All-seeing eye sign. Why is the “All-Seeing Eye” present at the Kazan Cathedral. Photos of Masonic symbols on architectural monuments

All-seeing eye sign.  Why is the “All-Seeing Eye” present at the Kazan Cathedral.  Photos of Masonic symbols on architectural monuments
All-seeing eye sign. Why is the “All-Seeing Eye” present at the Kazan Cathedral. Photos of Masonic symbols on architectural monuments

The image of a pyramid with an eye is found in two versions. The classic Egyptian version is simply a pyramid with an eye on one side. But the second option has become more famous, in which the top of the pyramid hangs over the truncated pyramid, on which the eye is located. In this diagram you can see a deep symbolic meaning: the top is separated from the base, it is on it that the all-seeing eye is present. The small upper part dominates the whole - this is the idea that dominates this image.

The symbolism of the pyramid with the eye is clear, but where did this symbol come from and why does it exist in our time? Most often, this symbol is associated with the Freemasons; the sign of the all-seeing eye enclosed in a triangle is known to them as the “Radiant Delta”. It is believed that the Freemasons borrowed this symbol from Christianity, where the triangle means the Trinity, and the eye is the all-seeing eye of Providence. But this symbol was found even before the Christians; it was known in Egypt as the “Eye of Horus” (Hora, Ra). However, despite the change of cultures, the symbolism of the sign as the all-seeing divine eye remains unchanged.

The easiest way would be to consider the presence of an eye in a triangle on the same US one-dollar bill as a symbol of the Freemasons, but in reality everything turns out to be more complicated. There is an obvious difference between the "Radiant Delta" - the eye in the triangle - and the all-seeing eye above the truncated pyramid. That is why the second sign is often associated with one of the most mysterious and mysterious organizations - the Order of the Illuminati. Its members call the eye in the triangle the "Gnostic Eye of Lucifer", or the "Omniscient Eye". The symbol itself is directly associated with the World Government - a group of people with great power who secretly rule the world and determine the paths of its development. Confirmation of this option can be found in the image of a pyramid on the US one-dollar bill. At its base you can see the inscription MDCCLXXVI, which in Roman writing means 1776. It was in this year that the Order of the Illuminati was founded (also the year of recognition of US independence).

The number of levels of the pyramid has interesting symbolism. There are exactly 13 layers up to the cut top, which symbolizes 13 times 13 years. This is 169 years, which is exactly how long the Illuminati was preparing to seize power - from 1776 to 1945. Next comes the gap between the truncated pyramid and its elevated apex, which is called the “Second Era.” This is 26 years, or two times 13. The beginning of the era is 1945, the end is 1975. Finally, the raised top of the pyramid with the eye depicted on it is called the “Third Era” and lasts 39 years, or three times 13. Its end is 2010 year. After this date, the power of the Illuminati becomes comprehensive, no one in the world is able to challenge the New World Order they are establishing. It is this phrase - Novus ordo seclorum - that is printed under the pyramid on the same US one-dollar bill.

The image of a pyramid with an eye is found in two versions. The classic Egyptian version is simply a pyramid with an eye on one side.

But the second option has become more famous, in which the top of the pyramid hangs over the truncated pyramid, on which the eye is located. In this diagram you can see a deep symbolic meaning: the top is separated from the base, it is on it that the all-seeing eye is present. The small upper part dominates the whole - this is the idea that dominates this image.

The symbolism of the pyramid with the eye is clear, but where did this symbol come from and why does it exist in our time?

Most often, this symbol is associated with the Freemasons; the sign of the all-seeing eye enclosed in a triangle is known to them as the “Radiant Delta”. It is believed that the Freemasons borrowed this symbol from Christianity, where the triangle means the Trinity, and the eye is the all-seeing eye of Providence. But this symbol was found even before the Christians; it was known in Egypt as the “Eye of Horus” (Hora, Ra).

However, despite the change of cultures, the symbolism of the sign as the all-seeing divine eye remains unchanged. The easiest way would be to consider the presence of an eye in a triangle on the same US one-dollar bill as a symbol of the Freemasons, but in reality everything turns out to be more complicated.

There is an obvious difference between the "Radiant Delta" - the eye in the triangle - and the all-seeing eye above the truncated pyramid. That is why the second sign is often associated with one of the most mysterious and mysterious organizations - the Order of the Illuminati. Its members call the eye in the triangle the "Gnostic Eye of Lucifer", or the "Omniscient Eye". The symbol itself is directly associated with the World Government - a group of people with great power who secretly rule the world and determine the paths of its development. Confirmation of this option can be found in the image of a pyramid on the US one-dollar bill.

