Franchises of child development centers and speed reading schools. How to organize a children's development center: general recommendations

Franchises of child development centers and speed reading schools.  How to organize a children's development center: general recommendations
Franchises of child development centers and speed reading schools. How to organize a children's development center: general recommendations

Children's center franchise: demand in Russia + basic requirements for premises + main advantages and disadvantages of a franchise + TOP-5 children's center franchises.

Private children's centers and kindergartens are gaining more and more popularity due to the fact that places in government institutions not enough for everyone. In addition, many parents believe individual approach in private children's centers are more successful in raising their children.

Increased demand is fertile ground for development own business. But what to do if you have the desire, but no experience? This is where the children’s center franchise enters the “arena.” This is an opportunity to start a business under the curatorial supervision of a well-promoted brand. Investments are also usually required less than usual.

We will talk about what is needed to open a children's center as a franchise. Namely, what advantages and disadvantages does this partnership format have, is it worth working under a brand name at all, and what is needed for this.

Why should you pay attention to children's play centers?

Queues for kindergartens are scheduled for years in advance. At the time of 2016, more than 60,000 children aged 3-6 years were waiting to enroll in kindergarten. The queue at the nursery is many times higher - almost 400,000 children!

And what if your child couldn’t get into the group? All that remains is to look for a nanny, give him to his grandparents, or think about a children's center.

Children's centers early development is an alternative to state kindergarten. Providing for children in the center costs much more than in a regular kindergarten. But for this expense you will get Better conditions content, qualified teachers and flexible system baby's education.

Requirements for opening a children's center

A number of requirements are put forward for the construction and equipment of children's institutions. They must be followed, otherwise the establishment will not receive a license.

Main authorities to contact Special attention, these are Rospotrebnadzor and Gospozharnadzor.

Before you start planning your child's work game center, please read the following documents:

These documents are required to be read if you are serious! And to make it easier for you to evaluate the “battlefield” now, we have compiled a table with a list of basic conditions.

Premises requirements

1. For one child under 3 years old it is necessary to allocate at least 2.5 sq.m. area. For children from 3 to 7 years old - at least 2 sq.m.
2. If children are indoors for more than 4-5 hours a day, it is necessary to equip the bedroom for daytime sleep.
3. The walls of the room should be covered with minimally flammable and easily washable materials that can withstand contact with disinfectants and household chemicals.
4. Windows must be protected from direct contact sun rays(blinds, curtains). Moreover, it should be easy to wash and clean.
5. The requirements for ventilation and heating are the same as in a residential apartment. But the use of portable heaters is prohibited!
Room temperature in summer time should not exceed 25°C. In winter – not to be below 18°C. Most optimal temperature indoor air for small children is 22-24°C.
6. Mandatory measures fire safety: installation working fire alarm, availability of fire extinguishing means (fire extinguisher with a tag, bucket, box of sand, etc.)
7. Toys and equipment for children must be appropriate for age, height and weight. All items that the child comes into contact with must be safe for health, have a quality certificate and be made of easy-to-clean material. All furniture should not have sharp corners.
8. The premises must be cleaned at least 2 times a day. Cleaning equipment should be stored in a closet or separate storage room. Detergents and disinfectants must be stored out of the reach of children.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of buying a franchise?

Purchasing a franchise is essentially purchasing a business strategy. As a franchisee, the entrepreneur receives full right to work under a well-known brand name and is guaranteed to receive financial and legal issues. He will also be able to count on help in organizing his workspace.

Among the main advantages of the franchise:

  1. Working under a well-known trade name. This circumstance will reduce advertising costs and ensure the popularity of the center among clients in the first months after opening.
  2. A ready-made educational program for children, including approved textbooks.
  3. Minimal risk of financial failure.
  4. Training of personnel according to the franchisor’s methods (as a rule, also at his expense).
  5. Proper arrangement of the educational institution in accordance with fire safety and sanitary epidemiological standards.

A children's center franchise will help you quickly and with minimal risks launch your business, even if you have not previously had such experience.

