Regulations on monitoring progress and intermediate certification. Regulations on current control. Features of conducting intermediate certification of external students

Regulations on monitoring progress and intermediate certification. Regulations on current control. Features of conducting intermediate certification of external students

- culture– is the process and result of storage, development, development and distribution of material and spiritual values. Each of the listed definitions can be taken as a basis when considering the concept of “physical culture”. Culture is inextricably linked to activities and needs. Activities are various types and methods of the process of mastering the world, transforming it, changing it to meet the needs of man and society.

The sphere of physical culture is characterized by a number of characteristics unique to it, which are usually combined into groups:

Active motor activity of a person. Moreover, not any, but only organized in such a way that vital motor skills and abilities are formed, improvement is ensured natural properties body, increased physical performance, improved health. The main means of solving these problems is physical exercise.

Positive changes in a person’s physical condition:

Increasing its performance, the level of development of the morpho-functional properties of the body, the quantity and quality of mastered vital skills and exercise skills;

Improved health indicators.

The result of the full use of physical culture is the achievement by people of physical perfection, a complex of material and spiritual values ​​created in society to satisfy the need for effective improvement of human physical capabilities. Such values ​​include various types of gymnastics, sports games, sets of exercises, scientific knowledge, method of performing exercises, material and technical conditions, etc.

Thus , Physical Culture– type of culture of a person and society. These are activities and socially significant results to create people’s physical readiness for life; this, on the one hand, is specific progress, and on the other, is the result of human activity, as well as a means and method of physical perfection (V.M. Vydrin, 1999).

For example, here are a few more definitions: this concept: Physical Culture- this is part of the general culture of the individual and society, which is a set of material and spiritual values ​​created and used for the physical improvement of people (B.A. Ashmarin, 1999).

Physical Culture- part of the general culture of society. Reflects methods of physical cultural activities, results, conditions necessary for cultivation, aimed at mastering, developing and managing a person’s physical and mental abilities, strengthening his health, increasing his performance. (V.I. Ilyinich, 2001)

Physical Culture- this is an element of personal culture, the specific content of which is rationally organized, systematic active activity used by a person to optimize the state of his body (V.P. Lukyanenko, 2003). So, physical culture should be considered as a special kind of cultural activity, the results of which are useful for society and the individual. In social life in the system of education, upbringing, in the sphere of labor organization, everyday life, healthy recreation, physical culture manifests its educational, educational, health-improving, economic and general cultural significance, and contributes to the emergence of such a social movement as the physical culture movement. There are many terms and concepts used in the theory and methodology of physical education.

Physical Culture- is the totality of society’s achievements in creating and rational use special means, methods and conditions for targeted physical improvement of a person.

Physical Culture- this is part of the general culture, therefore the level of its development depends on the level of social and economic development of society.

Physical Culture has many functions. You should be aware of features such as:

- normative, consisting in consolidating rational norms of activity;

- informational, reflecting the ability to accumulate cultural information, to be a means of its dissemination and transmission from generation to generation;

- communicative, characterizing the property of promoting communication and establishing interpersonal contacts;

- aesthetic, associated with satisfying the aesthetic needs of the individual;

- biological, associated with satisfying a person’s natural needs for movement, improving his physical condition and provision required level capacity for Everyday life, performing the duties of a member of society.

The functions underlie the classification of types of physical culture, which can be presented as basic physical culture, sports, applied and health-improving physical culture.

Basic physical education provides physical education and physical preparedness, which are necessary for every person as the fundamental basis of physical improvement for in-depth specialization and active life in general. Depending on the age of those involved, it changes and acquires unique features.

The initial type of basic physical education can be conditionally called “preschool and school physical education.” This indicates that training is mandatory preschool institutions, as well as physical culture as academic subject in general education, vocational school and other educational institutions for children school age, where it is aimed at laying the foundations of general physical education, ensuring the diversified development of physical abilities, good health, thereby guaranteeing what everyone needs a basic level of physical capacity.

School physical education is in this regard a fundamental part of basic physical education.

Basic physical education is not limited to preschool and school uniforms: it also includes further physical training, providing a higher level of physical fitness than at school.

Applied physical education divided by professionally applied And military applied.

