Job description for a paramedic at an industrial enterprise. Job responsibilities of a school paramedic. Responsibilities of a paramedic in an emergency room in a clinic

Job description for a paramedic at an industrial enterprise.  Job responsibilities of a school paramedic.  Responsibilities of a paramedic in an emergency room in a clinic
Job description for a paramedic at an industrial enterprise. Job responsibilities of a school paramedic. Responsibilities of a paramedic in an emergency room in a clinic

The most common entrance exams:

  • Russian language
  • Mathematics ( a basic level of)
  • Biology - specialized subject, at the choice of the university
  • Chemistry - at the university's choice

Animal world is a supplier of many products for people, without which it is difficult to imagine modern life. Animal husbandry helps meet primary nutritional needs. This industry requires a skillful approach to organize the raising of animals with minimal costs and maximum output without harming the environment.

Specialty 36.03.02 “Zootechnics” is studying the problems associated with this important task. This includes providing for animals optimal conditions for growth and selection of quality food for them. Professionals are engaged in breeding young animals, breeding work and quality control finished products.

Admission conditions

The answer to the question of what subjects will have to be taken when applying for this major becomes obvious:

Future profession

A young professional with a bachelor's degree can perform many of the tasks that are important to keeping livestock companies running. He will be taught the skills needed to run businesses. different directions. This can be productive livestock farming, which supplies the market with numerous essential goods. Alternatively, you can engage in teaching work or supervise research projects.

Specialists who have completed this course prepare animal feed, engage in primary processing of raw materials, monitor compliance with regulations and standards, and control technological processes.

Where to apply

Today, this direction is available in several universities in Moscow and numerous educational institutions throughout Russia:

  • Russian state agricultural university;
  • Moscow state academy veterinary medicine and biotechnology named after Scriabin;
  • State Agrarian University of the Northern Trans-Urals;
  • Orenburg State Agrarian University;
  • Voronezh State Agrarian University named after. Emperor Peter the Great.

Training period

Graduates complete the bachelor's degree program in four years, subject to full-time enrollment. Studying lasts a year longer when the student chooses a part-time, mixed or evening course.

Disciplines included in the course of study

By the end of the course, the graduate will have knowledge in the following subjects:

Acquired skills

Professionals in this field know how to perform the following tasks:

  • organize the maintenance of animals and other fauna;
  • take care of hygiene during the maintenance and transportation of living organisms;
  • provide feeding;
  • calculate the nutritional value of food and evaluate its quality;
  • breed, cross breeds;
  • work to improve the breeding structure;
  • organize nursing of young animals;
  • evaluate animals from the point of view of animal science;
  • conduct a veterinary examination of the herd;
  • engage in preventive work to prevent diseases;
  • manage animals, taking into account breeds and their psychological characteristics;
  • make forecasts of meteorological phenomena that could threaten livestock production;
  • prepare feed;
  • to plan rational use hayfields and pastures;
  • carry out primary processing of livestock raw materials;
  • evaluate the quality of livestock products;
  • organize storage of finished products and feed in compliance with standards and requirements;
  • engage in research and selection activities.

Job prospects by profession

Such specialists are in demand in the labor market. You can count on good self-realization professionally, armed with specialized knowledge and skills. The graduate of the course will be able to find employment in both state and commercial livestock enterprises. The specifics of professional tasks will be determined by the place of work.

For example, in the central regions of the country there are vacancies at enterprises that raise animals for subsequent processing. Here specialists act as livestock specialists, veterinary paramedics, geneticists. In the north of the country, you can find work in companies that focus on raising fur animals. The complex of acquired knowledge allows you to realize yourself not only in the livestock industry, but also in the field of bird breeding and beekeeping. An interesting area is dog breeding, animal exhibitions, veterinary clinics.

