The development of the emotional-volitional sphere of a preschool child. Workshop "games and activities for the development and correction of EVs". Development of volitional qualities

The development of the emotional-volitional sphere of a preschool child.  Workshop
The development of the emotional-volitional sphere of a preschool child. Workshop "games and activities for the development and correction of EVs". Development of volitional qualities

The article discusses the features of the formation of personality and emotional-volitional sphere in children with a diagnosis of cerebral palsy. Features of children with a violation of the musculoskeletal system can be due to two factors: biological characteristics associated with the nature of the disease; social conditions - the impact on the child of the family and teachers.



Speech at the methodological association of teachers

on this topic:

"Features of the development of EMU

children of primary school age with cerebral palsy"

Features of the formation of personality and emotional-volitional sphere in children with cerebral palsy can be due to two factors:
biological features associated with the nature of the disease;
social conditions - the impact on the child of the family and teachers.

In other words, the development and formation of the child's personality, on the one hand, is significantly influenced by his exceptional position associated with the restriction of movement and speech; on the other hand, the attitude of the family to the illness of the child, the atmosphere surrounding him. Therefore, one should always remember that the personality characteristics of children with cerebral palsy are the result of a close interaction of these two factors. It should be noted that parents, if desired, can mitigate the social impact factor.

Features of the personality of a child with developmental anomalies, including cerebral palsy, are associated, first of all, with the conditions of its formation, which differ significantly from the conditions for the development of a normal child.

For most children with cerebral palsy, mental retardation is characteristic of the type of so-called mental infantilism. Mental infantilism is understood as the immaturity of the emotional-volitional sphere of the child's personality. This is due to the slow formation of higher brain structures (frontal parts of the brain) associated with volitional activity. The child's intellect can correspond to age norms, while the emotional sphere remains unformed.

With mental infantilism, the following behavioral features are noted: in their actions, children are primarily guided by the emotion of pleasure, they are self-centered, unable to work productively in a team, correlate their desires with the interests of others, and there is an element of "childishness" in all their behavior. Signs of immaturity of the emotional-volitional sphere can persist even in senior school age. They will manifest themselves in increased interest in gaming activities, high suggestibility, inability to exert volitional effort on oneself. Such behavior is often accompanied by emotional instability, motor disinhibition, and rapid fatigue.

Despite the listed features of behavior, emotional and volitional disorders can manifest themselves in different ways.

In one case, it will be increased excitability. Children of this type are restless, fussy, irritable, prone to displaying unmotivated aggression. They are characterized by sudden mood swings: sometimes they are overly cheerful, then they suddenly begin to act up, seem tired and irritable.

The other category, on the contrary, is distinguished by passivity, lack of initiative, and excessive shyness. Any situation of choice puts them in a dead end. Their actions are characterized by lethargy, slowness. Such children with great difficulty adapt to new conditions, it is difficult to make contact with strangers. They are characterized by various kinds of fears (heights, darkness, etc.). These features of personality and behavior are much more common in children with cerebral palsy.

But there are a number of qualities characteristic of both types of development. In particular, in children suffering from disorders of the musculoskeletal system, sleep disorders can often be observed. They are tormented by nightmares, they sleep anxiously, fall asleep with difficulty.

Many children are highly sensitive. In part, this can be explained by the compensation effect: the child's motor activity is limited, and against this background, the sense organs, on the contrary, are highly developed. Because of this, they are sensitive to the behavior of others and are able to catch even slight changes in their mood. However, this impressionability is often painful; completely neutral situations, innocent statements can cause a negative reaction in them.

Increased fatigue is another distinctive feature that is characteristic of almost all children with cerebral palsy. In the process of correctional and educational work, even if there is a high interest in the task, the child quickly gets tired, becomes whiny, irritable, and refuses to work. Some children become restless as a result of fatigue: the pace of speech accelerates, while it becomes less legible; there is an increase in hyperkinesis; aggressive behavior is manifested - the child can scatter nearby objects, toys.

Another area in which parents can face serious problems is the child's volitional activity. Any activity that requires composure, organization and purposefulness causes difficulties for him. As noted earlier, mental infantilism, characteristic of most children with cerebral palsy, leaves a significant imprint on the child's behavior. For example, if the proposed task has lost its appeal for him, it is very difficult for him to make an effort on himself and finish the work he has begun.

Factors influencing the will of the child can be divided into:
external, which include the conditions and nature of the disease, the attitude of others towards a sick child; and internal, such as the child's attitude to himself and to his own illness.

Weakness of will in most children with cerebral palsy is directly related to the characteristics of education.

Very often in a family with a sick child, one can observe the following picture: the attention of loved ones is focused exclusively on his illness, parents show concern for every reason, limit the child’s independence, fearing that he might get hurt or fall, be awkward. In such a situation, the child himself will inevitably be overly restless and anxious. Even infants subtly feel the mood of loved ones and the atmosphere of the space surrounding them, which are fully transmitted to them. This axiom is true for all children - both sick and healthy. What can we say about children suffering from disorders of the musculoskeletal system, who are distinguished by increased impressionability and acuteness of feelings?

Or another picture: an unhappy mother who, taking care of a child, forgets about her own life and becomes a hostage to illness. She looks tired and unhappy. But any child needs a happy mother who is able to give love and warmth, and not her health and nerves. In a sick baby, such a need is a thousand times higher.

All this leads to the fact that the child grows up without initiative, unsure of his strengths and capabilities, timid. He comes to terms with his illness and does not strive for independence. He expects in advance that those around him will do everything instead of him. Over time, the child gets used to this state of affairs, finds it convenient. And from here comes a pronounced egocentrism, the desire to manipulate people.

The importance of the educational position of parents in relation to children with cerebral palsy is also confirmed by the fact that children with a high level of volitional development found among them come from families that are prosperous in terms of the psychological climate. In such families, parents are not obsessed with the child's illness. They stimulate and encourage his independence within the limits of admissibility. They try to develop an adequate self-esteem in the child. Their attitude can be expressed by the formula: "If you are not like others, this does not mean that you are worse."

It is impossible to lose sight of the attitude towards the illness of the child himself. Obviously, the situation in the family also significantly affects him.

Studies have shown that the awareness of a defect in children with cerebral palsy manifests itself by the age of 7-8 and is associated with their feelings about the unfriendly attitude towards them from others and the lack of communication. Children may react to this situation in different ways:
the child withdraws into himself, becomes overly timid, vulnerable, seeks solitude; the child becomes aggressive, easily goes into conflict.

The difficult task of forming a child's attitude to his own physical defect again falls on the shoulders of the parents. Obviously, this difficult period of development requires special patience and understanding from them. You can not neglect the help of specialists. For example, it is quite possible to overcome a child's feelings about his appearance thanks to well-placed psychological work with him.

Thus, the features of the development of the personality and the emotional-volitional sphere of a child with cerebral palsy largely depend not only on the specifics of the disease, but primarily on the attitude of parents and relatives towards the child. And therefore, you should not assume that the cause of all the failures and difficulties of education is the illness of the baby.

Preschool age is the period of the initial actual warehouse of the personality. It is at this time that the emotional and motivational spheres that are closely related to each other develop.

Emotions are a special class mental processes and states, which is experienced relationships person to objects and phenomena. Emotions and feelings - a specific form of reflection of reality. Reflected in feelings the significance of objects and phenomena for a person in a particular situation. I.e feelings are personal. They are associated with needs and act as an indicator of how they are being met. Preschool childhood is characterized in general calm emotionality , the absence of strong affective outbursts and conflicts on minor occasions. Emotional processes become more balanced . But out of this should not decrease saturation emotional life of the child. At preschool age, the desires and motives of the child are combined with his ideas, and thanks to this, the motives are rebuilt. going on transition from desires (motives) aimed at objectsperceived situation, to the desires associated with the presented objects. The emotions associated with the performance allow anticipate results actions of the child, satisfaction of his desires.

Emotional development of a preschooler associated primarily with the emergence of new interests, motives and needs. The most important change in the motivational sphere is emergence of social motives. Therefore, they begin to develop intensively social emotions and moral feelings.

Gradually, the preschooler begins to anticipate not only intellectual, but also emotional results of their activities. Child masters the highest forms of expression - expressing feelings through intonations, facial expressions, pantomimics. Changes in the emotional sphere associated with the development of not only motivational, but also cognitive sphere of personality, self-consciousness. Will means conscious regulation by a person of his behavior and activities, expressed in the ability to overcome difficulties in achieving the goal.

significant components of volitional action act the emergence of motivation, awareness and struggle of motives, decision-making and execution. Volitional action characterized purposefulness as a conscious orientation of a person to a certain result. First stage volitional action is associated with initiative expressed in setting one's own goals, independence manifested in the ability to resist the influence of others. Determination characterizes stage of struggle of motives and decision making. Overcoming obstacles in achieving goals on the execution stage is reflected in a conscious volitional effort, which involves the mobilization of one's forces. Major Acquisition preschool age consists of transformation of the child's behavior"field" into "strong-willed" (A.N. Leontiev). During preschool age formation of volitional action. Baby take over goal setting, planning, control. Volitional action begins with goal setting. Preschooler masters goal setting - the ability to set goals. Elementary purposefulness is already observed in a baby(A.V. Zaporozhets). At the preschooler goal-setting develops along the line independent, proactive goal setting, which with age change in content. L.S. Vygotsky, most characteristic of volitional action is an free choice of target, his behavior, determined not by external circumstances, but motivated by the child.

Retention and goal achievement depends on a number of conditions.

First of all, from the difficulty of the task and the duration of its implementation.Secondly, from successes and failures in activity.Thirdly, from the attitude of an adultFourth, from the ability to imagine in advance the future attitude to the result its activities. Fifth, from the motivation of the goal, from the ratio of motives and goals.

