Studying full-time for a fee, are there any discounts? Tax deduction for a child of a full-time student. ? Video tips. What benefits does the title “Honorary Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation” provide?

Studying full-time for a fee, are there any discounts? Tax deduction for a child of a full-time student. ? Video tips. What benefits does the title “Honorary Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation” provide?

For example, in Tretyakov Gallery students can enter for free on the first and second Sunday of every month, and the Hermitage with a student card can be freely entered on any day. Many cinemas, bookstores, and fitness clubs also have favorable offers for students. Ask about them before making a purchase or using a service. Apple hardware and software The Apple store offers discounts for students when purchasing computers and tablets. The company also distributes a student selection of five programs: Logic Pro X, Final Cut Pro X, Motion, Compressor and MainStage at a discounted price of 13,990 rubles. A way to save money on listening to music is with a student subscription to Apple Music. Its cost is 75 rubles per month. Microsoft Keeps up with Apple. Thus, students have free access to a number of development and design products through the Microsoft Imagine program.

Discounts on student cards for full-time courses

During the period of study leave, the employee is paid at the average rate.

  • Evening students cannot apply for leave with pay to prepare for exams and exams.
  • Once a year, the employer must pay the expenses of working part-time students for travel to and from the educational institution, if it is located in another locality. The condition is the presence of a document confirming successful studies.
  • The employer provides the following leave durations:
  1. Up to 40 days during exams – for first and second year students.
  2. Up to 50 days – for courses above the third inclusive.
  3. Up to four months – during preparation and defense thesis and state exams.

To receive the provided benefits, the employee must provide a document proving that he is studying at an educational institution of higher education.

Benefits for part-time and evening students in 2018

In addition, the student is required to write a statement, which must be signed by the supervisor or authorized person. The schedule of training and passing the main exams and tests drawn up and signed at the educational institution is the basis document for receiving the benefits due.

The employer has no right to ignore this document, since it confirms the employee’s need to temporarily leave his position. The Education Law implies that a working student studying part-time or part-time cannot miss a session or take required tests and exams without a valid reason.

However, work is not this reason. Which students receive benefits The legislation does not provide benefits to all students.

Freebies for students: what discounts and benefits are available to students

Additional preferences:

  • nonresident students, if necessary, are provided with a hostel with preferential stay and payment of utilities (must be less than 5% of scholarship payments);
  • most public cultural and entertainment events, exhibitions, trips to the museum or theater are available to students free of charge or at a significant discount;
  • some insurance organizations provide students with VHI discounts;
  • Trade unions of educational institutions provide for the possibility of providing students with preferential sanatorium vouchers.

Some universities provide the possibility of transferring certain categories of students who study for a fee to a free department.

Student ID discounts

The social tax deduction allows you to get back 13% of the amount paid for training.

  • Deferment from conscription for military service for the entire duration of training in accordance with federal law.
  • Scholarship. Learn more about academic, presidential, gubernatorial and other types of scholarships.
  • The right to free (or inexpensive) use of the services of state and municipal libraries, free visits to a number of museums, as well as substantial discounts in stores and shopping centers.
  • By law, the fee for living in a corridor-type dormitory must be charged at half the amount.
  • Educational institutions provide the opportunity for correspondence students from other cities to take exams ahead of schedule for academic success.
  • You can study at two faculties or at two universities at once.

Discounted seats for students

  1. For working students can be provided study leave during the session for a period of 40 days when studying in the first and second courses and 50 days in subsequent courses.

Thus, only those persons who are receiving higher education for the first time, as well as those who were sent for training by the employer themselves, regardless of the presence of another diploma, can exercise their right to privileges. In addition, only those citizens who study in Russian universities with state accreditation.
If the training takes place in a branch of a foreign educational institution, then the right to privileges remains at the discretion of the employer. General rights Regardless of the form of training, students have the right to complete the session early if they are from out of town.
Working evening and part-time students can additionally exercise their right to travel to the place of study at the expense of the employer.
That is why the bulk of the benefits fall on labor aspects. Benefits for evening workers usually involve concessions from employers who legislative level are required to provide student employees with privileges in in the prescribed manner. What is required First of all, employees receiving higher education are entitled to leave with preservation wages for the period of the session. That is, the employer is not only obliged to release the employee from work during this time, but also to maintain all payments.

If an employee cannot exercise his right due to a manager’s prohibition, then this is a reason to contact labor inspection. The Law “On Education” implies that a student has the right to go to take the exam, and the employer is obliged to keep him workplace, wages.

Otherwise, it is contrary to the law and entails punishment for the legal entity.

