All materials for building a house. Application of new technologies in the construction of private houses. Construction from natural stones

All materials for building a house.  Application of new technologies in the construction of private houses.  Construction from natural stones
All materials for building a house. Application of new technologies in the construction of private houses. Construction from natural stones

In addition, this material is treated with a special resin, which ensures long-term operation even in harsh winter conditions.

What new building materials and technologies are used in our regions

Previously, purchasing and installing stained glass required large financial costs, but innovative technologies have made it possible to create a material that is cheaper and looks even more presentable. The use of new technologies in the production of stained glass windows has made them durable and able to withstand heavy loads during the operational period.

With the help of such stained glass windows, tiles in the bathroom are decorated and suspended ceilings are made. So new building materials and technologies are becoming normal in modern design and construction, and this is not the limit. Every year new developments appear aimed at reducing construction costs and improving the performance properties of materials.

Various polymer elements, which differ in surface quality and durability, are actively used in finishing and in various fields of construction. If you use new building materials and technologies, there is an opportunity for serious savings and improvement in the quality of the building. Operational and thermal insulation properties are improved when using new building materials and technologies, and the load on the foundation is significantly reduced.

Most modern materials are light in weight, but have high strength, and such data are favorable for building structures.

By actively searching for options for using modern materials and innovative technologies, you can build a beautiful and durable home.

Modern innovative construction technologies, striking the imagination with their originality and fantasticness, use both the achievements of the latest scientific research and the invaluable experience of ancestors.

Let's start with the most common building material - wood. It would seem that what else can be invented here? But here, too, modern innovative technologies come to the rescue.

1. Technology of construction of domed houses without nails, Vladivostok, Russia

Scientists from the Far Eastern Federal University are creating modern wooden domed houses. At the same time, as in the good old days of Russian architects, without a single nail. Their uniqueness lies in the use of new designs of locks between the individual parts of the wooden spherical frame.

A domed house made of wooden parts is created in record time. Literally in a matter of hours, the frame of an unusual house grows. Today they want to try this technology in several Russian cities. The links are connected to each other using a special lock, which absorbs all loads - vertical, lateral, and so on. The parts are made with such precision that it looks like a Lego set. Any person, having such a kit with small assembly instructions, can mount this structure themselves.

At one of the recreation centers in the Primorsky Territory there is already a domed express cafe “Snezhok”, built by scientists, which is very popular, attracting visitors with its unusual shape. Second domed house much larger - this is a two-story twelve-meter structure with an area of ​​195 m2.

2. Multi-storey wooden buildings, London, UK

We are all somehow accustomed to the fact that wood is used to build low houses, one or two floors. But US developers believe it is possible to use wood to construct buildings up to 30 floors high.

The first of the modern residential buildings, built of wood using modern technologies of wooden house construction (from five-layer wooden glued panels), has 9 floors and 30 meters in height. This house is located in London, it has 29 residential apartments and offices on the ground floor.

It is surprising that the entire above-ground part of this house was built in 28 working days by only five people, armed with only one mobile crane and electric screwdrivers.

3. Technology of construction of wooden houses Naturi, Austria

The technology consists of profiled thin tree trunks, called “balance” by specialists, which are cut on a four-sided machine. The fact that a fine gauge is used is clearly demonstrated by the fact that in every element, without exception, there is necessarily a core of wood.

Then from such “puzzles” you can assemble any part of the building. When drying out, individual elements become deformed and jam “tightly” ", creating a very strong and lightweight structure.The purpose of inventing such a technology is the use of low-quality raw materials, which in Russia, for example, are only used for cellulose or simply thrown into waste.

4. Nantong, Jiangsu Province, China

Chinese architects have invented a way to build cheap houses. Their secret is a huge 3D printer that literally prints real estate. And there would be nothing unusual in this - the technologies for “printing” buildings are already known. But the fact is that Chinese houses will be made... from construction waste.

Thus, the specialists of the architectural company Winsun intend to solve two problems at once. In addition to creating inexpensive houses, the project will give a second life to construction debris and waste. industrial production– this is what houses are made from.

The giant printer has truly impressive dimensions - 150 x 10 x 6 meters. The device is quite powerful and can print up to 10 houses per day. The cost of each of them is no more than 5 thousand dollars.

A huge machine is erecting external structure, and the internal partitions are mounted later manually. With the help of 3D printing technology in the Celestial Empire they hope to solve pressing problem affordable housing. In the near future, several hundred factories will appear in the country where construction waste will be used to produce Consumables for a giant printer.

5. House printed from bioplastic, Amsterdam, Holland

Dus Architects has developed a project to print a residential building using a 3D printer from bioplastic. Construction is carried out using an industrial 3D printer KarmaMaker, which “prints” plastic walls. The design of the building is very unusual - walls are attached to the three-meter end of the house, like in a Lego set. If redevelopment of the building is required, it can be easily changed by replacing one part with another.

For construction, bioplastic developed by Henkel is used - a mixture vegetable oil and microfiber, and the foundation of the house will be made of lightweight concrete. Once completed, the building will consist of thirteen separate rooms. This technology could change the entire construction industry. Old residential buildings and offices could simply be “melted down” and made into something new.

The idea for a similar material was found in ordinary shells. The fact is that shells are enriched with the necessary complex of minerals that give them elasticity. It is these minerals that are added to the concrete composition. New type concrete is incredibly elastic, more resistant to cracks, and is also 40-50 percent lighter. Such concrete will not break even with very strong bends. Even earthquakes are not scary for him. An extensive network of cracks after such tests will not affect its strength. Once the load is removed, the concrete will begin the recovery process.

