Ceiling design in the hall. What should you pay attention to? Design options for two-level ceilings for a hall - choosing the best options Stretch ceilings with a pattern for a large hall

Ceiling design in the hall.  What should you pay attention to?  Design options for two-level ceilings for a hall - choosing the best options Stretch ceilings with a pattern for a large hall
Ceiling design in the hall. What should you pay attention to? Design options for two-level ceilings for a hall - choosing the best options Stretch ceilings with a pattern for a large hall

Ceiling decoration is one of the most important tasks during the repair process. Ideally, it should look perfectly smooth and retain its original appearance for as long as possible. Stretch PVC film, impressive in its variety of textures and colors, fully meets these criteria. Information about this material, like a large number of You will find photographs with examples of its use in this article.

What it is? Ceiling types

The tension structure is a continuous fabric stretched under ordinary ceiling and secured around the perimeter with a special profile made of aluminum or plastic. The most common types of material used as the main covering are PVC film or synthetic textiles (polyester impregnated with polyurethane). Depending on their texture, there are matte, glossy, satin, fabric and stretch ceiling with photo printing.

This ceiling is excellent Smooth surface, resembling painted plaster. The advantage of this design is the absence of glare and refractions of light, as well as the complete invisibility of seams that are formed when soldering the canvases. High aesthetic qualities make matte stretch ceilings indispensable in creating an elegant classic interior.

Glossy (mirror) stretch ceiling

Glossy stretch ceiling - the best choice, if you want to visually raise the height of the room and make it lighter. Regardless of color, such a film is similar to a clear surface of water, in which every photon of illumination, both daylight and artificial, is reflected.

Satin stretch ceiling

This option can be called a compromise between matte and glossy stretch ceilings. His main feature- soft mother-of-pearl shine, giving the room the delicate glow of pearls or silk. The absence of sharp shadows allows the use of satin coverings to create a cozy and comfortable atmosphere for relaxation.

The fabric ceiling is installed without preheating and most often does not have seams: the width of the roll can be from 3 to 5 meters, and this is quite enough for not too large rooms. Unlike PVC film, textiles are resistant to low temperatures, due to which it can be used in unheated rooms and at the dachas.

Stretch ceiling with photo printing

A ceiling with photo printing is an amazing opportunity to realize any design ideas by placing a high quality image on the ceiling. It could be the sky, flowers, birds, butterflies, landscape, world map, skyscrapers, children's pictures or abstractions. At the same time, it is important to beautifully combine such a stretch ceiling with the rest of the interior, without overloading the space with large details.

In modern interior design, stretch ceilings are used much more often than any other types of coverings. The reason for this is their unsurpassed aesthetic qualities, relative ease of installation, durability and versatility.


Thanks to its absolute moisture resistance, PVC film is ideal for kitchens and bathrooms. IN in case of emergency it is even capable of holding a fairly large volume of water if the neighbors above suddenly have a water pipe break.

Often, suspended ceilings are combined with plasterboard, creating interesting multi-level structures.

Another advantage of this finish is the ability to easily hide minor irregularities in the base, and with them, hide wiring and some lighting elements.


People who prefer everything natural may not like the synthetic nature of PVC canvas. Although it is considered harmless, no one is safe from purchasing a low-quality product that may contain toxic impurities or dyes.

Due to the waterproofness of suspended ceilings, vapor exchange is disrupted, so the room will not be very comfortable to breathe, you will have to ventilate more often and turn on the air conditioning.

The temperature at which PVC film is allowed to be used should not fall below +5°C and rise above +50°C.

Every six months, glossy stretch ceilings must be washed, as stains from splashes and drops become noticeable, for example, in the bathroom or kitchen.

Design of suspended ceilings - photos

When planning to complement your interior with stretch ceilings, it would be a good idea to look already ready-made options, implemented in different rooms: living room, kitchen, bedroom, children's room, bathroom, hallway and corridor.

The presented selection of photographs will help you visualize future design ceilings, and will also give new interesting ideas according to their design.

Stretch ceiling in the hall (living room)

Complex multi-tiered ceilings, original photo printing and beautiful lighting with the use of luxurious lamps.

It is advisable to select the shade of the stretch ceiling for the living room to match the overall design. In spacious halls large structures and rich colors will become a beautiful accent, but in small ones it is better to limit yourself to an elegant plasterboard frame around the perimeter, a light glossy (satin) film or a clear sky pattern.

Stretch ceiling in the kitchen

The kitchen is a room where suspended ceilings will always be more appropriate than any other: condensation does not collect on the film, it does not absorb odors, and if it gets dirty, you can simply wipe it gently with a soft sponge soaked in a light soapy solution or window cleaner.

