Research pedagogical activity. Research activity as a factor in the development of a teacher and a student. Monitoring the progress of the Project implementation implies

Research pedagogical activity. Research activity as a factor in the development of a teacher and a student. Monitoring the progress of the Project implementation implies

1.1 Essence and content of research activities

To clarify and concretize the concept of research activity, we studied such concepts as "activity" and "research".

Activity - the process (processes) of active interaction of the subject with the world, during which the subject satisfies any of his needs. An activity can be called any activity of a person, to which he himself attaches some meaning.

The concept of activity Activity can be defined as a specific type of human activity aimed at cognition and creative transformation of the surrounding world, including oneself and the conditions of one's existence.

The study, in contrast to the spontaneous forms of cognition of the surrounding world, is based on the norm of activity - the scientific method. Its implementation involves the awareness and fixation of the purpose of the study, the means of research (methodology, approaches, methods, techniques), the orientation of the study to the reproducibility of the result.

The purpose of research activity is always to obtain new knowledge about our world - this is its fundamental difference from educational, educational and cognitive activities: research always involves the discovery of a certain problem, a certain contradiction, a white spot that needs to be studied and explained, therefore it begins with a cognitive needs, search motivation. New knowledge can be both private and general in nature. This is either a pattern, or knowledge about a detail, about its place in a particular pattern.

According to the definition of I. A. Zimnyaya and E. A. Shashenkova, research activity is “a specific human activity, which is regulated by the consciousness and activity of the individual, is aimed at satisfying cognitive, intellectual needs, the product of which is new knowledge obtained in accordance with the goal and in accordance with objective laws and existing circumstances that determine the reality and attainability of the goal. Determining specific methods and means of action, through posing a problem, isolating the object of study, conducting an experiment, describing and explaining the facts obtained in the experiment, creating a hypothesis (theory), predicting and verifying the knowledge gained, determine the specifics and essence of this activity.

A. I. Savenkov, emphasizing that the foundation of exploratory behavior is the mental need for search activity in an uncertain situation, gives a different definition: “Research activity should be considered as a special type of intellectual and creative activity generated as a result of the functioning of search activity mechanisms and built based on exploratory behavior. It logically includes motivating factors (search activity) of exploratory behavior and mechanisms for its implementation.

When organizing research activities, many teachers believe that if a student goes through the traditional stages of scientific research, then this kind of organized activity changes him personally. We believe that this is not at all the case. This position is external to the development of the student's personal experience. With this approach, it is highly likely that in the implementation of the study it will remain only at the level of simplified following the stages of organizing scientific research traditionally accepted in science. By the way, we note that it is necessary to separate the design of scientific work in accordance with the accepted form and the actual construction of scientific research. Most of the discoveries of mankind have never been built in a strictly defined logic and sequence of the stages discussed, and the results of a significant part of them, moreover, have never been designed in such a way! From our point of view, the planning and implementation of the stages of scientific research is an important part of the systematic work to introduce the student to science, but not the essence of this educational technology.

In its essence, research activity involves an active cognitive position associated with periodic and prolonged internal search, deeply meaningful and creative processing of information of a scientific nature, the work of thought processes in a special mode of analytical and prognostic properties, action through “trial and error”, insight, personal and personal discoveries! In this it differs from heuristic and problem-based learning, being in close relationship with them and one group of educational technologies.

Working in a broader value and instrumental field of any educational paradigm (for example, knowledge), teachers involuntarily transfer its main features and properties to various types of educational activities, including the organization of educational research.

When changing from one educational paradigm to another, the emphasis in the organization of most types of educational activities should change significantly. But this happens very slowly, because the differences at the level of specific actions are not always obvious to the teacher and the old stereotypes are strong. So it turns out that teachers declare student-centered approaches to learning, but in fact they implement the old methods and methods of work in many activities.

In general terms, research activity is considered as an activity, the result of which is the creation of new material and spiritual values. A look at this problem from the point of view of developmental psychology and pedagogy reveals the need to clarify such an interpretation. First of all, it concerns effectiveness as the main characteristic of research activity. From this point of view, children's play, for example, does not create value in the common sense of the word. And yet we are talking about creative play, about the ability of children to look at the world around them in a unique way, to transform it in their fantasies. L.S. is right. Vygotsky, who wrote that creativity manifests itself wherever a person imagines, changes, deviates from the stereotype, creates at least a grain of the new for others and for himself. Apparently, in relation to the early stages of development of children, emphasis should be placed on the subjective side of research activity, on what the child discovers and transforms in himself, in his vision of the world, regardless of the degree of awareness and external effectiveness of this process, on what he does him, a being facing the future, creating and modifying its present.

The approach of research activity as a personal property requires its analysis from different points of view:

The need-motivational side, which implies that a person has his own activity in cognition,

An internal initiative that encourages the search for something new,

Operational-technical, implying that the subject has certain skills to perform a particular activity.

After all, the more complex the creative act, the more complex its craft. And vice versa, the expansion of operational and technical skills expands the possibilities of applying creative approaches, techniques, and methods.

The approach to research activity in its age aspect also presupposes an analysis from the point of view of its development, in connection with the most essential moments of a child's life: with the nature of his leading activity. Among the works performed as the leading object activity for the early age and related to our problem, one should include the study of N.N. Palagina, who studied the development of imagination in children of the second year of life in their tentative research activities with objects. She discovered at this age elements of fantasy and creativity, which manifested themselves in the ways the child mastered actions with objects.

Despite extensive research in various fields, there is no single generally accepted definition of research activity (activity, behavior). Different authors define it differently.

The lack of a single definition of exploratory behavior is one of the manifestations of a common problem - the presence of many different definitions of the same complex construct.

The concept of research initiative is associated with a number of related concepts: "intellectual activity"; "cognitive activity"; "creativity, curiosity" and "exploratory behavior". In this regard, research initiative is on a par with such fundamental concepts as teaching, intelligence, creativity, forming an inextricable link with them.

In domestic psychology, there is a strong tradition of using the term "orienting (tentative-research) activity". At the scientific school of M.I. Lisina uses the concepts of cognitive activity" and indicates that in a number of respects it is close to the terms "curiosity" and "exploratory behavior" (or simply "research").

In addition, there is a mixed use of these terms - for example, D.B. Godovikova considers the cognitive activity of the child as a consequence of his tentative-exploratory activity in a new situation.

We believe that in relation to children, the concepts of "exploratory activity", "exploratory activity, exploratory behavior" have more in common with each other than fundamentally different. These differences consist in emphasizing one or another aspect. In the concept of "research activity" emphasize the need-motivational and energy aspect, in "research behavior" the aspect of interaction with the outside world, in "research activity" the aspect of purposefulness and purposefulness. Therefore, in the future we will use all these terms, choosing one or the other depending on the aspect of consideration.

Research, research behavior is an integral part of the behavior of any living being, a condition for its survival in a changing environment, a condition for development and even health.

The motivation for research initiative is the so-called curiosity. It is close to the concept of the need for new impressions, which L.I. Bozhovich considered as a basic need of the child, and to the concept of cognitive activity according to M.I. Lisina.

The motivation for exploratory behavior may in some cases be stronger than food and defensive ones.

Research initiative acts as a universal characteristic penetrating all types of human activity. It performs the most important functions in the development of cognitive processes at all levels, in learning, in the acquisition of social experience, in social development and personality development.

Educators-experimenters consider it important to work on the development of the child's exploratory behavior to understand the following points:

The research initiative can be manifested either by an individual child or a group of children (here you can observe reactions, interest, ways of action, how two children agree among themselves, distribute goals and means, what strategies of joint research are used)

Scientists distinguish the following groups of motives for the research initiative: “disinterested” cognitive activity, practical, educational, motives for introducing diversity into monotonous conditions that cause boredom.

At the same time, it is important to understand that the result of the implementation of these motives (respectively) will be: cognition, regardless of the solution of utilitarian practical problems, the achievement of a specific utilitarian significant result, the focus of the subject on gaining experience, changing the mood of the child.

The factor that triggers the process of research initiative is, according to the observations and conclusions of many psychologists (L.I. Bozhovich, M.I. Lisina, etc.), subjective uncertainty: the object, the situation, which manifests itself in novelty, complexity, collective conflict or inconsistency of the information received .

Psychologists refer to the means of exploratory behavior available to the child: analyzers (visual research, auditory, tactile, gustatory, etc.), natural and artificial tools; (technical means of observation, etc.); other subjects; internal mental means of exploratory behavior: instinctive programs (inborn oriented exploratory reactions); experience of the research behavior of a particular person.

According to the use of speech in exploratory behavior, verbal and non-verbal exploratory behavior are distinguished.

Knowledge questions include:

a) questions of identification (what is it? who is it?)

b) questions of classification and definitions (for example, what does this or that word mean)

c) questions about the facts and properties of things and phenomena (about quality and quantity, about time and place, about belonging, etc.)

d) questions of explanation and argumentation.

2) Socio-communicative issues include:

a) questions about intentions and activities (what will you do now?)

b) evaluation questions (what is good and what is bad?)

c) questions of confirmation and seeking help

d) rhetorical questions

e) questions of indefinite meaning.

According to the nature of motor activity, locomotive (I observe from the side, I observe moving relative to the object of study) and manipulative (what I can do with it, I study by changing the position of the object in my hands) examination.

