Properly caring for pears in August and September - activities for the future harvest! How and when to properly feed a pear When to water a fruiting pear

Properly caring for pears in August and September - activities for the future harvest!  How and when to properly feed a pear When to water a fruiting pear
Properly caring for pears in August and September - activities for the future harvest! How and when to properly feed a pear When to water a fruiting pear

Pear is a popular fruit tree. It belongs to unpretentious agricultural crops, but gardeners may encounter a problem when the pear bears little fruit. The main reason for the decrease in the quality and quantity of the crop is a deficiency of nutritional components in the soil.

To ensure adequate nutrition for the pear orchard, it is necessary to regularly add fertilizer to the soil. In this article I will tell you how to feed a pear in the spring, and I will present recipes for the most useful and necessary fertilizers for the tree.

The basis for proper care of a pear orchard includes regular application of fertilizers to the soil. It is optimal to feed trees annually in spring and autumn. Spring fertilizers help trees become stronger, stronger, and more able to resist various diseases and pest and, of course, produce a full-fledged tasty harvest.

But you should not thoughtlessly apply fertilizers to the soil; in this way you can only harm the fruit trees, which will have a corresponding impact on their health and fruiting.

The amount and formulation of fertilizing depends on several of the most important factors:

  • age of the tree;
  • appearance and health characteristics of the tree;
  • soil composition.

Many gardeners determine the need for soil nutrition as follows: if a tree has slowed down in growth, it means the soil is depleted. It is considered normal if a pear grows more than 40 cm during the year (this is for mature trees) and 20 cm for seedlings and annual trees.

Types of fertilizers for pears

Basics of fertilizing:

  • based fertilizers chemical compounds they begin to add to the soil no earlier than from the 2nd year of the tree’s life;
  • It is advisable to apply organic fertilizers no more than once every 3 years;
  • Trees are fertilized with mineral fertilizers annually.

Before applying fertilizer, it is recommended to fruit tree dig a trench, the depth of which depends on the volume and composition of the fertilizer. But it is better to mix phosphate-potassium fertilizers with soil and sprinkle the resulting composition with any organic matter.

When does a pear need extra nutrition?

If a tree grows in comfortable conditions, then it does not need excessive and frequent enrichment of the soil. Fertilizers are applied annually in the spring to stimulate productivity and activate the protective forces of agriculture.

But it also happens that external changes indicate that the pear needs additional care. The wilting of leaves on a tree does not necessarily indicate a deficiency of nutritional components; the same symptoms appear on the tree if the soil is oversaturated with organic or mineral compounds.

How to determine the fertilizer composition needed for a tree?

  • Underdevelopment and deformation of leaves indicates a deficiency of nitrogen compounds in the soil.
  • If the leaves on the tree lighten and do not grow to the required size (smaller than they should be), then this is also a symptom of nitrogen deficiency.
  • Oversaturation of the soil with nitrogen negatively affects the pear; it becomes weak, lethargic, and unable to withstand the onslaught of severe frosts.
  • Phosphorus deficiency is detected if Bottom part The leaves of the tree begin to fall. On the need to make phosphate fertilizers indicates a slowdown in bud maturation and a slowdown in leaf development.
  • The lack of potassium is caused by lethargy of leaves, the appearance of brown spots on their surface, early drying and falling.
  • If there is not enough calcium in the soil, the leaves on the pear become spotted, and parts of the tree die off.

Stages of fertilizing

Spring enrichment of the soil with nutritional components is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Before the swollen buds bloom.
  2. During the period of intense flowering of the tree.
  3. After the color falls off.

Early feeding

In early spring, pears need nitrogenous fertilizers. It is necessary to add appropriate compounds to the soil when the air temperature has stabilized (the likelihood of frost has disappeared) and swollen buds begin to appear on the pear.

You can choose the following options for feeding:

  • Saltpeter. To prepare the solution you need 2 tbsp. l. mix the main ingredient thoroughly in 5 liters. water. The prepared composition is applied as a root dressing.
  • Bird droppings. Preparation of nutritional composition: 1/2 kg. Mix bird droppings thoroughly into 10 liters. warm water. Let the solution sit for 24 hours, then pour over the near-trunk part of the pear.
  • Urea. Preparation: 10 l. water dissolves 50 g. urea. The resulting composition is used as root feeding.

