Arrangement of light bulbs on a suspended ceiling - how to correctly place the lighting elements? How to place spotlights on the ceiling Arrangement of lamps on a suspended ceiling in a rectangular

Arrangement of light bulbs on a suspended ceiling - how to correctly place the lighting elements?  How to place spotlights on the ceiling Arrangement of lamps on a suspended ceiling in a rectangular
Arrangement of light bulbs on a suspended ceiling - how to correctly place the lighting elements? How to place spotlights on the ceiling Arrangement of lamps on a suspended ceiling in a rectangular

Properly installed PVC sheets will ensure their correct operation for a period of time. for long years. However, completely different factors influence how they fit into your interior. Among them, in the first place is the competent organization of lighting, on which the general atmosphere in the room and the visual harmony perceived in it. Basic diagrams and photos with examples from interiors will help you, which will help you achieve optimal location spotlights on suspended ceiling.

Installation specialists call these lamps differently: mortise, spots, spotlights, spotlights, recessed and so on. However, the essence does not change - in many ways they are acting out main role when creating a unique lighting scenario in a room, helping to emphasize certain areas.

In light of such popularity of spots, many have somehow completely forgotten that their original purpose is to serve as additional lighting in a living space, where a centrally located lamp rules the roost. chandelier.

However, the latter is increasingly being ignored as a light source. Not in all cases this can be considered justified, but often constructing a light pattern in a room exclusively with the help of spots can be considered successful.

Spot location rules

True, in order to squeeze the maximum aesthetic appeal from the mounted panel, you need to know the basic rules for the safe placement of spots on a stretch ceiling. Let's try to list below those that are considered basic:

  1. if the spots are located along the wall, then maintain the minimum distance required for high-quality light dispersion - 20 cm. If you ignore this recommendation, you will not be able to get the level of illumination you want from the mounted lamps;
  2. the recommended distance between spots is from 30 centimeters, the optimal one is determined by local need and the type of stretched panel;
  3. parallel placed Spotlights visually lengthen the room - this can be successfully used for rooms that need some visual correction;
  4. a rectangular arrangement is ideal for small and narrow rooms, but most often requires support in the form of “heavy artillery” - a weighty chandelier in the center;
  5. if you use spots in connection with stretch ceilings made of ordinary PVC film, then the maximum permissible power for halogen lamps is up to 20 W, for a satin panel a little more - up to 35 W;
  6. the exact number of lamps is always determined by the type of light pattern in the room, but one spot can illuminate no more than 2 m2 free space. This figure must be kept in mind when drawing up a plan for the placement of spotlights on a suspended ceiling.

Spot layouts with a chandelier

No matter how archaic a chandelier sometimes looks, sometimes without it some rooms look downright boring.

The use of spots as additional lighting does not at all downplay their role as light sources. As can be seen from the set of the most common schemes, they are responsible for zoning the room and the necessary lighting of certain areas noticeably distant from the central chandelier.

Let's look at how this is implemented in practice.

Spot layouts without a chandelier

In a number of rooms, spotlights take on the main role in organizing lighting due to the lack of possibilities for installing a central chandelier. Also, the latter can often look like a foreign element in separate interiors, for example, in narrow corridor or a small bathroom. In cases where the use of a chandelier is inappropriate, the correct placement of spot spots on a stretch ceiling takes on additional importance.

The most common options for using spots in such cases are discussed in detail in the diagram below.

Again, this is what it looks like in a variety of interiors.

Options for placing lamps in different rooms

It is quite easy to learn how to correctly distribute spotlights over the entire area of ​​a stretch ceiling - to do this, you just need to try to imagine the final light pattern of the room. But teaching this is a dubious idea. Too many different pitfalls come to the surface, and circumstances that are not obvious to everyone begin to directly influence the nature of their location on the stretch ceiling. However, some general tips for functionally different premises they remain quite relevant.

In the bedroom

Don't try to break all lighting power records. The bedroom is a room for sleeping, one of the most peaceful places in your apartment or home, so the first priority is to create a calm, sleep-inducing atmosphere. If you use the option with a central chandelier on a suspended ceiling, you can use spotlights to emphasize the area near the mirror or bedside table. It's practical!

Often in the bedroom you can limit yourself to just spotlights on suspended ceilings. Good advice- use yellow light. It is not as bright as classic white and will never irritate you.

In the living room

If there is something limiting your creative imagination factor when placing spotlights in this room, as the photo shows, it comes down to area ceiling surface. Here you can use the most different variants lighting, including dynamic brightness.

Large living rooms can be successfully divided into zones. Selected layout of spotlights on tension fabrics most often will depend on the style of interior design. For minimalism, which has now gained particular popularity, strict geometry and symmetry are most relevant. For classics - some smoothing of the corners.


Additional lighting for the dining room or working area on a suspended ceiling using spotlights is one of the techniques that allows you to create a special mood and comfort in this room.

Otherwise, soffits in the kitchen are often located along the installed set - in this option there is some kind of tradition, but very often conditional modest in size kitchens in general. And, as a result, completely small space for maneuvers.

