How to clean soot from suspended ceilings. How and with what to wash suspended ceilings in the kitchen? Action algorithm for glossy and matte surfaces. Cleaning the ceiling from soot and soot

How to clean soot from suspended ceilings.  How and with what to wash suspended ceilings in the kitchen?  Action algorithm for glossy and matte surfaces.  Cleaning the ceiling from soot and soot
How to clean soot from suspended ceilings. How and with what to wash suspended ceilings in the kitchen? Action algorithm for glossy and matte surfaces. Cleaning the ceiling from soot and soot

Stretch ceilings are a relatively recently introduced interior design option, but they immediately became incredibly popular. Today, this smooth, smooth coating adorns the ceiling surface of the bedroom, living room, children's room, hallway and other rooms. However, not all people still know how to properly care for such coating. Our article will tell you about the features of caring for a suspended ceiling.


Stretch ceiling is a modern stylish finish with original design. The canvas is attached using baguettes (plastic or aluminum). Similar finishes began to be used back in the 60s of the twentieth century in countries Western Europe. IN Ancient Rome They used a kind of stretch ceiling in the form of decorations made of fabric drapery.


  • This finish has gained great popularity precisely due to the creation original decors in the interior.
  • Tensile structures do not require construction work to prepare the surface, since the materials are suspended at a certain distance from the ceiling.
  • The system is adapted to accommodate various communication devices and electrical wiring.
  • Installation work takes a short time, and it also remains minimal amount waste materials after repairs.
  • The material is resistant to high humidity.
  • Decorative finishing can hide defects in the ceiling base.
  • Maintenance and cleaning do not require special skills.

Stretch ceilings, like all finishing materials, require maintenance in order for it to look perfect and last as long as possible. Despite its antistatic properties, the material is exposed to dust, grease, and nicotine over time. Frequent cleaning is especially necessary in kitchens and bathrooms. Basic effective care– wet cleansing (washing). Before you deal with proper washing, you need to find out what material the suspended ceiling is made of and study the type of contamination.

There are several types of care for suspended ceilings:

  1. Wet cleaning is done using a napkin made of soft material, moistened with water.
  2. Dry cleaning is done using a soft sponge. This is done by lightly wiping the surface without putting much pressure on the material.
  3. Cleaning with a washing vacuum cleaner or steam cleaner.

To clean and wash a stretch ceiling, you need tools: a ladder (stepladder), soft napkins or fabrics (sponge), washing vacuum cleaner with brush attachment, detergents.

Types of pollution


This type contaminants often appear in the kitchen. This is due to the fact that the kitchen is designed for frequent cooking. There is nothing you can do about it; frequent cleaning of the ceiling will help you with this. To wash such contaminants, use detergent for dishes or glasses. First, you need to treat the stains with the product and leave for 3-4 minutes. Then dirt can be easily removed by wiping with a soft sponge.


Most often, dust accumulates on the ceiling in summer time of the year. Very often it can be found in open spaces(balcony, loggias). Therefore, frequent wet cleaning is recommended in these rooms. Also, a lot of dust and paint accumulates after a room is renovated. Dust can be quickly removed with a vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment. When cleaning, the vacuum cleaner nozzle should be 1-2 cm from the ceiling so as not to stick to the surface. To prevent the vacuum cleaner from drawing material inside, it is best to wrap the nozzle with cloth. Work must be carried out on average speed devices. Wet cleaning technology:

  • A damp cloth (cotton or flannel) is wrapped around the mop so that it does not fall off.
  • The mop is placed in such a position that there is light contact with the ceiling. It is not recommended to press with force to avoid damaging the material.
  • The movement of the mop should be in a straight line in the “backward” direction.

Water-based paint can be easily cleaned with plain water. Do not try to rip off other types of paint; you will only ruin the material. Alcohol-containing compounds are suitable for this purpose.


Grease stains mainly appear in the kitchen area around the stove when cooking. Cleaning is carried out in the same way as cleaning soot and soot. Experts advise: before washing greasy spots at home, they need to be moistened with a soap-foam solution.


To clean the ceiling from the marker, use alcohol-containing solutions. You need to apply the solution several times to avoid streaks. Rinse with plain water and wipe dry. Minor dirt can be easily removed with a steam cleaner. After such cleaning, condensation will form, which must be wiped dry with a dry cotton cloth.