How does this happen? The secret is very simple. Regular rainwater, when reacting with concrete and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, promotes the formation of calcium carbonate in concrete. This substance seals the cracks that have appeared and “heals” the concrete. After removing the load, the restored section of the slab will have the same strength as before. This type of concrete is going to be used in the construction of critical structures, such as bridges.

7. Concrete from carbon dioxide, Canada

Canadian company CarbonCure Technologies has developed innovative technology producing concrete by sequestering carbon dioxide. This technology will reduce harmful emissions and could revolutionize the construction industry.

The production of concrete blocks uses carbon dioxide emitted by large industries such as oil refineries and fertilizer plants.

The new technology allows us to achieve a triple effect: concrete will be cheaper, stronger and more environmentally friendly. One hundred thousand of these concrete blocks will be able to absorb as much carbon dioxide as one hundred mature trees will absorb in a year.

Thatched houses are being built all over the world using modern technologies. Reliable, warm, cozy, they have stood the test of our climate perfectly. However, so far modern technology construction from pressed straw (in the West it is called strawbale-house) is known to few in our country. It is based on best properties this unique natural material. When pressed, it becomes an excellent building material. Pressed straw is considered the best insulation. The straw stems of plants are tubular and hollow. They and between them contain air, which, as is known, has low thermal conductivity. Due to its porosity, straw has good sound insulation properties.

It seems that the phrase “fire-resistant straw house” sounds paradoxical. But a plastered straw wall is not afraid of fire. Blocks covered with plaster can withstand 2 hours of exposure open flame. A straw block that is open on only one side will not support combustion. The bale compaction density is 200–300 kg/cubic. m also prevents combustion.

Straw houses are built in America, Europe, and China. In the USA there is even a project to build a 40-story thatched skyscraper. The most high buildings Today, straw buildings are five-story buildings that are combined with reinforced concrete and metal frames.

Indeed, everything new is truly a well-forgotten old. Earthen houses are gaining popularity again. This material is still used today for the construction of supporting structures and walls.

The earthener is based on ordinary earthen soil. Zemlebit has been tested by time; it was used to build back in the Ancient Rome. The earthen soil mass has high moisture resistance and practically does not shrink. And the thermal characteristics of the earth breaker can be enhanced by adding, for example, straw slices. After a few years, the excavator becomes almost as strong as concrete.

The most famous building built from broken earth can be considered the Priory Palace located in Gatchina.

10. Chameleon brick, Russia

Kopeysky brickworks Since 2003, it has been producing bricks nicknamed “velor” for their ability to literally absorb light with their surface, as a result of which it becomes rich, reminiscent of velvet.

The effect is achieved using vertical grooves applied to the surface of the brick with metal brushes. At the same time, it becomes possible to deepen the main color when changing the angle of incidence of light, which likens a brick to a chameleon - in different time During the day, it is able to change color depending on the lighting.

The texture of velor brick works great in tandem with smooth brick in ornamental or figured masonry.

eleven. "Flying houses, Japan

Japan never ceases to amaze with its developments. The idea is simple - in order for a house not to collapse as a result of an earthquake, it simply... should not be on the ground. So they came up with flying houses, and all this is quite real.

Undoubtedly, the word “flying” is a beautiful allegory, reminiscent of childhood dreams of flying in a hot air balloon house. But Japanese design company Air Danshin Systems Inc has developed a system that allows buildings to rise above the ground and “float” above it during an earthquake.

The house is located on a cushion of air and after the sensors are triggered, it will simply hover above the ground, and during such a change the residents of the building will not feel anything. The foundation is not attached to the structure itself. After floating, the house sits on a frame located on top of the foundation. During an earthquake, seismic sensors are activated, which are located around the perimeter of the building. After which they will immediately start the injection compressor located at the base of the house. It will ensure “levitation” of the building at a height of 3-4 cm from the ground. Thus, the house will not be in contact with the ground and will avoid the consequences of tremors. The new product has already been installed in almost 90 homes in Japan.

“Flying houses” have been developed by many Japanese companies; in the near future, the know-how will appear in other regions of Asia, which often suffer from earthquakes.

12. Container house, France

Disused containers have long been used for the construction of budget housing in different cities and countries. Here is one example.

Eight old ones were used in the construction of the house. sea ​​containers, which created the unusual architectural form of the building. In addition to containers, wood, polycarbonate and glass were also used. The total area of ​​the house is 208 square meters.

The cost of building such economical “container type” houses is usually half that of building a similar house from conventional building materials. In addition, it is built twice as fast.

13. Exhibition complex made of sea containers, Seoul, South Korea

If residential buildings made from containers have not surprised anyone for a long time, then a completely unusual building has appeared in the center of the business and shopping district of Seoul. It was built from 28 old shipping containers.

The area is 415 sq. m. The complex will host exhibitions, night film screenings, concerts, master classes, lectures and other public events.

14. Student dormitories made from containers, Holland

Each individual container room has all the amenities. In addition, the roof is equipped with an effective drainage system that collects rainwater which is subsequently used for household needs.

In Finland and other northern countries, hotels are being built out of ice. At the same time, a room in an ice hotel costs more than a room in a hotel made from other, more traditional building materials. The ice hotel first opened in Sweden more than 60 years ago.

