How to remove ad banners. We remove banner viruses in different ways. Antimalware by Malwarebytes

How to remove ad banners.  We remove banner viruses in different ways.  Antimalware by Malwarebytes
How to remove ad banners. We remove banner viruses in different ways. Antimalware by Malwarebytes

Save Admin, I turn to you for help, you probably know how to remove the banner in the browser without reinstalling Windows, I will try to briefly state the essence of my problem. Working on my laptop, I went to one (at first sight harmless) hosting of pictures and images - When opening this site, my computer freezes for a few seconds and then a banner appears on the left side in all browsers, which really interferes with work, I am attaching a screenshot.

I checked the entire computer for viruses, the antivirus found and neutralized several trojans in the folder

Deleted the viruses, then restarted the computer, and the banner on the left side in all my browsers installed: Mozilla, Opera, Internet Explorer, Chrome is not gone. Therefore, I decided that it was useless to reinstall browsers, apparently it's something else, although it's still one Opera browser reinstalled, but the banner remained as it was. I checked the hosts file, scanned the entire computer with the Dr.Web CureIt anti-virus utility and the anti-virus disk, as well as my regular anti-virus, but it's useless, there are no more viruses, and the banner in the browser on the left hangs and shows all sorts of nasty things.

And yet, the start page in all browsers has changed, instead of Google search, now some malicious site opens, I change it, but after restarting the computer it returns.

I can conclude for myself that as soon as I started working with this hosting, I began to have different problems, then I can’t log in to classmates and, now this is the problem, and sometimes the site seems to be working fine. What to do and how to insure yourself against such problems in the future, because there is not one such site where you can catch an infection on the Internet? Ruslan

How to remove the banner in the browser

Hello friends, I want to say that many times, my friends, and myself, got into an unpleasant story with this resource. Unfortunately, there is not one such site on the Internet, and I think today's article will be relevant.
Very often, site visitors, wanting to show me some kind of screenshot, post an image on this resource, then give me a link, but I, in order to see the picture and give a person some advice, follow this link.
I fished a lot there. The virus that our reader is talking about is a Java script that runs in the visitor's browser. By the way, you may be lucky, and in addition to the banner in the browser, you can plant yourself and not only. If such "software" in quotes manages to get into autoload, then by launching itself, it can steal passwords, prevent you from entering social networks(classmates, VKontakte) spam, load the system, in short, spoil your life very different ways.

But I will disappoint you, it is not possible to infect your computer there all the time, sometimes the site works for some time without such gifts.

  • First, I will tell you where the virus is hiding, what system parameters it changes, and you yourself will understand how to remove the banner in the browser, and how to remove malware from your computer. At the end of the article I will give some tips on how to insure yourself against such problems.
In order to show you everything clearly, following our reader, I go to this site using the link and I, which I categorically do not advise you.

You can say that I was lucky once again, my system also freezes for a few seconds, and then my startup manager informed me with such a window about a strange file called eyf9mdwj.exe, asking for startup (remember the rule of any virus - get into startup) . If you click Delete now, then we will get half the trouble, your Windows will not be seriously infected, but you are already provided with a banner in the browser, for this you just need to go to a malicious site for a few seconds (details later in the article).

By the way, note that the paid antivirus installed by me with the latest update databases does not react in any way to what is happening.

AnVir Task Manager is a cool free program, I have already written about it many times, it controls everything that happens in your system, but you may not have it installed and you won’t even notice how the virus file gets into your system, so I’ll be honest and click Allow, then the virus file quietly enters the system and, after restarting the computer, begins its destructive activity. What happens to the system after infection First of all, in all browsers, a vertical banner appears on the left and starts showing pictures that were not created quite a normal person. If you click on the banner, you will be redirected to sites where they still plant viruses on you.
All start pages in browsers will be replaced with others that naturally contain malicious code or potentially dangerous content.
How to deal with all these?
Firstly, you can apply it, it's very simple and the banner will disappear, but not in all cases.
I tell you where the virus is hiding, what exactly it changes in the operating system, and then we remove the malicious program, as well as traces of its activity on your computer.
Start - Control Panel- Network and Internet - Network and Sharing Center

Adapter settings changes,

All Internet providers: Beeline, MTS, and so on assign certain IP addresses, Subnet Mask and Default Gateway, Preferred DNS Server, Alternative DNS Server to all computers on the network. For example, Beeline does all this automatically. That is, in the properties of the Internet protocol version 4 (TCP / IPv4) the item Obtain IP addresses automatically and Obtain DNS server address automatically must be checked. Other providers may have addresses that can be found in the agreement with the provider if you have not found contract, just call the provider and clarify everything.