It is not recommended to mix fertilizer formulations with each other. Only one version of the presented fertilizer needs to be applied to the soil. Otherwise, you can cause the tree to burn and oversaturate the soil with nitrogen.

Feeding at the time of flowering

When the pear begins to bloom intensively, fertilizing is applied to specially dug trenches. At a distance of approximately 60 cm from the tree, a shallow trench is dug, and subsequently fertilizing will be applied to it (at least 40 liters of prepared nutritional composition is required for one tree).

Options for feeding pears during flowering:

  • Urea. Preparation of solution: 10 l. mix 300 g of water. active component.
  • Superphosphate. Preparation: for 10 l. take 100 grams of liquid. active component.
  • Cow dung. Preparation: mix 10 l. liquid and 5 l. organic fertilizer.

Last spring feeding

Saturation of the soil after pear flowering is aimed at enriching the soil and stimulating fruiting of the tree. The following can be used as fertilizers:

  • Nitroammophoska. Preparation: for 10 l. take 50 grams of liquid. active component.
  • Green manure. Bury green manure into the soil to a depth of 15 cm.

In cold weather, root fertilizers are poorly absorbed, so it is better to spray the lower part of the tree trunk with the following compounds:

  • urea solution 1% (1 liter of liquid and 50 grams of active substance);
  • boron solution (10 liters of liquid and 15 grams of the main ingredient).

The need for autumn feeding

If spring fertilization is aimed at forming normal fruiting and stimulating pear growth, then autumn fertilizing helps trees survive the winter and not suffer from various diseases and pests.

It is necessary to apply fertilizers for pears in the fall after the harvest is complete, when the foliage on the trees has already turned 30% yellow. Fertilizing is carried out by the root method, by mixing the active components with the soil.

Options for autumn feeding:

  • Urea - 10 liters. liquid 50 gr. active component.
  • Iron sulfate - 10 liters. water 5 gr. main component.
  • Potassium chloride - 10 l. liquids and 150 rub. active substance.

Seedlings and trees of the first year of life do not need autumn feeding. Mature pears are sufficiently supplied nutritional compositions once every 2 years.

Bottom line

  • Spring feeding stimulates the tree and helps to get a rich harvest.
  • When fertilizing, certain features should be taken into account, namely, when and how best to apply fertilizer to the soil.
  • Autumn feeding is aimed at increasing protective forces pears.

Unlike most fruit crops The pear is a fairly independent and flexible tree. Experienced gardeners They experiment with it, turning it into shrubs, and novice lovers rejoice at the annual harvest of fruits. For comparison, an apple tree bears fruit once every two years at best. However, this depends on the variety. One way or another, to enjoy tasty and aromatic pears, proper care is required. The main activities include feeding pears in the spring, but for proper maintenance it is necessary to provide whole line other procedures that will ensure the proper level of care for the tree and its future fruits.

First feeding

To ensure normal growth and development of pears, add to the soil necessary supplements follows already upon landing. The soil layer must be mixed with peat, manure and compost. At the bottom of the recess in which it is planned to plant the pear, there should be. It must be taken into account that feeding a young pear in the spring in the form of mineral additions should not be in direct contact with the roots. After six months, the tree trunk circumference is dug up and also mixed with manure and peat. These components have a beneficial effect on the structure of the soil system, providing its protection for the winter. Next spring melt water will saturate the soil, and the roots will receive useful microelements.

Regular spring feeding

Further spring fertilizers should include nitrogen supplements, which during the growing season strengthen the tissues of the tree. Ammonium nitrogen compounds are most effective because they have a minimal leaching rate from the soil. Feeding pears in the spring with urea, which is a mineral supplement, is also useful. To prepare the solution you will need 10 liters of water, in which you need to dissolve 50 grams of urea. In some cases, you can use leaf spraying, but in a small concentration to eliminate the possibility of burns. Potassium sulfate can be used as a component that promotes the absorption of fertilizer. Phosphorus, which accelerates the ripening of young shoots, will also be a good addition.

What to do with acidic soil?

On such soil, a pear can fully develop and bear fruit only if there is a sufficient supply of calcium. To do this, the ground under the tree must be limed. In addition, calcium deficiency is replenished with ash, which also contains phosphorus, potassium and magnesium. Moreover, this and pears in the spring have an important advantage - the substances are supplied in an assimilable form and in optimal proportions.