The conditions of research behavior include physical conditions (literally, the possibility or impossibility of carrying out one or another action), social (at the macro level, society as a whole encourages certain types of research and prohibits others, determines the goals of the most important research, sets requirements for results, etc. .).

At the individual level, the adult directs the child's exploratory behavior, attracts his attention and encourages him to explore some objects and tries to create a negative attitude and forbids him to explore others. The child explores not only physical objects, but also the social relationships in which he is included.

The result of all exploratory behavior will be new information about the objects to which the research was directed (direct product), new information about other objects and other properties of the studied object that were not the subject of research; acquisition of knowledge about the research activity itself and its practical experience; cognitive and personal development of the researcher.

Thus, the essence of research activity consists in an active cognitive position associated with periodic and prolonged internal search, deeply meaningful and creative processing of information of a scientific nature, the work of thought processes in a special mode of analytical and prognostic properties.

Within the framework of elementary school, when organizing training, attention is paid to the development of such research skills of students as building hypotheses (both in the educational process and in the family, using any everyday situations, topics from textbooks), planning, organizing observations, collecting and processing information, using and transformation of information to obtain new conclusions, integration of the content of several areas of knowledge at once, cooperation, independent comprehension of newly emerging knowledge, etc., which, according to teachers, makes it possible to make the transition from the assimilation of a large amount of information to the ability to work with information, to form a creative personality. It can be noted that when working at this age stage, extracurricular activities, group and collective forms of work are most often used, and the need to organize work in the family is noted. The main direction of work includes elements of research that have "accessible novelty", tasks of a research type, work with a file cabinet.

Diagnostic techniques are intended for psychological examination and require additional specialist training. Chapter II. POSSIBILITIES OF USING PROJECT ACTIVITIES AS A MEANS OF DEVELOPING THE REFLEXIVE ABILITIES OF YOUNGER STUDENTS §1. General characteristics of the educational design method An educational project is understood as a joint reasonable planned and conscious ...

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Sections: School administration

The cardinal changes taking place in the life of Russian society, the complex tasks facing education at the present stage of the country's historical development, require a revision of views on the teacher and on the process of his professional development in the new conditions. We see that it is necessary to move from activities in which the teacher plays an instrumental role, to innovative activities, pursuing the goal of forming the creative personality of a teacher who is ready to work in a renewing and updated school, able to develop, master and use innovative projects.

The traditional paradigm of teacher professional development, in which the emphasis is on the cognitive aspect of professional activity, is becoming a thing of the past. The objective prerequisites for considering the problem of professional development of a teacher in an innovative educational environment were, firstly, the democratic transformations of the modern school, which determined the essence of innovative processes. Secondly, the search for and professional choice of a teacher in the humanistically oriented value space of modern pedagogy is relevant. Thirdly, at the present stage of development of the educational system of the Russian Federation, it is impossible not to take into account the unique experience of developing regional educational systems in the context of their socio-economic, cultural, national characteristics, regional and municipal conditions for the development of teacher professionalism.

The current situation in pedagogical theory and practice poses a number of new tasks for the Russian teacher related to the implementation of professional activities in difficult conditions of rethinking and modernizing traditional forms and methods of organizing the educational process, which greatly increases the role of the teacher's research function in an educational institution.

The organization and control of the process of improving the quality of education, the assertion of one’s style, a “professional face”, the abundance and variety of proposed alternative pedagogical solutions for the implementation of the education standard, the use of variable textbooks and programs, and the conduct of analytical, experimental work in connection with this - all this puts the teacher of the school in the position of an experimenter-researcher.

Today, hardly anyone doubts the affirmative answer to the question: is innovation, including research, a factor in the professional development of teachers? The practice of innovative activity of our teaching staff convincingly proves this.

The information and technical level of development of modern society requires the flexibility of thinking, the integration of knowledge, and the creative initiative of the individual. Today, not only versatile knowledge and education are needed, but also a constant desire to update and replenish knowledge, acquire new skills and skills of self-education. That is why one of the most important activities of the lyceum is the organization of research work of teachers and students.

After listening to lectures on the theory of pedagogical research given by the candidates of pedagogical sciences Tatiana Vladimirovna Glazkova, Ekaterina Alekseevna Angarkhaeva, the scientific director of the lyceum Tatiana Alexandrovna Malykh, having worked in creative groups, after heated discussions in October 2009, the teachers of our educational institution decided to develop and implement the project " The lyceum is the center of research activities of students and teachers.

The relevance of this project is determined by the need for the practice of education in the competent implementation of applied research, the creation of developments that allow the teacher and the student to gain knowledge about the new educational product and the process of its creation.

The analysis of documents, practical and research activities of lyceum teachers and students indicates their difficulty in designing and competently carrying out research activities.

Turning to various sources allowed us to make sure that in the modern scientific literature in the practical activities of the lyceum there are prerequisites for the emergence of such a center.

Objective of the project: creation of the necessary scientific and methodological, organizational, personnel, informational, psychological and material conditions for the development of research activities in the lyceum.

Project objectives:

  • Raising the status of research activities in the educational system of the lyceum;
  • Active introduction into pedagogical practice of the latest achievements in the field of training and education of lyceum students;
  • Identification of the most gifted lyceum students in various fields of science and development of their creative abilities;
  • Active involvement of teachers and lyceum students in the process of self-education and self-development.

Methodological basis of the project: ideas of domestic and foreign researchers about the structure and content of the research activities of the teacher and student; competence and system approaches.

The main directions of the Research Center:

  • Implementation of a system for monitoring the effectiveness of the results of research activities of teachers and students;
  • Formation and development of research competence of teachers and students;
  • Carrying out research activities and participation of teachers and students in research events;
  • Generalization and dissemination of research experience;
  • Organization of public relations.

Forms of implementation work with teachers and students of the lyceum:

  • individual (consulting, working in user mode with data banks on various media, interviews, conversations, etc.);
  • interactive (creative associations of teachers and lyceum students, theoretical and practical seminars, scientific and practical conferences, competitions, olympiads, etc.).

Monitoring the progress of the Project implementation implies:

  • tracking each stage of the projected activity;
  • reflection of each projected event;
  • diagnostics of the effectiveness of the designed activity;
  • final assessment of the Project.

Expected results of the project implementation:

  • Development of research competence of teachers and students;
  • Personal growth of teachers and lyceum students;
  • Improving the skills and abilities of independent work of lyceum students, increasing the level of knowledge and erudition in areas of interest to science.

The main activities of the Center:

  • Scientific and methodological activities of teachers;
  • Research activities of teachers;
  • Experimental activities of teachers;
  • Organization of educational and research and research work of lyceum students;
  • Organization of scientific and technical creativity of lyceum students;
  • Creation of information-methodical and managerial support for research activities in the lyceum;
  • Study and dissemination of experience in organizing research activities in the lyceum.

Over the past period, we have developed regulations on CID, LEU, studied the resource support of our project. The diagnostics of readiness of teachers for research activities was carried out. The level of readiness of teachers is high enough for the implementation of ID.

On January 19, 2009, a meeting of the Pedagogical Council "Research activities in the system of work of a teacher and class teacher with gifted children" was held.

At the lyceum training seminars, teachers considered in detail such issues as "History of methodological knowledge", "Logic of research", "Methodological apparatus of pedagogical research", "Structure of research work", "Levels of pedagogical research", "Philosophical foundations of pedagogical research", "General scientific level of pedagogical research”, “Private-scientific (pedagogical) level of research methodology”. Prepared didactic material on the logic of the study.

A literature bank on ID has been created, consisting of 36 sources. Each colleague has access to all the created didactic material on paper and electronic media. The presentation "PI Theory" was posted on the IMC website.

4 teachers went to study at IPKRO for the courses of teachers-researchers; 3 teachers passed the candidate minimum exams in the history and philosophy of science, as well as in a foreign language.

T.G. Kelman successfully performed in the regional competition of foreign language teachers held by ISLU, gave a lecture to students of this university. Under her guidance, the lyceum students studied a lot of literature on the regional studies of English-speaking countries, their culture, customs, history and national realities in the field of politics, education and social activities and won the regional quiz in English among linguistic classes and showed a costumed scene in English from the play W. Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet.

Under the guidance of teachers, our lyceum students successfully participate in research activities at the municipal, regional and all-Russian levels.

In the city NPK "Baikal Ring" seventh-grader K. Aiguzhinova (headed by Grubbe L.A., history teacher) took first place.

The lyceum also successfully performed in the city NPC "To the world of search, to the world of science." Under the guidance of 11 teachers, all 15 lyceum students won prizes. This is a breakthrough of the Lyceum. We have not had such results in recent years.

From February 26 to March 1, 2009 in the city of Usolye-Sibirskoye, on the basis of the local lyceum, the XV regional scientific and practical conference "Step into the Future, Siberia!" was held, at which our lyceum was represented by 8 students.

Diplomas of the II degree were awarded to Galina Seredkina (grade 11 A, head Yu.A. Kuzminykh, teacher of English) and Ekaterina Belik (grade 11 A, head G.M. Garanina, teacher of history and social studies) Second place in the Literature Olympiad in within the framework of the “Step into the Future, Applicant” competition, a student of grade 10 A, Daria Korolenko, who was prepared by the teacher of the Russian language M.V. of all our young researchers were published in the collection of scientific papers of the participants of the XV regional scientific and practical conference "Step into the Future, Siberia!".

