Camping sauna made of polyethylene. So, as usual, I have a “camping sauna” event. Camping sauna.

Camping sauna made of polyethylene.  So, as usual, I have a “camping sauna” event. Camping sauna.
Camping sauna made of polyethylene. So, as usual, I have a “camping sauna” event. Camping sauna.

When we talk about a bath, we understand first of all not that it is an opportunity for a quality wash, but also that it has huge health benefits. When we go on a hike, we know for sure that we get rest, improve our health, and recharge with energy. And if there is a camp bathhouse made with your own hands, then that’s it beneficial effects increases many times over.

Why do you need a camp sauna?

On a long hike, sometimes problems arise with washing yourself. But if you imagine that you can go to bed not only clean, but also relaxed and unfrozen after visiting an excellent bathhouse. The difference will be felt immediately, and your rest at night will allow you to fully enjoy the next day.

Do-it-yourself camp baths come to the aid of those under construction. Moreover, she is excellent option For construction crews, permanently tied to the construction site.

What does a camp sauna look like?

There are no fundamental differences between this design and a conventional bathhouse: you will need to organize a closed space that performs the functions of a steam room and manufacture a stove for such a camping bathhouse. Sometimes, during a camping trip, a special stove is not used, but using stones, something similar to a fireplace is built, where a fire is lit.

Stones are later placed in such a fireplace, and main task becomes the heating of these stones to the temperature necessary to obtain required quantity hot steam.

They try to use rounded stones, due to the fragility of flat and layered ones. When heated, they become covered with cracks, fragments are formed, which fly apart, which can lead to damage to others. Therefore, there are two options here: stay away when heating stones, or there is another, more civilized way - buy either a ready-made stove, or the entire structure.

In addition to the stove, there is a frame that is covered with some material that prevents heat leakage. In order for the heat to be constantly present while in the bathhouse, firewood must be constantly added.

Ready-made camping sauna designs

When we're talking about about ready-made ones, it must be said that the choice is quite large. You can buy just a tent for organizing a camping steam room or complete with a stove. There are only awnings, without a frame, which is assembled independently.

Immediately after purchase ready-made kit and if the stove is included, then the problems associated with organizing the steam room in the so-called field conditions, will not arise. True, the price will be much higher.

The only negative is that all the elements, although they are as lightweight as possible, are still not easy to carry. Therefore, it is necessary to have some vehicle. Although for builders or summer residents it will be an ideal option.

It is possible to purchase a special tent, knowing that you can find material for the frame locally, or it could be a sauna tent, complete with frame.

Be that as it may, this is quite convenient, because the problems of heat preservation are solved much easier, since such awnings perfectly retain the temperature. After constructing the stove, you get a full-fledged steam room - warm, cozy and, most importantly, hermetically sealed.

Making a camp sauna

So, you are faced with the task of how to do camp sauna with your own hands. There is nothing complicated, the first thing is to clearly plan what actions we will perform and what materials will be needed.

We prepare material for the frame

To install the frame, racks are required, which can be carbon fiber or aluminum. Wooden poles can be used, especially if it is in the forest, but they are not reliable and do not last long. Wood is also a flammable material, so you have to constantly monitor this.

Tip: It is very convenient to use ready-made poles included in the four-person tent kit. There is an opinion that they cannot withstand “bath” temperatures, but from practice it is known that these materials are safe and relatively durable.

Preparing covering material

If you do not plan to purchase a special awning, then it is possible to use ordinary wide polyethylene. When buying it, you must not make a mistake when calculating the dimensions.

It is necessary to carry out calculations based on an area of ​​6x6 meters. This amount of film is enough to make a steam room that can accommodate 6 people.

Ambient conditions

  1. Firewood. A camp sauna is placed where there is a large amount of firewood. Dry firewood with a diameter of no more than 15 cm is most suitable for a bathhouse. Thick logs will burn poorly.
  2. Stones. Must be prepared in advance. For one pass you need about a bucket of stones. Stones should be round; those that have chips, admixtures of other rocks, layered or flat should be immediately rejected.