The main disadvantages of the franchise are:

  1. The need for additional costs for a lump sum payment and payment of royalties.
  2. Strict control by the franchisor, mandatory compliance with the terms of cooperation, the need to meet all the requirements of the brand owner.
  3. The success of your center depends on the reputation of the brand as a whole.
  4. There is no possibility of quickly terminating the franchise cooperation agreement. If the rules are not followed, the entrepreneur will have to pay a penalty to the franchisor.

TOP 5 children's center franchises

No. 1.

Franchise of the network “”

"Syoma" is a successful network. It has already opened more than 400 establishments – both in the Russian Federation and abroad.

The company began its history in 2002. Franchise sales were launched 6 years after opening, in 2008. Over the past year alone, the company has concluded 40 franchise cooperation agreements.

Why do entrepreneurs choose Syoma? First of all, thanks to the relatively low investment threshold. To open a center under the Syoma franchise, you need approximately 300,000 - 400,000 rubles, which is much less than the amount of investment in similar proposals.

The expected profit from the center's work is 150,000 rubles per month. According to the franchisor, the minimum payback period for a business is from 4 to 8 months.

  • What does buying a franchise give a franchisee?
  • Development of a dynamic business development strategy.
  • A package of documents containing analysis of demand for the service in your region.
  • Assistance in selecting premises, drawing up a lease agreement, planning design.
  • A guarantee of territorial monopoly (this means that no other points of this network will be opened near your center, so as not to create competition).
  • Assistance in the selection and training of personnel, regular refresher courses, seminars and meetings with qualified teachers, psychologists and speech therapists. Toys, teaching aids
  • for children and teachers, a lesson program with a clear study schedule, additional teaching materials. Advertising campaign: publications in magazines indicating the address of the establishment, advertising layouts and banners, provision of a domain, advertising in in social networks
  • , provision of personalized products.

The Syoma network offers several formats. These are organizations for the work of a family club, a mini-kindergarten, a 24-hour kindergarten, an extended day group or a short-term stay.

The work of teachers is focused on the diversified development of the child, mastering in English, preparing for school and passing exams. Also, children’s camps and holidays are organized at the Syoma centers.

The institutions are designed to educate children aged from 6 months to 11 years.

Franchise in numbers:

Stages of cooperation:

  • Step 1 – submit an application to be considered as a franchisee. You can leave your contact information on the company's official website. If your candidacy is approved, representatives of the brand will contact you and advise you on all your questions.
  • Step 2 – signing a cooperation agreement, payment lump sum.
  • Step 3 – selection of premises (main requirements: first floor, area from 75 to 120 sq.m., availability of communications, daylight).
  • Step 4 – planning the interior and exterior, renovation work, purchase and delivery of furniture.
  • Step 5 – personnel selection, training, supply of teaching aids.
  • Step 6 – organizing the opening of a children’s center with a company manager visiting the site.
  • Step 7 – work of the center under the control of the company’s central office, consulting support for all further stages cooperation, regular royalty payments.

No. 2.

Franchise of children's play center “”

The Baby Club first opened its doors to little visitors and their parents in 2000. 9 years after the launch of the network, franchising became available to those interested.

In total, the network includes 235 clubs, 28 kindergartens, 40 clubs working according to the CIT method, and 15 bilingual groups. Geography of location: 75 cities. More than 20,000 children visit the center every week.

The institution's program is designed for children aged from 3 months to 7 years.

In this case, the following main groups are formed:Children's agethe main task
ActivitiesFrom 8 months to 2.5 yearsSocialization
1. Children actively communicate with each other, developing the speech center, motor skills, coordination and dexterity of movements.
2. Formation of musical tastes.
3. Increasing vocabulary.From 2.5 years to 4.5 yearsPreparing for Adulthood: Developing Independence
1. Speech therapy gymnastics, speech development.
2. Studying numbers, developing counting skills.
3. Studying letters, developing reading and writing skills. 4. Cognition natural phenomena
From 4.5 years to 7 yearsPreparation for school1. Strengthening reading and writing skills.
2. Physical development children: games for dexterity, coordination and endurance.
3. Solution life situations.
4. Workout fine motor skills hands

The Baby Club company offers five franchise business formats. The cost of the minimum “Baby” package is 300,000 rubles as a lump sum contribution, the most expensive “Premium” package will require a contribution of about 2 million rubles.