A bright and cheerful ceiling color that matches the furniture or harmonizes with the wall decoration will create an uplifting mood while cooking.

Stretch ceiling in the bedroom

Since the main purpose of the bedroom is rest and relaxation, it is better to decorate its interior in gentle pastel colors, and instead of a mirror texture, give preference to satin or matte.

If you want to diversify the design, you can choose a stretch ceiling with unobtrusive colors, curls or a starry sky effect. Last option It will look incredibly romantic in the dark, illuminated by miniature diodes.

Stretch ceiling in the bathroom

PVC film is an indispensable covering for the ceiling in the bathroom. While plaster becomes saturated with dampness and crumbles within the first year after repair, tensioned fabric can last up to ten years without losing its aesthetics at all.

Condensation does not collect on a stretch ceiling, but to avoid noticeable splash marks, it is better to choose a satin or matte film instead of a glossy one.

If you have decided on what to use to decorate the ceiling surface in your living room, this is only half the battle done: the most difficult thing is choosing harmonious design- still to come. Currently, stretch ceilings brilliantly solve interior problems of varying degrees of complexity, appearance which have changed significantly since their first appearance on the market finishing materials. Coming up with a design project from scratch is difficult even for a trained specialist, so if you are faced with the task of decorating a suspended ceiling in a room, use photos with the most striking examples of modern, non-trivial design. Who knows, maybe in one of the proposed interiors you will find an important idea for yourself, from which you can start when creating your own design project?

Functions of the hall

Among all the rooms in an apartment or house, perhaps it is the hall that takes on all the difficulty in organizing a comfortable pastime for family members. However, why only them? To the same extent, it is necessary to organize a comfortable stay for guests, help them relax and set the right mood. It is no coincidence that many people call the hall slightly differently - living room, and the semantics of this word is more than transparent to the vast majority of those who read these lines.

It is clear that it is impossible to please everyone, and conflicts in the perception of interior features are inevitable, but it is still possible to determine the main functions of the hall, so that you can build on the received theses and begin to move towards the selection of interiors that perform these functions:

  • organizing leisure time for family members and guests of the house/apartment;
  • leisure;
  • family games;
  • watching television programs, films;
  • listening to music.

Of course, it is always easier to install a suspended ceiling in the hall if you live alone in an apartment or house - then the design is built exclusively for one person, and there are no conflicts of taste interests and cannot be. However, such cases are less common - they are rather the exception to the rule.

In any case, the hall is a fairly spacious room with comfortable furniture and conditions for relaxation different types, which means that the design ceiling surface should take into account:

  1. zoning of the premises;
  2. furniture arrangement;
  3. area and height of the room.

What material should I use?

In the case of suspended ceilings in the hall, the available choice is determined 3 types film used:

  1. gloss;
  2. matte coating;
  3. fabric base.

Glossy Stretch ceilings in the hall, of course, always look advantageous.

They have a great glare and participate in organizing complex light patterns, but only if proper organization lighting. If you are decorating your room yourself, be restrained and follow basic compositional techniques, otherwise there is a risk of overloading the room unnecessarily bright light. What kind of comfort can we talk about then? The photo shows examples of the design of suspended ceilings in a hall where the lighting is in perfect order.

The winning combination of glossy canvas with suspended structures from gypsum board sheets. There are a dozen options for this design technique, and in the following photos you have an excellent opportunity to study them.

Matte suspended ceilings can be used in a hall where the overall restraint of the interior is welcomed. Some call them boring and inexpressive, but in fact they reveal themselves wonderfully in interiors “tailored” to minimalism and loft. Consistency, tranquility, brevity - those who understand at least something about modern design will certainly appreciate these advantages of a matte surface.

Fabric the ceilings are visually very similar to matte - in the photo it is sometimes difficult to draw a line between them, however, due to the peculiarity of reflecting light glare, they provide much more possibilities for interesting zoning of the room and construction of unusual lighting ensembles. In addition, they are seamless, and this fact directly affects the perception of your interior.

Color and its influence on the interior

Deciding on the color choice tension fabric, be sure to remember the exceptional role of this factor in creating a successful atmosphere in the room in every sense. Don't try to set yourself the task of building original interior due to an unexpected color scheme on the ceiling surface: excessively flashy tones can work against you, and instead of the expected comfort, your family members will not be able to even simply relax.

When choosing a color, adhere to the main rule: the suspended ceiling in the hall should fit into the design so as to serve as an addition to the interior, and not as its central part, drawing all the attention of guests to itself.