Daria Shchiblitskaya, a student of grade 10 B, with the work “Motivation of the personnel of a housing maintenance enterprise in the conditions of an economic crisis” (supervisor A.I. Burmakina, teacher of economics) won the competition of creative works in the field of economics and management for students in grades 10-11, which was held on March 1, 2009 by the Department of Economics and Service Management of the Baikal State University of Economics and Law. Her work was published in the collection of scientific materials of the department. Daria was awarded a prize of 2,000 rubles.

In the All-Russian game-competition "INFOZNAIKA" in January 2009, 10 lyceum students of 7-8 grades (headed by Popova A.S.) took part, 5 of which received diplomas of winners.

For the Second All-Russian competition of local history presentations “My Russia. Great in the small” sent 11 works of lyceum students (supervisor Grubbe L.A., teacher of history, Burmakina A.I., teacher of economics). The work of Angelina Bondarenko “The influence of the family on the life and work of the Cheremkhovo artist V.N. Bardina" took second place among students in grades 9-11.

Last academic year, the Lyceum hosted the local history festival “Heritage is in our hands!”, thanks to which our Lyceum museum became the best in the city! On May 7, 2009, the jury, consisting of the chairman of the city council of veterans Kolomoets K.I., the director of the Museum of the History of Cherembass Gering M.A., a specialist in work with the youth of the city administration Gulnara Shergulova and Nastya Sorokina, the winner of the regional NPC, highly appreciated the research projects of lyceum students .

On May 18, 2009, the lyceum competition of Power Point presentations "Creative flash", which also had a research focus, ended.

The modern world offers the younger generation difficult conditions for conquering peaks in educational activities, in their future careers and life in general. Goals may change, but the general vector of movement should always be directed upwards, towards development! The Cheremkhovo lyceum students are sure of this when they spend their summer vacations.

This summer, young researchers took advantage of a unique opportunity to spend their holidays with great benefits for health, intellectual and personal growth.

For example, at the end of June, 17 researchers, members of the military-patriotic club "Vityazi" and the circle of historical local history) under the leadership of the Deputy Director for Experimental Work A. I. Burmakina, the head of the Department of Natural Sciences O. N. Karamysheva decided to implement the project " Dialogue of Cultures. Having overcome 143 kilometers, having crossed the Angara, they spent 5 days in the Rossichi tent camp on the picturesque shore of the Osa Bay of the Bratsk Reservoir. Each day had its own theme (Discovery Day, Day of National Traditions, Patriot Day, Health Day).

Lyceum students got acquainted with the Buryat culture by visiting the local history museum of the Osinsky district, met with the director of the school in the village of Rassvet V. I. Kustov, who told the children about the Russian-Japanese archaeological excavations that took place in these places in 2005.

Eighth-graders and tenth-graders had to complete the task of the geography teacher E.V. Zaikin: to determine the main types of natural resources of the given territory, the occupation of the local population, to answer the question of how man influenced the change in nature and what nature these changes are.

The children studied ancient Siberian traditions and games, held quizzes, team building trainings, volleyball competitions, and tourist competitions. Under the guidance of Vyacheslav Antonovich Karamyshev, the children learned to play "Gorodki" and move on stilts. Entertaining role-playing games were held by Andrey Bobylev, Alexey Kuznetsov, Anton Gusev, German Buzov. Everyone liked Natalya Melekhova and Yuliana Kirillova's participation in outdoor comic games and attractions.

In the "Ecological Hockey" quiz, the "Bears" team defeated the "Energy" team, and Anton Gusev became the best "hockey player". The commander of the lyceum military-patriotic club "Vityazi" Alyona Safiulina was recognized as the best reader of poetic works on environmental topics, she won the "Complex of strength exercises" competition. Among the young men in the same nomination, Roman Zaitsev became the best, who also won the competitions in "Gorodki" and exercises on stilts. Among the girls, Natalya Melekhova performed exercises on stilts, who was also recognized as the “Best Cook of the Camp”. In the tourist all-around, organized by Vityazi Yulia Polukhina and Vadim Maksimov, the New Style team lost to the Russians. Tatyana Melnik and Tatyana Kovaleva became the winners of the economic game. The titles of "Best Fisherman" and "Best Campfire" were awarded to Sasha Zverek; "Intellectual of the camp" - Yuliana Kirillova, Yana Larionova; “The most cheerful” - Daria Melekhova, “The most unflappable” - Roman Karacheev.

The second stage of the implementation of the project "Dialogue of Cultures" was a trip to the village. Arshan is located in the Republic of Buryatia.

And from July 11 to July 21, lyceum students Polina Alisievich, Natalia Grussova, Daria Korolenko and Asya Kuzminykh adequately represented our city at the X Eurasian Youth Scientific Festival "Baikal-2009", which was held in Slyudyanka. The festival was attended by 58 young researchers from Eastern Siberia and the Urals. The children had to hold a poster defense of their research, work in master classes on TRIZ, psycholinguistics, and law; take part in an intellectual game with your teams, in the show programs "Talents and Admirers", "Festival Records", "Baikal Extreme", "KVN on Baikal", "Funny Starts", football competitions, volleyball, etc. Very interesting and informative were excursions to Cape Shamansky, a three-hour boat trip, a hike to the Kruglo-Baikal railway, a trip to Arshan.

The children's research work was evaluated by 35 expert scientists from the universities of Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk, and Chelyabinsk.

Our Lyceum is proud that Polina Alisievich has become a laureate of the Festival for her research in pseudographics. In the Law Olympiad among 10th graders, Asya Kuzminykh took third place, among 11th graders Daria Korolenko won 2nd place, and Natalya Grussova won.

Polina Alisievich successfully defended her project “How to become a brilliant artist” in a master class on TRIZ (“Theory of Inventive Problem Solving”). Asya Kuzminykh presented the project “Teaching a foreign language through inventive activity”. One of the leaders of the master class, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Siberian Federal University, Vladimir Anatolyevich Dmitriev, highly appreciated the intellectual and personal qualities of Polina and Asya.

Lyceum students performed worthily at the regional engineering exhibition "Step into the Future", which was held in Irkutsk on November 6-7, 2009. In the NPK "Step into the Future, Junior!" 2nd place was taken by Sergey Firstov (supervised by computer science teacher A.S. Popova), and Sofya Sakharovskaya (supervised by history teacher L.A. Grubbe) and Vladimir Kleinerman (supervised by English teacher T.G. Kelman) won 3rd place.

“To be is to create,” Socrates was convinced. And Jean-Paul Sartre said: "To create is to be." That is why we decided to train our lyceum students, teachers and senior staff of TRIZ. On October 16-18, scientists from SibFU V.A. Dmitriev and S.A. Privalikhin held a kick-off seminar. Now we are in the information-distance stage. At the end of January there will be another face-to-face seminar, and in April the Lyceum TRIZ-NPK will take place.

The lyceum continues experimental work on the topics “Improvement of pre-profile training and profile training of lyceum students in the context of modernization of Russian education” (supervisor M.A. Galuza, deputy director for UVR), “Improving the quality of the educational process through the introduction of ICT for 2008-2010” (head N.V. Gorlovich). There are two creative teams « Technology of Creative Thinking (Mathematics)" and "Student's Language Portfolio" (English).

Work on the development program is in full swing at the Lyceum. Work has begun on the Development Program "Lyceum - the territory of personal growth." The development of the program of the experiment "Family Ecology" (improving the interaction of the lyceum with the parents of students; educating future parents) began.

The innovative activity of lyceum teachers was repeatedly covered in TST television programs, on the pages of the newspapers Cheremkhovsky Rabochiy, Cheremkhovskie Vesti, Cheremkhovskie Novosti. For example, the newspaper "Cheremkhovsky Rabochiy" published articles: A.I. Burmakina "Young Researchers" (04.23.09), "Lectures for future teachers" (05.14.09), students of 10 "A" class T. Kovaleva and V. Shelekhova "Victory in the competition is a good incentive." The publications “Olga Karamysheva about the competition” (“Cheremkhovsky News”, 05/06/09), “My work was appreciated” (“Cheremkhovsky Rabochiy”, 05/14/09) tells about the results of the regional professional competition “Teacher of the Year”. The note by O. Rogova “Shared experience, exchanged opinions” informs about the participation of lyceum teachers in the scientific and practical conference “Education as a mechanism for the formation of the spiritual and moral consciousness of the youth of the territorial community”, held by the social partner of the lyceum, the Cheremkhovsky Pedagogical College (“Cheremkhovsky News”, 20.05. 09). In the same issue, in the note “First place - “Saturday”, it is said about the victory of the lyceum ensemble in the city festival of military-patriotic songs. Reports, notes “Tourism is reviving”, “In photography - eternity”, “The review took place”, “One day of service will teach a lot”, “Fighting and mischievous Zarnitsa”, “Denis Mikhalev is a champion” (“Cheremkhovsky News”, 24.09. 08, 04/29/09, 05/13/09, 05/27/09, 06/03/09), “Military parade to the glory of the winners”, “For the strong and brave, rain is not a hindrance”, “With victory from Omsk” (“Cheremkhovsky worker”, 05/14/09, 05/28/09, 06/04/09) reveals the military-patriotic and sports activities of the lyceum.