However, there is quite original ways The location of the spots on the suspended ceiling is shown in the photo below.


The final choice depends on your personal preferences. Are you an adherent of clear symmetry and tend to be a perfectionist? The geometric distribution will fit exactly into your taste pattern.

Do you prefer freedom of movement and non-trivial, sometimes even unexpected decisions? You can do it as in the photo below.

Nevertheless, it is difficult to neglect one piece of advice, which for such a purely functional room as a bathroom, acquires special meaning: if the mirror you are using does not have its own lighting, then you can use the principle of zoning with a clear conscience and place a confident emphasis on this piece of your interior.


We have already discussed some of the nuances of the placement of lamps on a suspended ceiling in the corridor above. Let us explain the idea more broadly: some narrowness of the corridor space, coupled with poor lighting causes discomfort for both you and your guests, which is quite logical. You can avoid this with a little trick: place the spots on the ceiling perpendicular to the walls of the corridor, thus forming a classic rectangle, and the idea of ​​your dull and uncomfortable corridor will suddenly change dramatically.

In the same way, you can make a tiny hallway visually a little larger due to the now parallel placement spots on a suspended ceiling - exactly along the walls. The space will lengthen, and your guests will be able to feel at least a little freer. Yes and you too!


As numerous photos used by us show, the placement of spotlights on a suspended ceiling today is not a trifle that only complements the interior, but perhaps the main compositional tool, the competent use of which allows us to turn even the most dull and unattractive interiors into real candy. Have you mastered this amazing ability to program the mood of a room with the help of such a seemingly small thing as spotlights? You have the opportunity to check this in practice if repairs are on the agenda own home or apartment. And from this article you will learn about what types of spotlights there are and the features of their selection.

Competently organized lighting in an apartment or cottage, according to the overwhelming majority of owners, it should create comfort and not harm vision. Here they are only partly right, since the general health of family members depends on the light in the room: their psychological and emotional background, performance immune system(the author was not mistaken - it is the immune system that bears the main blow in case of omissions in the organization of lighting), and the speed of recovery of the body after physical and psychological stress. Therefore, the issues of the location of lamps on a suspended ceiling must be given Special attention.

The lighting design process consists of the following stages:

  • selection of type and type lighting fixtures under the existing interior;
  • determining the number of light sources;
  • developing a scheme according to which the lamps will be installed.

As can be seen from the sequence of work, the last thing you need to do is fantasize about how to place lamps on a suspended ceiling.

Work on lighting planning begins with determining the style in which the lighting system will be built, and, therefore, determining the type of lighting (central, spot, contour or combined) and the type of light sources (for the Art Nouveau style some lamps are needed, for the Baroque style - others, Provence - third, etc.).

There is high variability in decision making here: this may be a continuation design ideas interior design of the room, which emphasizes the advantages and features installed furniture(richness, elegance) and wall decoration, a mixture of styles, and there may be options when the lamps and their arrangement contrast with each other.

Attention: issues of choosing lighting for a specific interior style are discussed in the work “”.

At the next stage, you need to identify areas in the apartment that will require individual luminous flux: brighter or muted. This is where errors in the lighting device are most sensitive.

It may turn out that part of the room is “eaten up” by darkened areas, in bright light the sky blue color will become gray, as a result of which everything will look dull, the lack of additional light above the desk will quickly lead to fatigue, the incorrect placement of lamps near the mirror will not allow for correct application makeup, etc.

Having decided on the type of lamps, you should determine their number, and then draw up a layout diagram.

Determining the number of lighting devices

The development of a layout of lighting fixtures begins with calculating their number. According to established tradition, ceiling panel installers determine the number of devices for lighting a room using a very simple formula: the area of ​​the room in m2 is divided by 1.5-2.0 - in their opinion, 1 light bulb should be installed for every 1.5-2 m2 . However, this calculation method cannot be recommended for practical use for two reasons.

  • Lamps in lighting fixtures can be of different power, but this factor is not taken into account. This, in turn, does not allow us to comply with sanitary and hygienic lighting standards for each room of the apartment.
  • The work ignores the presence of a chandelier (if you plan to install it). Excessive illumination has a very negative effect on general condition person - there is excitement, restless sleep and others Negative consequences. As a result, loss of performance the next day.

To quickly and accurately calculate the number of light sources, you can use the data from the tables below.

Illumination standards living rooms in W/m2.

Room viewIncandescent lampsLuminescentLED
Living room (hall)20-22 13-14 5,2-5,4
Bedroom12-15 8-10 2,7-3,4
Kitchen26 15-16 6,8
Children's60 36 6,8
Bathroom20-22 13-14 5,2-5,4
Hallway10 6 2,5

Based on the above data, the number of light bulbs is calculated simply: the area of ​​the room in m2 is multiplied by the illumination indicator in Watts and divided by the lamp power, also in Watts.