At its base you can see the inscription MDCCLXXVI, which in Roman writing means 1776. It was in this year that the Order of the Illuminati was founded (also the year of recognition of US independence). The number of levels of the pyramid has interesting symbolism. There are exactly 13 layers up to the cut top, which symbolizes 13 times 13 years. This is 169 years, which is exactly how long the Illuminati was preparing to seize power - from 1776 to 1945.
Next comes the gap between the truncated pyramid and its elevated apex, which is called the “Second Era.” This is 26 years, or two times 13. The beginning of the era is 1945, the end is 1975.

Finally, the raised top of the pyramid with the eye depicted on it is called the “Third Era” and lasts 39 years, or three times 13. Its end is 2010. After this date, the power of the Illuminati becomes comprehensive, no one in the world is able to challenge the New World Order they are establishing. It is this phrase - Novus ordo seclorum - that is printed under the pyramid on the same US one-dollar bill.

"All-Seeing Eye" of the 21st century

But friends, tell me that the symbol of the “all-seeing eye” is present not only on one dollar bill!
That's right, this sign can be found in different places. For example in church:

Kazan Cathedral

It is interesting that in front of the Kazan Cathedral, at one time there was also an obelisk

Vienna Catholic St. Stephen's Cathedral

Lutheran Church in St. Petersburg

St. George's Hall of the Kremlin

"All Seeing Eye" of Aachen Cathedral

1:18. Behold, the eye of the Lord is upon those who fear Him and
those who trust in His mercy,

4:13. And there is no creature hidden from Him, but everything
naked and open before His eyes: To Him we will give an account.

In Christianity, the “All-Seeing Eye” is a non-canonical, although stable, image of Christian iconography. This symbol is also called the “Wakeful Eye of the Lord.” It is an image of an eye in a triangle from which rays emanate. The eye in a triangle was used as an emblem by the magical society of Aleister Crowley, the Order of the Eastern Temple, Masonic lodges, Vietnamese Buddhists, Theosophists, Rosicrucians, etc. He is depicted on the Great Seal of the United States and on the one dollar bill. His images are quite common on body crosses, both Orthodox and other denominations, placed in the upper part of the cross (as if crowning it).

It is also found in temple architecture and decoration (in the paintings of lampshades, altar decorations along with the dove of the Holy Spirit, on ripids, etc.). Of these images, perhaps the most famous is the pediment of the Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg. It appeared in Russia in the 18th century, along with other Masonic symbols and paraphernalia, and was especially popular during the reign of Alexander II. Together with the motto “NOT TO US, NOT TO US, BUT TO YOUR NAME” it was placed on many objects, for example, medals to participants in the War of 1812... It is also found in non-canonical images of the so-called. "New Testament Trinity" as a separate element, because the triangle framing the eye is interpreted in Christianity as a symbol of the Trinity. The most ancient version of this symbol is with the Egyptian “Eye of Ra” (right), which means God. It is he who is initially meant to be placed in the triangle...".

On monuments.
Alexander Column. The sign is located at the top of the bas-relief on the front side of the pedestal (facing the Winter Palace) surrounded by an oak wreath.

At educational institutions.
Mining Institute in St. Petersburg

On the medals.
Medal of Elizabeth Petrovna

Medal for the coronation of Catherine II, 1762

Medal for the coronation of Nicholas the First

Medal of Catherine the Second 1776

For the victory over Napoleon

For the capture of Paris

Medal of Nicholas the First 1849

For the defense of Sevstopol

The eye above the pyramid directly echoes pyramids with spherical tops or simply pyramids. In turn, a lot of them were built in Europe at the end of the 18th and 19th centuries! There will be a separate post on this topic, on pyramids, tombs, on pyramids, churches, etc.

Also, the Egyptian-Masonic theme can be seen in the obelisks. They will also be written about separately.

This form of buildings is found on all continents and has existed at all times, and it still attracts a lot of tourists.

But not only travelers are interested in the mysterious form - the Taoists also attached no less importance to it: according to Feng Shui, the pyramid with an eye has the most powerful meaning. The symbol of Freemasonry, the radiant delta, which represents an all-seeing eye drawn in a triangle, has now gained unprecedented popularity.

