Interaction algorithm. Algorithm for selecting men and women on the sexual and marriage market

Interaction algorithm. Algorithm for selecting men and women on the sexual and marriage market

Popular topics of astrological consultations are issues of love, marriage, and relationships between people. Often the question is asked in the following form: "Are we compatible?" I consider this statement to be incorrect, because if people met and were attracted to each other, then it was for a reason; if they did not have internal synastric connections, their paths would never have crossed. This means it is more appropriate to ask the question differently: “In what ways are they compatible? Under what conditions do they interact harmoniously, and in what conditions can difficulties and pitfalls be expected? What can be done to get around the sharp corners?”

Partners are given to us for a reason; they accentuate our internal problems, pushing us to awareness, development, evolution.

It is more correct to begin considering relationships not with synastry, but with the natal chart of each partner; this is where our potential for interaction in a couple lies, our psychological attitudes and standard method actions.

To analyze relationships, I propose to use the following algorithm:

1. We examine the 1st-7th house: signs on the cusps, included signs, planets in houses, the position of the rulers, the degree of their defeat.

By assessing the position of Asc-Dsc, you can understand how a person presents himself, how he manifests himself in relationships (Asc), what he expects from a partner and what kind of partners he attracts (Dsc). Fixed signs tend towards stability and constancy (Aquarius, who loves novelty and freedom, may be an exception). Cardinal signs are for changes, hasty cardinal decisions (the exception is responsible and serious Capricorn). Mutable - they are guided by the situation, it is easier for them to adjust and adapt.
Earth and water signs are more prone to long-term, permanent relationships. Fire and air love variety and new experiences; they light up faster and cool down faster.

Planets in houses 1-7 are involved in the formation of relationships. If these are “evil” planets (Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Pluto), there will be difficulties, relationships may undergo painful transformations. If these planets are related to the 1st house, then the initiator/provocateur of the conflict is the person himself, if to the 7th, then he is more likely to attract such a partner into his life.

Let's see if there is a connection between the rulers of Asc and Dsc and the nature of this connection - harmonious or tense.

The position of the Lunar nodes in houses 1-7 suggests that a person’s task in this life is to learn to interact, and this will not be easy for him.

2. Collective image (ideal) of the second half: we study the elements of the 7th house - the sign, planets, rulers, aspects, and also look at the luminaries (Sun, Moon), gender planets (Venus, Mars) and all their connections. We determine how well the partner matches the desired image. The more hits, the brighter the feelings.

The sun symbolizes the father, and in women's horoscope and the ideal husband. The Moon is a mother; in a man's horoscope it is also the type of ideal wife. And this is no coincidence; psychologically, people tend to choose their soulmate based on the image of their parents.
If there is a tense aspect between the luminaries, then family relationships a person may not have simple ones and these reasons most likely lie in his childhood, in the relationship between his parents. Difficulties in family life also gives defeat to the luminaries Mars, Saturn and the higher planets. This is especially true for the Moon, because... it symbolizes family and home.
In addition, the Sun is responsible for human consciousness, for awareness of oneself as an individual. Moon - subconscious impulses, emotions, sensitivity, spiritual impulses. An inharmonious connection between them can indicate an internal conflict; a person is torn between conscious principles and subconscious desires.

Mars and Venus are a man and a woman. In the male horoscope, Venus is responsible for the sexual type of the female lover; in the female horoscope, this function is performed by Mars. An inharmonious natal aspect between planets can also create difficulties in the relationship between a man and a woman.
When assessing, it is important to take into account the retrograde of these planets, and especially Venus, because Venus is also a general significator of partnerships and a way of expressing feelings. Its retrograde indicates that energy is directed inward, which can manifest itself as shyness, uncertainty, and inadequate expression of feelings. A person can love with all his heart, but not be able to correctly convey this feeling to his partner.
It is important to pay attention to the defeat of Venus by Saturn, the higher planets and Lilith. In this case, Venus takes on a negative connotation of these planets. So, for example, Saturn gives a connotation of coldness, closedness, and inflexibility; Uranus - nervousness, capriciousness, unpredictability; Pluto - aggressiveness, dominance; Neptune - tendencies towards idealization, intrigue, mistrust. Lilith brings a shade of special sensitivity, strong emotions, pain, distorted perception partner.
Another point is the aspect between Venus and the Moon, Mars and the Sun. If he is tense, it is difficult to combine the roles of woman and mother, man and father. Also, the conflict between Venus and the Moon in a man’s chart, and Mars and the Sun in a woman’s chart, can lead to infidelity.

*Similarly, we look at the elements of the 7th house: the ruler in the sign, the sign on the cusp and the included sign.

