Prizes in the camp. Summer camp: relaxing games and fun using simple means. Russian Culture Day

Prizes in the camp.  Summer camp: relaxing games and fun using simple means.  Russian Culture Day
Prizes in the camp. Summer camp: relaxing games and fun using simple means. Russian Culture Day

Scenarios game programs for children's camp. Scenarios competitive programs for summer camp

One hundred to one or “Results”

Participants are divided into two teams. The game host first introduces the teams to the rules of the game.

The presenter's task is to interview one hundred people on a variety of questions before the game and write down the most frequently repeated answers.

The game itself goes like this: the presenter asks the teams the same question that he asked the people who did not participate in the game.

Teams must choose an answer to it, team captains give the answer to the presenter.

The team that guesses the most frequently repeated answer gets a point.

In this way, the participants in the game get an idea of ​​public opinion.


The questions that the presenter-journalist asks the people around him can be very diverse:

Finding the right way out of a situation;

Questions with a specific focus, for example, to identify some personality quality, knowledge or erudition of a certain area, etc.

Teams do not have to know the content of the questions. After the tournament, it is possible to discuss the situation and sum up the results.


The game is played with several expert teams. First, 2 teams participate in the game. They sit separately (at tables). The presenter asks a question, whoever gives the fastest sign that they know the answer to the question, that team (for example, by raising their hand) answers the question. If the answer is correct, that team is awarded a point; if the answer is incorrect, the point is awarded to the opponents.

When one team scores 5 points, the opposing team is replaced by another team. (All teams come up with names for themselves in advance). This way the smartest and luckiest team is identified. The brain ring is held with an unlimited number of teams; each team must have about 6 people along with the captain.

The winning team is awarded a prize.


1st round. “Complete the drawing.”

Students must add something to each of these figures to turn it into one or another drawing. Who can come up with the most drawings for the time being?

2nd round. “How the circles are located.”

The leader draws on the board in different places 5-6 circles with a diameter of 12-15 cm. The players must remember the location of the circles on the board. Then the players with their eyes closed come up to the board and put their sign in the center of each circle. The winner is the one who places his signs more accurately.

3rd round. "Draw a pig."

Players with their eyes closed draw a pig on the board. The winner is the one with the funniest pig.

4th round. "Find out your number."

They call 5 people and pin a sign with a number on each person’s back. No one should know what number he got. But everyone knows the sum of the numbers. The player must determine what number is on his back. Everyone moves carefully, trying to be in front of the other, in order to quickly find out all the numbers and at the same time hide their own number. The first one to name their number wins.

Dating games


Goal: to study relationships in a team.

Imagine that you have a boat and you are going on a trip. But there are only 5 seats in the boat. Which of your friends in the squad will you take with you?


Goal: determine the structure of business relationships.

The leader offers everyone a situation.

Imagine that you need to make a film. To do this, you need to name the person who can organize the shooting of the film. This is the director.

The named candidates take turns choosing their assistants. In this case, the choice of the next one is made after consultation with those already selected.

After this, a task is given: in 10-15 minutes, play out an excerpt from your favorite fairy tale, film or work and come up with the name of the film studio.

Each participant must have a role.

Jury: squad leaders and educators.

Award for:

1. Best performance (to the team).

2. Best scripts(to the team).

3. Best selection actors (team).

4. For the best director.

5. Best Actor.

6. Best Actress.

7. Best suit.

8. The most difficult role.

9. The smallest role.

10. Best performance (to the participant).

11. Best title film studio (team).

Shouting games (games from the stage)

Joke game “Who loves what?”

Leading. Who loves ice cream? Children. I!

Leading. Who loves apples? Children. I!

Leading. Who loves pears? Children. I!

Leading. Who doesn't wash their ears?

Rocket launch.

Leading. To launch spaceship get ready!

Children. Eat get ready!

Leading. Fasten seat belts (cotton).

Children. Eat...

Leading. Enable contacts!

Children. Eat...

Leading. Start the engines.

Children. Eat...

Leading. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, in a growing hum. Start.

Children. Hurray, hurray, hurray!

Leading. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (claps). Fire - and they ran away in all directions.

Children. Hurray, hurray, hurray!

Leading. Where did she go?

Children. Somewhere there.

Speech game.

The leader speaks the text first, the children speak the text the second time: normally, in a whisper, loudly or in imitative intonation (at the request of the leader).

O peri tiki tombo.

Oh musa, musa, musa.


Oh piki liao bebe.


