Computer ergonomics. Proper organization of the computer workplace. Ergonomics of workplaces: legal requirements

Computer ergonomics. Proper organization of the computer workplace. Ergonomics of workplaces: legal requirements

The tasks of the person responsible for fire safety includes conducting fire safety training, keeping logs, conducting inspections of premises and monitoring compliance with fire safety rules by other people. Let's figure out who is responsible for fire safety.

In accordance with Federal Law N 69-FZ “On Fire Safety” dated December 21, 1994, responsibility for violation of fire safety requirements lies with:

  • Property owners;
  • Managers federal bodies executive power;
  • Heads of local government bodies;
  • Persons authorized to own, use or dispose of property, including heads of organizations;
  • Persons in in the prescribed manner appointed responsible for ensuring fire safety;
  • Officials within their competence.

In accordance with current legislation, for violation of fire safety requirements, as well as for other offenses in the field of fire safety, these persons may be subject to disciplinary, administrative or criminal liability.

Who is responsible for fire safety?

In most small organizations, the person responsible for fire safety may be the head of that organization. In large organizations with several offices or production sites, the manager must appoint one or more employees to this position by signing an order appointing someone responsible for fire safety. At sites with large numbers of people, that is, where there can be 50 or more people at the same time, the head of the organization can create a fire-technical commission.

The duties of the fire safety officer include conducting fire safety training, keeping logs, conducting inspections of premises, and monitoring compliance with fire safety rules by other people.

Responsible for fire safety must undergo fire safety training before taking up the position. Training in fire safety measures is regulated by Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated December 12, 2007 N 645 “On approval of fire safety standards.”

During the training, those responsible for fire safety study the requirements of regulatory legal acts regulating fire safety, in terms of fire protection regime, fire danger technological process and production of the organization, as well as techniques and actions in the event of a fire in the organization, as well as practice practical skills in preventing fires, saving lives, health and property in the event of a fire.

At enterprises, organizations, and institutions not related to fire and explosion hazardous production, training must be conducted within a month from the date of hiring an employee and repeated at least once every three years. Managers, specialists and employees of organizations involved in fire and explosion hazardous production undergo training at least once a year. The organization's head should organize training of personnel in the fire safety technical minimum. Typically, such training is carried out by a special certified organization, such as

Job responsibilities of the person responsible for fire safety.

1. General Provisions.

1.1. Job responsibilities of the person responsible for fire safety
developed in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, Federal Law N 69-FZ “On Fire Safety”.
1.2. Real job responsibilities determine the functions, rights, responsibilities and scope of activity of the person responsible for fire safety
1.3. A person with a higher technical education or secondary technical education and at least three years of work experience is appointed to the position of fire safety officer.
1.4. The person responsible for fire safety is appointed and dismissed by order of the director of the organization.
1.5. The person responsible for fire safety reports directly to the head of the enterprise or the main person responsible for fire safety.
1.6. During the absence of the Person Responsible for Fire Safety, his duties are performed by an employee appointed by the head of the organization.