What do holders of a bachelor's degree do:

  • felinologist;
  • veterinary paramedic;
  • poultry farmer;
  • sheep farmer;
  • dog handler;
  • goat farmer;
  • horse breeder;
  • beekeeper;
  • pig farmer

In this area, wage levels vary. On average, you can count on 25-30 thousand in domestic currency. But it all depends on the chosen direction. There are rarer specialties that are highly valued on the market. For example, the earnings of doctors in private veterinary clinics are good.

Advantages of Master's Degree Studies

For a university graduate with a bachelor's degree, prospects expand if he does not stop there. Great opportunities opens development master's program. It involves comprehending world experience in animal science. Deepening knowledge is accompanied by active practical activities, which has special weight for further employment.

Since the master's degree is inextricably linked with research activities, then the student can choose a scientific path for himself. He will subsequently successfully become a graduate student if he discovers an inclination for research. Alternatively, you can get a job in a breeding laboratory. Another way professional development- teaching activities.

Animal science (from Zoo... and Greek téchnē - art, skill)

the science of breeding, feeding, keeping and correct use agricultural animals for obtaining from them is possible more high-quality products at the lowest cost of labor and money. Z. generalizes knowledge about animal husbandry (See Animal Husbandry) and develops theory and practical techniques running this industry. The term "Z." appeared in 1848 (proposed by the French scientist J. Bodeman, who defined Z. as “the science of the technology of living machines”). Modern farming, developing the most economical technology for the production of livestock products based on mechanization and automation production processes, widely used exact sciences and computing technology, is based on the sciences that study biological features agricultural animals ( general biology, anatomy, histology, embryology, physiology, biochemistry, genetics, etc.), and sciences closely related to agriculture - veterinary medicine, agronomy, agricultural organization. production, etc. Like other sciences, Z. uses historical, comparative, experimental, statistical, and other research methods. Divided into general and private. General agriculture develops the basics of breeding, feeding, keeping, and using all the main types and breeds of agricultural products. animals. Private farming is developing technology for running livestock industries. General farming, in turn, is divided into sections: breeding, feeding, and keeping animals. The main content of the section on agricultural breeding. animals are issues of qualitative improvement and quantitative growth of the number of domestic animals, as well as the search and study of new ways of human influence on domestic animals. Improving the breeding qualities and productivity (meat, dairy, eggs, wool, etc.) of existing animal breeds and breeding new breeds is achieved by breeding work (selection, selection of animals, intrabreeding, crossbreeding, hybridization, etc.), the theory and practice of which is developed by science about agricultural breeding animals. Section Z. on feeding agricultural products. animals develops methods of standardized feeding based on research into the needs of animals nutrients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, etc.) and studying chemical composition and nutritional value of feed. Section Z. on the contents of agriculture. develops methods of keeping animals (stall, free-stall, group, etc.), studies the effectiveness of these methods and the possibility of using mechanization and automation of labor-intensive processes in livestock farms

(see also Animal Hygiene). Historical reference. Animal science developed along with the growth of livestock farming. In the era of primitive animal husbandry, ancient peoples developed simple recommendations on how to raise and use animals. From scientists and writers there are zootechnical generalizations concerning the patterns of growth and development of animals, the selection and evaluation of animals for the tribe according to external forms, origin and even the quality of the offspring (Roman writer Varro, 1st century BC); the doctrine of the constitution of animals originates (Greek physician Hippocrates and Greek historian Xenophon, 5-4 centuries BC); recommendations appear on the issues of feeding animals, caring for them, raising young animals, obtaining mules, etc.; the concept of the breed is formed. In the Middle Ages, due to the widespread use of horses in the army, special studies about horses appeared (a treatise by the Arab scientist Abu Bekr on the exterior of a horse, 14th century, etc.). Since the 17th century. With the transition from a natural feudal economy to a commodity capitalist economy, when livestock farming began to specialize in the production of individual products, attempts were made to develop feeding standards for agricultural crops. animals (German scientists A. Thayer, J. Liebig, etc.), improve methods of breeding work with livestock (English breeders R. Beckwell, C. and R. Colling, etc.).