Flower competitions and fun

Legend of flowers

In one flower kingdom... The king and queen... had... princesses... Each season was ruled by one of the princesses. (Connect with summer and winter). But for this it was necessary to win the competition.

The king gathered all the princesses, divided them into teams and set a condition - to recruit a retinue of the best flower warriors.

During the competition, everyone receives a “name”.

Competition 1. “Introduction-Greeting”- yourself, the time of year you are applying for, your rivals, the king, queen and the jury.

Competition 2. “Warm-up”- flower questions.

Whoever raises his hand faster is the one who answers.

What was the name of the man who really wanted to create " stone Flower"? (Danila.)

In which work did the heroes fly on hot-air balloon to the flower city? (“Dunno and his friends.”)

What flower was guarded by the shaggy monster in Aksakov’s work of the same name? (Scarlet.)

What flower made the tiger Sherkhan terrified and where? (Fiery, “Mowgli” by D. R. Kipling.)

Botanists call this flower viola, but what is it called among the Russian people? (Pansies.)

What is the art of creating bouquets called? (Ikebana.)

What flower grows in forest fires? (Blooming Sally.)

Which Andersen heroine was the flower for? permanent place registration? (Thumbelina.)

What flower is said to have grown on the blood of chained Prometheus? (Edelweiss.)

When, according to legend, does the fern bloom? (On the night of Ivan Kupala.)

Which flower is directly related to the king of beasts? (Snapdragon.)

Which flower is a symbol of narcissism? (Narcissus.)

Which famous writer made snowdrops bloom in winter? (Marshak.)

What flower suffers from love? (Chamomile.)

Which flower is called the sleepy flower? (Poppy.)

Competition 3. “Flower counting rhyme”.

Make up a little rhyme with the names of the flowers.

Endings: - Those who don’t believe, get out.

I will look for you.

Competition 4. “The Unsmey Princess.”

All team players, standing in two lines, participate.

Goal: make people laugh for 1 minute.

They write the name of the flower on the back (they stand in a column, say the name of the flower in one ear, each writes a letter to the next one).

Competition 5. “Artists”.

Continue the unfinished drawing of the great artist.

Competition 6. “Flower calendar”.

Who will be the fastest to make a list of colors with the same letters that the names of the months begin with?

Competition 7. “Dance of Flowers”.

Team members can show a collective dance, a group dance, or an individual dance, giving it a name.

Competition 8. “Flower Tales”.

Complete and tell:

“In a certain kingdom, the cornflower state, there lived King Cornflower and Queen Violet. And they had three sons...”;

“One fine spring morning, Chamomile’s friends went out into the steppe for a walk and they did not know that the evil flower Dandelion had settled in that steppe...”

Competition 9. “Ikebana”.

Teams must submit a motto compiled flower arrangement, explain who it is intended for.

Competition 10. “Flower Wishes.”

To the most beautiful flowers in the kingdom - our floral wishes (boys to girls).

Unfinished Proposal Competition

Option 1.

1) Little Red Riding Hood is walking along the path, and towards her is not an animal, not a bird...

2) She looked at Little Red Riding Hood and saw only red, blue, and yellow colors.

3) She smelled Little Red Riding Hood and realized that it was not a flower, and flew on.

4) Her family is great...

5) She lives in hexagonal houses. (Bee.)

Option 2.

1) Little Red Riding Hood picked a flower...

2) It was pink, but it could also be white.

3) It has a sharp, pleasant aroma.

4) It makes wonderful jam.

5) And the last one is almost here.

Option 3.

1) Little Red Riding Hood picked a berry...

2) The berry looks like beads.

3) Very useful.

4) It ripens in the fall and lies until spring.

5) It is very sour.

6) The wealth of swamps. (Cranberry.)


Assignment: you need to imagine yourself as a desperate journalist and do the following:

1) create a situation:

From the trunk of an armored Mercedes;

From the cornice of a 10-story building;

From the operating table.

2) come up with and draw a sign:

Come up with a name for the section of road;

Be careful - deaf old ladies;

Be careful - liquid asphalt.

3) painting with fingerprints. Everyone leaves their own imprint.

4) compose an indictment for the court:

Over the old woman Shapoklyak for walking rats in unidentified places;

Against the fox Alice and the cat Basilio for involving minors in currency fraud;

Nad Emelei for fishing in a prohibited manner;

Above the postman Pechkin for receiving gifts during working hours;

Against Carlson for living without registration and without a specific occupation.

Detective stories

It can be carried out between competitions and in short periods of free time using questions that require answers: “Yes”, “No”.

