All-Union Health Day in kindergarten, entertainment. Scenario of the summer holiday “Health Day. Health day in the senior group in winter

All-Union Health Day in kindergarten, entertainment.  Scenario of the summer holiday “Health Day.  Health day in the senior group in winter
All-Union Health Day in kindergarten, entertainment. Scenario of the summer holiday “Health Day. Health day in the senior group in winter

Ekaterina Epifantseva
Scenario of the spring holiday “Health Day” in older groups of kindergarten


Arouse positive emotions from participating in outdoor games;

Improve motor skills and abilities;

To form in children an attitude towards healthy lifestyle;

Satisfy the need for physical activity;

Develop cognitive interest, mental activity.

The venue is on a walk, in a sports area.


balls, jumpers, hoops, rope, 2 sandbags, sticks, buckets.

There is a notice in front of the entrance:

“We invite all children to spring« Health Day» :

We are strong friends with sports,

Never, friends, don’t bother,

We'll go to the Land of Sports,

We will find strength and dexterity there!

I’m waiting for everyone on the walk “Physical education instructor.”

Formation in 3 columns, marching.

Is everything assembled?

Is everyone here?

Look around!

Shut up!

Guess what!

And then say it out loud:

What awaits you in the Land of Sports?


Waiting for us health day!

Let the sonorous songs sound all around!

Song cheerful and smart friend!

Let the games and starts,

Like books and fairy tales,

Decorate today Happy day!

Attention attention! All participants prepare for starts.

And we'll start with fun workout"Monkeys"

1) warm-up - game "monkeys"

We - funny monkeys,

We play too loud - the children make noise;

We clap our hands, the children clap;

We stomp our feet, the children stomp,

We puff out our cheeks - children puff out their cheeks,

We jump on our tiptoes - they jump,

And we’ll even show each other our tongues - turns in the right direction - lion. side, show

Let's jump together to the sky - jumping on two legs,

Let's stick out our ears, - hands to ears - down,

Let's raise our legs high - the children raise their legs high one by one,

We wave our tail - rotate our pelvis to the right - left side,

Let's open our mouths wider, open our mouths, say a sound, a song "ahh"

We will make grimaces - they will make grimaces.

As I say “1-2-3- everyone freeze with grimaces!”- one two Three.

Play 3 times.

Now let's move on to relay races:

2) we will see what you are like Friends: "Running in pairs with a ball" -

the ball is pressed against the chest, the children run at a side step to the landmark and back.

3) next relay: "Field the seedlings"

Children take turns scooping water from "well" (large capacity, run to the team and water the seedlings (flower pot)

4) we jumped on our feet, we’ll jump on balls; "Jumping on balls with ears "jumpers"

Children jump on balls one after another on command "jumpers" run to the landmark and back;

5) Are you good football players? "Kick the ball"

Children, one at a time, kick the ball to the landmark, jump the ball back between their legs, pass the baton;

6) the athlete’s back is always beautiful and straight, let’s check; “Pass on, don’t drop it”

Children take turns walking with the bag on their head - the toe of one foot to the heel of the other, running back;

7) check the eye gauge: "Hit the target"

Throwing bags at a target;

The teams are ready to fight!

He wins in battle for sure

The one who knows how to hold on to a friend!

8) "Caterpillar"

The child runs to the landmark, returns to the team after a friend, and so on until the last player, the goal is not to break the chain of children;

9) now let’s check your memory; “Name the sports”

And now, in a complex relay race, you need to run like a snake on your toes between the hoops to the landmark.

10) who is the strongest - we will check, and what is needed for this - children's answers

“Name what you need, what to be healthy»

11) "Tug of War"

To grow and harden,

Let's play sports!

Well, the competition is over,

It's time to sum up our sports results!

Friendship won!

Toughen up, kids! Good morning!


Physical training!

Publications on the topic:

Algorithm for learning songs in the primary and secondary groups of kindergarten 1. Introduction to the song Techniques: 1. Conversation before the song 2. Expressive performance 3. Questions about the content 4. Singing of the teacher without accompaniment.

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Scenario for the March 8 holiday in senior groups “Surprise for Moms” Children enter the hall and stand in a semicircle. Children: 1. A ray of sun woke us up early this morning. He said that it was mother’s holiday, mother’s holiday.