Why am I telling you all this. The first thing the malware does is change the Preferred DNS Server
As you can see, the virus changed my Preferred DNS server

I mark the point Obtain DNS Server Address Automatically and OK, banner disappears in browsers. Also, friends, if someone could not get into classmates or in contact or somewhere else, after bringing the above manipulations, he will be able to enter social networks.
So, Connection Properties by local network fixed, now delete the virus files.
Since the vast majority of viruses also tend to get into the temporary files directory, it means that first of all you need to look there:

C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\ Temp

Everything can be seen on the screenshot, the antivirus installed by me still found virus files in this folder

You can completely clear this Temp folder.
Well, do not forget to check the autoload for the presence of viruses. If you have AnVir Task Manager installed, then this will not be difficult.
I delete from autoload a file familiar to us called eyf9mdwj.exe, before deleting I check it for good service, right-click on the suspicious file and select Check on site from the menu. The answer is more than eloquent, the file being checked is a virus.

In general, how to find and remove a virus from startup is well explained in the article.
So we removed the banner in the browser, but the start page in all browsers still opens a malicious site.

This problem can also be solved quite simply. You need to delete some temporary folders of your browsers, without reinstalling the browser itself, for example, in the Opera browser they are located here
C:\Users\ Username \AppData\Local\Opera
C:\Users\ Username \AppData\Roaming\Opera
I want to say that it will be enough to delete one folder at the address
C:\Users\ Username \AppData\Roaming\Opera

In browser Mozilla Firefox it will be enough to delete the folder
C:\Users\ Username \AppData\Roaming\ Mozilla

The next time you start the Mozilla Firefox browser, it will open like this window, select the item Don't import anything

In the Internet Explorer browser, go to Internet Options, Further Deleting temporary browsing history files, cookies, click the Delete button and mark all the items except the last two and click Delete.

Many users may ask, is it worth checking the file?
Once again, checking this file, which is responsible for domain redirection, will never hurt, since there are different types of malware on the network, and as you know, many of them immediately modify hosts for their purposes.
And finally, I still advise you to check the C: drive for viruses.
How to insure against such a misfortune
Don't work under account administrator.
Do not turn off System Restore.
Install Dr.Web LinkChecker is designed to check web pages and files downloaded from the Internet.

use good antivirus program with the latest updates.

Winlocker Trojans are a type of malware that, by blocking access to the desktop, extorts money from the user - supposedly if he transfers the required amount to the attacker's account, he will receive an unlock code.

If once you turn on the PC you see instead of the desktop:

Or something else in the same spirit - with threatening inscriptions, and sometimes with obscene pictures, do not rush to accuse your loved ones of all sins.

They, and maybe you yourself, fell victim to extortionists.

How do ransomware blockers get on a computer?

Most often, blockers get on the computer in the following ways:

  • through hacked programs, as well as tools for hacking paid software (cracks, keygens, etc.);
  • downloaded from links from messages in social networks, sent supposedly by acquaintances, but in fact - by intruders from hacked pages;
  • downloaded from phishing web resources that imitate well-known sites, but in fact created specifically for the spread of viruses;
  • come by e-mail in the form of attachments accompanying letters of intriguing content: “you were sued ...”, “you were photographed at the crime scene”, “you won a million”, and the like.

Attention! Pornographic banners are not always downloaded from porn sites. Can and with the most ordinary.

Another type of ransomware is distributed in the same way - browser blockers. For example, like this:

or like this:

They demand money for access to web browsing through a browser.

How to remove the banner "Windows is blocked" and the like?

When the desktop is locked, when a virus banner prevents the launch of any programs on the computer, you can do the following:

  • go into safe mode with command line support, start the registry editor and delete the banner's autorun keys.
  • boot from a Live CD (“live” disk), for example, ERD commander, and remove the banner from the computer both through the registry (autorun keys) and through the explorer (files).
  • scan the system from a boot disk with an antivirus, such as Dr.Web LiveDisk or Kaspersky Rescue Disk 10.