Various materials

Stretch ceilings are made from two types of materials.

Polyurethane fabric

The ceiling material is made from polyester. This material has the ability to stretch in any direction. The basis of the material is polyester threads, which are coated with a polymer composition and painted in a variety of colors. color palettes. It is believed that fabric ceilings are more reliable and durable than film ceilings. They are not translucent due to the thickness of the fabric. They are not demanding to wash; the fabric can withstand high levels of dirt and stress. The impregnations included in the design are considered environmentally friendly pure material. Fabric ceilings do not accumulate moisture, as a result of which this coating breathes. If after all fabric ceiling has been subjected to persistent contamination, follow the advice of specialists:

  • Fabric should not be cleaned with products containing alcohol and acetone (glass and mirror cleaners).
  • Washing is carried out only with movements in a straight line away from you; if you move the rag in a circle, a large number of soap stains will form.
  • As a last resort, washing the fabric with a powder solution is allowed.

PVC ceiling

Polyvinyl chloride is an elastic material that has the ability to quickly recover after deformation. Thanks to its natural composition, dirt and dust practically do not accumulate on this ceiling. It is also resistant to alcohol elements, acid and salt solutions, and fire. It is easy to press and returns to its original shape. Extreme care and caution is required when cleaning such material. It is better to clean PVC sheets manually without using a mop. The use of cleaning mixtures containing acetone is prohibited. Under the influence of such a solution, the film will simply disappear. Depending on the type of material used, the ceiling can be:

  1. Glossy.
  2. Matte.

What can I use to wash it?

Stretch ceiling is capricious finishing material. Washing and cleaning is possible only with products that do not have an abrasive effect. Before use, you must test the product on a piece of material. suspended ceiling. To clean suspended ceilings, it is recommended to use various sprays, gels, liquid soap solutions, and foams. Here are some of the products released well-known manufacturers:

  • "Mister Muscle" is the most economical special. a product for combating greasy stains and dust in the kitchen, giving the surface ceiling covering brilliant shade.
  • Fairy– an excellent cleaner not only kitchen utensils, but also ceiling structures.


There are numerous cleaning methods glossy ceiling, but the most popular products are Mr. Muscle and Vanish. It is difficult to clean a glossy ceiling, because stains appear on it and scratches and cracks are noticeably visible. Cleaning should only be carried out after reading the instructions:

  1. A soap solution is being prepared. IN warm water Add the amount of detergent required according to the instructions.
  2. The resulting solution must be whipped into foam.
  3. The foam is applied to a sponge and distributed over the entire area of ​​the ceiling covering.
  4. After removing the dirt, the foam is washed off with plain water.

Wet cleaning of glossy surfaces is recommended. no more than 4-5 times a year. To maintain gloss, dry cleaning once a month is sufficient. If such a coating is installed in the bathroom or kitchen, then wet cleaning should be done more often. After all, the accumulated deposits of grease and soot will be difficult or impossible to remove. The salvation from soot will be the installation of a modern exhaust system.

If you do not have soap on hand, cleaning can be done using alcohol-containing components. Alcohol is contained in chemicals for cleaning glass and mirrors. This type of washing does not leave any streaks behind, even on black glossy ceilings.

In addition to wet cleaning It is possible to apply a special polish for glossy surfaces (Edelweiss, Nouvel), which can be purchased at a household chemical store. They are available in the form of sprays and aerosols. They give a dazzling shine and reduce dust settling for quite a long time. The only drawback of such polishes is high price products.


Matte ceiling Not particularly demanding when it comes to wet cleaning; dry cleaning is enough for him. But if the stains are persistent and dry cleaning is not enough, first decide on a special cleaning agent. Ammonia– an excellent cleaner that does not leave behind any streaks. Products containing alcohol are chemicals for washing glass and mirrors.

At home, you can dilute a solution of ammonia yourself. Its concentration should be weak, that is, 60 ml of alcohol is diluted in 10 liters of water. When using detergents , it is recommended to test on a small area of ​​the film household chemicals . If the film has not changed within 10-15 minutes, then the detergent is suitable for washing the ceiling.

Before washing, you need to wipe off the dust and remove cobwebs with a dry cloth, and then begin the wet procedure.