Pyramid: feng shui meaning

According to Feng Shui, the pyramid has a very strong meaning; it is considered a powerful amulet, and also a fulfiller of human desires. It is enough to simply write your cherished desire on a piece of paper, fold it and put it under the pyramid - and it will certainly come true.

Throughout the centuries, pyramids have attracted people with their mystery and mysticism. Scientists note that famous buildings have such a shape for a reason: the pyramidal shape is capable of capturing energy at its tip, as if concentrating it at a single point, at its peak, and then as if collecting and accumulating it inside, between its edges.

Many travelers who visited the pyramids in distant lands noted that after this they began to feel much better physically, and their minds seemed to clear up.

After the healing and positive properties of the pyramids were revealed to humanity, miniature projections of them began to be created from stone, glass and crystals to be used as a talisman. Surprisingly, such a miniature pyramid can not only improve the energetic atmosphere in the home, but also relieve some diseases, illnesses and adversities.

A pyramid placed in the right place in an apartment can increase productivity, relieve melancholy or apathy, stimulate career and spiritual growth, and give strength. Just as the tip of a pyramid helps to capture the energy flow, collecting it between the internal edges, so a miniature projection of a pyramid can become a powerful source of a positive energy field.

A correct feng shui pyramid should be heavy, weighty, and definitely solid. Hollow pyramids do not have the ability to accumulate and concentrate energy, and therefore they are useless. Also pay attention to the edges of the pyramid - they should be perfectly smooth and polished, and its top (the peak of the pyramid, or its tip) should not be knocked down, sharp.

The “golden ratio rule” also plays an important role here. A high-quality feng shui pyramid follows this geometric law.

The pyramid is able to neutralize any negative energy or negative vibrations; it brings the necessary balance and balance into a person’s home, thereby even improving overall physical well-being. That is why the pyramids are famous as figures capable of healing.

What color and what material should I buy a feng shui pyramid from?

Feng Shui pyramids are made from a wide variety of materials, but those made of crystals or natural stone are most valued.

  • You should know that transparent glass pyramids have a positive effect on career and finance. Pyramids of pink or lilac shades are responsible for the sphere of love and relationships.
  • Pyramids of shades of the element of Water (blue and cyan) control the human mind, improve thought processes, and increase intelligence.
  • But the green hue of the pyramids helps you improve your skills and derive material benefits from them.

The notorious pyramid with an eye is a powerful amulet against all earthly troubles and misfortunes; it sharpens the intellect, helps to reach unprecedented heights, and achieve your goals. Its symbol is interpreted as a sign of the Great Architect - a being who created all things and endowed the earth with secret knowledge. The power of this pyramid is great and should be handled with care. It is not recommended to place the pyramid in the sleeping area, in close proximity to the bed.

First, it would be a good idea to decide for what purpose you needed the pyramid in order to choose the optimal solution. For careerists, it is best to choose a transparent pyramid of bluish shades; for those thirsting for love, it is best to choose a pyramid of stones in a purple-pink color palette.

It is better that your Feng Shui pyramid is made of natural material. For example, made of stone. But such pyramids also cost an order of magnitude higher, because even a small pyramid requires quite a lot of material. Pyramids made of crystals are somewhat cheaper, and miniatures made of glass are the most affordable. The classic transparent and colorless pyramid made of ordinary glass is very popular in offices and on desktops, because it helps to concentrate on business and climb the career ladder faster.

According to Feng Shui, an onyx pyramid is a very strong amulet, because onyx itself has powerful properties, and when concentrated in the faces of the pyramid, they become even more powerful. Such a pyramid will cost a lot, but it will also bring a much more noticeable charge of energy into the house than an ordinary glass pyramid.

Feng Shui pyramid: where to place it?

After you have made your choice and decided what color and what material to purchase the pyramid from, you should familiarize yourself with the nuances of its placement in the living space. There are special sectors, or, more simply put, directions of parts of the world in which certain properties of the pyramid are most clearly manifested.

By controlling and redirecting the flow of Qi energy, a pyramid installed in the desired area of ​​your home can provide truly strong support and assistance, and it would be extremely stupid to neglect this. Select the area in the house you need to adjust your life, and then boldly place a pyramid in the center of this sector.

Direction Sphere of influence of the pyramid
Southwest Love sector. An ideal place to place a pyramid to bring back the passion and ardent feelings of spouses and improve relationships.
West Harmony and balance in relationships with the world, increased communication skills, the ability to protect your children and household members.
East Family and health sector. It will help improve family relationships, improve physical health, protect and preserve the family hearth.
Responsible for financial well-being. The south is the sector of fame, helps to achieve great heights, achieve success in your career, and brings prosperity.
North Increases efficiency, positively affects career, improves financial well-being, stimulates the growth of material well-being.