If you plan to install a chandelier, then first determine how many m2 will be illuminated by it, then calculate the number of spotlights. For example, in a hall with an area of ​​20 m2 it is planned to install a chandelier with 6 incandescent lamps of 40 W each. The first step is to determine how many m2 the chandelier will illuminate in accordance with the standards (6 x 40 W / 22 W/m2 = 10.9 m2).

The next stage is the area of ​​the hall that will be illuminated by spotlights (20 - 10.9 = 9.1 m2). Finally, the quantity is calculated LED lamps power 10 W (9.1 m 2 x 5.4 W/m 2 / 10 W = 4.9). The result obtained is rounded to big side to an even number. Thus, in addition to the chandelier, it is necessary to install 6 lamps (according to the installers’ method, their number is much larger - 13).

You can use another table.

Correspondence of the luminous flux to the power of the lamps.

Luminous flux, LmIncandescent lamp, WLuminescent, WLED, W
50 20 4 1
100 25 6 2
200 35 7 2
300 40 8-9 4
400 50 10 5
500 60 11 6
600 65 14 7-8

Here the calculation algorithm is slightly different.

  1. The SNiP table contains the illumination standard.
  2. By multiplying the area of ​​the room and the lighting standard m2, the total power of the light flux is determined.
  3. From the table above, the light emission power of the selected lamp is determined.
  4. The total lighting power in Lm is divided by the light power of the light bulb in Lm, resulting in their number.

Rules for placing lamps

At first glance, there is nothing complicated about how to place lamps on a suspended ceiling. However, there are rules here, the implementation of which will allow you to fit into the interior design and correctly distribute the light throughout the room:

  • IN large rooms(living room) it is advisable to install a chandelier, especially since almost all design styles include a classic lamp. If this is not done, then in order to achieve the level of illumination, you will have to install a very large number of spotlights on the ceiling, which in many cases runs counter to the aesthetics and efficiency of lighting;
  • The centuries-old history of using chandeliers has developed Golden Rule: the lamp should be located exactly in the middle of the ceiling, thus achieving optimal lighting premises. In housing without walls separating living spaces (studio apartment), the chandelier is installed in the living room area or in the kitchen, also in the center of the ceiling space;
  • To achieve uniform distribution of light flux in spacious kitchens without a chandelier, you need to combine light sources - add overhead lights to the built-in spotlights or use cascading lighting over one of the zones, here the final choice is determined by the imagination and taste of the apartment owner;
  • At installed chandelier, the placement of additional lighting points is compositionally aligned relative to the center of the room, regardless of whether the layout is asymmetrical or symmetrical;
  • When mounting single light sources symmetrically, they should be installed equidistant from each other, the same distance is maintained in relation to the walls;
  • With an existing connecting seam (PVC film), fabric manufacturers recommend making holes for lighting fixtures at a distance of at least 15.0 cm from the welding site;
  • Recessed and surface-mounted lamps should be located at a distance of 200 mm or more from the wall;
  • On a film ceiling, holes can be made at a distance of 300 mm or more from each other;
  • Before developing a lighting scheme, the number of lamps is calculated.

Attention: in many materials devoted to this topic, it is recommended to take into account the presence of windows, which, in our opinion, is not entirely correct. Neither the number of windows, nor the walls in which they are located, can affect the number of lighting points and the pattern of their mounting on the ceiling.

For reference: the methodology for calculating the number of light bulbs and the rules for their installation fully apply to suspended ceilings from plasterboard.

Light source placement options

There are a huge number of options for placing spotlights on the ceiling in combination with a chandelier. But this does not mean at all that the layout of light sources in the bedroom will be suitable for the living room. Each room has its own nuances.


Approaches to organizing kitchen lighting depend on its size: small or large.

Small kitchen. When lighting small kitchens, it is necessary to solve two problems: to visually expand the size of the room and to illuminate the food cutting area very brightly. Here you need to immediately abandon the idea pendant devices lighting: chandeliers or a cascade of spotlights.

They do not allow bright lighting of all areas of the room. Darkened areas appear, causing the room to become even smaller. In addition, there is the problem of shadows that will interfere with the work area; additional lighting will have to be installed under the wall cabinets. Add to small area You can add a few additional lamps to the ceiling, but they will look ridiculous.

Solves problems, both at once, by placing spotlights on a suspended ceiling in the form of 3 lines: one in the middle (not the center of the room, but free from kitchen set space), and two along the walls. This placement of light sources provides uniform, shadow-free lighting. If such a kitchen also has a low ceiling, we recommend using built-in lamps with rotating mechanism. The zigzag pattern also gives a good result, but this is at the discretion of the apartment owners.

Big kitchen. Completely different tasks are solved here: general lighting, allocation of areas for work and lunch. The chandelier fits well into the interior and lighting scheme. It can be installed in the classic way, in the center of the ceiling, or above dining table, highlighting the eating area.

True, there are two mutually exclusive approaches here: some argue that the dining area should be illuminated more brightly than the entire room (then a chandelier above the table is in place), others argue for dim light above the dining table. It’s hard to say who is right, but according to observations, many families have dinner by candlelight on weekend evenings. Dim lighting above the dinner participants, with general lighting turned off, fits perfectly into such family evenings.