Light shades are ideal for matte PVC ceilings - and vice versa, avoid using dark colors combined with a matte texture in the hall. Experienced designers know why exactly this way and not otherwise: the matte surface does not reflect light, and there is real risk go overboard with the mood, creating a frankly gloomy and uncomfortable interior.

If gloss or fabric base is used, then build good design with suspended ceiling structures in the hall you can do anything you want: both textures serve as an excellent tool for creating expressive lighting configurations. Moreover, by skillfully using combinations, you can even directly influence the visual perception of the space of the room.

  1. light ceilings visually increase the height of the room, while dark ceilings, on the contrary, reduce it to acceptable proportions;
  2. upward-directed light helps to achieve the effect of the infinity of the ceiling structure, and downward-directed light slightly reduces the scale of the hall and makes it more comfortable for relaxation and peace of mind;
  3. a combination of dark stretch ceilings and light walls, even from the most modest-sized room, will make a completely cozy and spacious room, even if the wealth free space- nothing more than an illusion.

Photo printing as a means of expression

The advantages of using suspended ceilings in the hall are clearly demonstrated by design examples modern interiors on the picture. Let us dwell in more detail on the options for suspended ceilings with photo printing. In essence, this is a powerful tool for creating memorable, expressive design projects, which are almost impossible to replicate in another interior format. Often photo printing in the hall is used specifically on fabric ceilings, creating the impression of an incredibly expensive and spectacular canvas with deep and emphasized volume.


Design a suspended ceiling in the hall, as shown in the photo from modern design, you can do it in a variety of styles, from the good old classics to the ultra-serious industrial loft. However, the key to the success of the final project is harmony between all components of the interior composition. When working on this or that element, do not forget that it is just a cog in the overall mechanism, and not the main part. Knowledge of the basic compositional laws that we mentioned above will help you avoid common mistakes among beginners and create an interior in your living room that will equally appeal to all members of your family and potential guests.

During the creative rethinking of the space in the apartment, the use of suspended ceilings, photographs for the hall of which were found in thematic catalogues, everyone strives to find their own “trick”. Designers recommend that beginners not pursue the aesthetic component, but rather pay more attention to the functional one. This means that the right finishing will create coziness and give the room uniqueness.

Classic stretch ceilings for the hall white began their victorious march about 10 years ago. In those years, they were used to emphasize the severity of the forms of a classic interior. After one decade this design tool received greater impetus in its development. Now the buyer has the opportunity to choose Various types textures and colors.

WITH practical point From our point of view, placing suspended ceilings in an apartment of any size has several tangible advantages for the end user:

  1. Durability – if all operating rules are followed, the product is guaranteed to last about 10-12 years.
  2. Wear resistance - as mentioned above, suspended ceilings must be selected correctly, taking into account the specifics of the room. First of all, attention is paid to the level of humidity and temperature background. In second place are the planned decorative elements. For example, if you plan to make a suspended ceiling using lamps, then in this case you need to give preference to glossy film. This is done due to the greater ability of the material to withstand spot heating.
  3. Attractive appearance - material with the required parameters can be purchased with photo printing of the required sample. Thanks to this, even a compact “Khrushchev” can be miraculously transformed.
  4. Practicality - installation of tension structures eliminates the need to whitewash the ceiling.

Types of suspended ceilings: photos for the hall

Due to the fact that it is represented in the trading network a wide range of suspended ceilings, the consumer needs to do in all respects conscious choice. The longevity of the product largely depends on the correct assessment of the actual situation in the room. Experienced builders say that it is not difficult to choose the design of such a ceiling, regardless of its type.

The main task of the consumer is to consider existing species products, choosing the most suitable option. It happens that it can be difficult for a buyer to independently determine which options will look best in the interior. In this case, you need to visit the relevant stores where samples are presented finished products. Here, based on the wishes expressed by clients, managers will help make sketches.

Depending on the features design project, the appropriate suspended ceiling is selected.

Each of its varieties has certain advantages:

  1. Glossy - in all respects attractive options for those who prefer to live luxuriously. Depending on the type of texture chosen, beautiful spatial transitions and visual accents are created in the room.
  2. PVC film - characterized by greater functionality and lower cost per square meter. Depending on the client's needs, matte, suede or satin surfaces can be installed. The material is resistant to significant changes in humidity levels, which is especially important in cases where neighbors above often flood.
  3. Fabric – durable material, which can withstand frequent changes in temperature and humidity levels. Depending on the type of fabric, the width of the product ranges from 3 to 6 meters. Thanks to this, it is easy to fit a seamless ceiling even into a non-standard interior with any dimensions.

In most cases, the installation process is quite simple. Even a person who does not have significant experience in this matter can cope with the task.