Awareness and mediation - This the main characteristics of arbitrariness. Other arbitrary action characteristic - awareness, or awareness. On the formation of arbitrary actions can be judged primarily by activity and initiative the child himself. That is, an indicator of arbitrariness is the relative preschooler independence from an adult in setting goals, planning and organizing their actions.

At preschool age based on self-assessment and self-control, arises self-regulation of their own activities. There are two lines in the development of self-control in a preschooler. These include development of the need to check and correct your work and mastering the methods of self-examination.At 5-7 years old self-control starts acting like special activity aimed at improving the work and eliminating its shortcomings. Features of the development of will in preschool age:

Children develop goal-setting, struggle and subordination of motives, planning, self-control in activities and behavior;

The ability to volitional effort develops;

Arbitrariness develops in the sphere of movements, actions, cognitive processes and communication with adults.

The emotional-volitional sphere of a preschooler is formed in a fairly short period of time. Only 6-7 years will pass and an independent, active personality will mature in the child, the core of the psyche is formed inside, which later becomes the basis of character.

When personality is born

Features of the emotional sphere of a preschooler are manifested in the awareness of one's own personality, activity, activity and an objective assessment of oneself. At the same time, subordination of motives is formed. It indicates that the child is already capable of subordinating immediate impulses to more conscious goals.

An indicator of correct development is the ability to manage behavior, control the implementation of tasks and the ability to minimally foresee the result of activity or its absence.

What does the correct development of the emotional-volitional sphere of a preschooler lead to? Once unrestrained emotions and feelings become subordinate to thinking.

The emotional sphere undergoes major changes with speech and physical development. Views on life, relations with the outside world are being globally reformatted. What should parents do? They must understand that their child is an individual, the formation of which takes place with gradual adjustment.

The development of the volitional sphere of a preschooler aged 2-4 years requires a gradual approach. It is important to realize that at this age, children often show the whole range of negative emotions with loud tantrums, tears and screams.

At the age of 4-5 years, emotions are ruled by the desire for independence, however, difficult situations, fatigue, emotional overexcitability can lead to the fact that the child's behavior will show features that are inherent in younger peers. The emergence of such a situation should be a signal for adults, too much has fallen on the child, he cannot bear it. All that is required: comfort, affection, care and permission to behave like a little one.

Should a child's bad mood always cause parental anxiety? Not! A preschooler is subject to feelings, he is not capable of correct and constant management of experiences. It is this feature that explains the constant change of mood and a whole range of feelings that arise in a short period of time. Striking laughter can be replaced by bitter tears and hysteria, this behavior of children is considered absolutely normal.

The development of a stable emotional state directly depends on social situations. Changes in the usual way of life and regimen can cause affective reactions and fear. The person responds to the dissatisfaction of new needs with a state of frustration, which is expressed by rage, aggression and depression.

Conditions for the successful development of a preschooler

What can miscommunication lead to?

  1. One-sided attachment to the mother very often turns into a limitation of the need to communicate with peers.
  2. The expression of despair by parents with or without it forms excitement and fear in the child.

Irreversible processes in the psyche are triggered by the imposition of parental emotions. In this case, the child does not notice his feelings at all. When they constantly ask if he likes what, for example, was praised in the classroom and if he was offended that they took away the typewriter, then these events may not at all cause vivid emotions, but he has to notice them.

The active development of the emotional sphere of a preschooler also takes place during specially organized activities. We are talking about music lessons, drawing lessons, during which children learn to experience feelings that arise on the basis of perception.

Intensive development of emotions occurs during the game, which is the main activity for preschoolers.

Stages of development

Features of the emotional-volitional sphere in preschoolers of different ages:

  1. From birth to 1 year. The normal line of development is the recognition of parents, the ability to distinguish close people and respond to their presence, facial expressions, voice.
  2. From 1 year to 3 years. During this time period, a minimum level of independence and self-confidence is formed. Correction of the emotional sphere is required if the child doubts his own abilities, there are violations in motor skills, speech is poorly developed.
  3. From 3 to 5 years. The emotional development of preschoolers is manifested in active knowledge of the world around them, vivid imagination, imitation of the behavior and actions of adults. Additional examinations with corrective exercises are carried out if the child has constant lethargy, lack of initiative, and depression.
  4. From 5 to 7 years. At this time, a pronounced sense of duty and a desire to achieve a goal arise in the emotional sphere of the child. There is a fairly rapid development of communication and cognitive skills.

Ways to develop emotional and volitional qualities

For the development of the emotional sphere, 2 methods are actively used: sand therapy and fairy tale therapy.

The second method has its roots in the 17th century, but before the advent of the research of W. Propp and R. Gardner, fairy tales were just fun. With the help of fairy tales, the integration of the personality, the expansion of consciousness, the development of creative abilities are carried out, lines of interaction with the outside world are formed.

A well-chosen fairy tale can cause intense emotional resonance and appeal not only to the child's consciousness, but also to his subconscious. The method acquires particular relevance when working with children with disabilities in the emotional sphere, when it is necessary to create an effective communication situation.

The story has several functions:

  • psychologically prepares the child for difficult situations;
  • allows you to try on different roles, evaluate actions and results of activities;
  • draw conclusions and transfer them to real life.

Working methods:

  1. Fairy tale metaphor. The images and the plot of fairy tales induce free associations in the mind, which in the future should be actively discussed and corrected by the teacher.
  2. An equally active method is drawing based on fairy tales. In this case, the associations are poured into a graphic form, not a verbal one.
  3. A fairy tale forms the concept of what is good and bad. Based on the actions and actions of the characters, the child can make his own motivated verdict of the behavioral line.
  4. Emotions caused by a fairy tale can not only be spoken or drawn, but also lost by connecting facial expressions and intonations.
  5. Maximum creativity allows you to reveal the rewriting, addition of a fairy tale, changing its ending, adding new heroes and characters.

Fairy tales are notable for the fact that they lack direct edification and moralizing, events are always logical and dictated by cause-and-effect relationships that exist in the world.

The emotional development of preschool children is also effectively carried out with the help of sand therapy. K. D. Ushinsky argued that the best toy for a child is a pile of sand. And it is. Sand games are known to no generation. The sand game is simple, accessible, convenient and diverse.

The main advantage of sand is that it enables the child to build his own individual world, presenting himself as a creator who sets the rules of the game. A simple pouring of sand allows you to relieve tension and calm down, sculpting figures develops fine motor skills, encourages imagination, the search for buried treasure stimulates interest.

Developing games with sand help to identify psychological traumas and allow you to get rid of them. This method is especially effective when working with children who have a deficiency in the verbal apparatus and developmental delay.

EQ work

EQ is an international abbreviation for emotional intelligence. This term is understood as the ability of a child to be aware of his emotions, to associate them with desires and actions. With low EQs, there is conflicting behavior, lack of contact with peers, inability to express one's needs, aggressiveness, and fear.

Effective games for the development of emotional (communicative) intelligence:

  1. "Happy Elephant" To play the game, you will need pictures of animal faces. The facilitator holds up a card with an emotion diagram and asks to find a picture with an animal that experiences the same feeling.
  2. "Pictograms". It is necessary to prepare in advance two sets of cards (cut and whole). The cut pictograms are mixed in the total mass, the goal of the child is to assemble the whole template.

The second option involves a pair game. One of the children chooses half of the image and describes it to his interlocutor, the goal is to find the other half of the picture. If there is a discrepancy, it is necessary to explain why this picture was chosen.

  1. "How are you?". The simplest game that allows you to determine the mood and emotions of children with affective behavior. It is necessary to offer the child from a stack of cards depicting emotions to choose the one that matches his mood (now, an hour ago, yesterday).
  2. "Broken phone". An original emotional intelligence game that can be played with children over 3 years old. The entire "telephone network" closes its eyes, only the first link remains awake. The host shows him an emotion and offers to pass it on to the next. The transmission is carried out only by facial expressions and gestures. After the action reaches the last player, the host, starting from the end, asks what emotion was conveyed and why, was it difficult to understand the participant.

Games for the development of the emotional sphere

Being included in the game, children gain invaluable experience in modeling life situations. A list of the most interesting and universal games that contribute to the formation and development of the emotional and volitional spheres of preschoolers is proposed.

"Guess the emotion"

The main activity in the game is aimed at the active study of gestures and facial expressions that occur when a particular emotion is manifested. Thanks to her, the child learns to recognize the feelings and moods of others.

The game will require masks depicting various emotions. At the age of 5-6 years, children can already take part in the manufacture. Be sure to portray delight, sadness, surprise, joy, indifference, fear.

One of the children is put on a mask (unknown to him), his task is to determine the emotion based on the prompts of the team. As clues, you can use a visual description (the position of the lips, eyebrows) and situational (an emotion arises when ...).

"Mimic Charging"

It improves the ability to correctly express emotions and do it in conjunction with verbal and non-verbal manifestations, and also activates the development of emotional intelligence in preschool children.

On the cards, you should write or depict emotions (depending on the age of the children) and ask the child to show them in conjunction with a fairy-tale hero: smile like Cinderella; be surprised how Pinocchio ...


A game aimed at developing the ability to distinguish the psychological state of people, guided by non-verbal manifestations.

The task for the child is to depict the necessary emotion with the help of gestures and facial expressions. At the same time, part of his face is covered with a mask or a sheet of paper. The task of the team is to guess the depicted emotion.

"There is a team!"

The game is aimed at developing the ability to quickly concentrate. Children marching to the music are given commands in a whisper (sit down, raise their hands, hold their shoulders). Note: Only calm movements are selected for the game.

The development of the emotional sphere in preschool children is a long and multifaceted process that requires comprehensive development and coordinated action by all participants (teachers, educators, psychologists, parents). Only with this approach is the emotional well-being of preschoolers achieved, which allows the formation of a successful personality.

correction of EVS in orphans with mental retardation.