IN Very large kitchens In addition to the chandelier above the dining table, it is advisable to hang cascading lamps with a lighting power control (dimmer), which will allow you to create a romantic atmosphere with muted lighting and a festive one with bright light.

A scheme with a cascade of lamps above the dining area can also be used in medium-sized kitchens. But here the chandelier does not always fit into the interior, so you can abandon it in favor of built-in and overhead light sources.

Don't forget about the work area. Rotating lamps will help here, additionally illuminating the cutting tabletop and stove. Location of spotlights general light can be different: rectangle, zigzag, circle, oval, etc. Everything is determined by the imagination and taste of the owners.


The bedroom is an intimate place where romantic and relaxing moods dominate, replacing each other. In both cases you need a warm, muted, good diffuse light, which is what Western experts write about, in contrast to Soviet-era scientists who created lighting standards for different rooms in the apartment.

Create cozy atmosphere allowing you to relax and have a good rest different ways. Let's look at some of the most popular ones.

  • The classic option is central lighting with small chandelier and several built-in lamps located around it or along the perimeter of the bedroom. For young couples, you can use decorative LED backlight, creating a romantic atmosphere.
  • If there is a TV hanging on the wall, then the lamps are installed in a line at the head of the bed.
  • When decorating the interior modern style(there are quite a lot of them), two schemes are used: central when a multi-arm chandelier is mounted in the middle of the room, and recessed lamps are installed along the walls; decentralized, when spotlights are located around the perimeter of the room, forming a rectangular shape, in the center of which a darkened area is created.
  • If available in the bedroom dressing table, sconces are attached to the edges of the mirror. Ceiling lighting can be anything. The second option is to install rotary lights with a separate switch on the ceiling, which will additionally illuminate the area where makeup is applied.

The main thing when organizing lighting in the bedroom is brevity: no to a large number of lamps, no to bright light, no to several types or forms of spotlights. The only yes is the trimmer.


In the high modern apartments In the hallway and corridor, ceilings are also stretched or suspended, which makes it possible to use built-in or overhead lamps when organizing lighting. At the same time, there are few options for placing spotlights on the ceiling in a narrow and enclosed space.

  • The main lighting is provided by single pendant lamps with matte shades; built-in lamps illuminate the area of ​​the mirror and hangers. This placement scheme allows you to highlight the center of the room and divert attention from the corners, as a result of which the room visually increases.
  • If you do not plan to use pendant light sources, it is recommended to install spotlights in the form of a “cross”, “zigzag”, or place them in a square or rectangle.
  • A good example of hallway lighting is overhead spotlights, some of which have a rotating mechanism. Additional lighting of the walls with a darkened ceiling space visually expands the hallway (corridor).
  • Glossy ceilings are additionally illuminated with lamps with a G9 base.

Living room

The living room fully corresponds to the expression: “it depends on the taste and color, there is no friend” when organizing lighting. Variability of lighting fixture layouts using various lamps it's just off the charts. Therefore, it makes sense to talk not about specific types design decisions when lighting the hall, but about how to correctly place accents when creating a lighting scheme.

Let's highlight the main tips:

  • The living room should be brightly lit to achieve the effect of a spacious, free space, which can be achieved big amount lamps.
  • Continuing the style of the room should be a priority. If it is a classic, then a chandelier is a must; if it is minimalism or “high-tech”, you can get by with linearly arranged spotlights; for romantic moods, the shape of a circle, wave, or zigzag is suitable.
  • When using central lighting, where the chandelier dominates, built-in lamps must be placed along the walls, giving them auxiliary lighting functions: illumination of various zones, focus on one of the pieces of furniture, additional lighting of the chair where literature and the press are read.
  • Spotlights allow you to divide the room into zones, which is very important for studios, where the living room is also an office, a bedroom, and a dining area.
  • There should be separate switches with a trimmer for the chandelier and spotlights. Moreover, the more of them, the more effectively you can use the capabilities of the built-in light bulbs.
  • Lamps with different light flows look impressive.
  • In a room with a square or rectangular shape, where there are no protrusions and niches, as well as rounded corners, symmetrical schemes that emphasize the geometry of the room are best suited.
  • A low ceiling will be visually raised by circles of lamps installed inside each other. To increase the effect, the size of the light sources and their power towards the center should decrease.


With the advent of modern finishing materials, suspended and stretch ceilings in steel bathrooms frequent guest, which allows them to be illuminated with built-in and overhead lamps. However, the small area of ​​​​the room does not allow imagination to run wild.

A small but even number of lamps are placed throughout the ceiling, equidistant from each other and the walls. The washing area should be additionally illuminated, but not from the ceiling, but with the help of wall lamps. Round shaped lamps look beautiful.


Considering that the children's room is also classroom(costs desk for doing homework), both the games room and the bedroom, such a room needs to be illuminated using the zoning method, when each group of lighting fixtures illuminates a specific place in the room (desk, play area, bed).