1. I am a full-time student who pays. Can I transfer it to full-time education paid.

1.1. Naturally, contact educational part!

2. Can they be expelled from college for non-payment (paid full-time education)

2.1. If the regulations provide for this, then they can.
Educational relationships may be terminated early in the following cases:
1) at the initiative of the student or parents (legal representatives) of a minor student, including in the case of transfer of the student to continue mastering the educational program to another organization that provides educational activities;
2) on the initiative of an organization carrying out educational activities, in the case of applying expulsion as a measure to a student who has reached the age of fifteen years disciplinary action, in case of failure by a student in a professional educational program to fulfill his obligations to conscientiously master such an educational program and fulfill curriculum, as well as in the event of a violation of the procedure for admission to an educational organization, which resulted, through the fault of the student, in his illegal enrollment in the educational organization;
3) due to circumstances beyond the control of the student or parents (legal representatives) of a minor student and the organization carrying out educational activities, including in the event of liquidation of the organization carrying out educational activities.

2.2. At the initiative of the college or technical school, students may be expelled: those who at the end of the session have academic debts in three or more disciplines;
those who received an unsatisfactory grade when retaking the same discipline for the third time, including those who did not appear for an unexcused reason to retake the discipline of the certification commission;
failed to liquidate academic debt within the established time frame;
failure to pass certification tests within the established period of study that are part of the state final certification, including when defending diploma projects;
for systematic absence from lectures and (or) practical classes without good reason in the amount of 36 hours or more per month;
for absence from an examination session without a valid reason;
for failure to return from academic leave within the time limits established by the order;
for failure to attend training sessions at the beginning of the school year within 30 calendar days for no valid reason;
for gross violation of academic discipline, internal regulations (gross violations include: offensive actions and statements, physical violence against employees or other students of the technical school; appearing in a state of alcohol or drug intoxication, consuming alcoholic or alcohol-containing drinks, narcotic drugs on the territory of the technical school; hooliganism, theft; forgery (falsification) educational documents and certification results);
for the dissemination of false information, including posting on the Internet, discrediting and harming the reputation of the technical school and/or its employees;
for committing illegal actions;
in connection with the conviction of a student to a punishment that excludes him from continuing his studies at a technical school, in accordance with a court verdict that has entered into legal force.
for violation of the terms of the contract for the provision of paid educational services(failure to pay tuition fees within the time limits and in the manner prescribed by the education agreement).

3. Is it possible from paid distance learning transfer to budget full-time education.

3.1. These issues need to be resolved with the dean's office - if there are free budget places and good academic performance. Good luck and all the best.

3.2. Hello! Anastasia, translation issues are regulated internal documents educational institution. Good luck and good luck!

4. If I enroll in paid full-time education, will I receive a pension? orphan?

4.1. You will receive a pension when studying at an educational institution, but not at a driving school.

4.2. Yes. you will receive a pension

5. Is it legal to deduct for one debt in case of paid full-time education?

5.1. Read the terms of your contract. As it is written there, it is correct.

6.2. Dear Natalia!

Article 80 of the RF IC states that parents are obliged to support their minor children. It logically follows that as soon as the child becomes an adult, all transfers stop.

In some cases, adulthood occurs even earlier.

An exception is made for disabled and incompetent children, who have the right to receive alimony for their own maintenance even after 18 years of age. However, the law does not indicate a time frame for how many years such payments must be made.

But this, fortunately, is not your case.

The answer to your question is no, they are not allowed.[u]

7. I completed 11 classes, after which I graduated from the profession of a master of carpentry and carpentry, and studied budgetary basis, full-time study (the training was 10 months), and all this time I received a survivor’s pension, now I want to enter the profession again (master of carpentry and glass works/ recognized this different professions) for full-time study, but it’s paid, if I enroll, can I count on a survivor’s pension? (21 years old) Thank you.

7.1. You can, if the training is full-time - then all the conditions for receiving such a pension on the part of the recipient are met.

8. 3rd year full-time student at a law college, tuition is paid, the university decided to study in the second shift. Is this legal?

8.1. The university independently determines in which shift which course is studied, based on material base and other conditions. There are no direct prohibitions for this.

9. My 18-year-old daughter entered paid full-time education at the institute. Child support from the father ended in June 2019, the upcoming education is expensive, the father refused to help voluntarily, I want to apply for child support while the child is studying at the institute (4 years). Tell me, are there any chances of a decision in our favor? What documents will be needed?