The emotional state of the child is of particular importance in mental development. Emotions are a special class of mental processes and states, which are experienced in various forms of a person's relationship to objects and the phenomenon of reality. There are significant links between the level of verbal intelligence, attention instability, focus on educational activities and the emotional-volitional sphere of orphans with mental retardation. The underdevelopment of the emotional-volitional sphere manifests itself when a child with mental retardation changes to systematic education. In the studies of M.S. Pevzner and T.A. Vlasova notes that orphans with mental retardation are characterized, first of all, by disorganization, uncriticality, and inadequacy of self-esteem. The emotions of orphans with mental retardation are superficial and unstable, as a result of which children are suggestible and tend to imitate.

Typical for orphans with mental retardation features in emotional development:

1) instability of the emotional-volitional sphere, which manifests itself in the inability to concentrate on purposeful activity for a long time. The psychological reason for this is the low level of voluntary mental activity;

2) manifestation of negative characteristics of crisis development, difficulties in establishing communicative contacts;

3) the appearance of emotional disorders: children experience fear, anxiety, and are prone to affective actions.

Also, orphans with mental retardation are characterized by symptoms of organic infantilism: lack of vivid emotions, low level of the affective-need sphere, increased fatigue, poverty of mental processes, hyperactivity. Depending on the predominance of the emotional background, two types of organic infantilism can be distinguished: unstable - characterized by psychomotor disinhibition, impulsiveness, inability to self-regulate activity and behavior, inhibitory - characterized by a predominance of a low mood background.

Considering all of the above, I have selected and tested exercises and developed classes for the development and correction of EVS, in general, and the correction of fears, in particular.

These exercises can be used both in a complex in the classes on the correction of anxiety and fears, and separately, in other classes.

Games and exercises for EVS correction

Exercise "Orange (or Lemon)"

Target: aimed at teaching the child to manage their anger and reduce the level of personal anxiety.

Children lie on their backs, head slightly to one side, arms and legs slightly apart. Ask the children to imagine that an orange is rolling up to their right hand, let them take it in their hand and start squeezing juice out of it (the hand should be clenched into a fist and very tense for 8-10 seconds.)

“Unclench the fist, roll the orange (some children imagine that they squeezed the juice) the handle is warm ..., soft ..., resting ...”

Then the orange rolled up to the left hand. And the same procedure is performed with the left hand. It is advisable to do the exercises 2 times (while changing the fruits), if it is performed only once; if in combination with other exercises - once enough (with the left and right hand).

In order for the result of work with aggressive children to be stable, it is necessary to work out each characterological feature of this child, so that correctional work is of a systematic, complex nature. For the effectiveness of the correction being carried out, it is also necessary to work with the parents of an aggressive child.

Exercise "Kicking"

Target: discharge of aggressive impulses and removal of personal tension.

Game progress: Children lie on their backs on the carpet. Legs are freely spread. Slowly, the child begins to kick, touching the floor with the whole leg. The legs alternate and rise high. Gradually increases the strength and speed of kicking. For each kick, the child says “no”, increasing the intensity of the kick.

Exercise "Paper balls" or "Snowballs"

materials: Old newspapers or something similar; adhesive tape that will mark the dividing line.

Exercise progress: Everyone takes a large sheet of newspaper, crumple it properly and make good, fairly dense balls. Participants are divided into two teams, and each line up. The distance between the teams should be approximately 4 meters. You cannot cross the dividing line. At the command of the leader, the players throw their balls to the side of the opponent. The point is to throw the balls that are on your side to the opponent's side as quickly as possible. Upon hearing the command "Stop!", the game stops. The team with the fewest balls on their side wins.

The game "Most of all ..."

Exercise "Cheerful fear"

Target: correction of anxiety, fears.

The psychologist tells a fairy tale: “Once upon a time there was Fear. Everyone was afraid of him, and no one wanted to play with him. Fear alone became sad and boring, and he decided to go look for his friends, but he did not find anyone, because everyone was afraid of him and hid from him. Tired of Fear to scare everyone, and he decided to become cheerful and funny. What should Fear do to make the children have fun?…”. Children offer their options.

Wax sculpture game

Target: a game to overcome disinhibition and exercise perseverance.

Participants, sitting in a circle with their eyes closed, sculpt the same sculpture “in a chain” from each other, after which they remain in the given position until the last copy is completed.

Get up. Come out to the middle. Most people have a habit of walking while thinking about something important. Someone moves in a circle, someone describes a square or a triangle, and someone even moves along a zigzag path. I suggest you now walk around, trying out all these trajectories. Do not talk, listen to your feelings, and remember exactly the figure on which it is most pleasant for you to walk.

Square- diligence, diligence, the need to bring the work begun to the end, perseverance - this is what the squares are primarily famous for. They are hardy, patient and methodical. In addition, squares are collectors of possible data. They are known as erudite.

Triangle Many of them are born leaders. They know how to focus on the main goal and achieve it.

A circle- a symbol of harmony. People who choose this figure are very sensitive. They know how to sympathize, empathize, emotionally respond to the experiences of others. They are good friends.

Zigzag- symbolizes creativity. These are people looking to the future. The world of ideas is as real for them as the world of things is for the rest.

Exercise "Group drawing in a circle"

Target: The development of empathy, a friendly attitude towards each other.

Material: Paper, pencils.

Holding: On a piece of paper, you need to draw a simple picture or just color spots, and then pass the baton to the next participant to continue the drawing. As a result, each drawing returns to its first author. After completing this task, the initial plan is discussed. Participants talk about their feelings. Collective drawings can be attached to the wall: a kind of exhibition is created, which for some time will remind the group of collective work in a “foreign space”.

This technique can cause aggressive feelings, resentment. Therefore, the psychologist should warn the participants about the careful attitude to each other's work.

The game "Let's fight!"

Target: The game is aimed at relieving psycho-emotional stress.

Helps transform negative emotions into constructive interaction. It also contributes to the development of creative thinking and the expansion of the child's vocabulary.

The psychologist offers the child to “quarrel”, while calling each other names can only be fruits and vegetables. Then the psychologist offers to “praise” each other, calling them different colors.

Exercise "Kind animal"

Target: stress relief, relaxation, anxiety relief.

I ask you to come to the middle of the room and stand in a circle. Let's all take hands. We are one big, kind animal. Let's hear how it breathes! Now let's breathe together! On the inhale we take a step forward, on the exhale we take a step back. This is how the animal not only breathes, but also its large, even heart beats evenly and clearly. A knock is a step forward, a knock is a step back. We all take the breath and heart of this animal for ourselves.

Exercise "Pipe"

Target: relaxation of facial muscles, especially around the lips.

"Let's play the flute. Inhale the air shallowly, bring the pipe to your lips. Start exhaling slowly, and as you exhale, try to stretch your lips into a tube. Then start over. Play! What a wonderful orchestra!

Exercise "Rain in the forest"

The psychologist turns on calm relaxing music and says:

“The sun is shining in the forest, and all the trees have stretched their branches towards it. Stretch high, high, so that each leaf is warm. But a strong wind blew and began to shake the trees in different directions. But trees are firmly rooted, stand stably and only sway. The wind brought rain clouds, and the trees felt the first gentle drops of rain (children lightly touch the back of a nearby comrade). The trees began to feel sorry for each other, to protect from the strong blows of rain with their branches. But here comes the sun. The trees felt inside themselves freshness, vivacity and joy of life.

Exercise "Dental office"

Psychologist's instruction

    Think about the fact that you made an appointment with the dentist. On the day your appointment is scheduled, you pack up and go to the dental clinic. Enter the front doors, go up to the desired floor and open the door to the dental office. Look at the clock, it shows the time assigned to you.

    You walk in and sit in a chair. To your right is a glass cart with medical instruments, you look at them and feel as if these cold metal objects are unpleasantly touching your gums and teeth. On the left is a drill, the unpleasant sound of which, as you think, you already hear. In a word, when considering a dental office, your internal tension gradually increases.

    A door opens behind you and someone enters. You don't have time to turn around when the nurse says: “The doctor won't come today. He has a little cold. Let me rewrite your coupon for another time. You sigh with relief and leave the office.

Psychologist K. Schreiner, the author of this exercise, wrote that in life, many of us behave as if we were in a denture chair. We are nervous, worried, tense, worried that ahead is something bad and unpleasant. Nothing has happened yet, but we are already experiencing and afraid of adversity in advance.

And we just have to wait and see if an event occurs that can upset us. Perhaps nothing bad will happen, and only then will we realize that we worried in vain.


Required time: 5-10 min.

Procedure: Relax and imagine that you are sitting on a wonderful green lawn on a clear sunny day... The sky is illuminated by a rainbow, and a particle of this radiance belongs to you... It is brighter than thousands of suns... Its rays gently and gently warm your head, penetrate into body, spill over it, all of it is filled with a cleansing healing light, in which your sorrows and anxieties, all negative thoughts and feelings, fears and assumptions dissolve. All unhealthy particles leave your body, turning into dark smoke, which is quickly dispersed by a gentle wind. You are free from worries, you are cleansed, you are light and joyful!

Exercise "Well of insults"

Age: junior and middle school.

Each of you has some resentment against each other. Write them on a piece of paper and crumple it. Throw your grievances down the well. Stand on chairs (there are fewer than children), supporting each other, and look at your grievances from above. This will help you forget about them.

Target: removal of anxiety, anxiety, preparation for the expected stressful situation.

Leading. I brought a small box today. I propose to send it around in a circle to collect our unpleasant experiences and worries. You can say it in a whisper, but be sure to put it in this box. Then I will seal it up and take it away, and with it, let your unpleasant experiences disappear.

Children are given black and white drawings of various scary characters. They are invited to color and paint them so that, looking at them, you can laugh. The portraits are hung on a blackboard, and the guide takes you on a tour of the art gallery, talking about the portraits in a way that makes them laugh.