Naturally, they should be turned on separately from each other. But this does not mean that there should not be in the children's room general lighting. It can be central - a chandelier or diffused - only built-in spotlights.

The children's room is the only room where lamps can be placed randomly or in a “Z” pattern. A ceiling designed in the shape of a “starry sky” also looks impressive in a nursery, but this is only if the family budget allows.

When developing a plan for placing a chandelier and recessed lamps on a suspended ceiling, as well as on a suspended ceiling, there are no dogmas - so fantasize and dare. The only thing to remember: placing light sources somewhere under other conditions (room size, wrong types of lamps) can have the opposite effect.

Proper lighting in the room is the key to not only comfort, but also eye health. In poor light, there is a high risk that vision will quickly deteriorate, and the owner of an apartment or house considers an ophthalmologist to be a regular patient. During renovations, people often don’t think about this, and the number of light elements is not always enough for normal lighting. It is also worth remembering that advantageously located lamps will always emphasize stylish elements decor, hide the shortcomings of the repair or visually increase the size of the room. What is the best way to place spotlights on the ceiling, which have become one of the best options for room lighting today and are very popular?

What is important to consider when planning lighting

When you are planning the design of the room in which you are going to renovate, and deciding how many and what kind of lamps you will need, do not forget to take into account these important points:

  • the size of the room and its purpose;
  • number of windows and level natural light during the daytime;
  • furniture arrangement;
  • number of sconces or chandeliers;
  • Interior Design.

Always consider what kind of lamps you are going to install. Spotlights can be halogen, LED, or incandescent. Each type has its own pros and cons. For example, LED lights consume little electricity and are quite durable, with a soft and pleasant light.

Energy-saving light bulbs illuminate the room well, but their main disadvantage is big sizes, which is why a greater depth is required to install the lamp itself.

The disadvantage of halogen lamps is that they heat up too much, although they provide very bright light. This is not the best option for suspended ceilings.

Depending on their shape, spotlights can be surface-mounted, built-in, or pendant. Overlays can be a good addition to interior design, but they must be combined with other lighting fixtures, as well as with the overall design of the room. Such devices illuminate the room much better than built-in ones. Built-in ones, in turn, can be selected only by the color of the rim - it must be in harmony with the ceiling or the entire room as a whole. And hanging ones, as well as overhead ones, will help create unusual style in the interior.

When planning the illumination of a room, it is also important to consider how much light the lamps will provide in total. Remember that it is better to over-light a room a little than to under-light it.

Table. Lighting standards for rooms with ceilings no higher than 3 meters.

Don’t forget to consider the direction of the light - maybe you need to illuminate the entire room, or you want to create a secluded, cozy and slightly shaded corner for relaxation.

By the way, rotating spotlights will also help direct the light rays in the desired direction. This is easily done by changing the position of the light bulb. A fixed lamp cannot be used this way.

Arrangement of lamps in the living room

So, what should be the lighting in the living room? First of all, think about how the room should be lit - be very light or darker.

Prices for spotlights


  1. If the windows face north side, and there is constant twilight in the room, then the best option would be to install a chandelier and large quantity spotlights around it in semicircles. Thus, during the day you can turn on only the lamps themselves, and in the evening add a chandelier. The simplest option is to place spotlights along the walls, around the perimeter of the room.
  2. If you absolutely do not want to buy a chandelier, before ideal solution External spotlights may be the solution for you. You can create very unusual compositions from them, and the illumination of the room will not suffer at all when using them.
  3. If you are a fan of watching movies on a home theater, then you can arrange the spotlights so that they are located on the opposite side of the screen.
  4. Lamps placed in the corners of the room do an excellent job of illuminating every corner of the room, but do not focus on any specific area.

Thanks to spotlights, the room can be divided into several zones. This could become good decision For small apartments, where there are no separate rooms for a study, or for studio apartments, where in one room there can be a living room, a dining area, and a kitchen.

Usually, when planning lighting, they take as a basis some geometric figures, along which the lamps are placed. The devices can be installed so that they form an ellipse, semicircle, circle or square. A bold and original solution would be a chaotic arrangement of lamps - they, like stars in the sky, will be scattered throughout the ceiling. This is one of the best options for rooms in modern styles.

If you like to read while sitting comfortably in a chair, then here too you can adapt spotlights for your convenience. Usually, sconces are purchased for such corners dear to the heart and soul, but ceiling “fireflies” can be installed instead. In the corner where your favorite chair will be, install a spotlight. Then, by turning off the lights in the rest of the room, you can create cozy corner exactly where you need it.

It is good to place spotlights in order to emphasize some decorative element, for example, paintings or panels. In this case, lamps with dim light are placed on the ceiling above the paintings along the walls.

In order to be able to regulate the illumination of the room, use several switches that right moment will allow you to dim the light or make the room, on the contrary, very bright.

For non-standard shaped rooms, an excellent option for arranging lamps is a “wave” in the middle of the room from one corner of the ceiling to the other. This method of placing lamps is very suitable for long rooms, including bathrooms, corridors, and kitchens.