3. Let's explore the relationship of the elements.

Often the elements in the horoscope are distributed unevenly. The prevailing element will show how a person lives, what he is strong in, and the missing element will show what he lacks, what he needs to learn. Often fate brings those people who eliminate this imbalance.
Brief meaning elements:
Fire - initiative, activity
Water - emotionality, sentimentality
Air - lightness, sociability
Land - thriftiness, practicality

4. We build a synastric chart. We consider aspects and the placement of planets in synastric houses.

Synastry- this is the overlay of the natal charts of partners on top of each other and the search for common ground. The synastry chart shows the peculiarities of human interaction. In fact Natal chart partner is a permanent transit for us.

The synastric interaction of a couple is carried out through certain houses, i.e. it is possible to determine who his chosen one is for a person, through the prism of which house he views his relationship with him. For example, if a partner places his planets in 5th house individual, then he is considered by the latter as a beloved, lover; if in 7th house- as a permanent partner, spouse; V 4th- How close person, family member; V 8th- long-term sexual-energetic connection. It’s good when each other’s personal planets fall into the synastric 4th, 5th, 7th, 8th houses - this indicates that the relationship is mutually perceived as both love and marriage. If these houses are empty, the harmonious potential decreases and the relationship takes on the color of those houses that are accentuated.

1st house- the partner is seen as a reflection of himself. It is possible to have both strong attraction, sympathy, admiration, and sharp rejection of certain qualities. The attitude towards the partner’s planets will always be interested and personal.
2nd house gives a material emphasis, interest in resources. It’s good if the 2nd house complements 5-7-8-4, which is an indicator of practicality and stability.
3rd house- communication, relationships are similar to brotherly ones.
6th house- unequal, dependent, subordinate relationships, possibly forced. Or the partner is considered to satisfy household needs and housework.
9th house- the partner is perceived as a spiritually close person with a similar worldview.
10th house- respectful attitude, partner as an authority, boss, parent. There may be a desire to submit.
11th house- friendly mental interaction, equality, open relationships.
12th house- considered difficult for a couple. This is the house of illusions, secrets and deceptions. A partner can evoke feelings of pity and compassion. Secret love affair, idealization, sacrifice - also here.

Aspects show how the energy of one planet is transferred to another. The main aspects considered in synastry are major. These are conjunction, opposition, square, trine and sextile.

The interaction of luminaries and personal planets is paramount.
Aspects of higher planets to each other are aspects of generations that can be ignored.
When considering aspects, the resulting configurations are of primary importance.
For a strong union, connections of the Asc/Dsc rulers in combination with each other, with personal planets and luminaries are also important.

To assess sexual potential, the interaction of different sex planets is considered: the Sun, Mars for women and the Moon, Venus for men and vice versa. Aspects can be intense, this will add attraction and fire. A disharmonious Moon-Mars connection is unfavorable. This is the aspect of conflict. Martian aggressiveness and irritability bring the Moon to tears, resentment and hysterics.

An indicator of conflict is the tense aspects of the higher planets, Saturn and Mars, to the partner’s personal planets. Mars with the caveat to sexuality described above.
But this does not make him kind, just strong energy can be sublimated into sexual energy.
Particularly dangerous for relationships are those synastric aspects that intensely affect the partner’s natal conflict constellations.

In conclusion, I would like to note that synastry is the potential of a couple’s interaction, but in no case is it a death sentence! Love does not always realize itself through comfortable relationships; it often has to face difficulties and overcome obstacles along the way. The future of the union depends on how strong feelings the partners have for each other, as well as on how ready a person is to recognize and work through the tense moments indicated in his horoscope.

"Love each other and remember: the love we receive is equal to the love we give."


to the Treaty of Accession

No. _____ dated ____._____200

Algorithm for interaction of telecommunication network management systems.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The purpose of this Appendix is ​​to determine the Algorithm for interaction between telecommunication network management systems and the COMMUNICATION OPERATOR _____ in the process of providing communication services (hereinafter referred to as the Algorithm).

1.2. All cases not defined by this Algorithm are considered by the Parties separately. Sections and paragraphs of this Algorithm may be changed/added or excluded by agreement of the Parties.

1.3. Changes to this Algorithm are made by drawing up a joint Protocol with its subsequent approval by authorized persons of the Parties. The Protocol becomes an integral part of the present Algorithm.

2. Areas of responsibility of the parties.

2.1. The area of ​​responsibility is all technical means and communication facilities belonging to the connection point of the COMMUNICATION OPERATOR's network at the input-output connectors of the transmission system equipment in accordance with the communication organization diagram.

2.2. The area of ​​responsibility of the COMMUNICATION OPERATOR is all technical means and communication facilities owned by the COMMUNICATION OPERATOR up to the points of connection to the network specified in clause 2.1.

