How and where dates grow in the wild and in culture, including in open ground and at home. World leaders in sales. Video: date plantation

How and where dates grow in the wild and in culture, including in open ground and at home.  World leaders in sales.  Video: date plantation
How and where dates grow in the wild and in culture, including in open ground and at home. World leaders in sales. Video: date plantation

A popular oriental sweet - dates - are very tasty. This is a great substitute for candy. Dates are rich in various vitamins and microelements. Dates are used in cooking, as well as in medicine to treat nervous diseases, insomnia and intestinal problems. Sometimes date lovers wonder what kind of tree dates grow on.

So, dates are the fruits that grow on certain types of date palms. Dates first appeared in the hot countries of the Middle East and North Africa. In ancient times, dates grew in areas where Egypt is located today, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, . However, Indians believe that dates first appeared on their lands. And many scientists are inclined to think that ancient Mesopotamia is the birthplace of date trees.

Today dates can be found growing, except eastern countries, in Australia, Mexico, USA. And even on Black Sea coast Date palms grow in Russia, but the trees here do not bear fruit as abundantly as in the tropics.

Dates can often be found on the shelves of our stores and markets. But not everyone knows how dates grow and how they are collected.

How does a date begin to grow?

Growing up in natural conditions hot climate, the date palm is a tree up to 30 m high with beautiful feathery leaves, the length of which can reach 5 m. To collect fruits from such tall tree, workers climb a palm tree, cut bunches of dates and lower them to the ground, where they are then dried.

As practice shows, dates grow well at home. However, a plant grown at home will not produce fruit, although some dates may even bloom indoors.

If you decide to grow a date palm at home, you can do this by planting a seed in the ground. You should know that only a seed from a fruit that has not been subjected to heat treatment is suitable for planting.

Before planting, the date pit must be peeled and washed well. After this, it is advisable to slightly air dry it. Some people try to speed up the germination of the bone, but it will happen on its own, maybe a little longer. It is better to plant several seeds to increase the likelihood of germination. Be sure to lay a layer of drainage at the bottom of the container, since the date palm does not tolerate stagnant water. The soil should consist of clay, humus, leaf soil, peat and sand in equal proportions.

When planting, the seed goes vertically into the ground by about one and a half lengths. The soil in the container with the date pit should be slightly moist at all times. After 1-3 months, sprouts will appear in place of the planted seeds. When they grow to 10-15 cm, the plants should be transplanted into separate, not very wide containers. The main thing is that the pots are deep enough, since during this period the seedling begins to actively grow roots.

The date palm will need to be replanted annually for the first 5 years, and the pot size should be slightly increased each time. The method of replanting a palm tree is only by transshipment, since the plant has fragile roots. The container with the grown palm tree should be placed in a bright place away from heating devices. In summer, the palm tree will feel good in the fresh air.

The date palm loves moist air, so you can even spray it several times a day in the summer. Wipe the palm leaves with a damp cloth as often as possible, which will improve the appearance of the tree and add moisture to it. The date plant feels great even under straight sun rays. The only thing you need to do in this case is to regularly turn the palm tree so that it forms a beautiful, uniform crown.

During the summer months, the date palm requires abundant watering, but in winter the need for water is reduced to a minimum.

Dates have been known to mankind for 6 thousand years. Since ancient times, people have consumed palm fruits with pleasure, and the passage of time only helps in this. Today on sale you can find dates covered with sugar glaze or chocolate, evaporated, dried, dried, canned. This diversity encourages many people to look for information that will help them choose the right dates.

Where do dates come from?

The best quality fruits can only be obtained from the growing area. Dates from importing countries are brought to store shelves and markets. Among them, the most popular are Algeria, Iran, Tunisia, Israel, Egypt, and South African Republic.