16. Mobile eco-house, Portugal

When constructing such mobile structures, the most different technologies. The peculiarity of this house is its complete energy independence. Solar panels are attached to the surface of the object to produce energy that fully powers the unique house required quantity. By the way, the house is not only environmentally friendly, but also completely mobile.

The eco-house is divided into two sections - in one there is a sleeping space, and in the other there is a toilet. The outside of the house is covered with environmentally friendly cork.

17. Energy-efficient capsule room, Switzerland

The project was developed by architects from the company NAU (Switzerland), who sought to make the most comfortable and compact housing. A capsule room called Living Roof ( Residential roof), can be placed on almost any surface.

The capsule room is equipped solar panels, wind turbines and a rainwater collection, storage and recycling system.

18. Vertical forest in the city, Milan, Italy

The innovative project of Bosco Verticale is the construction in Milan of two multi-storey buildings with living plants on the facade. Height of two high-rise buildings is 80 and 112 meters. In total, 480 large and medium-sized trees, 250 small trees, 5,000 various shrubs and 11,000 grass-forming plants were planted on them. Does this number of plants correspond to an area of ​​10,000 m? ordinary forest.

Thanks to almost two years research work Botany specialists successfully selected tree species that are most adapted to such difficult living conditions at altitude. Various plants were specially grown and acclimatized for this construction. Each apartment in the house has its own balcony with trees and bushes.

19. Cactus house, Holland

A luxury 19-storey residential building is under construction in Rotterdam. It received such an original name because of its resemblance to this prickly plant. It contains 98 apartments with increased comfort. Construction is carried out according to the design of the architectural company UCX Architects.

The peculiarity of this house is the use of open terraces-balconies under hanging gardens, located one above the other in a stepped order, screwing up in a spiral. This arrangement of terraces allows the sun to illuminate the plants from all sides. The depth of each terrace is at least two meters. Not only that, but these balconies will also have small swimming pools built into them.

We are accustomed to the fact that we are usually talking about energy-efficient houses. And in preparation for Expo 2020, an entire energy-efficient city will be built in the United Arab Emirates. It will be " smart city", fully self-sufficient in energy and other resources. The project is planned to be implemented around settlement Al Awir in Dubai.

It will become the first of its kind to be an absolutely self-sufficient city in terms of providing residents with all the necessary resources, transport and energy. To achieve this, the energy-efficient city will be equipped to the maximum with solar panels, which will be placed on the roofs of almost all residential and commercial buildings. In addition, the city will independently process 40,000 cubic meters Wastewater. The area of ​​this super complex will be 14,000 hectares, and the residential area itself will be built in the shape of a desert flower. Surrounded by a belt of green spaces, the smart city will be able to accommodate 160,000 residents.

"Construction Rules", No. 43 /1, May 2014

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Who doesn't dream of their own cozy home In the countryside. Many people move from desires to actions and begin planning construction. What prevents others from doing this? First of all, the high cost of building a house is frightening. After all, you want to build a permanent building that will serve without problems for many years, and will still be left to your grandchildren.

Capital construction is also required by the climate in our country. And if you also take into account the cost land plot, connecting all communications, then one simply gives up. But there is a way out!

You can build a house cheaply. At the same time, it will look very presentable and modern. In reality, it is enough to spend no more than half a million rubles to get spacious house Full construction.

You just need to consider what factors influence the cost of construction:

  1. House layout. You can save up to 20 percent on the project.
  2. Choosing a house design and materials. The right choice of materials will reduce costs by up to 40 percent.
  3. House construction work. Some work can be easily done independently. This will also allow you to save a lot on the services of specialists.

Choosing modern materials allows you to reduce construction costs, because they are easier to work with. Many manipulations can be done with your own hands. In addition, they have high quality characteristics.

The time to build a house can also be reduced by using the latest developments in the field of building materials. As a result, construction will take up to 3 months.

Material for house walls - what to build a residential building from?

There are a number of building materials that meet the requirements for building quality and can satisfy almost any customer needs.

The most commonly used materials for the construction of private houses are the following:

  • Profiled and sawn timber;
  • Rounded log;
  • Gas silicate blocks;
  • Brick.

First of all, you need to decide how the house will be used:

  1. Seasonal operation. Such buildings are designed for living in summer season. A frame house made of thin timber or rounded logs with a small diameter is sufficient.
  2. Permanent residence. These houses must be heated in winter; the walls can withstand temperatures down to -30 degrees. The walls must be made of logs or stone.

Basic building materials and their costs

A house made of wood is preferred by people for whom the environmental component is important. tree like natural material, allows you to relax, promotes good rest. It maintains a comfortable atmosphere in the house at any time of the year.

1. Choosing a stone house is more practical. The main reasons for this choice are as follows:

  • Low operating costs;
  • Small heat loss;
  • Long service life.

2. You can choose a combined house when two types of materials are used. It combines the practicality of stone and the comfort of wood. As a rule, the first floor is built of stone, and the second is made of wood.

3. Construction costs wooden house can be reduced by choosing a lighter foundation. In addition, there is an opportunity to not carry out interior decoration in a log house, which will also reduce costs. This is despite the fact that this material is quite expensive.

The cost of constructing wooden houses depends on the choice of wall material, the planned use, the size of the building and varies from 300,000 to 1,000,000 rubles.

4. The cost of houses made of warm ceramics is very high. These are complex buildings with large wall thicknesses - up to 50 centimeters. This material has very high quality characteristics, but it is possible to build a house from warm ceramics only in the warm season.

5. A monolithic house with permanent formwork will cost less. Construction time is short, a heavy foundation is not needed, wall materials are inexpensive, but have good thermal conductivity.