2.3. Each party is responsible for 24/7 work, its equipment and connecting lines.

3. Responsibilities of the parties.

3.1. Perform operational maintenance technical means and structures of its network and ensure their high-quality functioning in accordance with:

· technical documentation for network equipment;

· current industry norms, standards and rules;

6.1. When the parties carry out scheduled repair and maintenance work, which may lead to a decrease in the quality of communication or emergency situations, as well as when restarting communication systems, the Parties are obliged to inform each other as specified in clause 8 telephones no later than 48 (forty-eight) hours before the planned date of work, while the Parties strive to select and agree on a time for work that will have the least impact on the functioning of the communication network of the COMMUNICATION OPERATOR.

6.2. If necessary, with the consent of both parties, joint preventive measurements are provided to identify and eliminate the reasons for the decline in the quality of telephone communications with the preparation of appropriate protocols.

7. Interaction of telecommunication network management systems

7.1. The interaction of telecommunication network management systems of the COMMUNICATION OPERATOR is carried out around the clock in everyday conditions and in emergency situations (hereinafter referred to as emergencies).

In this case, specialists of the departments of telecommunication network management systems of the COMMUNICATION OPERATOR are guided by regulatory documents, rules technical operation digital long-distance and international telephone exchanges of the public telecommunications network Russian Federation, operational and technical documentation and this Algorithm.

In emergency situations, the interaction between the telecommunication network management systems of the COMMUNICATION OPERATOR is determined by the state of communication facilities and transmission lines in emergency areas.

7.2. The telecommunications network management system that monitors the functioning of the network, the elimination of emerging faults and the progress of work on the part of the COMMUNICATION OPERATOR is the 24-hour Unified Control Center (hereinafter referred to as the UCC), and on the part of the telecommunications equipment operational management department (hereinafter referred to as the OUUSE).

7.3. The interaction of telecommunication network management systems of the COMMUNICATION OPERATOR is ensured in the following situations:

When switching centers fail;

When carrying out repair and restoration work;

In emergency situations.

7.3.1. The order of interaction in the event of failure (restoration) of switching centers (CCs):

If the switching centers (CCs) of one of the Parties fail/restore, the cause of the failure is determined within 15 (fifteen) minutes and work is organized to restore it. Information about malfunctions and their elimination is sent to the other Party in Form 1.

Form 1

Information about switching center failure/recovery


Stop time

The direction in which there is no






(date and time of transmission)

7.3.2. The procedure for interaction when carrying out repair and restoration work (RVR), replacing versions software(software), as well as the introduction of new functions:

Notification of scheduled work must be sent no less than 2 (two) business days before the start of the work (by mutual agreement of the Parties, the notification period may be reduced). If the notification about the work was received less than 2 (two) days before the start of the work, then the work is considered unscheduled (emergency).

When carrying out unscheduled RVR to replace software versions on the networks of the Parties, which may cause a complete loss of communication in the serviced territory, notification must be sent by the telecommunication network management systems of the Parties no later than 1 (one) hour from the receipt of information about the implementation of these works in the form 2.

Carrying out work with interruptions in the operation of connections is planned during off-peak hours.

Form 2

Information about RVR (replacing switching center software versions)

Planned date

Planned time of work

Location (city) of the center

Work carried out






Delivered by: duty specialist (last name)

(date and time of transmission)

When canceling work planned for completion, the Parties notify each other no later than 1 (one) hour before the scheduled time. The notification is sent in Form 3.

Form 3

Information about cancellation of RVR (replacement of software versions)

The RVR (work to replace software versions) at the switching center in _______________ (date, time) is cancelled.

Delivered by: duty specialist (last name)

(date Time)

If the work completion time changes, the Parties notify each other of the change in the work completion time no later than 1 (one) hour before the scheduled date in Form 3a.

Form 3a

ECU dispatcher

(To the Dispatcher __________ Operator)

Information about the completion (change of completion dates) of RVR work

(replacing software versions)

The RVR (work to replace software versions) at the switching center in _____________________ is completed (time, date) or is delayed until (time, date).

(date and time of transmission)

7.3.3. The procedure for interaction in case of 100% damage to directions between the switching centers of the Parties:

In case of accidents and damage to directions leading to 100% withdrawal of paths (channels) on the communication directions of the Parties' networks, the Parties notify each other no later than 15 minutes after the departure of paths (channels) in Form 4, informing the direction of communication, time of departure, conditional channel number.

After eliminating the accident (damage), the Parties notify each other within 15 minutes using Form 4.

Form 4

Information about the retirement (restoration) of paths (channels)

in case of accidents, damage and work



Stop time

Conditional number




tract, channel

Sent by: Technical Specialist(surname)

(date and time of transmission)

7.3.4. Procedure for interaction in emergency situations:

In conditions emergency situations interaction between telecommunication network management systems and the COMMUNICATION OPERATOR is carried out on the basis of orders received from higher authorities of the systems promptly - technical management telecommunication networks.

7.4. For the transmission of voice and fax messages during the interaction of telecommunication network management systems, a switched line is used. telephone communications public communications networks, cellular mobile networks, and e-mail or fax.

