School gymnasium or lyceum. Admission to an educational institution. Material and technical base

School gymnasium or lyceum.  Admission to an educational institution.  Material and technical base
School gymnasium or lyceum. Admission to an educational institution. Material and technical base

Let's talk about how a gymnasium differs from a lyceum. Nowadays, parents are serious about choosing an educational institution for their children. They are convinced that the amount of money invested in a child’s education directly determines his or her admission to prestigious higher-level educational institutions.

Only by understanding the main difference between a lyceum and a gymnasium can you choose the right place of study for your child.

Differences between a lyceum and a gymnasium

The gymnasium is regular school, in which teaching is carried out according to special educational programs aimed at in-depth study of certain academic disciplines. The difference between a lyceum and a gymnasium is also in the specifics of teaching. In specialized classes, high school students study individual theoretical disciplines, while in the lyceum Special attention is given practical activities.

Difference from educational school

While discussing how a lyceum differs from a gymnasium in Russia, we will also note the difference between these educational institutions and ordinary secondary schools.

In a gymnasium, children's workload is much greater than in a comprehensive school. Gymnasium teachers pay attention to each child and use an individual approach to teaching.

Federal State Educational Standards in a regular school

After the introduction of second generation standards into secondary schools, the educational and educational process and in a regular school, specialized classes have also appeared here, with an emphasis on self-development and self-improvement of schoolchildren. At the senior stage of education, students choose one or several profiles, select elective courses to be able to deepen their knowledge in certain academic disciplines.

Admission to an educational institution

Let's continue the conversation about how a lyceum differs from a gymnasium, focusing on the features of enrollment in these educational institutions.

In order to become a high school student, you must first graduate from primary school and obtain a high-quality basic training. Only those children who are ready to spend their evenings studying and want to enter a prestigious university after completing their studies at the gymnasium will be able to study at the gymnasium. educational institution senior management.

The lyceum accepts children after grades 7-8, when many schoolchildren have already formed a range of interests and understand what they will do after graduating from the lyceum.

What is the difference between a lyceum and a gymnasium? Which educational institution to choose? These questions concern all parents who want their children to receive a quality education.

Differences in teaching

Let's continue the conversation about how a gymnasium differs from a lyceum. Let us dwell on the teaching staff of these educational institutions. In lyceums, many specialized subjects are taught by candidates and doctors of science working at a university or academy, with which the lyceum management has entered into a cooperation agreement.

How is a gymnasium different from a lyceum? They work here school teachers who have the highest qualification category and have won competitions professional excellence who have undergone careful selection.

Let's continue the conversation about how a gymnasium differs from a lyceum and note the material and technical base of these educational institutions. The lyceum pays special attention to developing practical skills in children, which is why they create optimal conditions for laboratory and practical work in natural and scientific disciplines: physics, chemistry, biology.

In addition to classes at the lyceum, some practical work is carried out on the basis of research laboratories of the higher educational institution supervising the lyceum.

So, what is the difference between a lyceum and a gymnasium and a school? First of all, let’s highlight his profile. Basically, these educational institutions have a technical focus, allowing, in addition to quality theoretical education, to form among lyceum students practical skills and abilities in a certain technical field.

Successful graduates of the lyceum receive the opportunity to receive preferential admission to the university with which the management of the educational institution has concluded a cooperation agreement.

Let's try to summarize how a lyceum differs from a gymnasium and a school. First of all, let us note the peculiarity of the organization educational process. The lyceum pays close attention to practical activities and the possibility of lyceum students obtaining an additional specialty during their studies.

In gymnasiums and secondary schools, education in our country is conditionally free. Funding is the main problem affecting regular secondary schools. Class sizes range from twenty-five to thirty-six people. Of course, with such a number of students, it is difficult for a teacher to implement an individual approach and control the acquisition of universal learning skills by individual students.


When choosing an educational institution for their child, parents should consider what type of education their child needs, and also evaluate their material possibilities. In an ordinary school, where the management often does not have enough money to purchase teaching aids, parents will have to “invest” money in purchasing textbooks, computer programs that allow you to develop the skills necessary for self-study and self-education.

Among the few advantages of conventional secondary school one can highlight its proximity to the place of residence. For example, this is relevant for large cities, where parents have to spend a huge amount of time taking their children to a gymnasium or specialized lyceum. Some regular secondary schools employ highly qualified teachers, so children have every opportunity to receive a free, high-quality education.