  1. Water. It’s great if the bathhouse is built on the bank of a pond or river, you can swim in cool water. If such conditions do not exist, you will still have to stock up on water.

We are building a camp sauna

As already mentioned, it is not difficult, and the instructions showing how to build one of the options for a camp bath look like this:

  • A fire is made and with the help of spears and a crossbar a bucket of stones is placed above it; the volume of the bucket is selected according to the principle - the larger the better. You need to heat until the stones turn red or use your intuition. Water for washing is also heated here.

  • Prepared stands are taken and a frame is assembled from them, not far from the fire. You can tie the corners with a rope or tape, thereby creating a cube that does not have a bottom, or a hut.

Tip: The ends of the poles should be covered with some unnecessary fabric so that they do not tear the film.

  • The film is stretched over the resulting frame and taped in places where there is overlap. At the bottom it presses to the ground and falls asleep.
  • The bucket with stones is transferred inside the resulting room, water is also brought in, and you can wash.

The second option could be the so-called “black bath”. In this case, a special stove for a camp sauna is made with your own hands inside the frame. It is made in the shape of the letter P, and above it, using rods or thick wire, a box or pyramid is made, into which the stones are placed.

Warning: This type of oven is not safe and must be carefully maintained as materials may burn or melt.

After the stones have warmed up to high temperature, wait until the wood burns out completely, ventilate the room, pack it and wash it.

  • During the heating process, stones can crack severely and, accordingly, fragments can fly away from them. Therefore, you need to be careful.
  • It is advisable to water the stones hot water, so that the water begins to evaporate almost immediately. Cold water may lead to cracking.
  • A DIY bathhouse on a camping trip has a drawback: low temperature near the surface of the earth, and even the surface itself. Therefore, you need to lay some kind of rug or layer of dry earth under your feet.


To sum up, we can say that the bathhouse in hiking conditionsnecessary thing, and you can do it yourself. We found out how to do this; detailed information can be obtained on our portal or by watching the video in this article.

Today, in stores, the industrial sector can offer its customers any camp baths, with or without stove, different sizes and from various materials.

But it’s much nicer ifnature , your ownhands erected mobile sauna - simple and not as difficult as it might seem at first.

So that in nature, in forest or near the river, in hike you could treat yourself to a good rest - marching a bathhouse that you can easily do made from scrap material is what you need.

For the usual version You don’t need much of a camp bath:

  • - stove , which can be collected in nature from available stones, small pebbles, or, as an option, purchased ready-made in a store;
  • - special frame , which can be made in nature from branches;
  • - tight-fitting material - this can be simple, dense polyethylene or tourist a tent, which is very convenient and practical;

WITHExpert advice: With regard to tight-fitting material, it is worth noting that preference should be given to a tent - the whole point is that if you use film, you will need a lot of it and it will take up space in your backpack more space than the usual Soviet tarpaulin tent . With all this, the tent will also serve as an excellent sleeping place in the future.

Setting up a bathhouse in nature

The field bath consists of three sections - a dressing room and the steam room itself, as well as a heater, when an improvised stone one is built in nature bake .

To know how to build a portable sauna, we will consider the materials themselves from which an impromptu steam room is built in nature, as well as how they are installed on site.

1. Frame– many experienced tourists note that it is optimal to have an aluminum stand with you rather than searching through the forest for branches and trunks to support the film. If it is a tent, it is simply pulled up in the chosen place their hands and everything. But when you only have branches at hand, you will have to make sure that during the resting process in the steam room they do not ignite, but they are secured with a strong rope or soft, metal wire.

2. Covering material– when arranging a bathhouse in the lap of nature, this can be any dense material. For example, simple, dense polyethylene - sew It’s simple, but the downside here is the low thermal insulation and low strength, when polyethylene begins to warp and melt due to high temperatures. The best option it is a tarpaulin - as noted above, it can be a simple tent, which will not be difficult to pull up in nature.