Game "Puppet theater"

Target: to work with anxious, shy, aggressive, hyperactive children.

This method is similar in concept to the psychodrama method, it allows you to design any therapeutic situation, while the child has a kind of protection - a screen, which allows you to achieve a much greater effect, problems are clothed in an allegorical, metaphorical form.

The child himself chooses the characters for his fairy tale. Having modeled a problem situation under the guidance of a psychologist and found a way out of it, having "survived" this situation, the child gains experience that can be used in real life.

Exercise "Tender paws"

Target: relieving tension, muscle clamps, reducing aggressiveness, developing sensory perception, harmonizing relations between a child and an adult.

An adult picks up 6-7 small items of various textures: a piece of fur, a brush, a glass bottle, beads, cotton wool, etc. All this is laid out on the table. The child is invited to bare his arm to the elbow; the teacher explains that the “animal” will walk on the hand and touch it with gentle paws. It is necessary to guess with closed eyes which "animal" touched the hand - to guess the object. Touches should be stroking, pleasant.

Variant of the game: the "animal" will touch the cheek, knee, palm. You can switch places with your child.

Game "Bears and cones"

Target: endurance training, impulsiveness control.

Game conditions. Cones are scattered across the floor. Two players are offered to collect them with the paws of large teddy bears. The one who collects the most wins.

Notes. Instead of toys, you can use the hands of other players, for example, turned with the back of the hand. Instead of cones, you can use other objects - balls, cubes, etc.

Exercise "Needle and thread"

Target: to activate children, to create a working mood in them.

Children stand one after another, putting their hands on the waist of the person in front of them. The first child is a "needle". He runs, changing direction. The rest - "thread" - run after him, trying to keep up.

The game "Calls"

Target: to remove verbal aggression, to help children throw out anger in an acceptable form.

Tell the children the following: Guys, passing the ball in a circle, let's call each other different inoffensive words (a condition is agreed in advance on what names you can use. These can be the names of vegetables, fruits, mushrooms or furniture). Each appeal should begin with the words: “And you, ..., carrot!” Remember that this is a game, so we will not be offended by each other. In the final round, you should definitely say something pleasant to your neighbor, for example: “And you, .... the sun!”

Exercise "Hunter and Hare"

Two children are playing: one is the Hunter, the other is the Hare.

They stand opposite each other. Both of them are blindfolded, and they will have to rely only on their ears. Everyone else lines up along the edge of the field so that the Hunter and the Hare do not hit anywhere, and they are very quiet. The hare is trying to run across the field. If he's on the other side, he's safe. The hunter tries to go exactly to the place where he hears the Hare in order to catch him.

Exercise "Cave of fears"

Target: differentiation of anxiety and fears, their primary stabilization.

Facilities: pictorial, expressive, verbal-communicative.

The form: individual.

Age: senior preschool, junior school.


Sketch "cave of fears". Colored pencils (paints, felt-tip pens).

The child is offered for consideration a sketch of the drawing “cave of fears”. Then instructions are introduced for the fabulous content of the sketch and installation on the figurative (objectified) image of fears. The instruction is given by the teacher in free form.

When the drawing is finished, the child is invited to talk about the depicted images and emotional experiences in the process of drawing.

    Who/what is it? Why is he/they scary? Whom does he/they scare? How? When? Are you afraid of them/him? Why? Can he/they be defeated? How?

    What did you feel while painting? What did you remember? What were you thinking about?

    Why did you choose these colors, lines?

The participants are divided into two groups. Each group is given a sheet of paper and one marker. The first participant creates a "beautiful" drawing and passes it to the neighbor on the right. He turns the “beautiful” drawing into “terrible” within 30 seconds and passes it on to the next person, who must again make the drawing “beautiful”.

So the sheet goes the whole circle. The drawing is returned to the first author.

Exercise "Drawing fear"

Target. Relaxation. Responding through visual activity. Diagnosis of "basic fear".

Material. Paper, paints, pencils, markers.

Exercise "Glass"

Target: preparation for a stressful situation.

A soft disposable cup is placed in the child's palm. Instruction: “Imagine that this glass is a vessel for your innermost feelings, desires, thoughts. You can put in it what is really important and valuable for you, this is what you love and value very much. Silence reigns in the room for several minutes, and at an unexpected moment the teacher crushes the glass.

What did you feel now? How did you guys feel when I took off the glass? To whom were your feelings directed?

Shadow game.

2 children are selected. One child is a “traveler”, the second is his “shadow”. The traveler goes through the "field", the shadow follows him. The traveler performs various movements: “plucks flowers”, “jumps on one leg”, “jumps over a puddle”, “runs”, etc. The task of the shadow is to copy all the movements of the traveler

Exercise "Suitcase"

You have sheets folded "accordion". This is your suitcase. You will fill it with your good qualities and abilities. Write your first and last name at the top. At my command, everyone passes the sheet to their neighbor on the right. And he must write a good quality, ability or strength of the owner of the "suitcase". But only one. When you have written, fold the paper so that others cannot see what you have written. And at my command, pass the sheet again. So we will transfer the sheets until yours personally returns to you.

Look carefully at the contents of your "suitcases".

Did you like the content? Anyone surprised?

Exercise "Alien name"

Target: relaxation, anxiety relief

Today I suggest you change your name for the duration of the lesson. Now you will come up with any name for yourself: it can be fabulous, fictional or just different. Write these names on badges and pin them. Now, during the entire lesson, both I and you should address each other only by these names.

Exercise "Ball"

Target: relaxation of the muscles of the body, and face.

Imagine that we will inflate balloons. Inhale the air, bring an imaginary balloon to your lips and, puffing out your cheeks, slowly inflate it through parted lips. Watch with your eyes as your ball gets bigger and bigger. Blow carefully. Now let him go.

Exercise "Puppy shakes off"

Target: Correction of anxiety, removal of muscle clamps.

Invite the child to show how the puppy shakes himself off (for example, after bathing). Pay attention to the fact that the puppy shakes off the whole body - from nose to tail. Show it yourself by passing a wave of shaking from top to bottom and back. Repeat the exercise with your child.

Exercise "Slivers float on the river"

Target: The development of empathy, the removal of aggressiveness, the development of non-verbal communication skills.

Material: Audio recording with calm music.

Holding: Children stand in two lines at arm's length from each other - they are shores. One child is a splinter. He slowly "swims" between the "shores". The "shores" with soft touches help the "sliver". They say kind words to her, call her by name. "Sliver" itself chooses how fast it moves. The exercise can be done with open or closed eyes.

Exercise "Box of insults"

Target: through active actions to throw out negative experiences.

materials: cardboard box and newspaper.

The child crumples pieces of newspaper into balls and throws them at the wall. They fall, remaining on the floor, and he continues to crumple more and more pieces of newspaper and throw them at the wall until he gets tired. If a child has been offended, then he can be advised to accompany each throw with words addressed to the offender.

When the child gets tired and calms down a bit, you can collect paper wads with him and fold them until the next time, explaining to him that he can always use them alone in his room when he again feels strong tension and the desire to be angry.

EVS correction classes


Learn to control yourself

Target: Create conditions for mastering self-confidence


    Correction of logical thinking through methods of comparison and determination of cause-and-effect relationships. Development of attention through the installation given by the educator. Speech development and vocabulary expansion. Correction of the emotional-volitional sphere through increasing the self-esteem of children. The development of the imagination.

    Build the concept of self-confidence. Learn relaxation techniques. Help children identify their strengths. Introduce the concepts of "negative" and "positive". Learn to give positive feedback to others.

    To cultivate the skills of reflective activity and introspection, a sense of camaraderie and the right attitude towards each other's behavior.

Materials and equipment: pens, “accordion” sheets, templates of little men, “Offers” poster, “Offers” sheets by the number of children, a ladder of confidence, felt-tip pens, needles, a soft disposable cup, headings “negative” and “positive”, title of the lesson, cluster “Our strengths ”, colored circles.

Hello dear guests. Children, let's say hello to the guests.

Exercise "Kind animal"

/cm. complex/

How do you feel now?

I ask you to sit down. I need 1 person. Others, I ask you to closely monitor everything that happens.

Exercise "Glass"

/cm. complex/

What did you feel now? How did you guys feel when I took off the glass? To whom were your feelings directed? If it was your age instead of me, what would you do? And in what other situations do such feelings manifest themselves? Are they always justified? Do they bother us? How? Today we have the first lesson on the topic: "Learn to control yourself."

So, what are the feelings that prevent us from controlling ourselves? / Anxiety, fear, anger, resentment /

The first step to mastering yourself is to be confident in yourself. How do you understand it? /Believe in your strengths and capabilities, see real ways to solve problems, overcome your anxiety and fear/.

Quest "Proposal"

You see here a poster with several sentences. You have sheets with exactly the same set of sentences on your tables. I suggest that you now read them carefully and choose those sentences that are relevant to you. Please tick them off.

Now, from the selected offers, choose only one that suits you the most. Mark it with a 1.

    I want my friends to cheer me up

    My life is useless

    The appearance of others is much better than mine

    I don't feel safe

    I often worry in vain

    I avoid asking questions for fear of looking stupid

Collect sheets. Now on a large poster, I will mark the proposals that you preferred.

What offer did you notice most often? What feeling is this sentence talking about?

And, imagine that now I say that you need to complete one task, on which your whole future life will depend. What do you feel? How does your body react? /Rapid breathing and heartbeat, body trembling/. And in such a state, is it possible to perform any task well and correctly? In such cases, you need to calm down. And for this you need to breathe properly. At the very beginning of the lesson, we already performed the breathing exercise. And here's another one.

Exercise "Ball"

/cm. complex/

Are you calmer? Have you become more confident in yourself?