8. Contact information

8.1. Contact information for the telecommunication network management system of the COMMUNICATION OPERATOR:

8.2. Telecommunication Network Management System Contact Information:

in the directorate The operational management service decides:

Phone: (42

E-mail: *****@***ru

Issues of operational and technical management in branches are decided by the operational management services of the branch, in their absence - by the duty shifts of the automatic telephone exchange .

Shift duty officer

Operational management services of branches of OJSC Dalsvyaz

Amur branch

Duty shift of automatic telephone exchange

T. 1-55 (24 hours a day)

t. 2-20 (from 02.00 to 11.00 Moscow time)

Around the clock.

E-mail: *****@***ru *****@

Kamchatka branch

Duty shift of automatic telephone exchange (round the clock) T.5-05, 19-99,

Around the clock.

T. 1-17
f. 9-49
E-mail: *****@

Magadan branch

UTTS shift duty officer (24/7) T. 330, 677-840

Email: *****@***magadan. su

Email: *****@***magadan. su

E-mail: svv@tts. Magadan. su

At work time 01.00 (Moscow time) -13.00 (Moscow time)

T. 0-85,

Primorsky branch

Duty shift of automatic telephone exchange (24 hours a day) t. 2-20 (24 hours a day),

T.1-94 (from 01.00 to 10.00 Moscow time) E-mail: *****@

Around the clock.

T. 1-51,
F. 3-14

Duty shift of automatic telephone exchange

t. 2-23 (24 hours a day)

Email: t. *****@ (from 02.00 to 11.00 Moscow time)

Around the clock.

T. 0-68,
F. 1-17
E-mail: *****@

Khabarovsk branch

Duty shift of AMTS, MCC (round the clock)

(from 02.00 to 11.00 Moscow time)

Around the clock.

T. 8-19,
F. 1-09
E-mail: *****@


This article is aimed primarily at heads of departments (groups) of security systems (SS) design.
I will take the liberty of saying that in most organizations that install security systems, the algorithm for relations with potential Customer next:
-negotiations between the sales manager and the Customer;
- inspection of the object;
-building the appearance of the Security Council;
-making decisions on building a security system;
-preparation of the contract and its coordination with the Customer.

On this preliminary preparation the work is considered completed.
There is a big flaw in this work algorithm, which can subsequently lead to a conflict situation in the relationship between the Contractor and the Customer.
In order to avoid a conflict between the contracting parties, the head of the design department at the contract preparation stage is obliged to prepare a technical specification for the system being designed.
This document, which is the main technical document, contains technical requirements requirements for the system, purpose, characteristics components systems, capabilities, stages of work with deadlines.
The technical specifications must necessarily be agreed upon with the Customer.
As an example, I will give one of the copies of the specified document.

for the development and installation of a working time recording system for employees of the Ministry of Finance of the Nizhny Novgorod Region at the address: Nizhny Novgorod, st. Gruzinskaya, 48

Nizhny Novgorod


  • Name: “Working time recording system for employees of the Ministry of Finance of the Nizhny Novgorod Region.” (Hereinafter - object)
  • Reason for performing the work:

Agreement No. SB-SURV-07/2009 “___”_____________ 2009

  • Customer - Ministry of Finance of the Nizhny Novgorod Region
  • The main Contractor is TIES LLC.
  • Performer of the component - _______________________________


  • The purpose of the work is to develop and install a system for recording the working hours of employees of the Ministry of Finance at the address: Nizhny Novgorod, st. Gruzinskaya, 48



The facility’s employee working time recording system should include:

Automated workplace security post operator consisting of:

  • PC;
  • Software " Monitoring and photo identification»;
- Automated operator workstation pass office consisting of:
  • PC;
  • software

“Document recognition (complements the functions of the “Extended support for guest passes” module);

Automated operator workstation HR department consisting of:

  • PC;
  • software
"Support for visitor passes";
"Reaction to Events";
“Integration with 1C (complements the functions of the Time Accounting module)”;
“Creating and printing passes”;
"Working time tracking";
Basic software.

Network access controller for turnstile control;

Network access controller for door control of the main exit of the left wing of the 1st floor;

Access controllers network controls the doors of the main and emergency exits of the left wing and right wing of the 2nd, 3rd, 4th floors and the main exit of the 8th floor;

RS485 interface converter<->USB.