At the end of the 18th - beginning of the 19th centuries. high level reaches the so-called cattle breeding art. By the end of the 18th century. in Great Britain, the country of the most developed livestock farming, and by the beginning of the 19th century. and in other countries, cultural (farm) breeds of sheep, beef cattle, pigs and horses are being created, which did not lose their importance in the 2nd half of the 20th century. The development of zootechnical knowledge of this period was facilitated by the works of French scientists: J. L. Buffon, who developed the theory of crossing in animal husbandry, close to the modern one; K. Burgela, one of the first authors of the doctrine of exterior; A. Weckerlin, one of the creators of the theory of “constancy” (stability) of rocks. The development of land had a huge impact evolutionary doctrine C. Darwin, set out mainly in his work “The Origin of Species...”. (1859). The basis of Darwin's theory - the doctrine of selection - became the theoretical prerequisite for the work of livestock breeders in breeding cultivated breeds of animals. In the 2nd half of the 19th century. Works on animal husbandry appeared that made extensive use of Darwin’s teachings: “Lectures on Cattle Breeding and the Knowledge of Breeds” by the German scientist G. Nathusius (1872), “Cattle Breeding” by the German scientist G. Zettegast (1881), etc. Selection and crossing became the main ways to improve animals and the creation of new breeds, but zootechnical work remained spontaneous, because the reasons for the variability of organisms were not known. In the 20th century achievements of genetics penetrate into the theory and practice of animal husbandry (See Genetics). Genetics has contributed to a deeper understanding of the phenomena of heredity and the accumulation of information about the patterns of inheritance of individual traits in agriculture. animals, as a result of which the art of cattle breeding received a scientific basis.

In the development of history in the 1st half of the 20th century. great contributions were made by: the German scientist K. Kronacher, the author of numerous works on general animal husbandry; Swiss scientist U. Durst - author of a fundamental guide to cattle breeding; English scientist J. Hammond is the author of original works on the growth and development of agriculture. animals, biology of reproduction, lactation, etc.; American scientists E. Davenport, S. Wright, J. Lush, V. Rais and others are the authors of valuable studies on agricultural breeding. animals based on the achievements of population genetics. In the development of the doctrine of agricultural feeding. animals, a significant contribution was made by: the German scientist O. Kellner, who gave a scientific assessment of the nutritional value of feed based on their productive effect and proposed a unit of nutritional value of feed - Starch equivalent; American scientist G. Armsby, who introduced the energy unit for assessing the nutritional value of food - therm; Danish scientist N. Fjord and Swedish scientist N. Hanson, who developed the Scandinavian feed unit, transformed in 1915 into a single Scandinavian feed unit, which is still used in Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Iceland and Finland.

The successes of farming in Russia are associated with the development of livestock farming. In the 18th - early 19th centuries. Specialized dairy breeds of cattle (Kholmogory, etc.), meat and wool breeds of sheep, early maturing breeds of pigs, fast-gaited breeds of horses (Orlov Trotter, etc.), egg-laying and meat breeds of chickens were created, and many previously created animal breeds were improved. Under Peter I, new stud farms and breeding sheepfolds of fine-fleece sheep were organized, and purchases of pedigree livestock began in England and Holland. From the middle of the 19th century. issues of livestock husbandry begin to be taught in home economics courses at higher educational institutions: Moscow University, St. Petersburg Medical-Surgical Academy, etc. In 1848, the first higher agricultural education was opened in Russia. educational institution - the Gory-Goretsky Agricultural Institute (now the Belarusian Agricultural Academy), in 1865 - the Petrovsky Agricultural and Forestry Academy (now the Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K. A. Timiryazev), where animal husbandry was taught in the course agronomy, and then independently.