1) The caravan driver Ali is driving through the desert and sees a tent, and 100 m from it a car (truck). I approached the car; the footprints of one person led from it to the tent. He entered the tent, the tent was empty, and only in the center at an inaccessible height was a man hanging. He was dead. How did this happen?

Answer: the man hanged himself! The car was a refrigerator.

2) The musician was preparing for the concert. A week before the performance, they received an anonymous letter that the tenant would be killed. They laughed and forgot. On the day of the concert there were no signs of trouble. The musician played a concert and returned home. There was no one at home, I lay down to rest. After a while I woke up and went to the window, there I saw...

He glanced at the clock hanging above the sofa and realized that the tenant had been killed and the corpse was in the sofa. How did he understand?

Answer: the clock on the wall has been there for a long time. The musician has good hearing and he heard the ticking of the clock.

3) A woman lived in one city. One day, returning from a party, I pulled out mailbox letter and, without opening it, realized that the one who wrote the letter was dead.

Did she kill him? Yes.

Was it her envelope? Yes.

Answer: she sent him a letter and asked him to respond urgently. And she sent him her envelope with poisoned glue

4) One day a man (postman) brought a parcel. It contained a leg and a note:

Option 1. Thank you for being alive.

Option 2. You and I are of the same blood.

What happened?

Answer: the children must realize that the recipient was one-legged, and these two people were connected by the following event:

They were sailing on a ship that was wrecked. These two were saved. We found ourselves on a desert island and, in order not to die of hunger, we agreed...

5) The man brought photographs and asked to look into them. In one of them the man was clearly alive, and in the other he was clearly dead. It looks like the photos were taken at the same time.

Answer: this man was a pilot, his camera was on board the plane and took pictures even after the death of the pilot.

The time of childhood is the time of games and entertainment. We offer a series of competitions and games for schools and camps.


Competitive game programs (CGP) can be conducted both within a school or children's camp, and within a class or squad. The instrumentation scheme is simple:

1. Competitions. Emphasis on the moment of competition (the child performs actions in front of an audience).

2. Game form. There must be an element of play and entertainment.

3. Inclusion in competitions maximum number guys, so that everyone can try their hand at one competition or another.

4. Rewarding not only the winners, but also the participants of the competition.

In our opinion, it is inappropriate to write a text for those who conduct instrumentation, since in competitive game program Often all the pre-prepared words of the presenters are not spoken. Instead, there is a live dialogue between the presenter and the competing participants.

Sherlock Holmes and Miss Marple

The lesson develops creative thinking, logic.

The hosts (Miss Marple and Sherlock Holmes) announce that they are looking for assistants. All applicants are offered a series of test-competitions.

"Fingerprints" . The task is to find the same pair of handprints on a sheet of paper and determine which of those sitting in the hall they belong to.

"Very sharp eye". Participants are shown a set of objects. Then the participants turn away. At this time, one item is replaced. It must be said that they have changed.

"Savvy" . You need to guess who the things belong to: glasses, spatula, mirror, robe, board, salt whistle, diploma, badge.

“Find by description.” Participants are asked to find, based on the description, a person from another squad who is also in the hall.

"Silent Action" . As quietly as possible, lower the spoon into the glass, close the pan with a lid, and place the fork on the plate.

"Siamese twins". The hands of those standing next to them are tied, the task of each pair is to tie the laces on the shoe, cut out a circle from paper, light a candle, etc.

Book of records...

The activity increases psychological comfort and the level of cohesion in the children's team.

The presenter suggests starting your own book of records. And call it exactly what the detachment is called (camp, school, etc.).

"The most amazing." For 1 minute, the teams write on a piece of paper how their team differs from all the others, how it can surprise all the other teams.

"Strongest". Participants in the competition are invited to hold one of the smallest teachers in their arms. Only the two strongest students remain on stage.

"The most spiritual" . Two participants need to deflate a tennis ball from flat surface blindfolded. When the contestants are blindfolded, a plate of flour is placed instead of the ball.

"The most resourceful." Participants in the competition take off one sneaker or shoe at a time (the main thing is that the shoes have laces) and place them in a circle. They are then blindfolded. Everyone must find their own shoe and tie it. The one who completes the task first wins.

"The fastest". Each participant is given a ribbon. In 30 seconds you need to tie tight knots on it (the more, the better). Then the participants exchange ribbons. The task is to untie all the knots. Who is faster?

"The most numerous." It is necessary to collect as much as possible into a hoop more people from his expedition.