Magnetic access card readers;

Magnetic cards;

Uninterruptible power supply units;

Cable network;

3.2. Intended use requirements

Purpose of the systememployee time tracking(SURV):

The employee time tracking system (WHRS) must provide:

  • Monitoring the state of communication with controllers and the state of system server components;
  • Setting up system operator rights;
  • Remote control of controllers (blocking, unlocking, autonomous memory management);
  • Specifying a list of enterprise personnel;
  • Setting restrictions on the admission of enterprise personnel by access points, by direction and by time;
  • Receiving reports on passes made for any historical period, exporting personnel and access modes to Excel;
  • Importing personnel from excel;
  • Assigning work schedules to employees; Receiving reports for any historical period:
  • Timesheet T13, which takes into account actual operating time;
  • A complete log of deviations from the work schedule (list of absences during working hours);
  • Log of violations of work discipline (late reporting to work, early departures From the job);
  • Creating and editing employee pass templates;
  • Assigning pass templates to employees;
  • Printing passes based on templates and personal data of employees;
  • Real-time monitoring of events occurring in the system (when an employee requests access, his account card from the database is displayed, including a photo);
  • Specifying a list of visitor cards;
  • Interface for issuing/collecting cards in the automated workplace of the Pass Bureau (when issued, the card is linked to the visitor’s passport or other document);
  • Storing the history of card issuance;
  • Specifying a list of actions that will be performed automatically by the system when any events occur;
  • Automatic scanning and recognition of documents when issuing a temporary pass to a visitor.

3.3. Cable network, power supply, grounding

The cable network must be autonomous.

3.3.1. Network cables are laid:

3.3.2. The RURV system applies to consumers electrical energy groups of the 1st category and must be powered from a dedicated network alternating current voltage 220 V, frequency 50 Hz.
3.3.3. The installed equipment must meet the electrical safety requirements of GOST 12.2.0006-87.
3.3.4. To ground the equipment, provision must be made for the installation of protective and process (4 Ohm) grounding circuits, with the installation of switchboards in control rooms.

3.4 Uninterruptible power supply system

System uninterruptible power supply must provide reliable operation systems under the following conditions:

  • in case of power supply voltage failure;
  • in case of a short-term drop (failure) in the supply voltage;
  • for pulsed and short-term overvoltages.

The uninterruptible power supply system is built according to a distributed scheme and must ensure the following functions:
autonomous power supply of system equipment even in the absence of voltage in the AC network;
continuous round-the-clock operation of the system;
maintaining maximum capacity batteries in the presence of an alternating current network;
protection of batteries from overcharging and deep discharge;
stabilizer protection from short circuits on exit;
support for rated power supply values ​​of security system devices regardless of the presence of the main power source - AC 220 V 50 Hz.
The UPS installed at the Site must meet the requirements of GOST 27699-88 and GOST R 50745-95, as well as the following requirements:

  • operate in a wide range of input voltage changes (at least ±15%);
  • have an input power factor value close to unity;
  • input harmonic distortion coefficient no more than 8%;

4. Documentation requirements

4.1. Upon completion of the work, the Customer is given full set working documentation(RD). The transfer of the RD to the Customer must be recorded in the Work Acceptance Certificate.
4.2. The documentation should include:

  • explanatory note;
  • structural and functional diagrams systems;
  • plans for the placement of system elements;
  • Hardware Specification.

5. Stages of work completion

5.1. The work is performed within the time limits specified in clause 2.2 of contract No. SB-SURV-07/2009.

6. Work acceptance procedure

6.1. The work is considered completed upon agreement and approval of the work acceptance certificate.
This TOR can be adjusted and clarified by mutual agreement of the parties in accordance with regulatory documents.

In conclusion, I will say that the presence of an agreement between the parties of this document, significantly simplifies the procedure for completing work under the contract and practically eliminates the occurrence of conflict situations between the parties.

The next article will discuss the requirements for sections of the technical specifications.

Technical Director of TIES LLC

This was a grave mistake. Once again I found myself in a triangle of fate. Of course, I had to start by editing my book, and in a psychiatry textbook I had to edit only my chapters. The Eternal Prince acted like a hypersocial neurotic. And he did it almost without thinking. And this is a man who has been involved in psychological training for almost 10 years. He already knew that a person had to put himself and his interests first. He knew that the deliverer always becomes the victim. In general, knowledge alone has a weak effect. In progress psychological preparation our main task is to change the patterns, or algorithms, of a person that make his behavior automated.

The easiest way is to change the ratio algorithm. It is much more difficult to change the behavior algorithm. After all, the Eternal Prince knew all this very well. After all, he also knew the triangle of fate: the Pursuer- Deliverer- Victim. After all, he knew that he would be punished. And yet, almost without thinking, using rationalization, he convinced himself that first he needed to edit the jointly written textbook. I think that if he had published his monograph in the first place, it would have been more beneficial for society. The future showed that his books were bought by hundreds of thousands of people and read by millions. Only professionals used the textbook.