2. Functional responsibilities

2.1. The person responsible for fire safety must know:
— current orders, rules, instructions, regulations on fire safety at the enterprise;
- legislative and regulatory technical documents, teaching materials on fire safety issues;
- basic production processes enterprises, features of operation of equipment used in the enterprise;
— measures aimed at preventing fire at the enterprise, equipment, methods and techniques for ensuring fire safety;
— technical means and methods of their use to ensure fire safety, fire prevention and extinguishing;
— the main causes of fires and explosions;
— organizational basis for ensuring fire safety at the enterprise;
- is obliged to conduct an analysis of the fire safety of the enterprise, develop orders, instructions and regulations establishing the proper fire safety regime at the enterprise, training workers in the fire safety measures adopted at the enterprise;
— is obliged to organize and monitor the passage of fire safety briefings by all engineers, workers and employees, conducted by those responsible for fire safety in the divisions of the enterprise in accordance with the requirements of GOST “Organization of training for workers in occupational safety. General requirements»;
- is obliged to conduct or organize training in fire-technical minimums in training rooms with persons (technical engineers, workers, employees) whose duties are associated with an increased fire danger or who are responsible for fire safety in departments of the enterprise;
- participates in the investigation, draws up and maintains records of cases of fires, ignitions, victims and deaths in fires, determines material damage from a fire at the enterprise;
— develops (participates in the development) instructions establishing the main directions for providing fire prevention systems and fire protection at the enterprise in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.1.004, the procedure for ensuring the safety of people and security material assets, as well as creating conditions for successful fire extinguishing;
- bears responsibility for violations of fire safety rules.
2.2. The person responsible for fire safety is obliged to:
— prepare orders on the procedure for ensuring fire safety on the territory, in buildings, structures and premises of the enterprise, on the appointment of persons responsible for fire safety in the divisions of the enterprise; on the introduction into force of instructions, regulations and recommendations regarding the organization of fire protection of the territory, buildings, structures, premises and fire and explosion hazardous production areas of the enterprise;
— develop and implement measures to ensure fire safety;
— monitor the maintenance of fire protection systems and means, including primary fire extinguishing means, in good condition, preventing their use for purposes other than their intended purpose;
— provide the head of the organization with an annual report on ongoing fire safety activities and a plan for such activities for the next year;
- conduct fire prevention propaganda;
— train employees in fire safety measures;
— inform the manager about violations of fire safety standards by employees and other persons;
- to help fire department when extinguishing fires, establishing the causes and conditions of their occurrence and development, as well as identifying persons guilty of violating fire safety requirements and causing fires;
- provide upon request officials state fire supervision information and documents on the state of fire safety in the organization, as well as on fires that occurred on its territory and their consequences;
- immediately inform the head of the organization and the fire department
protection of fires, malfunctions of existing equipment and systems
fire protection, changes in the condition of roads and passages leading to the fire site;
— ensure compliance with the requirements of state fire supervision relating to its activities, and compliance current standards on ensuring fire safety.

3. Rights of the Fire Safety Officer

3.1. The person responsible for fire safety has the right to:
— remove from work persons who have not undergone fire safety training, as well as those who have demonstrated unsatisfactory knowledge of the basics of fire safety;
— get acquainted with draft decisions of the organization’s management concerning its activities;
— make proposals for optimization and modernization of fire protection systems and means;
— carry out work to establish the causes and circumstances of fires that occurred in the organization;
— require management to establish measures for social and economic incentives for workers to increase the level of fire safety;
— receive information on fire safety issues, including in the prescribed manner from management bodies and security units;
— organize and participate in inspections of the organization’s structural units to ensure they have fire safety measures, the condition of fire protection equipment and systems;
— organize and participate in inspections of the organization’s property to ensure fire safety measures when working with it;
— demand from the heads of the organization’s structural divisions information, documents and information relating to its activities;
- demand assistance from the head of the organization and its employees in the implementation functional responsibilities The person responsible for fire safety to exercise his rights.

4. Responsibility of the Fire Safety Officer

4.1. The person responsible for fire safety bears disciplinary liability in accordance with Art. 192 Labor Code of the Russian Federation:
- for improper performance or failure to fulfill their duties;
— for the inadequate condition of fire protection means and systems in the organization;
- for causing material damage by one’s actions or inaction in the manner and within the limits established by Art. 238, 239, 241, 243 Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
— for offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities in the manner and within the limits established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation;
— for the reliability of information provided to the management of the organization and the state fire supervision;
— for refusal to carry out orders and instructions from the head of the organization;
— for failure to comply with internal regulations;
— for failure to comply with labor protection instructions, job descriptions, safety and fire safety instructions.

5. Working conditions

The work schedule of the Fire Safety Officer is determined in accordance with the Internal Regulations established in the organization.