6. Monolithic walls made of polystyrene foam are durable and reliable, resistant to destruction. But they require expensive interior and exterior finishing. It is possible to build a monolithic a private house middle price category.

7. A house made of gas silicate blocks has good frost resistance, vapor permeability, and lasts a long time. The cost of the material is low, but the work is expensive. It requires the construction of a complex foundation. In addition, work can only be carried out in warm weather.

How to choose wall material: brick house?

It should be noted that the cost of building a brick house compared to wooden buildings. In addition, there is no point in building such a house for temporary residence. This is due to the fact that it needs to be constantly heated.

The costs of building a brick house increase due to the fact that a capital foundation is required. Should do right choice design of a brick cottage so that it looks appropriate and aesthetically pleasing.

The brick house has a number of attractive features.

  1. Durability and strength of the building. This great option for a country house in which permanent residence is planned.
  2. High fire resistance. At the same time, reliable communications should be created and network engineering and use them correctly.
  3. Extensive selection of architectural solutions. It is possible to build a house in any style, from avant-garde to classic Gothic.
  4. Many options for both interior and exterior decoration. By the way, exterior finishing may not be done at all.

Foam block walls: pros and cons

According to consumer reviews, positive characteristics There are many more houses made of foam blocks.

The advantages of this material include the following:

  • The blocks are quite light, maximum weight – up to 25 kilograms. The construction will be easy, which allows you to avoid making an expensive foundation.
  • Easy installation. You can make it yourself very quickly.
  • Environmentally friendly. Impurities in foam blocks are contained in minimum quantities. Thermal insulation rates are high.

The disadvantages of foam blocks include:

  • Unattractive appearance . The house doesn't look very nice, but you can choose different types of finishes to elevate it.
  • The blocks are fragile, may be damaged during transportation.
  • During the period of shrinkage of the house, cracks may appear in the walls. It depends on the quality of production.
  • The service life of a foam block house reaches 80 years with proper use. This may seem like a short time to some.

Everyone makes their own choice of material. In order to make a choice, you can ask friends who have houses made of the materials of interest. It is possible to read reviews on construction forums.

Are expanded clay concrete walls used in private construction?

Expanded clay is durable material, which holds heat better than its analogues. For example, slag concrete walls will need to be made thicker.

To his positive aspects may also include:

  1. Frost resistance.
  2. Low water absorption.
  3. Durability.
  4. No shrinkage.

Expanded clay concrete is expensive, the weight of the blocks is large. But they are also actively used in private construction. As a rule, external walls are built from them, but sometimes expanded clay concrete blocks They are also used for internal partitions, creating ceilings, and floor screeds.

Wooden walls and a cheaper alternative

A few words should be said separately about wooden housing construction. Wood is relatively inexpensive; it is only important to choose the right type of wood from which the house will be built. There has long been preference coniferous species– pine, larch, spruce. Pine and spruce are the most commonly used materials in house construction.

The main advantages of wooden houses are:

  • Low cost.
  • Environmental friendliness of the material.
  • Low thermal conductivity.
  • Light weight.
  • Lets air through (“breathes”).

The main reason why people refuse to use this material is high fire hazard. You can secure your wooden house if you correctly install all electrical appliances and comply with all operating requirements. It should be noted that the cost of restoring a brick house after a fire is equivalent to building a wooden house.

Also repulsive is the fact that wood susceptible to destruction various reasons: shrinkage of the house, rotting, the appearance of fungi, mold, exposure to negative natural factors. But this can and must be fought. There are a lot of products that are used to protect wooden surfaces.

The cost of building a wooden house is definitely higher than a building made from cheaper foam block or expanded clay concrete. But positive features obvious. Only for the environmentally friendly and natural wood a person can feel like a part of nature. A wooden house is a cozy refuge for the whole family.

Foam walls: advantages and disadvantages

Walls can be erected from foam blocks, which are also called polystyrene foam. They have cavities inside. A house built from this material is considered a thermal house. Expanded polystyrene has its own characteristics.

The advantages include:

  1. Moisture resistance. They can withstand even prolonged exposure to moisture.
  2. Excellent noise insulation characteristics.
  3. The double layer of blocks provides excellent thermal insulation.
  4. Good air permeability.
  5. Light weight of the blocks, which ensures simplicity and ease of installation and processing.

But this material also has negative sides:

  1. Foam walls are afraid of high temperatures.
  2. Requires creation special conditions fire safety. In case of fire, the material releases very harmful substances that cause irreparable harm to human health.
  3. The blocks are not environmentally friendly.
  4. The material is easily damaged. Additional wall finishing is required.

The cost of blocks is quite high. But if we compare the construction of brick walls and polystyrene foam walls, the second option is more profitable. For the reason that brick walls need to be insulated and finished at least from the inside.

This material is used for the construction of houses up to 5 floors high.

Frame wall construction

Frame construction is actively used in the private sector for the construction of country houses. The basis of the house is a frame, which is sheathed on both sides various materials. The walls are multi-layered.

This type of construction allows you to build modern houses quickly and efficiently.

Their advantages include the following facts:

  • The wall structures allow you to install all the necessary communications inside.
  • The technology does not require time to shrink the house and dry the walls.
  • Finishing materials for frame walls Any can be used.
  • The design is light, the foundation can be created more economically.
  • You can live in a frame house all year round.
  • Much less wood is used for construction than for the construction of a house made of timber.
  • Convenient finishing. The walls come out perfectly smooth with correct angles.
  • Frame houses do not require constant heating. They can survive the winter well, maintaining their positive qualities.