Research activity makes it possible to realize the ideas of cooperation between a teacher and a student, to reveal the individual creative abilities of lyceum students and teachers.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

State educational institution of secondary

professional education "St. Petersburg State College of Physical Culture and Sports, Economics and Technology"

Istomina Ksenia Alekseevna

discipline: Fundamentals of research

Topic: Fundamentals of research

Specialty: Management

Group: 452


N.V. Gronskaya

St. Petersburg - 2010

Introduction 2

Section 1. The essence of the research activities of students 4

1.1. Development of research activities of students 4

1.2. Theoretical foundations of work 5

Section 2. Basic research tools 7

2.1. Research methods 7

2.2. Tasks and types of research 9

2.3.Organization of scientific research work 11

References 14


The practical significance of the work is that the issue of research activities of students of a pedagogical college, as one of the aspects of the professional training of future teachers, is relevant at this time, is still insufficiently covered in the scientific and methodological literature and can be useful to everyone involved in the development of an educational and methodological complex for students in implementation and defense of the final qualifying work of educational institutions of this type.

This paper reveals the main types of research work, methodological approaches to the implementation and organization of research. The role of research in practical human activity is very important. The development of research activities of students is one of the main directions of modernization of the system of secondary specialized education. At the same time, in secondary pedagogical educational institutions, as a rule, it is associated with psychological and pedagogical research within the framework of industrial practice, the completion of term papers and final qualifying works, etc.

The work consists of two sections, introduction and bibliography.

Section 1. The essence of the research activities of students

1.1. Development of research activities of students

The development of research activities of students is one of the main directions of modernization of the system of secondary specialized education. At the same time, in secondary pedagogical educational institutions, as a rule, it is associated with psychological and pedagogical research within the framework of industrial practice, the completion of term papers and final qualifying works, etc.

The formation of research skills of students in the Pedagogical College is in the process of studying pedagogy and psychology, disciplines of subject training and the basics of educational and research activities.

Vocational education differs from general education in its clarity in determining the educational result, which is a reflection of the social order. Education in the context of the implementation of advanced professional education should be of a prognostic nature and form the personality traits that a graduate will need in the future.

An educational institution today needs teachers who are proficient in diagnostic methods and methods for the personal development of children; are able to highlight personal meanings in the content of education; can teach children to think and act creatively. At the same time, the role of the research work of college students in the development of such qualities of a specialist as professionalism and competence, independence and creativity, the formation of skills to continuously learn, update their knowledge is quite large.

At present, the Program for the Development of Secondary Education has been put into effect. It refers to the main trends in the development of the content of secondary pedagogical education, including the strengthening of general scientific and general professional training; intellectualization of the content of secondary pedagogical education; continuity of the content of secondary and higher pedagogical education. One of the directions of innovative activity in the system of secondary pedagogical education is the formation of research activities of students of pedagogical educational institutions. .

The transition of an educational institution in modern conditions to work according to a higher level standard has put forward problem development of a complex of organizational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of research skills and abilities of college students.

The subject of the study is psychological and pedagogical conditions for the formation of research skills and abilities of students.

In accordance with the object and subject, the following tasks:

Determine the essence of pedagogical research activity in the process of preparing a future teacher;

Reveal the conditions for the effective organization of research activities of students through the lessons of the methodology of environmental education;

1.2. Theoretical foundations of work

Environmental education as a complex problem of our time has become the object of attention of philosophical and sociological studies that consider environmental problems as universal.

The main provisions of the Concept of Sustainable Development (UN Conference on the Environment 1992), the Law of the Russian Federation "On the Protection of the Environment" (1991), the Concept of Environmental Education of the Russian Academy of Education (1994) have acquired paramount importance for the development of environmental education.

The problems of environmental education were the subject of research by A.N. Zakhlebny, I.D. Zverev, I.T. Suravegina and others, who developed the general theoretical and methodological aspects of environmental education of the younger generation.

Research work is organized in the college with goal ensuring a more conscious and deep assimilation of educational material, the acquisition by students of the initial skills of research work.

In this regard, we consider it important to develop theoretical thinking for students in environmental and natural science education. The possibility of forming the prerequisites for theoretical thinking in the younger generation was tested in the studies of N. N. Poddyakov, T. V. Khristovskaya, L. E. Ignatkina, N. I. Vetrova, A. F. Govorkova, A. M. Gavrilova and other scientific researchers .

Section 2. Basic research tools

2.1. Research methods

To solve the set and investigated problems, a complex is used methods.

Theoretical: analysis of scientific psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem under study, study of documents on education, analysis and use of diagnostic methods on research issues, analysis and generalization of domestic experience, causal analysis of the obtained data of generalization and modeling, acquaintance with journalistic literature.

Empirical: observation, questioning, testing, self-assessment.

Research is important not only for learning a new field, but also as a method of teaching in the vocational education system. Back in the 1960s, a special direction originates in the theory of knowledge - the theory of scientific search, which considers the process of cognition from the standpoint of the creative activity of a particular subject. The attention of philosophers is attracted by the construction of scientific research, its logic, they identify the main categories of the process of scientific search - a problem, a fact, a system.

Empirical research, which is based on a problem that reflects one or another contradiction of reality, encourages the researcher to creative search activity: various assumptions are made, scientific hypotheses are put forward, ways of testing them are determined - various types of experiments. The result of the work done is new facts that the researcher analyzes, comprehends, compares with established theories. Research as a creative activity at all stages intensively develops the thinking of the one who is engaged in it. That is why the research procedure has served as a benchmark for educators researching methods of teaching schoolchildren.

In the 60-70s of the XX century. theorists begin to search for new teaching methods at school in connection with the growing need of society for the development of active creative thinking in students. The search leads them to creation problem-based learning method, which is most clearly presented in the monographic study by M. I. Makhmutov.

Recently, problem-based learning has been widely introduced into life at all levels of lifelong education: search activities and experimentation are carried out with preschoolers; schoolchildren often perform creative assignments, write creative essays, and search practical work is carried out with them, which are replaced by term papers and diploma projects at the middle and higher professional levels. The problem-research method is one of the leading methods of teaching children and youth. That is why a concrete and detailed acquaintance of students with various pedagogical studies can perform, along with the function of theoretical substantiation, the function of teaching.

Without methodological knowledge, it is impossible to competently conduct pedagogical research. Such literacy is provided by the mastery of a methodological culture, the components of which are: design and construction of the educational process; awareness, formation and creative solution of pedagogical problems; methodical reflection.

In our case, research activities are organized in the field of environmental education, and this is a new approach to getting to know nature, and it puts forward a number of problems that are solved through the scientific search of modern researchers S.N. Nikolaeva, L.M. Manevtsova, N.A. Ryzhova and others. Their works contain answers to many problematic questions, including the following:

What is ecological education of children and how does it differ from familiarizing them with nature? What is the content of environmental education?

Is it possible for preschoolers and at what age to understand the facts that reflect the relationship of objects of nature, phenomena of a regular nature?

Are children able to understand procedural, long-term phenomena of nature, their regular changes?

Do children single out the definition of life, how do they relate to the manifestations of living beings?

What environmental aspects do children comprehend spontaneously, in the process of ontogenetic development, and which ones can they learn in the process of systematic learning under the guidance of an adult?

How, by what methods should ecological education of children be carried out in a preschool institution, in a family?

Research work is organized in the college in order to ensure a more conscious and deep assimilation of educational material, the acquisition by students of the initial skills of research work. The result of this work is the performance at the "round tables", lessons, seminars, conferences, at the IGA.

A number of studies by M.A. Danilova, B.P. Esipova, P.I. Pidkasistogo, M.M. Potashnik, G.I. Shchukina and others. So, according to P.I. Pidkasistoy, an indicator of determining the degree of development of research activity among teachers is a gradual change in their educational work: from an elementary reproduction of what they have read to the emergence of a strong interest in the phenomena and objects being studied, in the very process of cognition and the need for new knowledge.

2.2. Tasks and types of research

In the course of the research, a twofold task is solved: the skills and abilities of studying special literature are acquired, conducting research and, at the same time, knowledge of pedagogy, methodology, psychology, the basics of teaching and research activities acquire specific content, are fixed in the course of direct work with children. As a result, an increase in the level of methodological training of future teachers is ensured.

Research papers (texts), which are the result of students' research activities, must meet certain requirements. They should reflect the current level and development prospects of the branch of science within which the research is being conducted. This requirement is ensured through the study and critical comparative analysis of scientific literature in the chosen direction or topic. As a result, a brief description of the problem is made, the state of its solution at the current moment is clarified.

First of all, it is necessary to agree on concepts (recall that all the concepts of the humanities are essentially contractual). What is an abstract? How does it differ from a report, abstract, scientific report, term paper or diploma work?

Here are some types of research papers:

annotation- a brief description of the text, book, article, manuscript, revealing the content, which fixes the main problems raised in the text, opinions, assessments, conclusions of the author (see the appendix for types of annotations).

Report- a public message on a specific topic, contributing to the formation of research skills, expanding cognitive interest.

Qualifying work research work that expands knowledge in the field of theory, practice, methodology of branches of science; development of specific ways to solve the problem under study.

Course work- an independent theoretical or experimental study of individual parts of the educational process, general approaches to solving the problem under study.

Abstract- a brief record of the content of something, highlighting the main ideas and provisions of the work.

Plan- compactly reflects the sequence of presentation of the material (types of plans.