Standard, recommended for general use, there is no sample order for appointing someone responsible for fire safety. Write this document You can do it in free form or according to a template developed within the company. The document can be drawn up either on the company’s letterhead or on a regular A4 sheet, either by hand or in printed form.

Features of order execution

An order to appoint someone responsible for fire safety is one of the types of local legal acts regarding the personnel of an organization. This position must be indicated in the staffing table.


It should be noted that this order is an integral part of the administrative documentation. In addition to this, it includes the decision to appoint a responsible person and a job description. In turn, the job description contains full list duties of the employee who is responsible for observing fire safety, as well as the punishment that will follow for neglecting them. The job description must be brought to the attention of the employee, and he must sign the document.

The order for the appointment of a person responsible for fire safety is filled out by either the secretary, or a HR specialist, or a lawyer, then the document is given to the director for signature.

Who appoints the responsible person

The person responsible for fire safety can be selected from among the personnel by the head of the organization or, in the case of a large enterprise, by the chief structural unit. Moreover, if there is the will of the manager, he can assign this responsibility to himself through the appropriate order.

An employee appointed as the person responsible for fire safety may simultaneously be responsible for material assets, technical safety, carrying out work at sites increased danger, labor protection, etc., but only on condition that this is indicated in the order.

At large enterprises, entire departments are created, whose specialists are busy controlling all internal spheres activities of the enterprise, including fire safety.

Before issuing an order

Before issuing an order to appoint a person responsible for fire safety, it should be carried out for the person to whom it is assigned well special education . A certificate, certificate or other document confirming the fact of completion of training must be attached to the order. It should be noted that such documents are valid for no more than five years, so from time to time the employee will have to be sent for recertification at the expense of the organization.

Filling out the first part

The order on the person responsible for fire safety has a completely standard form from a business standpoint.

  • At the top of the document is written the word “ Order"and him number on internal document flow. The line below indicates locality, in which this order is issued, as well as date its creation (in numbers or words).
  • The following is a link to the legislation of the Russian Federation, in accordance with which the document is being developed, briefly essence of the order and for what purposes it was created.
  • The full name of the enterprise issuing the document is also entered here, indicating its organizational and legal form (CJSC, OJSC, LLC, Individual Entrepreneur) and the address where the building is located, in which the appointed responsible employee will be responsible for fire safety.

The next part of the order contains more detailed information.

  • First, here again you need to write the name of the enterprise and its address, as well as the position, surname, first name and patronymic (without abbreviations) of the responsible person.
  • Then a detailed list of his responsibilities is indicated, each of which should be written down in a separate paragraph.

Filling out the second part

Finally, you need to appoint someone responsible for monitoring the execution of this order, i.e. indicate the position, last name, first name and patronymic of the employee. After entering this information, the order must be signed by the head, as well as the seal of the organization. If the organization has a trade union, then it must be noted.

After writing the order

The employee appointed responsible for fire safety, from the moment the order is signed, must conduct briefings with colleagues, bring fire safety rules to the attention of personnel and draw up various internal regulations. He is also required to keep an internal log of the training, where employees who have completed it must sign. From time to time, the same employee must monitor his colleagues’ knowledge of fire safety rules at the enterprise.

1. General part

1.1. Persons responsible for fire safety of the enterprise and its structural divisions within the enterprise are appointed by order of the enterprise from among the managers who have passed a knowledge test in the scope of the fire-technical minimum.

1.2. During the absence of the person responsible for fire safety (vacation, business trip, illness, etc.), responsibility is assigned to his deputy, or a person appointed by order in the prescribed manner.

1.3. The person responsible for fire safety in his work is guided by:

current regulatory and directive documents in the field of fire safety, codes of practice;

— “Fire regulations in Russian Federation", (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 25, 2012 No. 390);

— Federal Law No. 123-FZ of July 22, 2008 “ Technical regulations on fire safety requirements";

- labor legislation and this job description.