If a powdered product is used, it must be diluted in water to such an extent that the granules are completely dissolved. The composition is washed off with several portions of plain water and then wiped with a dry cloth. The following rules must be observed when cleaning:

  • The water temperature should be no higher than 40 degrees.
  • It is prohibited to use acetone-containing preparations that damage the matte surface.

How to remove yellow spots?

Yellow spots are formed from tobacco smoke. Nicotine gradually settles on the ceiling, resulting in a yellowish layer. Fortunately, minor deposits can be easily cleaned with ordinary soap. The most serious deposits can only be cleaned with special cleaning agents. means for cleaning suspended ceilings or alcohol-containing products (glass cleaning liquid). After cleaning, the alcohols will evaporate in a short time and will not leave any traces.

How to scrub from the inside?

Mainly the appearance of internal stains on suspended ceiling caused by rust, because ceiling slab has reinforcement in its design. Causes of the problem: flooding, high humidity, roof leakage. They appear in multi-storey buildings because of interfloor ceilings did not dry completely, the moisture began to destroy the metal. Dealing with such pollution is quite difficult.

If the level of contamination is insignificant, it is recommended to apply a little greasy clay or soda ash solution until it dries completely. Afterwards, wash off all ingredients clean water. If contaminants are not completely removed, repeat the procedure again. In the most difficult situations, it is necessary to dismantle the ceiling covering, clean inner surface from debris and dust, rinse warm water. If necessary, use soap.

Be sure to tidy up your base coat. The cracks must be sealed with cement putty and primed with an antifungal agent. Basic basis and the ceiling covering are dried dry, after which the system is mounted in place.

Caring for lamps

Stretch ceilings are available with built-in spotlights various shapes, which also need care and treatment. Before you clean Spotlights, you need to disassemble them according to the instructions:

  • De-energize the room.
  • If the design of the lamp includes two rings (external and internal), then both are extended.
  • To disconnect the light bulb from the socket, you need to loosen it and carefully remove it.

The ceiling does not need regular cleaning, due to the characteristics of the material from which its finishing is made. However, after some time, dust may settle on the floor or dirty stains from grease may form if we're talking about about the kitchen. Therefore, the ceiling has to be washed periodically. But to do it correctly, it is worth familiarizing yourself with some of the features of the process.

Causes of ceiling contamination

There are a huge number of reasons for the appearance of stains on the ceiling; let’s look at them in more detail.

  • Residents of apartments located on top floor, often face such a problem as a leaky roof at home. A damaged roof begins to leak moisture, which seeps onto the ceiling, leaving rusty stains.
  • Unscrupulous neighbors can also become the culprits of contamination on the ceiling. Constant flooding will have an impact negative impact on the ceiling, as a result of which traces remain on it, spoiling appearance.
  • Damaged sewer and water pipes begin to leak water. The liquid, in turn, falls on concrete base ceilings and over time stains appear on the ceiling. To eliminate this problem at its roots, you have to seek the help of a specialist.
  • If poor quality materials were used during construction work, this will certainly affect the appearance of the ceiling. Incorrectly applied putty can also lead to stain problems. In these cases, the problem is solved radically - re-finishing.
  • If you cook without using a hood, greasy soot accumulates on the surface of the ceiling, and tobacco smoke settles.
  • Water vapor in the bathroom leads to the formation white plaque on the ceiling. The steam contains salt along with alkali, as a result of which such sedimentation occurs.
  • It happens that mint spots are just a trace of tomato juice that was once splashed.
  • The most common cause of pollution is flies.

How to wash the ceiling?

To save time and effort, it is better to familiarize yourself with all the secrets of washing the ceiling in advance. First of all, it's worth figuring out what tools you'll need to complete the task. So, to clean the ceiling you should prepare:

  • stepladder - with its help it will be much more convenient to wash the surface;
  • mop - it is best if it has a movable attachment;
  • detergent - its choice depends on the type ceiling decoration;
  • a large brush with a handle;
  • basin or bucket;
  • a rag or any soft fabric;
  • special cleaning gloves and safety glasses - this will prevent dust and other particles from getting into your eyes).

You need to start cleaning the ceiling surface by determining its type, namely, what the ceiling is finished with.