Thesis- a summary of some position, idea, as well as one of the main thoughts of a lecture, report, essay.

abstract is considered as one of the forms of reporting on the results of research activities of practicing teachers. Unlike the synopsis, which is an abbreviated version of the presentation of the text of another author, the abstract is a new author's text, new in presentation, systematization of the material, in the author's position, in comparative analysis, but not necessarily new in ideas. The word "abstract" in translation from Latin means - "a brief written statement of the essence of any problem."
Based on the foregoing, summarizing is the creation of a new text, which sets out the essence of the issue based on the classification, generalization, analysis and synthesis of one or more sources.

Abstracting is a core activity in the experimental work, the results of the intermediate research and the development of specific ways to solve the problem under study will be presented in the final qualification work. This once again emphasizes the interconnection of all types of research work and the need for their phased development.

2.3.Organization of scientific research work

In the literature, there are terms "research work" and "educational research work", which are interpreted in different ways. So, under the research work is understood such activity of the student, which reveals an independent creative study of the topic. Under the teaching and research work is understood the mastery of the technology of creativity, familiarity with the technique of experiment, with scientific literature (6, p. 96). Thus, teaching and research and research work of students complement each other. It can be seen from the above definitions that the essential difference between them is the degree of independence of the student in performing the research task and the novelty of the result.

Thus, the term "educational research work of students" can be understood as the process of acquiring knowledge and developing the skills of creative research activities, which for this purpose involves, at the initial stage, the introduction of elements of scientific research into the educational process in a college, then in a university, and in further - independent research work of the student on the problem.

Research work is organized in colleges in order to ensure a more conscious and in-depth assimilation of educational material by students acquiring initial research skills. The result of this work is speeches at student scientific conferences, abstracts, term papers and theses, possibly publications (articles or theses). Research can be carried out both on general issues of pedagogy or psychology, and on private methods. In the course of its implementation, a twofold task is solved: the skills and abilities of studying special literature, conducting scientific research are acquired, and, at the same time, knowledge of pedagogy, psychology and methodology acquires specific content, is fixed in the course of direct work with children. As a result, an increase in the level of methodological training of future teachers is ensured.

You can start mastering the technology of conducting research from the first year during classes in all academic disciplines (both theoretical and practical). However, special training in the lessons of the special course "Fundamentals of teaching and research activities" is also advisable. At the same time, the task in studying the subject "Methods of environmental education" at the first stage is to establish the relationship between the subjects studied and practice, during which the research skills and abilities of students are formed.

To achieve the result of pedagogical research by students, the following sequence is applicable:

1) Actualization of the problem (find the problem and determine the direction of future research);

2) Determining the scope of the study (to formulate the main questions to which we would like to find answers);
3) Choice of research topic (try to define the boundaries of the research as strictly as possible);

4) Development of a hypothesis (to develop a hypothesis or hypotheses, including unrealistic ones - provocative ideas should be expressed);

5) Identification and systematization of approaches to the solution (choose research methods);

6) Determine the sequence of the study;

7) Collection and processing of information (fix the acquired knowledge);

8) Analysis and generalization of the received materials (to structure the received material using known logical rules and techniques);

9) Preparation of a report (define the main concepts, prepare a report on the results of the study);

10) Report (defend it publicly in front of peers and adults, answer questions).

Thus, the listed characteristics constitute a system, all elements of which should ideally correspond to each other, complement each other mutually. By the degree of their consistency, one can judge the quality of the scientific work itself.

An integral part of the professional training of a future teacher during college education is educational and research work. The first involves teaching students the methodology and methods of research and deepening the knowledge of pedagogical theory, the second - purposeful and systematic participation in research activities. Therefore, very serious attention in the training of specialists is paid to the formation of students' research knowledge and skills, the independence of a creative approach to business, and the formation of the ability to continuously learn.

In the classroom, students are explained the goals and objectives of educational and research activities, the requirements for performing research work when getting acquainted with the content of the subject, a research approach is used in teaching - this is the way students get acquainted with the methods of scientific knowledge, an important means of forming their scientific worldview, developing thinking and cognitive independence .


1 Anisimov O.S. Methodological culture of pedagogical activity and thinking. M.: Economics, 2007

2 Erastov N.P. The culture of mental work. M.: 2005

3 Zagvyazinsky V.I. Methodology and methodology of didactic research. M.: Pedagogy, 2006

4 Kraevsky V.V. Methodology of Pedagogical Research: A Handbook for the Teacher-Researcher. M.: Publishing House of SamGPI, 2005. p.– 205

5 Kruglikova L.E. Requirements for coursework and dissertations. M: MPU, 2006

6 Mazilov V.A. Formation of a creative approach to the implementation of pedagogical activity as a priority task of training a specialist in a pedagogical university // Moscow Pedagogical Bulletin, 2008. - No. 3. P.58.

7 Slastenin V.A. Pedagogy: Innovative activity. Slastenin V.A., Podymova L.S. M.: IChP "Magister Publishing House", 2006. - 306 p.

8 Chechel I.D. Management of research activities of a teacher and a student in a modern school. M.: "UNITI". – 406 p.

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Research activities of teachers and students

as a factor in the development of a creative personality.

E.A. Kudryavtseva, teacher of biology, MBOU "Gymnasium No. 3"


Kudryavtseva Elena Alexandrovna, biology teacher, MBOU "Gymnasium No. 3", Rubtsovsk. Article "Research activity of teachers and students as a factor in the development of a creative personality." Introduction of research activity as a modern pedagogical technology. The organization of research activities of schoolchildren and teachers is one of the most important ways to solve this problem. The research activity of students and teachers creates a new educational environment in the school, is the most important factor in the development of the school as an innovative educational institution of a new type.

Bernard Show

The problem of improving the quality of education dictates the need to search for new technologies, methods, methods of active learning and education. In my opinion, one of the ways to solve this issue is the introduction of research activities as a modern pedagogical technology.

The organization of research activities of schoolchildren and teachers is one of the most important ways to solve this problem. Learning the methods of research activity contributes to the development of a creative mindset, a creative approach to the phenomena of reality, the formation of skills to give an objective assessment of these phenomena and the ability to navigate additional sources of knowledge and resources.

It is important to note the importance of research activities in the educational process. Value bases, defined by a person as significant, are tested precisely in the process of research activity.

The involvement of teachers and students in research activities has such goal:

- development of research skills, the ability to think independently and creatively, the use of acquired knowledge in practice. This goal achieves at least four tasks:

    increasing the level of social adaptation of students (since one of its main components is developing - the ability to reflect on one's own activity, cognitive independence and activity are formed);

2) conditions are created for the personal and professional self-determination of teachers (students determine the significance and value of this type of activity for themselves, and the possibility of its further use);

3) the formation of skills and abilities of planning, organizing and controlling their own activities;

    development of skills of independent work with scientific literature; training in the method of processing the received data and analyzing the results, compiling and designing a report and a report on the results of research work.

The composition of the participants in the scientific society of students is determined by students in grades 2-11. The head of the scientific society of students and subject teachers take part in the acquisition of the scientific society of students.

The scientific society of students functions throughout the academic year with meetings held at least once a month.

NOU is an independent student structure that has an Anthem, Regulations, a work plan, symbols, and a motto.

The result of the work of the NOU is the holding of a school scientific-practical conference or a project week. 40% of students take part in a school scientific-practical conference or project week. Abstract-research works of students are presented at the extracurricular level. As a result of the implementation of the innovation, there is an increase in the level of social adaptation in 50% of students, achievement motivation in 50% of students, 100% of students have the skills to work with various information resources; able to present the results of research activities.

Based on the interests and wishes of students, subject sections are open. In accordance with the level of preparation of the children, the leaders drew up work plans and determined the topics of the sessions of the sections. The work in the sections was carried out in a variety of areas: from solving problems of increased complexity to carrying out individual experimental work. Students were offered a wide range of activities in the NOU. Working within the framework of a scientific society gives each student the opportunity to improve their knowledge in the chosen subject area, develop intellect, acquire skills and abilities in research work.

Particular attention in research activities is given to the teacher. The research activity of a teacher of a modern school is the main element and factor of pedagogical creativity, the source of his teaching status, an indicator of responsibility, abilities and talent. The study of the factors of the orientation of pedagogical activity towards research training conducted at school allows us to state that:

65% of school teachers believe that research activity allows you to update the self-realization and creative development of the teacher's personality;

10% associate the study with the possibility of raising the status of an educational institution;

20% - with professional and qualification growth of a teacher-researcher;

5% - with the opportunity to obtain qualitatively new knowledge (innovation).

The organization of research activities affects the development of the personality of the teacher, allows you to create conditions for the implementation of self-education and the need for self-development.

The modern teacher is the most important figure in the organization of the pedagogical process. The effectiveness of the pedagogical system depends on his professional suitability, pedagogical skills, creativity, readiness for innovative activity. The main function of a modern teacher is to manage the process of education, upbringing and development of the student's personality.

Among the difficulties faced by the teacher in organizing research activities of students, school teachers called the following:

poor knowledge of the methodology of scientific research, lack of methodological, scientific, psychological and pedagogical, special literature (62.5%);

high workload of students, lack of time (41%);

the predominance in traditional teaching of reproductive methods that conflict with research methods (6.5%).

There are three groups of problems: professional, psychological and social.

professional problem is associated with the general awareness and attitude of the teacher to new types of education, as well as the “baggage” of the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities that he has.