2. Job responsibilities

2.1. The person responsible for fire safety is obliged to ensure:

— compliance with fire safety requirements at the facility entrusted to him;

— fire safety regime for maintaining the territory, buildings, structures and premises, including evacuation routes (timely cleaning of objects from flammable waste, garbage, containers, fallen leaves and dry grass);

— admission of personnel to work at the facility only after completing training in fire safety measures by conducting fire safety briefings and passing the fire-technical minimum;

— fulfillment at the site of the requirements provided for in Article 12 Federal Law“On protecting the health of citizens from environmental influences tobacco smoke and the consequences of tobacco consumption";

— the presence of signs with a telephone number to call the fire department in warehouses, production, administrative and public premises, places open storage substances and materials, as well as placement technological installations;

— presence on the doors of industrial and warehouse premises indicating their categories according to explosion and fire hazard;

— availability at a facility with a large number of people, as well as at a facility with workplaces on the floor for 10 or more people, plans for evacuation of people in case of fire;

— good condition of fire safety signs, including those indicating evacuation routes and emergency exits;

— availability and serviceability of fire extinguishers, frequency of their inspection and testing, as well as timely recharging of fire extinguishers;

— good condition of fire protection systems and means of the facility ( automatic installations fire extinguishing and alarm systems, fire warning systems, fire alarm systems, systems fire water supply) and checking the operability of the specified systems and fire protection means of the facility with the execution of relevant acts (at least once a quarter);

— completeness of internal fire hydrants fire-fighting water supply fire hoses, manual fire nozzles and valves, organizes the rolling of fire hoses (at least once a year);

— serviceability of external and internal fire-fighting water supply networks and organizes inspections of their performance at least 2 times a year (spring and autumn) with the preparation of relevant reports;

— safety of organizing and carrying out fire hazardous work (painting, fire);

— timely notification of a fire to the fire department and notification (informing) of the management and duty services of the facility;

— organizing the rescue of people using available forces and means;

— turning off electricity if necessary (with the exception of fire protection systems), stopping the operation of devices, units, apparatus, shutting off gas and water communications, taking measures to help prevent the development of fire and smoke in the premises of the building;

— cessation of all work in the building, except for work related to fire extinguishing measures;

— removal of all workers not involved in fire extinguishing outside the danger zone;

— providing general guidance on fire extinguishing (taking into account the specific features of the facility) before the arrival of the fire department;

— ensuring compliance with safety requirements by workers taking part in fire extinguishing;

— organizing, simultaneously with fire extinguishing, evacuation and protection of material assets;

— meeting fire departments and providing assistance in choosing the shortest route to the fire;

— notification to fire departments involved in extinguishing fires and carrying out related priority rescue operations, information necessary to ensure the safety of personnel about dangerous (explosive), explosive, potent substances being processed or stored at the facility toxic substances;

- upon arrival of the fire department, informing the fire extinguishing manager about constructive and technological features the facility, adjacent buildings and structures, about the quantity and fire hazardous properties of substances, materials, products stored and used at the facility and the provision of other information necessary for the successful extinguishing of the fire;

— organizing the involvement of forces and resources of the facility in the implementation of measures related to extinguishing the fire and preventing its development.

3. Rights

3.1. The person responsible for fire safety has the right to:

— removal from work of personnel who have not passed the fire-technical minimum knowledge test or who have shown unsatisfactory knowledge;

— providing the head of the enterprise with proposals to bring to justice persons who violate the requirements of instructions and rules on fire safety;

— obtaining information on fire safety issues, including, in the prescribed manner, from management bodies and fire departments.

4. Responsibility

4.1. Responsibility for violation of fire safety requirements lies with:

- property owners;

— persons authorized to own, use or dispose of property, including heads of enterprises;

— persons appointed in accordance with the established procedure as responsible for ensuring fire safety;

- officials within their competence.