An alternative to central lighting can be lamps located in the shape of a cross in the middle of the ceiling. This way, all areas of the room will be illuminated. To concentrate lighting in the corners of the room, several lamps are placed in the corner areas of the ceiling. By the way, the main options for the arrangement of lamps are presented below in the figure.

Prices for suspended ceilings

suspended ceiling

Lamps on the ceiling in the bedroom

The bedroom is a cozy and intimate place where there should not be too much bright colors and strong lighting. There is no need for such a large number of spotlights here as in the living room. The light should be gentle, soft, diffused, so as not to distract a person from the main task that he came here to perform - from strong and healthy sleep. Worry about installing a dimmer - this device will help you regulate the level of light in the room, dimming the power of the lamps at the right time.

In the bedroom, the best option for organizing lighting is a central lighting fixture, a chandelier, and several lamps located around it or along the perimeter of the room. IN small bedrooms You can do without central lighting at all - a few spot “fireflies” will be enough.

Zones in the bedroom can also be demarcated through the use of spotlights. For example, in addition to the lamps located around the perimeter of the room, you can arrange one light bulb above the dressing table to make it more convenient for a woman to apply makeup.

If there is a lack of light in the bedroom during the day due to the lack of sun, then you can arrange the lamps in a semicircle, directed as if from the window. Then during the day when the light is turned on, the lighting will be uniform.

Note! When choosing lamps for each specific room, do not select lamps that are different in style and color. There should be only identical lamps in one room. If there are more than one type, then they should be in harmony with each other.

For the bedroom perfect option installations of lamps are light bulbs invisible behind the eaves, the light from which will be reflected from the ceiling. This will make it soft, muffled, the light will not irritate the eyes and will help you get ready for sleep. And the room will visually increase due to this solution.

Children's room

Children's room for you - ordinary room, and for a child - the whole world. This is a bedroom, a playroom, and a work area all at once. Therefore, it is most logical to delimit specific zones with spotlights. A work corner where the child will do homework, read, draw or write, as well as game Zone should be illuminated very well - this is where as many spotlights as possible should be concentrated. They can be placed, for example, at an angle. This option is also suitable for the living room, where the emphasis is, for example, on the recreation area. But in the place in the baby’s room where the bed is, there may be fewer light bulbs.

Prices for LED chandeliers

led chandeliers

A fun solution for a children's room would be to arrange the lamps in the shape of the letter “Z” or randomly. If there is some kind of pattern on the ceiling, then it is also worth playing with it using lamps. If the image is in the center of the room, then the lamps are placed around the perimeter of the room, and a chandelier is hung in the middle of the ceiling.

Lighting the kitchen

The kitchen is usually one of the brightest rooms in the house. Of course, the cooking process also takes place here, in which lighting is a very important aspect. After all, it is inconvenient to cut vegetables in the dark and it is easy to miss the spoiled product.

Usually the kitchen thanks correct use furniture is delimited into certain zones - the dining area, the cooking area, and so on. The location of the lamps should directly depend on the interior, layout and natural light. However, in any case O Most of the light bulbs will be concentrated in the work area. Place several spotlights directly above the sink, stove, or work table so that the lack of light does not interfere with cooking.

But in the area dining area There may be fewer lamps. It’s a good idea to combine spotlights with a chandelier that easily descends to the table itself.

In a small square kitchen It is convenient to place the lamps in a circle on the ceiling or in a semicircle in the work area; one additional one can be placed above the dining area. In small spaces it is also better to use indoor lamps rather than pendant lamps.

Video - Spotlights in interior design

Spotlights in the hallway

The hallway does not need strong lighting, so there is no need to install a chandelier here - a few lamps in the corners of the room will be enough. In large corridors, lamps are usually placed around the perimeter.

IN long hallway You can install lamps not only along the walls, but also in the middle of the ceiling in one row. Then there will be enough light to illuminate the entire corridor.

By the way, lamps placed along the walls are an excellent option that helps to visually enlarge the space, which is very important for narrow or very small hallways.

A lot depends on the interior. There should be more light where mirror surfaces are located.

An interesting option for lighting the hallway can be, just like in the bedroom, hidden lamps. There will be enough light from them, but visually this method of arrangement will add a little space to the narrow corridor.

In the bathroom, the best option is small, but bright lamps, which will not be conspicuous, but will illuminate the room well. If you need bright lighting for the entire bathroom, then the lamps should be located at the same distance from each other and, preferably, along the perimeter of the walls. However, the most light is needed in the area where the mirror is placed.

A good option for a spacious bathroom is spotlights mounted in a zigzag pattern. They are suitable for rooms with a modern and unusual style.

Unfortunately, interesting design solutions The use of lamps is only suitable for large bathrooms. In small ones, the lamps are usually located simply at an equal distance from each other - it’s difficult to come up with something unusual here.

Prices for stretch ceiling “Starry Sky”

stretch ceiling “Starry sky”

How to calculate the number of light bulbs

To determine how many light bulbs you need to purchase for each specific room, you will have to make simple calculations.