So, let's look at all the network's offers in more detail:

Package of servicesDescriptionDescriptionInvestments for opening, rub.
BabyFor children from 8 months to 5 years.
Duration of classes: 45 minutes.
Development of basic skills: reading, counting, writing.
More than 5,000 scenarios of educational games.
Over 100 hours distance learning for employees and owner.
300 000 From 1.2 million
Bilingual baby club

Up to 1.2 millionFrom 2 million
Baby gardenGarden full day with classes for children from 3 months to 7 years.
12 000 game scenarios for children.
Methodological support for employees.
Over 200 hours of training for workers and owner.
Classes are held in groups of up to 15 people.
800,000 - small town

1.1 million – region

1.4 million - Moscow, St. Petersburg

From 2 million
Baby clubFor children from 3 months to 7 years with short-term classes (up to 4 hours).
Work using the new CIT method - circular intellectual creativity, which is aimed at developing 10 types of intelligence according to Tony Buzan.
12,000 scenarios of educational games.
Design of the club space according to difficulty levels.
Conducting classes on a “circular principle”.
More than 200 hours of online and offline training for employees and owner.
Methodological support for employees.
1.4 million - Moscow, St. Petersburg
Baby club/garden PremiumOpening a children's center of any format on a turnkey basis with individual training and a personal curator. A manager will also come to you management company to conduct a joint analysis of demand for services in the region/city and recruitment.
More than 12,000 game scenarios.
200+ hours of training for employees and the center owner.
Individual training from a personal curator.
The grand opening of the children's center by the company's founders, Yuri and Evgenia Belonoshchenko.
1 million - small town

1.5 million - region

2 million - Moscow, St. Petersburg

From 1.2 million

No. 3. Franchise of the children's center “”

"EI Children" is a unique and only school in Russia emotional intelligence. Here kids are taught to manage their emotions, establish contact with other people and direct their emotions, including negative ones, in a useful direction.

The school's branches are represented in more than 200 cities in 18 countries. Among them are Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Armenia, Uzbekistan, Spain and others.

The school's curriculum was created by professors from the USA and Russia.

Duration of trainingDuration of classes / frequency per weekDescription
4-6 years9 months (September - May)60 minutes / 2 timesFormation of adaptation to school.
Formation of skills: adaptability, managing one’s behavior, the ability to make friends, volitional control, emotional literacy, attention and concentration.
7-10 yearsClasses take place in game form, in groups of up to 8 people.
Formation of skills: emotional literacy and flexibility, volitional control, attention and concentration, motivation, teamwork, behavior management.
11-13 years oldDuring classes, children simulate case situations and listen to mini-lectures.
Classes in groups of up to 8 people.
Formation of skills: awareness, motivation, confidence and adequate self-esteem, teamwork, behavior management, interaction with peers and adults, emotional flexibility.

The franchise price includes:

  • access to a common client base,
  • teaching materials and manuals,
  • business development strategy,
  • advertising and indicating the address of your institution on the main website of the center,
  • consultations and support in starting a business,
  • training of teachers and their selection according to company criteria,
  • brand book.

Franchise in numbers:

Lump sum payment200,000 rub. (for small cities)
250,000 rub. (for large cities)
350,000 rub. for Moscow
Royalty5% of monthly turnover, with minimum amount royalty for Moscow is 15,000 rubles/month, for other cities of the Russian Federation - 10,000 rubles/month.
Payback periodFrom 3 months
Subscription cost for one student4,000 rub./month.
Expected profitFrom RUB 225,000/month. (for cities with a population of 200,000 or more people)
From RUB 286,000/month. (for cities with a population of 500,000 or more people)
From RUB 338,000/month. (for cities with a population of 1 million or more people)
Primary investment for the purchase of equipment for one schoolFrom 75,000 rub.
Monthly expensesClass rental: 600 rub./lesson
Teacher's salary: 700 rubles/lesson
Teacher assistant salary: 450 rubles/lesson
Advertising: 700 rub./ attracting one student

Network of children's schools for the development of emotional intelligence "EI Children".

How to manage emotions and make informed decisions?

No. 4.