3. Bake, assembled from stones or a portable version purchased in a store. But for the most part, experienced tourists advise assembling a stove in nature from stones - this will add a special charm to the environment itself and make your vacation more enjoyable. The main thing is to choose the right one natural material- experts in this regard clearly say that you should not use different types This material, since each stone reacts differently to temperatures, retains the heat from the fire. It is optimal to choose them and be the same in size - it will be enough to collect 1 bucket for a makeshift stove for one wash.

But for those who are too lazy to bother with finding stones and laying them, you can also buy a ready-made stove.

When arranging a steam room in nature, it is worth remembering that it is assembled and heated in different ways - in in this case We are talking about its firebox in both black and white.

The main difference between the firebox of an improvised bathhouse is that in a rough steam room the frame will be located directly above the place of the fire, but in the process of heating a white bathhouse, the frame is mounted separately, when the center of heat, the source of high temperatures, are heated stones, which are brought into the center homemade sauna.

With a black firebox, the bathhouse will be hotter, but you can leave there covered in smoke and ashes from the fire, and with a white firebox, the heat will be less, but you will also come out cleaner. The simplest option is to lay firewood, stones on it and light a fire. The stones will heat up and then you can start building the bathhouse.

Installation steps

Once a place has been chosen and the stove and fire have been laid, it’s time to start assembling the frame. If the frame is metal, assemble it according to the diagram; if a tent is used, then stretch it over the fireplace. But in the case of constructing a frame made of wood, they form a 4-corner stand by driving thick sticks into the ground. Next, they build a roof of poles around the perimeter - an improvised frame is obtained.

It is important to know: The main safety conditions are the reliability of the design. If with factory supports everything is more or less clear, then with supports made from improvised material, you should choose wood that is thick, not rotten, not too dry and not damp.

After the frame is assembled, we heat the heater itself and while it is heating up, we simultaneously arrange the floor of the bathhouse.

Experienced tourists advise: lay pine branches, or birch or oak branches on the floor of the bathhouse, which will add their own unique aroma.

After the stones have heated up, we put the water on the makeshift fireplace to warm up. In this case it is worth remembering important condition– until all the firewood has burned out, you should not close the stretched awning to raise the temperature, since it is possible to get burned from the smoke. The outdoor bath is ready.

Watch the video in which an experienced tourist talks about the method of making a camp bath:

If you have the opportunity to take additional cargo with you on a hike, a sauna in the field will be quite comfortable. People realized the need to keep the body clean in time immemorial in all corners of the earth. The peoples in those distant times were divided into nomads and sedentary ones. Accordingly, the baths were either used in the field or were stationary.

A little history

The baths were discovered during archaeological excavations of ancient structures of the Aztecs and Incas.

IN Ancient Greece baths are complex engineering structures with aqueducts and centralized heating. Arabic and Turkish baths have been famous in the world since ancient times.

During excavations in Ancient Egypt the remains of structures identified as baths were discovered. These were two-story buildings. On the ground floor there were devices for heating water, on the second there were washing rooms and swimming pools.

IN ancient China the use of the bathhouse was elevated to a cult. In the legends and myths of China hot water and steam, in addition to its direct purpose, helped in the fight against evil spirits.

The use of the bathhouse is mentioned in deciphered sources from the ancient lost civilization of the island of Crete.

In general, no specific nation or even continent can claim copyright for the use of the bathhouse.

Mobile baths are also an ancient invention. Even the Greek historian Herodotus in his works mentioned such a bathhouse in which the Scythians steamed. In those days, nomads covered the frame of poles with felt.