In private schools, which are also acceptable in Russian education, the classes have a much smaller number of students, so we can talk about individual approach to every child. Teachers are invited to such educational institutions on a competitive basis, so the quality of teaching will be higher than in regular secondary schools.

When a child is born, modern parents, after they have decided on his name, begin to think about where to give their little child so that he can become a genius, or at least a comprehensively developed personality.

Therefore, more often the choice falls on lyceums and gymnasiums than on secondary schools. What do lyceums promise for the education and development of a child?

What is the fundamental difference between a lyceum and a secondary school?

In fact, the difference between school and lyceum is great. Arriving at any lyceum, you can pay attention to the number of awards won: diplomas, certificates, commendations at the district, regional and republican levels. As a rule, gifted children study in lyceums.

How to see in the ordinary, on appearance, the child of a future genius?

The whole point is that the main thing is to initially recruit children.

As you know, all children are accepted to school, without exception. And if the school is also located in the area of ​​the child’s registration, then they are required to admit him to the school, despite his further academic performance and behavior. At the lyceum, of course, the principle of accepting documents is different.

In order to become a lyceum student, a child must go through a kind of entrance tests, prove that he has abilities in the subject and can claim the prestigious title of “lyceum student.” Often parents even have to send their children to preliminary courses for admission to the lyceum.

But, even if the child passed all the tests and entered, this does not mean that now he will “rest on his laurels.” Admission to the Lyceum is followed by daily work over yourself and your abilities.

After all, as you know, it is not so difficult to ignite a flame as to try not to extinguish it. Study in primary school at the lyceum is practically no different from the program of a comprehensive school. Is it possible that some subjects, such as foreign languages, are introduced earlier and are studied at elevated level. All this is done in order not to overload students. primary classes complex examples and terms, but to give them the opportunity to develop harmoniously, in accordance with their age, without extinguishing in them the spark of desire to learn.

How does a lyceum differ from a school when teaching children in middle-level classes?

Enrollment of children into the 5th grade of a general education school occurs without any conditions, that is, automatically. As for enrollment in the 5th grade lyceum, everything is much more serious here. As a rule, children are asked to take a transfer exam in some basic subjects (mathematics, Russian, foreign language).

Based on the test results, translation is carried out. But this does not mean at all that pressure is being put on children; this transfer exam is carried out, first of all, for the sake of the children themselves. The fact is that not all children are able to master the further program. So why torture a child, forcing him to study in a way that he may never be able to? It can be said that from this time on, difference between lyceum and school is that the school works for a certificate, and the lyceum works for the result. After all, even by this age, children often decide on their favorite subject, and sometimes their future profession.

Of course, starting from grade 5, the lyceum class program becomes more complicated, new specialized subjects appear, and the number of electives increases. As for the latter, enrollment in most electives is on a voluntary basis, that is, the child, after consulting with parents and teachers, can opt for additional study of the subject.

Electives, as a rule, prepare children to perform at subject Olympiads at various levels. Most often, these classes are taught by a teacher with the highest category or a university professor. In general, selection teaching staff- this is another one distinguishing feature lyceum from school.

Teachers with the first and highest qualification categories are hired, and often on a contract basis, teachers of higher educational institutions. This, of course, suggests that children, learning from experienced teachers, often achieve great success.

The fundamental difference between school and lyceum is visible in high school. After finishing 9th grade, classes are divided into profiles: biological-chemical, philological, mathematical, etc.

Children at exams confirm their knowledge in a particular subject, and based on the results they are enrolled in a specialized class.

Education in classes of a certain profile is no longer aimed only at winning various Olympiads and scientific conferences. Here you should already think about further admission.

Experienced teachers will help you make a choice according to the child’s abilities, and visiting a career guidance center and higher educational institutions in the district, region and country will further strengthen the desire to study at the most prestigious of them.

Certainly, difference between school and lyceum is great, and more and more parents give preference to lyceums. However, when choosing an educational institution, you should also pay attention to the abilities of the child himself, his feelings and capabilities.

As you know, you can’t jump over your head. Giftedness, unfortunately, is not given to everyone, and perseverance even more so. And if these qualities are even slightly visible in a child, then you should definitely try to enroll in the lyceum.

Not only is this prestigious, but it is actually very important for the development of a well-rounded individual. Sometimes it’s worth making an effort to make not only the parents, but perhaps the whole country proud of their child.

Gymnasiums are not the only secondary educational institutions that go beyond general education standards. Lyceums and advanced schools also offer a higher level of education. What do they have in common?