It is important to remember that the range of action of a miniature pyramid is not infinite. Thus, an ordinary pyramid made of glass or crystals has the greatest power within 0.5-1.5 meters around its axis. Pyramids made of stone, as well as those with additional symbols, are somewhat more powerful - for example, according to Feng Shui, a pyramid with an eye has a radius of at least three meters.

Sacred geometry. Energy codes of harmony Prokopenko Iolanta

The All-Seeing Eye in Religions and Cultures

“Look, in the Gospel of Matthew,” she urged. - “If your eye is pure, then your whole body will be bright.” The same thing with the ajna chakra - the “third eye”, which Hindus mark with a point on the forehead, and...

Dan Brown. "The Lost Symbol"

When the All-Seeing Eye is mentioned, some people remember Masonic organizations, some - about Big Brother, some - about Egyptian symbols. And the first, and the second, and the third will be right in their own way. The All-Seeing Eye is an ancient and powerful symbol with almost incommensurable sacred weight. This symbol is present in almost all nations and religions. The meaning of this symbol comes down to one thing - knowledge of the truth. Whether it is the personification of the solar Egyptian gods or the Great Architect of the Universe, this is the embodiment of the Supreme Mind and the Supreme Truth.

The ancient Greek philosopher Plato called the eye the main solar instrument, capable of intuitive vision. The stars are ten thousand heavenly eyes of the night, personifying vigilance. In architecture, the idea of ​​the All-Seeing Eye was often embodied in the form of a hole that opens access to the heavenly worlds in the dome of a temple or any other building. Also in some cultures it can mean an androgynous creature - as a combination of a female symbol inside a male one.

In the West, the right eye signifies the Sun, day and future, the left eye signifies the Moon, night and past.

In the East the situation is the opposite. The symbolism of the eye can be taken on by a pheasant feather.

Among the American Indians, the eye of the heart sees everything. This is the eye of the Great Spirit and omniscience.

For Buddhists, the eye symbolizes light and wisdom. The Buddha's third eye, the flaming pearl, is spiritual consciousness and transcendental wisdom.

In Celtic epic, the evil eye, symbolizing evil intentions and envy, is contrasted with a good heart, nobility and compassion.

In Chinese and Japanese symbolism, the left eye is the Sun, the right eye is the Moon.

In Christianity, the eye symbolizes the all-seeing God, omniscience, power, light. The light of the body is the eye (Matt. 6:22). The seven eyes of the Apocalypse are the seven spirits of God. The eye in the triangle represents the Head of God; and in a triangle surrounded by a radiant circle - her infinite holiness.

Heavenly eye of the god Horus

For the Egyptians, the eye has a rather complex symbolism. The Eye of Horus is correlated with the North Star, a symbol of illumination. The eye and eyebrow of this eye signify strength and power. The two eyes are North and South. The right eye is the Sun, the god Ra and Osiris, the left eye is the fickle Moon and the goddess Isis. Horus's left eye was damaged in the fight with Set, and therefore the Moon changes its phases.

In Ancient Greece, the eye symbolizes Apollo, the observer of the heavens, the Sun, which is also the eye of Zeus (Jupiter).

For Hindus, Shiva's third eye (the pearl in the middle of the forehead) represents spiritual consciousness, transcendental wisdom. Varuna's eye is the sun.

In Iranian mythology, the Good Shepherd Yima possesses the eye of the sun and the secret of immortality.

In Islam, the eye of the heart is the spiritual center, the seat of absolute intelligence and enlightenment.

Among the Japanese, the right eye of Iza-nagi gave birth to the moon god.

Among the peoples of Oceania, the sun is a large eyeball. Plato believed that the soul has an eye, and the Truth is visible to him alone.

In Sumerian-Semitic mythology, the eye personifies the Lord of the Sacred Eye, Ea or Enki, where it symbolizes wisdom, omniscience, and wakefulness.

Among the Phoenicians, Kronos had two open and two closed eyes, which means he was constantly awake.

Alchemical woodcut showing the All-Seeing Eye of God floating in the sky

The mystical all-seeing “third eye,” which is sometimes called the “eye of the heart,” symbolizes spiritual vision, which in Hinduism is correlated with the power of fire and the god Shiva, in Buddhism with inner vision, and in Islam with clairvoyance.