4.2. The grounds and procedure for bringing to administrative responsibility for offenses in the field of fire safety are established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Fire safety is the state of protecting people and property from fires (Article 1 of the Federal Law of December 21, 1994 No. 69-FZ). Heads of organizations bear personal responsibility for compliance with fire safety requirements (Part 3, Article 37 of Federal Law No. 69-FZ of December 21, 1994). At the same time, the heads of the organization are obliged, in particular (Part 2 of Article 37 of the Federal Law of December 21, 1994 No. 69-FZ):

  • comply with fire safety requirements, as well as comply with orders, regulations and other legal requirements of fire officials;
  • conduct fire prevention propaganda, as well as train their employees in fire safety measures;
  • maintain fire protection systems and means, including primary fire extinguishing means, in good condition, and prevent their use for other purposes;
  • provide assistance to fire protection in extinguishing fires, establishing the causes and conditions of their occurrence and development, as well as in identifying persons guilty of violating fire safety requirements and causing fires;
  • provide, in the prescribed manner, the necessary forces and means when extinguishing fires on the territories of enterprises.

Along with the heads of organizations, responsibility for violation of fire safety requirements lies with persons appointed responsible in the prescribed manner ().

The manager’s obligation to appoint a person responsible for fire safety at the enterprise is established in clause 4 of the Rules, approved. Government Decree No. 390 dated April 25, 2012.

Appointment of a person responsible for fire safety in the organization

Who can be appointed responsible for fire safety? To ensure compliance with fire safety requirements, the manager can hire a separate employee who would deal exclusively with fire safety issues. But this is the exception rather than the rule. A much more common situation is when the responsibilities of the fire safety officer are assigned to an already working employee. At the same time, the legislation does not contain restrictions or requirements for the appointment of certain employees as responsible for fire safety. This means that the employer can appoint any employee responsible for fire safety.

For this purpose, changes are made to the employee’s job description or employment contract, providing for additional responsibilities on ensuring fire safety. In this case, the issue of additional payment for increasing the scope of the employee’s duties is resolved by agreement between the employer and the employee. Sample list We have listed the responsibilities of the person responsible for fire safety in the organization separately.

The list of persons responsible for ensuring fire safety is indicated in the Instructions on fire safety measures approved by the employer (clause 462 of the Rules, approved by Government Decree No. 390 of April 25, 2012).

The person responsible for fire safety can be appointed both for the organization as a whole and for its individual structural divisions or even premises.

Responsible for fire safety in the rented premises

In a rented premises, who is responsible for fire safety - the tenant or the landlord?

Let us recall that those responsible for violation of fire safety requirements are, among others, both the owners and persons authorized to own, use or dispose of property (Part 1, Article 38 of the Federal Law of December 21, 1994 No. 69-FZ). The specific scope of responsibilities to ensure fire safety requirements is established by the lease agreement. As a rule, such responsibility is assigned to the tenant, who, at the request of the landlord, provides him with a copy of the order appointing persons responsible for fire safety in the rented premises.

If there are no instructions about this in the lease agreement, the person whose unlawful, guilty action (inaction) constitutes an administrative offense for which liability is provided will be held liable.

Question for a lawyer:

I work in a restaurant part-time as a manager. kitchen production. The restaurant also has a full-time chef. Can gen. should the director make me and the chef responsible for fire safety?

Lawyer's answer to the question:
It should be noted right away that the appointment of a person responsible for fire safety is not mandatory. And it is a purely personal matter of the manager (owner) of the facility. It seems to me that if the facility is not large, for example, an office with three or four rooms, then at such a facility it does not make sense to appoint someone responsible for fire safety. The head of such a facility will be fully capable of dealing with fire safety issues himself. In another case, if a large enterprise has more than one production workshop (site), there are warehouses on its territory, as well as other fire and explosion hazardous objects, then the appointment of a person responsible for ensuring fire safety, in my opinion, is necessary. IN regulatory documents Regarding fire safety issues, there is not a single document regulating the appointment of a person responsible for fire safety. Federal Law No. 69 (Article 38), as well as fire safety rules (clauses 8 and 10), make it possible to appoint such persons, but I repeat, do not regulate this appointment.