“Growth Point” is a network of centers whose main goal is to develop the child’s creative potential. The network has a successful history of franchising for 10 years.

Child development center institutions are located in 22 cities, both in the Russian Federation and in the CIS countries. On this moment 33 schools were opened.

The training program at the “Growth Point” is designed for children from 6 months to 10 years.

All children here are divided into 4 groups:

The company offers franchises three types: “Start”, “Studio” and “Children’s Center”.

Let's take a closer look at each option:

To know more information about the franchise of the children's center "Growth Point" and leave your application for cooperation on the official website.

Franchise kindergarten. Should I open a kindergarten as a franchise?

What investments are needed? Correct design business.

No. 5.

Franchise of the children's center “”

The Baby Way center has existed relatively recently, since 2016. To date, 6 branches have been opened, including in Warsaw. In Russia, the center's establishments are located in Moscow, Vladivostok, and Tyumen. Children under 7 years of age are taught according to special program

"Smart Way". During classes, teachers and educators help the child socialize, form an idea of ​​morality and develop artistic thinking. In addition, children are taught independence and the ability to defend their own opinions with respect for the views of other people. In the kindergartens of the center they monitor the nutrition of pupils and conduct classes physical culture

, keep the premises clean and fresh for the convenience of children. The environment of the chain's establishments is created in such a way that children feel comfortable, like at home.

Franchise in numbers:

The highlight of the Baby Way centers is the enhanced security system: a guarded area, entry to unauthorized people is strictly prohibited, and there is a fire alarm. In addition, parents can independently track their child while in kindergarten using a special mobile application. So, we looked at 5 options for children's center franchises available in Russia. Of course, the list doesn't end there. You can find a lot more on the Internet interesting offers

. Therefore, we advise you to also familiarize yourself with the available options. Children's center franchise - This is a profitable investment for an entrepreneur. Private institutions for children have more training and maintenance of children. In addition, many parents are forced to look for an alternative to public kindergartens due to a lack of places for children, which creates a high demand for services.

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In this material:

At the moment, “turnkey business” in Russian Federation is developing rapidly. According to statistics from the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 60% of franchise buyers are women, most of whom try to work with children's services and products. Children's franchising is convenient for those who have not been involved in business before, but want to quickly get used to it and open their own business. A children's development center is one of the most promising areas in this matter. Such centers appeared in our country relatively recently, about 5-7 years ago. As a result, the market for these services is just emerging, as a result of which investments in this area can pay off fairly quickly.

Franchise Features

A children's development center franchise allows you to organize a profitable business.

The children's center is a place where children will be given preschool education in a playful way, developing communication skills, intelligence, attention and memory. In addition, the children's center can provide Additional services

— holding holidays, lectures for parents, selling goods for children's creativity and educational toys.

Children's development centers offering franchising are, in most cases, aimed at attracting people of average income. Such centers are usually visited by children from families whose total income averages from 60 to 180 thousand rubles. Among the most common franchises are the children's centers "Polyglotiki", "Sema", "Umnichka", "Tochka Rosta" and others.

Children's Language Center "Polyglots"

Investments: Investments from 460,000 rubles. Polyglots is a federal network of Children's Language Centers, where children from 1 to 12 years old study foreign languages. The methodological Center of the company has developed unique program , thanks to training in which children begin to speak and think in foreign language . We care about the comprehensive development of our little Polyglots and offer additional classes

in mathematics, creativity, literature, natural sciences,…

Investments: Investments 323,000 - 573,000 ₽ The year of foundation of Schoolford in Omsk was 2012. Then was positioned exclusively as a center for the development of speed reading, aimed at working with preschoolers, schoolchildren and adults. However, over the next couple of years, our fame among the townspeople spread so much that, thanks to reviews from the students’ parents, children and adults from many other cities began to come to us for training.…

Sound Media Kids franchise

Investments: Investments 2,500,000 - 4,000,000 ₽

Sound Media Kids – school-studio creative development children from 1.5 to 16 years old. Part of the Sound Media group of companies. Founder - music producer - Tatyana Tur. Founded in 2014, Sound Media Kids studio school is a one-stop provider educational programs and methods where training is built as in higher education educational institution, and the children studying there are...