"The most athletic" (carrying out a relay race). Two teams are participating. You need to do the following:

Run to the chair;

Turn it over;

Wear a skirt and scarf;

Sit on a chair;

Shout “Hurray”;

Take things off and turn the chair over;

Return to next participant.

"The most sensual." On the girls, the young contestants stick hearts from self-adhesive paper anywhere. Then the boys are blindfolded, the girls are changed. You must remove all the hearts without prompting.

"The most united." If the presenter says: “Unwound,” then all participants spread their arms to the sides. If the leader says: “I’m stuck with the neighbor on the right,” then the participants hug the one sitting on the right. You can “wrap up” with the neighbor on the left, behind, in front, and finally, all together.

Summer camp Children associate it with fun and good mood, so the task of adults is to provide just such an experience. Correct selection events are the key to the success of organizing a camp.

let's get acquainted

Any summer camp always includes getting to know each other. It is preferable to use elements in the program of a holiday of this kind psychological training. These could be exercises to remember each other’s names, recognizing the character traits and interests of all participants. Group games or activities where it is impossible to get desired result without the participation of at least one person from the squad or team.

Dating in form sporting event implies exactly such team games. For example, ordinary or “untangling the web” in most cases helps even strangers get closer. And this can be the key to peaceful coexistence of vacationers until the end of the shift and minimizing Ideal option will be if at the end of the event most of the children remember each other by name.

How can we become friends?

Conflicts, both minor and major, are completely inevitable. The main task adults are to prevent them from flaring up and developing into a kind of war between units or within them. Such cases are not uncommon, so a summer camp event for unity comes to the rescue.

Unlike games for the purpose of getting to know each other, games and numbers in this category already shift the emphasis from the concept of “I” to the concept of “We”. The detachments became small separate groups, with their own rules and traditions. Here you can offer an event such as “Treasure Search”. Usually the first half of the day is allotted to him, starting from the moment when the children are still sleeping. Teachers collect a large number of sweets, fruits and other little things pleasant for children are placed in a large bag and hidden in the camp area. Next, you need to create a map indicating the places where the children will be tested. Such cards are made in the right quantity, one copy per squad. Here you can choose one of the options:

  • The map is divided into fragments, each of which gives a hint where to look for the next piece.
  • You must pass a certain test to get a hint on the route to find the treasure.

Here everyone is given the opportunity to prove themselves in the common task of searching for “treasure”. Thus, the goal of uniting children is achieved.

What adults and children love

Undoubtedly, a children's summer camp offers vacationers relative freedom and independence. Here children are transported to new environment, where you can express yourself, meet people, make friends and even fall in love. From time to time it is useful to spend entertainment activities, where an atmosphere of fun and music reigns, of course, within the bounds of decency. Certainly, we're talking about about discos and similar entertainment events. Dance performances, song competitions and practical jokes are appropriate during any period of the shift. They will dilute educational and sporting events.

Counselors must take part in games with the children, thereby confirming their involvement and interest in maintaining a positive atmosphere in the camp. It is better to organize karaoke, masquerades and other entertainment in the evening, after traditional scheduled activities, and not make them strictly time-regulated.

and others

Scenarios for summer camp events often include stage plays where roles are assigned. This is especially true for themed holidays. A change in a summer camp necessarily includes an event, dedicated to the day Neptune, Ivan Kupala Day, etc. The choice of one event or another depends on the type of camp and its organization, as well as So, for example, a summer school camp is much more limited in its capabilities. Events dedicated to the water festival are held less spectacularly and fully. But sports holidays can be organized on a larger scale, with the active involvement of all children.

Play, have fun and... learn

Around the middle of the shift, it’s worth remembering a little about school days and testing the children’s knowledge, at the same time reminding them that school is just around the corner. In this case, summer camp activities dedicated to school subjects. Different kinds quizzes, games like “What? Where? When?”, intellectual duels and competitions are an excellent opportunity to train your memory and intellectual activity. For more active participation of children, it is worth motivating them with possible prizes, and choosing one of the children of senior school age as a jury to evaluate competitions.

We invite you to visit

Continuing the topic of thematic events and subject quizzes, it is worth mentioning profession holidays or patriotic dates. They can be organized with the invitation of representatives of this profession, or those who can talk about this or that event. For example, celebrated at the end of July, you can imagine it as an evening of military songs, invite a military man to it - a representative of this Children will be interested to learn about the specifics of the profession and ask questions to the guest.