Method 1. Removing the winlocker from safe mode with console support.

So, how to remove a banner from a computer via the command line?

On machines with Windows XP and 7, before the system starts, you need to quickly press the F8 key and select the marked item from the menu (in Windows 8 \ 8.1 this menu is not available, so you have to boot from installation disk and run command line from there).

Instead of a desktop, a console will open in front of you. To launch the registry editor, enter the command in it regedit and press Enter.

Next, open the registry editor, find virus entries in it and fix it.

Most often, ransomware banners are registered in sections:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon- here they change the values ​​of the Shell, Userinit and Uihost parameters (the last parameter is only in Windows XP). You need to fix them to normal:

  • shell=explorer.exe
  • Userinit = C:\WINDOWS\system32\userinit.exe, (C: is the letter of the system partition. If Windows is on drive D, the path to Userinit will start with D:)
  • Uihost=LogonUI.exe

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows- see AppInit_DLLs parameter. Normally, it may be absent or have an empty value.

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run- here the ransomware creates a new parameter with the value as the path to the blocker file. The parameter name can be a string of letters, such as dkfjghk. It must be removed completely.

The same goes for the following sections:


To fix registry keys, right-click on the setting, select Edit, enter a new value, and click OK.

After that, restart your computer in normal mode and do an antivirus scan. It will remove all ransomware files from your hard drive.

Method 2. Removing a winlocker using ERD Commander.

ERD commander contains a large set of tools for restoring Windows, including when it is damaged by blocker trojans.

Using the ERDregedit registry editor built into it, you can do the same operations that we described above.

ERD commander will be indispensable if Windows is blocked in all modes. Copies of it are distributed illegally, but they are easy to find on the net.

ERD commander kits for everyone Windows versions are called MSDaRT (Microsoft Diagnostic & Recavery Toolset) boot disks, they go to ISO format, which is convenient for burning to DVD or transferring to a USB flash drive.

After booting from such a disk, you need to select your version of the system and, by going to the menu, click the registry editor.

In Windows XP, the procedure is slightly different - here you need to open the Start menu (Start), select Administrative Tools and Registry Editor.

After editing the registry, boot Windows again - most likely, you will not see the "Computer is locked" banner.

Method 3. Removing the blocker using the anti-virus "rescue disk".

This is the easiest, but also the longest unlocking method.

It is enough to burn the image of Dr.Web LiveDisk or Kaspersky Rescue Disk to DVD, boot from it, start scanning and wait for the end. The virus will be killed.

It is equally effective to remove banners from a computer using both Dr.Web and Kaspersky discs.

How to remove banner ransomware

How to remove a banner from a computer on your own?

Banners are not only a way to promote a product or service, but also a serious irritant for nervous system. Therefore, the desire to remove them from the browser is quite natural. You can do this yourself in several ways. We will tell you how to remove banners from your browser in the easiest way.

One of the easy ways to remove banners with your own hands is to restore the system to the restore point when there were no banners bothering you yet. Another option is to clear the cache, history, and browser settings. To do this in Google Chrome and Yandex, through the settings, go to the "Show advanced settings" item, and from it - to the "Clear history" sub-item. In it, press the virtual button "Clear". In Mozilla Firefox, you can carry out such cleaning through the corresponding button (“Firefox”), from where you will be taken to the menu. In it, find the "Help" section, and there - the item "Information for solving problems." At this point, select "Reset Firefox". For operating system Opera process of clearing history, browser settings and cache is carried out by deleting the folder C:\DocumentsandSettings\username\ApplicationData\Opera.

You can also get rid of banners in the browser by clearing routes. To do this, use the combination of hot keys "System + R" or go through "Start" and "All Programs", go to "Standard", and from them - to " command line". Then select "RMB" and "Run as administrator". As a result of these actions, a window should open where we enter the “route-f” command and press “Enter”.

The next way to remove banners from the browser is to check system file hosts. You can find it on drive C in the "WINDOWS" folder or at: C:WINDOWS\system32\drivers\ect\hosts. You open it through Notepad, view the content and remove suspicious sites and IP addresses from it.