Open your kids club with us!

"Burakov's Children's Club" is a reliable and sustainable business in any conditions.
15 years of successful development – the best for that proof!

We don’t yet know who you are and what you do in life.

  • Perhaps you are a young and active mother who longs to fulfill herself not only as a parent, but also as a successful woman.
  • Or maybe you are a teacher who is interested in the development of children, but you are cramped in the role of a simple teacher or educator. And you want to do what you love in a fundamentally different, more high level
  • Or you are an entrepreneur looking for a sought-after business that will bring not only income, but also joy.

We will be happy to meet each of you.

But one thing we know for sure: our kids club franchise is what you need.

You can buy a children's center franchise not only in Moscow; our offer for purchasing a children's club franchise is also valid in St. Petersburg and other regions. And for small cities we have a special offer. For getting detailed information fill out the form on this page.

The franchise exists so that everything works out for you!

Don't know what and how to do? We will show and tell you exactly how to open successful children's clubs. After all, we have done this more than once. We will walk this path together, answering all your questions along the way. You will know in advance about possible errors and pitfalls in this business.

The children's development center franchise is your accurate navigator and

reliable insurance on the way to your own

children's club!

Three reasons to buy a franchise
"Burakov Children's Club"

Who doesn't make sense

buy a children's club franchise?

  • For those who are completely satisfied with their life and don’t want to change anything.
  • For those who like to constantly make the same mistakes.
  • For those who simply decided to play “cool businessman” and are not ready to work to achieve their goal.
  • For those who are afraid of everything new and stubbornly refuse to learn.

Who needs a children's center franchise?

 just necessary?

  • To everyone who longs for independence, freedom, self-realization.
  • To everyone who is tired of working for “someone else’s uncle” and realizing other people’s goals.
  • Anyone who is tired of putting off their cherished goals and dreams
  • Anyone who wants to open their own children's club, but doesn't know how to do it quickly and easily.
  • Anyone who wants to turn their passion for child development into an equally exciting business.
  • Anyone looking for a sought-after and energy-friendly business.

Our reviews

Yana Kurbatova, Head of the Burakov Children's Club in Moscow

The idea of ​​starting my own business came to me during maternity leave. At that time, I already had management experience in a French chain of beauty salons. At the age of 20, I became a director there, and then they gave me the management of another salon. In general, my career has worked out.

But I still wanted something of my own, and it was interesting to try myself in a new field. I learned about Burakov’s Children’s Club from a friend of mine. She took her child there for classes and was very pleased with the results.

I became interested, started looking for information on the Internet, and then went on Skype with a representative of the club. After talking, I realized that I was close to the approaches and values ​​of the club. I was attracted by the fact that there is a clear technology that needs to be worked on and not invent anything new, since I didn’t understand anything about it at that time.

And so I opened my own club. I'll be honest, it wasn't easy. The room is large, but there are not as many children as we would like.

Now these difficulties are behind us. I began to better understand the specifics of the club’s work. I can say with confidence: “My club is successful!” There are many clients, and their number increases every year. The children enjoy working out, the parents and we are happy with the results. And there are many clients who come to us constantly - some for 4 years, some for 3, and so on. It's nice! There are plans to open another branch so that my club can accept everyone. I think I will succeed!

Sincerely, Elena Vladimirova.

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For most parents, the development of their child is a priority. No crisis prevents them from looking for and finding opportunities so that their child is clothed, shod, fed, receives an excellent education and comprehensive development.

They don’t skimp on their own children. For them the best toys, the most delicious sweets, great holidays.

Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the increasing popularity of children's development centers.

They are increasingly of interest to parents as a chance to give their child or schoolchild something that cannot be obtained at home, in kindergarten or school. This is an absolutely remarkable form of leisure and entertainment. Here small man enters into relationships with children like him, and there are teachers here too, but the approach to education is significantly different. Even after spending a minimum of time here, the child still receives benefits: new knowledge, new skills with a strictly individual approach.

In addition, the centers themselves are created in certain areas:

  • sports – gymnastics, dancing, martial arts;
  • development of intelligence in children;
  • art schools - choreography, drawing (with pencils, paints, even sand), singing.