Clause No. 8 of the fire safety rules proposes to appoint persons responsible for fire safety who, due to their position or the nature of the work performed, must comply with the relevant fire safety rules, or ensure their compliance in certain areas of work. Responsible for fire safety at production sites, in workshops and warehouses, managers of these sections, workshops, as well as managers are usually appointed storage facilities. Those responsible for fire safety are appointed by written order of the head of the enterprise.

Lawyer's answer to the question: responsibility for fire safety
You and the chef may be appointed responsible for fire safety in accordance with the established procedure (Article 38 of Federal Law No. 69-FZ)

Federal Law of December 21, 1994 N 69-FZ

(ed. dated 07/02/2013)

"About fire safety"

Article 38. Liability for violation of fire safety requirements

Responsibility for violation of fire safety requirements in accordance with current legislation lies with:

property owners;

heads of federal executive authorities;

heads of local government bodies;

persons authorized to own, use or dispose of property, including heads of organizations;

persons duly appointed responsible for ensuring fire safety;

officials within their competence.

The persons specified in part one of this article, other citizens for violation of fire safety requirements, as well as for other offenses in the field of fire safety, may be subject to disciplinary, administrative or criminal liability in accordance with current legislation.

Lawyer's answer to the question: responsibility for fire safety
According to Part 3, Art. 37 of the Federal Law of December 21, 1994 No. 69 “On Fire Safety”, heads of organizations bear personal responsibility for compliance with fire safety requirements at subordinate facilities.

According to clause 3, part 2 of this article, heads of organizations are obliged to train their employees in fire safety measures.

According to paragraph 34 of the said order, responsibilities for organizing fire safety training in the organization are assigned to its head.

Fire-technical minimum training for managers, specialists and employees of organizations not related to explosion- and fire-hazardous production is carried out within a month after hiring and thereafter at least once every three years after the last training, and for managers, specialists and employees of organizations related with fire and explosion hazardous production, once a year (clause 32 of the Order). .

That is, the head of the organization is responsible for fire safety in the organization; he must necessarily undergo fire safety training according to developed and approved in the prescribed manner special programs and receive a qualification certificate. The certificate gives the right to the head of the organization to instruct the organization’s employees. (According to clause 7. Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated June 18, 2003 No. 313 Fire Safety Rules in the Russian Federation (PPB 01-03), all employees of organizations must be allowed to work only after undergoing fire safety training, and if the specifics of work change, undergo extra education to prevent and extinguish possible fires in the manner established by the manager).

Therefore, they do not have the right to appoint you.

Lawyer's answer to the question: responsibility for fire safety
Good afternoon

Responsible for ensuring fire safety, fire safety regime, as well as for the maintenance and operation of fire protection equipment, engineering equipment, ventilation and heating systems, electrical installations, communications, warning, primary funds fire extinguishing services are assigned by order of the head of the enterprise.

The person responsible for the fire safety condition of the facility is obliged to:

Organize training for employees on fire safety requirements

Monitor employees' compliance with fire safety requirements,

Ensure compliance with the requirements of fire supervision authorities in the field of fire safety,

Monitor the good condition technological equipment, systems and devices at the facility, take troubleshooting measures,

Know the rules of use technical means fire protection (fire water supply systems, installations fire automatics, installations automatic fire extinguishing, fire and security and fire alarm system, systems smoke protection, fire warning and evacuation management systems, fire extinguishers and ensure their serviceability and readiness for use.

Lawyer's answer to the question: responsibility for fire safety
Maybe. A manager trained in fire safety measures has the right to appoint additional people responsible for fire safety at each specific facility of your organization.