Also check your computer for questionable, unused programs, or it is not clear how they got into it. Delete them in a standard way, by going through the "Start" to the "Control Panel", and from it - to the "Programs Components".

The same procedure should be carried out with autoloads. To remove unnecessary and suspicious programs from them, use the key combination "System + R". In the pop-up window, enter the command "msconfig" and after - "Enter". Then select the "Startup" section, where we delete everything unnecessary.

In addition to all the above methods for removing banners in the browser, you can also use tools specially designed for this, which remove malicious programs from the computer (in most cases, they are the cause of the browser being “clogged” with banners).

There are several common ways to remove annoying ads, in particular in Google Chrome- one of the most popular browsers.

Causes of ads and how to get rid of them

  • The advertising code on the site was placed by the owner of the resource. Each time a user clicks on an advertising banner, the site owner receives a monetary profit;
  • Viruses that, bypassing antiviruses, cause pop-ups, banners and other advertisements.
  • By setting Google browser Chrome;
  • Use of additional extensions Adblock and Adblock Plus;
  • Installing the Adguard extension;
  • Using Antivirus and web protection;
  • Reset all Google Chrome settings.

Using Google Chrome browser settings

A window should open, where in the "Pop-up windows" section, check the box next to "Block pop-up windows on all sites (recommended)".
Complete the setting by clicking on the appropriate “Finish” icon.

Using additional extensions Adblock and Adblock Plus

AdBlock is an additional extension that can remove ads as much as possible in any browser. The Adblock Plus extension performs the same functions as its counterpart. Initially, both applications were provided for the Mozilla Firefox browser. Later, these extensions earned on other browsers.
Installing Adblock and Adblock Plus is easy. As in the first method, go to the "Customize and control Google Chrome" icon (three vertical dots in the upper right corner). Finding and clicking on Additional tools» Click on Extensions.

Go to the Google Chrome Web Store and find the extensions you need by typing the appropriate word "AdBlock" in the search bar.

Once you find the Adblock or Adblock Plus extensions, add it by clicking on the "Install" icon.

Install the extension following the instructions. Reload your browser. The next time you open Google Chrome, if you did everything right, a red extension icon should appear in the upper right corner.

Installing the Adguard extension

Adguard is one of the most effective extensions to fight ads. The installation steps for Adguard are identical to the steps for installing other extensions in Google Chrome. Open the Online Store window and find the appropriate extension. Just click on the "Install" icon to download the application.

By installing this add-on, upper corner a green icon will appear on the right installed extension. The next step is to go to the Adguard settings by right-clicking on the icon. In the Antiphishing section, do not change anything, just check the box "Protection against phishing and malicious sites."

With further use of Adguard, you will notice numbers near the application icon - this is the number of blocked ads.

Using Antivirus and Web Protection

Most antivirus utilities have a feature to protect against annoying ads. For example, AVG is a good antivirus that provides resource browsing while limiting pop-ups and banners to the maximum. One of the advantages of AVG antivirus is that it is free.

Reset Google Chrome browser settings

To reset Google Chrome, follow the familiar path to advanced settings ("Customize and control Google Chrome" - "Settings" - "Show advanced settings"). At the bottom, find and click on the "Reset settings" icon.

Please read the alert carefully. If you agree with these terms, click on "Reset".

other methods

If none of the methods described above helped you, most likely your computer is infected with a virus. To get rid of malware, use anti-virus scanners (for example, Dr.WebHYPERLINK "" HYPERLINK "»CureItHYPERLINK «», MalwarebytesHYPERLINK « :/» HYPERLINK «»Anti-Malware and others).

Check which extensions you have installed in your browser and which ones are enabled. Suspicious and unnecessary extensions are recommended to be removed. Also try disabling all extensions and enabling them one by one to identify the virus application.

For a greater guarantee of protecting the Google Chrome browser from ads, try installing several additional extensions and programs at once. A popup ad may be visible to one extension but ignored by another.

If advertising banners and windows appear immediately on the main page, change the browser start page. Switch to Google settings Chrome and find the section " Appearance". Check the box next to "Show Home button" and click on "Edit". Paste the link you would like to see on the start page.