Non-standard stretch ceilings

A private house or city apartment often lacks the “zest” that creates the necessary atmosphere. Fans of bold experiments try various options that do not always achieve the desired result. In this case, designers recommend thinking about the fact that the location of the lighting system may be different than in standard apartment. It's about about stretch ceilings with built-in light bulbs or neon tubes. The last option is considered the most creative design experiment.

Depending on the features of the interior and the prevailing colors, you can choose one of the following options:

  1. A universal option is considered to be a white stretch ceiling with built-in diffused light.
  2. Combined option - the design has built-in lamps located above the main functional areas. The degree of illumination is adjusted separately.
  3. Neon tubes – due to their flexible shape, they can take any shape. If desired, you can connect several separate multi-colored modules.
  4. The classic version involves the use of a medium-sized chandelier.
  5. "Starry Sky" - on matte surface Many spotlights are installed. The lighting of the room is controlled using the control panel.

Choosing chandeliers for a suspended ceiling for the hall

IN classic interior It is appropriate to use chandeliers that harmoniously combine with PVC film. It is recommended to avoid using glossy surfaces. Even a small light bulb generates a sufficient amount of heat.

As a result of prolonged exposure to a glossy surface, characteristic black marks are formed on it.

From a practical point of view, the selection of lighting fixtures for the living room is based on the following criteria:

  • It is better to avoid using 4-5 light bulbs in a chandelier if you plan to print photos on the ceiling;
  • It would be reasonable to install lighting fixture, implying point direction emitted light;
  • A mandatory requirement is the installation of shades, regardless of the type of chandelier used.

Features of two-level stretch ceilings for the hall

In the last few years, the photo gallery of many design agencies has been replenished with samples of non-standard projects. Stylish two-tier ceilings fit into spacious rooms, while placing visual accents. In addition to size, it is necessary to remember the aesthetic requirement.

  1. Minimum required amount fixation points for a 2-level structure – 14.
  2. It is recommended to abandon the idea of ​​using an overly complex pattern.
  3. Correctly selected two-level structures imply harmonious combination with curtains or curtains.
  4. Classic black multi-level ceilings They look stylish, but it’s better to diversify them with white splashes.
  5. It is fair to say that the presence of more than 3 various colors it would be inappropriate on such a ceiling.

Rules for installing a suspended ceiling in a hall in a private house: photo

In a private house, the shape of the ceiling is often far from ideal, not to mention cracks. This is why it is necessary to install tensile structures, allowing for minimum cost time and finances to hide many defects. Depending on the wishes of the clients, ceilings are purchased that imply the possibility of applying a picture or a plain version.

It is important to remember that in private households they are installed exclusively single-level structures. This is dictated by the planning features.

In addition, attention should be paid to the following recommendations:

  • More beneficial in terms of durability and fire safety is a suspended ceiling based on PVC film;
  • More expensive combined options It is advisable to use in rooms with complex planning conditions;
  • Despite the fact that the process of installing the ceiling takes several hours, 3-4 people can handle the job;
  • If you plan to use photographs as texture, then they should be in harmony with the overall style of the room.

Rules for using suspended ceilings in the living room of an apartment: photos and tips

Stretch ceilings with and without a pattern need constant care. In this case, we can talk about long-term operation. More in need of this glossy surface, which due to its physical characteristics actively accumulates dust.

For those who are not very fond of cleaning, a good recommendation would be to purchase PVC film. Firstly, its color does not fade as dust settles. Secondly, the process of cleaning it will not take much time.

Generally speaking, tensile structures have the following recommendations regarding the rules of their operation:

  • Regardless of the type of ceiling, it is imperative to ensure that environmentally friendly materials are used in its manufacture;
  • When installing tension structures with internal lighting, it is necessary to provide a close location of the socket;
  • When using the designs described above, it would not be amiss to use durable and energy-saving light bulbs;
  • If children or animals live in the house, then it is better to give preference to ceilings that can be quickly cleaned during wet cleaning.

Choosing a stretch ceiling for a hall (video)

The use of suspended ceilings in the interiors of residential premises has become not just a tribute to fashion, but a functional solution in all respects. Protection against leaks, wear resistance, durability and attractive appearance are only a small part of their advantages. In order to fully enjoy them, you need to choose the right tension structures. The area of ​​the room, the prevailing style and the desired end result are taken into account.

Stretch ceilings are an important part of interior design. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the abundance of interesting solutions presented in the photo!

Stretch ceilings: pros and cons

An important component of modern high-quality repairs is the installation of suspended ceilings.

They are beautiful and allow you to complete the creation in the room. individual design. In addition, such ceilings are surprisingly practical; their maintenance is minimal and simple. But at the same time modern technology I have met many opponents who claim that suspended ceilings are made from unnatural materials and are not environmentally friendly. Is it so? Let's figure it out.