Is the housing and communal services management company responsible for fire safety (if not, who?...

Question for a lawyer:

Hello, our dormitory was moved into a house by placing a partition in the common corridor,

As a result, the electricity breakers ended up in another entrance, in which an intercom is installed and in the event of a fire it is impossible to turn off the electricity immediately, nor can they be turned off if a problem arises with the wiring. does it carry Management Company Housing and communal services are responsible for fire safety (if not, then who? the corridor outside the apartment), how to hold them accountable and who should do everything in accordance with the standards? Thank you!

Lawyer's answer to the question: responsibility for fire safety
Carries in full according to the housing code

Lawyer's answer to the question: responsibility for fire safety
you have the right to file a complaint with the prosecutor's office to conduct an inspection against the owner of the hostel for compliance with fire safety standards and requirements, because at the moment, violations entail a threat to the life and health of people

Lawyer's answer to the question: responsibility for fire safety
Responsible - the owner of the HOSTEL

Can an employee be appointed responsible for the fire safety of a building without his consent?...

Question for a lawyer:

Can an employee be appointed responsible for the fire safety of a building without his consent?

Lawyer's answer to the question: responsibility for fire safety
no, they can't, it's illegal.

Lawyer's answer to the question: responsibility for fire safety
No they can't.

I am also responsible for fire safety and labor protection….

Question for a lawyer:

Hello, my name is Dmitry. I work in Crimea as deputy director for security at a college. Recently our educational institution funds were allocated from the Crimean budget to carry out fire safety measures (installation of an alarm system, etc.) - not a small amount of money. Maybe the leader of our educational institution make me responsible for spending Money, isolated from regional budget. I am also responsible for fire safety and labor protection. Thank you.

Please send your answer to my email address: [email protected]

Lawyer's answer to the question: responsibility for fire safety
I can’t tell you whether it’s possible because they are not given to you in cash and the contract and terms of reference will be signed by the director, so I think that this is not particularly a responsibility. but the choice of contractors must be taken very carefully, since in the Russian Federation in acceptance fire protection systems as well as in the approval of projects, fire supervision authorities do not take part in accordance with the Town Planning Code, but after a scheduled or unscheduled inspection they can come and fine from 150 thousand rubles for installation that does not comply with the standards and requirements, you must carefully read the contract and understand what to include there as requirements for to the performer. If you write anything, I’ll tell you how not to throw money down the drain.

Should a person be appointed responsible for fire safety?...

Question for a lawyer:

Good afternoon Tell me, which document states that a person responsible for fire safety must be appointed in a legal entity?

Lawyer's answer to the question: responsibility for fire safety
Hello! Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 25, 2012 N 390

“On the fire safety regime” (clause 4 of the Fire Safety Regulations in the Russian Federation).

I work as a water supply engineer, they want to make me responsible for the fire safety of the building by order...

Question for a lawyer:

I work as a water supply engineer, they want to make me responsible for the fire safety of the building by order

Lawyer's answer to the question: responsibility for fire safety
Any employee of the organization can become responsible for fire safety, but the organization must send him to courses to complete the fire safety minimum.

Lawyer's answer to the question: responsibility for fire safety
And what's the problem? If you don't want to, don't agree. They just can’t do it like that

If in the lease agreement for a store premises we indicate that the owner is responsible for fire safety...

Question for a lawyer:

If in the lease agreement for a store premises we indicate that the owner of the premises is responsible for fire safety, will this protect us from fire inspection fines? I am an individual entrepreneur. The owner of the premises does not want to install fire alarm even in half

Lawyer's answer to the question: responsibility for fire safety
Hello! Alas, it won’t protect

I work as a labor protection engineer. They want to order me to make me responsible for the fire safety of the institution. Legitimately...

Question for a lawyer:

Lawyer's answer to the question: responsibility for fire safety
You can refuse.

Because this is not part of your job responsibilities.