Of particular importance in world history is the sacred meaning of the All-Seeing Eye among the Masons. The All-Seeing Eye, or Radiant Delta, is one of the most famous symbols of the Illuminati. It is a triangle with an eye enclosed in it - a sign of enlightenment, a sign of the presence of a Supreme Being. According to Masonic ideology, this symbol is a mathematical point that has no dimensions or exact coordinates, but is found everywhere and fills all boundless space. This is an allegory of the attention that the Supreme Intelligence shows in relation to each member of the lodge, and the attention that a Mason shows in relation to the world around him.

Christian version of the Eye of Providence, enclosed in a triangle symbolizing the Trinity

The All-Seeing Eye is a complex symbolic and allegorical structure that personifies the Great Architect, the All-Seeing Supreme Mind. A pyramid or triangle means the accumulator of all knowledge existing in the world, and the eye is an intermediary between the source of knowledge and its recipient. The eye does not look at the All-Seeing Masonic Eye, but radiates, radiates the Highest knowledge! This symbol is present in the design of every Masonic lodge, and not only that. In 1782, the All-Seeing Eye was adopted as part of the symbolism on the reverse side of the Great Seal of the United States of America.

The Eye of Ra - one of the incarnations of the All-Seeing Eye - personified fire and light, capable of burning any enemy, power and authority. Most often it was depicted in the form of a cobra, sometimes with a solar disk and wings, accompanied by the goddesses Nekhbet, Maat, Hathor, Sokhmet, Tefnut, Mehit - goddesses who were among the solar gods.

Medal for the coronation of Nicholas the First

Medal of Elizabeth Petrovna

War against Napoleon 1812

Sevastopol, Museum of the Black Sea Fleet

Reverse side of the Great Seal of the United States

This text is an introductory fragment.

THE ALL-SEEING EYE The Eye of Horus-Horse, the All-Seeing Eye of the Almighty, the Unsleeping Eye, the eye of the Great Architect of the Universe. There is no doubt that the essence of this divine sign is not primitive ritual, but supra-religious, for it exists outside and above all church dogmas. She has more

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The Eye of God is the eye of light and it has the power to attract, to unite, to focus energy and thereby to produce precipitation. Although Cyclopea embodies the All-Seeing Eye of God, he is much more than just the All-Seeing Eye of God. He is the Elohim of vision, and his cosmic consciousness animates the vision of the Creator. Cyclopea, through the power of God's vision, maintains the divine vision for all life and carries out the process of creation. He said, “I have been entrusted with the responsibility of maintaining the one-eyed vision of the Almighty for this system of worlds.”

Symbolically, the All-Seeing Eye is usually depicted as a single eye, which speaks of a single vision with God. The usual two-eyed vision of people is always relative, always bifurcated and always imperfect. This vision is relative, leading to duality. The Apostle James said: “A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways.”

But in order to gain the “one-eyed” divine vision, it is necessary to master the third eye chakra, located in the center of the forehead. The All-Seeing Eye of God radiates through the open third eye chakra the truth of the original divine plan through the green flame, and the seven colored rays of the Elohim. Therefore, the third eye chakra should become the focus of purity. This is achieved by the purification of all the lower chakras and the transformative action of the caduceus, which, when raised and fixed in the forehead, becomes a symbol of the winged victory of the individual and his return to wholeness.

Cyclopea teaches mastery of the third eye and gives her momentum of vision. “The All-Seeing Eye of God beholds the beauty of heaven, and so you can behold the beauty that this Eye reproduces for us here below.” In the Teachings of the Ascended Masters there is a complete teaching with the help of which this can be done. Timely opening and development of the third eye chakra allows one to gain the gift of wisdom, and the All-Seeing Eye of God focused in the center of the forehead becomes the point of purpose, true recognition and discrimination through which compassion can flow where it is needed.

The symbol of mastering the third eye is an equilateral triangle with an eye placed inside it. “When visualizing this focus, imagine a flame blazing with the consciousness of Elohim and a suspended triangle, in the center of which is the All-Seeing Eye. Visualize this triangle with the All-Seeing Eye in the center of your forehead. See the green flame of precipitation blazing through the triangle and the eye, and the radiance of the seven rays around them. A green flame rises in the center, and seven rays emanate from the forehead at an angle, like the visor of a cap, in all directions” (2).