Of course, in order to gain self-confidence, it is not enough just to breathe correctly. You also need to change your thoughts. Let's get back to our poster. Look again at these suggestions. Tell me, are they joyful, giving confidence? And what? Such proposals are called NEGATIVE. /write/.Opposite sentences, according to the feelings that cause them, are called POSITIVE. /write next to/ And our task is to change our thoughts from negative to positive. Let's try to do it on these sentences. For example, the first: "I want my friends to cheer me up" I change to: "I have friends on whom I can always lean." You feel what a cheerful, affirming, confident proposal this is. And it does not cause us despondency and anxiety, right? Now try to remake the rest of the sentences yourself.

    I have friends that I can always lean on

    I need family and friends. I can help those who are worse than me

    I look clean and tidy

    I can fight my fears

    I always deal with my excitement

    I ask questions to gain new knowledge

Do you now understand the meaning of the expression "Think positively"?

Each person has their own strengths. To identify them, you need to identify your main strength. We all have the first power. For some it is more developed, for others it is less. This is the ability to control movement, the ability to work, rest. Dexterity, endurance, sports, dancing are also related to this strength. What is this power? ( body strength)

The teacher makes up the cluster “Our strengths” with the children

The next power is the ability to see, perceive space, color, shape. The ability to see visual images, to consider details, pictures, drawings. What is this power? ( the power of vision)

Another strength is sensitivity to the sounds of the surrounding world. It helps to feel the rhythm and understand the music. This is power… ( hearing power)

This power makes it possible to reason and draw conclusions, linking causes and effects. People with this power love problems, puzzles, proofs. ( power of thought)

The power that opens the door to the new, allows you to like, establish contacts with people and share knowledge (power of communication).

Think about what strength you have developed the most and mark it with a colored circle.

Very often, to gain self-confidence, we still need the support and approval of other people. I want to help you gain self-confidence, but that requires you to be like.

Exercise "Choose a trajectory"

/cm. complex/

Are you feeling more confident? Now you know what good qualities are inherent in you. And to consolidate this confidence, now you will look for positive qualities in your comrades.

Exercise "Suitcase"

/cm. complex/

I would like you to keep these sheets so that you can refer to them when you are anxious or unsure of your abilities. After all, your strongest points are recorded here. And after reading, you will feel freer and more confident in yourself.

And now take the figures of little men, sign them and hang them, please, on this “Ladder of Confidence”. On the step where your self-confidence is after our lesson.

Do you think our lesson was useful to you? What useful things have you learned? Do you need such classes? What for? Is there anything else you would like to know about yourself?

Thanks everyone. You did a very good job. The lesson is over.


Know how to laugh in the face of all fears.



    Develop logical thinking through solving given situations and through determining the meaning of proverbs. Develop memory through the actualization of past experience and game situations. Develop dialogic speech. Determine the mental state of the pupils using the test. Correction of the emotional-volitional sphere, excessive anxiety and fears through various exercises and games.

    To form the concepts and ideas of children about various types of fear, ways to deal with them. Teach children the simplest ways of relaxation and auto-training. To help children in the formation of inner freedom and looseness.

    Cultivate cognitive interest in the topic, as well as the desire to overcome their fears and insecurities.


Quotes; poster "Types of fear"; cluster "Our fears"; marker 2 pcs.; poster "Tree of Creativity" and 12 apples, 12 green leaves and 12 yellow (painted) to it; needles; 12 landscape sheets, 12 brushes and 4 sets of paints (liquid gouache); pens, paper, cards with situations; tape recorder, audio recording for relaxation.

Lesson progress:

Hello our dear guests and dear children. We begin our lesson.

today we will start it not quite usually - with a game.

The game "Most of all ..."

Children with the teacher stand in a circle and hold hands. The teacher starts. You need to turn your head to your neighbor on the left and say: “I like you the most ...” and name the quality of your neighbor that you are most impressed with in him. Then the child who was told should turn to his neighbor on the left and say his compliment. And so, in a circle, until he again approaches the teacher.

Tell me, did you feel fear or anxiety during the game? Why? And now you feel better? That's it about our fears and how to deal with it, we'll talk today. The theme of our lesson...

In life, we often find ourselves in a situation where we become afraid. There are no people who are not afraid of anything. Even the bravest heroes experience fear.

"The brave one is not the one ... who is not afraid, but the one who knows how to suppress his cowardice." A.S. Makarenko.

What are you afraid of? Let's put our fears on the cluster.

Filling the cluster "Our fears"

What are our fears, how do they arise and how to overcome them? Let's look at this poster.

Types of Fear Poster

    Fear based on experience.

For example: bitten by a dog in childhood - afraid of dogs; got into a car accident - afraid to drive a car.

    Caused by incompetence, your ignorance.

For example: you do not know how to behave in an unfamiliar company; afraid to answer at the blackboard, because you are not sure of the answer.

    Adult fears.

For example: Do not cross the road in the wrong place - you will get hit by a car; do not walk alone - you can get lost.

    Fear is imagined.

For example: ghosts, darkness.

Question: What other fears can be attributed here? What fears from the cluster can be attributed to this category?

It happens that a person believes that nothing can scare him. Or a person is worried about something, but he does not notice anything. But anxiety also leads to fear and even to aggression. But there is one very simple test to determine such a state. Do you want to spend with you?

Test "Blots"

Children are invited to take a little paint of the color that they like best on a brush, splash a “blot” on a sheet of paper and fold the sheet in half so that the “blot” is printed on the second half of the sheet. Expand the sheet and explain what or who the resulting “blot” looks like.


    Aggressive or depressed children choose a blot of dark colors. They see aggressive plots in it.

    Black and red paint is chosen by children prone to anger.

    Purple and lilac - children with a low mood.

    Gray and brown tones are chosen by tense, conflict, disinhibited children.

Now you can clearly see your inner state. I think it's time to take a break.

Relaxation "Sunny Bunny"

Sit back, relax, listen to the music and my voice. The sunbeam looked into your eyes. Close them. He ran across the face. Stroked your forehead, nose, cheeks, lips, chin. You are warm and pleasant. This sunny bunny is very affectionate and warm. You are warm and pleasant. Here the bunny ran even lower. He stroked your neck, descended on your chest, stomach. Stroked your left hand, right. He got down to his feet. Stroked one, the other and slid out the window. You are easy and calm. You are well rested and relaxed. Open your eyes.

You can perform this exercise not only when you are scared or anxious, but also when you are in a bad mood or just tired.

Is fear always bad? Fear is also a means of knowing the world around us, a defense that allows us to avoid meeting with danger. After all, it is not necessary to go to the hospital to understand that walking at a construction site is dangerous. What do you think will happen if you play football near the road? Should I go with a stranger? If you walk alone, without adults, late at night? So sometimes fear can help to avoid unpleasant situations, so you can not completely throw it out of our lives.

After all, as the famous Spanish writer Miguel de Cervantes said, “Courage that is not based on prudence is called recklessness. The exploits of the reckless must be attributed to simple luck rather than courage.

But very often our fears, especially from the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd category, prevent us from living. This is what folk wisdom says. What proverbs do you know about fear?


Be afraid of wolves, do not go into the forest.

Fear has big eyes.

The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing.

An attempt is not torture, but demand is not a problem.

You will not be afraid of any misfortune.

A hare from a leaf, and a frog runs from a hare.

Too many of us are haunted by very ridiculous fears. For example, some are embarrassed to ask or ask for something because of fear that they will be refused or not answered. To get rid of such fears, you can play a simple but interesting game "Shadow". It will help you develop inner freedom and looseness.

Shadow game.

/see complex/

Did you like the game? You can play it yourself with each other. This is also a way to get rid of fear.

But before you begin to fight your fear, you must understand its cause. For example, why are you afraid of cockroaches? But the cockroach will not really harm us, it does not bite and is afraid of people itself.

Then we must choose a way to deal with our fear. As you already understood, this includes various games, exercises. You can draw your fear, but draw it not as usual, but with some fun details. You can learn more about the subject of your fear - maybe you will find out that what you were afraid of is not at all dangerous. You can involve a friend in solving your problem - after all, when you are not alone, it is no longer so scary. Another exercise is to mentally imagine a situation that scares you, but with a good ending. Etc. The important thing is that fear can be overcome.

So this is a task for you. Each subgroup will have a few minutes to think about and write down their way of dealing with a particular fear.

    Fear of insects;

    Fear of the dark;

    Fear of animals;

    Fear of communication.

You have come up with some very good ideas.

All of you can successfully deal with fears. And in order to do this better, I will teach you a simple exercise "Even breathing."

Autotraining "Smooth breathing"

When you are nervous, try to breathe nicely and evenly. Close your eyes. Inhale and mentally say: “I am a LION”, exhale, inhale,

Say: "I am a BIRD", exhale, inhale,

Say: "I am a STONE" exhale inhale,

Say: "I am a FLOWER", exhale, inhale,

Say: "I - CALM", exhale.

And you will really calm down.

Our lesson is coming to an end. Did you learn anything new in this lesson? Will it help you in life? What do you remember the most?

Let's express our impressions of the session using this tree. See, it's completely naked. On your tables are sets for everyone - a red apple, a green leaf and a yellow one. You need to choose one thing and attach, with a needle, to a tree. But you need to choose according to the following recommendations:

Red Apple You will show that this activity was interesting and useful for you.

Green leaf Pretty good stuff, but nothing special.

yellow leaf There was nothing useful or interesting in class.

Teacher comments. The lesson is over.


Let the fear recede

(for younger students)

Target: Creation of conditions for the formation of emotional and volitional skills.



To form ideas about fear, its types and elementary methods of getting rid of it;


Develop analysis skills through filling in the cluster, establishing cause-and-effect relationships through the explanation of proverbs, correction of the emotional-volitional sphere, through games, cartoons;

educational- To develop basic skills of self-regulation.