Finishing a frame house

A frame house makes it possible to use a variety of materials for cladding.

The main options that are used most often are:

  1. Brick. It can be used in different ways: to create a monochromatic surface or to create a pattern using bricks of different colors. Brick cladding allows you to protect and strengthen the structure, improve sound insulation and reduce heat loss.
  2. Decorative stone or ceramics. They give the building a serious, respectable appearance; the house will look like a family estate that was built in past times. This type of finish goes well with wood and plastered surfaces.
  3. Decoration with wooden clapboard or block house. You can create the look of a log house. It is easy to install the lining; it has different textures, which allows you to create original wall surfaces. It also does not put a lot of stress on the walls.
  4. Decorative plaster. It can be applied over a layer of insulation.
  5. Siding finishing. Popularity of this facing material has increased greatly in recent years. Its service life is long, and a huge selection of textures allows you to create an original exterior of the facade.
  6. Thermal panels. They allow you to solve two problems at once: insulate the walls and decorate the facade. Their installation is simple; they are mounted on pre-prepared profiles.

Wooden houses

The materials that can be used to build a wooden house are the following:

  • Rounded log;
  • Chopped log;
  • Beam.

These materials are, of course, natural and safe. But they are not suitable for cheap construction. Primarily because the construction process will take a long time. After all, a log frame made of wood shrinks. This will require additional investments to eliminate the consequences - cracks, holes.

Do not forget that any wood requires antiseptic treatment of the walls. This allows you to keep them in their original condition for a long time, protecting them from negative impacts environment, rotting and the appearance of beetles.

Laminated timber: beautiful, but expensive

Laminated timber is different high quality and external attractiveness. But its cost is very high. Even the fact that a structure made of timber does not shrink and will not require additional investments in finishing does not guarantee that significant savings can be made on this.

Rounded log: a house in the traditions of Russian architecture

Construction from this material requires virtually no manual work. The house is assembled like a construction set. The log has a convenient shape; all cups and landing channels are created in production. The logs are connected as tightly as possible. There is no need to finish the walls.

Not only houses, but also bathhouses are built from cylinders.

The advantages of this material include the following:

  1. Reducing construction costs and reducing construction time.
  2. Noble appearance.
  3. Achieving tightness of all connections thanks to the technological precision of the log arrangement.
  4. The building looks attractive and aesthetically pleasing.

Dmitry Balandin

The new decade has already been marked by construction market active appearance large quantity unusual materials and technologies. Innovations in the field of building and finishing materials have changed both the process itself and general trends in construction.

"Warm" wall blocks made of polystyrene concrete.

Manufacturers of the new generation of blocks have tried to deviate from traditional multi-layering. The fact is that a number of existing building masonry materials for low-rise construction are a combination of concrete with thermal insulation materials. The tightness of the contact in such a combination raises many questions among specialists and amateurs.

After all, if the contact between the insulation and the concrete is not absolute, then condensation may form on the surface of the concrete due to the temperature difference, which will lead to “corrosion” of the concrete and its subsequent destruction. The service life of such a multilayer structure is also questionable. The working life of almost any insulation rarely exceeds 50 years, and in Siberian climatic conditions even less. What awaits the wall block when the insulation is destroyed?

As an alternative, manufacturers offer wall blocks made of polystyrene concrete with ready-made facade finishing. Polystyrene concrete refers to cellular lightweight concrete. Its porosity is achieved by introducing into cement mixture foamed polystyrene granules with a density of 8-16 kg/m5. In addition, unlike foam concrete and aerated concrete, the pores of polystyrene concrete have a closed structure. Thanks to this, it has higher heat-shielding properties than foam concrete and aerated concrete. Its thermal conductivity coefficient is from 0.55 to 0.12 W/m C.

Therefore, a wall made of polystyrene concrete blocks is lightweight and does not require additional insulation. But the main thing is that due to the closed pore structure, polystyrene concrete absorbs less moisture, i.e. has less water absorption than others cellular concrete. Thanks to the outer layer heavy concrete on the wall block, work on exterior decoration at home can be kept to a minimum. All this together allows you to save on the construction of the house as a whole. Scope of application: construction of low-rise residential buildings, outbuildings, garages, fences.

Granular and block penozeolite and foam glass

These are thermal insulation materials produced on the basis of natural raw materials from the Siberian region. The production of products is based on low-temperature foaming (up to 850°C) and local raw materials. Penozeolite and foam glass are environmentally friendly, biologically resistant and very warm materials with a thermal conductivity coefficient of 0.06 - 0.09 W/(m°C). They have virtually zero water absorption, are characterized by good frost resistance and are ideal for use in Siberian climatic conditions. Their service life is more than 100 years, which is twice as long as the working life of thermal insulation materials used today.

In addition, their production requires simpler and cheaper raw materials, which is why the product has a relatively low cost. So far, Tugan sands are used for its production. In the future, according to scientists, it will be possible to produce glass-crystalline foam material from other, even more accessible types of raw materials.