Types of ceiling finishes and how to care for them

In the kitchen, the ceiling in most cases is decorated using water-based paint. This surface should be washed with soapy water, adding a little soda to it. But here you need to be extremely careful not to damage the coating. If the surface is not very dirty, then dry cleaning with a brush will do. If there are still stains on the ceiling, and the color has lost its former saturation, it is recommended to refresh the finish with a new layer of the same paint.

Even today you can see an apartment whose ceilings are painted oil composition. Their advantage is that they are resistant to moisture; the surface is easy to clean with a soap solution and washing powder.

A solution will help fight the soot that forms above the stove copper sulfate. It is enough to dilute 100 milliliters of the substance in 100 grams of water and nothing will be left of the contaminants.

For fungal infections you will have to buy a special aerosol. By treating the affected areas of the ceiling with this product, the harmful formations will disappear. After such treatments, the ceiling must be washed with water.

As for floors covered with wallpaper, the cleaning method is selected depending on their type. Some types can be wiped with a damp cloth. In other cases, most the best option is to use a vacuum cleaner.

Features of caring for tensile structures

The big advantage of this ceiling covering is that it practically does not accumulate dust and dirt on its surface. Therefore, there is no need to wash such ceilings often.

Before you start washing the tension system, carefully read the instructions for its use. It should contain all the requirements and conditions for cleaning your specific ceiling covering.

There is no need to be too anxious about this process. Even if through negligence you suddenly cause damage polyvinyl chloride film, the problem is easily solved. It is enough to seal the breakthrough area with tape, and then contact the company that installed the structure. The master will easily restore the appearance of the ceiling.

Without the instructions at hand, consider the tips listed below.

In no case should you use the following for cleaning suspended ceiling structures:

  • abrasive powders;
  • brushes with hard bristles;
  • mops and other devices with sharp edges that can damage finishing surfaces.

Also, don’t press too hard against the ceiling. stretch film and press it with great strength, otherwise there is a possibility of ruptures.

To wash a PVC film ceiling, it is best to use a soft cloth soaked in a normal detergent solution. room temperature. Glossy surface It is recommended to treat with alcohol-containing compounds so that no streaks remain. Another option is a polish designed specifically for tension systems.

The main thing is to follow a simple rule: the ceiling should be washed forward movements in the direction of the seams, avoiding unnecessary pressure. When all ceiling surface will be washed, it must be carefully and thoroughly dried with a soft cloth that can absorb excess liquid.

As you probably know, stretch ceiling There are two types, depending on their material, namely:

  • Fabric
  • PVC (polyvinyl chloride)

Fabric ones are more expensive, but at the same time they allow you to achieve an aesthetic “seamlessness” over the entire tension surface.

The color possibilities of this type, compared to PVC, are slightly less. These ceilings can withstand and briefly hold water in case your neighbors flood you. Installing them is a bit like stretching a huge canvas for painting. True, after such “neighborhood” water, stains will remain on the canvas that can no longer be washed off and the ceiling will have to be completely replaced. Alas.

PVC stretch ceilings, popularly film, are distinguished by the fact that they can be made in a wide variety of shapes, textures, color solutions, and even imitate the daytime or starry sky. This is achieved through high-quality photo printing on film and proper placement of lighting elements underneath.

All stretch fabrics They are either matte or glossy. Each has its own pros and cons, as well as different care needs. If you haven’t decided on the look yet, we recommend reading for the kitchen.

How often should you wash?

Stretch ceilings, both glossy and matte, need to be washed only as they become polluted.

For example, small droplets of fat and moisture that form during the cooking process may settle on the kitchen ceiling.

This can happen even if you have a hood installed. Sometimes you can accidentally leave a stain when opening bottles of highly carbonated water or champagne carelessly.

In other rooms, the most common pollutant is ordinary dust, which especially likes to settle in corners, at the ends of levels and at joints. Naturally, in order to keep a glossy stretch ceiling clean and shiny, it needs to be lightly wiped as often as possible.

This is easy and simple to do at home; we will talk about this later.

What and how to wash?

1. Use only soft tissue, fiber or sponges. No scratchy or hard brushes, no shedding or fluffy rags.

2. To remove grease stains, it is recommended dilute and foam regular dishwashing detergent in a bucket or basin. Don’t overdo it, only a small concentration is needed, the ceiling is not a frying pan.