All these educational institutions are characterized by increased requirements to students not only in terms of academic performance, but also in terms of discipline, competition for admission and an increased teaching load. That is why up to 100% of their graduates get into the most prestigious universities in the country and often become prize-winners of various Olympiads. Some subjects in lyceums and gymnasiums are taught by university teachers who can not only present the material, but also teach how to solve problems of increased complexity.

Well, as for the differences, lyceums have recently been focusing on physics, mathematics and natural sciences, while gymnasiums have been focusing on the humanities. Although this division is very arbitrary. And yet, the differences between lyceums and gymnasiums from regular schools are much deeper than the number of hours allocated to a particular subject. The principles of learning themselves differ.

A lyceum or gymnasium is more than just a school.

If in a regular school a mathematics teacher explains the topic in detail and shows how problems are solved, then in a physics and mathematics lyceum students are asked to independently deduce many mathematical laws. Thus, each lesson for children is a small discovery. And in physics lessons, students do not pore over textbooks, but learn this complex science in laboratory conditions. Needless to say, good grades in the lyceum are given not for diligence and diligence, but for real progress in knowledge. Photo: Depositphotos

It is no easier to study in humanitarian gymnasiums. The schedule includes two or three foreign languages, and in some gymnasiums, students also study dead languages ​​- ancient Greek or Latin. In institutions of humanitarian law, along with other subjects, they study the fundamentals of jurisprudence. And psychology, economics and art history are the norm for most gymnasiums. At the same time, the remaining disciplines provided for school curriculum, do not suffer at all. After all, in order to receive a certificate, a graduate must master everything that is provided for in the regular school program.

But the most interesting thing is that students of gymnasiums and lyceums are not attracted by the opportunity to enter a prestigious university. They are willing to study hard simply because they are interested. The joy of intellectual discoveries, “adult” relationships between teachers and students, implying mutual responsibility - a more powerful incentive than an “honors” certificate.

Naturally, not everyone can handle the increased study load. It’s not for nothing that gymnasiums and lyceums have full-time psychologists who skillfully determine which of the lagging behind simply need to believe in themselves, and who should return to a regular school.

Specialized schools, lyceums and gymnasiums organize the admission of new students according to different models. Some of them begin enrollment from the first grade, others from the fifth, and most lyceums organize admission only to graduating classes.

It is not enough for newcomers to present a personal file with excellent grades from previous years. You will also have to pass the entrance exam.

Studying at a lyceum or gymnasium - hard labour, requiring patience and perseverance from the child. However, hard work is not in vain, because the gap between gymnasium students and their peers from regular schools is simply amazing. This means that the chances of entering a prestigious university are much higher.

Faceless time high school gradually goes away. Many educational institutions are trying to stand out from the crowd by paying special attention to the individual development of each child in accordance with his personal characteristics. More and more often, yesterday's schools change their names either to a gymnasium or to a lyceum, although they are not always aware of how they differ from each other.

Not everyone can determine what this difference really is. Many are absolutely sure that the gymnasium has a humanitarian orientation, while the lyceum has technical profile. In fact, this is a simple misconception. Both the gymnasium and the lyceum can emphasize both the study of mathematical subjects and languages.


Gymnasium has its roots in ancient Greece, where the first educational institutions named in this way appeared. In fact, grammar schools in the fifth century AD. gymnasiums were prototypes modern schools and were located in almost every Greek city, and sometimes several of them.

Story lyceum does not have such deep roots, however, in the territory Russian Federation at one time it was almost the most prestigious educational institution. The minimum period of study in such lyceums was six years, during which students were taught all the same subjects as children in regular schools. Eleven years of study at the lyceum opened up opportunities for career development for officials.

the main task

A lyceum is an educational institution where people come consciously, because the main task of the lyceum is to prepare students for admission to a university, and not some abstract one, but a completely concrete one. The one with whom the lyceum has an agreement.

The gymnasium, in general, is an ordinary school with a deeper approach to the study of basic subjects. The main task gymnasium is the comprehensive development of the individual, assistance in finding an individual path, determination with choice future specialty.


This indicator causes the most misconceptions, but there is still a difference in direction. Focus educational process The lyceum is determined by the profile of the university with which the lyceum cooperates. It can be both humanitarian and mathematical.