In the 2nd half of the 19th - early 20th centuries. appear major works according to the history of Russian scientists: N. P. Chirvinsky, P. N. Kuleshov, M. I. Pridorogin, E. A. Bogdanov, M. F. Ivanov, A. A. Maligonov and others, who laid the foundations of modern domestic history These works contained extensive material on the origin, distribution, economic characteristics and measures for improving domestic agricultural breeds. animals, research on issues of growth and development, exterior and constitution, productivity, breeding methods, standardized feeding of animals, etc. An important contribution to animal health was the development by I. I. Ivanov (and later by V. K. Milovanov and others) of the artificial method insemination of animals, found wide application in domestic and foreign agriculture. practice. The socialist reconstruction of agriculture in the USSR created a production base for the implementation of its achievements in agriculture. production. The development of agriculture was facilitated by the organization in 1929 of the All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Sciences named after V.I. Lenin (VASKhNIL) and in its system the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Animal Husbandry (VIZH); as well as a wide network of industry research institutes, experimental stations and laboratories; publication of special magazines.

Many problems of cattle were developed in the works of Soviet scientists: E. F. Liskun (breeding and feeding cattle); M. M. Zavadovsky (hormonal method of increasing the fertility of sheep and cows); D. A. Kislovsky (theory of animal breeding); M. I. Dyakova and I. S. Popova (studying the nutritional value of feed and developing the theory of feeding farm animals); V. O. Vitta (original research on horse breeding) and others. P. N. Kuleshov, M. F. Ivanov and others developed scientific methods breeding new breeds of animals, thereby actively contributing to the radical breed transformation of the country's livestock industry. In the USSR (by 1970), over 60 new highly productive factory breeds of animals were bred, most of them were significantly improved local breeds and groups of animals; Work is underway to create specialized meat breeds. The number of breed livestock (cattle, pigs, sheep, etc.) has almost doubled since 1916. The productivity of commercial herds has increased, and the production of basic livestock products has increased significantly. Methods of factory breeding of animals continue to be improved based on deepening knowledge about the biological essence of purebred breeding as the main method of breeding work, and the most advanced method of working with the breed has been created - Line Breeding. The presence of highly productive and valuable breeding breeds. animals discovered ample opportunities for the use of various forms of crossbreeding (See Crossbreeding) in animal husbandry. For successful breeding work in the USSR, a unified government system assessments (grading) of all types of agricultural animals based on a set of characteristics to determine their utility and breeding value (abroad, this system has its own characteristics).

Thanks to the efforts of Soviet and foreign scientists, many theoretical problems of animal breeding were developed: the doctrine of animal breeds and practical use various forms selection and selection; the problem of biological essence and application in breeding work Inbreeding (inbreeding) and Heterosis (phenomena of hybrid vigor during crossing and hybridization); exterior problem ( external forms) and the constitution of animals and their connection with the productivity and vitality of animals (certain connections between external forms and development and functions have been established internal organs, as well as with productivity); problem of animal growth and development (Ontogeny) and much more. Work on the study of genetic processes occurring in agricultural populations. animals, carried out by Soviet researchers S.S. Chetverikov, I.I. Shmalgauzen, A.S. Serebrovsky, N.P. Dubinin and others, made it possible to identify patterns of inheritance of economically useful agricultural traits. animals, without knowledge of which it is impossible to plan the breeding process, to develop a methodology for assessing the hereditary qualities of breeding sires.