The field bath can be divided into the following three groups:

  • marching;
  • trekking-luxury;
  • mobile

Camping bathhouse-Lux

Hiking option

This is a do-it-yourself bathhouse using improvised means extreme conditions, which is very easy to build. The expedition of Dmitry Shparo moved toward the North Pole for more than seventy days in the harshest conditions of the polar winter. Having reached their goal, they set up a bathhouse in a tent. According to the testimony of the expedition participants, this was one of the most vivid impressions.

Our climbers Balyberdin and Myslovsky also used the experience of polar explorers. Several days of tension at the limit human capabilities in thin mountain air while climbing Everest. And the invigorating steam of the camp bath. They knew exactly how to make a sauna in nature.

The design of a camp bath is very simple. Set up a tent, or if you don’t have one, make a hut made of branches. Stones are heated in the fire. The heated stones are dragged into the prepared room, “just add water” and the steam room is ready.

The choice of stones must be approached with all seriousness. They must be free of cracks and not emit harmful substances when heated, otherwise the sauna with your own hands will not be complete.

How to make a luxury camp sauna

You need an awning or polypropylene film. The rest is done by hand. The poles for the canopy are cut down on site. A small hole is dug, the size of the hearth and the depth of a shovel bayonet. From large stones a fireplace is being built.

The requirements for stones are the same. Hot stones with cracks, if water gets on them, can fly into fragments and damage the awning. Harmful substances released when some stones are heated will spoil the smell and pleasure of the bath.

Such a bathhouse differs from a simple camp one in that the hearth is heated to the desired state, and then a frame of freshly cut poles is built around it. Then the frame is covered with a pre-supplied awning. That's it, the bathhouse is ready.

Mobile option

A camp sauna and a mobile sauna are two very different things. If a camp sauna is made from improvised means, then a mobile sauna is a high-tech product. In its production the most modern materials and innovative design solutions. But the principle itself is the same. This is a tent. It consists of a frame and an awning.

In the 21st century, special fabric is used for the awning. This is polyester or its analogues. The tent design includes a door ventilation holes, sometimes windows, a hole for a chimney in a fire-safe version. The door can usually be closed from the inside and outside.

The frame is assembled from light and durable duralumin, sometimes titanium, tubes. The assembly, as they say, is intuitive. In some models, there is a cable running inside the frame tubes and there is no other way to insert them. In others, the tubes are connected by hinges and it is enough to secure the clamps.

The stove is designed specifically for a field bath. Constructions different manufacturers have several general characteristics. This light weight and spark protection. Often the stove has a built-in water tank and a heater, into which you just need to add stones.

The tent flap unfolds on the ground. The frame arcs are inserted into the grooves for the zipper. All zippers are fastened, the stove is installed and the sauna is ready.

Mobile baths are available in configurations ranging from 2-3 people, to military versions for dozens of people. Russia is the undisputed leader in the production of such products. Other countries only produce mobile toilets and showers.

A field sauna, made in nature with your own hands, will bring maximum satisfaction to the body and soul.

A DIY camp sauna is one of the easiest options to implement. Having built a small sauna tent, you can take a steam bath while hunting or fishing, as well as while hiking. If desired, such a structure can be built even on suburban area, If traditional version is still at the design or construction stage.

Do-it-yourself camp sauna – photo

There are many manufacturing options. You can purchase a ready-made portable tent - entirely or in parts (stove, awning, frame).

Mobile sauna
Mobile portable bathhouse Mobiba

Mobile sauna Mobiba

There is also Alternative option– make a bathhouse from a tourist tent, but exclusively of the Soviet type, i.e. made of tarpaulin. This is explained by the fact that modern tents are made from fabrics that are not only not designed for high temperatures, but are also capable of emitting when heated. harmful substances. As for the old canvas models, they are quite suitable for this: there are no harmful fumes and the thermal insulation is good.

If we talk about creating a camp bathhouse from scratch, then this will require a frame, thermal insulation material and oven.