Themselves with a mustache: children as adults

Goodbye, see you new summer

The closing of the camp should be marked with a grand celebration to emphasize the importance of the time spent here. A little sad, but necessary event for summer camp should be organized on top level. We need to put in maximum creative effort and effort so that the children remember the shift as something amazing and positive. And subsequently they wanted to visit the camp again. Games and competitions on this day should not be similar to other squad events. At summer camp, the shift is coming to an end, and here it’s worth remembering everything good moments. It would be appropriate to organize a photo exhibition, performance of joint songs and dances, large psychological games, etc. Required item programs - exchange of impressions. This traditional summer camp event is different in that it does not involve a team element. In some ways akin to a discovery, it is based on the idea of ​​unity and community of all vacationers.

Well, let's sum it up. When choosing an event for a summer camp and drawing up its script, first of all you need to focus on the preferences of the children. What kind of joy and positivity can we talk about if the wards are not very interested in games and tasks? Creativity, imagination and ingenuity combined with teaching skills will help organize unforgettable days summer holiday at a children's camp.

At a health camp, children remain children - and they want to play. Not only in pioneer ball, catch-up and other outdoor games, but also in “dolls”, “in the sand”, and making something. Outdoor games many are known. And we have collected options for calm games and fun that do not require much physical activity and can be made from the simplest means. They are good both in a cozy camp and in own home with the site.

water wall. A cunning labyrinth is constructed from hoses and containers, through which water flows through obstacles.

Music wall. All sorts of noise makers, rattles, and things that can make interesting (but not disgusting!) sounds are attached to the stand. Bells, cans, pieces of wood, clay whistles, a homemade xylophone. “And you could play a nocturne on the flute drainpipes? Children can.

Exhibition wall. Figurines and funny crafts are attached to the wall, hung on strings (and not displayed on tables).

Wall collage. Here anyone can carefully make a small picture, a story, a comic about the past day, draw and cut out an animal figurine, etc. And stick it on free place. It's easier, faster and more fun than a traditional art or squad corner display. And more beautiful than a wall randomly painted and scribbled on.

Water bombs. Water is poured into small balloons. On a hot day you can throw and catch.

Water pinata- who will hit the water balloon faster blindfolded? Such games are good on a hot day if you have something to change into.

Wooden town. From sanded pieces of wood, saw cuts, stumps, and driftwood, you can create a city, castles, an obstacle course for toys, and much more. The main thing is not to throw stumps.

Wooden construction set. If you cut down branches, you can make a fun construction set.

Jungle. We will plant toy animals on the branches, hang serpentine vines, huge flowers, safe place- rope ladders. Let someone dress up like animals. Each animal will hide a riddle about where to go next to the prize. Then you can play, for example, Mowgli or Indiana Jones.

Butterfly House. Live butterflies are released into a net stretched between two disposable plates. With label. Place a small piece of fruit there.

Zoo made of cardboard. From cardboard box Let's make an “aquarium” with fish on strings. In another box you can hang birds, animals, and have a competition to determine.

Dwarf kitchen. Baking clay pies, making salads from grass, decorating a sand cake with flowers and dyes, doing something else for a dungeon gnome party - this may seem fun not only to little ones, but also to older children. Just don't eat something particularly appetizing.

Labyrinth. Make a labyrinth from pebbles or drawn lines to walk like a snake, or play in some other way.

Bubble. We take a solution for soap bubbles(with glycerin) and blow it out using unusual things: a strainer, a fly swatter, a bunch of straws, and experiment.

Tent of Wonders. Set up a bright tent or awning to hold pranks, role-playing games, decorate it.

Pallets with sand. In them you can play with animals, role-play situations, just dig around, fantasize, and also study psychology, ecology and even mathematics (like Pythagoras). And you don’t have to bend over like in a sandbox.

Twister on the grass. The stenciled circles are painted over with spray paint. Unlike oilcloth, this twister does not wrinkle.

Raven count. You need to count or estimate how many elements there are - crows in a flock, leaves on a branch, petals on a flower, ledges on a mountain. Who is faster, who is more accurate. This strengthens the eye muscles.

Indian rumor. The competing teams close their eyes and become silent. Everyone counts by ear how many birds are singing, grasshoppers are chirping, bees are buzzing, etc. Then they discuss, report and compare the results.

Natural treasures. Images of natural objects (minerals, parts of plants, hidden small animal toys, etc.) are glued onto the egg container. They need to be found, collected, laid out. Whoever finds everything is allowed to the next stage of the game.

Determinant. Cards are printed with images of plants (flowers, fruits, leaves) and animals (including insects, birds, footprints). With names! Whoever finds it puts a tick. Several small teams (“elves”, “hobbits”, etc.) compete to see who can find the most and remember the names.