Benefits of dates

  1. Dates have the ability to remove mucus from the respiratory tract, so they are often used for colds. Since ancient times, treats have been given to children to combat coughs; children like this option.
  2. Fruits boost the immune system, replenish deficiencies useful substances during distribution viral infections. In this case, it is enough to prepare a decoction of dates and consume 100 ml of it. three times a day.
  3. Dates are used to improve tone and vitality. They are useful to eat for people who have recently undergone a serious operation or illness. Dates help you recover faster.
  4. The fruits of the date palm have a fairly high calorie content. But this aspect does not prevent people from introducing dates into their diets. Natural sugars support your mood and help you stay on track with your weight loss routine.
  5. Dates are often used to combat inflammatory processes in the body. Thanks to its bactericidal and antipyretic properties, you can quickly overcome colds, sore throats, flu and other infections.
  6. The product has laxative properties, so it is often included in the diet of people suffering from constipation. When dates enter the body, they begin a massive cleansing of feces and toxic substances.
  7. A decoction based on the fruit perfectly removes excess water and has a choleretic effect. Against this background, liver function improves, swelling disappears, and arterial pressure.
  8. The main valuable qualities are due to the accumulation of potassium and iron. The first element supports the heart muscle and cleanses blood vessels of cholesterol. The second one prevents anemia in adults and children.
  9. Dates control blood pressure, or rather, lower it. It is useful to eat them during sudden jumps. The fruits also improve mental activity, so they should be eaten by people who work with their heads.
  10. Interestingly, dates are approved for consumption by people with diabetes. The composition contains natural saccharides that do not affect insulin levels. But, naturally, intake should be strictly limited to small portions.

When choosing Special attention give appearance. The shell should be intact and matte. Do not abuse the product so as not to encounter a number of troubles. Be sure to heat-treat the fruits before eating.

Video: choosing dates

I admit, I have never liked dates. When, in “post-perestroika” times, the store once managed to get a large, almost wholesale, package of dates, the whole family ate them for a whole month, except me...

When the year before last my neighbor Ira, who every spring observes strict Orthodox fast, showed me what she was eating these days, I decided that fasting was not for me... Because these days she ate exclusively dates. Well, she loves them! But I do not love…

And I’m unlikely to start them even after this article...

Although, while I was looking for material on the properties of dates, I became convinced that this is simply a SUPER product for any person, and even more so for someone who wants to receive not only pleasure from the process of eating, but also benefits!

In this context, I will keep quiet about pleasure, but about the benefits - as much as you like :)

  • For a person who usually eats, dates are very useful.
  • For a vegetarian, they are extremely valuable.
  • And for a raw foodist - they are simply irreplaceable!

Just look at their composition!

Dates - composition and content of nutrients

The benefits and harms of dates for the body are determined by their rich composition. Nature tried her best and rewarded this modest-looking fruit with an amazing set of vitamins and microelements!

On average, 100 g of dates contains:

  • Water – 22.5 g
  • Proteins – 2.0 g
  • Fats – 0.5 g
  • Carbohydrates – 66.5 g
  • Dietary fiber (fiber) – 7.5 g
  • Ash – 1.6 g


  • Vitamin A (beta-carotene) – 89 mcg
  • Vitamin B1 (thiamine) – 0.09 mg
  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) – 0.1 mg
  • Niacin (vitamin B3 or vitamin PP) – 2.2 mg
  • Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) – 0.78 mg
  • Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) – 0.19 mg
  • Folic acid (vitamin B9) – 13 mcg
  • Vitamin E (tocopherol) – 0.1 mg
  • Vitamin K (phylloquinone) – 2.7 mcg


  • Potassium – 652 mg
  • Calcium - 64 mg
  • Magnesium - 35 mg
  • Sodium – 3 mg
  • Phosphorus - 40 mg


  • Iron – 1.15 mg
  • Manganese – 298 mcg
  • Copper – 288 mcg
  • Selenium – 1.9 mcg
  • Zinc – 0.29 mg

Calorie content of dates:

100 g of dates contain on average about 275 kcal.

And also they have23 different types of amino acids that are not found in most other fruits.
Dates are rich in the essential amino acid tryptophan, which is essential for optimal brain function and normal mental state, especially in old age. Tryptophan prevents aging: a sufficient amount of it in food allows you to stop the aging process of cells.