Psychological problem associated with the level of development of his creative abilities, initiative, striving for self-improvement.

social problem- external: it reflects how much the state appreciates such a sphere of society's life, education.

How to help teachers who experience certain difficulties in introducing schoolchildren to scientific practice?

Practical part

Target: to promote awareness by teachers of the presence of difficulties in research activities and the removal of emotional stress in order to prevent professional burnout.

Equipment: A3 sheets, felt-tip pens, pencils.


Information block

Difficulties in research activities are different: age, social, professional, individual and personal. Today, we have the opportunity to work on understanding our problems that arise during research work.

    Main part

Subgroup work

Instruction: “The most common barriers in research work are: age, social, professional, individual and personal. Now, you have to work in subgroups. Each subgroup will be tasked with:

1) Answer the question.

2) Come up with a motto that reflects the main idea of ​​your group.

3) Prepare leaflets on which you noted the most common difficulties in working in this direction.

Highlight one difficulty that is most common to members of your group. Discuss and prepare tips or recommendations for overcoming this difficulty.”

A representative of your group will present the findings.

15 minutes to work

Age difficulties

    Does the age of the teacher affect the effectiveness of the research work?

    Come up with a motto that reflects the main message of your group on the topic “Age-related difficulties in research”.

Social difficulties

    How does the social status and well-being of the parents of a child participating in research activities affect?

    Come up with a motto that reflects the main message of your group on the topic "Social difficulties in research".

    Prepare leaflets on which you noted the most common difficulties in working in this area. Highlight one difficulty that is most common to members of your group. Discuss and prepare tips or recommendations for overcoming this difficulty.”

Occupational difficulties

    Are the teacher's knowledge and professional experience a problem for research work?

    Come up with a motto that reflects the main message of your group on the topic “Professional difficulties in research”.

    Prepare leaflets on which you noted the most common difficulties in working in this area. Highlight one difficulty that is most common to members of your group. Discuss and prepare tips or recommendations for overcoming this difficulty.”

Individual-personal difficulties

    What personal qualities of a teacher can make it difficult to work in this direction? How do you feel about the statement: "A teacher who has stopped developing is a danger to the student."

    Come up with a motto that reflects the main idea of ​​your group on the topic "Individual-personal difficulties in research work."

    Prepare leaflets on which you noted the most common difficulties in working in this area. Highlight one difficulty that is most common to members of your group. Discuss and prepare tips or recommendations for overcoming this difficulty.”

List of qualities that make it difficult

research activities

    Feeling helpless


    stressful state

    Excessive talkativeness




    Lack of Knowledge

    Lack of organization


    Excessive activity

    Lack of time



One of the most effective teaching and developing innovative technologies, in our opinion, is research activity, which makes it possible to comprehensively solve the problems of intellectual and social improvement of the personality of both the student and the teacher.

The research activity of students and teachers creates a new educational environment in the school, is the most important factor in the development of the school as an innovative educational institution of a new type. The creative work of the teacher and the student brings results.

The accumulated pedagogical experience shows that teachers who master the methods of research work conduct purposeful work to develop the creative abilities of students, model independent work with elements of research in the educational process.

It should be noted that as a result of this activity, not only the number of participants in design and research activities has increased, but the quality of these works has also changed significantly, as evidenced by the prizes occupied by students in city competitions and scientific and practical conferences.

This work also contributed to an increase in the number of schoolchildren who took part in municipal, district and city rounds of Olympiads in various subjects and intellectual marathons.

I would like to give you booklets on the topic of research activities. And return to the epigraph of our seminar

"The only way that leads to knowledge is activity."

Bernard Show

So let's do the same and move forward.

We can't predict

How our word will respond

Sow grace in the souls

Alas, it doesn't work every time.

But we must dream

About the wonderful time, about the century,

When to become a beautiful flower

Capable of a person's personality.

And we have to create

Despising all the hardships of the world,

To lay light truths

The beginnings in the souls of the young

To show them the right path

Help not to dissolve in the crowd

We are not allowed to predict

But we must strive!

Andrey Dementiev

Questionnaire for seminar participants

"Research activities of teachers and students as a factor in the development of a creative personality."

How would you rate the content of the seminar (underline the appropriate option):

1. A) meaningful

B) not very

2. What would you suggest that is new in research work with students? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _

3. If such events will be held, would you prefer (underline the appropriate option):

B) to study the theoretical provisions on the problem;

C) learn everything in practice lessons.

Wishes to the organizers of the seminar __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Methodological materials on the course "Fundamentals of research" for teachers

1. The essence and significance of the research activities of high school students.

In the pedagogical literature there is no unambiguous interpretation of the concepts of "research activity of schoolchildren" and "research activity of high school students". Moreover, in addition to these concepts, the following are used: "educational and research activities of schoolchildren", "research activities of schoolchildren", "research work of schoolchildren", "research of schoolchildren". Let's analyze the content of the concept of "research activity of high school students", explore how research activity, research method, research learning and research behavior correlate with each other.

Some researchers use these concepts, but do not give their definitions. So, A. A. Pentin writes that “there are words that everyone interprets in their own way. And not because they are too lazy to look into the dictionary - it's just that these words themselves contain many meanings. It is to this type that the concepts of "research", "research training" belong. However, he himself refuses to give "another" definition of the concept of "research".

The Philosophical Encyclopedic Dictionary interprets the term "research" in this way - it is "the process of developing new scientific knowledge, one of the types of cognitive activity. The study is characterized by objectivity, reproducibility, evidence and accuracy” [p.226]. Concerning the etymological analysis of the word "research", we note that this type of activity means: to extract something "from the trace", i.e. restore a certain order of things by indirect signs, imprints of the general law in specific, random objects.

A.I. Savenkov in his works uses, as a row, the concepts: "research work of schoolchildren", "research of schoolchildren", "research activity of schoolchildren". He divides the studies of schoolchildren into levels and types. The research activity of high school students that interests us, called by the author “long-term research of a more complex level”, is considered by A.I. Savenkov as a stage of research education. The author defines research learning as learning, the main goal of which is to form the ability to independently, creatively master and rebuild new ways of activity in any area of ​​human culture. According to A.I. Savenkov, one should begin to engage in research education already in elementary school. A.I. Savenkov gives the structure of research work: actualization of the problem; definition of the scope of the study; choice of research topic; development of a hypothesis; choice of research methods; determining the sequence of the study; collection and processing of information; analysis and generalization of the received materials; preparing of report; defense of the report; discussion of the results of the work.

A.V.Leontovich understands research activity as “the activity of students associated with the solution by students of a creative, research problem with an unknown solution in advance (as opposed to a workshop that serves to illustrate certain laws of nature) and involves the presence of the main stages characteristic of research in scientific sphere, normalized on the basis of the traditions accepted in science: posing a problem, studying a theory devoted to this issue, selecting research methods and mastering them in practice, collecting their own material, its analysis and generalization, their own conclusions. According to A.V. Leontovich, any research, regardless of the field of science in which it is performed, has a similar structure, and such a chain is an integral part of research activity.

A.V.Leontovich in his works argues that research in the field of education is educational and its main goal is to develop the personality of the student, and not to obtain an objectively new result. “In science, the main goal is the production of new knowledge, in education, the goal of research activity is to acquire by students the functional skill of research as a universal way of mastering reality, developing the ability for an exploratory type of thinking, activating the student’s personal position in the educational process based on the acquisition of subjectively new knowledge ( i.e. independently acquired knowledge that is new and personally significant for a particular student) ".

In the studies of L.F. Fomina, A.S. Obukhova, E. V. Titova, the terms “educational research activity” and “research activity” of students are considered as equivalent. The main function of educational and research activities, according to A.S. Obukhov, is the initiation of students to the knowledge of the world and themselves in this world. They define the research activity of students as a creative process of joint activity of a teacher and a student in search of a solution to the unknown, during which cultural values ​​are transmitted between them, the result of which is the formation of a worldview. The teacher, according to A. S. Obukhov, in this case acts as the organizer of the form and conditions of research activity, thanks to which the student develops an internal motivation to approach any scientific or life problem that arises before him from a research, creative position. Scientists argue that all efforts to organize a system of research activities of students should be directed precisely to this task, and not to the abstract preparation of a student for adult life in science, the development of certain skills, and the acquisition of certain special knowledge.

L.F. Fomina under the research activity of students understands such a form of organization of educational work, which is associated with the solution by students of a creative, research problem with a previously unknown result in various fields of science, technology, art and involves the presence of the main stages characteristic of scientific research: statement of the problem, familiarization with the literature on this issue, mastery of the research methodology, collection of own material, its analysis and generalization, conclusions. In her opinion, the educational and research activities of students contribute to: the development of interest, the expansion and updating of knowledge in the subjects of the school curriculum; development of ideas about interdisciplinary connections; development of intellectual initiative of students in the process of mastering basic and additional educational programs; creation of prerequisites for the development of a scientific way of thinking; mastering a creative approach to any kind of activity; the formation of an attitude towards the prestige of engaging in scientific activities, fundamental sciences; the formation of the sphere of meaningful subject communication within the children's team, between students, teachers, scientists and specialists; training in information technology and work with communication tools; the formation of a developing educational environment for the child; professional self-determination of children; receiving pre-professional training; meaningful organization of children's free time; the formation of a scientific and pedagogical community of children, teachers, scientists and specialists implementing various programs of educational and research activities.