3. To wash any glossy stretch ceilings at home in 90% of cases it will be enough cleaning products for windows and mirrors.

The most convenient and economical would be a spray for cleaning glass surfaces. Due to the alcohol or ammonia contained in such sprays, the surface dries very quickly and, most importantly, everything is streak-free.

4. Anyway Do not use any kind of abrasive powder products, as well as those containing acetone. They will completely ruin the appearance of the surface. Therefore, before using this or that cleaner, please carefully read its composition.

Before you start cleaning you should:

1. The first thing you need to understand before you start washing is pressing force control cloth, sponge or mop to the ceiling surface. It should be minimal, but still sufficient to eliminate dust or stains. We recommend practicing on some distant section of the ceiling to get better at it.

2. If you have high ceilings, then you will need a stepladder and, most likely, a mop or sponge with a long handle. Make sure in advance that the stepladder is in good working order, does not wobble in all directions, and that its height is sufficient to reach the canvas. The mop or other tool you choose should be as light and short as possible.

3. Remove rings, bracelets, wrist watch – you can touch a fragile surface with them and leave a scratch or dent.

Let's start cleaning the ceiling

So, how to properly wash suspended ceilings at home:

  1. 1 Move from one corner to another, or in sections if you have a complex design;
  2. 2 If you use window spray, simply spray it two or three times and go over it in a circular motion with a cloth or sponge;
  3. 3 So that the result is without streaks, reduce the spray intensity and use soft paper;
  4. 4 When removing grease stains, soak a rag in the previously diluted dishwashing liquid, wring it out well and also gently and without pressing hard, walk in light circles over the dirty area.
  5. 5 If you want to remove cobwebs from the corner, it is better to get there with a cloth in your hand, and not use a vacuum cleaner, as it can damage the surface of the ceiling. The same goes for using a mop, broom, broom, etc.
  6. 6 When regularly caring for matte stretch ceilings, when you just need to wipe off the dust, it is better not to wash them, but to use a slightly damp fiber, and in the case of glossy surfaces, just a dry cloth is enough.

For greater clarity, we present to you short video, which shows two options for how to wash suspended ceilings, is worth a look.

Stretch ceilings, especially glossy ones and especially in the kitchen, are quite demanding to maintain.

Their beauty and grace go hand in hand with fragility and the need to treat them with care. Due to this it is recommended to abstain from:

  • use of very hot lighting elements (halogen light bulbs);
  • high indoor plants and flying pets (especially large parrots);
  • experiments with the violent opening of champagne, etc.;
  • children's games with darts, as well as toys that shoot plastic bullets and balls.

We are sure that now you know everything about how to wash suspended ceilings at home so that there are no streaks or damage to the fabric.

If the apartment is constantly kept clean, then the owner rarely gets around to cleaning the ceiling. Still, this is not the floor or walls, where much more dust and dirt collects than on the ceiling. But, nevertheless, at least once a year you have to do this difficult work, especially in kitchen areas. And then the housewife is faced with the question of how to wash the painted ceiling water-based paint.

The advantage of ceilings painted with water-based emulsion

Not all owners install suspended ceilings in their apartments, preferring a more economical finishing option - painted surfaces with water-based paint, which has a number of positive characteristics. Modern views This coating differs:

  • moisture resistance;
  • environmentally friendly (do not emit harmful fumes even when high temperatures indoor air);
  • easy application;
  • relatively low cost compared to suspended ceilings;
  • ability to quickly execute redecorating without extra financial costs.

IN last years multi-level ones have become very popular ceiling structures, made from plasterboard, for decoration of which water-based paint, pure white or tinted, is used.

This coating does not require frequent cleaning, except kitchen premises. As a rule, gas combustion products, fumes from cooking food, dust settle on the surface of the kitchen ceiling, and this whole symbiosis quickly creates an unsightly greasy film. And if in living rooms The question of how to wash ceilings painted with water-based paint does not cause problems, but with a kitchen ceiling surface it is much more difficult.

What products can be used to clean water-based coatings?

First of all, it is necessary to determine what composition the ceiling is painted with. What and how to wash? The simplest method is ordinary warm water with detergent, which, using a soft sponge or an old clean rag, can easily clean the surface of dirt and dust.