And there are centers where several directions are represented at once. And groups are formed here all year round and, what is very important, by interests, by age: from two to 18 years.

Important! The services of such centers are often used instead of visiting, wanting the baby to develop intellectually and physically. Especially when mom doesn't go to work.

Children's centers are of particular interest to entrepreneurs. Such popular services cannot but generate income.

  • investments - from 3 million rubles;
  • lump sum payment - 500 thousand;
  • royalty - 5%;
  • payback - from 14 months.

"KidBurg"– network franchise playgrounds for children.

  • initial investment - 60 million rubles;
  • lump sum fee - depends on the form of the chosen franchise;
  • royalty - individually;
  • payback - from 3 years.

"Children's Products Center".

– these are happy customers every day, these are only trusted suppliers of toys, clothes and other goods.

  • investments – 29,000 rubles;
  • payback period is one and a half months.

"Faraday"- franchise of the club of young chemists.

We opened a club and got almost real chemicals. laboratory. All club members are always delighted with chemical experiments which they conduct themselves.

"COSMOS"– trampoline center franchise.

Jumping on trampolines serves as both sport and fitness for the active part of the population, and for children it is great entertainment, almost an attraction. So it’s worth opening a trampoline center, and there will be no end to visitors.

* The calculations use average data for Russia

IN last years In Russia there is a boom in the opening of children's development centers. Entrepreneurs are spurred on by government support and growing demand for quality services from parents who spare no expense on the preschool education of their children. To open a children's center as a franchise, you will need from 800 thousand to 3.5 million rubles of investment. To join one of the network brands, you will need to make a contribution from 170 thousand to 1.1 million rubles.

Against the backdrop of how the concept of free public education It is increasingly losing the trust of parents; private centers and clubs for children are developing. Their number is growing every year thanks to the gradually leveling demographic situation and government support. The government realized that without the help of business the problem of shortage of places in kindergartens cannot be solved and began to provide more active support to entrepreneurs who run educational activities for child care and programs preschool education. Organizing a children's center has become easier. Relaxations, for example, affected the opening of child development centers in residential buildings, and regional programs have started in many regions material support business in the form of subsidies.

What is so remarkable about children's clubs? If kindergartens are mainly aimed at “keeping an eye” on children, then clubs are focused on development. If you believe their creators, then after completing courses and regular visits, the child turns almost into a genius and certainly a “winner in life.” Many centers are trying to popularize the idea expressed by Masaru Ibuki that “after three it’s too late,” or the arguments of scientists who claim that before the age of 6, the human brain is most receptive to information. At an early age, they try to instill in the child all the skills for life through the development of creative qualities and learning in the form educational game. The principle is most often based on a change in types of activities, which alternately work to develop erudition, attention, hearing, fine motor skills, emotional intelligence, etc. In a word, the result is small individuals who can reason, defend their opinions and at the same time get along well with other people.

The business of opening children's development centers is certainly attractive for its social usefulness. Such institutions are usually opened by people who are passionate about the upbringing and education of children and by parents who are often themselves faced with problems of child development. The owners of the centers note that the economic situation in the country is not very favorable for this business. Moms and dads refuse to save on the development of their children. The majority of children's clubs' clients are children from families with above-average incomes, but the audience is constantly expanding. Potential clients children's centers are people from 20 to 55 years old with children from 1 year to 17 years old. Children's clubs attract customers with convenient work schedules and year-round recruitment. Among the purely material advantages we can mention such a fact as the length of the relationship with each client. Depending on the volume of courses and the desire of parents, training can be conducted from 1-2 months to several years.

Opening a children's center as a franchise. What you need to know

The franchise is designed to speed up the process of opening a children's club for its customers as much as possible. The franchisee receives not only the brand, but also ready-made technologies and company operating methods. The first step is to find out whether the territory is free to open a franchise - the network may have existing franchisees or its own branches in the selected city. The contract is concluded for a period of 5 years. You should immediately pay attention to what conditions apply to its extension in order to avoid surprises in the future. For example, the Baby Club network charges 20% of the current franchise cost for contract renewal, and the owners of Kroshka Ru centers charge a 50% lump sum fee.