The sufficient volume of ash for a pear is 4 cups per 1 m2. The composition is scattered over the damp surface of the earth, but it can also be used on dry soil if watering is carried out immediately after fertilizing. It is also important to consider that excessive feeding of pears with calcium in the spring can negatively affect the absorption of potassium and magnesium. This is another confirmation of the need for moderate dosing of fertilizers and the fertilizers included in them. minerals.

How to feed correctly?

The peculiarity of the pear is the deep position of the root system. This is the main difference on the basis of which apple and pear trees are fertilized in spring and autumn. In order for the fertilizer to penetrate to the level of the pear roots, it is necessary to make small wells at a depth of about 30 cm. To do this, you can use a regular stake, brace or drill. The distance between the wells should be from 50 to 100 cm, depending on the age of the pear tree. A mixture or solution with fertilizing is poured into them.

Many summer residents and gardeners act differently. Even during planting, they insert narrow sections of pipes into the hole with the seedling, leaving their upper ends above the ground. In the future, these tubes are used to fill liquid mixtures and solutions. However, feeding pears in spring in this way is not always effective - for example, if you need to use the same ash or dry preparation. In addition, the pipes can become clogged - and then this method of feeding the roots becomes completely useless.

Foliar feeding

Foliar feeding products are also used for pears. But they should be resorted to only in cases where there is confidence in the lack of certain nutritional components. In addition, it is important to strictly adhere to the dose of fertilizer. For example, to enhance the supply of nitrogen to a tree through foliar nutrition, you can make the same urea solution. The first time spraying should be done a week after flowering has completed, and then 3-4 weeks later. Pear boron in the spring is also performed after flowering and during the period of fruit ripening. The composition for the solution of this microfertilizer includes 15 g of boron diluted in 10 liters of water.

Spring cleaning

In addition to feeding, the gardener must provide careful care for the pear in other areas. For example, an important activity for mature trees (10-15 years old) is spring cleaning. It is necessary to regularly clean the surface of the old bark, since pests gather in its cracks, fungal polypores, moss, etc. are formed. Getting rid of harmful insects and diseases can be considered paramount. Fertilizing also contributes to the prevention and general strengthening of the tree, but this is not enough .

Using metal scrapers and brushes will help keep the bark smooth and clean. At the same time, all hollows, wounds and places with gnaws must be cleaned and disinfected. This is done by diluting it in a ratio of 50 g per 5 liters of water.

Pear pruning

Saplings and young pear trees do not need this operation. But for adult specimens, pruning is mandatory, and it should be done before the foliage begins to bloom and sap flows. Upon reaching two years of age, the pear is pruned at a distance of 0.5 m from the surface of the ground, which will promote the formation of shoots on the lower buds. By the way, regular feeding of pears in spring begins from the same period. Moreover, this necessary condition both for crown formation and to support development in general.

The main trunk can be shortened by a quarter of its length, while adjacent branches are cut off under the ring. To preserve the basis for the central trunk, branches on the sides should be left, but no more than four. They should branch and extend from the stem at a 45-degree angle. The ovaries with shoots are bent down, after which they can be left in a horizontal position. The remaining branches of the pear must be bent and tied with rods. This operation is repeated after a year. In the process of its implementation, two rules should be taken into account. Firstly, the growth of the main branches should not be interfered with by second order shoots. Secondly, the space inside the crown should not be overly dense.

Fertilizer is required element care for fruit trees, which the gardener should not forget about. Regular applications will strengthen the plants’ immunity, which will have a positive effect on the future harvest. IN brief overview we will talk about how to feed pears in the fall and how this important procedure works.

To get a good harvest every year. the pear must be properly prepared for winter and fed

reference Information

To get a lot of fragrant fruits in the spring, an attentive owner needs to know the needs of a particular plant in the garden. Pear is one of the most popular crops grown by farmers around the world.

Tasty and fragrant fruits are a reward for the fact that enough attention was paid to the tree during the year.

Whitewashing the trunk in the fall will protect the trunk from winter burns

Standard care actions consist of several points.

Loosening of the soil is carried out simultaneously with the application of fertilizers

By following these simple rules, every gardener will receive bountiful harvest even from the most modest variety. Juicy, aromatic fruits with a huge amount of vitamins and minerals will be an excellent dessert on the table.

Features of fertilizing in autumn

In order for a tree to survive the winter normally and quickly wake up in the spring, you need to know the intricacies of feeding at the end of the season.