The advantages of suspended ceilings include:

  • Long service life
  • Ease of installation
  • Aesthetics
  • Waterproof
  • Huge selection of models for every taste
  • High reliability

Among the shortcomings we note:

  • Needs replacement in case of flooding
  • Difficulty choosing lamps
  • May be damaged by accidental mechanical impact

As you can see, suspended ceilings have significantly more advantages.

Let's compare this fashionable solution in design with a traditional whitewashed ceiling.

Choosing material for a stretch ceiling

The comparison made it possible to verify that tension ones are superior to conventional ones in a large number of characteristics, but at the same time they are not without drawbacks. If we compare suspended and suspended ceilings, the advantage of the latter is obvious: the distance between hanging structure and a regular ceiling of no more than 3 cm, which will “save” height, while hanging products will “eat up” about 10 cm of space. In any case, the choice is yours!

The cost of the structure largely depends on the material that was used for manufacturing.

Stretch ceilings made of PVC films will last at least 10 years, maintaining their impeccable appearance. One of the properties of the material is its high elasticity. Modern films are covered the thinnest layer Teflon, which protects them from contamination. Such ceilings will allow you to hide pipes, wiring, ventilation and other communications. PVC ceilings are not uniform in texture and can be divided into the following groups:

  • Glossy
  • Matte
  • Satin


This is the most common option in the family of suspended ceilings; they will last more than 25 years and will help create a interesting design, highlight the taste of the owner. They are distinguished by a wide range of applications: they are installed in residential buildings, offices, government buildings, country residences, as well as in cafes and clubs. Such models are widely used in rooms requiring sound insulation (cinemas, recording studios). These ceilings have a number of advantages:

  • Waterproof (in case of flooding, they will help preserve both repairs and furniture)
  • Ecological cleanliness
  • Completely safe for health, including for allergy sufferers
  • Due to the property of high plasticity, complex multi-level structures can be created from them.
  • Looks very modern
  • Such models are literally created for mounting lighting
  • Due to their composition, these coatings do not form mold or mildew, which is why they can be used in rooms with high humidity.

When choosing a stretch ceiling, trust only reliable manufacturers: cheap analogues are often harmful to health!


Such models will allow you to avoid glare and in appearance resemble the whitewash that many people are accustomed to. They are ideal for large rooms rectangular shape, have a smooth surface.

Such ceilings are preferred by owners of rooms with (antique furniture, columns, collections hanging on the walls): thanks to the matte finish, the coating will not distract attention from contemplating the details. The advantages also include:

  • High moisture resistance
  • Increased density
  • Lower price (compared to glossy ones)
  • The abundance of color variations will help you choose the most optimal model

Matte ceilings can withstand water loads of up to 100 liters and will ideally hide all defects and unevenness of a natural ceiling from view. Due to the fact that such products do not reflect light well, they should be supplemented with lighting devices.

These universal stretch ceilings will suit any interior style and fit perfectly into the design.


This is a kind of transitional option between glossy and matte models, golden mean, a combination of unobtrusiveness of matte and light shine of glossy products. Their surface is perfectly smooth and has a delicate shine. Such ceilings are made from PVC canvas, lightly polished (but not to a mirror finish, unlike glossy ones). The texture of the canvas gives it a resemblance to satin fabric, which is how the name came about. Most often, manufacturers offer light color solutions(beige, pink, white, blue), photo printing will help to add variety and individuality.

Fabric stretch ceilings

For their manufacture, a special fabric impregnated with polymers is used. Due to the fact that the rolled fabric is quite wide, unsightly seams on the ceiling surface can be avoided.


  • Very durable
  • Excellent resistance to low temperatures
  • More resistant to accidental mechanical damage than PVC products


  • Limited choice (small number of models presented)
  • Impossibility of re-installation
  • Difficult to clean from dirt
  • There is no possibility of creating complex multi-level structures.

Classification by number of levels

Convert an ordinary room In an original room, two- and multi-level stretch ceilings will help you bring your design talent to life. By using canvas of various colors and sizes, you can create amazing designs with smooth lines or sharp corners; Such models will help in zoning the room. The ability to combine colors will allow for creativity.

Two-level ceilings are ideal for a room with low walls: they will visually expand the boundaries of the space.

Styles of suspended ceilings

High tech

Fans of this modern style can opt for a glossy PVC ceiling. Thanks to the abundance of options, you can install a model with a “metal look” or an interesting pattern indoors. Original lighting is also welcome here.


