Institute of Vocational Education IPO. Institute for Advanced Studies and Professional Retraining. Requirements for students

Institute of Vocational Education IPO.  Institute for Advanced Studies and Professional Retraining.  Requirements for students
Institute of Vocational Education IPO. Institute for Advanced Studies and Professional Retraining. Requirements for students

Course Description:

Pedagogical activity very multifaceted. Its difficulty increases taking into account the specific working specifics of the teacher. To understand what we are talking about, let's give a simple example. Teachers of schools, institutes, and kindergarten employees have an identical level of pedagogical knowledge, but the profile areas of the above specialists are different.

Average special education has always been popular, so there is no doubt about the huge demand for teachers in this area. One of the most important responsibilities of teachers is to perform their activities at a high level professional level, which implies:

  • the use of various pedagogical teaching methods that ensure high quality;
  • also the practical application of competent teaching and educational methods;
  • systematic improvement of professional competencies.

The Modern Scientific and Technological Academy (SNTA, license No. 034268 dated October 25, 2013) offers all interested specialists pedagogical sphere, take advanced training courses under the program “Teacher of Secondary vocational education».

Learning Objectives

Taking advanced training courses, first of all, gives each specialist the opportunity to receive serious professional growth, which is so necessary both for internal self-satisfaction and for climbing the career ladder.

While studying on the course under the program “Teacher of Secondary Vocational Education”, students will study the following disciplines:

  • andragogy is a specific science that studies the processes of education and training of persons over adolescence;
  • general aspects of psychology;
  • state of education in Russian Federation and trends in its development;
  • legal foundations of the education sector;
  • organization of the learning process as a whole.

Training format

Full-time and distance learning format using distance technologies.

This training format has been successfully used for quite a long time and is in high demand among students. There's no need to break away from production process– study from home and at any time convenient for you. After enrolling in the course, you will have 24/7 access to all the necessary teaching materials.

Individual approach to each student - tailored to each student personal plan classes. Personal negotiations with the teacher via video conference are possible.

Learning outcomes

Based on the results of online testing, which is carried out at the end of the course and defense thesis, students receive a standard diploma. We provide for the issuance, if necessary, of additional documents (certificates, books, etc.). The Academy takes care of the delivery of documents - they are sent by Russian Post with courier delivery to your door.

Requirements for students

In order to become a student of our academy and complete the advanced training module, you must:

  • have a higher professional education in the relevant specialty and confirm it by sending us a scan of the diploma;
  • submit an application for admission and a copy of your passport.

The Modern Scientific and Technological Academy (SNTA) invites everyone to take not only advanced training courses, but also professional retraining in any specialty.

To obtain comprehensive information, you can contact our managers by ordering a call via reverse form connections on the site.


Received documents:

Important! The diploma does not indicate the form of study (full-time/correspondence).

Admission conditions:

Training in the direction of “Teacher of secondary vocational education” makes it possible to obtain a certificate of advanced training. Also, for certain areas and specialties, provision is made for the issuance of additional documents if they are required by departmental regulations

: certificates, books, etc.

The Institute for Advanced Studies and Professional Retraining is structural unit MGOU implements programs of additional professional education. The Institute for Advanced Studies and Professional Retraining was created with the aim of training highly qualified specialists, increasing professional knowledge and competencies of specialists, improving business qualities, preparing them to perform new labor functions in accordance with the needs of the regional economy.

System continuing education MGOU responds flexibly to changes occurring in education and the economy of the region. Conditions have been created that provide students with the opportunity to show personal activity and interest from the formation of the need for education under advanced training and professional retraining programs to the construction of individual trajectories professional development. The peculiarity of this system is the support of professional development of representatives of the teaching community of the Moscow region and after completion of training:

Model of the MGOU continuous education system

Approaches to the choice of forms and methods of professional development in the system of continuing education have changed. Today the most popular are:

The competitive advantages of the MGOU continuous education system are:

  • highly qualified teaching staff, which allows not only to support the system of continuous education at high level, but also to develop it through the implementation of new relevant programs
  • increase in the effectiveness and demand for further education programs (increase in the number of students)
  • increasing demand for teaching staff during consulting activities, examination of educational programs
  • increasing the role of employers in the design and implementation of advanced training and professional retraining programs
  • trainee training and team training at the base municipalities Moscow region

Acquainted with full list advanced training and professional retraining programs:

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Advisor to the rector's office of Moscow State Pedagogical University Evgeny Yuryevich Spitsyn on the channel "Russia 24" (VGTRK) in the program "Windows. About Russia's Middle Eastern policy."