Features of the design of a camp bathDescription

It is better to make it from aluminum posts (for example, from a sales tent), since this material is safer than wood. In the absence of such, you can make supports from young trees, but in this case you will have to carefully ensure that the wood does not ignite. To fix the frame elements, you can use both rope and soft wire.

The simplest option is dense polyethylene film, but due to its disadvantages - low thermal insulation qualities and density - it is preferable to use tarpaulin. It is important that it is a large and solid piece of material. The size of the covering material depends on how many people will be steaming at the same time, but if there are no more than four or five people, then a piece of 6x6 m will be enough.

Here the choice is also quite wide: you can install a factory stove-stove, you can make it yourself in the form of a mesh metal box, made of metal rods or thick wire, or you can simply build a well of rounded stones and line it with firewood.

Note! A camping sauna can be made “white” (that is, the heater is built separately, and the hot stones are transferred to the tent) or “black” (the stove is installed directly in the steam room). Today we will take a look at each of the options.

Important Terms

A camp sauna can be made only under certain conditions. The resting place must meet the requirements below.


First of all, there must be water there.The ideal option is to choose a place on the bank of a river or other body of water.

There should also be stones there.Layered cobblestones should not be used, as when heated, they can fly apart into pieces, causing serious injuries to steamers. The stones should not be too small or too large, optimal sizes– 100-120 mm, somewhat elongated shape. If the stones are smaller, they will not be able to accumulate the required amount of heat and will cool down very quickly; Large specimens will take a very long time to heat up. Although, if you have time, you can build a kind of foundation from large stones for a future fire. If there are no boulders, then it is quite possible to use pebbles. As for the quantity, for each person who will steam, you will need 1 bucket of stones. Therefore, each participant is required to collect a bucket of boulders for themselves.

Near the resting place there should be thin young trees (or better yet, dead wood), which will be used to construct the frame (if the aluminum posts have not been prepared in advance).From these trees you need to make poles with a diameter of about 30-40 mm, and you should also think about the method of attaching them in advance.

Firewood will be required for a fire, and large quantities, because it will burn for at least 3-4 hours.Excessively thick logs are not suitable for this, as they do not burn well. The maximum diameter of the firewood should be 100-150 mm - this way they will quickly burn out and transfer all the heat to the stones.

Making a camp sauna “white-style”

Will be considered first simplest option, for which only adhesive tape and film (and possibly clothespins) are required from special materials. We are talking here about a sauna-tent “in white”, i.e. the stove will be located separately from the steam room.

We start with the construction of a camp bathhouse.

Stage one. Frame making

There are several ways to make a frame, let's look at them.

Method No. 1 (suitable only for white baths)

To work you will need:

  • axe;
  • film, 10-15 m; you can use the most thin film– it will cost less and weigh less; experience shows that the film is almost never used more than once;
  • wide tape (1 roll);
  • stationery clothespins (20 pieces, they can be replaced with the same tape).

After preparing everything necessary, we begin to create the frame.

Step 1. First, we prepare 8 poles with a length of at least 100 cm (more is possible, but warming up the steam room will take longer). We construct a parallelepiped or a cube from poles, depending on the number of people who will be steaming. If there are a lot of people, then it is preferable to steam in groups of four people - this is the best option.

We connect the poles with tape. You will need a lot of tape - it is intended not only for fastening, but also to protect the film from the sharp ends of the frame.

Step 2. Having finished with the frame, we build a place on the side for stones, using 3 more poles, each 300 mm or 500 mm long.

The result should be something similar to the design shown in the image below. The base of the heater is lined with stones.

It's worth noting that a lot of things here are optional. Thus, the design of the frame can be significantly simplified and made in the form of a wigwam. The frame in this case will consist of 3 poles connected at an angle.

Step 3. Next, the frame needs to be covered with film. The width of a standard film sleeve is 1.5 m. Cut it and get 10 m or 15 m of film 3 m wide. Cover it with film finished frame, we do this extremely carefully so that sharp ends or knots do not pierce it.