Composition and dosage of fertilizers

A deficiency or excess of organic and mineral components is equally dangerous.

When there is a deficiency, the tree enters cold period unprepared, so it is difficult for him to survive the vagaries of nature. Saturation with nutrients will awaken the crop early, which is undesirable during spring frosts.

Application rates depending on the age of the tree

The first autumn feeding of pears is carried out in early September, immediately after harvesting.

During this period, it is recommended to spray plants with preparations containing potassium and phosphorus. Fertilizers provoke trees to properly ripen the wood, and also contribute to the formation of new buds for the winter. Remember: the later you start the procedure, the less time the garden has to prepare for the cold, and this threatens the destruction of the plantings due to freezing.

Potash fertilizers - types

After the leaves fall, experienced gardeners carry out sanitary pruning of old branches and removal of plant debris. During this period, the soil under the canopy of the crown is carefully loosened, since this is where the main roots are located. Before wintering, trees must be given plenty of water, since a lack of fluid in the tissues will lead to complete freezing of the plant. The norm for each pear is 2 buckets per one square meter root surface.

The last feeding of trees is done late autumn, before the onset of frost.

Phosphorus fertilizers - types

During this period, it is strictly forbidden to use nitrogen-containing preparations, as they will not allow the crop to sleep normally for the winter. By adding microelements, you will provide the plant with important nutrients that will help it get out of sleep without problems in the future. For one bucket of water add:

  • boric acid – 15 g;
  • potassium – 100 g;
  • magnesium – 150 g;
  • phosphorus – 200 g;
  • zinc – 10 g;
  • copper – 5 g.

“It is advisable to introduce root feeding of pears in the fall into special (20-30 cm deep) grooves dug at a distance from the outer circumference of the crown. It is advisable to combine them with autumn watering of the soil. If the autumn is rainy, then only the addition of microelements is possible.”

Regular ash is a comprehensive autumn fertilizer for pears.

  • superphosphate – 2;
  • potassium chloride – 1.

All components are thoroughly mixed and applied to the root surface of the tree. Additionally, wood ash is dug 10 cm deep into the soil of young plants. This simple-looking component contains all the necessary microelements and also protects the roots from rotting. For each square meter, 100 g of raw materials is enough.

In late autumn (October or November), the bases of the trees are whitened with a solution of lime and copper sulfate. Young pears are recommended to protect the trunk with chalk emulsion. The bases are tightly tied to prevent rodents, who love to feast on the tasty bark of the crop.

Mulching trunk circle- insulation of roots

For the winter, it is recommended to mulch the soil under the crowns of fruit plants with a thick layer:

  • straw;
  • sawdust;
  • peat;
  • manure

This procedure will protect the roots from frost, and will also delay flowering in the spring to a later time. A little trick will help avoid frost damage to the buds at the beginning of the next growing season.

Protection of the trunk from rodents is needed in the country

Feeding pears in the fall is a mandatory procedure that will prepare the trees for winter.

Compliance simple rules and regular care will make your garden as productive as possible without attracting additional funds. A fruit plants will thank the attentive owner with tasty and fragrant fruits.

The key to fruit crop productivity is correct application fertilizers Fertilizing pears in the fall is needed to maintain in difficult times. winter period. During frosts, buds are laid to form flowers and foliage. In order for the plant to have enough strength, it is important to carry out the procedures correctly and on time. Not every mineral and organic fertilizers suitable for such events, so it’s worth understanding all the intricacies.

Features of application

To get a lot of fragrant fruits, the farmer needs to know the needs of the crops growing on the site. Good harvest- this is the result of long-term work in spring and summer, and also in autumn period. If at the beginning of the growing season energy is needed to increase green mass, flowering and ripening fruits, then at the end all energy is spent on preparing for the upcoming wintering.

The last application of fertilizers replenishes nutrients, spent by the pear tree during the warm season. fruit plant on a “starvation ration” gradually degenerates:

  • the foliage becomes smaller;
  • taste and size of products deteriorate;
  • resistance to diseases decreases.

During low temperatures A crop unprepared for frost dies with minor fluctuations, especially in winters with little snow. In the first year, the process of deterioration is still unnoticeable, and in subsequent seasons it is easy to lose the “starved” tree.

Depending on the climatic features, applications are carried out from the end of September to the beginning of November. An indicator of the need for procedures is yellowed foliage on the crown. After the harvest is harvested, the green mass gradually changes color.