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On September 17, 2019, the rector of Moscow State Pedagogical University Alexey Vladimirovich Lubkov took part in work VII Forum of Higher Rectors educational institutions Russia and China in St. Petersburg as part of a meeting of the Russian-Chinese Intergovernmental Commission on Humanitarian Cooperation.

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From September 12 to 14, 2019, Moscow State Pedagogical University is holding the II National Parent Forum. In his welcoming speech, the rector of Moscow State Pedagogical University V.A. Lubkov noted that: “Modern domestic educational policy is focused on the formation...

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Advisor to the rector's office of Moscow State Pedagogical University Evgeny Yuryevich Spitsyn on the Red Line channel in the program "Topics of the day. About spies in power."

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In the first weeks of September, a delegation from the Institute of Philology of MPGU, consisting of the Institute’s Deputy Director for scientific work D. Phil. n. I. G. Uryupin, professor of the Russian Department classical literature d. cult. A....

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On September 13–14, 2019, the MSPU delegation took part in the All-Russian interdisciplinary conference “Teaching the “Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics” and spiritual and moral disciplines in a multi-confessional region.”

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September 12–13, 2019 at Cultural center Russian Orthodox Church(Tchaikovsky House) in Hamburg hosted the exhibition “ Educational publications: meetings with authors”, organized with the support of Rossotrudnichestvo by the Institute of Problems educational policy"Eureka"...

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– Irina Vladimirovna, you head the Department of Media Education and Science Center“UNESCO Chair in Media and Information Literacy and Media Education of Citizens” of the Institute of Journalism, Communications and Media Education, Moscow State Pedagogical University, which master's programs What do you offer to listeners?...

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The international summer school “Road to the World 2019” has ended at MPGU. From July 9 to July 19, 36 students from foreign partner universities studied Russian, got acquainted with the culture and traditions of Russia and learned...

16 / 09 / 2019

On September 14, the Moscow Student Parade took place. Students of the Institute of Biology and Chemistry solemnly marched in the column of the Moscow Pedagogical State University along the Vorobyovy Gory. The procession ended at the Vorobyovy Gory observation deck, where first-year students...

16 / 09 / 2019

On September 14, as part of the II All-Russian Parent Forum, master classes for participants were organized in the Humanities Faculty Building. As part of one of them, under the guidance of a professor at the Department of Oligophrenopedagogy and Special Psychology at the Institute of Childhood,...

16 / 09 / 2019

Advisor to the rector's office of Moscow State University Evgeny Yuryevich Spitsyn on the channel "Russia 24" (VGTRK) in the program "Analysis. Seasonal sale."

16 / 09 / 2019

Professors of the Institute of History and Politics of Moscow State Pedagogical University German Anatolyevich Artamonov and Vasily Zhanovich Tsvetkov on Sputnik radio in the program “Topic of the day. P.A. Stolypin and his reforms.” Part 3.

16 / 09 / 2019

The MPGU chamber orchestra Cantus Firmus, under the direction of its founder and permanent leader Alexander Lvovich Khurgin, took part in the celebration of the Russian Anthem Day in St. Petersburg at the Gazprom Arena stadium.

16 / 09 / 2019

September 14, 2019 the team of the Defense Sports Wing of the Student rescue squad MPGU took part in the largest obstacle race (OCR race) in Russia - “Race of Heroes - 2019”.

Always be aware

How to find out about the most important news without going to international conferences and without following news every day from the websites of leading cosmetic brands? Participants of the Cosmo Expo know the answer; they know where to publish their information and announcements of educational events.

On October 9, 2018, the first day of the IV Conference on the Aging of the Body was held on the territory of Meditsina JSC, which aroused great interest among beauty industry professionals.

Among the speakers were medical practitioners and beauty industry experts. Famous plastic surgeon B.G. Mirzoyan spoke about effective ways of cooperation between plastic surgeons and cosmetologists, authoritative beauty blogger E.V. Moskvicheva shared the secrets of long-term successful client management and conducted a master class to strengthen skills effective interaction. The conference participants learned a lot of interesting things about the features of aging of the preorbital zone from ophthalmologist N.A. Vinnik. Irreplaceable information about the types of neoplasms was given by oncologist-dermatologist O.N. Mashkova. Teachers of the First Professional Institute Aestheticians presented their reports on the management of patients with hormonal imbalances, correction of the intimate area, as well as common mistakes in the implementation of injection techniques.

The conference took place in medical center, certified by international standards JCI, by the way, is the only one in Russia. The conference participants received rich impressions from the tour of the center and unanimously expressed their wishes to participate in the next, V conference on the aging of the body, which will be held in 2019.

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