Well, in the future, expect that you will be offered to take this position, but with the responsibilities included in the DI.

There you will have to fight, or quit due to staff reduction.

Lawyer's answer to the question: responsibility for fire safety
Hello! I work as a labor protection engineer. They want to order me to make me responsible for the fire safety of the institution. Is this legal? After all, the amount of work and responsibility is large. Can I refuse?

I work as a labor protection engineer. They want to order me to make me responsible for the fire safety of the institution. Legally

Galina, if you are charged with duties by order. you don't have to sign it. this will be a refusal.

Responsibility for fire safety, maintenance and operation of the building...

Question for a lawyer:

Can the head of an institution add additional responsibilities to the job description of the director of a structural unit: responsibility for fire safety, safety of material assets, maintenance, maintenance and operation of the building, what documents are drawn up?

Lawyer's answer to the question: responsibility for fire safety
This is formalized by an Additional Agreement to your employment contract. The agreement on financial liability is concluded separately.

Is it right to put me in charge of fire safety, and was it right for them to absolve themselves of responsibility?...

Question for a lawyer:

Hello, by order I was appointed responsible for fire safety. I'm not trained. The enterprise has a whole service for safety, civil defense and emergency situations. Is it right to put me in charge of fire safety, and was it right for them to relieve themselves of responsibility?

Lawyer's answer to the question: responsibility for fire safety
if you were hired and it is stated in your job description, then yes, if not, then it is not legal

Can a part-time worker be responsible for fire safety in Rospozharnadzor? Should he be on staff?...

Question for a lawyer:

Can a part-time worker be responsible for fire safety in Rospozharnadzor? Should he be on staff?

Lawyer's answer to the question: responsibility for fire safety
Hello Marika!

The part-time worker also has all the rights and obligations.

Article 1. Goals and objectives labor legislation

The objectives of labor legislation are to establish state guarantees labor rights and freedoms of citizens, the creation favorable conditions labor, protection of the rights and interests of workers and employers.

The main objectives of labor legislation are to create the necessary legal conditions to achieve optimal coordination of the interests of the parties labor relations, interests of the state, as well as legal regulation labor relations and other directly related relations according to:

labor organization and labor management;

employment with this employer;

training and additional vocational education employees directly from this employer;

social partnership, collective bargaining, conclusion of collective agreements and agreements;

participation of workers and trade unions in establishing working conditions and applying labor legislation in cases provided for by law;

material liability of employers and employees in the field of labor;

state control (supervision), trade union control over compliance with labor legislation (including legislation on labor protection) and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law standards;

resolution of labor disputes;

mandatory social insurance in cases provided for by federal laws.

Lawyer's answer to the question: responsibility for fire safety
Not necessary. Possible under a service agreement. The main thing that responsible person was trained in the fire-technical minimum. This certificate is valid for three years. And there is no such organization as Rospozhnadzor. there is a department supervisory activities Russian Emergency Situations Ministry.

Lawyer's answer to the question: responsibility for fire safety
Yes maybe. A part-time worker is included in the staff, otherwise where will the part-time worker get the position and be assigned a salary?

Can an employee be appointed responsible for the fire safety of a building without his consent? …..

Question for a lawyer:

Can an employee be appointed responsible for the fire safety of a building without his consent? ..

Lawyer's answer to the question: responsibility for fire safety
yes, they totally can

The management company housing and communal services services a 3-storey residential building, is the management company housing and communal services responsible for fire safety...

Question for a lawyer:

The management company housing and communal services services a 3-storey residential building. Is the management company housing and communal services responsible for fire safety?

Lawyer's answer to the question: responsibility for fire safety
Yes, the management authority is obliged to ensure fire safety common property apartment building and demand compliance with fire safety rules from all citizens living in the apartment building, as well as from persons owning and using premises in this apartment building.

How to refuse responsibility for fire safety if you have already been assigned by order?...

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