9.1. Hello! Parents are not obliged to support children who have reached the age of majority, except in cases of their incapacity for work under Art. 85 RF IC.
From Article 85 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation it follows that parents are obliged to support adult children under two conditions, namely:

Disability (disabled people 1, 2, in some cases, group 3);
- need for help (lack of the ability of an adult to independently provide for his or her existence).

Adult children studying full-time in an educational institution until the age of 23 cannot be recognized as disabled.

9.2. Good afternoon Parents are obliged to support their minor children (clause 1 of Article 80 of the RF IC). The basis for extending the period of payment of alimony can only be the incapacity for work of adult children who are disabled people of groups I, II and III.
The bill proposing amendments to family legislation regarding the maintenance of students was not approved. On this moment University students can only count on voluntary financial assistance from their parents.

9.3. Good afternoon. Currently, there is no approved legal act to positively resolve your issue in judicial procedure. Help from the second parent after the child reaches 18 years of age can only be voluntary.

10. Please tell me, I graduated from medical school this year. Institute (full-time education, budget). I had a desire to leave medicine and enter a technical university through a general competition, on a budget (full-time study). Can I get a second higher education for free? Or can a second higher education in our country be obtained only on a paid basis?

10.1. Hello. You can receive a second higher education only on a paid basis.

11. Please tell me, can I recover any amount from the child’s father for her maintenance if she is already 18 years old and she is a 2nd year full-time paid student? And another question: can I collect something from him for a certain period of time? If yes, then for what?

11.1. Hello, Elena!
Alas, upon reaching adulthood (if the child is not disabled), the obligations to support the child (pay alimony for maintenance) are removed from the parents, including if the child continues education (Article 120 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation).

If you find it difficult to formulate a question, call the toll-free multi-line phone 8 800 505-91-11 , a lawyer will help you

Who can count on a discount for a bachelor's degree?

Applicants who did not receive a few Unified State Exam points for admission to budget places

Depending on the Unified State Exam results an applicant who did not pass the budget competition can receive a discount of 70%, 50% or 25% for the first year of study. The discount can be extended for subsequent years of study if the student shows good academic performance.

Winners, medalists and participants in school Olympiads

Winners, prize-winners and participants of Olympiads with good academic performance are provided with discounts for the entire period of study.


The maximum 70% discount is received by the winners and prize-winners of the “Highest Standard” Olympiad in subjects not included in the List of the Ministry of Education and Science. Winners of the “Highest Standard” additionally receive a 100% discount on the first year of study.


50% discount is set for participants final stage All-Russian Olympiad schoolchildren, as well as for winners of Olympiads included in the List of the Ministry of Education and Science.


A 25 percent discount awaits the winners and prize-winners of the regional stages of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren who did not compete at the final stage, as well as participants in the final stage of the “Highest Test” Olympiad who did not receive 1-10 points before receiving prize-winner status.

Discounts are provided to all applicants listed above, subject to a shortage of 1 to 45 points before passing score for budget places. The discount can be used on educational programs, corresponding to the profile of the Olympiad.

Graduates of the Lyceum, Faculty of Pre-University Preparation or Basic Schools of the National Research University Higher School of Economics

Faculty graduates pre-university training, as well as graduates of the HSE Lyceum can receive discounts of 70%, 50% and 25% depending on their place in the FDP and Lyceum rankings, respectively. Graduates of the MIEM School of Physics and Mathematics can count on the same discounts, depending on the number of “credits” (tests) received. Discounts are provided if the applicant is on entrance examinations missed the passing mark for a budget place by 1–45 points.

Discounts are also available to other graduates of basic schools and regional centers (included in the list from educational organization) and the distributed lyceum of the National Research University Higher School of Economics. If they are 1–10 points short of the passing grade, they will receive a 50 percent discount; if they are 11–30 points short, they will receive a 25 percent discount on tuition fees.

Graduates of the Distributed Lyceum schools

Discounts are provided 15% from total number school graduates, but no more than 30 people from each educational organization.

A 50% discount will be given to applicants who do not score from 01 to 10 points before the passing score for budget places; 25 percent discount – those who do not achieve 11 to 30 points before the passing grade. Discounts for this category of applicants with good academic performance are also provided for the entire duration of study.

Parents of an adult still claim a deduction if the child decides to continue studying at a university. Read about the conditions for calculating benefits in the material.

Deduction amount

The amount of the deduction calculated for an adult student child does not differ from. In accordance with the size, it is calculated based on the oldest child in the family the student will be:

  • if first or second- 1,400 rubles are credited;
  • third and further- 3,000 rub.

In addition to students, the legislator extends the deduction to:

  • graduate students;
  • residents;
  • interns;
  • cadets.