Types of fertilizers

Pears are fed using root technology in the fall. In the first seven years of the crop’s life, the preparations are laid out on the surface of the soil, and then dug up to the depth of a third of a spade bayonet (no more than 20 cm). The underground parts are located close, so they are loosened very carefully.

For adult specimens, a “feeding” well (30-40 cm) is made under the trunk. It is convenient to water and add nutrients through the hole. Before starting the procedures, each tree is thoroughly irrigated, after which it is allowed to begin activities.

In autumn, nitrogen-containing preparations activate the development of branches and foliage to the detriment of bark formation, which is dangerous before winter.


Natural types of fertilizers are the safest and most reliable. It is difficult to grow an environmentally friendly crop without natural fertilizing. Rotted manure remains the favorite of domestic farmers. If you use fresh feces, it is easy to burn the roots if accidentally ingested. Humus is used in combination with phosphorus-potassium additives. The frequency of applications depends on the fertility of the soil and the age of the trees:

  • up to 7 years – no more than 30 kg;
  • over 8 years – from 40 to 50 kg.

Bird droppings are a lighter version of manure; they can be applied to the ground in dry form. The substance is dug into the soil around the tree trunk, after which it is moistened. When wood residues, potato tops and sunflower waste are burned, ash is produced. The inconspicuous powder contains many useful microelements, so the product is mixed with humus.

Compost is a popular fertilizer that is easy to make with my own hands. The mixture consists of organic residues and manure. During the decay processes, useful substances are formed that feed the plants. The drug is poured in a thick layer (at least 10 cm) into the tree trunk circle.

Green manures are crops that enrich the soil on which they grow. They are sown in spring and autumn, mowed at the end of the season, and the soil is dug deep. Oats and rye, peas and wheat are suitable for such purposes. Additionally, the remaining roots will hide the underground parts of the pear, protecting it from frost.

Mineral components

Even the most productive varieties difficult to grow without chemical fertilizers. A correctly calculated rate will improve metabolic processes at the cellular level and have a positive effect on the formation of buds of future fruits and the immunity of the crop. For dwarf and columnar varieties, the concentration of the solution should be one third lower than for ordinary trees. The procedures are carried out after abundant watering.

Without potassium, plants enter winter weakened. To help the garden withstand frost and sudden temperature changes, it is better to fertilize with preparations based on useful substance. Under each tree trunk circle, scatter 200 grams of ready-made fertilizer, cover with compost mulch on top. The element is especially important for young specimens.

Phosphorus is an important component responsible for the development and growth of trees. Deficiency negatively affects the quality of developing buds and future fruits. A characteristic feature Early leaf fall and small blades become a deficiency. In the fall, adult pears need 300 grams of powder or watering with a solution. The substance is found in products such as superphosphate and bone meal.

If you don’t want to mix different components, then gardening stores offer complex preparations. They contain optimal proportions of nutrients. The dosage is indicated on the packaging, so it is difficult to make a mistake. Before purchasing, be sure to check the product for the presence of nitrogen. An element needed in summer and spring is contraindicated in autumn.

Application technique

The last feeding must provide important nutrients, but not activate the growth of green mass. It is better to carry out the first stage in September, after the fruits have been harvested. During this period, it is recommended to fertilize with potassium and phosphorus. Trace elements help wood ripen and form new buds. The later the gardener starts activities, the less prepared the trees are for frost. Foliar treatments with nutrient solutions are effective.

Poor soils can be fed with a mixture of organic matter and chemicals. Application is individual, but it is better to use a proven scheme. First, complex preparations are used, after which the tree trunk circle is mulched with compost or a humus-peat mixture. It is important that the layer is at least 20 cm, which will allow it to withstand frosts down to -15 C.

After the leaves have fallen and sanitary pruning proceed to the next stage. The soil under the trees is loosened and each specimen is watered abundantly. On average, two buckets of water are used per square meter. A lack of liquid leads to freezing of plants. After the moisture has been absorbed, add a solution of:

  • wood ash– 1 glass;
  • potassium chloride – 20 g;
  • superphosphate – 25 g.

All components are diluted in 10 liters of water, after which they are carefully irrigated near the tree trunk or poured into special irrigation furrows. Experienced gardeners advise applying the mixture dry, pouring it onto the surface of the ground under the tree and digging it with a shovel to a depth of half a bayonet.