Any franchise is a voluminous package of information that may or may not be very useful. The potential franchisee may be provided with a lot of disparate documents that are difficult to understand, or vice versa - carefully compiled step by step guide. The essence of the franchise is to convey in an accessible and systematized form the amount of knowledge and algorithms necessary to start a business, and not to overwhelm a person unnecessary information. Oral consultations must be provided on any issue. The most developed companies have special employees for these purposes who have worked in business for several years. After the launch, the partner should not be left to chance. Communication should be maintained by any means: communication via the Internet, holding webinars and trainings, franchisee conventions to exchange experiences, etc. The creators of some developed networks are often the authors themselves. teaching methods, therefore, the head office often transfers new educational literature to partners, sends corporate newspapers and current articles on the topic of children's education.

Choosing one center or another is also a recognition of the training program that the network follows. The vast majority of clubs strive to stand out with their methods, but in reality it turns out that often the centers only hide behind the big names of scientists and personalities known for their work in the field child development like Maria Montessori. Trying to cover as many areas as possible, many centers do not know what to grab onto, while simultaneously developing kindergartens, leisure centers and clubs with dancing, modeling and other things. It is important here that the club, in pursuit of fashion and the latest trends, did not relegate the children themselves to the background. The best way to start is to attend the classes yourself and see how the process is structured. Many networks have open classes and lessons that are easy to attend.

Ready ideas for your business

Franchise owners must help franchisees select premises. What does this mean? What is meant here is not the search process itself. The head office usually provides only the search criteria, including the size of the area and location. If we're talking about about the format game room or a studio for mini-groups, then 30-50 sq. m. may be enough. meters, but if you mean a full-fledged center, then you will need from 80 to 200 or more square meters. meters. Increased security requirements apply to the premises. In addition to fire alarms, franchisors may require the installation of video surveillance and panic button. Unauthorized people should not enter the building. All design standards are usually borrowed from the network. Warm, but not flashy colors, atmosphere home comfort and the absence of corners and dangerous structures - attention is paid to every detail. The franchisee is given a list necessary equipment and furniture. For the convenience of parents, car parking is often required. Among other things, the network also conveys the rules for visiting the club, for example, children must have replacement shoes or a ban on sick children visiting the club. Centers usually do not have nurses on their staff, so the attention to all these little details is doubly high. Some clubs even place a major emphasis on health and safety. Eco-club "Umnichka", in particular, emphasizes its environmental friendliness: cork floors, linen curtains, the use natural furniture made of rattan and Karelian birch, fabric hypoallergenic rugs and interactive whiteboards, thanks to which children can avoid inhaling chalk dust. Air purifiers can also be installed in children's clubs. Increased requirements also affect water quality.

One of the most complex tasks, the solution of which franchisors will only partially contribute to, is the selection of employees. To work in a children's club you need to meet many criteria. Must have higher education, be able to work with children and communicate with their parents. Not all teachers are accustomed to constantly tinkering with kids in dough, sand or plasticine and doing other intricate things that employers require of them. Franchisors can provide interview instructions and provide an image of the ideal candidate, but no one can find him for the franchisee. It is recommended that the company's employees should be paid at a level higher than what local kindergarten teachers receive. This way you can attract employees. Unfortunately, the growth of the children's center market has also negative side. People have the idea that every mother who does not have one is able to take it on. teacher education. This fact reduces public confidence in clubs.

When launching a franchise center, the entrepreneur does not have to think through it from scratch marketing strategy. Companies will help launch their own website on the subdomain of the main resource and provide the partner with ready-made layouts of advertising materials. The main source of clients is the Internet. Works well contextual advertising in search engines and targeted advertising on social networks. Part of the influx of customers is ensured with the help of a call center, which can be provided free of charge. Certainly, the best advertising children's centers creates word of mouth. Therefore, private networks are always focused on the quality of services and try to avoid all the disadvantages that are inherent in public kindergartens, for example, collecting hidden fees for repairs, textbooks, new furniture And so on.

As in any educational sphere Children's clubs are affected by factors such as seasonality. The largest flow of customers is observed from September to May, and during the holiday season, franchisors recommend creating a financial safety net - attendance drops sharply during this period.