The classic style never loses its relevance. Those who prefer a traditional conservative approach to room design can choose matte ceiling. Satin models would also be appropriate here; thanks to their gentle shimmer, they will add a special flavor to the interior. For ceiling covering all shades of white, beige, color are ideal Ivory, natural flax. Monochrome two-level designs are allowed. The role of additional elements will be perfectly played by arches, semi-arches, and columns.


The style is distinguished by clear lines and simplicity of forms; A white matte ceiling would be ideal for it; a black one would also be appropriate, without any additional details.


One of the brightest and unusual styles modernity, fusion, can be successfully complemented by a creative stretch ceiling: it is better to choose a model with an unusual texture and original colors; Imitation of wooden or stone surfaces, even a combination of both, are perfect. In this style, all types of multi-level structures will be appropriate, be it dunes, arches, smooth lines, you can decorate the ceiling with photo printing of the most unusual tones. A creative approach to lighting is also welcome: an abundance of small lamps, illuminated cornices will help turn the room into a real kingdom of harmonious madness!


The ethnic style ceiling looks great. Fans of African savannahs can opt for models in brown or sand color, with warm-colored lighting, or have colored square panels in wooden frames built into the ceiling. For lovers of Indian chic, it is interesting to design the ceiling in the traditions of a real palace of a wealthy maharaja: with an abundance decorative elements and ornament.


This style does not require any complex design developments; it will be perfectly complemented by a single-color matte or glossy ceiling that matches color scheme the premises as a whole.

Modern technologies make it possible to apply absolutely any image, be it the abundant greenery of the wild jungle, blue sky, scarlet sunset. The most daring can decorate the ceiling with an unusual portrait or reproduction of a favorite painting; images of animals and cities are also in demand. Photo printing will help to visually expand the boundaries of space - imitation of the sky with fluffy clouds.

Photo printing can be applied to any ceilings, including matte ones. Original design will allow you to bring brightness and creativity into the interior, expressing the personality of the owner. This technology perfectly performs the function of zoning a room: various drawings It’s as if they are drawing lines in the room that separate one functional area from another. Photo printing on the ceiling will help diversify the nursery, making it cozy and fabulous. The black and white color scheme looks very stylish; it is perfect for those who like conservatism in design.

New generation stretch ceilings, with photo printing, will allow you not to limit your flight of imagination to the usual limits!

Selecting lighting

Importance when creating perfect design has thoughtful lighting. Spotlights placed around the entire perimeter will help make a room with a suspended ceiling look elegant and add an element of solemnity. Chandelier shades should be directed downward, otherwise there is a risk of damaging the ceiling surface due to temperature exposure.

Using ceiling lighting, you can achieve the effect of zoning a room. Built-in lamps will help visually increase the height of the walls.

Additional advantages of suspended ceilings include the ability to choose not only an overhead, but also a recessed lamp, as well as a large number of different LED strips, spotlights of various diameters.

Stretch ceilings in various rooms

In the bedroom

Ceiling installation and maintenance

Many people ask the question – should the installation of a stretch ceiling be carried out before or after gluing? The answer is simple: installation is the final stage of repair; it is performed after all dust-related work has already been completed.

The time spent on installation depends on the size of the room, as well as on the complexity of the structure itself.

Thermal shrinkage is the process that is used when installing PVC ceilings. Its essence is as follows: the canvas is heated with a special gas gun, due to which its elasticity increases significantly, then the product is stretched along the perimeter of the ceiling and secured. For fabric models, the cold installation method is used: the fabric is stretched and fastened without changing the temperature. Due to the fact that the procedure is quite serious, it is better to entrust the installation process to professionals; it is not for nothing that on the websites of many manufacturers the price is indicated with installation.

The following video will help you understand the intricacies of installation technology:


Modern stretch ceilings are unpretentious and do not require any special approaches to maintenance. Such products are quite easy to keep clean; it is enough to wipe the ceiling with a dry soft cloth as needed. The application of a special polish will help restore the original shine to glossy ceilings. To avoid streaks, it is recommended to wipe the surface with straight back and forth movements.

Matte ceilings lend themselves perfectly to cleaning with water steam, or with a warm solution (with the addition of a small amount of crushed laundry soap). If the ceiling is fabric - wet cleaning allowed in rare cases of severe contamination. The solution should be used with a very low soap content; To avoid color changes, its effect should first be tested on a small, inconspicuous area.

Let's extend the life of the stretch ceiling

To make the period of communication with the ceiling longer and more enjoyable, you should not lose sight of the following subtleties:

  • During repairs, it is preferable to dismantle the PVC ceiling; the fabric ceiling should be covered with film;
  • From removing even the most heavy pollution brushing should be avoided.