Young plants must be mulched with compost with the addition of potassium-phosphorus preparations and wood ash. Thick upper layer add:

  • sawdust;
  • peat;
  • straw.

The procedure will protect the roots from frost, and in the spring it will postpone flowering to a more suitable month. Plant residues gradually decompose and are characterized by a high concentration of beneficial microorganisms. The technology will help avoid the last frosts, which can destroy tender buds at the beginning of the warm season.

The final stage of autumn activities is trunk protection. The standard is whitened with garden paint with the addition of copper sulfate and slaked lime. The components destroy and prevent bacteria and insects from entering. The mixture can damage the bark of young specimens, so they prefer to use a chalk solution. Then they wrap it in a piece of burlap, which will repel hares and mice.

Important Warnings

If fertilizers were actively applied during spring and summer, then by autumn there is a possibility of an overdose. Excess nitrogen appears as a massive green head and branches. The crop stops strengthening the bark, which will negatively affect the future wintering. At the first frost, the pears will freeze.

Excess potassium and phosphorus leads to poor absorption of other microelements. The plant is starving, which affects the taste and shape of the fruit, as well as a modification of the color saturation of the plates. It is prohibited to independently increase the concentration of minerals in the liquid or the number of activities. During planting, young specimens receive a “nutrient cushion” on which they live during the first year, so they do not need additional procedures.

Pears do not like soil with increased acidity, which can negatively affect the health of the crop. If there is no suitable place, then it is necessary to reduce the aggressiveness of the environment with additives in fertilizing. For neutralization use:

  • ash;
  • dolomite flour;
  • lime.

When alkalizing the earth, it is easy to reduce permissible level to acceptable. Sawdust mixed half and half with peat is allowed as “acidifiers”. When watering, add a few lemon crystals to the water.

Autumn feeding of a pear is an important procedure that will prepare the tree for wintering. Dosed application of organic and mineral fertilizers occurs according to a certain scheme. If you follow simple rules and do not forget about care, the garden will delight you with a regular and abundant harvest.

Pear trees are considered honorary representatives of any garden. They are loved for their unpretentiousness, frost resistance and regular harvests. Pears need proper care, regular watering and seasonal feeding. Especially in autumn, when preparations are underway for winter and the planting of the future harvest.

Preparing for winter

In autumn, it is customary to fertilize the pear tree twice. These are exclusively root feedings. First, fertilize the plant after fruiting has ended. Depending on the variety, this may be the beginning or end of September. IN given time mineral complexes, including nitrogen, are introduced.

Important! It is customary to apply nitrogen-containing fertilizers no later than the first autumn month, when the tree needs to be restored after intensive fruiting.

If you add nitrogen later, this can provoke active growth of green mass, which is contraindicated in the pre-winter period.

The second feeding is usually done from mid to late October. Until the first frosts arrived. Then add peat-based compost, rotted manure or pure humus. Layer thickness is within 15 cm. This method pear fertilizers will not only supply the tree with all the nutritional components, but will also play a role warm blanket during severe frosts. Nutrients from organic matter will continue to work in the spring - immediately after the snow melts.

Excessive use mineral supplements highly undesirable. Excess chemicals will affect the taste of the fruit and its benefits to the body. Therefore, a sense of proportion is the basic principle of autumn fertilization.

Fertilizing in the fall helps:

  • Recovery after fruiting.
  • Preparing the tree for the cold season.
  • Protection from diseases and pests (due to strengthened immunity).
  • Successful planting of the future harvest.

Most pear trees sit in one place for years, drawing out all the juices from the ground. Over time, they simply begin to starve. That is why competent and regular fertilizing is so important, designed to provide crops with adequate nutrition. balanced diet, promoting fruitful fruiting.

What fertilizers should I use?


Manure is considered the most versatile and accessible natural raw material. It carries a maximum of nutrients and supplies microorganisms beneficial to the soil. As manure decomposes, it releases carbon dioxide, which is necessary for normal photosynthesis. The main thing is to use rotted organic matter for pears! Fresh manure is contraindicated.

Application rate – up to 9 kg per square meter. m. Manure must be placed in tree trunk circles. Typically, organic matter is added from the end of September to the second ten days of October. The late application time is due to an attempt to preserve the nutritional components until spring, when those who wake up after hibernation the trees will experience severe starvation.