In the field of agricultural feeding. animals, the works of E. A. Bogdanov, M. I. Dyakov and I. S. Popov became fundamental in the USSR. Under Bogdanov's leadership, the Soviet Feed Unit was developed to assess the overall nutritional value of feed. Based on the study of local feed resources, the chemical composition of feed, their digestibility, calorie content and biological value, as well as the study of physiological and biochemical processes in the body of animals, the needs of all types of agricultural products were established. animals in nutrients. M.I. Dyakov and I.S. Popov developed domestic feeding standards for all types of agricultural products. animals and feed nutritional tables have been created, on the basis of which feed rations are compiled (See Feed ration). The energy side of metabolism has been studied and the calorie content of feed has been established, which makes it possible to normalize feeding according to energy value(calorie content) of feed. The basics of amino acid, vitamin and mineral nutrition of animals were studied and approaches were found to control the metabolism in the body of animals. The study of the amino acid composition of proteins made it possible to balance diets according to the amino acid composition of feed. Recipes for protein substitutes are being developed (urea, ammonium bicarbonate, and many others); mixtures of concentrates are created - Compound feed , granulated feed, introduced various recipes complete feed for different types animals; measures to increase are widely used nutritional value roughage (hay, straw, silage, etc.) - ensiling, yeasting, chilling, chemical preservation, accelerated drying, preserving vitamins, etc. Animal growth and fattening stimulants are widely used - antibiotics, estrogens, tissue preparations, growth substances, etc. . Extensive research is carried out on the specifics of feeding young animals, adult animals and breeding producers; feeding animals during fattening and fattening, during milking of highly productive cows, etc.

In the field of agricultural content. animals in the USSR and abroad developed various systems and methods (stall and free-stall housing of cattle, large-group housing of pigs, cage and free-range housing of poultry, etc.). Optimal zoohygienic conditions for keeping animals indoors are determined various types in different climatic zones. Labor organization systems and methods of mechanization and automation of production processes on livestock farms are being improved.

The successful solution of the main problems of zootechnical science has become the basis for a significant increase in livestock farming and contributes to the transition of leading branches of agriculture to industrial technology production of livestock products (see Animal husbandry, Cattle breeding, Sheep farming, Pig farming, Poultry farming and other livestock sectors).

Modern problems Z. are closely related to the achievements of related biological disciplines (physiology, biology, immunology) and population genetics, thanks to which research on blood proteins, milk, chicken eggs etc. in order to clarify their variability, hereditary conditionality, connection with the viability and productivity of animals. Research has established that such characteristics as the fat and protein content in cattle milk, the weight of chicken eggs, the quality of pig carcasses, the fineness of sheep wool, etc. high degree heritability and for their rapid improvement it is enough simple techniques mass selection of animals for these characteristics. And such traits as vitality, fertility, milk yield of dairy cattle, egg-laying intensity of chickens, etc., have low heritability and to successfully improve them, more complex methods of breeding work are needed (taking into account the origin of animals, the quality of the offspring obtained from them, identifying the best compatibility of pairs and etc.). The immunogenetic features of animal blood groups are being studied even more widely, on the basis of which the origin of animals can be determined in controversial cases. Based on the principles of population genetics for applied animal breeding, such important concepts as selection differential, selection index, etc. have been formulated. Major research on problems related to population genetics has been carried out in the USA (J. Lush, S. Wright), in the UK (A . Robertson) and Sweden (I. Johanson). Scientists from the USSR, USA, Great Britain, Canada, New Zealand, Japan and other countries pay a lot of attention to the problem of the interaction of genotype and environment, deciphering the concept of blood compatibility, etc. Methods are being studied in the USSR, USA, Sweden, New Zealand, East Germany and other countries selection of animals for product quality and payment for feed. In some countries (the Netherlands, etc.), prices for milk are set depending on the fat and protein content in it, which was facilitated by the widespread introduction of colorimetric methods for analyzing milk for its protein content. Many countries have developed effective methods(using ultrasonic devices) intravital assessment of the quality of pig carcasses, allowing not only to measure the thickness of the backfat, but also the area of ​​the “muscle eye”. In pig farming and broiler poultry farming, selection to improve the cost of feed has proven to be effective.

In some countries, research is underway to increase the hereditary resistance of animals to diseases, especially infectious ones. Breeding experiments were carried out on chickens (in the USA), with the help of which it was possible to develop lines resistant to coccidiosis, white diarrhea of ​​chickens, and leukemia. Many zootechnical institutions of the USSR, USA and Europe are working on the problem of the importance of amino acids, vitamins, enzymes, antibiotics and microelements of the diet in the formation of animal productivity; intensively study the effect of biostimulants on the growth and development of animals.