Franchises of development centers. Offers and prices

Competition among children's development centers is increasing, and more and more network players are entering the market with their offers. The most large networks have centers “Sema” and “Baby Club”. The Sema network has more than 300 centers and is represented not only in Russia, but also in Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Cyprus. The centers operate in the formats of a family club, a mini-kindergarten, a 24-hour kindergarten, an extended day group and a short-term stay group. The company has development programs for children from 6 months to children school age. The Baby Club has a wide international network of more than 250 centers, developing the early development of children from 8 months to 7 years and kindergartens. The main part of the clubs is located in Moscow, the Moscow region, St. Petersburg and Samara, but there are representative offices in many other cities of Russia, as well as abroad - in Kazakhstan and the UAE. There are also several offers on the market from networks that are inferior in scale of development.

Franchisors designate investments in the opening of children's centers in a variety of ways. The minimum starting amount varies from 300 to 3.5 million rubles. This indicator may depend on many elements, starting with the format of the center, the volume of the room and the region of opening. Sometimes companies separately sell only instructions for starting a business - for those who want to operate independently under their own brand. For example, such a package, worth 150 thousand rubles, is sold by the children's development center "Growth Point".

In order to join one of the network brands, you will need from 170 thousand to 1.1 million rubles - this is the range in the cost of franchises. Children's clubs set royalties as a fixed amount for the entire period of cooperation or for a certain period. For example, the Kroshka Ru chain increases the amount of payments after the first and second half of the year, and the Tochka Rosta company, on the contrary, gradually weakens its financial obligations. Network partners will have to pay from 4 to 36 thousand rubles monthly for the right to use the brand. As for the payback, the shortest period, as well as the amount of required investment, is indicated by the Sema development center - from 4 to 8 months. Within six months, the franchise of the Kroshka Ru network in the office format will also pay for itself. Other companies indicate payback periods of 1-2 years. Detailed indicators of these and other franchises can be seen in the table.

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Speed ​​reading schools

Some similar franchises in the field of education include offerings from speed reading schools. Speed ​​reading schools represent a new, still unoccupied niche, which is also beginning to be explored by network projects. The goal of such schools is similar to the goals of development centers. Speed ​​reading methods are used to sharpen the intellect. With their help they train attention, speed of thought, memory, enrich lexicon, develop speech and instill the ability to clearly express their thoughts. The audience of such schools is mainly children preschool age, but there are also classes for older people. For example, the school of speed reading IQ007 has lesson methods for ages from 4 to 60 years.

The advantage of such franchises is that they have virtually no competitors. Therefore, in many cities, entrepreneurs can count on the exclusivity of their services. Teaching classes using this method does not require much training. According to Shamil Akhmadullin’s School of Speed ​​Reading, only 3 days are enough for the learning process. Compared to development centers, much less investment will be required to open (in theory - up to 850 thousand rubles), and you can achieve payback already after 3 months of work.

The IQ007 company has a wide network with representation in 55 cities in Russia and the CIS. You can open your own speed reading school under this brand even in cities with a population of less than 100 thousand inhabitants. Depending on size settlement you will need from 200 to 850 thousand rubles of starting capital and from 169 to 645 thousand rubles as a lump sum contribution to the franchisor. In the first year of operation, IQ007 franchisees will be required to pay 10 thousand rubles monthly, in the second year – 12 thousand rubles, and from the third year – 15 thousand rubles. A retail and office building or basement is suitable for a school, provided there is daylight. total area must be at least 30 sq. meters, and individual offices - from 15 sq. meters. The most acceptable option, according to business owners, is 50 sq. meters.

The Shamil Akhmadullin School of Speed ​​Reading network, the head of which is known for his bestseller “Speed ​​Reading for Children,” also has a franchise. The institution is intended for students from 6 to 17 years old, and the author’s methods have been certified and recommended for organizing general and additional education. To open a representative office, in theory, you will need from 300 to 850 thousand rubles. The size of the lump sum and royalty directly depends on the size of the city. The lowest prices apply to cities with a population of less than 300 thousand inhabitants (200 thousand and 20 thousand rubles, respectively), the highest for cities with a population of over a million (700 thousand and 50 thousand rubles).

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