  1. Remember that one spotlight illuminates an area of ​​approximately 1.5 square meters.
  2. In order to find out how many lamps are needed for a room with an area of ​​20 square meters, the area should be divided by 1.5.
  3. Dividing 20 by 1.5, we get the number 13 - which means that this is exactly how many lamps we need to purchase for this room.

Also remember that the distance from light bulb to light bulb should not be large or small: the optimal is 30 cm. Therefore, in order to understand how many lamps you need to buy, for example, for a hall, you should know its area and, based on this, calculate the number of lighting fixtures . Do not forget to take into account whether a chandelier will be used in the room - in this case, spotlights often act simply as a design element and addition to the interior.

Prices for ceiling lamps

ceiling lamps

When calculating the number of light bulbs, it is also a good idea to consider the type of lighting fixtures you plan to use.

If you do not have the experience to independently develop the interior design and placement of spotlights, then it is best to turn to professionals. All the materials used in the design of a stretch ceiling are far from expensive, and it will be a shame to waste money if nothing works out for you.

As a rule, companies that install suspended ceilings and install lighting have their own designers. They will easily select the most suitable options according to your wishes, capabilities and dimensions of your apartment. best options placement of spotlights. It is quite possible that by paying for their services, you will still win.

Video - Installation of spotlights in a suspended ceiling

Kitchen lighting is a sore point for many housewives. Because the lack of light makes it difficult to work and causes premature fatigue and irritation. Obviously, one chandelier is often not enough to sufficiently illuminate the work and dining area. How to arrange lamps in the kitchen, especially if there is a suspended ceiling?

Basic rules for placing lamps

  1. There should be 20 cm between the spots and the wall.
  2. If there is a seam, it is necessary to retreat 15 cm from it to the nearest lamp.
  3. The number of spots is calculated by the formula: N=S/1.5, where N is the number of lighting fixtures, S is the area of ​​the illuminated floor.
  4. Lighting should be meaningful, i.e. aesthetic and functional.
  5. The stretch fabric can withstand up to 80 degrees of heat. If the light bulb gets hotter, the film may deteriorate. Therefore, there are restrictions on the power of built-in non-rotating lamps: incandescent lamps - up to 40 W for PVC and 60 W for fabric, and halogen lamps - 20 W for PVC and 35 for satin.
  6. The main brightest light is provided by the chandelier. From it to the ceiling surface is maintained 15 cm or more.
  7. The external arrangement of the lamps makes it possible to increase the power of spotlights up to 70 W.
  8. Rotating models expand the functionality of lighting, allowing for more flexibility when respecting process distances and the need to illuminate a specific area.

Basic layout of lamps with a central location of the chandelier

There are many layouts of lamps on a suspended ceiling that allow you to create high-quality lighting in the kitchen. Which one is right for your home? Let's try to figure it out.

  • Spots in the corners. Used in small spaces. The work area is illuminated by installing lighting elements at the bottom wall cabinets.
  • Spots in a straight line above the kitchen unit.

  • Spots in a straight line along opposite walls.

  • Lamps in the corners in groups of 3-5 fixtures, repeating the outlines of the corners.

  • Spots outline semicircular lines along opposite walls.
  • Lamps around the perimeter.

  • The line of additional lighting forms a smooth zigzag along the ceiling.
  • Lighting along two adjacent walls.

  • Around the circle in the center of the kitchen.

  • Suitable for island kitchens, spots in a straight line above the kitchen unit and above the island.

  • Spots in the corners and a square/diamond around the chandelier.

In addition, there are a lot of other schemes that lighting engineers can tell you based on your parameters. For example, a chandelier can be moved into the living area, sometimes you need to line up several lampshades in a row, lower them closer to the table, etc.

Depending on the area of ​​the kitchen, the number of lamps, their size and configuration are selected.

Additional lighting

Spot lighting can also be located directly on cabinets and additional elements kitchen set. In this case, it is convenient to use rotating lamps to direct the light in the desired direction. For example, housewives have a need to see the contents of wall cabinets. This can be easily done by directing an incident beam of light onto the façade.

The work area is also a large field of possibilities for spotlights. Why? The fact is that fluorescent lamps work in the cold spectrum, which is somewhat distorted appearance products. Therefore, it is preferable to select lighting elements with white or yellowish light.

The work apron and tabletop are always clearly visible in the right lighting. At the same time, the shadow from hands and objects falls from the hostess to the wall. Those. it does not interfere with work and is almost invisible.

Before entrusting your kitchen to the masters, it is advisable to clearly imagine where the most illuminated areas will be located, where partial shade can be created. This will allow specialists to develop the most optimal options placement of spotlights.

Stretch ceilings not only help to make a visual correction to the room. They allow you to create indescribable illusions. And spotlights only enhance this magic.

Spotlights are a good option when arranging a room with a suspended ceiling. An accurate calculation will allow you to make the interior spectacular and practical. required quantity miniature devices, as well as knowledge of the rules for their successful placement.