Expanded clay is a direct analogue of granulated penozeolite. However, compared to expanded clay, the new product has better performance characteristics. Scope of application: backfill thermal insulation and strengthening of thermal protection of ceilings, floors, well masonry walls in civil and industrial buildings

. Block version of granulated foam zeolite and foam glass - in civil, residential, low-rise construction. New products in the segment of thermal insulation materials are focused on one of the main trends in the construction market - environmental friendliness. Linen is environmentally friendly

pure material

, which, thanks to modern production technologies, has received a new form of execution, improved thermal protection characteristics and a wider scope of application. Starch is used as a binding component; for fire and bioprotection, the material is impregnated with natural boron salts. Flax boards do not support combustion and are characterized by excellent thermal conductivity and sound absorption, providing home protection from heat, cold and noise. The thermal conductivity coefficient of the material with a thickness of 5 cm and a density of 32-34 kg/m3 is 0.038 - 0.04 W/mK. Sound absorption coefficient - 0.98., is capable of absorbing and simultaneously releasing moisture without accumulating condensation, which makes its heat-protective qualities stable; when using such thermal insulation, an internal vapor barrier layer is not required. Linen service life thermal insulation material, according to manufacturers, is more than 60 years. The material retains operational properties throughout the entire service life of the structure.

Scope of application: insulation and sound insulation of walls, roofs, attics, floors, ceilings, internal partitions in individual houses, apartments, public and industrial buildings and structures.

Everything is in order

Your solution to the problem high cost square meter of housing was proposed by NGASU specialists. Namely, when constructing a house, use building materials made from man-made waste. Thus, cement is an expensive raw material. Moreover, there is always a shortage of it in the construction market. The use of industrial waste in the production of building materials makes it possible to partially or completely replace cement and thus reduce the cost of construction.

Industrial waste included in the formulation of building materials, among other things, improves a number of them technical characteristics. For example, they reduce thermal conductivity, increase water resistance and more. Finished building materials are characterized by high strength qualities, environmental friendliness and durability.

Of course, not all man-made waste is suitable for the production of building materials and not all building materials can be produced using such technology. To obtain data on possible cement substitutes, it is necessary to conduct whole line research. Research by NGASU specialists and obtaining samples were carried out using the example of diabase - a fine powder formed when crushing diabase rock to produce crushed stone (deposit in the village of Gorny, Novosibirsk region).

When it is introduced into the composition of a masonry building material, the appearance of efflorescence on the surface of such a block or brick is practically eliminated, the quality of the product itself improves, the material gains strength in early dates hardening. Complete replacement cement on diabase as part of a building masonry or finishing material ensures the production of waterproof products.

In tandem with other industrial waste (flax fire, sawdust), diabase can significantly improve the thermal conductivity characteristics of thermal insulation and structural thermal insulation materials.

This material has been offered on the market for several years, but it still remains a novelty. That's what the class is called paint and varnish materials, forming upon drying energy-saving coating. In composition and method of application, it resembles regular paint, although it differs from conventional paints and varnishes in its heat-shielding properties. Just like paint, liquid insulation is applied to the surface with a brush, roller or airless sprayer.

After drying, it forms a homogeneous, even, elastic coating that works like a thermos. The principle of operation of the coating is that it reflects and dissipates heat, preventing it from leaking from inside the building and preventing it from entering the house from the outside. In fact, this is how an energy-saving effect is achieved. The house saves on thermal and electrical energy spent on its heating and cooling.

The thermal insulation material includes calibrated ceramic and silicone microspheres with rarefied air. When polymerizing the material, they create the necessary “vacuum”. Thermal conductivity coefficient of microspheres is no more than 0.00083 W/mK. The basis of liquid thermal insulation is an acrylic binder, plus catalysts, fixatives and additives.

The paint and varnish material has excellent adhesion to almost any type of surface (concrete, metal, plastic, wood) of various architectural shapes. The elasticity of the coating allows the use of thermal protection technology in new construction, as well as on surfaces subject to thermal expansion. No “web-like” cracks are formed on the walls of the house due to the subsidence of the building structure.

In addition, this method of insulating a building allows you to reduce the load on the foundation. It is repairable, and its repair is less labor-intensive and costly than using traditional insulation. In addition, when insulating structures with liquid thermal insulation with inside doesn't get lost effective area premises. Its service life is at least 15 years.

Finally, this line of paints and varnishes can be tinted, which means they can be used as “thermal insulation” and finishing simultaneously. Areas of application: insulation of building facades, roofs, elimination of wall freezing, insulation of concrete floors, pipelines, steam lines, various containers, tanks, condensate removal, etc.

The impossible is possible

Italian builders tried to make porcelain stoneware flexible, lightweight, impact-resistant and universally applicable. They have developed a new material - thin and flexible large-format ceramic slabs that can be used for interior and façade solutions. Externally, such slabs are practically no different from ordinary porcelain stoneware. They have all its properties - fire resistance, moisture resistance, frost resistance, durability. However, having a thickness of only 3 mm, they also have extraordinary impact resistance - it is quite difficult to break them with a hammer, even if desired. Compared to porcelain stoneware, large-format slabs are lightweight and can be bent. The material is cut using a conventional glass cutter.

In the production of slabs, a mixture of clay, feldspar, quartz sand and mineral dyes are pressed, but not in a mold, but by rolling. The sheet obtained in this way is fired in a special furnace at a temperature above 1220°C, which ensures the homogeneity of the ceramic mass and the finished product.

Plates made using the new technology are distinguished by an exceptionally high degree of flatness and the absence of internal tension in the material. The new material hardly wears out, does not scratch, is not afraid of ultraviolet radiation and does not change its color. Constant cleaning does not harm it. The plates are environmentally safe and hygienic because they do not emit harmful substances. Scope of application: without restrictions for external and internal decoration of the house.