Of course, at the level of consciousness, Zeus wanted to help him, but in fact he interfered with his activity. The Eternal Prince became a teacher thanks to the intervention and help of a major party worker. He had difficulties in getting re-elected only because the group marched against the Professor, and he did not have the will to leave the herd. But the campaign was organized by Zeus. And during the discussion, he often slowed down the work of the Eternal Prince. All this was done unconsciously, and I would not at all want you to understand, my dear reader, that I am blaming Zeus for anything. The Bible also says: “Do not go on a journey with a brave man, for you will perish from his recklessness.” After all, I told the Eternal Prince all this, but nevertheless he still often acted under the influence of other people's advice. He knew perfectly well that he should not be guided by the opinions of others. After all, all his successes were connected with the fact that he obeyed the conclusions of his mind. He himself called everyone to this. The algorithm of relationships has changed, but the algorithm of behavior has remained the same.

1. Keep a diary where you describe all your impressions. It's even better to live with a tape recorder. After some time, you will begin to understand what is happening, that you are acting in the old way.

2. Ask your loved ones to keep an eye on you and pay them a fine when they catch you again starting to live for someone.

3. When analyzing the situation and “debriefing” in a conversation with yourself, say the following phrases: “I allowed myself to be deceived” instead of: “I was deceived,” “I allowed myself to be bullied” instead of: “I was bullied,” etc.

4. When analyzing the situation and “debriefing” in a conversation with a conflict partner, say the following phrases: “What did I do wrong?” and “What should I have done?” and so on.

5. Be sure to thank for criticism.- M.L.

I'm starting to learn to write

I was lucky with the editor. All my other books were edited by her. I'll call her Editor here. This was an intelligent and well-read woman, 35 years old, who was depressed due to a divorce. And thanks to her expert editing, I understood how to write books. It turned out that we don’t know how to write books, that there are also sacred rules here that sharpen the material so that it becomes understandable not only to the authors, but also to the readers.

We got along with the editor friendly relations. I helped her get out of the depression she was in due to her divorce from her husband. Moreover, she was more worried about the fact that she would not look like a prosperous woman, which she was considered to be by the editorial team.

Editing the textbook was difficult. We did not know the basics of writing books; she did not know psychiatry. But the work, in general, progressed. Eventually the editing ended. Before submitting the book to print, Zeus decided to look at the edits. I started editing everything again. I looked like I had been spat on. I also had to pay the Editor for re-editing. The mood was disgusting. But still I noticed a difference in my emotional response. If earlier in such cases I felt sad, now I was angry, and mainly at myself. After all, I violated the basic laws of fate. I became a deliverer. Of course, I would have to edit my dissertation first and I would have my own book, without co-authors. ( It serves him right. Don't break the laws. Do not put your hand in boiling water - it will burn. But seriously, you can’t be a savior, you can’t break psychological laws,- M.L.)

Then came various political processes. Collapsed Soviet Union. It became clear that it would no longer be possible to publish the book at public expense. Zeus at this time created his own company and earned money. But he demanded that we give up our copyrights. (But Zeus is a great guy. He doesn’t care about all moral dogmas, friendly relationships. He sticks to his line and that’s it. And he doesn’t give a damn about what anyone says. - M.L.) I was getting angry. I pulled out my chapters (and this was a third of the book). Then the Editor persuaded me to sign the contract, which I did. Outwardly I showed no reaction. But it was a shame. And it’s still a shame. Although now this resentment is very pale. It’s even more of an admiration for Zeus, for whom friendship comes in eleventh place. Mikhail Efimovich, I know your attitude towards friendship , In my mind I agree with you. You are right, you should, in principle, exclude friends from your everyday life, but so far nothing has worked. And I continue to do something for the sake of friendship, conflicting with the interests of the business. I just can't get rid of neuroticism.

I did draw some conclusions for myself. Now I don’t publish in collaboration with anyone, and if this happens, then in such a way that it can be seen what was done by me and what by a co-author. To whom can I now explain what I have done to ensure that the textbook is sufficiently original. I don’t even want to tell you, Mikhail Efimovich, about this.

The publication of the book was both a joyful event and at the same time carried an element of bitterness. When it was necessary to make corrections in proofs, I tortured myself to do this correction. It was in my part that the most errors were later found. I was scolded, although the initial editing was mine. How right you are, Mikhail Efimovich, with the triangle of fate. I became a victim. I could have been suspended. At least from technical corrections. After all, after re-editing the textbook became worse from my point of view.

Our roads gradually began to diverge. Each of us had our own life on the side, into which the others did not fit. I was involved in my club and psychotherapeutic cycles, Zeus - with my company, Artist - with amateur performances and poetry. Now we were connected only by the faculty. This was already a weak connection. Our souls were already in another place, where our bodies were sent when our compulsory stay at the institute ended. Although the quality of lectures on psychiatry was still high, the creative component had dried up. Lectures were practically repeated from course to course. We even read them one text at a time.

A comment:

About labor and work

A person, in order to satisfy his needs, must do something. There are three forms of activity: play, study and work. All three activities contribute to human growth. If the first two forms are mainly intended for personal growth, then the main goal of the work- This is getting some kind of product. The division is purely conditional.