Materials: theme poster; cluster "Fears", pictures for it; marker; poster with

proverbs; mask templates; markers; cartoon discs and

music for the etude; small mirrors; waste baskets.

Lesson progress:

Dear guys, hello. Now I ask you to stand in a circle. Squat down, lower your head and cover it with your hands. You are flower seeds. Here the sun rose, warmed the seeds, and they began to burst. Stems, leaves began to grow from them, and, finally, beautiful flowers blossomed. Swing a little. For flowers, a new day begins and they will learn and see a lot of new things.

Put your hands down. You, like these flowers, learn something new every day. And now we have a new lesson in which we will play, talk, draw. And we will start with a small game, which will tell us the topic of the lesson.

The game is called "Phone of emotions". We have already played this game. Stand in line one behind the other. I remind you of the rules: now I, only with gestures and facial expressions, will show emotion to the last player. He should lightly tap on the shoulder of the player in front and, when he turns, also show him the same emotion. He can repeat my gestures, or he can come up with his own. So, by showing an emotion along the chain, you will pass it on to the first player. And he will tell us aloud what kind of emotion I showed. You have no right to turn around until you get a pat on the back. Try to show emotion accurately so as not to be mistaken. Otherwise, at the end it may come out completely different from what I showed at the beginning. If you are not very clear what the player is showing you, you can ask him to repeat the gestures. Do you understand everything?

Game "Phone of emotions"

So what emotion were we conveying? /Fear/.

Correctly. And the topic of our lesson is “Fear will recede from a smile.”

Sit down. What fears do people have? You?

Cluster "Fears"

(pictures are used instead of words)

See what a variety of fears there are. Some fears are caused by our natural fears: fear of dogs, wild animals, cars - because they can really harm us. But there are other fears, unfounded. For example, darkness. Can darkness truly harm us? It seems to us that someone terrible is hiding in the dark. But in fact, there is no one there.

Does the fact that we, for example, are afraid of cars help us or hinder us? Why? Look at these proverbs. Who will read? How do you understand them?


A frightened crow is afraid of a bush.

Scared - half beaten.

Fear has big eyes.

That is, it is natural to have fears. They help us protect ourselves from rash acts, such as crossing the road in the wrong place or climbing onto the roof. But they also interfere with our lives if we cannot overcome our fears.

/ There is a roar and a howl outside the door. The Scarecrow enters./

AT.: Oh, who are you?

WITH.: My name is Scarecrow. I'm the scariest and worst! I love to scare everyone, I love it when everyone is afraid!

AT.: So what, you came to scare us?

WITH.: Certainly. But first I would like to know if you know how to fear correctly. And then all of a sudden you behave somehow not as you should. Unsettle me.

AT.: Well. Okay, Scarecrow. We are not really afraid of you. Really guys? But since you are our guest, we will show you the sketch "Frightened Duckling".

How does a frightened person feel? I think that the duckling also feels that way when he is afraid. Now I will read the story, and you will have to imitate the behavior of the duckling.

Etude "Frightened Duckling"

The duckling ran away from the poultry yard. Night found him in the forest. In addition, the weather turned bad: it started to rain, the wind howled. Trees creaked loudly, branches bent. It seemed to the duckling that his big, wet, clumsy paws were grabbing him. He could hear the sounds of the night forest: animals and birds. So it seemed to the duckling that someone was screaming in pain. Finally, the exhausted duckling found a secluded place for himself, where he hid until morning, trembling all over. And in the morning the dog found him and brought him home.

AT.: Well done boys. Well, how, Scarecrow, is it right that our children are afraid?

WITH.: Well, okay, it will do. Only the end of your sketch is disgustingly good. You have stopped being afraid. But I'll fix it. Right now I’ll let the darkness fall on you, I’ll set spiders and cockroaches on you - in an instant you will be afraid again!

AT.: We are not afraid of you! We can scare you!

WITH.: Ha-ha-ha! Are you scaring me?! Oh, well, try it!

AT.: You all have mask templates, pencils and markers on your desks. Let's draw a scary mask on the sheets. You can draw what you yourself are afraid of.

Draw a mask.

And, now, go up to the Scarecrow, put the mask to your face and growl at her terribly!

WITH.: Oh, I'm afraid, I'm leaving ! /runs away/

That's how good you are - they frightened the Scarecrow herself. But with such masks you can even scare each other. Let's sit down and put the masks aside for now.

And yet, how do we deal with fears? We can't scare everything that scares us. There is one sure way. Can't guess which one? Look at the topic of the lesson. Of course it's a smile. Let's watch the cartoon "Baby Raccoon".

Little Raccoon Cartoon


Was the raccoon afraid in the forest when he went to the pond for the first time? Why?

Who lived in the pond?

Why did the raccoon first think that the one who lives in the pond is evil?

How did he manage to befriend him?

What is sung in the song "From a smile"

See how simple it is. It is only necessary not to invent non-existent horrors for yourself, but to look closely and smile. Look in the mirror, smile at yourself, make a face a little. Smile again. Is it true that fears go away from a smile? And so that nothing scares us at all, let's tear our masks into small pieces into these baskets. Let our fears run away from us far, far away with every scrap!

Now stand in a circle. Did you like what you learned today? What do you remember the most?

Let's get up again, like "flowers" under the sun. We have seen and learned a lot today. The sun is setting, the flowers are closing. Tomorrow, when the sun rises again, the flowers will bloom again, and they will recognize the world again.

The lesson is over.


How to get rid of fear

Target: creating conditions for learning to manage emotions.


Corrective -

development of logical thinking through the establishment of cause-and-effect relationships, the classification of fears and comparison techniques; memory correction through the actualization of past experience; EVS development through drawing and trainings.

Educational -

introduce children to the classification of fears; to learn to draw conclusions based on manipulations with drawing and imagination; teaching relaxation techniques in the fight against fears through training exercises.

Educational -

educate positive motivation to acquire knowledge and experience, friendliness, respect for one's mental health .

Equipment and materials:

2 clusters "Fears", pictures for them, a marker; poster "Types of fear"; proverbs (3 on the poster and 2 cut); CD with relaxation music; sketch of the "Cave of Fear", title, the word "laughter", pencils, felt-tip pens, paper; "experience" box.

Lesson progress:

Children, let's say hello to our guests. And let's start our lesson. But first, let's tune in, prepare for it emotionally.

Anxiety Relief Exercise

/see complex/

Are you okay? Ready to get busy? Let's start.

Exercise "Dental office"

/see complex/

Perhaps nothing bad will happen, and we are completely in vain afraid. That's what we'll talk about today. Topic of the lesson "How to Get Rid of Fear"

What are you afraid of? Let's write our fears into clusters. I suggest doing it this way: the older children will fill in this cluster with words on their own, and the younger ones will choose and stick pictures that they associate with fears on their cluster

Clusters "Fears"


See how many kinds of fears there are. Almost all of us are afraid of something.

What are our fears, how do they arise and how to overcome them? Let's look at this poster.

Types of Fear Poster

It's natural to have fears. Is fear always bad? Fear is also a means of knowing the world around us, a defense that allows us to avoid meeting with danger. After all, it is not necessary to go to the hospital to understand that walking at a construction site is dangerous. What do you think will happen if you play football near the road? Should I go with a stranger? If you walk alone, without adults, late at night? So sometimes fear can help to avoid unpleasant situations and rash actions, so you can’t completely throw it out of our lives.

Some fears are caused by our natural fears: fear of dogs, wild animals, cars - because they can really harm us. But there are other fears, unfounded, fantasized. For example, darkness. Can darkness truly harm us? It seems to us that someone terrible is hiding in the dark. But in fact, there is no one there.

Now I ask the elders to read the proverbs on the stand and think about how you can explain their meaning. You can consult among yourselves. And the younger ones will have to collect 2 proverbs, already familiar to them, from cut pieces. Look at these proverbs. Who will read? How do you understand them?


1. A frightened crow is afraid of a bush.

2. Fear has big eyes.

1. Be afraid of wolves, do not go into the forest.

2. Trying is not torture, but demand is not a problem.

3. A hare from a leaf, and a frog runs from a hare.

If we cannot overcome our fears, then they also interfere with our life. How exactly? For example, the fear that you will give the wrong answer in the lesson and look ridiculous makes you keep silent even if you are ready for the lesson, and you do not show your good knowledge. Or the fear of the dark does not allow you to move freely in the evening, even in your own home.

Before you begin to fight your fear, you must understand its cause. For example, why are you afraid of cockroaches? But the cockroach will not really harm us, it does not bite and is afraid of people itself.

Then we must choose a way to deal with our fear. This includes various games, exercises. You can draw your fear, but draw it not as usual, but with some fun details. You can learn more about the subject of your fear - maybe you will find out that what you were afraid of is not at all dangerous. You can involve a friend in solving your problem - after all, when you are not alone, it is no longer so scary. You can also mentally imagine a situation that frightens you, but with a good ending. Etc. The important thing is that fear can be overcome.

Now we will try to do all this

Exercise "Cave of fears"

/see complex/

When we experience fear, how do we feel? / Breathing goes astray, heart pounding, trembling /. Therefore, to begin with, we must restore proper breathing.

Exercise "Pipe"

/see complex/

But to relieve the tension of the whole body, I suggest doing the following exercise:

Exercise "Rain in the forest"

/see complex/

So we took the pressure off. Let's go back to our Cave of Fear. Remember that I said that fear can be drawn, but to get rid of it, you need to draw with some funny details. Let's try.

Exercise "Beautiful terrible drawing"

/see complex/

Discussion. Do your drawings no longer scare you so much? What can you say about other children's drawings? Correct the name (Cave of Fear - Cave of Laughter).