Number of lights on the ceiling: the more, the better?

The best lamp placement schemes: secrets of a successful layout

The problem of how to place lamps on a suspended ceiling arises for everyone who has chosen a similar lighting format. This is not surprising: there are many options possible.

If you don't take into account important nuances, it’s easy to spoil the interior design and get insufficient light levels.

There are general proven layouts of spots and lighting equipment:

  • "Oval" pattern. Spot lamps, forming an oval, create uniform illumination of the perimeter of the room, leaving the center semi-dark. The problem is solved by installing a chandelier.

  • Circular location - a good option for apartments square shape. With this option, the center will receive maximum illumination, and the corners will remain darkened.

  • Two symmetrical semicircles are a typical technique that allows you to illuminate dark corners. With this arrangement, a chandelier is a must-have attribute.
  • Cross-shaped - light sources mounted crosswise will provide uniform illumination of the area. This is a wonderful alternative to a traditional chandelier.
  • Rectangle shape. This option is recommended when it is necessary to visually expand the space.

  • The “arc” scheme allows you to highlight a work or other functional area with light.

  • The wave-like shape looks good in a room with a non-standard layout. It attracts attention by hiding existing defects or shortcomings.

Some designers don't accept traditional schemes and create extraordinary original drawings according to the planned layout.

Having decided how to place spotlights on a suspended ceiling, plan a place for them before installing a suspended or suspended structure.

“The Magic Five”, or How to successfully use 5 lamps?

Today, when decorating a home, people rarely limit themselves to a single chandelier. It’s easy to make your interior spectacular and practical with the help of spotlights.

If you have five exquisite fixtures in your arsenal, you will have to work hard to distribute the lamps on the suspended ceiling, because symmetrical options are excluded.

When planning lighting, designers often use the following techniques:

    • Living room. The classic layout of lighting equipment is popular: massive spots in the center. The lighting above the sofa turns on when you want to read or do handicrafts. To add originality, 5 lamps can be mounted in a semicircle or zigzag.
    • Bedroom. A place to relax and sleep requires subdued and soft light. To create a relaxing and relaxed atmosphere, products with a rotating base are installed behind the curtain rod - the lamps remain invisible, and the light flux is directed to the ceiling. If there is a dressing table in the room, mount the existing appliances above it - this will emphasize the importance of the area and ensure the proper level of light when setting up the dressing table.
    • Hallway. Small rooms required visual expansion space. In corridors, 5 lamps are distributed along the room, and in hallways a square or rectangular shape The option looks good - 4 lamps in the corners and 1 in the center.
    • Bathroom. The room requires bright illumination. Having selected beautiful spots, place 4 pieces along the room, and install 1 additional one above the mirror. Non-trivial options also look beautiful - wave or zigzag.

By following simple rules, it is easy to create a unique and cozy atmosphere, but violating the “laws” can introduce disharmony into space. Experiments with the placement of lighting equipment are acceptable, but it is advisable to hear the opinion of an expert, otherwise the result may be disappointing.

“Trump Six”: laws for placing 6 light sources in the interior

When planning lighting in apartments with suspended ceilings, owners often purchase a pair of lamps. The reason is obvious - in this situation it is much easier to arrange lamps on the ceiling; it is possible to use symmetrical patterns.

When there are 6 point devices on hand, designers suggest:

  • Living room. Furniture in the house is often installed along the walls, and spots can be mounted in the same way: 3 on each side. Central lighting will be provided by a chandelier. This will transform the light from bright to dim. Popular options are to install lamps around a chandelier or in an arc in the corner of the room when there is a recreation area there.
  • Hallway. If the corridor is very narrow, use a trick: install 3 devices with a movable base on both sides, and point the light at the walls - this will make the space voluminous. Apartments correct form decorated with lamps grouped in pairs and lined up along the corridor.
  • Bedroom. The room should reign soft light, therefore it is better to place the lamps symmetrically on both sides of the bed, mount them along a cabinet or cornice, or implement a complex wave-like or arc-shaped pattern in the bedside area.
  • Children's room. Lamps are best used for zoning space: to highlight a place to study or sleep.
    It is imperative to place the chandelier on the ceiling, because the main condition is that there must be enough light.
    Choose a non-trivial circuit of 6 LED devices different color, creating an unusual pattern along the wall or in the center of the nursery.

Kitchen interior: how to equip lighting?

Spotlights are an important attribute kitchen interior, they can completely replace ceiling chandelier or serve as a backlight. By choosing the right layout, you can change the perception of space and increase its convenience:

    • One or two strips of lamps lined along the room will allow you to expand a small and narrow kitchen.

    • In spacious apartments, miniature devices serve to zone the space: they provide additional lighting for the dining area and bar counter.

    • Today, it is considered mandatory to place spots on a suspended ceiling along work surface: Their rotating base allows you to direct the light to the desired point.

Proper lighting will emphasize the beauty and uniqueness of the interior and create a cozy atmosphere in the house.