E. V. Titov considers the research activity of students "as a promising means of developing cognitive motivation, creativity, independence, initiative, the desire for self-realization and self-determination" .

A. O. Karpov in his research equally interprets the terms "research work", "research activity", "scientific research". He believes that “society should restructure secondary education in the direction of a professionally oriented educational process, i.e. provide an opportunity for young people to work independently in a professional environment” . As a "tool for such activities", A. O. Karpov offers research work, understanding it in the broadest sense, i.e. as actions leading from asking a question to getting an answer. Considering the universality of the scientific method, he considers it necessary to add a clarifying adjective - "scientific" to the term "research". The researcher writes that society is no longer “satisfied with the commonplace explanation of the concept of “research”, as one of the types of cognitive activity, which is present, for example, in encyclopedic dictionaries” . He is sure that, using scientific research in educational work with young people, it is necessary to invest in them not only the cognitive aspect, but also the formation of professional interests, the development of social ties, the formation of a positive worldview, and much more. Thus, scientific research is a certain school of life for young people. A. O. Karpov calls the education of schoolchildren, which uses scientific research, scientifically oriented.

The concepts of “research work”, “research activity”, “scientific research”, “research-oriented education” by N. F. Zelentsova, N. P. Nikitina, S. A. Piyavsky, Z. A. Tumanova and some others are also interpreted. . They believe that science-oriented education is a promising direction in the development of the education system, and research activities can teach students to obtain the knowledge necessary for a given period of their life using methods similar to those of scientific research.

A. V. Khutorskoy, speaking of school research, uses the term "scientific activity of students." Within the framework of research activities, he identifies some “signs of educational activity: carried out by the subject of activity on the basis of his personal educational potential, individual abilities, motives and goals; causes subjective difficulties and problems in the activity of the subject, due to insufficient knowledge of the methods, means and other conditions necessary for its implementation; leads to the creation of a new educational product for the subject, corresponding to the type of activity being carried out.

According to A. V. Khutorsky, the listed features characterize educational activity, which in its semantic area in relation to the student turns out to be identical to scientific activity. The difference between these two activities turns out to be significant only from the point of view of the teacher, whose goal is not the scientific discoveries of students, but the development of their corresponding personal qualities.

M. M. Firsova uses the terms “research activity” and “research activity” as adjacent terms. She considers research activities to be an integral part of education, which is a sustainable form of the educational process.

After analyzing the above points of view, we come to the conclusion that they all agree in understanding the purpose of the research activities of schoolchildren. The goal is not the scientific discoveries of students, but the development of their respective personal qualities, the acquisition of research skills as a universal way of mastering reality. In our study, we rely on this assertion.

Revealing the content of the concept of "research activities of high school students", it is impossible to get around the question of the general scheme of the sequence of research. Typically, research begins with identifying a problem, asking questions, and developing hypotheses. It is required to resolve the problem situation, and the person resorts to research. However, this is not always the case. A well-known specialist in the development of creative thinking, Edward de Bono, writes that the course of solving a problem situation may look like this: a person encounters a problem (situation - perception) and immediately gives a solution (assessment).

E. de Bono emphasizes that even a person with a high level of intelligence can, when faced with a problematic situation, confine himself to such a simple algorithm - perception and evaluation. In this way, problems can really be solved. But such thinking cannot be considered constructive. When proving, modern science does not accept such approaches, because it relies primarily on logic.

Research activity is a creative activity, and there are no general universal rules or patterns by which it develops. But still, despite this, experts in the field of research behavior have tried and are trying to develop techniques and algorithms that allow you to find the truth. One of the most successful, and therefore the most famous developments of this kind was created in the 19th century by the famous mathematician B. Bolzano. He singled out 14 methods of heuristic activity, which he called “the art of discovery: 1) to precisely formulate the question to which we are looking for an answer (it is necessary to strictly limit the scope of research); 2) evaluate whether the true answer to the question posed is possible from the point of view of existing knowledge; 3) break the problem into subtasks and sub-questions and look for answers to them first by deriving a solution from known truths or reducing to solving similar problems; 4) directly derive the solution from existing knowledge, if possible; 5) put forward hypotheses by the method of complete or incomplete induction or analogy; 6) a combination of the fourth and fifth receptions; 7) compare the result obtained with known knowledge; 8) check the accuracy of the use of logical techniques; 9) check the correctness of all definitions and judgments used in the decision; 10) express all the concepts of the problem being solved in "expedient" signs (using symbolic language); 11) strive to develop visual images of the objects of the task; 12) formulate the result of the decision logically strictly; 13) evaluate all the pros and cons of the result; 14) solve with great focus on the task.

These techniques are used by researchers in various fields of knowledge, but they are not always necessary in all 14. There are areas in which the use of symbolic language is not required. The objects of the task can be real objects and phenomena, in this case it is not required to develop their visual images.

A.V.Leontovich singles out the main stages in the research activity of schoolchildren, which are also typical for research in the scientific field: the formulation of the problem; study of the theory devoted to this problem; selection of research methods and practical mastery of them; collection of own material; its analysis and generalization; own conclusions.

G. A. Kropaneva offers almost the same scheme, supplementing it with stages of refinement and expert analysis.

Above, we have already given the general scheme of research work proposed by A.I. Savenkov. However, the researcher in his writings gives another, more “detailed sequence of work: actualization of the problem (identify the problem and determine the direction of future research); "incubation period". Definition of the scope of the study (to formulate the main questions, the answers to which they wanted to find); choice of research topic (try to define boundaries and research as strictly as possible); development of a hypothesis (develop a hypothesis or hypotheses, including unrealistic, provocative ideas should be expressed); identification and systematization of approaches to the solution (choose research methods); determine the sequence of the study; collection and processing of information (fix the acquired knowledge); analysis and generalization of the received materials (to structure the received material using known logical rules and techniques); preparation of a report (define the main concepts, prepare a report on the results of the study); report (to defend it publicly in front of peers and adults, answer questions); discussion of the results of the completed work.

In his opinion, such a detailed sequence helps to achieve the main desired result, which consists primarily in "the experience of independent, creative, research work, new knowledge and skills, a whole range of mental neoplasms that distinguish a creative person from a simple performer" .

S. A. Piyavsky offers the following description of the sequence of research activities of students: the search for a problem for research; scientific understanding of the problem; putting forward key ideas and forming a plan for solving the problem; development or creation of the necessary supporting funds; implementation of individual components of the plan for solving the problem; synthesis of individual results into a holistic solution to the problem; result formatting; putting the result into scientific use; internal self-criticism.

In this description, it seems to us incorrect that the author singles out internal self-criticism as a separate stage in the sequence of students' research activities. Internal self-criticism must be constantly present at every stage of activity. The stage of “putting the result into scientific use” cannot be attributed to all research activities of high school students. This does not apply to results that are subjectively new.

The above schemes do not contradict each other, moreover, they coincide in many respects. Their difference lies in varying degrees of detail. We believe that research activities cannot be too tightly regulated. There should be room for creativity and improvisation. However, we are convinced that the main elements must be present in any study of high school students, and their division into small specific steps may be different depending on the field and topic of the study, the characteristics of the student and his supervisor. We will rely on the definition given by A.V. Leontovich. By research activity, we mean “the activity of students associated with the solution of a creative, research problem by students with a previously unknown solution and involving the main stages characteristic of research in the scientific field, normalized based on the traditions accepted in science: posing a problem, studying a theory devoted to this problems, selection of research methods and practical mastery of them, collection of own material, its analysis and generalization, own conclusions. Some educators-practitioners doubt the student's ability to go through all these stages. We are convinced that it is impossible to reduce any of the stages in order to simplify, as this will significantly impoverish the process, and, consequently, the pedagogical result of the work.

Consider the issue of research and teaching and research activities of students. As can be seen from the above points of view of researchers, some identify research activities with teaching and research, others with research. We believe that in the research activities of high school students there is a place for both. Their main difference is in the result of their activity. In teaching and research activities, high school students acquire subjectively new knowledge that is new and personally significant for a particular student. In the research activities of high school students, we are talking about obtaining new knowledge in a general cultural sense. We are convinced that, unlike research, all high school students should be involved in teaching and research activities. Moreover, in the second case, the activity may not be much easier. After all, the path that a young researcher independently goes through, “rediscovering” any fact, can be just as difficult, new and creative for him as for the discoverer. The result of research activity largely depends on the problem to be solved. Many tasks are initially purely educational in nature. Only a few have the inner potential to gain objectively new knowledge. Sometimes a learning task helps to see a new one that goes beyond the learning task.

Often in pedagogical practice, the terms "project activity" and "research activity" are used almost as synonyms. Let's analyze their content. In the pedagogical literature, some researchers pay special attention to comparing the design and research activities of schoolchildren.

According to A.I. Savenkov, design and research are initially fundamentally different types of activity in direction, meaning and content. “There is not always a place for the research activity of the child in the design. Often this is necessary, but you can do without the elements of exploratory search. “The project, and therefore the design, is always aimed at solving a practical problem. A person who implements a particular project is not just looking for something new, he is solving a real problem that has arisen before him. He constantly has to take into account a lot of circumstances, often far beyond the scope of the search for truth. The development of a project is, of course, a creative matter, but it depends on many external circumstances, often in no way related to the objectives of the study, and always involves the creation of a certain product. Unlike design, research is a variant of the disinterested search for truth. If, as a result of the study, it is possible to solve any practical problem, then this is nothing more than a side effect. The very new knowledge obtained as a result of research can be not only of little use from the point of view of practice, but even harmful and dangerous. A real researcher often does not know how to use the information he has obtained in practice. A.I. Savenkov gives one common scheme for projects and research work of schoolchildren: actualization of the problem; definition of the scope of the study; choice of research topic; development of a hypothesis; choice of research methods; determining the sequence of the study; collection and processing of information; analysis and generalization of the received materials; preparing of report; defense of the report; discussion of the results of the work.