Cleaning your computer from possible virus programs

Viruses can be found in any system file. Clean your computer regularly to avoid possible infections. CCleaner is a free program that detects and removes possible viruses and other unnecessary junk from your computer. Download and open CCleaner. In the window that opens, you will see the marked cleaning directions. Initially analyze the system by clicking on the "Analyze" icon. Wait for completion, clean your computer by clicking on "Cleanup".

CCleaner will not accidentally touch the files you need. The program will only remove what is system-loading garbage on your computer. After cleaning, check your browser for ads.

You can prevent infection of your computer in the following ways:

  • Download programs from official sources and developer sites. Programs downloaded from torrents and other suspicious resources can infect your computer and cause ads to appear.
  • Pay attention to the process of installing new programs. Read the conditions and check the items that are marked with checkmarks. One of these items may indicate your agreement to install additional programs that can carry viruses.

You can check for unnecessary clogging files and folders on your computer in the following way: go to "Start", go to the Control Panel and find the "Programs and Features" section. In the window that opens, you will see all the programs installed on your computer. Check the dates of their installation and the date of the problems with advertising on the Internet. Remove suspicious components and check your browser for pop-ups and banners.

How to remove banners in the browser without reinstalling Windows

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Greetings blog readers. Andrey Khvostov is in touch. There is a topic that I wanted to write about for a long time - these are advertising banners in the browser and on the computer.

How to remove banners in the browser without reinstalling Windows

You go into your browser, and advertising banners immediately pop up, pop up, crawl out from all sides. A familiar picture? Somehow I spent the whole day removing banners from my computer and various browsers.

And I have a lot of browsers: standard Internet Explorer (Internet Explorer), Mazila (Mozilla Firefox), Opera (Opera), Safari (Safari), Google Chrome (Google Chrome), Yandex Browser (Yandex Browser).

I use Yandex.Browser and often did not pay attention to viruses with advertising banners in the browsers Mazila and Google Chrome, which were.

But everything has changed, and now advertising banners are popping up in Yandex.Browser on the left and right in the corner, and there are also sounds that distract from work. I had to deal with the fight against this scourge.

Gather all the Runet hackers and ask for a beating! Although they can be understood - money does not smell, especially as crazy as from advertising and clicks on them.

How to remove ad banners in the browser. Banner remover

When even earlier I noticed that the computer was slowing down, I downloaded free program to remove Malwarebytes Antimalware viruses, in English Malwarebytes Anti-Malware.

The Malwarebytes program finds trojans, rootkits, worms, spyware, which absolutely does not want to look for the antivirus installed on the computer.

The program also has an advanced paid option "Premium", but for our task, as a rule, the free version of Malwarebytes is enough. Download the program from the official site

Therefore, the first step is to run Malwarebytes Antimalware and remove viruses from your computer.

You can also use Doctor Web's free healing utility.

It is similar to the Kaspersky utility, but, in my opinion, it is more convenient and does a better job. You can download it for free on the website

Doctor Web's Dr.Web CureIt utility is part of Doctor Web's paid product, so when you download the cure utility, you will have to agree to the function of sending Dr.Web statistical data in order to use the utility.

Measures to prevent viruses from infecting your computer

  • Do not climb dubious adult sites. You can check the reputation of the site using the WOT (Web of Trust) extension built into the browser;
  • Regular updating of the antivirus databases of the working antivirus;
  • Scan flash drives and hard drives inserted into the USB port with antivirus;
  • Do not download computer programs from unofficial and dubious sites.

After scanning your computer for viruses with an antivirus software Malwarebytes Anti-Malware and/or Dr.Web CureIt move on to manual cleaning of viruses and adware browsers.

Startup cleanup

To do this, in Windows 7, click on the bottom left “Start” and type the word msconfig into the search box. The msconfig.exe link will appear. Click on it and the System Configuration window opens.

There we are interested in the "Startup" tab, which we go to. In the window that opens on the right in the checkbox, uncheck the questionable programs that have been installed. Often in this simple way you can get rid of the annoying appearance of ads in the browser.

Viruses also try to register in the temporary files directory C/Users/Username/AppData/Local/Temp. Sometimes it's easier to find .exe viruses and get rid of them by cleaning the Temp folder.

