them to give birth to as many sons as possible; Arab men wear mandrake roots as amulets to enhance their masculinity. From legends it is known that the mandrake shrinks when a person approaches. Touching her could be fatal. In order to obtain mandrake root, the method described by Theophrastus (372–287 BC) was used.

Mandrake can only be pulled out in the evening. First of all, the healer must bend towards the setting sun and pay homage to the deities of hell. After this, with an iron sword that has never been used, it is necessary to draw three magic circles around the mandrake stem, turning away the face in order to avoid ominous emanations that penetrate the body, swelling it (if precautions are not taken and the body is not lubricated vegetable oil). Then it is best not to participate in tearing out the plant, but to tie the dog to the plant and throw it a piece of meat that it would not be able to reach. Reaching for the meat, the dog will tear the root out of the ground, taking on the entire negative energy. A mandrake pulled out by the roots screams and oozes blood, and the one who pulls it out dies in agony. They also believe that the root can predict the future: it shakes its head in response to questions asked.

The legend that the mandrake grows from the seed of hanged murderers illustrates the transition from the idea that a human-shaped plant could provide magical benefits to the idea that it represented demonic powers.

In everyday symbolism, the mandrake represented the negative and petty aspects of the soul.

Mandrake was ascribed too much power, and she late XVI centuries disappeared from pharmacies and from the European market, persecuted by collectors and traders of its roots.

The stories about her, however, did not stop. On the contrary, there are more of them. And since it is very difficult to find a mandrake, they began to replace it with various fakes. From the roots of bryonia, ginseng, ginger, belladonna and other plants, they cut out figures that looked like little men, inserted barley or millet grains and buried in wet sand.

The grains sprouted, the “head” of the man became covered with “hair”.

The figurines were washed in wine, dressed up like dolls, and sold for a lot of money, assuring that they help lift the veil of the future, bring happiness, increase wealth, and bewitch lovers. Here is what Papus wrote about the mandrake in “Black and White Magic”: One of the 12 Rosicrucian plants. Unfavorable. Capable of causing madness if not corrected by the sun, in which case it makes a good narcotic. Used by the Germans to depict household gods - Alruns. Sorcerers used it to go to the Sabbath. According to popular belief, the mandrake was used as a “doll” in voodoo witchcraft; witches could cast a spell by representing the “figure” of the one against whom they directed their magic. In the place where the witch damaged the mandrake, the person will inevitably be injured. In Germany, peasants made eyes for their mandrakes from millet grains and treated them very kindly: they bathed them, dressed them, carefully wrapped them at night, sometimes putting them in a coffin. They did all this in order to be able to consult with the mandrake on important issues.

In France, these plants were considered close to the elves and were called the hand of glory. They were often hidden in secret cabinets, since possessing a mandrake was dangerous - its owner could be persecuted for witchcraft.

Mandrake root is a powerful thickener of the astral plane. His characteristic human form indicates special qualities and outstanding energy. This form served as the basis for the crazy theories of some magicians who wanted to find the elixir of life in it or make fake teraphim (fortune-telling devices).