Extensive research is being carried out in the USSR and abroad in the field of feeding and keeping animals. In connection with the creation of large livestock complexes for raising and fattening animals (“meat and milk factories”), the construction of poultry farms for tens of thousands of laying hens, etc. the most advanced methods of keeping animals are being developed, effective modes lighting and ventilation livestock premises, new methods of mechanization and automation of labor-intensive processes in animal husbandry (feeding animals, especially in fattening shops, cleaning livestock buildings, etc.).

IN scientific development problems Z. are increasingly used modern methods research (chromatography, X-ray photometry, the use of radiant energy, labeled atoms, etc.), machine computing technology is being introduced. Many problems of protection are being developed in the USSR and foreign countries in parallel.

Zootechnical education, scientific institutions, seal. By the early 1970s. Z. in the USSR was taught at the zootechnical faculties of 66 agricultural. institutes that train highly qualified livestock specialists, and in 256 agricultural technical schools producing livestock specialists intermediate qualification. Research work on zoology is carried out at the zootechnical faculties of higher education institutions. educational institutions, at the All-Union Research Institute of Animal Husbandry and industry research institutes, at experimental stations and in special laboratories. Coordinates research work on agriculture. All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Sciences named after V. I. Lenin (VASKhNIL). The most important scientific institutions on animal husbandry abroad: Institute of Animal Breeding (Rostock, GDR); Institute of Animal Feeding named after. Kellner (Rostock, GDR); Higher agricultural Cambridge University School (Cambridge, UK); Institute of Animal Genetics in Scotland (Edinburgh); S.-kh. science Center US Department of Agriculture (Beltsville); Institute of Dairy Farming in the Netherlands (Wageningen); Institute of Animal Genetics in Sweden (Viad); National Institute of Animal Husbandry of Japan (Shiba-Shi).

Scientific and production journals are published in the USSR: “Animal Husbandry” (since 1939), “Agriculture Abroad. Livestock" (since 1955) and industry magazines. All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Information and Technical and Economic Research on agriculture periodically publishes collections of information on health issues in foreign countries. Issues of agricultural development abroad are covered: in Great Britain - “Journal of Agricultural Science” (Camb., since 1905); “Journal of Reproduction and Fertility” (Oxf., since 1960); in the USA “Journal of Dairy Science” (Bait., since 1917); "Journal of Animal Science" (Menasha, since 1942); in France - “Compte rendu, hebdomadaire des séances de l"Académie d"agriculture de France" (P., since 1915); in Sweden - “Acta agriculturae scandinavica” (Stockh., since 1950); in Japan - “Japanese Journal of Zootechnical Science” (Tokyo, since 1923); in Bulgaria - “Animal Science” (Sofia, since 1964); in the GDR - “Archiv für Tierzucht” (V., since 1958); in Germany - “Tierzüchter” (Hannover, since 1949), etc.

Lit.: Kuleshov P.N., Theoretical works on livestock breeding, M., 1947; Chirvinsky N.P., General animal husbandry, 5th ed., part 2, M., 1926; Pridorogin M.I., Exterior. Assessment of farm animals by external inspection, 7th ed., M., 1949; Bogdanov E. A., Izbr. soch., M., 1949; Liskun E.F., Cattle, M., 1951; Popov I.S., Feeding farm animals, 9th ed., M., 1957; Kislovsky D. A., Izbr. soch., M., 1965; Ivanov M.F., Full. collection soch., vol. 1-7, M., 1963-65; Dmitrochenko A.P., Pshenichny P.D., Feeding farm animals, Leningrad, 1964; Borisenko E. Ya., Breeding farm animals, 4th ed., M., 1967.

E. Ya. Borisenko.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .