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1 Scenario of sports and recreational entertainment for Health Day in kindergarten. Topic: “Be healthy!” Goal: To consolidate cultural and hygienic skills in children, to introduce children to physical education and sports, to healthy image life. 2ml.g. 1 (Baba Yaga runs into the group) Wow, I’m out of breath, hello guys, do you recognize me? Today, guys, is our Health Day holiday. To visit the city of health, you need to maintain hygiene. One, two, three, spin around and turn into kittens! Game “Neat Kittens” Have you washed your paws? Children: washed. Ears? Children: washed. tail? Children: washed. Everything was washed. Children: Everything has been washed. What good guys, how they know how to wash themselves and wake up with the sun, get ready for the game, we will run and walk and strengthen our health. Game “Cucumber” On one side of the hall there is a mouse, on the other there are cucumber children. Jumping on two legs, the cucumber children approach the mouse with the words: Cucumber, cucumber, Don’t go to that end: The mouse lives there, It will bite off your tail. (On last word the children quickly run away to their house, and the mouse catches up with them). I am very happy for you today, and I will give you this advice: Do physical exercise, in the mornings and evenings! And I thank you all for our joyful holiday.

2 I give my gift of vitamins to everyone’s health. (Baba Yaga leaves the basket of apples and flies away) 2 ml.g. 2 (Baba Yaga runs into the group) Wow, I’m out of breath, hello guys, do you recognize me? Today, guys, is our Health Day holiday. What should you do to be healthy and strong? Children: You need to do exercises, run, jump. That's right, guys. Wake up with the sun, get some exercise, let's run and walk and strengthen our health. I invite you to travel to the land of Health! Is everyone here? Is everyone healthy? Are you ready to run and play? Well, then pull yourself up, don’t yawn and don’t be lazy, stand in a circle together! Game "TURNIP" Turnip, turnip, turnip! This is how strong it is (the children and the “turnip” walk counter-moving in a circle) Spin around in place! (everyone is spinning) And then show yourself to us! (lean forward and down, arms forward) One, two, don’t yawn! Catch up with whoever you want! (sliding claps, the “turnip” catches up with the children) Hey, guys, everyone, come to me. Who is standing there on the sidelines? Well, hurry up and get inspired, and start the massage game. Back massage “Soup” Children stand in a circle one after another, put their hands on the shoulders of the child in front: Chi-ki, chi-ki, chi-ki, soup, here’s the cabbage for borscht! (Children tap each other lightly on the back with their palms) I will chop up potatoes, beets, carrots (Tap with the edges of their palms). Half a head of onion, and a clove of garlic

3 (They beat with their fists) Chiki-chok, chiki-chok, And the borscht is ready. (stroke with palms). How many, many vitamins are in our borscht. I'll tell you a secret: to be healthy, strong, fight germs and not succumb to disease, you need to eat vitamins. Vitamins, like soldiers, protect our body from evil harmful microbes and various diseases. I’ll leave you a basket with vitamins, but it’s time for me to fly away. Goodbye. (Baba Yaga flies away) Middle group. (Baba Yaga flies into the group) Hello guys, do you recognize me? I have been watching your children for many years now. I’ll tell you frankly: You are a glorious people! I would like to invite you on a journey through the land of health. So that you are beautiful. So as not to be whiny. So that any business in your hands can argue and burn! Do you agree? Then we hit the road. Take your seats on our magical train. Children stand one after another like a train, B.Ya. in front and to the music they walk one after another around the hall, the leader changes direction (in a circle like a snake, etc.). They stop near a makeshift station. Where do you start your day? Zaryadkino station. Children: Stop charging! So as not to deal with diseases. We need to toughen up. We are used to doing physical education in the morning. Early in the morning, go out into the clearing. Straighten your back together. We will do some warm-up. We woke up early in the morning.

4 They stretched and smiled. Let's move on! Station "Solnechnaya". How many of you guys know? What helps hardening and is always useful to us? Children: Sun, air and water! Spring is calling us to go for a walk. The sun has been waiting for us for a long time! Relay race “Collect the sun”. Children, one by one, run up to the table near the opposite wall, take one piece of the sun, run up and lay out the sun in the hoop. Children: To be healthy and strong, Let's be friends with the sun. (Children go further.) Vitamin station. Guys, you know what foods you need to eat more of to be healthy. Children: We know. And I’ll check it now. Competition “Cooking borscht and compote”. It is necessary to select the products necessary for preparing borscht (vegetables) and preparing compote (fruits). I am very happy for you today, and I will give you this advice: Do physical exercise, in the mornings and evenings! And I thank you all for our joyful holiday. I give my gift of vitamins to everyone’s health. (Baba Yaga distributes apples to children and flies away)

5 Senior groups. Form: sports competitions Equipment: Hoops - 4 pcs. “bumps” - 8 pcs. balls - 30 pcs. pictures of apples - 30 pcs. skittles - 10 pcs. basket - 2 pcs. dummies of vegetables and fruits - 20 pcs. Hod Ved: Everyone knows, everyone understands that it’s nice to be athletic. You just need to know how to become strong. Children: 1. Today in our hall We, you, friends, have gathered to hold a sports competition. 2. So that the friendship does not end, So that the music sounds, So that there are enough songs and jokes for everyone. (Children walk in a circle in a sports march, sit on chairs) Children: 1. Everyone knows, everyone understands that it’s nice to be athletic. You just need to know how to become strong. 2. We start doing physical education now. Run, jump, tumble, it will be fun with us. 3. To become healthy and agile, Everyone needs training. Ved: So, allow sports competitions to be considered open. Do you hear? Someone else is in a hurry to join us for the holiday. It seems to me that the song is playing. (Music sounds, Baba Yaga and Leshy enter). B.Ya.: We walked for a long, long time. Finally they found you. Leshy: Was it you who wrote to us? Were you invited to play? Ved: Yes B.Ya.: Uh, we all know how to play, We will defeat you quickly.

6 Leshy, whistle harder. Call all the children. Ved: Guys, our competitions are held under the motto “Fizkult-Hurray!” But first we need to split into two teams. I'll scatter the leaves. Whoever collects the red ones is on the red team. Whoever is yellow is on the yellow team. Ved: The first task awaits you ahead. You need to cross the hummocks of the swamp. 1st competition “Jumping over bumps” Vedas: And now we will hold object lesson. Which of you is the most dexterous and accurate shooter? 2nd competition “Get in the Basket” Vedas: Here’s another game, Shall we play, kids? Hold the ball with your feet, and jump to the hoop. So jump, and then, With the ball in your hands, run faster. 3 competition “Who is faster” Baba Yaga: But in my little garden, the apples are ripe. Here's another task for you: Collect ripe apples. You will run to the apples and put the apples in the basket. Who will reap the harvest faster? Only there are many obstacles to my garden. 4 competition “Collect apples” Leshy: And now attention to the new task. Do you know what is made from vegetables and what is made from fruits? Let's see now. 5th competition “Sorting vegetables and fruits” Leshy: We have come to the clearing and now we will rest. Let's play the game "Hat" with you. Host: Well, our young athletes completed all your tasks. Baba Yaga and Leshy: We see, we see, well done, athletes, daredevils. Leshy: Why are you standing Yaga, let’s go, I’ll train you to become such an athlete. Wait, I completely forgot. I am very happy for you today, and I will give you this advice: Do physical exercise, in the mornings and evenings! And I thank you all for our joyful holiday. I give my gift of vitamins to everyone’s health.

7 (Baba Yaga and Leshy distribute apples) (say goodbye to the children and leave). Host: The competition is over! I think they cheered you up! I want to sing and always smile Children, do you agree with me? Children: Yes! Ved: Friendship won. And in conclusion, I propose to sing a song about “Physical Education!” The song “Fizkult-Hurray!” (A march sounds, the children leave the hall.)

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Evgenia Meltseva

The scenario was developed for two teams of children from the preparatory group, but my children wanted to compete not with another group, but with their mothers, because Mother’s Day was approaching. So we congratulated the mothers on the holiday and had an active time. Dads also took an active part.

Location: gym.

Goals: introducing children to a healthy lifestyle and strengthening the health of pupils, introducing them to physical education as the main component of maintaining health.


Strengthen health, improve motor skills during games and competitions.

To instill in children a love for physical education and sports, to consolidate the knowledge and skills acquired in physical education classes.

Develop attention, observation, coordination of movements, and the ability to overcome obstacles.

To instill in children determination, perseverance, a sense of teamwork, and friendliness.

Create a friendly atmosphere, bring joy to children from joint competitions with their parents, and continue to introduce the rules of personal safety.


Doctor Aibolit's costume, medals for Health Day, prizes, certificates.


Doctor Aibolit is a teacher.

Inventory: two yellow circles, rays, 12 pins, 2 cones, 4 benches, 2 arcs, 2 bags, 2 baskets, 2 hoops, 2 balls big size, 2 medium sized balls, two balls each small size for the child/parent, medals, certificates for awards.

Music:“Radiant Sun”, background music for relay races


Instructor. Guys, today is Health Day in our kindergarten. Health is when a person is strong, strong and never gets sick. But for this he must play sports, harden himself, eat fruits and vegetables. Now we will check how you can do this.

1st child:

Celebration of sports and health

It starts with us.

We move around a little

We invite everyone now.

2nd child:

There is no better recipe in the world

I'll tell everyone a secret -

Don't be separated from sports -

Then you will live a hundred years!

3rd child:

Today we got up in the morning!

We prepared in advance.

Guys, it's time to start

Sports activities!


Today is not the same day as always,

A little unusual

How are you in the mood?

Children: Of course - excellent!

Aibolit enters:

Hello children! I ran through fields, through forests, through meadows,

And he whispered only two words:

Kindergarten, kindergarten, kindergarten!

Instructor. Dear doctor, you are not late at all, our holiday is just beginning. But we need your help! Before the competition, the doctor must examine all athletes to see if they are sick?

Aibolit. I will be happy to examine your children and parents too!

Conducts an inspection.

Do you have a sore throat? Scarlet fever? Cholerina? Malaria and bronchitis? What healthy children! I am very pleased with the examination. The competition can begin. What should you do to ensure that you are always healthy?

That's right, play sports, eat healthy food, walk more often, toughen up, do exercises.

Well, it's time for me to go to the other children. Goodbye!


We are strong, agile, healthy -

Sasha, Masha, Lenya, Sonya.

Now we will show

We will prove this to you!

Distribution of children into two teams. Greetings from the teams.


So that everyone can become an athlete,

We need to start the day with exercise!

Warm-up with small balls.

Relay races.

Instructor. To be healthy, you need to harden yourself, walk in the park, in the forest, swim in the summer and enjoy the sun. Let's make sure that the sun shines in our backsides, or better yet, two!

Relay 1 “Sun”

Children with a ray in their hands take turns running a “snake” between the pins to the yellow circle, place the ray, and return in a straight line to their team.


Well done guys, you are so fast and dexterous, now I want to see if you are strong and brave? You will be able to overcome difficulties - not to be afraid and not to retreat in front of them

Relay 2 “We are strong and brave”

Children crawl along the gymnastics bench on their stomachs, pulling themselves up with their arms, crawl under the arc, take one bag, throw it into the basket and run back to their team. The baton is passed on to the next person with a clap.

Instructor. Well, you guys are crawling on the bench and throwing bags! And now, my guys, guess the riddle.

He can gallop for a long time and not get tired at all.

What is this?

Children: Ball!

Relay 3 “Balls”

Skittles are placed in front of each team. Everyone rolls the fitball like a snake, runs around the landmark and runs back to the team.

Instructor. :

And now I want to know if you know everything about health. If you agree, then answer Yes, if no, then say No!

Game "Is it true or not"

I ask you to answer:

Is this true or not?

So as not to deal with germs,

Do you need to toughen up, kids?

Never get sick

Do you need to sleep all day?

If you want to be strong,

Should you be friends with sports?

So as not to get sick in winter,

Should you sing on the street?

And from the flu, from a sore throat

Are vitamins saving us?

You will eat onions, garlic -

The cold won't find you?

Do you want to become the strongest?

Start licking the icicles!

Eat more vitamins -

Will you be strong and beautiful?

Instructor. Guys, did you swim in the river, lake or sea in the summer? After all, swimming is very hardening. I offer you the “Lifebuoy” relay race

Relay 4. “Lifebuoy”

Each team is given a hoop. Each child puts it on, runs to the landmark, returns to the team, and passes the hoop to the next one.


Well done, guys, everything is working out. What else can you tell us about sports?

Neboleyka: Come on, guys, let’s sing little ditties about sports!

Ditties about sports

We are sports guys

We live together happily

And sports ditties

We'll sing for you today!

If you want to be healthy,

Don't get sick and don't be sad,

Then think about sports again,

You have to love him!

If a boy kicks a ball

In the morning in a clean field,

This boy, we know for sure,

He will become a football player!

The wind swirls around the birches,

And I am tempered:

I run barefoot in the cold -

I do sports.

Two flowers bloom

Silver color,

Oh, don't become such a sprout

I'm a basketball player!

If you play sports,

You will become slim and tall

And swing on the horizontal bar

You won't be like a sack!

How many different types sports –

All the same, even without records,

But you can become an athlete!

Relay 5. "Turnip"

“Grandfather” the captain starts the relay race. He runs after the ball to the landmark, takes the ball and returns to the team. Another child clings to him, the two of them run and back. and so on until the whole team runs and puts the ball in the hoop.

“Get in line!”

Game "Get in line."


You worked hard

You won by right

worthy of praise and rewards,

And we are happy to give you prizes!

Let's line up for the awards!

Children and parents are awarded medals and prizes.


I wish you guys

Always be healthy

Take a walk in the air

Don't eat before bed

In the summer, sleep with the window open!

Make friends with water, swim,

Do physical exercise in winter and summer!

Being healthy is so great!

Publications on the topic:

"Fun starts!" Scenario of a sports festival dedicated to Health Day for children in the preparatory group Goal: strengthening the health of children in joint team games, developing the ability to act in the interests of the team, fostering a sense of mutual assistance.

Scenario of the sports holiday Health Day “Journey to Sportlandia” in the senior group Educator: Spruzhevnik T.A. Purpose: To form.

Scenario of the sports festival “Health Day” Summary of a sports festival for children of senior preschool age in the form of a quest game on fresh air“Where health lives” Goal: Conservation.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution combined type kindergarten "Cosmos" (MBDOU d/s "Cosmos") Photo report.

Target. Strengthening children's health through physical activity in the fresh air.

  1. Develop motor skills and qualities: agility, coordination, accuracy, speed, endurance.
  2. Cultivate interest in physical exercise, outdoor games, healthy lifestyle.

Equipment: logos for participants; three hoops, three gymnastic sticks, small yellow balls according to the number of children, three buckets, three baskets, nine round “hole” baskets, nine small “potato” balls, three landmarks, rings.


Three teams of 9-10 people (children 5, 6, 8), teachers, hero - Carlson - teacher, guests and fans.

Teams are located around the perimeter, in three lines, on the sports ground.

Leading: Attention! Attention! Guys, let's start the holiday of health!

Leading: Guys, what is health? And what should you do to be healthy?

1. Wash your hands before eating.

2. Brush your teeth in the morning and evening before going to bed.

3. Be sure to do exercises in the morning.

4. Temper yourself.

5. Engage in physical education and sports.

Now you and I will do physical education.

Carlson “flies in” to the alarming music, holding his heart and head.

Leading: Hello Carlson! What happened to you? You are healthy?

Carlson: Hello! I was in such a hurry to get to you that I was tired and sick!

Leading: Tell me, Carlson, what do you do in the morning?

Carlson: Guys, I sleep for a long time, I snore until noon.

Leading: Tell me in order, do you often do exercises? Do you play sports?

Carlson: No! I’ve never done exercises guys! Leading: Guys, I think I know how we can cure Carlson. You need to start your day with exercise. Stand in a circle with us. (Fun exercise to music.)

Let's hold hands, stand in a circle,

Man is friend to man (Teams stand in one large circle.)

Without a hitch, without a hitch

Let's do a warm-up together!

We're getting higher

We reach the roofs with our hands (Raise your arms up through the sides and lower them down.)

Up two counts

Three, four - hands down

Physical education - hello! Physical education - hello! (Arms to the sides - to the shoulders.)

Probably, we are no stronger,

There is no more dexterous, no faster.

Physical education - hello! Physical education - hello!

Rotate your head smoothly (Turn your head right - left.)

We look left, we look right,

One – tilt, two – tilt (Hands on the belt, bend to the sides.)

Someone will be a champion.

Bend over, bend over.

Smile to all the guys.

We sat down, we stood up (Squats, arms forward.)

Sit down, stand up

Sit down, stand up

Our legs have become stronger.

We perform bends (Bends forward, reaching for the boots with our hands.)

We strengthen our legs.

One two three four,

We are already big!