This or a similar symbol can be found in different religions, including Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, and therefore it is not correct to recognize “the well-known image of the All-Seeing Eye, so familiar from ancient times in Byzantine and Orthodox churches” only as a Masonic image. The All-Seeing Eye is that victorious point of light on your forehead, with the help of which you begin to exit the dark cycle. This point gives birth to Christ in you, because it is the seed of the Cosmic Christ. Therefore, it is a symbol of the Christ Consciousness, a symbol that reminds that each person on the path has his own star, which shines for him, guiding him in his deeds and in his search for the path to “a world that transcends its old state,” freed from the cycles of degeneration and death, just as a snake sheds its skin, moving to a higher point, the point of the All-Seeing Eye of God.

laquo;This All-Seeing Eye of God, beloved, is the most needed gift of Divine Love for every person and those who still do not have individuality, but must conquer it through their own Christ Self and Inner Buddha” (3).

Thanks to the All-Seeing Eye of God and the developed chakra of the third eye, we gain God-Vision, which gives us the Immaculate Concept and the ability to precipitate it. Therefore, the All-Seeing Eye, as a symbol of God’s Omniscience, was depicted inside the sun emitting its rays. A similar image can still be found in ancient Byzantine iconography.

Often a triangle with the All-Seeing Eye is depicted above the pyramid, reminding the light-bearers that in order to ascend victoriously to the heavenly world, they “must decide to lay the capstone on the pyramid of civilization. They must rise to the All-Seeing Eye of God. Since you are one of the components of this capstone, you need to know: in order to enter this capstone and become a cage in the All-Seeing Eye of God, elevating the symbol of God in people, you must defeat your guardian and see to it that he is bound" (7 ).

Once I daily prayed to God for the gift of discernment and I received a completely unexpected answer. The teacher said that this gift was already given to me, like all children of God at birth. We have lost it, and now, in order to use it, we must resurrect (restore) what we once lost. And when we do this, then the inner All-Seeing Eye of God, which has spherical vision, can physically manifest in us. “Therefore, it is indeed good to invoke the All-Seeing Eye of God and pray every day for the return of that single eye vision that you had in the Beginning, before the descent into duality.”

Having lost the immaculate All-Seeing Eye of God under the influence of fallen angels called serpents, people “began to perceive the two sides of the human equation like a pendulum that swings left/right, hot/cold, always waiting for consequences.”

To return to single-eyed vision, you need to free yourself from duality of thinking. To do this, you need to strive for God with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your heart. But many people are not used to measuring their words and actions with the divine Law; they rely on the human Law and focus on what they do and what they think. This attitude of people is pseudo-righteousness and arrogance. Therefore, their judgments and conclusions often go against biblical truths and demonstrate spiritual ignorance.

It is unfortunate that the history of Christianity has taught these people nothing and they often rely on the opinion of leaders who make the mistake that members of the Judeo-Christian Church once made in trying to convince converted pagans that in addition to faith, love works (Gal. 5 :6) and complete obedience to God's will (cf. Rom 1:5; 15:18), salvation also requires external observance of the Law. In Romans and Galatians, Paul strongly opposes this view while simultaneously laying out his own understanding of righteousness. Paul says that a person finds salvation or justification before God not through fulfilling the Law (Rom. 3:9ff., 20; 4:15; Gal. 2:21; 3:2,10,19,24), but only through faith (Rom 3:22,28), which comes “from hearing the word of God” (Rom 10:17).

A person sees only what is in front of his physical eyes, but in order for him to gain insight, it is necessary that God give him the All-Seeing Eye, enlighten his eyes and open the eyes of his heart to knowledge, otherwise a person “seeing will not see” (Matthew 13:13) , for the eyes will remain “closed.”

The opening of the Third Eye involves the opening and laying bare of the past before the One to whom an account must be given (Heb. 4:13), His Eye sees all the ways of the sons of men and therefore, before God grants the All-Seeing Eye, He will test and purify, “beat” everyone whom accepts as a son or daughter.

Whoever shows ignorance of spiritual and practical knowledge is blinded as a result of self-deception (Rev. 3:17), sin, and idolatry (Isa. 44:18). That is, the culprit in such blindness is the so-called Satan (2 Cor 4:4) and darkness (1 John 2:11). At the same time, a person not only becomes blind, but his consciousness becomes dull and his heart hardens (Isa 29:9-16; John 12:40; Rom 11:10; 2 Cor 4:4). This spiritual blindness is especially dangerous when it affects leaders; for in this case they become “blind leaders of the blind” and, being confident in their rightness (John 9:40ff.), they lead the people into the abyss of error (Matt 15:14; 23:16,19,24; Rom 2: 19).