No to labor-intensive installation

Manufacturers of new waterproofing materials today rely on ease of use of products with high performance characteristics. It was this idea that formed the basis for the development of roll self-adhesive waterproofing material. It is made on the basis of reinforcing fiberglass, impregnated with a bitumen-polymer composition with targeted additives that improve performance properties. This structure has many advantages. Thanks to this base, the material is quite flexible, which greatly facilitates the installation of waterproofing. The top bitumen-polymer layer protects the waterproofing from all kinds of damage. With the help of the lower one, the waterproofing fabric is glued to any base.

A distinctive feature of the material is its ease of installation. So, in order to glue it, you do not need to heat and heat the lower bitumen-polymer layer. It is enough to remove the release anti-adhesive paper or film from the material, apply it to the surface, press and roll it with a roller. Thus, the process of installing waterproofing fiberglass fabric is reminiscent of gluing decorative sticker to the surface.

Scope of application: steel, wood, concrete horizontal or vertical surfaces, metal, soft roof, swimming pools, foundations, pipelines, etc. Temperature range - from -50 to +60 C.

Constructive conversation

Rows of construction materials (plasterboard, glass magnesium sheet etc.) replenished New Product from extruded polystyrene foam. With its help, you can build any structure, including walls, partitions, floors, and ceilings. The fundamental difference between extruded polystyrene foam boards and other structural materials is that the new product has high heat and sound insulation properties.

Happy new construction material easy to work. Expanded polystyrene boards do not crumble, do not get wet, fungus and mold do not form on them, and their structure does not deform from dampness. Using cuts on the slab, which are much easier to make than on drywall, you can build any bent structure. Also, extruded polystyrene foam can be used on objects for various purposes and with different humidity levels.

For indoors high humidity and facade work, manufacturers have developed a special option - slabs made of extruded polystyrene foam with reinforcing fiberglass mesh and a polymer-cement composition, which have minimal water absorption.

There is still no clear answer to the question of what material is best to make the walls of a residential building from. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. Builders and designers cannot come to the same opinion regarding the choice of the most optimal product for making walls. The whole point is that in everyone specific case best material must be selected based on the purpose of the building, its configuration, climatic conditions locality and financial capabilities of the owner. In our article we will look at the most common wall materials, describe their properties, pros and cons, and you yourself can choose the best one based on construction conditions.

Factors influencing choice

A quarter of all construction costs go towards the construction of walls. Since incorrectly selected material for wall construction can lead to even greater expenses in the future, when choosing it, it is worth considering the following factors:

  1. If you want to save on arranging the foundation by making a shallow, lightweight option, then choose for walls lightweight material. Additional savings in the case of using lightweight elements for the walls of the house will be during transportation and installation, because it can be done with your own hands without the use of expensive lifting equipment.
  2. Choose building materials with good thermal insulation characteristics. Otherwise, cold walls in winter will cost you dearly in heating costs.

Advice: it is best to perform a thermal engineering calculation taking into account the climatic conditions of the construction region. This is the only way to be sure that you have chosen the right material and wall design. So, in northern regions In our country, even walls made of materials with high thermal insulation properties need insulation.

  1. If you use piece materials, for example, brick, to build the walls of a house, then a significant share of the costs will be the cost of paying masons. Even if you do all the work yourself, take into account the time and physical costs. It is much more profitable and faster to build from large-sized elements. The highest speed of wall construction is found in houses built using frame-panel and frame-panel technology.
  2. When choosing building materials for walls, it is worth considering how easily they can be finished and whether they need it at all. For example, the walls of a frame house made of OSB can not be finished at all, but simply painted, while a house made of logs needs thorough finishing outside and inside.

To understand what to build your house from, you need to understand the characteristics of building materials, so next we will describe the properties of each of them, list the advantages and disadvantages.


A house built of brick can last a century, or even a century and a half. There are many varieties of bricks, differing in important operational and technical characteristics.

Thus, silicate and ceramic types of bricks are used to build walls. Let's look at their features:

  • Ceramic brick made from baked red clay. This is a durable, moisture-resistant, environmentally friendly material. There are solid and hollow bricks on sale. The more voids there are in a brick, the higher its thermal insulation performance.
  • Sand-lime brick made on the basis of lime, sand and some additives. It can also be solid or hollow. The latter option is lightweight and has improved thermal insulation properties. Solid silicate products have good sound insulation properties, but high thermal conductivity.

This wall material is also divided into front and ordinary:

  • It is better to build the walls of a house from ordinary brick. Products may have minor defects in the form of cracks and chips, but due to this their price is more reasonable. Moreover for internal masonry For walls, the appearance of the product is not as important as for facing masonry.
  • Facing brick (facing)- This is the wall material used to decorate the facade. All products must have the correct geometric shape, smooth or textured surface, and be free from flaws and defects. The price of facing brick is higher than that of its ordinary counterpart.

The strength of this wall material is directly related to its brand, which can be from M 75 to M 300. The number indicates the load that one square centimeter of the product can withstand. The higher the brand, the more specific gravity products. To build 2 or 3 storey house, a brick of grade 100-125 is enough. To make the foundation and plinth, products with grade 150-175 are used.

Also, when choosing a brick, it is important to take into account its frost resistance, that is, the number of freezing and thawing cycles that the product can withstand without damage and reducing strength by no more than 20%. This indicator is marked with the letter F and a number from 15 and above. For warm regions, you can use products with a frost resistance grade of 15; in colder latitudes, bricks of the F25 grade are used. For facing works A brick with a frost resistance of at least 50 is suitable.