Legs apart and legs together (Jumping: legs apart, legs together.)

This is how we jump on the spot.

Leading: Attention! Attention!

Listen to the message!

Main event-

We invite all the guys

On Preschool Children's Health Day!

In the name of future victories,

For the glory of Russian sports,

Long live physical education

Leading to new records!

Leading: Carlson, meet our teams! Teams will line up! Command View (name, motto).

Child: Team “Healthy Girls”.

Our motto (in unison):

To be faithful to the sport forever

Maintain health from youth!

Child: Team “Veselchaki”

Our motto (in unison):

Be cheerful, not gloomy

Physical education will help us!

Child: Team "Strong"

Our motto (in unison):

Let's play sports!

Let's toughen up

And don’t forget to wash your hands

And celebrate health day!

Leading: I invite all boys and girls to take with them speed, agility, courage, resourcefulness, and ingenuity.

Carlson: Oh! How good it is! I feel energized!

Leading: That's good! The guys will now show you how athletic and healthy they are.

1. Relay race "Horses." (The child gallops between his legs holding a gymnastic stick, runs around the landmark and comes back, passes the stick to the next participant.)

The presenter sums up the results of the competition: the team that reaches the finish line first receives a ring on its landmark (cone).

2. Relay race "Sledders". (In pairs in a hoop, they run around a landmark, then, after the finish line, they pass the hoop to the next pair of participants.)

Carlson : Oh, how great! Now you can refresh yourself by eating a dog.

Leading: You're eating wrong! Guys, what should you eat to be healthy and strong?

Children: Vegetables and fruits

Leading: Well done boys! Indeed vegetables, fruits, berries. Eat them as much as possible, because they are living vitamins. But don't forget that they need to be washed boiled water and wash your hands with soap.

Carlson: Wash your hands?! What more! I don't feel bad anyway!

Leading: Simple water and soap weaken the strength of microbes. You will wash, wash, brush your teeth and then the cold will never get you!

3. “Put your vitamin in the basket.” (Team members take turns running to the spot and throwing balls, using a straight hand from below, into their basket, standing at a distance of 3 m from the throwing line; the thrower returns running, passes the baton and stands at the end of the column; the team that made fewer misses wins.)

The presenter sums up the relay race.

4. Relay race “Plant potatoes”

There are 3 “holes” laid out in front of each team. The participant runs with a bucket, puts a potato (ball) in each “hole”, after which he returns and passes the bucket to the next participant. The next participant runs and collects the potatoes back into the bucket. Having returned, he passes the bucket of balls to another member of his team.

The presenter sums up the relay race.

Carlson: Well done guys, how smart and fast you run! And you tell me what I need to do to be so healthy and not get sick.

Leading: Now our guys will tell you that they know a lot about what you need to do to avoid getting sick.

Game "Is it true or not."

Leading: I ask you to answer:

Is this true or not?

So as not to deal with germs,

Do you need to toughen up, kids?

Is it true.

Carlson: Never get sick

Do you need to sleep all day?


Leading: If you want to be strong,

Should you be friends with sports?

Is it true.

Carlson: So as not to get sick in winter,

Should you sing in the cold?


Leading: If you eat onions, garlic -

The cold won't find you?

Is it true.

Carlson: Do you want to become the strongest?

Start licking the icicles!


Leading: Both flu and sore throat

Are vitamins saving us?

Is it true.

Leading: Eat more vitamins -

Will you be strong and beautiful?

Carlson: Well done! You are so smart and attentive. You know everything!

Leading: Carlson, let's play the game "Running" with the guys. Do you know this game?

Carlson: I saw how children played such a game in my yard...

P/I « Dashes ». The teams are located on one side of the court outside the line, Carlson is in the center. Carlson: “Now I’m not sick, I’ve become dexterous, mischievous, I’ll catch up with all the guys, and I’ll catch everyone in a row. One, two, three – run!”

After these words, the teams run to the opposite side, and Carlson catches them (Whoever touches them moves aside).

Carlson: I've played enough! Thank you guys so much! And it's true

You cheered me up, and my illness was as if it had never happened.

Leading: And now it's time for us to sum up

(Carlson and the children count the number of rings on the landmarks

teams, presents (chocolate medals and juice).

Leading: Come on, children, tell me,

You will help Carlson,

I'll start, and you finish,

Answer in unison

“In the morning in the hall in order - we do together ( charging).