In-depth training at the gymnasium is carried out in numerous areas. Such education can be called pre-core education rather than highlighting one subject on which the emphasis is placed. From the point of view of obtaining comprehensive development, the gymnasium is exclusively good option, however, it is worth understanding that this will entail additional workload for the child.

Diploma of completion

Upon completion of the gymnasium, graduates receive a diploma of secondary education, which is no different from the diploma of an ordinary school student.

Lyceum is often equated to university education. Students who have graduated from the lyceum in the first two years are truly bored in class, so many universities have decided to accept former lyceum students who decided to continue their education in the profile of their secondary education immediately into the second year. At the same time, they are in no way inferior to ordinary students, and even differ better preparation.

Conclusions website

  1. The lyceum prepares the child for university, and the gymnasium provides in-depth, wide-ranging knowledge.
  2. The profile of the lyceum is determined by the university with which it has an agreement.
  3. A high school student studies subjects included in the school curriculum at a deeper level.
  4. After graduating from the lyceum, you have the opportunity to immediately enroll in the second, and in some cases, the third year.

Gymnasium or school for first-graders, which is better?

What to choose: a prestigious gymnasium or a regular school? Whether our child is a high school student or an ordinary school student is perhaps a more complicated question than Hamlet’s. Because too many nuances need to be taken into account when choosing, from the “filling” of the curriculum to the territorial location of the educational institution, from the number of children in the class to the financial situation of the family. What is the difference between a school and a gymnasium, what is its “elitism” - is it really so important for modern man get into the “circle of the chosen ones”? Let's try to understand the pros and cons.

The desire to change names has been in us for a long time: streets and cities changed their names, institutes were proudly renamed Academies and Universities, former high schools became gymnasiums, and some even lyceums. The skeptic within us persistently whispers that the external does not always reflect the internal, and that, in essence, little has changed. Although, of course, it sounds beautiful: “I study at the university” or: “my son is a high school student.” Some kind of selectivity and elitism can be read in this, nice!

However, our skeptic will have to admit that he is still wrong in many ways, at least in relation to schools and gymnasiums. Exists whole line objective characteristics, approved and legitimized by the actual top level, which allow (or do not allow) the school to be called a gymnasium. This compulsory study several languages, these are increased requirements for the teaching staff compared to ordinary schools - both professional and purely technical, for example, in an ordinary school there may be only one physics teacher, but in a gymnasium this is impossible. In a gymnasium, compared to a regular school, there is a much richer and more varied training program, the latest innovations come to the rescue computer technology, much attention is paid to the general cultural level of students. The “corporate spirit” is actively supported, which is expressed in some signs that distinguish the students of this particular gymnasium from others: a uniform, an emblem. And also discipline and atmosphere are also the “face” of the gymnasium, the worthy expression of which must be carefully maintained. There are many more signs that distinguish an elite educational institution from a regular school.

That is, the differences are still obvious. So, dear skeptic, hide your smile. Everything looks more than gorgeous - we’ll probably become high school students after all. If, of course, we get into a prestigious gymnasium through a competition, if we manage it financially... Yes, often a gymnasium is a paid and very expensive pleasure. And if there is someone to take the child to the other end of the city. Art requires sacrifice, but, apparently, it’s worth the candle!

And here it is - the other side of the coin: are these sacrifices justified? Are the benefits of training overshadowing them? We completely forgot about our future first-grader. Does he need an abundance of subjects and in-depth study of them, is he ready for such loads? Learning Latin, fencing, riding in the saddle, knowing how to dance the waltz - this is undoubtedly very interesting. But is it really necessary? Perhaps so, but not for everyone and not always. Not every child can complete the high school marathon. And a long daily journey, if the gymnasium is far from home, is a big test for a little student. And to be honest, not every gymnasium in practice corresponds to its high title; it happens that the learning process, despite the abundance of subjects, is formal, “for show.” So, why don’t we torture the child and go to school in our own yard?

I would venture to say that syllabus, educational standard and all programs taken together are far from the most important thing, especially in primary school. A friendly class, a kind and moral first teacher, a good friendly working atmosphere - perhaps this is the most important thing in the first years of study. And since the human factor comes into play, this is to some extent luck in any case, no matter where the child studies. Therefore, it may be wise to focus on the personality of the teacher recruiting the first class, and not look so closely at the prestigious sign. A teacher from God can be found both in a modest secondary school in every sense and in a luxurious gymnasium, and meeting such a person is a great success.

School or gymnasium? The choice is up to the parents, the main thing is not to lose sight of the true needs of the child.