When you read this composition, you begin to believe the legends that surround this amazing fruit!

For example, according to one such legend, you can eat dates for several years in a row, replacing all other types of food with them. Just dates and water. Indeed, their composition is so rich and their nutritional value is so great that it’s easy to believe.

In China there are centenarians who rely solely on dates for food.

Only for ours northern latitudes Dates are something exotic, a unique delicacy.

In the East, dates are called “bread of the desert”, since dates are as popular there as bread is in our country. It is known that dates are mentioned 29 times in the Koran. That is, we can say that this fruit has been highly valued since ancient times and as a food product has long proven its importance and value.

The rich composition of dates determines the benefits of these fruits

Dates are useful for anemia, hypertension and anemia. 10 dates a day will provide you daily norm magnesium, copper, sulfur, half the need for iron, a quarter of the need for calcium. Dates help in healing bleeding gums. The minerals contained in these fruits are one of the substances that build and strengthen dental tissue.

The benefits of dates for the prevention of certain types of cancer difficult to overestimate. Dates contain pectin and dietary fiber, as well as a very important mineral for oncology - selenium.

Dates give strength and endurance, increase life expectancy, and enhance male potency. They strengthen the heart, liver and kidneys, promote the development of beneficial bacteria in the intestines, support acid balance the body and nourish the blood, promote the development of the root endings of the brain, enhance the body’s ability to resist various infections, including viral ones.

Dates are good for the chest and lungs, they soothe cough and promote the removal of phlegm, and are extremely beneficial for brain activity.

Beneficial properties of dates for stroke

Dates are great for preventing strokes. But if trouble has already happened, they can also help!

If a stroke causes damage to the facial nerve. Dates should be pitted and chopped using a knife or meat grinder. Date pulp should be consumed after meals 2 times a day. If swallowing is difficult, it will be useful to stir the product in milk or butter and drink this drink. The course of treatment ranges from one to several months.

The benefits and harms of dates for the body with diabetes

Dates are almost 70% composed of glucose and fructose, therefore, like bananas, grapes, raisins, figs, they are completely contraindicated for moderate diabetes mellitus and its severe and complicated forms.

For mild diabetes and prediabetes, dates should be consumed with caution, no more than 1-2 pieces per day and taking into account the daily amount of carbohydrates.

Patients undergoing insulin therapy should take into account that several dates equal 20 bread units.

Dates can significantly improve the condition of a patient with diabetes due to the fact that they cleanse blood vessels of cholesterol plaques and improve general state vessels. But you need to know your safe standard and strictly adhere to it.

Israeli scientists have voiced the opinion that Majhul dates and diabetes are quite compatible. They advise patients with diabetes to consume no more than 100 grams of dried fruits per day.

On the other hand, there is such a therapeutic diet as a raw food diet. And it is based exclusively on natural plant products that have not undergone heat treatment. These are vegetables and fruits, including dates.

On a raw food diet, people recover from such terrible diagnoses as cancer and diabetes... But this is a huge, very interesting and separate topic.

Dates for allergies

By the way. The same can be said about the problem of allergies.

Dates are highly allergenic foods. If you come to terms with your allergies, then you just need to give up dates altogether.

If you want to get rid of allergies— the path to recovery will most likely include proper nutrition (as one of the stages), where dates will be an indispensable product.

It should also be mentioned that dates directly picked from a palm tree in the country where they grow and dates that we brought home from the supermarket are still unequal for our health...

Dried fruits can be coated with paraffin, treated with special substances to increase shelf life and improve presentation.

If dates are difficult to wash after purchase- all these substances enter our body and can cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, thoroughly clean the fruit before consuming it.

Dates for weight loss

The main principle of nutrition when losing weight is to reduce the caloric content of food. But dates cannot be called a low-calorie product! In 1 piece - approximately 60-70 kilocalories.

But this fact does not prevent dates from being the basis of many different diets.. In particular, there is a mono-diet based on dates, which allows you to lose 6-7 kg.