“Cottage cheese, vegetables and fruits are healthy for everyone... ( products).

“They save us from colds and sore throats ( vitamins).

“Sun, air and water are our best ( Friends).

Carlson: Thank you guys! You had a very interesting Health Day, but promise that you won’t forget these health rules! I have to go, goodbye friends!

Leading: It’s very joyful to see you, dear guys, cheerful and healthy, strong and strong, dexterous and brave. Always remain like this, eat vitamins, do exercises, exercise and do sports!

Goodbye, guys!

Used Books:

  1. Collection of outdoor games. E.Ya. Stepankova, Moscow, 2011
  2. Games and entertainment for children outdoors. T.I. Osokina, E.A. Timofeeva. Moscow. Education. 1983
  3. Sports holidays and physical education. L.M. Alekseev. Rostov-on

(Scenario for holding a game program on the playground after watching a festive concert).

Q: Today is our health day!

They want to be healthy

Who can answer me?

(The presenter asks leading questions to children and adults, answers: you need to brush your teeth, do exercises, eat right, etc.)

Q: And now, dear children, guess the riddles quickly!

  1. When spring takes its toll and the streams run ringing, I jump over it, and it jumps over me! (Jump rope);
  2. They beat me unbearably on my empty stomach, the players throw precise shots at me, they hit me with kicks (the ball);

Q: To make your cheeks glow with a perky blush

So that you never, never get sick,

So that your health is in better order, -

Always start your morning with exercise!

Warm-up game “Deer” (the guys repeat the movements after the leader, speeding them up each time)

  • There is a tall forest ahead (looking from under the palm into the distance);
  • There lives a big deer (with arms crossed on his head);
  • He has a furry nose (under the nose the fingers move like the legs of a crab);
  • He walks every day (walk);
  • Gray hare under a bush (crouched down);
  • Hidden like a spy (binoculars cupped hands);
  • And listens (palm to the ear to the right and left);
  • Who's jumping like an elephant there? (jumping).

B: teams of 10 people. Come up with a name and motto and start the game. The first relay, which will include three games, will be called “Accelerated Help!” One of you future doctor and practice the skill of helping a person - it’s never too late! We can now easily master three professions: nurse, therapist, surgeon!

  1. "Nurse". One of the functions of a nurse is the preparation and preservation of medications and medical instruments. Assignment: you need to unwind and twist carefully 10 meters of bandage (elastic, if possible). There are two people from each team.
  2. "Therapists." Therapists are known to treat internal organs non-surgical methods. Your task is to create a “cardiogram of the heart.” We fold the cut paper heart, the more there is small parts, the more interesting. (The whole team participates).
  3. "Surgeons". Surgeons perform surgical operations. And we'll start pouring water from one glass to another with a syringe! (The whole team participates).

Q: Now let’s play the Hungarian game “Harang”, which was invented by Hungarian children. "Harang" means "Bell". The game is round dancing, fun, and has elements of running and wrestling. Flags are placed along the edges. The distance from the center of the site to the flags is 50-60 meters. This is if the older guys are busy in the game. Or 20-30 meters when the younger ones take part in the game. A prize is placed near the flag that stands at the edges of the site. It could be a toy, a souvenir - a prize that will go to the one who wins the races of this game.

The players, holding hands, form a round dance. In a round dance they sing and dance, moving clockwise. And the driver moves in the opposite direction, inside the round dance. The round dance is the bell, the drivers are the tongue of the bell. The driver’s task is to choose a convenient moment to dive under the arms of those dancing in a round dance or to break their chain and have time to run to the flag where the prize lies. But the round dance is not lost.

As soon as the driver escapes, they run after him. The one who caught the driver takes his place. The game resumes. When there are many players, instead of one there are four drivers. If at least one of the drivers managed to reach the flag, prizes go to him and his comrades. All four drivers join in a round dance and choose new drivers. New souvenirs are placed near the flags. But if those playing in the circle catch one of the drivers, while none of the drivers manages to reach the goal and take the prize, they all return to the circle. They drive again.

Game "Fishing Rod"

Teams are located in circles. The driver in the center of the circle takes the rope by the free end, and at the other end - a weight. At the teacher’s signal, the driver begins to twist the rope along the ground. The players jump so that the rope does not touch their legs. Game options: players can take different starting points: sideways, backwards, crouching, etc. The game begins only at the signal of the leader. The player who is hit by the rope is eliminated from the circle. The winner is the team with certain time, allotted for the game, fewer players dropped out of the circle.