Studying takes place while playing. And the game can be organized so that some kind of product is obtained. A game- This is the main activity of children preschool age. But the elements play activity are introduced into both education and production activities. Thus, elements of play therapy are introduced into the work psychotherapeutic process. Games are used both in the learning process and in work.

Industrial training is also carried out at work. I was engaged in precisely this study for twenty years, working at the faculty of advanced training for doctors.

I want to express a few thoughts about the work. We divide work as an activity into two parts. Actually work and Labor. We talk about work when a person performs it almost automatically, quite often skillfully, without putting the creative effort of his thinking into it. Example of work- This is work on an assembly line where a worker performs one operation. If he performs it long enough, then his skill gradually grows and becomes automated. He works quickly, even beautifully, but at this time he may be thinking about something completely different.

These thoughts arose when I visited a plant in the Kuril Islands that processed pink salmon. Three fish were thrown out of the container onto the cutting table. The worker opened them with three precise movements with a knife. The conveyor belt transferred these fish to a second worker, who, with the same precise movements, tore out the insides. Another worker was throwing these entrails onto a second small conveyor. There the caviar was already being separated from the intestines. On the main conveyor, cleaned fish were placed in boxes, which were sent to refrigerators. At the exit, the fish were already packed into cardboard boxes, which were automatically loaded into the machines. The workers didn't even have to turn their heads in the right direction. It was a stunningly beautiful and at the same time terrible sight. The only reassuring thing was that the Putin there lasted for about three months, and then these people, many of them were students, were doing something else. But here they at least received a salary. An even more colorful description of such exhausting work was given by Jack London when his hero Martin Eden, an aspiring writer, talked about his work in a laundry. The result of this work was that after a few weeks he got drunk on his day off, although he planned to engage in writing.

Thus, work depersonalizes a person, turns him into an automaton, or more precisely, into an appendage to an automaton. His creative powers begin to idle or are spent on something else. In the best case, a person develops a hobby or increases sexual activity; in the worst case,- he becomes bored and completely unwell if creative activity is realized in holding feasts and is wasted on entertainment activities. And it’s simply terrible when creative activity manifests itself in drunkenness, scandals, hooligan behavior or behavior that violates the Criminal Code. Sometimes all creative forces are spent on the formation of such a “beautiful” illness as neurosis or psychosomatic illness.

Therefore, if we want to maintain peace of mind and health, we need not only to work, but also to work, and play, and study. IN real life sometimes it happens that games and studies are organized in such a way that they turn out to be more tedious than the most routine work. This is explained by the fact that we are paid for our work, but we receive nothing for tedious games and studies. And, therefore, the harm from tedious study is difficult to even imagine. And students should be protected from teachers who teach their subject in a tedious manner. N.V. Gogol also noticed that ideas expressed tediously automatically lead to the assimilation of the exact opposite idea. Somewhere in the 80s, I called boring teachers of Marxism-Leninism free and voluntary agents of capitalism. At the same time, exciting, interesting learning is possible only with paid training, which also does not issue any diplomas or certificates. People come there only for knowledge and will not tolerate boring teachers.

And one more remark, from my point of view, very important.

In the process of production activity, with increasing qualifications, it happens that outwardly even very skilled work turns into tedious work, and a person begins to be drawn to feats or he becomes stagnant. Listen to the experiences of one teacher who worked at the institute for advanced training of doctors: “The first years of work at the faculty of advanced training were years of intense creative pedagogical work. I didn't know how to lecture. I wrote them full text, read them “like a pig,” burying himself in the text. I corrected those places where they did not listen to me, and gradually began to read them “like a chicken.” For a long time I hardly changed either the form or content of the lectures. I already read them “like a nightingale.” It became easier and easier for me to give lectures. And suddenly I noticed that while lecturing I was thinking about something completely different. And when one of the listeners began to make noise, I woke up, did something to attract attention, and then continued to read the well-written text. This went on for ten years. I woke up after one episode.

I was giving a lecture that I was especially proud of. It was a good lecture, to say the least, and the people listened quite attentively. I paid attention to one cadet. He listened to me sometimes attentively, sometimes absent-mindedly, but did not write and occasionally, every 10-15 minutes, made some notes in his notebook. I asked. He satisfied my curiosity. It turns out that five years ago he was at our advanced training course and listened to this lecture. She was virtually the same.

So it turns out that labor gradually turns into work.

And even writing often turns into work when the author, instead of new ideas, rearranges old thoughts in a new way. It's so tempting to write and publish another "new" book without actually writing it.

This is what happened to the Eternal Prince. He stopped working at work. The need for labor was satisfied in other places.

Is it necessary to completely change everything and change it every time? Of course not. Something must be repeated. In hysterical individuals, everything changes immediately. It gets pretty boring too. IN modern psychology There is an opinion that if there are 20-30 percent new, this will be quite enough.