Their features are determined by direct inclusion in the sphere professional activity, as well as into the system of special training for it, depending on the specific requirements and conditions of the profession.

Applied types of physical culture are most closely related to basic physical culture. Their organic connection is expressed in the fact that professional-applied and military-applied physical training is built on the basis of general physical training. In addition, the content of applied types of physical education includes relevant elements of basic physical education and sports.

Definition of “physical culture”

“Physical culture is part of the general culture of society, one of the spheres social activities aimed at improving health and developing a person’s physical abilities” (Encyclopedic Dictionary)

Physical culture is the basis healthy image life. Physical culture combines many components: the culture of physical activity, hardening, breathing, massage, nutrition, and the use of natural factors. ABOUT physical culture should be spoken primarily taking into account these components, then it becomes obvious that it is the basis and driving force for the formation of a healthy lifestyle. If we take the level of health conditionally as 100%, then 20% depends on hereditary factors, 20% - on external environmental conditions, on the environment, 1% - on the activities of the health care system, 50% - depends on the lifestyle that a person organizes for himself .

The theory of physical culture proceeds from the basic principles of the theory of culture and is based on its concepts. At the same time, it has specific terms and concepts that reflect its essence, goals, objectives, content, as well as means, methods and guidelines. The main and most general concept is “physical culture”. As a type of culture, in general social terms it represents a vast area creative activity to create people’s physical readiness for life (health promotion, development of physical abilities and motor skills). On a personal level, physical culture is a measure and method of comprehensive physical development person.

Thus, physical culture is a type of culture that is a specific process and result of human activity, a means and method of physical improvement of a person to fulfill social duties.

The structure of physical culture includes such components as physical education, sports, physical recreation (rest) and motor rehabilitation (recovery). They fully satisfy all the needs of society and the individual in physical training.

Physical education - pedagogical process, aimed at the formation of special knowledge, skills, as well as the development of versatile physical abilities of a person. Like education in general, it is a general and eternal category of social life of the individual and society. Its specific content and focus are determined by the needs of society for physically trained people and are embodied in educational activities.

Sport- gaming competitive activity and preparation for it; based on the use of physical exercises and aimed at achieving highest results, disclosure of reserve capabilities and identification of the maximum levels of the human body in physical activity. Competitiveness, specialization, focus on the highest achievements, and entertainment are specific features of sport as a part of physical culture.

Physical recreation (rest)- the use of physical exercises, as well as sports in simplified forms for people to actively relax, enjoy this process, have fun, switch from ordinary activities to others. It constitutes the main content of mass forms of physical culture and is a recreational activity.

Motor rehabilitation (recovery)- a targeted process of restoration or compensation of partially or temporarily lost motor abilities, treatment of injuries and their consequences. The process is carried out comprehensively under the influence of specially selected physical exercises, massage, water and physiotherapeutic procedures and some other means. This is a restorative activity.

Physical training- view physical education: development and improvement of motor skills and physical qualities necessary for specific professional or sports activities. It can also be defined as a type general training specialist (professional) or athlete (for example, physical training of a gymnast).

Physical development- the process of changing the forms and functions of the body under the influence natural conditions(food, labor, everyday life) or the targeted use of special physical exercises. Physical development is also the result of the influence of these means and processes, which can be measured at any time (dimensions of the body and its parts, indicators of various qualities, functionality organs and systems of the body).

Physical exercise- movements or actions used to develop physical qualities, internal organs and motor skill systems. This is a means of physical improvement, transformation of a person, his biological, mental, intellectual, emotional and social essence. It is also a method of physical development of a person. Physical exercises are the main means of all types of physical education.

Physical Culture

Berlin 1933: joint preparatory exercises.

Physical Culture- a sphere of social activity aimed at preserving and strengthening health, developing a person’s psychophysical abilities in the process of conscious motor activity. Physical Culture- part of culture, which is a set of values, norms and knowledge created and used by society for the purposes of physical and intellectual development human abilities, improving his motor activity and creating a healthy lifestyle, social adaptation through physical education, physical training and physical development (in accordance with Federal law Russian Federation dated December 4, 2007 N 329-FZ “On physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation”).