Note! The dimensions of the frame can be made such that the width of the covering material (3 m) is enough not only for the walls, but also for the roof. In this case, the tightening procedure will be significantly simplified; there will be no need to cut the film and make additional seams.

There will be no problems at all with tightening the wigwam.

Tree trunks were used as stands. The film is fixed between them

Option for a camp bath in the form of a hut
Bathhouse from the inside

Step 4. We attach the film to the frame using clothespins or regular tape.

Step 5. On the entrance side we leave enough film for the “door”. The entrance must be securely closed so that steam from the tent does not escape outside. This can be done in one of two ways:

  • fasten the film with clothespins from the inside;
  • leave a person at the entrance who will hold the “door”.

Almost finished bath

Step 6. Using heavy stones, we press the film to the ground along the perimeter.

Step 7 To cover the floor, you can use spruce branches, which not only smell nice, but are also good for health. You can sit directly on the spruce branches, although there are other options: lay out a small tourist rug, bring folding chairs or hemp.

Film prices

film roll

Method No. 2 (can be used for a black bath)

We use available materials - for example, four willow branches 1.4-1.5 m long. Using tape, we tie two branches in length and install them crosswise. Of course, you can try to find a couple of long branches to cross them, but it will be quite difficult to find ones that would have right size. You can also build a square structure, as described above, but this will require more time and effort.

If the bathhouse is large, and the standard 3 m width is not enough for this, you can connect two pieces together using office clothespins.

Method No. 3 (can be used for a black bath)

From profile pipes can be cooked prefabricated frame. It only takes a few minutes to assemble it at the resting place. The image below shows that metal tubes 60-70 cm long were used to make such a frame (a total of 16 pieces are required).

Table. Elements for connecting the frame

For this, larger diameter pipes were used.

In this case, the thermal insulation material is an awning, pre-sewn in accordance with the dimensions of the structure.

Awning tailored to the dimensions of the frame

Method No. 4 (can be used for a black bath)

A simpler way is as follows: you need to purchase a regular two-person tent, cut off the tarpaulin, and use the tent poles as a frame.

Often tents are set up entirely, but for the reasons described at the beginning of the article ( bad smell, possible separation toxic substances) it is better to use film.

Having finished with the frame, we proceed to making the stove.

Stage two. Stove

To create a stove you will need:

  • river stones of the sizes indicated above, approximately 25 pieces (can be taken not from the river, but from the shore);
  • a sapper shovel or a slingshot made of branches (for transferring cobblestones to the steam room);
  • firewood.

Note! We remind you once again that you should not use brittle stones (such as sandstone), as they can crack at high temperatures.

Step 1. From the collected stones we build a well about 10 m from the bathhouse. It is important that the well is stable, so it is better to use flat stones. It may not work out the first time, so you should be patient.

Step 2. After this, we cover the stones with firewood so as to completely hide them. We set fire to the wood.

By the way, the film on the frame can be additionally covered with the same spruce branches or branches (as shown in the images below) so that the steam room retains heat longer.

Step 3. While the stones are heating, we prepare a sapper shovel or slingshot. It will take approximately 1 hour for the stones to heat up to the required temperature. During this entire time, the wood should burn intensely. After heating, we transfer the stones to the bathhouse.

Note! It is advisable to carry the stones together to prevent them from cooling down. Also, inside the tent you should put several plastic bottles With warm water, which will be poured over the hot cobblestones.

Prices for a camp stove

camp stove

Video – Portable sauna

The main difference between this option is that the heated stones will not need to be transferred from the fire to the steam room. In this case, a large frame will be placed directly on top of the hot cobblestones after removing the coals. The manufacturing procedure begins with the construction of the furnace.

Stage one. Bake

There are two possible options here, let’s take a look at each of them.

Option #1

We put a pile of stones and make a hole in it for loading firewood (in the image the hole is located with reverse side- where the smoke comes from). You will need much more stones than for a white bath, but neither the shape nor the size play a special role.