Since we are created in the image and likeness of God, we must create all the time, create something new and improve the old. Maybe in personal life we quickly tire of each other because we don’t change, because we stop creating ourselves, because, as one philosopher said: “We constantly treat each other to the same moldy cheese- himself".

In general, as the poet wrote, “the soul must work day and night, and day and night,”

But there is an opinion that once every 5-7 years you need to move either horizontally or vertically. It's not a sin to change your profession.

And so that the old does not disappear, it needs to be written down.

Write books. Then it will be easier to give up the old one.

A little about my friends

So, our interests began to diverge. Zeus and I were unhappy with the cycle and wanted to redistribute at least the hours. But the Artist adamantly repeated the program. I won't describe the details to you. Gradually, our main creative interests changed and were no longer related to our main work. I wrote about this above.

Zeus began to engage in criminal psychiatry. He had his own affairs with law enforcement agencies. In addition, he organized a private company, “Vozrozhdenie,” which also operated successfully, treating mental patients and patients with sexual anomalies. Somewhere there he had his main life, about which we had a vague idea. He gave many of our employees the opportunity to earn extra money, and many later went to work for him.

I organized a psychotherapeutic club, which offered various short- and long-term courses. In addition, I began to improve the psychotherapeutic process through cycles of psychotherapy. I finally realized that I am a good performer, but a bad organizer. At first I wanted to work under the cover of Zeus, but I soon realized that I could not work under him. The final decision came after one incident.

One day, one of his future patients came not to his center, but to the clinic and came across the Artist, who talked to him and explained everything. The future patient gave him 8 or 9 cylinders of black caviar as a gift. Zeus was on a business trip. The artist distributed this caviar among the staff of the department. I liked it too. Zeus was given more than everyone else.

Zeus returned, made a fuss, demanded that the caviar be returned to him, which they did, because they didn’t have time to eat it. I refused to return it and said that I could give money for the caviar. Essentially, I was supporting Zeus. I told the Artist that it shouldn’t be distributed. He himself took it, because he decided that Zeus himself would give it to me. For not long before this I helped one person very close to him. Of course, there could be no talk of any monetary settlements between us, but I thought I fully deserved the gift. In the end, he didn’t take the money from me.

In all this, I was outraged by the form of the return. All this had to be done quietly. The guys would calmly return everything to him. But he convened a cathedral meeting, attended by young employees who had nothing to do with this story, and spoke on this topic with Komsomol fervor and party threats. Of course, it was flattering for young people to watch how the elite were being purged. It was a circus. To my joy, nothing was pounding inside me. For myself, I firmly decided not to make serious joint plans with Zeus. Apparently, he also came to the same opinion.

At the department social status we had equal, and we had general boss- Artist. Somewhere even I admired Zeus. I admired his independence and ability to rise above friendly ties, which he easily broke when this could cause difficulties in solving his problems. You could always rely on him when solving personal issues. In his defense, I want to say that even if I did something unpleasant, I did not always realize that it could be unpleasant for someone. Besides, it was possible to argue with him. Even if he did not concede, he could understand that the other might have his own point of view, especially if this does not interfere with the implementation of his plans. And he wasn't vindictive.

The artist directed all his creative forces to the organization graduation ceremonies cadets who took part in KVN without alcohol. Preparation began two weeks before the end of the cycle, which, in my opinion, did not have a completely positive effect on the conduct of the pedagogical process. Out of mental weakness, I also participated in this at first. Zeus quickly moved away from all this. In addition, the Artist organized faculty evenings, and also participated in some other regional and city shows and, naturally, rehearsed once a week. He did not accept new trends. He didn’t organize anything himself, and quickly fell into poverty. And although he did not want to work in the structures of Zeus, he still accepted orders from him. I helped him earn a little extra money as best I could. In addition, I provided him with a vacation at sea. He understood your ideas, but did not accept them. Unfortunately, there were no personal changes in him. There was no social growth either. I think that he did not have much joy in his soul from my and Zeus’s success. Of course, he was more talented than us, but such dispersion social work his growth was quite stunted. He did not pursue a doctoral dissertation and did not write books.

In the first years, we did not have a secretary or a typewriter on the cycle. Only Zeus and I could type. So he and I shared the work. I don’t remember what year, somewhere in 1990, grateful sponsors gave us a typewriter. The artist became interested in printing. He learned to type with one finger himself, and took on all the secretarial work himself, although the Optimist already allowed the use of the services of a secretary. And when he was not busy with lectures and examining patients, he was always typing something. These were all kinds of programs, manuals, poems, scripts for graduation meetings, etc.

Scientific work he didn't study. He was simply shoveling the materials of his PhD thesis and published something at a minimum. I felt very sorry for him. I tried several times to involve him in my affairs, but at the most critical moments he left. He was in a depressed mood and, unfortunately, he understood everything.

However, it should be noted that practically nothing changed in his behavior. It's hard to change your behavior algorithm.