Game “Squirrels, nuts, cones”

First, you need to choose a driver by agreement or using a counting rhyme. All other children are divided into threes and join hands, forming a circle. Each three is one squirrel's nest. Children in threes agree among themselves who will be who: “squirrel”, “nut” or “bump”. Each “squirrel nest” should contain one “squirrel”, one “cone” and one “nut”! The driver does not have his own “nest”. He shouts out one of the "residents" of the "squirrel's nest". For example, the driver shouts: “Bumps!” All the “bumps” must leave their “nests” and change places with another “bump”. The driver tries to take one of the vacant seats. If he succeeds, then he becomes a “bump”, and the child who did not have enough space becomes a driver. An adult can take on the role of leader. Without taking part in the game, he himself will name which “characters” - “squirrels”, “cones” or “nuts” - should change places. If you spend this nursery outdoor game on the street, where there is enough space, you can give the command to change at once to two, or even all three “inhabitants” of the “squirrel nests”. That is, three children should be completely mixed. Usually, such a “surprise” with full shift“nest” causes squeals, laughter and confusion. But you shouldn’t abuse it, and use it only occasionally, as a surprise.

Game "Laughter"

Any number of participants can play. All participants in the game, if it is a free area, form a large circle. In the center is the driver with a handkerchief in his hands. He throws the handkerchief up, while it flies to the ground everyone laughs loudly, the handkerchief is on the ground - everyone calms down. As soon as the handkerchief touches the ground, this is where the laughter begins, and from the funniest we take a forfeit - this is a song, a poem, etc.

Game "Jumping Through the Hoop"

Two teams. The team leader has a hoop in his hands. At the leader’s signal, he begins to jump through the hoop from the team to the chair opposite, going around it, returns to the team and passes the hoop to the next player, etc. Who is faster. The game takes place to the music.

Game "Russian Squat"

Two teams of five or six people play, lined up in columns, behind each other’s heads. Everyone squats down - this is the starting position.

  • On the count of “one”, everyone throws their right leg forward.
  • “Two” - return to the starting position.
  • “Three” - jump up, pushing off with both feet.
  • “Four” - squat down.
  • “Five” - bring your left leg forward.
  • “Six” - take the starting position.
  • “Seven” - jump up, pushing off with both feet.
  • “Eight” - squat down again.

The team whose team doesn't lose count and dances without mistakes wins the dance warm-up.

Game "Run, otherwise you'll be late!"

The players stand in a circle, hold hands, and the leader slowly walks inside the circle. Suddenly he stops near any two players, unclenches their hands and says: “Run, otherwise you’ll be late!” Two players begin to run around the circle of children in opposite directions, and the leader stands in the circle instead of one of the players. Who will fill it out first? empty place in a circle - he wins, the second player becomes the leader.

Game “What kind of people are these?”

The leader gives the command to stand in a round dance and tells the children to answer the questions:

- Well, guys, let's follow the order:

We are not just conducting a round dance,

And the round dance is exercise.

— Are you guys standing in a circle? - Get up!

— Did you take each other’s hands? - Have taken!

— Are you ready to repeat after me? - Ready!

- Repeat word for word!

- Hey, what kind of people are walking around here in a circle?

They ran and ran, only their heels sparkled.

The first line changes during the game, the children carry out the task of the leader:

- Hey, what kind of people clap their hands all the time?

- Hey, what kind of people walk backwards and forwards?

- Hey, what kind of people hit you on the knees?

- Hey, what kind of people are pulling their own ears?

- Hey, what kind of people are still skipping along?

- Hey, what kind of people are acting out their noses?

- Hey, what kind of people are yelling like donkeys?

And so on. Simultaneously with the words, actions corresponding to the words of the line are performed. During the second line, which does not change throughout the game, the guys, holding hands, run in a circle. The pace may speed up.

Q: (summarizing the results of the relay, presenting prizes to the winning team. Or friendship can win!)

It's time for idleness

carefree fun,

Come out, whoever is without a prize,

Let's dance three times!

The music is playing again

Calls friends into the circle again,

The rhythm lights up again, -

Legs guys, don't be sorry!