You need to understand that if you do not want to notice evil and remain silent when it occurs, then you agree with evil and thus reject the vision of God. As E.K. Prophet said: “When we begin to think about such a quality as Christ-discernment, or about any other divine quality that we need to acquire or develop, we must always begin by finding the starting point, and also free ourselves from the feeling that we are going to flounder in human ideas and try to find divine knowledge on the basis of human reasoning or human perception" (17).

We must remember that human relationships, including human love, always contain destructive opposites, such as human hatred, fear, suspicion, and even slight hostility. All this leads to a mixture of feelings, creating something unclear and incomprehensible, neither love nor hatred, but a mixture of both. Some ignorant people accept this “lukewarm” state and pass it off as the love that Jesus allegedly preached and condemn those who point out errors and vices to them. But “this lukewarm state of mediocrity Jesus scornfully rejected when he said: “But because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth.” And we remember that Jesus chose as his vessel Saul, a zealous student of the rabbis, a persecutor of His Church. Therefore, God's law commands us to “consider all as sons of God, in the hope that all will one day become sons of God, regardless of their origin. Therefore, we must treat them as beings who have divine light. We must refrain from criticism, condemnation and judgment, while continuing to maintain discrimination.”(17) And above all, we need to learn to distinguish good from evil without engaging in criticism and condemnation.

very often, in response to my notes and constructive criticism, which is approved by the Masters, I hear angry words of criticism or biblical words: “Do not judge and you will not be judged!” All this suggests that people do not understand and cannot distinguish “Criticism from the position of “pure reason” (constructive) from criticism and slander.

In the book by E.P. Blavatsky's "The Practice of Occult Training" writes:

“Criticism from the standpoint of “pure reason” has given way to criticism, for which the unpopularity of the criticized teaching and the prejudices spread in society are of paramount importance. So now the critic strives to tear into pieces with his teeth everything that he does not understand, and especially what he does not even want to understand.”

As for the criticism that was once proclaimed by Aristotle, it has nobility. Since the only purpose of such criticism to which any work or system was subjected was the goal of correcting and improving what they saw as a flaw, and this was done with all impartiality. First of all, the subject was studied and then analyzed.

It is this kind of criticism that the Lords call constructive and support it.

“The natural man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, because he considers them foolishness; and cannot understand, because this must be judged spiritually. But the spiritual one judges everything, but no one can judge him. For who has known the mind of the Lord so that he can judge him? But we have the mind of Christ" (1 Epistle to the Corinthians of St. Apostle Paul 1:35-2:16)

Therefore, in order to judge correctly, you need to have the Mind of Christ, that is, a developed third eye chakra, which has become the All-Seeing Eye of God.

laquo;The All-Seeing Eye of God and your inner vision will unite you with the current awareness of your soul.

The soul can know many things that the external “I” is not aware of. [Therefore, it is important for the outer self] to come into tune with the soul without fear and doubt, without confusion, beloved. The soul must come closer to the mind, and the mind must come closer to the soul. And with the heart as a mediator, and with the spirit directed towards the fire of will and action, the soul and mind, united together as the “yang” and “yin” of being, must move forward in agreement, in harmony, in mutual awareness. And then the mind will be able to find its self-determination on the advice of the knowledgeable soul" (8)

Therefore, the symbol of a triangle containing an eye inside itself is a symbol of the harmonious relationship of strength, love and wisdom; mind, soul and spirit.

Every soul must overcome the idolatry of the seat of the soul and return to the one God and the one Christ. “For this is the stone that I lay before Jesus. There are seven eyes on this one stone.” This is the Lord's promise to transform the soul consciousness into Christ consciousness through the raising of energies from the level of the seat of the soul chakra to the level of the third eye.

Thus, the Christ, the promised one, the Messiah, will come into your being, into the citadel of your consciousness. And seven eyes indicate the mastery of the seven rays of Christ consciousness in the seven chakras, which occurs through the mastery of the one-eyed vision of the Lord. “Behold, I will engrave his mark on it, says the Lord of hosts, and I will blot out the sin of the whole earth in one day.” So, in one cycle, as the fulfillment of the circle of expression of God’s consciousness through the seven rays, the transmutation of the sin of the Israelites will be completed” (9).