Stylish and modern stretch ceilings are finding an increasing number of fans. They are presented in large number options, functional, durable, will fit harmoniously into any style and interior; they look impressive, thanks to which they emphasize the sophistication of the owner’s taste.

Stretch ceiling are becoming more popular every day. After all, they create a special atmosphere in the room, allow you to completely change its style, add solemnity and gloss.

They are especially often used in large rooms, for example, halls and living rooms. After looking at photos of various options for suspended ceilings in an apartment in this article, believe me, you will find many interesting solutions.

What are suspended ceilings?

Basics advantage of such coatings is that thanks to them you can perfectly level the ceiling.

They can be used even in very large premises, because thanks to correct processing the junctions of several elements become completely invisible.

The materials from which they are made are environmentally friendly and safe for health. They do not have unpleasant odor and do not emit toxic substances even with strong heating.

In addition, they allow you to completely change the style of the room in a short time, refresh it and fill it with unexpected colors.

There are such types of suspended ceilings:

According to the material:

By width of the canvas:

According to the texture of the canvas:

Stretch ceilings can fixate in several ways: Directly to the main ceiling, custom frame, wall or plasterboard profile.

The main thing is that suspended ceilings for the hall are in any case attached as firmly and reliably as possible. To prevent unforeseen situations and possible breakdowns.

What are “single-level” ceilings?

Single-level stretch ceiling - This is one type of coating applied in one layer. This is the simplest installation option in terms of form and type of installation, because it does not require preliminary preparation.

Mostly such ceilings can be seen in strict and restrained interiors, where the main emphasis can be placed only on the deep and rich shade of the surface.

For example, burgundy, dark gray, pastel shades, as well as traditional shades of beige, milk and chocolate look very cool.

The fabric of this coating needs minimal care, it has heat-resistant properties. Moisture and Sun rays he is also not afraid.

Features of multi-level ceiling coverings

As the name implies, such ceilings consist of several levels, that is, blocks that differ in height.

Usually between them there are special modules made of plasterboard, wood or other rigid material that holds its shape well.

This technology allows you to create structures of any shape and change the space depending on the shortcomings that are observed in it.

In addition, the types of coverings in these areas can be completely different, creating an interesting contrast, narrowing or expanding the space.

Design options often include graphic designs that imitate a rectangular or oval frame around the perimeter of the room.

You can often see abstract forms that, intertwined on the ceiling, recreate some fantastic patterns and combinations.

With this decorative technique you can designate zones in the room, shift the accents in it, or hide the disproportionality and excessive angularity of the room.

Among the most fashionable combinations multi-level stretch ceilings you can find coffee and ivory shades, scarlet and black, pearl gray and blue.

Plus they look great and are very bright accents on a calm white background. These include rich light green, lemon, pink, tangerine, lilac and lavender.

Which photo printing is suitable for decorating a living room?

High-quality photo printing allows you to apply absolutely any image to the ceiling, maintaining its clarity, proportions and identical shades. This task is performed using specialized printers, many of which can accommodate a single piece of fabric up to 5 meters in size.

There are several types of printing:

Among the most unusual options In the design of large rooms, it is worth noting images of stained glass windows and ancient frescoes.

They fill the room with spirituality and grandeur, look expensive and evoke sincere admiration.

And the natural landscapes allow you to completely relax and tune in to a pleasant conversation.

It is necessary to give preference to calm pictures with sunsets or images of winter weight - they pacify and enchant with their splendor.

The best design options for large and small rooms

The most common ceilings are those with an imitation of the starry sky. They are considered a practical and very stylish option for any room.

What could be more spectacular than twinkling stars and comets? Their image can brighten up the simplicity of any room, filling it with endless space and a fantastic mood.

According to the main design canons, large patterns and designs should be chosen for spacious rooms with high ceilings. And small and elegant - for elegant and small rooms.

In principle, this rule still applies today. But who said that an exception cannot be made from it? Indeed, in each individual case an individual approach is required.

Look at these examples of beautiful stretch ceilings for the hall, which are shown in the following photos.

There is so much grace and gloss, beauty and luxury in them. Do you want everything in your interior to look just as thoughtful and beautiful?

Then give yourself permission to take risks and choose something completely unexpected and even provocative. Believe me, after such a decision, your hall or living room will simply have no equal.

In what cases should you use matte finishes?

Matte stretch ceilings – This is a classic, noble solution that is perfect for a cozy and relaxed living room.

This is because in appearance they resemble a traditional whitewashed surface.

Most often, this coating is used in large rooms with high ceilings. After all, a matte canvas does not reflect light, which means it visually reduces the space, which is unacceptable in an already tiny room.

What kind of interior are glossy stretch ceilings suitable for?