Our lesson is coming to an end. Did you learn anything new in this lesson? Will it help you in life? What do you remember the most? I really hope that our lesson will help you get rid of far-fetched and real fears. But if you still have any doubts, fears and worries, I suggest doing this:

Exercise "Box of Experiences"

/see complex/

I will seal it and take it away, and with it, let your unpleasant experiences disappear. The lesson is over.


Journey through feelings and emotions

Target: Creation of conditions for the formation of emotional and volitional skills.


Corrective -

Develop logical thinking through the implementation of tasks. Correction of memory, through memorization of concepts, performance of exercises. Continue to expand the vocabulary of pupils.


Clarify and expand children's concepts of feelings and emotions. Build anger management skills strengthen skills to deal with fears. Define "pictogram". Learn to think positively.


Education of cognitive interest in the subject, the ability to control oneself.

Materials and equipment: electronic presentation of the lesson, projector, screen; coloring books, paints, brushes; tennis balls, gloves; ball; memo.

Lesson progress:

Hello dear guys!

Exercise "Alien name"

/see complex/

slide 1. Let's look at the screen

What do you think is shown here? What unites them all? /they are all about feelings and emotions/. Correctly. These are peculiar drawings depicting the characteristic features of various emotions. They are called icons. Pictograms are of different types. In this case, we took pictograms in the form of emoticons. And today we will talk about emotions and feelings.

slide 2 Lesson topic…

What are emotions, feelings? What are they? How do they appear?

Joy, surprise, anger, anger, rage - this is the whole state of a person that we call emotion.

Slide 3. Emotions are... Feelings are...

How do we show our emotions?

The emotional state is manifested through facial expressions, facial expressions and gestures of a person. By looking at a person, we can determine his emotional state.

In addition to positive emotions and feelings - love, joy, just a good mood - we also experience negative ones - anger, anger, envy. It is not their very existence that is problematic, but how we can deal with them. To experience these emotions for a long time is unhealthy - you can even get sick. In addition, for example, envious people cause hostile attitude towards themselves in other people, they are not loved and try not to be friends with them.

slide 4. Let's look at the table, is everything in it correct? How should it be?

slide 5. Let's see if you think correctly. Look at the corrected table. Say what feelings and emotions from the table you have in relation to people you like. And what feelings and emotions prevent you from communicating with people.

slide 6. Let's learn more about different feelings and emotions and for this we will make a little trip. Let's get acquainted with new words.

In order to travel you need one item.

Slide 7. What is it? This is the map of our journey.

So, we are on our way. And the first stop at PORTO OF SURPRISING.

When do we experience surprise? /When we are told (or we see) something that is not quite normal from our point of view/

slide 8. Find the icon that matches surprise.

slide 9. We moved it to the map

slide 10. And here is how surprise is translated into Kazakh

Our emotions themselves are amazing. Now you will see a picture that clearly demonstrates to us one amazing property of emotions.

Slide 11.

Psychic task "Amazing picture"

Please look at the picture (see attachment) and give it a title.

(options are written on the board until the correct option is called “emotions infect”)

Let's take a closer look at it

Slides (12-16) For those who can't see, there are paper copies on the tables.

That's right - the picture is called "Emotions infect." Isn't that amazing!?

Our emotions tend to reflect on other people. And since we live in society, we need to monitor and control our emotions. Especially the bad ones. And we must be able to contain our emotions

slide 17. Therefore, we leave this hospitable port and go further to MOUNTAINS OF ANGER

Tell me when you feel angry or angry?

Close your eyes for a moment and feel the anger in your body. Where exactly is it located? What colour is he?

What is he? Where do you feel it?

slide 18. Find the pictogram of this feeling.

slide 19. We will transfer this icon to the map.

slide 20. Learn about the Kazakh word for anger.

When a person is in a state of anger, the substance adrenaline is released in his body. Any animal in such a situation instantly begins to act: threatens, attacks, runs away if the enemy is stronger, due to which the level of adrenaline in the blood normalizes.

Rage, anger, anger are completely normal feelings, everyone has experienced them in one way or another. The problem is not with them, but with how we deal with them. We sometimes fight, call each other different terrible words, and this is very insulting to the people around us.

Let's, for starters, try to call names at least not offensive words.

Exercise "Calls".

/see complex/

To relieve nervous tension caused by negative feelings and emotions, this exercise will help:

Exercise "Kicking"

/see complex/

How do we feel after we flare up, take out our anger on other people? Would you like to be able to control yourself? To do this, we need to be able to control our emotions. One of the stamina exercises is a lot of fun, although it requires focus.

Game "Bears and cones"

/see complex/

Well, now you can control your outbursts a little by doing these simple exercises.

But there is another negative feeling that you are familiar with. Let's go to a new place.

Slide 21.BAY OF FEAR.

We continue our journey. Look at this icon. What emotion do you think it shows?

slide 22. That's right, it's fear. We are in a bay of fear.

slide 23. Check out this word.

We have already done a lot of fear classes. Now I want to know what you remember from what we taught: What fears do you know? I will throw the ball to you. You answer and throw it to me.

Do fears prevent us from living or help us?

slide 24

Exercise “Finish the sentence”

Children are asked to complete the sentence:

Adults are usually afraid….; small children are usually afraid of….; teenagers are usually afraid of….

And how to deal with fears? In order not to be afraid, we drew our fears in one of the classes, and then drew them to make them funny. I suggest you do something similar again. Otherwise, fear will not let us off this island.

Exercise "Picture Gallery".

/see complex/

What is the best way to help us deal with fears? /laugh/

slide 25. Then we go to VALLEY OF JOY.

slide 26. When do we experience joy? We have such a joyful flower. For each petal, you need to say the phrase: "I rejoice when ..."

Exercise "I rejoice when ...".

The heart of a flower is hung on the board with the inscription "I rejoice when ...". Each child is given a petal where he must write the end of this sentence. After that, the petal is attached to the core.

slide 27. Now look at this flower. This is what you called me 2 weeks ago when I asked what makes you happy. Let's read.

See how many things can create a feeling of joy. Even the fact that the sun shines brightly makes us smile, joy and leads to a good mood. And a good mood is the best way to deal with negative feelings and emotions. I hope you always remember this.

Our emotional journey has come to an end.

Were you interested? And tell me, please, how did you feel today under a false name? What feelings and emotions did you experience? Did you enjoy being a different person? Why? What was the most interesting and surprising thing about the lesson? What caused the anger or fear?

slide 28. I would like you to rate today's lesson. We have such a wonderful rainbow and stars. And there is also a reminder. Using the memo, determine your attitude to today's lesson. Then approach our operator to place your star on the color of the rainbow you have chosen. Reminder:

Red - more such activities.

Orange - everything was interesting

Yellow - interesting, but not all

Green - remember for a long time

Blue - I would like to know something else on this topic

Blue - something I did not understand

Purple - I'm interested in classes on a different topic

Thank you very much for the way you worked in class. The lesson is over.

The most important task facing responsible parents is the development of the emotional-volitional sphere in children. There are several techniques and a large number of exercises that will develop the volitional qualities of the baby, they can and should be applied.


The emotional-volitional sphere is characterized as the essence and dynamic changes of feelings, emotions and volitional manifestations of the personality. Emotionality is directly related to individuality, moral attitudes, life values ​​and human interests, motivational potential, volitional control.

From childhood, people differ greatly in the emotional sphere: some are impressionable, emotionally developed, while others suffer from the so-called emotional dullness.

Will represents the ability of a person to intelligently manage his own activity and the course of mental processes, the ability to overcome external and internal difficulties. Its key functions can be identified as follows:

  • definition of the goal and why it needs to be achieved;
  • the transformation of motivation into action with insufficient or, conversely, excessive motivation;
  • mobilization of human capabilities in cases where obstacles arise in the way of achieving the goal.

Many researchers believe that will and motivation are not synonymous: the first appears in cases where the second is not enough.

It is the combination of will and emotions that makes up the emotional-volitional sphere.


It is customary to single out several components of this sphere, they are presented in the table.

Name a brief description of Examples
EmotionsThe simplest reactions to the outside worldPositive (joy) Negative (anger) Neutral (amazement)
FeelingsA component that is more complex in structure, includes a number of emotions and manifests itself in relation to a specific person or event.Admiration, falling in love, tenderness, gratitude are positive. Jealousy, guilt, fear, antipathy are negative.
MoodAn emotional state characterized by durationStable or unstable. Stable and variable.
WillThe ability of the individual to regulate his activities in such a way as to achieve the goal

How to distinguish emotions and feelings? If the former are inherent in both people and animals, then only humans are capable of the latter. In addition, feelings are more complex, stable and long-lasting, the same emotion can manifest itself in different feelings - and vice versa.

The meaning of development

Emotions and will are very important in the life of every person since childhood - they control the perception of the world around them, affect the cognitive processes of the individual.

This area develops throughout life, while it is considered the most important period for this development. Children not only form new types of feelings (the so-called higher ones - cognitive, moral and aesthetic), but also develop the ability to control their own reactions.

At 2-3 years old, kids develop pride in their own skills and achievements (they are happy to brag about their ability to recite poems, pronounce sounds that not everyone can do, and others). From the age of 4, children begin to take pride in the fact that some activities are good for them (for example, the child can draw, knows the score, successfully hides when playing hide and seek). It is necessary to develop emotions, otherwise the baby will either grow up as an indifferent “rusk”, or will show aggression, treat the world around and itself with a pronounced negative.

It is very important for parents to teach the baby to control his emotions, otherwise in the near future he may face the problems of neuroses, which are very relevant for modern reality. Lack of self-control can result in difficulties in educational and work activities, in building interpersonal relationships, creating a family. It is necessary to give the child the opportunity to feel protected, to pay due attention to communication with him, otherwise the preschooler will develop self-doubt, distrust, even a feeling of fear, which, in turn, will cause problems such as stuttering, enuresis, tics, will affect socialization of the individual.