Advantages and disadvantages of brick

Among the advantages of this wall material, it is worth listing the following:

  • Impressive service life.
  • Aesthetic appeal.
  • Unlimited possibilities in terms of design and implementation of complex projects.
  • The material is not susceptible to corrosion, damage by fungi and microorganisms.
  • The product does not burn.
  • High sound and heat insulation characteristics.

The disadvantages include the following:

  • Because of small sizes and large specific gravity, laying brick walls takes a long time and costs a lot.
  • Under brick walls, it is necessary to build a solid, buried foundation, and this entails increased costs for materials and excavation work.
  • In most cases, brick walls need to be additionally insulated.

Ceramic blocks

Ceramic block is a material made from a mixture of clay and sawdust, after which the element is fired in a kiln. This is a fairly durable product that allows you to quickly build the walls of a house. The strength of ceramic block is so high that it can be used to make multi-storey building. Inside the material has a porous structure, and outer surface corrugated. For hermetic connection The ends of the material have grooves and ridges.

The height of the ceramic block is a multiple of the rows brickwork, and other sizes may vary. Thus, it is possible to build from ceramic block according to projects that are designed for brick. But the speed of construction is much higher, since one ceramic block measuring 238x248x500 mm, which weighs 25 kg, is equivalent to 15 bricks, each of which weighs 3.3 kg. In addition to increasing the speed of construction, the cost of mortar is reduced, because less of it will be needed.

Important: the width of the ceramic block can be 230, 240 and 250 mm, and the length can be in the range of 250-510 mm. Along the long side of the product there is a tongue-and-groove lock.

Walls with a thickness of 380 mm or more made of this material do not need insulation, since the thermal conductivity of the product is only 0.14-0.29 W/m²x°C. Marking of wide blocks is M 100. If you need to make thin but strong walls, you can take elements marked 150. The frost resistance of ceramic blocks is at least 50 cycles.

Pros and cons of ceramic blocks

The advantages include:

  • Low specific gravity and high strength significantly expand the scope of use of this material.
  • Installation of large-sized products is carried out quickly and without unnecessary labor costs.
  • Saving mortar due to the size of the elements and the absence of the need to make vertical seams.
  • The frost resistance of ordinary ceramic blocks is higher than that of ordinary bricks.
  • Good fire resistance. The product is fire resistant for 4 hours.
  • Indoors, it is created from ceramic blocks optimal microclimate, since the walls can “breathe” and regulate air humidity.
  • A house can last a century and a half without losing its thermal insulation characteristics.

This material also has disadvantages, among which the following are worth mentioning:

  • The price of ceramic blocks is quite high.
  • Since these products are relatively new on our market, it is difficult to find a good mason to do the masonry.
  • This fragile material must be stored and transported very carefully.

Gas blocks

This material has excellent thermal insulation characteristics. In terms of thermal conductivity, a wall made of aerated block with a width of 300-400 mm is not inferior to a multilayer one brick construction. Walls made of aerated blocks maintain optimal temperature and humidity conditions indoors. The material is not susceptible to rot and has an impressive service life. The thermal insulation qualities of an aerated block are 3 times greater than those of a brick wall.

Aerated concrete is quite lightweight, so it is easy to transport and lay. It can be easily cut with a regular hacksaw. required sizes. Laying of elements is carried out using mortar or special glue, of which a little is required. Smooth Smooth surface gas blocks are easy to finish. Aerated concrete is considered environmentally friendly and non-flammable. It has fairly high frost resistance.

Attention: density characteristics are important for aerated concrete. This figure can be in the range of 350-1200 kg/m³. For an ordinary residential building, it is enough to take elements marked 500-900.

Advantages and disadvantages of gas blocks

This wall product has many advantages:

  • Laying walls from aerated blocks is 9 times faster than laying bricks.
  • The low thermal conductivity of the product is a big plus in its favor.
  • Aerated concrete has high fire resistance; even when burning, it does not emit harmful substances.
  • The porous structure of the material contributes to high frost resistance.
  • In terms of vapor permeability, aerated concrete is comparable only to wood.

Disadvantages of aerated concrete:

  • Low bending strength.
  • The material is susceptible to cracking.
  • Hygroscopicity. After moisture is absorbed, the thermal insulation performance of aerated concrete decreases, so the facade needs a protective finish.
  • Floor slabs and beams cannot be laid directly on gas blocks, so before laying them you will have to make a monolithic reinforced belt. This entails additional expense and time costs.


Many people who decide to build a house choose wood. This natural material is environmentally friendly. He creates in the house favorable microclimate, maintains optimal humidity and saturates the air with healing phytoncides. IN wooden house warm in winter and not hot in summer, since wood has good thermal insulation characteristics.

A wooden house can be built from the following products:

  1. The log can be natural or rounded. In the latter case, the material has the correct shape and smooth surface, but needs additional protective treatment, since the natural protective resin layer, which is located under the bark, is removed during the rounding process.
  2. You can use glued (profiled) and sawn or planed timber. Better houses are made from laminated veneer lumber, which has special grooves and ridges for a tight fit of the elements. Sawn timber is more often used to make frame houses.
  3. Frame-panel houses are made of OSB, chipboard, and moisture-resistant plywood, which are attached to the frame. Insulation is installed inside the wall.

The main advantages of wooden houses are their environmental friendliness, comfort and reasonable price. A lightweight foundation can be made for such a house. Disadvantages - fire hazard, shrinkage.