Like any mono-diet(when the diet includes only one main product) - such a diet can only be temporary.

With more traditional ways losing weight dates will also help great help body. By replacing traditional store-bought sweets with them, you can solve two problems at once.

First, reduce the toxic load from sugar and its artificial substitutes found in regular sweets.

Secondly, dates will allow the body to receive glucose, which means energy for the body and pleasure for the brain, which is very important for any dietary restrictions. After all, when dieting, it’s easy to go to extremes, denying yourself everything sweet, and this inevitably leads to depression and further failure with a new weight gain...

How many dates to eat per day when losing weight can be calculated individually, based on the calorie content of the diet you follow.

Do dates have contraindications and can they harm the body?

Anyone, even the most useful and wonderful natural product can cause harm to the body if consumed excessively. But it is difficult for a healthy person to “catch” such an effect, you need to try very hard...

As for the use of dates for certain diseases, they have a number of contraindications and warnings.

You need to limit or even exclude dates from your diet:

  • In the presence of diabetes mellitus any type, since dates cause a sharp increase in blood sugar levels;
  • With an increased tendency to allergic reactions, since some substances contained in dates can cause allergies;
  • In the presence of severe diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, since the fiber contained in dried fruits can cause irritation of the mucous membranes:
  • In severe forms of obesity, in this case it is necessary to limit the consumption of any sources of carbohydrates, including dates.

Well, the last “cognitive touch”. I have been always interested in

Where do dates grow and what does a date palm look like?

Look at the photo - it turns out how dates grow and what a date palm looks like.

Currently, the leader in the production and export of dates is Saudi Arabia. Dates also grow in countries such as Iraq, Iran, Egypt, Bahrain, Algeria, United Arab Emirates, Syria, Tunisia. Even in the USA you can now find date palm trees. For example, in the state of California. This tree is also found in Mexico and Australia.

I wrote, wrote my article “The benefits and harms of dates for the body,” and came to the conclusion:

- “Still, dates are a cool thing, even though I don’t really like them! Should I go and buy myself some health?..."

Doctors say that 10 dates a day is enough to provide your body with the daily need for magnesium, copper, sulfur, calcium, iron and other useful elements. Dates are one of the most famous oriental delicacies. Many people believe that they cannot harm our body, but is this true? In this article on the website, you will learn where dates grow, what benefits and harm they can cause to our body, and also what can be prepared from this oriental delicacy.

Where and how do dates grow?

These fruits grow on the date palm. One tree grows for about 60 years and brings an abundant harvest every year. The homeland of dates is the territory of Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia. Today, the most important country for the production and export of dates is Saudi Arabia, followed by Egypt, Bahrain, Iran, Syria, Tunisia, Algeria and the United Arab Emirates. Good harvest obtained from date palms at 5-6 years of growth. From one tree you can collect approximately 50-80 kg of fruit.

Dates: their benefits and harm

The fruits of the date palm are tasty and nutritious (100 grams contain more than 300 kilocalories), but not everyone can eat them, since dates contain a lot of sugars (about 70 percent). They are not recommended:

  • patients with diabetes mellitus;
  • prone to obesity;
  • suffering from peptic ulcer disease;
  • having allergies;
  • patients with gastritis with high acidity.

Coarse fiber, contained in large quantities in fruits, irritates the mucous membrane of the digestive tract. But for constipation, dates are recommended. These fruits are useful for gout and urolithiasis, since they do not contain purine bases. The end product of the breakdown of purines is uric acid, an increase in the content of which is unfavorable for the patient's body.

Dates are rich in mineral salts, especially potassium and iron. And since potassium is known to play a large role in the regulation of water-salt metabolism and cardiac activity, dates should be included in their diet for those who have heart and vascular diseases, of course, if there are no diseases of the stomach and intestines. The iron contained in dates helps enrich the blood with oxygen and activates cellular respiration. They also strengthen gums and teeth, hair, help improve skin condition, and also have a positive effect on our vision and liver.