Whatever stretch ceiling design for the hall you look at, you will notice whole line notable features.

There are no restrictions regarding the use of glossy coating. It has not lost its relevance for many years, continuing to delight with its light shine.

Reflecting electric and natural light, such a ceiling rushes upward, stretching the space and pushing its walls apart. Depending on the shade used and the type of pattern, such a ceiling can be used in any interior.

Is it worth making mirrored ceilings in the hall?

Mirrored ceilings always look extremely expensive and stylish.

In addition, they can significantly increase the height of the walls and visually expand the space, filling it with air and light.

Smooth material, reflecting all pieces of furniture and accessories, erases the boundaries of the room. It literally glows from within, shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow.

Despite the fact that it seems to be a very fragile and capricious option for a house or apartment, mirror coating does not require any special care.

It does not darken, holds its shape well and retains its original appearance for a long time.

This ceiling can be safely used in rooms of any size. It goes well with classic massive lamps or silk lampshades, as well as light modern sconces.

The overall picture, of course, depends on carefully selected decorative elements, textiles and stylistic direction.

But in any case, the mirror coating will deepen the existing atmosphere and make it possible to fully enjoy it.

Which lamps: chandeliers or spotlights should be selected for suspended ceilings?

It's no secret that suspended ceilings are afraid high temperatures. Under their influence they can become quite deformed.

Therefore, it is worth taking care in advance not only of beautiful lamps, but also of lamps that are safe for its integrity.

By by and large it doesn’t matter whether the ceiling is decorated with one large or many miniature lamps. Or it will even combine a whole composition of sconces and spots of various sizes.

The main thing is that they have incandescent light bulbs up to 50 kW installed.

Most the best option in this case, energy-saving lamps are rightfully considered, especially if they are additionally equipped with special reflectors.

For a soft romantic and mysterious glow around the perimeter of the ceiling structure, you can use LED strip lighting.

It is quickly installed, has several color modes and adds brightness and charm to the room.

The chandelier in the hall, as in any other room, must be fixed to the suspended ceiling using strong brackets. They are attached to the main ceiling, ensuring a secure grip.

In this case, all additional elements are hidden behind tension surface. And you see only the lamp itself and its shadow, which is cast on the ceiling.

All lamps can create a strict graphic composition or create a chaotic and non-standard pattern. The main thing is that the lighting in the room is sufficient and does not make the room too dark and gloomy.

Tension coverings in various interior styles

The number of design options for ceilings in living rooms and other designated rooms tends to be infinite.

All of them are different in style, have their own specific features and require careful consideration of all the details of the composition.

It is thanks to this that the interior of your room can turn out to be holistic and harmonious. So let's figure out what the main features are characteristic of the ceiling in various stylistic directions:

If you don’t know what style you like or want to become the owner of a one-of-a-kind room, choose eclecticism.

This style allows you to combine the features of several trends in decor. So go for it.

What parameters does the cost of such ceiling design depend on?

It should be remembered that when choosing suspended ceilings for a hall, you need to know how the final price of their production and installation is determined.

So what exactly affects their cost?

Current advice from designers on the correct choice of tension coverings

Designers from all over the world never cease to amaze with their original ideas and non-standard combinations.

New trends appear literally every day, and among them you can find not only attractive ones, but also functional ones that can be easily applied in the everyday conditions of a residential building, cottage or apartment.

Among the latest trends, it is worth noting the recreation of the floor structure on the ceiling: for example, parquet masonry, mosaic tiles various forms or a stunning carpet pattern.

This move completely changes the perception of space, making it noble and truly unique of its kind.

In addition, hypnotic prints with images of spirals and strange weaves are in fashion. According to experts, they work well to expand the space, adding mystery and fabulousness to it.

For attic premises You can try to stretch the covering not only on the part of the ceiling parallel to the floor, but also on the sloping one.

This will not be so easy to do, even for a professional with extensive experience. But this composition looks simply magical.

And finally, ceilings that imitate a dome or arch. They have so much aristocracy and splendor that they are sure to arouse everyone's admiration.

They stretch the ceiling towards the sky, add roundness and comfort to the room, and smooth out sharp corners and rough details. With them, a room in the Provence style or classical design acquires a truly complete and unique image.

As you can see in our photos, the types of suspended ceilings for the hall are a huge collection of ideas that will help transform your room beyond recognition. Any of them can be brought to life, just choose and enjoy the result.

Basic care rules

In order for the suspended ceiling to retain its luxurious appearance for a long time, you should adhere to several simple rules for care and operation:

Each of them will definitely find its fans.

Therefore, choose the most suitable one and quickly begin renovating the central room for receiving guests and holding intimate family celebrations.