Towers of stones. Who can photograph the most unstable pebble on top of the tower?

Bean balls. In two small nested balloon peas (or other cereals) are poured. We throw the resulting colored balls at targets on the ground. If it breaks, peas will grow everywhere.

Bodypainting. Paint with gouache and then wash it into the sea. Much better than factory stickers.

Flying Dragons. Let's launch paper kites, which you can make yourself in the workshop.

Petanque. Popular in Western Europe a game. You need to throw your ball as close as possible to the small wooden cochonnet ball. This activity seems boring until you try it yourself.

Garden of rocks and sand. Do wooden combs, with which to create a “reanji garden” on the beach with stones and sand labyrinths. Looks good if you start with the frame.

Sundial . Insert a stick or figurine, make divisions and note how the shadow moves. Use a special stone to represent the moment when it’s time to pack up and leave, otherwise you won’t be able to force the children.

Figures made of pebbles. We lay out mosaics from pebbles, as if they were pixels. You can take something with you that could serve as a frame for a picture (slats, canes), and paint the pebbles with gouache. The main thing is not to get sunburned by getting carried away by “pointillism”.

Herbarium. You can make not a scientific herbarium (clumsy, with creepy roots and threads), but a decorative one: glue separately dried flowers and leaves onto a thick colored paper- and in the Diary of Memories. Make the labels stylized.

Pinhole camera. Make it out of a box with a hole, cover the back side with oiled paper and a curtain. It looks “magical”.

Collection. Tiny natural objects are glued into the box: dried cicada, shells, dried flowers, straws, pebbles, etc. You can make a window out of transparent plastic or take a transparent box from stationery.

Ships. We make boats from paper, shells, and pieces of wood and launch them in a stream, lake, even in a basin. We arrange battles to see who will blow who away.

Rainbow World. We paint all sorts of things: shells, leaves, pieces of wood, crafts, ourselves - with stripes of the rainbow.

Chop drawing. Place the plant with bright flowers on a sheet of watercolor paper, cover paper towel, tap on top with a hammer. You will get a bright print.

Homemade paper . You can make your own paper in a mold - with the addition of dried flower petals.

You can find or come up with a lot of similar fun. If only it was fun, beautiful, safe, and there was enough space for everyone to work and play.

Miss Camp

"Miss Camp" is one of the most favorite events of children and counselors at the children's camp. This is a show that everyone will remember for the rest of their lives. Each girl-competitor has a chance to receive the title and crown of “Miss Camp” for the whole year. Preparation for the competition is an important component of the success of the event. In the children's camp, each contestant is helped by counselors, circle leaders and a large number of friends.

Dresses are sewn, an avant-garde costume is invented, a song and dance support are chosen, a speech is written, and a worthy gentleman is chosen. The girls rehearse with the choreographer, consult with the costume designer and vocal teacher. And when all the preparations in the children's camp are completed, the queens of the evening, to the loud applause of the fans, gracefully step onto a specially equipped podium with spotlights, a beautifully decorated stage, smiling at the professional jury invited to the camp... At this moment, everyone sees a charming young lady in a teenage girl, which is very important for young ladies.

Russian day

Have you at least once been awakened by the accordion and children's laughter by cheerful guys and girls dressed in Russian folk costumes, dancing and playing on all kinds of musical instruments like rattles, spoons, whistles? No? Then you don’t know what it’s like to wake up in a great mood at a children’s camp! And if you add to all this: a fun fair with various competitions, pancakes with condensed milk and jam, lots of goodies, jumping in an inflatable castle (trampoline), horse riding, Russian folk games.

Plus a wonderful costumed Russian fairy tale, in which children and camp counselors take part. And at the end there is a festive disco! It's hard to believe, but this all happens on one day, on the Russian day, which celebrates Kid `s camp!


It’s a shame, boring and unfair when you’re bursting with energy and want to walk, jump and have fun all night long, but at the children’s camp the all-clear sounds. What a blessing that Night exists! The time of romance of the night, the beauty of the falling stars, the freshness of the wind and the mystery of the pink dawn. The camp falls asleep, and the squad, dressed warmly and taking everything they need, sets off into the night. A fire, potatoes baked on coals, bread fried over a fire, songs with a guitar, horse riding, scary stories and, finally, watching the dawn...

Tourist relay race

In the middle of an ordinary sunny day, an alarm suddenly sounds at a children's camp. What is this? Fire? Disaster? War? No! This is a relay race! Everyone comes running to the line, the units are being rolled out, the number of children is being counted, and the relay race starts! This means that a team from each camp squad is put up for a serious battle of the most resilient, fastest and most dexterous.