The main indicators of the state of physical culture in society are:

  • level of health and physical development of people;
  • the degree of use of physical culture in the field of upbringing and education, in production and everyday life.

The concept of “physical culture” appeared in late XIX century in England during the period of rapid development of modern sports, but did not find widespread use in the West and over time practically disappeared from use. In Russia, on the contrary, having come into use since the beginning of the 20th century, after the revolution of 1917 the term “physical culture” received recognition in all high Soviet authorities and firmly entered the scientific and practical lexicon. In 1918, the Institute of Physical Culture was opened in Moscow, in 1919 Vsevobuch held a congress on physical culture, since 1922 the journal “Physical Culture” was published, and from 1925 to the present - the journal “Theory and Practice of Physical Culture”.

The very name “physical culture” names something very important. Physical culture is part of the general culture of mankind and has absorbed not only centuries of valuable experience in preparing a person for life, mastering, developing and managing for the benefit of a person the physical and mental abilities inherent in him by nature, but, no less important, the experience of strengthening and strengthening moral principles of a person manifested in the process of physical education. Thus, in physical culture, contrary to its literal meaning, people’s achievements in improving their physical and, to a large extent, mental and moral qualities. The level of development of these qualities, as well as personal knowledge, skills and abilities to improve them constitute the personal values ​​of physical culture and determine the physical culture of an individual as one of the facets of a person’s general culture. Social and biological basis physical culture.

Today, a number of theorists dispute the appropriateness of using the term “physical culture”. One of the arguments against is that in most countries of the world this term is generally absent from the scientific lexicon. The only exceptions are countries of Eastern Europe, in which the development of physical culture and sports for more than half a century was carried out in the image and likeness Soviet system. In this regard, leading Russian sports theorists sometimes express polar opinions regarding the further use of the concept of “physical culture” in science: for example, A. G. Egorov believes that this term should be completely replaced by the concept of “sport” accepted throughout the world ", while L. I. Lubysheva considers the scientific definition of physical culture a "step forward" in comparison with Western sports science.

At the moment L.I. Lubysheva actively introduces the concept of “sports culture”. Without entering into debate. It can be noted that this position is not productive, since according to the main theorists of this field of knowledge (P.F. Lesgaft), the concepts of “physical culture and physical education” and the concept of sport cannot be fundamentally confused. According to this scientist, three things will ruin young people: wine, gambling and sports.

According to A. A. Isaev, it is quite logical to consider physical culture as a goal, and sport as a means of achieving it. It is for this reason that the definition of “sport for all” is becoming widespread, reflected more and more substantively at the international level - in the documents of UNESCO, the Council of Europe, and the IOC. “Sport for all” puts physical culture in its rightful place as a qualitative characteristic, absorbing the activity components that once belonged to it. Theorists of physical culture of the Soviet school, wrote A. A. Isaev, actively resist the process of transformation of the meaning of physical culture, dictated by changes in socio-political dominants in development modern Russia. This circumstance, affecting management decisions, significantly slows down the development of a sports policy in Russia that is adequate to changes in society. This approach is the key to resolving methodological contradictions associated with the definition of the concepts of “physical culture” and “sport” [clarify]

Means of physical culture

The main means of physical culture, developing and harmonizing all manifestations of the life of the human body, are conscious (conscious) activities of various types. exercise(bodily movements), most of which were invented or improved by man himself. They assume a gradual increase physical activity from charging and warm-up to training, from training to sports games and competitions, from them to setting both personal and general sports records as personal physical capabilities increase. Combined with the use of natural forces ( Sun , air And water), hygiene factors, diet and rest, and depending on personal goals, physical education allows you to harmoniously develop and heal the body and maintain it in excellent physical condition for many years.

Components of physical culture

Each of the components of physical culture has a certain independence, its own target setting, material and technical support, a different level of development and the volume of personal values. Therefore, sport in the activity sphere of physical culture is especially distinguished, using the phrases “physical culture and sports”, “physical education and sports”. In this case, by “physical culture”, “physical culture” in the narrow sense, we can mean mass physical culture and therapeutic physical culture.

Mass physical culture

Mass physical culture is formed by the physical activity of people within the framework of the process of physical education and self-education for their general physical development and health improvement, improvement of motor capabilities, improvement of physique and posture, as well as activities at the level of physical recreation.