Doctors advise pregnant women to consume dates. They are included in the astronaut menu. Some argue that a person can eat only this oriental delicacy for 2-3 months without depriving his body of vital vitamins and minerals. After all, these fruits contain a huge amount of vitamins A, B, C. Below is a list of diseases that dates help with:

  • Heart diseases;
  • Nervous paralysis of the facial nerve;
  • Nervous fatigue;
  • Dystrophies (date decoction);
  • Makes childbirth easier.

Calorie content of dates. How many dates can you eat per day?

100 g of the edible part of these dried fruits contains 150-275 calories, if eaten dried or dried - 340 kcal. As you may have noticed, they are quite high in calories and therefore you can quickly get enough of them. If you decide to go on a diet, but find it difficult to give up sweets, then dates will be an excellent substitute for sweets. Many mothers are interested in whether it is possible to give dates to their children. Of course! 2-4 pieces per day will be enough.

Useful properties of dates

  1. 100 g contains a large amount of dietary fiber. For this quantity of dried fruits 6.7g. They normalize intestinal function and remove toxins.
  2. Pantothenic acid regulates metabolism. Also improves immunity, controls work nervous system and adrenal glands.
  3. Vitamin A. Your nails will become strong and beautiful. And your hair will be healthy, the ends will stop splitting.
  4. Potassium. Just 150-200 g of dates replenish the daily need of potassium in the body. This item we need it because it maintains normal cardiac muscles.
  5. Calcium. We need this macronutrient because the strength of our bones and teeth depends on it.

In addition to the above properties, this dried fruit contains thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pyridoxine, folacin, and vitamin D.

What can you cook from dates?

A huge number of dishes can be prepared from this oriental sweetness. In this section we will look at one recipe. You can make a cupcake using these dried fruits. To prepare it you will need:

  • Dates - 125 g;
  • Banana - 1 piece;
  • Pecan nuts - 50g;
  • Raisins - 100g;
  • Kishmish - 100g;
  • Cinnamon - 1 tsp;
  • Baking powder - 1 tsp;
  • Dark rum - 1.5 tbsp;
  • Egg white - 1 piece;
  • Polenta - 50g.

Turn on the oven at 180 C. Then rectangular shape put parchment paper. Remove the pits from the dates and pour 100 ml of boiling water over the fruits themselves. Put on fire and let simmer for 5 minutes. Then you need to drain the water, put the dates in a blender and puree. Add banana, a little water and mix everything again.

Take a bowl and combine nuts, raisins, spices, baking powder, polenta, rum and date-banana mixture. Beat the egg white until foamy and carefully mix into the dough. Place this mixture in a baking dish and smooth it out. You can decorate the top with nuts. Place in the oven and wait 1 hour. Check the readiness of the cake using wooden stick. Let it cool and then remove it from the mold. It is necessary to cut it when it has completely cooled down. Otherwise it will fall apart. Bon appetit!

As you may have noticed, dates are very useful for human body. You can add dried dates to almost any dish. Add to oatmeal, ice cream, and decorate baked goods in the morning. A little of your imagination and you can please your loved ones and family with a new dish.

Today it has become popular to decorate homes, offices and administrative institutions. exotic plants. Most often, palm trees are preferred, since the plant is quite decorative and does not flower. In this article we will talk about the date palm, whether it is possible to grow a palm tree from a date seed and how to do it.

Soil for planting

To germinate seeds, experienced plant growers advise using a mixture of peat and sand. After transplanting a sprouted plant, the substrate must be replaced with a more suitable one. There are soils for palm plants on sale, but it is better to prepare the soil yourself by adding all the substances necessary for the development of the plant.

So, we prepare the soil for the date palm from the following components:

  • A mixture of clay-turf soil - two parts;
  • A mixture of humus and leaf soil - two parts;
  • Sand, peat - one part at a time;
  • A good pinch of charcoal.

Important! A prerequisite for growing is a good drainage layer. You can use expanded clay or pebbles, or any other material.