The spectators are happy to support their friends, and the participants try not to lose face while overcoming the obstacle course: run along a log, climb over a rope ladder, crawl on your bellies without hitting a low net, fly over a pit on a bungee, cross a river crossing, climb over a wall, gallop over the bumps. But that’s not all, it is important for real heroes to complete important tasks: put up a tent for a while, light a fire, carry a “wounded” person, assemble a machine gun.

On the day when a tourist relay race is held at the Orlyonok children's camp, dinner is prepared in the army field kitchen. After the competition, children dine with appetite on food specially prepared over wood. The atmosphere of a hike is created. And at the end of this unusual day, the Orlyonok children's camp hosts a disco where the winners are awarded!

Christmas story

Each of us, whether a child or an adult, is waiting under New Year fairy tale with a happy ending. In our children's camp during the winter shift, a fairy tale becomes a reality. Little ones and adults become fairy-tale characters. Bright costumes, interesting stories, humor and mysticism - immerses everyone in a festive atmosphere and impressions just a few hours before the New Year.

Our fairy tale cannot be complete without Father Frost and the Snow Maiden with a magic bag of gifts for children on the morning of January 1st. A lot of troubles haunt the main characters, but...good always triumphs over evil. Every year at children's camp new fairy tale, new characters, new scenery and new childhood experiences.

Leader concert

The shift is coming to an end... And everyone sums up the unforgettable days of relaxation at the children's camp. They thank their friends, the camp, their counselors. And the counselors sadly say goodbye to the children who have become family to them. All their skills and talents come in handy at the counselors’ concert in order to express their emotions and feelings for the past shift at the children’s camp. The counselors read poetry, show skits, dance, and play musical instruments. There is a place for lyrics, humor, and a splash of energy. And finally, a farewell song... And here, wiping away our tears, we all understand that the shift was not in vain... And at the end - the leader’s light. All the counselors sit in a semicircle on stage and say something very sad about the shift. Like, “It was so cool, oh, I don’t want to leave.” At this time, the children begin to cry little by little, and the counselors too. And when everyone has finished speaking, the magic phrase sounds: “And now you can go up to your counselors and hug them.”

Vozhatsky Impromptu.

The point is that 3 days before it, the children begin to hand in notes with tasks for the counselors, and then the counselors toil through the bullshit assigned by the children on stage. Someone showed a blonde driving, someone danced a tectonic dance, someone read a rap about how trees grow. And the children are preparing a performance for their counselors. Sometimes it’s a parody, but more often it’s a story about how “clean our counselors are” and the ceremonial cutting out of a hefty heart from whatman paper and a hug. All counselors’ performances are usually prepared and rehearsed in advance, during quiet time. There are numbers where a couple of people sing, and the rest come out as backup dancers, having learned about the number right before going on stage. Impromptu rules.

Sympathy Day

Everyone at the children's camp is looking forward to this day, both boys and girls, both small and large. On this day, there are many options to confess your love, express your sympathy, and send congratulations. You can receive and send a Valentine card through the “angels” postal service with recognition and congratulations. You can call the local telephone number on the children's camp radio and order a song, say hello and congratulations.

It’s very nice to hear your voice on the radio broadcast throughout the entire camp. In addition, you can send SMS from your mobile phone, which are displayed in real time on the screen of televisions located in each building. During this entire time, both children and adults can come to the video room and record their congratulations. The evening before the film, the entire children's camp gathers for a film screening, before which everyone eagerly awaits the greeting video big screen club.


By taking part in competitions and creative tasks, children earn "rubles" from the children's camp. Making money is fun, but how to spend it? Needed here clever mind and competent financial calculations, because you can order a song, ride a horse, buy sweets, souvenirs, toys.

Adventure Night

Mysterious events always attract people. An adventure night at a children's camp is a trail of challenges in dark time days from scary stories and characters for older children and fairy-tale heroes for younger children. On the way you may meet large wild animals, souls of pioneers, monsters, skeletons, zombies, crosses, ghosts, a headless horseman...

Having walked the trail, everyone can get rid of their fears by “throwing” them into the treasured fire at the end of the path, become bolder and more self-confident, and get a prediction for the near future from the organ grinder. The Adventure Night at the children's camp ends with a magical fireworks display to commemorate goodness.

Rope course

Very important for have a nice rest in a children's camp, there is a close-knit, friendly team that builds its relationships on the principles of respect, mutual assistance and support. The Rope Course is aimed at developing these qualities.