It is worth noting that this option is quite difficult to implement, so you should be prepared for the fact that the heap will constantly collapse.

Option No. 2

By using welding machine We make a small frame in advance (40-50 cm high, similar width) from reinforcement rods with a diameter of 5 mm. Once in place, we cover the finished frame with stones. The main advantage of this design is that the stones will rest on the frame, so they will not fall apart. However, they will take longer to heat up than in the option described above.

Note! In addition to its direct purpose, such a frame can serve as kitchen oven, and if you put a sheet of plywood on top, it can also serve as a table.

Option #3

Here, on a pre-selected site, it is necessary to lay out the foundation of the heater with sides of 100 cm, having previously dug under it small hole 50-60 cm deep. We make the base from flat stones, on top of it we lay rectangular stones measuring 0.4x0.5 m in increments of 25-30 cm.

We install stone slabs on top of the boulders so that there is a small through hole in the center of the structure, through which the fire will reach the top of the heater. At the end, we lay another plate (it could even be a mesh or a sheet of thick metal), which will close the central hole.

Having completed the construction of the stove, we load the wood and set it on fire. The stones, as noted above, will heat up for quite a long time. We maintain an intense fire all this time, periodically adding firewood. While the cobblestones are heating up, we begin building the frame.

Stage two. Frame

We make the frame one of possible ways(in the images below there is a design of 4 poles). When the stones heat up to the required temperature, remove the coals and cover the frame with film. We press down the film along the perimeter with large cobblestones, and if possible, cover the floor with spruce branches. That's it, you can proceed directly to the bath procedures!

For comparison: how much does a factory sauna tent cost?

Today, camp baths are produced by both Russian and foreign companies. Price finished model fluctuates between 25,000-30,000 rubles. (the set consists of a heater, a hood and a thermal tent). The amount is considerable, but you can save money: build the frame yourself and buy only a small metal heater. In this case, the costs will be about 9000-10000 rubles.

Tips for using a camp sauna

  1. Despite the fact that the manufacture of such a bath requires large quantity time, you won’t be able to steam in it for a long time anyway, since the stones will quickly cool down, especially if you water them.
  2. Stones with visible defects at high temperatures can shoot off small pieces, so you need to stay as far away from the stove as possible. It is worth knowing that after watering the stones with water, the risk of cracking is minimized.
  3. The stove should be installed in the part of the tent opposite from the entrance - this will make it safer to enter/exit.
  4. The main disadvantage of a sauna tent is the low temperature near the ground. Therefore, you need to put something under your feet, otherwise you can catch a cold.

Video - Instructions for making a camp sauna

A camp sauna is an excellent way to relax the body, especially if it is tired after a long day. physical activity. But such a bathhouse will be useful not only in this case. It will be appreciated by lovers of hunting/fishing and relaxing in the countryside. There are many models of ready-made “mobile” baths. But also, after studying photos and videos, you can make a mini-sauna with your own hands, using polyethylene or a tent. We are offering to you detailed instructions, which will help you build a camping device that ideally suits your needs.

What are camp baths for and what do they look like?

Hiking baths - perfect way“steam” in conditions where there is no access to a full-fledged bathhouse/sauna. Fans of long hikes especially appreciate the opportunity to not only wash themselves after a hard day on the road (if they’re lucky), but also to relax their tired body in the bathhouse and feel refreshed.

Summer residents who do not have baths, as well as builders who have to work for a long time far from civilization, but close to forests and reservoirs, will not remain indifferent to this type of relaxation and cleansing.

Camping sauna based on a tent

So what is this, a mobile sauna? In simple words, this is a small isolated structure (akin to a steam room in a real bathhouse), inside or outside of which a stove is located. Stoves can be either ready-to-use or made from scrap materials, usually stones. With the first ones everything is simple, but with last option somewhat more complicated, but more on that later.