Therefore, the suspended triangle, in the center of which is the All-Seeing Eye, depicted in the green flame of precipitation blazing through the triangle and the eye, and the radiance of the seven rays around them, is a symbol of the Christ consciousness in the seven chakras.

So your seeing eye is an extension of the Christ Mind, just as your physical eyes are an extension of your brain and mental body.

I would like to dwell on the image of the All-Seeing Eye of the Egyptian God. The so-called Eye of Horus, healed by God Thoth, became a powerful amulet worn by the Egyptians - both pharaohs and ordinary people. Eye of Horus - Eye of God Ra - Wadjet was an important ancient Egyptian symbol of power. And although the ancient Egyptians symbolized the “All-Seeing Eye” of Horus with the North Star, it was primarily a symbol of insight and represented nothing more than an image of the developed third eye chakra.

Nowadays, the third eye chakra is depicted between the eyebrows, but H. P. Blavatsky considered its location to be “exoteric liberty.” She knew that the physical organ representing the Third Eye is the pineal gland (epiphysis), which is located in the back of the head, which, before the moral and spiritual fall, reflected the Light of Spiritual Wisdom.

And now, until the pineal gland is again awakened by the fiery energy of kundalini, it is only a carrier of the lower mind. But when a spiritual thought manifests itself in the consciousness, the pineal gland awakens and is illuminated with a bright light. Although there are always lights playing around the pineal gland, their color range is dull without spiritual thoughts. When kundalini “illuminates” it, the entire Universe appears through the extravaganza of light.

Kunadalini awakens the Third Eye with the help of the pituitary gland. “The molecular movements of the sputum gland (pituitary gland) give rise to psychic vision, but for spiritual, higher vision it is necessary to cause the same molecular movements in the pineal gland. The radiations, or emanations, of these glands, combining, give the highest consequences."

When a person's spirituality increases, the pulsation of the auras of the pineal gland and pituitary gland intensifies. The arc of the pituitary gland rises upward "towards the pineal gland until it is shocked in the same way as an electric current strikes some solid object, and then the dormant organ (the pineal gland) awakens and ignites, shining with the pure Fire of the Akasha."

nbsp; “So, it is the pituitary gland that must awaken the Third Eye, which is “just the servant of the pineal gland, its torchbearer,” running with a torch ahead of its master.”

The pituitary gland connects the brain with the astral body. If the pituitary gland is developed, then the brain stores impressions and information received during sleep from subtle planes.

The pineal gland corresponds to the Great Central Sun; and the pituitary gland responds to the Moon. Therefore, in order to gain the All-Seeing Eye, it is necessary to master the lunar energies. The pituitary gland is a symbol of Matter, the Mother; The pineal gland is a symbol of the Spirit, the Father. By uniting they give birth to the Son-Christ.

nbsp; Teachers warn that a mechanical, artificial, untimely opening of this center can lead to madness.

“When the third eye is opened to higher vibrations, a person begins to see the unity of all things and at the same time is able to see in that one the unique destiny of each soul.”

Antonida Berdnikova


  • 1.  Dictation by Serapis Bey (October 11, 1991)
  • 2. "The Lords and Their Abodes" by Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet
  • 3. Volume 36 No. 4 Beloved Gautama Buddha January 24, 1993
  • 4. Lecture on Cyclopea given by Elizabeth Clare Prophet April 12, 1995
  • 5. N.K. Roerich "MIDDLE AGES" June 20, 1935
  • 6. Volume 24 No. 6 Beloved Archangel Zadkiel - February 8, 1981
  • 7. Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Claire Prophet “The Enemy Within. Conquer your dark side"
  • 8. Volume 32 No. 60 Jesus Christ December 10, 1989
  • 9. “Human Aura” by Kuthumi and Jwal Kul
  • 10. Volume 34 No. 67 Jesus Christ, December 29, 1991
  • 11. The Teaching of Living Ethics: In 3 vols. 1.2 vol. - St. Petersburg: Education, 1994.
  • 12. Agni Yoga. High Path, parts 1, 2. - M.: Sfera, 2002.
  • 13. Agni Yoga. Revelation, 1920-1941. - M.: Sfera, 2002.
  • 14. Blavatskaya E.P. Cosmic Mind. Sat. - M.: Sfera, 2001.
  • 15. M.P.Hall. Occult anatomy. - M.: Sfera, 2002.
  • 16. Roerich E.I. Secret Knowledge. Theory and practice of Agni Yoga.
  • 17. The lecture "How to Develop Discernment" was given by Elizabeth Clare Prophet on December 31, 1966