As a result of overcoming difficult stages, where each person is necessary, important and valuable, a responsible position towards each other and the team begins to form. The exercises are structured in such a way as to involve both active and insignificant members children's group, resulting in each group member and the entire group participating in achieving the goals.

As a result, the squad becomes united, a friendly atmosphere is formed, mutual assistance skills are developed, barriers in communication are overcome, and leaders are identified. The children's camp holds such an event every shift for groups of middle and older ages.

Merry Express

A fun relay race for the entire children's camp serves good start every shift. The rules are simple, the children's group moves to the music, holding hands from station to station, completes tasks, and answers questions. Already here the guys become more united, friendly and proactive. After passing each station, the squad receives points based on the results of calculation of which the winning squad is revealed.

Stolen afternoon tea

Show off your directorial and artistic skills at the children's camp. Creative skills Older children can help prepare the “Sweet Tree” event for the little ones. The kids come to the camp cafeteria for afternoon tea, and there’s a bunch of pirates stealing their rightful sweets right in front of them.

Kind people appear to help children fairy-tale heroes, be it Puss in Boots, Malvina, Thumbelina, Fairy who lead them in the footsteps of pirates, stopping for clues from Grandma Hedgehog, Devil, Koshchei, Robin Hood, Humanoids, Space Aliens and other heroes. The scenarios are always different, the characters and tasks are always different. Emotions are overwhelming, as a result, the entire children's camp is always satisfied: the younger children have found their afternoon snack, and the older ones are glad that they were not torn apart by hungry kids.

The day “The investigation was carried out...”.

On this day, according to legend, the director of the camp was stolen. Fairytale villains stole it and hid it. The whole day is devoted to various police procedures to find a chief. In the morning, portraits of fairy-tale villains were hung at the entrance with a request to remember these faces, as the police were looking for them. Then the line announced the disappearance of the chief. Then the children draw these villains in groups based on verbal descriptions. It's like a "photo sketch".

Then they go through the stations: Obstacle Course, Evidence, Sharp Eye, Codebreakers. At the last station they had to decipher where the director was hidden and run to free him. She may be sitting in another building with hands tied. Liberators are rewarded with sweets.

Benefit performance of Baba Yaga.

From each detachment, B-Y advances. They compete with each other.

Event " Hometown"(if all the camp children are from one small town).

Each squad receives a map of their city enlarged several times. There, children must find the street where they live and color it. Find out its history and attractions. Then at the final event the maps will be hung up and it will be clear who lives where and on what streets. Next is the photo quiz “What? Where?”, where you need to determine from the photos what it is and where it is located. It should be very difficult to find out, since some part of the building will be photographed.


Each counselor is given a sign with the name of the city and distributed throughout the camp (so that the children do not find it). The units are given a list of cities, all in in different order. You need to find the right city, in the right sequence. It turns out very interesting: if the children found their last city, but cannot find the first one.

A hundred questions about my homeland.

There are questions about your country hanging on the trees around the camp; you need to find them and answer them.

"Day Watch".

Complex puzzles are prepared in advance, where you need to know the place and the background of the place and generally know a lot of things :) At one time, 1 task is distributed to each squad. The task is to find a place, solve the riddle as quickly as possible and, running to the headquarters, receive a new, next task, but this is provided that the previous one is completed correctly. And so it is necessary to collect all the tasks. If the squad finds it difficult to complete a task, you can ask for a hint, but penalty minutes will be added for this. Another condition is that the entire squad must participate (except for the sick).


These activities occupy a special place in the structure of the organizational period of the camp shift and are designed to help the child feel involved in the new community (squad), become an accomplice in its success, and experience this success as his own.

The teacher can help the child with this if he tries to take into account the dominant goals of the children’s activities as much as possible when developing any activity:

For yourself for a group for a squad

Typically, guest appearances are impromptu game programs for two to four groups who come to visit each other. Their meaning is as follows: “to see others” (and make sure that they are quite friendly and suitable for playmates and buddies), “to show ourselves” (and make sure that we are no worse, we also know how to do something and can even surprise) .

To successfully carry out this task, the counselor, firstly, needs to treat the material below (well known to many for a long time) only as creative “raw material”, and secondly, think in advance about how to correctly distribute the creative load during the visit between children and counselors. We will be glad if the proposed ideas help to captivate the children, and make your work joyful and not tiresome for you.

So, when going on a visit, teams usually prepare a business card in any form (song, dance, poetry, etc.). In addition, etiquette does not advise visiting without a gift, so preparing and presenting a surprise for guests or hosts at a visit will also become a tradition.