Physical recreation

Recreation (lat. - recreation, - “restoration”) - 1) vacation, break at school, 2) room for recreation in educational institutions, 3) rest, restoration of human strength. Physical recreation is a motor leisure and entertainment using physical exercise, outdoor games, various types sport, as well as the natural forces of nature, which result in pleasure and achievement wellness and mood, mental and physical performance is restored. As a rule, classes at the level of mass physical culture for a healthy person are not associated with very great physical and volitional efforts, however, they create a powerful disciplinary, tonic and harmonizing background for all aspects of his activity.

Healing Fitness

Another, also non-sports in terms of goals, direction of physical culture forms Healing Fitness(motor rehabilitation), using specially selected physical exercises and, as already noted, some sports equipment for the treatment and restoration of body functions impaired as a result of diseases, injuries, overwork and other reasons.


Adaptive physical education

The specificity of this activity sphere is expressed in the complementary definition “adaptive”, which emphasizes the purpose of physical education for persons with health problems. This suggests that physical culture in all its manifestations should stimulate positive morpho-functional changes in the body, thereby forming the necessary motor coordination, physical qualities and abilities aimed at life support, development and improvement of the body. The main direction of adaptive physical culture is the formation of motor activity, both biological and social factors effects on the human body and personality. Understanding the essence of this phenomenon is the methodological foundation of adaptive physical culture. At the St. Petersburg University of Physical Culture named after. P. F. Lesgaft opened the Faculty of Adaptive Physical Culture, whose task is to train highly qualified specialists to work in the field of physical culture disabled people. In addition to working with people who have health problems, adaptive physical education is aimed at using physical activity to promote socio-psychological adaptation and preventing deviations in socialization (for example, within the framework of this area, the use of physical culture and sports for the prevention of drug addiction is being developed).

Physical education

The modern broad concept of “physical education” means organic component general education is an educational, pedagogical process aimed at a person’s mastering the personal values ​​of physical culture. In other words, the purpose of physical education is the formation of a person’s physical culture, that is, that aspect of a person’s general culture that helps to realize his biological and spiritual potential. Physical education, whether we understand it or not, begins from the very first days after a person’s birth.

Founder scientific system physical education (initially - education), harmoniously promoting mental development and moral education young man, is a Russian educator, anatomist and doctor in Russia Petr Frantsevich Lesgaft(1837-1909). The “Courses for Teachers and Leaders of Physical Education,” created by him in 1896, was the first higher educational institution in Russia for training specialists in physical education, the prototype of the modern St. Petersburg Academy of Physical Culture named after P. F. Lesgaft. Academy graduates receive higher education in physical education and become specialists in various fields physical culture, including in the field of physical education, that is, the acquisition by people of the values ​​of physical culture. In relation to work in higher educational institutions, such a specialist is called a teacher of physical education, or a teacher of the department of physical education.

The terms “physical education” should be distinguished as vocational training in special educational institutions and “physical education” in its original (according to P. F. Lesgaft) sense of physical education. IN English language the term “physical education” can be used in both senses. It should also be borne in mind that the English term “en:physical culture” in the sense of ours is not in use abroad. broad concept"Physical Culture". There, depending on the specific area of ​​physical education, the words “en: sport”, “en: physical education”, “en: physical training”, “en: fitness”, etc. are used.

Physical education in unity with mental, moral, aesthetic and labor education ensures the comprehensive development of the individual. Moreover, these aspects of the general process of education are manifested to a significant extent in the process of physical education itself, organized accordingly.

In higher educational institutions, the process of physical education of students is carried out at the Department of Physical Education through the academic discipline “Physical Culture”.

The goal of physical education is achieved in solving interrelated health, development, educational and educational tasks.

The health-improving and developmental objectives of physical education include:

  • health promotion and hardening body ;
  • harmonious development of the body and physiological functions of the body;
  • comprehensive development of physical and mental qualities;
  • security high level performance and creative longevity.

It is believed that to accomplish these tasks total time educational and training sessions in the discipline “Physical Education” and additional independent studies exercise And sports for each student must be at least 5 hours per week.

Christianity about physical education

see also



  • Federal Law on Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation

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