Example 1

Sergei is 21 years old. He is studying full-time at the Agricultural Academy to become a veterinarian. In addition to Sergei, there is another son in the family, who is already 25 years old. Behind youngest son parents receivestandard deduction for a full-time student child1,400 rub. every.

Important! Some nuances

1. The possibility of obtaining a benefit does not affect whether the child studies at the expense of the state on the budget or on a paid basis, for example, with the money of the parents.

2. The law provides for the right to receive benefits on a general basis for parents whose children are studying abroad.

3. The student’s own income does not prevent his parents from receiving a deduction.

Required documents

The benefit is provided to the taxpayer only after a written application. Attached to it are documents proving the applicant’s right to a personal income tax reduction.

The main document for deductions for children over 18 years of age is certificate from an educational institution. It must contain information about the form and period of training.

You will also need:

  • the child’s birth certificate, where the taxpayer is indicated as the parent;
  • documents on adoption, guardianship, etc.

If the grounds for the benefit have not changed, the application is submitted once. The certificate is periodically updated as the training period indicated on it ends. More detailed information presented in a letter from the Ministry of Finance dated .

Example 2

19-year-old Marina studies at the Institute of Culture. At the dean's office, the girl took a certificate. It says that in the 2017-2018 academic year, Marina is a 2nd year student at the directing department and is studying full-time. Based on this document, the girl’s parents have the right to receive a tax deduction for a full-time student. When Marina enters the 3rd year, she will take a new certificate.

How to get

General procedure installed and . The employee receives a deduction from his employer. The procedure is as follows:

  1. The student takes a certificate from the dean's office about your studies.
  2. The taxpayer (parent) writes a statement and, together with the certificate and other documents, submits it to the employer.
  3. Every month the accounting department reduces the tax base from the employee’s income to the amount of the personal income tax deduction for a full-time student.
  4. The taxpayer updates the certificate annually in order to continue receiving benefits.

The employer will no longer accrue deductions for past periods. In this case, you need to contact the tax office, having previously received a certificate of income from the accounting department. According to her data, the taxpayer fills out and submits the 3-NDFL declaration, and then waits for the money to be transferred.

Important! The taxpayer should immediately notify his or her employer of graduation, expulsion, or change in the form of education of the child. Otherwise, the employee will have to pay extra for the illegally deducted personal income tax.

Example 3

The Kudryashovs have a daughter- 4th year student, 22 years old. Until she came of age, her parents received a benefit of 1,400 rubles. They did not know that there is a personal income tax deduction for a student child under 24 years of age. Only in 2018 did parents write a statement to employers. They will be able to receive a refund of overpaid tax for the previous 3 years by submitting returns.

Deduction for a student child: until what period is it valid?

The deadlines are expressly stated in. The deduction is valid:

  • for the period of study;
  • until the end of the year in which the student turns 24.

Thus, accrual occurs as long as both of the above conditions are met.

After completion or interruption of studies, deductions cease from the next month

This is stated in the letters:

  • Federal Tax Service for Moscow from;
  • MNS from .

Example 4

Svetlana is 22 years old. Her studies at the institute will end in June 2018. Starting in July, Svetlana’s parents lose the right to deduct.

Example 5

Maxim - graduate student at the department in English. In March 2018, he turned 24. Maxim has 2 more years of graduate school. However, due to their age, his parents will receive the benefit only until December 2018. From 2019, they will lose this opportunity.

Deduction for a child if the university is closed

As already mentioned, the student deduction is provided only for the period of study. If the university is closed, there may be several options for the development of events:

  1. The student stopped studying. In this case, no further deduction will be accrued.
  2. Due to the closure educational institution students were transferred to another university while maintaining the full-time form. Here the right to the benefit is preserved, because the conditions for its provision are met.
  3. All former students were enrolled in another university, but for the evening department. In this case, the child’s parents cannot continue to accrue the deduction.

Example 6

Alena studied at the institute to become a designer. When she was in her 3rd year, the specialty was closed and all students were transferred to the university. The full-time form has been preserved. Alena’s father and mother provided the employer with a certificate from their daughter’s new place of study and continued to receive the deduction.

Tax deductions for a child student on academic leave

The legislator directly stated that during academic leave the right to benefits remains.

Important! According to the Ministry of Finance, which it presented in a message from, if academic leave is taken for military service, no deduction is provided for this period.


  1. Tax deduction for a child studying full-time, it is provided until he reaches 24 years of age.
  2. If training is completed, the accrual of benefits stops from the next month.
  3. The period of study includes academic leave.