However, this method is not always effective in removing soot and grease, given that not all water-based coatings withstand intense friction with a sponge or rag. If a regular water-based emulsion is applied to the surface, without adding acrylic or silicone, then it will be almost impossible to clean the kitchen ceiling from ingrained soot and grease. In this case, there is only one way out - to repaint the ceiling.

Preparing for general cleaning of ceilings

Before washing a ceiling painted with water-based paint, you need to prepare everything necessary tools, devices and protective equipment. To do this you will need:

  • a stepladder with the widest possible platform to eliminate the risk of the container with the cleaning solution falling;
  • a mop that has the function of removing the cleaning cover;
  • soap or detergent compositions;
  • a vacuum cleaner or brush with a long handle and soft bristles;
  • containers for cleaning solution and clean water;
  • foam sponge;
  • clean, non-fading rags;
  • protective equipment for hands, head and eyes - rubber gloves, goggles, hat.

If spring-cleaning Since cleaning is carried out regularly in the house, cleaning the ceilings will not be difficult, especially in residential areas. You can remove dust and cobwebs using a vacuum cleaner, a soft-bristled brush or a broom wrapped in a clean, well-wrung out rag. After this procedure, you may not have to use wet cleaning.

Mopping the ceiling

It is necessary to observe safety precautions, even with such a seemingly simple task as washing the ceiling.

Safe work

The stepladder must be installed securely and not used to avoid injury; there are various supports under its legs in case of uneven floor covering. You shouldn’t reach out while standing on the stairs, trying to grab as much as possible large area ceiling. It’s better to get off once again and move the stepladder to a new place than to go to the emergency room after an unsuccessful fall.

Particular care must be taken when moving the ladder if flooring made of smooth tiles. During the process of wet cleaning of the ceiling, water will still fall on the floor, and on such a covering the housewife herself can easily slip and the ladder can move out of its place.

The container for the soap solution must be chosen in such a size and shape that it fits firmly on the platform of the stepladder. On top of your clothes, it is better to wear an apron with large pockets where you can put rags or a sponge when changing stages of washing. For example, you washed the surface with a damp sponge, and then you need to blot the ceiling with a dry rag. At this time, you can put the sponge in your apron pocket, since there is unlikely to be room for it on the stepladder platform, and it can easily fall. This means that you will have to once again get down from the stepladder and get back up again.

Effective washing

After the ceiling has been cleaned of dust using the dry method, if necessary, proceed directly to the procedure using a cleaning solution. It is not recommended to add strong detergents with a bleaching effect to the water. In this case, stripes with lighter areas will inevitably form on the ceiling, or worse, the paint will simply wash off from the surface and a new coating will have to be applied. Do not rub the ceiling too hard with a wet sponge or rag. Movements should be soft and smooth.

You can add a small amount to the water baking soda for cleaning particularly dirty areas or removing stains. If after treatment with a soap solution the dirt cannot be eliminated, then you can use soda. Approximately three or four tablespoons of ordinary baking soda are taken per bucket of water and the heavily contaminated surface is washed with this solution. After 10 - 15 minutes, the surface treated with this method must be rinsed with clean water and blotted (not wiped, namely, gently and carefully blotted) with a dry rag.

In rooms such as a bathroom or toilet, it is not uncommon for mold to form on the ceiling and walls. In this case, before starting to wash the surfaces, problem areas it is necessary to treat with special antifungal drugs produced in the form of an aerosol. After this, you can try to wash the surface with a soap solution. If traces of mold are not removed, you should resort to copper sulfate, but after such drastic measures there is no question of washing the ceiling. There is only one way out - to paint the surface once with the same water-based paint.

The main point of the article

It is not difficult to wash a ceiling painted with water-based paint, but the expected effect will not always satisfy the owner. A coating that does not contain acrylic or silicone does not withstand strong mechanical stress and the use of aggressive detergents. It is easier to get a clean and fresh surface by painting with a new water-based composition.

The ceiling is an integral part of the entire interior. And of course, it must be attractive so as not to spoil the overall appearance of the room.

Yellow stains, cooking stains, outdated whitewash, stains from floods - all this makes the ceiling old and ugly. How to deal with stains? How to wash the ceiling without damaging it?