It should be noted that many viruses appear and some of them are not seen by antiviruses. Last time I had to clean the browsers themselves.

The two main browsers that I use - Google Chrome and Yandex.Browser are similar to each other, as they are based on the Chromium platform.

Cleaning extensions and add-ons in the browser

  • In Yandex.Browser, go to "Browser Settings" Yandex. A tab will open where you need to select "Add-ons". In "Add-ons" look for extensions and add-ons that are unfamiliar to you and that you did not install.

You can turn them off in order by moving the sliders to the “Off” position. This is how you calculate the extensions through which advertising banners appear on top of the site window, or on the left and right in the browser.

  • In the Google Chrome browser, go to "Customize and manage Google Chrome". Click "History" in the drop-down window, then "Extensions". And turn off questionable extensions. You can delete unnecessary ones by sending them to the trash.

  • In the browser Mazila (Mozilla Firefox) click on the top right Menu / Add-ons / Extensions.

In principle, in all other browsers, there are very similar ways to clear both extensions and history and other actions to clean browsers from advertising banners.

Clearing browser history

Viral malicious code scripts must be removed by clearing the history in browsers:

  • In Yandex.Browser - at the top right is the square icon "Browser settings" / History / Clear history;
  • In Google Chrome - at the top right is the square icon "Customize and manage Google Chrome" / History / Clear history;
  • In Internet Explorer (Internet Explorer) - the keyboard shortcut Alt + T / Internet Options / Advanced / Reset;
  • In Mazil (Mozilla Firefox) - Firefox / Help / Troubleshooting Information / Reset Firefox.

Protection against pop-up ads in browsers - Adguard and AdBlock Plus extensions

I turn them off sometimes online service, which is used by Justclick infobusinessmen, AdBlock blocks ads. And Justclick asks to disable this protection.

Removing programs installed by viruses

Viruses can be caused installed programs on the computer. If you downloaded and installed a program from the Internet (especially a broken one), you could bring a virus to your PC.

Consider removing virus-installed programs for Windows 7.

Click on the bottom left Start / Control Panel / Programs and Features. We look through the latest programs downloaded to the computer and remove the dubious ones.

To do this, hover the mouse over the program that we want to remove, press the right mouse button and select "Delete" in the small pop-up window.

Host cleanup

Viruses change the way browser pages are loaded. It is necessary, if the above does not help, to clean the hosts file. Go to C/WINDOWS/system32/drivers/etc/hosts.

You can open the file in a simple notepad by highlighting the name and right-clicking "Open". There, all files, if there was no virus in it, begin with a hash mark #.

Study it. If this is not the case, then remove the lines that begin without a hash mark.

Cleaning the registry and cookies

Now anyone involved in affiliate marketing and promoting affiliate programs can learn how to clear cookies that track conversions.)

Cleaning the registry and cookies is needed to decontaminate especially malicious advertising banners. I clean the registry with a good Ukrainian program CCleaner.

Download from the official website of CCleaner

Click "Analyze". And after the analysis is completed - "Clear".

Checking the router

Let's say you've done all the cleanups, but there are banner ads in the browser. How to remove banners in the browser? Here, perhaps, the matter is more complicated. If you have a router or a router, and you yourself work on Wi-Fi, then it may happen that your router is infected with a virus (such information slips through, but I can’t tell for sure).

All computers that connect via Wi-Fi to such a router or router can be infected.

You will have to reset all router settings and reinstall them. In this case, it is easier to contact the provider that provides you with Internet access services.

How to remove banners in the browser - installing antivirus

IMPORTANT! You need to install an anti-visa program, you can use a free one, but the anti-virus must be installed. Periodically check Dr.Web CureIt using Dr.Web CureIt, a free curing utility of Doctor Web, downloading each time again from the official site before checking.

Successful fight against viruses for computer Internet space.

How to remove banners in the browser. VIDEO

Find out by watching the video how to remove banners in the browser yourself in different ways.

Now you know how to remove banners in the browser, but it's better to prevent them from appearing than to deal with the consequences.

P.S. I am attaching a screenshot of my earnings in affiliate programs. And I remind you that everyone can do this, even a beginner! The main thing is to do it correctly, which means to learn from those who are already earning money, that is, from Internet business professionals.

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