Compost can also be an excellent source of nutrition for pear trees. It is laid out along the diameter of the rhizomes and left until spring period. With the arrival of warmth, the trunk circles are well loosened. This way the compost will turn into a nutritious organic complex containing a lot of useful substances.


In order for the pear to withstand the winter cold well, in the fall it is necessary to add a full-fledged mineral complex.


Phosphorus from this fertilizer will be released and dissolved in the soil gradually - over 6 months. In summer, it will serve as an excellent source of nutrition for pear trees, which begin to bear fruit during this period.

Application dosage per 1 sq. m.:

  • simple Superphosphate - about 45 g;
  • double – within 30 g;
  • in granules – no more than 45 g.

Greater efficiency can be achieved by applying fertilizer to holes dug around the fruit tree. Their maximum depth is 20 cm. For faster absorption of minerals, the fertilizer is mixed with the soil and thoroughly watered on top.


Ash is an excellent natural raw material. There is especially a lot of potassium in wood. However, in the fall it is customary to apply ash only on alumina and other heavy soils. It is useless to do this on all others, since all the potassium will be washed away with the spring waters, without having time to be well absorbed by the soil. The optimal dosage is 200 g per square meter. m. Usually it is simply scattered under pear trees.

Of the store-bought preparations, the most valuable is Calimagenzia, which also contains magnesium. You will need 20 g of fertilizer per bucket of water. The prepared solution is poured into the trunk circle.

Feeding pears with potassium is extremely important in the autumn. After all, this mineral helps the plant to prepare well for the winter cold. He deduces excess water from the cells, which causes the juice to thicken.

Combined complexes

These compositions, due to their ease of use and good effect, are valued by many gardeners. Often, combined autumn complexes mean not only potassium-phosphorus fertilizers, but also specialized compounds for the garden. They are certainly marked “Autumn”. Among the most popular drugs: “ Orchard” and “Fruitful”, “Universal” and “Autumn for garden crops" The dosage is indicated on the packaging; it is not recommended to exceed it.

Features of fertilizing

The main feature of applying fertilizing pear trees– in the depth of their root system. Therefore, special grooves are first made (no more than 20 cm deep), into which the dissolved in water is poured. mineral fertilizers. After which everything is spilled again.

Note. In rainy weather, there is no need to additionally moisten the soil, just add fertilizer.

The need for watering is checked by squeezing a clod of earth. Take it from a depth of 9-12 cm. If, when compressed, you get a cake, the amount of water in the soil is quite sufficient. If the lump begins to crumble, the soil needs to be moistened. The irrigation rate is 20 liters per meter of area around the trunk.

To reduce evaporation, it is necessary to loosen the spilled soil and put mulch (hay, sawdust, dried tops).

Rules for autumn feeding

  • Organics are added only to pears that have reached the age of 3.5 years. This is done evenly, distributing the fertilizer around the perimeter.
  • Most nutrients are absorbed within 14-30 days. Therefore, late application of fertilizing (end of October - November) will no longer give the desired effect.
  • Before applying fertilizers, pear trees should be thoroughly prepared: remove dry or diseased branches, cut down those broken by the wind, and also clean up the plant itself.
  • The dull color of the foliage of a pear tree indicates that the nitrogen reserves in the soil have depleted. Early autumn everything can still be fixed. The main thing is not to overdo it with the dosage, otherwise next year you can end up with abundant foliage and few ovaries, which are destined to fall off anyway.
  • Don’t forget about phosphorus, otherwise it won’t be easy for the pear in the spring: the foliage will not be able to fully grow, and there may be no fruit at all.
  • If, by the end of summer, the leaves on the pear began to become stained, wrinkled, and curl at the edges, then the plant’s potassium reserves have dried up. It is this mineral that needs to be added first in the fall. And if the foliage turns pale, the edges turn red or purple, then the whole point is a magnesium deficiency.

These rules will not only allow you to approach autumn fertilizing correctly, but will also tell you which nutrients should be added first. After all, every gardener knows that next year’s harvest begins in the fall of this year. Therefore, the soil must be saturated with all the nutritional components necessary for development and fruiting.


Smart choice autumn feeding and its timely application will make the pear orchard fertile, and the fruits will be tasty, aromatic, and healthy. IN this issue There is no need to rush; on the contrary, it is important to show restraint and awareness. Then next season the trees will be able to reciprocate, pleasing the eye abundant flowering, and the soul - with large fruits.