It is necessary to carry out work on the development of the sphere of emotions in the preschool period, since it is now that the formation and consolidation of its main aspects is taking place. Positive emotions and willpower will be useful to the child in the learning process, and will also help him achieve success in extracurricular activities.

Specificity of development

The emotional and volitional development of babies is influenced by two groups of factors:

  • internal (individual, innate abilities of the baby);
  • external (family environment, communication with parents, environment).

And if parents cannot influence the first factors, then it is in their power to create conditions for the child at home that will develop in him both will and positive emotions.

There are several key stages in the development of this most important area.

  1. Understanding, awareness and consolidation of emotional reactions - both positive and negative. The kid understands which events and phenomena cause him positive emotions, which negative ones, and tries to do something in such a way as to receive the first and avoid the second.
  2. Formation of motives, the strongest of which is praise.
  3. The emergence of a hierarchy of needs, which has an individual character.
  4. Development of self-knowledge and the ability to understand one's own emotional state, to express it verbally.
  5. The emergence of new feelings, the ability to self-esteem. The kid seems to be looking at himself through the eyes of adults, especially parents, trying to figure out how one or another of his actions will be appreciated by them.

Also, with age, vocabulary enrichment occurs, the child becomes able to describe in detail his emotions and mood. The development of the emotional-volitional sphere, therefore, is a complex process.

The most important features of preschoolers

Researchers highlight several key features of the emotional-volitional sphere of the preschool period:

  1. Emotions control all the actions of the child. They are involuntary and bright, quickly flare up and are able to instantly fade away.
  2. The child is upset because something did not work out for him, he is offended that he did not get what he wanted, but he just as easily forgets about it.
  3. Most often, he is unable to hide or suppress his own feelings and emotions. Although some children manage to do this.

Already by the senior preschool period, the crumbs have motives, needs and interests that will determine his actions and activities. Also, kids understand rhythm and harmony, they develop a concept of beauty.


As we found out, during the period of preschool childhood there is an intensive development of the emotional and volitional spheres, however, during the same period, the risk of various disorders can also be noted.

  • The lack of emotional decentration in the child, that is, he is not capable of empathy.
  • Lack of emotional syntony - the child cannot respond to the emotional state of a person close to him.
  • Lack of guilt.
  • Increased emotional excitability, anger for the most insignificant reasons, aggression, irritability. Often becomes the cause of interpersonal conflicts.
  • Intrapersonal conflicts, expressed in causeless and frequent mood swings.

In addition, some children may have several types of disorders at the same time, a combination of intrapersonal and interpersonal conflicts. On the one hand, they are irritable and aggressive, on the other hand, they are capricious, touchy and vulnerable, they experience fears.

Parents should pay attention to the following signs of violations in the emotional-volitional sphere:

  • hyperactivity of the child;
  • inattention;
  • constant fears and anxieties (loneliness, darkness, death), which leads to lack of initiative, excessive modesty;
  • bad habits (, pencils, thumb sucking).

There can be a large number of reasons that caused such manifestations - from watching aggressive programs on TV to the inattention of parents and lack of communication with them. It is very important to correct such deviations in time, otherwise the immaturity of the emotional and volitional spheres can lead to infantilism.


Special exercises will help correct these violations. Hyperactive children can be offered the following activities.

  • This task will help improve concentration. Mom puts a toy in front of the child, asks him to remember as many details of her appearance as possible, and after the toy is hidden, describe (what she was wearing, how she looked).
  • You can ask the baby to find among a large number of toys those that have some pre-specified feature (for example, blue eyes). This exercise is also aimed at developing the ability to concentrate.
  • "Forbidden Movement" A certain movement is invented and communicated to the child in advance, which in the future cannot be repeated to him. Next, the mother performs various movements that the preschooler repeats after her. At the same time, it is very important to control your body and not do something accidentally forbidden.
  • "Edible - inedible". You can play with one or more children. An adult calls a word (a food product or something inedible) and at the same time throws a ball. If food is named, the child catches the ball; if not, it discards it.
  • "Ocean is shaking". Helps you learn to control your movements. Children perform smooth movements with their hands, shaking them to the sides, saying "The sea worries once, the sea worries twice." After “the sea worries three”, the leader’s command “Freeze” sounds - the kids must take some position and remain in it.
  • "Siamese twins". Designed to control impulsivity. It is performed as follows: the children stand with their backs to each other, join their hands, after that they try to walk around, acting as if they were a single whole, to execute the simplest commands (raise their right hand, jump).

It is important to praise the baby even for minor successes, to show interest himself, to clearly and in a form accessible to the preschooler to explain the essence of the task.

You can correct self-doubt with the help of another group of exercises and games.

  • Painting. The kid is given the task to portray himself as a winner.
  • What I like about you. Pairs game, but can also be played in a group. Children are divided into two, after which they take turns naming the characteristics and qualities that they like in a partner.
  • My good deed. The children take turns telling the group about the good deeds they have done.
  • What good can I do. Each kid shares what he does best.
  • Chamomile success. Such a flower is made in advance: the middle is a round photograph of the baby, always with a smile, the petals of different colors are still empty. During the week, it is necessary to write down the good deeds that the child has done. On the day off, readings of achievements are held.

Parents can choose the most suitable and interesting games for kids from the proposed list.

Development of volitional qualities

To do this, you need to regularly engage with the child, teach him to control his behavior.

The following rules will help you achieve your goal.

  • Offer the baby tasks of moderate difficulty so that he has an objective opportunity to cope with them. Gradually the level rises.
  • Observe moderation and caution, remembering that the preschooler is not yet ready for prolonged intellectual and physical exertion.
  • Stick to the daily routine. The implementation of specific actions in the time period specified for them is excellent discipline.

The child must have his own affairs, which no one else will do (clean up toys, water flowers). This will help him become more collected, as well as develop willpower. Parents need to ensure that the baby completes the work he has begun, and as soon as it becomes a habit, loosen control.

The fun game "Kitten" will help to teach the kid to set a goal and achieve it. Children are given the task to imagine that they brought a cat home - one of them temporarily reincarnates into an animal. Others must take care of him. Children will set a goal (to become a kitten or care for one) and take certain actions to achieve it. Mobile and board games with rules will also be a great help to parents.

The game "Yes and no" will also help develop strong-willed qualities. Its essence is simple - the baby is asked questions, for example: “Do you love mom?”, “Your name is Masha?”, His task is to give answers to them, without using the words “yes” and “no”.

If a preschooler is already familiar with some letters, the exercise “Find a letter and cross it out” will help improve his will and perseverance. Mom gives the child a sheet on which letters, symbols, numbers are placed in a chaotic manner, and asks him to find and cross out all the letters “A”.

Use of art therapy

To correct violations in the emotional-volitional sphere of children, you can use art therapy (art therapy), which will help the child get rid of emotional discomfort, stimulate self-awareness and self-regulation. Classes can reduce anxiety, aggression, and in addition, help develop his artistic abilities.

In the course of such therapy, the child's independent work on the creation of a certain product should be alternated with dialogue, discussions, and the exchange of emotions, thoughts, and impressions.

Various forms of art therapy should be used. Let's name the main ones, often used in the course of classes with preschoolers.

  • Poke drawing.
  • Monotype (on a plastic board, a kid draws a drawing with gouache, then a sheet of paper is superimposed on top - the resulting print is the result of creativity).
  • Loose objects, dry leaves (a drawing is applied to a sheet of paper with glue, then it is sprinkled with either sugar, rice, other cereals, or crushed leaves. Once glued, they will create an original image).
  • Plasticineography.
  • Drawings on the back. A pair game - one child runs his finger along the back of another, “depicting” the sun, a house, a flower, and the first kid should try to guess.
  • Drawing on glass helps to correct self-doubt, the fear of making a mistake, because in the process of creativity you can always erase what happened with a wet sponge.

All this is interesting for the child, it will help him get positive emotions, get rid of anxiety, fear, reduce aggressiveness, and fully show his imagination. Gradually, he will learn to think outside the box, show his abilities, gain confidence in his abilities.

Development of the emotional sphere

This is not an easy task, which, however, parents should pay special attention to. First of all, it is necessary in conversations to explain to the baby the essence of this or that emotion, using the vocabulary that is accessible to him. As examples, one can cite heroes of fairy tales, stories, cartoon characters - all this will help a preschooler to understand and further realize his emotions and feelings, enrich his inner world. It is important to tell the child that everyone can experience fears, anger, and these are normal healthy emotions, without which life itself is impossible.

In addition, special exercises will help you understand your own emotions.

  • Mimic gymnastics. Allows you to learn to express emotions verbally. An adult gives the child the installation to portray the emotion inherent in a particular character from a fairy tale he knows. For example, to show how Pinocchio laughed, or to get upset, like Tanya, who dropped the ball into the river.
  • Masks. This fun game will help preschoolers deal with the world of facial expressions and gestures that accompany our emotions, are their external expressions. Children themselves or with the help of an adult make various masks that depict emotions known to them - sadness, joy, delight, amazement. After that, each child puts on a random mask, not knowing which one. Using clues-descriptions of other children, he must try to guess "his" emotion.
  • Guess the emotion. The adult himself depicts the emotion, the task of the child is to guess which one.

Fairy tale therapy will also be useful, helping the child to learn about feelings and emotions, to understand himself, to observe various behaviors and their results from the outside. Moreover, parents can either read the finished version, and then discuss it with the baby, or come up with their own text together with him. In addition, you can invite the baby to draw a memorable hero or a specific situation on paper, play a small scene, actively using facial expressions and gestures, trying to transform into a character.

It will be no less interesting for children to create their own work, offer a different ending or think out how the characters continued to live.

Do not underestimate the importance of developing the emotional sphere. Parents need to help the child to understand himself and develop strong-willed qualities, using easy, relaxed play forms.