Cleaning equipment

  • It doesn’t matter which ceiling you decide to clean from dirt - Do not use sharp objects during the washing process. Arm yourself with a soft foam sponge or rag.
  • To protect your hands from detergents, wear rubber gloves.
  • It is necessary to put a headscarf on your head. To prevent detergent from getting into your eyes, protect them with glasses.
  • If the process involves products with a strong odor, then It is best to wear a mask for your own safety.
  • Special means.

Types of ceilings and their cleaning

Depending on what kind of ceiling you have to wash, you need to choose a cleaning method.

Whitewashed ceiling

In case of light contamination, a mixture of 5 liters of water and 200 grams of copper sulfate will help restore the ceiling to its former attractiveness. To avoid damaging furniture and other things, cover them with polyethylene or paper. Received Apply the composition using a roller to the ceiling in two or three layers.

After the surface has completely dried, apply primer and whitewash to it. Remember to take safety precautions while working. In case of contact with skin, immediately rinse the body area with water.

This composition will help get rid of heavy pollution. To do this, you need to add a little more vitriol to the water.


Easiest to wash. For these purposes, you can use a vacuum cleaner or a soft, lint-free cloth. Window cleaning liquid is used as a cleaning agent. Under no circumstances should you use sharp objects that could damage the surface of the ceiling.


As well as in previous version, can be used . To remove stains, a regular schoolboy's eraser will do. Traces of grease are removed using a soft cloth and soap solution. Remember that the rag should not be too wet, because this may lead to surface deformation.

The neighbors flooded. How to remove stains?

It’s worth saying right away that after a flood, yellow stains on the ceiling can be removed by simply applying whitewash or paint over the marks.

This option will help save time and effort, but it is not durable. After some time, the stains will appear and again ruin the appearance of the ceiling.

In order to get rid of it forever yellow spots after the flood it is necessary:

  • First of all, remove old layer paints or whitewashes. The latter is best washed off.
  • To bleach the stain, use bleach and a soft sponge. The composition is applied to the stain and wiped until it turns white.
  • After this, the stain must dry completely, after which a primer and whitewash are applied to it.

How to remove whitewash

If you decide to make repairs, then you will probably this process There will be an update to the ceiling surface. People who are doing their own repairs for the first time very often face the problem of removing the coating. How to quickly remove whitewash from the ceiling, and what tools are needed for this?

You can remove the old layer using an ordinary spatula.. The tool must be wide. This option is used if it is necessary to remove whitewash from a small area. Irregularities and roughness that arise during the work process are eliminated using sandpaper. Because of large quantity dust, it is recommended to protect your face with goggles and a mask.

You can get rid of whitewash using ordinary water. To do this you will need a hard sponge and a basin of water. Apply water in a circular motion to the ceiling surface until the whitewash is completely washed off.

Having prepared the paste, you can short time get rid of the old layer of whitewash. To prepare the composition you will need: 1 liter of water and 2 tbsp. starch. Using a large rag, apply the paste to the surface and allow it to dry. After completely dry the ceiling surface will become one large “crust” and the whitewash can be easily removed with a spatula.

Take warm water and add 3% vinegar solution to it. Soak the whitewash with the resulting composition, let it dry and remove the coating with a spatula.

Cleaning the ceiling in the kitchen

The kitchen is a room that, due to constant cooking, requires careful cleaning. Due to soot and grease splashes, the ceiling loses its original appearance over time. What to do in such a situation?

In order to rid plastic panels of traces of grease, they Simply wipe with a solution of water and a few drops of detergent. For whites panels will do water with addition (for 10 liters of water 2 tablespoons of product). For greater convenience, use a long mop.

After cleaning, wipe the surface with a cloth soaked in plain water. This is necessary to eliminate stains.

In order to remove greasy stains, you can use a special detergent or prepare a soap solution. As is the case with plastic panels, after cleaning, the ceiling must be wiped with a damp cloth.

With ceilings covered with wallpaper, the situation is a little more complicated. You can only remove grease and soot from small areas surface with a damp cloth. After removing the stains, the pattern is erased. This of course applies regular wallpaper on paper based. and special washable wallpaper can be wiped without fear of damaging it.

So, as you can see, clear different types removing dirt from ceilings is not that difficult. The main thing to remember is that to save time and own strength It is best to remove fresh stains rather than wait until they become old and difficult to remove.