How to prepare date pits for planting

Let's figure out which seeds are suitable for planting and how to prepare them to germinate successfully date pit.It is best to take a seed for planting from a fresh fruit, but you can also take it from a dry one - in this case, ask if the dates have been heat-treated. If not, bones are fine; if so, such a seed will not sprout.

Prepare about eight seeds, put the pulp aside, wash and dry the seeds. It is better to plant a date palm from a seed at home in winter period– at this time the plant does not need as much sunlight, as in the further period of development.

The bones should be soaked in warm water and place in a warm place (can be placed on or near heating device), change the water daily. Option two: wrap the bone in several layers of moistened cotton wool or gauze.

Then make punctures in one or two areas of the surface of the seed (according to some recommendations, cuts are made on the seed) so that water gets inside and stimulates germination. Leave in the water for another three to four days. The seeds are ready for planting when they swell a little.

Planting date seeds in the ground

Next, we will look in detail at how to plant date pits. To germinate seeds, we take a common container and plant six to eight seeds in the prepared soil at some distance from each other. The substrate described above is prepared for an already sprouted plant; the seed can be germinated in a mixture of soil and sawdust.

The planting depth should be equal to length seed plus half. Landing takes place at wet soil, watering is not carried out from above. The container with the crops must be placed in a warm place.

We figured out how to plant a date palm from seeds, now we need to create all the conditions for the plant.

Did you know? Date palms come in male and female varieties. female. “Men” differ in the type and shape of flowers. Ancient people knew: for big harvest One male specimen is needed for a couple of dozen female ones, while one palm tree produces up to 250 kg of dates.

Conditions for germination and care of crops

If the substrate is kept moist, the first shoots will appear in one to three months. The substrate must be precisely moistened, so it is better to moisten it by spraying rather than watering it, like an adult plant.

It’s time to transplant the sprouts that have grown a strong leaf of four centimeters into separate pots. The pots should be high, designed for the long roots of the plant; the width does not matter. Drainage must be placed at the bottom: small pebbles, stones, expanded clay.

Growing a date palm into a mature, lush plant is not difficult: provide it proper care from a small point, from seedlings. The date is light-loving, lighting should be bright and constant. Choose a room with windows facing west, south, east.

Sudden changes in temperature and excess moisture in the soil are detrimental to date palm seedlings.

Did you know? In countries with arid, hot climates, dates have long been called “bread of the desert.” When going on long journeys, we always took several bags of these fruits with us. Eating dates alone can saturate the body with moisture and all the necessary nutrients and vitamins.

How to care for seedlings

In nature, date palms grow in conditions of tropical heat and often drought, but how do dates grow at home? The palm tree needs light, all its leaves are drawn to the light, so the pot with seedlings must be regularly turned to the sun on each side, otherwise the foliage will stretch unevenly.

Dry air is contraindicated for the plant, which means that in winter we remove the plant away from radiators and other heating devices. IN summer period the plant needs to be taken out Fresh air, gradually hardening.

When weather permits, ventilate the room where the palm tree grows. In extreme heat, spray the foliage and air space around the palm tree. Warm showers once a week are not prohibited; the only condition is well-covered soil.

Important! When watering, be careful - you need to water when the top layer of soil dries out. If it is overwatered, the plant will get sick; its roots cannot tolerate excess moisture. Water for irrigation should be kept away from chlorine and other hard impurities.

Date palm for successful cultivation at home, twice a month in warm seasons it is necessary to feed, in winter season- once a month. For this purpose they use mineral fertilizers, and organics.

In gardening stores you can purchase ready-made complex fertilizers, balanced for palm plants. For dates, it is advisable to use water-soluble preparations.

Mature plants for correct height and giving them decorative look will need to be trimmed regularly. There are several simple rules here: remove the number of leaves equal to what has grown in a year, no more; remove damaged and lower drooping leaves.

At the beginning of palm formation, all side shoots are removed - the plant should have one strong central stem. You cannot cut the top of a palm tree - this will lead to death.

Seating in separate pots

As the date grows and develops, it becomes cramped in the pot. How to replant a date palm and when to do it?