A. A. Pentin also compares research and project activities. These activities, in his opinion, are opposite to each other. Research reveals what already exists, project creates what does not yet exist. The researcher writes that project activity is primarily aimed at creating some new product, whether it be a school newspaper, a textbook, a working business scheme, or something else. The result is preceded by: the concept, the actual design (planning, analysis and search for resources) and implementation. He sees the main educational goals of using project-based learning methods as “to teach to understand: a good idea is far from everything; get the right information, collaborate with partners, and perhaps lead other people, and finally, literally do something with your own hands. Speaking about research activities, A. A. Pentin writes that this is primarily a professional activity, while projects in one form or another will have to be carried out by everyone. For example, repairing an apartment is a real project. In research activity, a person starts from a phenomenon or process that raises certain questions. Then this phenomenon or process is described in some formal language, and already this description allows building an explanatory model of the phenomenon, which is verified in observations and experiments. The purpose of research activity is precisely the construction of a model of the phenomenon. The author of this point of view argues that one of the goals of school research is to support the innate curiosity of the student, which is often lost during the period of study at school, and to provide him with the tools for successful knowledge of the world. In addition, the skills that are formed in the process of research are ways of establishing, describing and explaining facts. Any research, according to A. A. Pentin, can be considered as a project in form. After all, the research must necessarily have some kind of idea, there must be phases of planning, implementation, and there is a result, designed, for example, in the form of an article, that is, a certain final product. Thus, A. A. Pentin contrasting these types of activity and highlighting the differences, reveals the fragility of the boundaries between them and the coincidence in some ways. He writes that the semantic (semantic) fields of many concepts overlap. Under the same form, different content can be hidden.

N. G. Alekseev, A. V. Leontovich, A. S. Obukhov, L. F. Fomina adhere to a single point of view, according to which research, in contrast to design, construction and organization, is the most “delicate” in relation to the object type of activity, its main goal is to establish the truth, “what is”, “observation” of the object, if possible without interfering in its inner life. Without in any way belittling the need to develop a person's skills to transform the surrounding reality (i.e., first of all, design skills), these authors believe that developing the ability to take a research position is the most important task of education and upbringing as a means of assessing reality and possible consequences. The leading value in the study, in contrast to the project, is the value of the process of moving towards the truth.

A. V. Leontovich calls the last few decades the era of design thinking. At that time, a wide variety of projects of various scales and levels of complexity were implemented in the world. He writes that the object on which the project is being implemented does not always behave in the manner prescribed by the project. Impacts on the subject of design affect unnoticed connections and sometimes lead to unexpected consequences that were not taken into account by the designers. “The development of each process, including a project, is inherently multiversional. There may be many unaccounted for factors that will "push" the situation to an alternative scenario, and then the project will fail and lead to unpredictable consequences, including in completely different areas. The researcher gives an example that the development of cotton growing in Central Asia led not only to the salinization of cotton fields, but also to an ecological disaster in another region - on the Aral Sea. People continue to develop projects, and A. V. Leontovich believes that “it is necessary to put some restrictions on the unrestrained, sometimes unjustified fantasy of project thinking and the activity that follows it to transform the environment ... And this limitation exists - it is set by the exploratory type of thinking . It is the study and the expert procedure contained within it that make it possible, both at the stage of pre-project preparation and at various stages of project implementation, to analyze possible scenarios for its development, expected consequences and make the necessary adjustments. Due to the ever-complicating structure of the economy and economy in the modern world, the share of managerial work and people employed in this area is steadily increasing. The share of unskilled managerial decisions is also growing, made without the involvement of scientists, specialists who are able to analyze the course and possible consequences of the process being implemented. A. V. Leontovich points out the emerging “need to develop a research culture among managers on a mass scale, a skill of research thinking that would allow them to think about the possible consequences of their actions, caused the need to consult and involve specialists in necessary cases” . All this proves, according to the researcher, the need for special work, the implementation of special programs that make it possible to purposefully develop the research type of thinking in the younger generation, and to develop it without fail, to a greater or lesser extent for all schoolchildren, within the framework of the compulsory component of general education.

M. M. Firsova uses the terms "project activity" and "research activity" of schoolchildren in subordination. She considers the project as “the main form of research activity of high school students”, further using the concept of “design and research activity”. M. M. Firsova defines such activities as educational and labor in nature, organically linking theory and practice, which is important for the professional self-determination of students. This activity develops independence, initiative, perseverance in achieving goals, forms the skills of systematic, technological activity and the ability for self-organization, self-control and self-correction. The researcher identifies the following stages of design and research activities: the emergence of an idea or problem (organizational and preparatory), problem solving (technological), implementation in practice (final). At the first stage, the problem is searched, the topic is determined, research tasks are formed, the project is substantiated, and future activities are planned. At the second stage, with constant self-control, intermediate self-assessment and self-correction, information is collected and analyzed, new ideas are discussed, certain problem situations are modeled, ways to resolve them are outlined, documents are drawn up, etc. At the third stage, the results are summed up, the results of the activity are analyzed and evaluated. At all stages, the role of the supervisor (consultant) is great. Project activity, according to M. M. Firsova, is an effective means of developing the creative abilities of students.

We share the opinion of N.G. Alekseev, A.V. Leontovich, A.S. Obukhov, A.I. Savenkov that, despite the similarity, it is necessary to distinguish between design and research activities. This is especially true at the present time, in a period of increased school interest in these activities. As our experience of working in the CC of the Step into the Future program shows, in pursuit of external indicators, some teachers provoke and approve the implementation by high school students of hasty projects that lack research. Such projects are issued as a result of research activities and they are tried to be presented at school scientific conferences and exhibitions of various levels. We consider such a situation not only harmful, but also dangerous. We believe that the main goal of the project activity of high school students, as well as research, is pedagogical: the development of personality traits. In our opinion, and it is consistent with the opinion of A. V. Leontovich, a research component should be present in the project activities of high school students. Thus, in our study, the project activity of high school students is considered as an activity similar to research and aimed not only at establishing the truth, but also at creating the final product, ideas about which have been developed in advance.

In the future, speaking of the regional system of research activities of high school students, we will mean, among other things, project activities, but only those that necessarily include research.

In pedagogical psychology and pedagogy, the concepts of "research learning" and "research teaching method" are used. Exploratory learning refers to an approach to learning “based on the natural desire of the child to independently explore the environment. The main goal of research education is the formation of the student's ability to independently, creatively master and rebuild new ways of activity in any sphere of human culture. Some researchers classify the exploratory teaching method as an active method. The research method of teaching, according to I. Ya. Lerner and M. N. Skatkin, means such an organization of learning in which students are put in the position of a researcher: they independently identify and pose a problem, find methods for solving it, based on known data, draw conclusions and generalizations , comprehend the leading concepts and ideas, and do not receive them in finished form. Depending on the level of complexity and preparation of students, several levels of this teaching method are distinguished. At the first level, the teacher poses a problem and outlines methods for solving it. At the second level, the teacher only poses a problem, students independently find methods for solving it. At the third level, students independently formulate a problem and propose methods for solving it. The research method is the path to knowledge through one's own creative, research search. Its main components are the identification of problems, the development and formulation of hypotheses, observations, experiments, experiments, and judgments and conclusions made on their basis.

The research method of teaching was tested in antiquity. The Socratic method was a conversation-research: with the help of witty questions asked by the interlocutors to each other, contradictions were revealed in the generally accepted understanding of certain phenomena of the surrounding world, a discrepancy was found between the usual judgments and those ideas that gave close analysis. Awareness of these contradictions awakened thought, new questions arose that led step by step to the truth.

As evidenced by the history of pedagogy, the most radical steps in terms of changing the procedural, content and organizational basis of education towards research education were taken at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century. One of the first, at the beginning of the 20th century, was to promote, implement and develop these ideas, the American teacher and philosopher John Dewey, who believed that schoolchildren's classes should be built on the basis of games, their own research and practical activities.

One of the world's most popular learning organization models built on the basis of research learning is the Dalton plan, developed by the American Elena Parkhurst and widely used in the world. E. Parkhurst notes that the Dalton plan gives the student mental and moral freedom, which creates the prerequisites for successful development.

K. H. Wentzel attached great importance to exploratory behavior and its application in teaching. He suggested "look at the child not as a student, but as a little seeker of truth." He called to support and nourish in him the spirit of the restless search for truth and to cherish the awakened thirst for knowledge. To create situations of personal and indirect (with the help of books) interaction with great thinkers and scientists in which this spirit of the great search for truth is alive.

Based on the theoretical principles and practical findings of specialists in the field of research education, the American teacher William Killpatrick developed a project-based learning system that is widely known in the world of pedagogy. Its essence was that the children, based on their interests, together with the teacher, carried out their own project, solving some practical, research problem, getting involved in real activities and learning.