And of course, the fuel is firewood (you can’t live without it). They will help maintain a consistently high temperature in an improvised steam room.

Procurement of necessary materials

There are several options for constructing camp baths:

  1. Ready-made sauna tent. Similar to a regular camping tent (only the material is slightly different). Equipped with a special oven. It can be purchased at a specialty store. All that remains is to install the “bathhouse” in in the right place in the lap of nature.
  2. Special awning for camp baths. All that remains is to build the frame and buy or build a stove.
  3. Homemade camping sauna. A structure made entirely by hand from a frame, covering (polyethylene or a Soviet-style tent will do) and a homemade stove made of natural stones.

Advice. If you plan to use a tourist scarf as a bath structure, then in no case should it be of a modern type. The fact is that such tents are not intended for high temperatures; moreover, when heated, they can emit toxic substances. But the tent “originally from the USSR” will cope perfectly with such conditions.

In order to build a reliable and convenient structure, we will need the following elements:

A simple frame for a camp sauna

  1. Frame. As supports for future design can be used as wooden poles, collected directly in a place of rest (we are talking about rest in the forest, forest plantations, in general, places where there is a lot of wood). Racks made of carbon fiber/aluminum will also do a good job. Some believe that they are not suitable for bath temperatures, but in practice the opposite has been proven.
  2. . You can use a ready-made stove for a self-built field bathhouse, or you can also make it yourself, especially since it will not be difficult. It is enough to have stones and wood on hand.
  3. Covering material. Typically, polyethylene, commercial tarpaulin, or an old tent are used.

Advice. Prepare for sauna stove the stones are round, slightly elongated, without any delamination (other stones may simply burst under the influence of high temperature). River/lake boulders with a diameter of about 20 centimeters are ideal (too small in size will “give off” very little heat, too large - they simply will not have time to heat up).

Construction of a bath structure: “in white” and “in black”

Let's look at the installation process step by step baths "white"(the stove is located outside the steam room):

  • We make the frame. We take 8 wooden poles at least 1 m high. We need to build a frame. We drive 4 supports into the ground, using the remaining ones we form the sides of the tent. We secure the corners with a large amount of tape.
  • We are building a heater. To do this, you will need 3 poles about 30-50 cm long. We attach them at an angle to the smaller side of the frame using tape.
  • We cover the base with film. Standard width film sleeves - one and a half meters. We cut it and get a three-meter covering material. Now you can carefully cover the base with prepared polyethylene. This should be done carefully so as not to damage it on the sharp ends of the frame.

Camping sauna in white

  • We secure the polyethylene with good old tape or clothespins, leaving enough of it for the door of the structure. In the future, it can be closed either with a clothespin or with the help of a person who will hold it from the outside.
  • We fix the film to the ground using heavy stones. We cover the roof and floor with spruce branches for better heat retention.
  • We build a small structure in the form of a well from stones prepared in advance. We cover it around the perimeter with a dense layer of firewood and light a fire (the stones will warm up sufficiently in about an hour).

All that remains is to transfer the hot stones into the heater using a sapper shovel, for example. And the bathhouse is ready!

Main difference "black" bath from “white” in the location of the stove. In this case, it is located directly inside the steam room. The process of installing a black bath is somewhat different from the previous one:

  • We make a small frame from reinforcing bars about 50 cm high. We lay stones on top. This stove design is very convenient and practical.
  • While the stones are heating up, you can start building the frame (right above the stove). We do this using the same principle as in the previous case, or simply put up a tent.
  • When the stones heat up to the desired temperature (this will take more than one hour), cover the frame with polyethylene (we fix the tent tightly to the ground around the perimeter). You can remove the coals. The steam room is ready!

Taking a steam bath is great. And it’s even better when it’s always “at hand.” Now you can feel the heat of the steam room when you go on vacation, because it’s easy and simple to build a camp bath. Steam with pleasure!

Camping sauna: video

Do-it-yourself camp sauna: photo