Lesson on wintering birds. Lesson "wintering birds" for older children. Progress of organized educational activities

Lesson on wintering birds. Lesson "wintering birds" for older children. Progress of organized educational activities

Tatyana Matsaeva
Summary of a lesson in the senior group on the topic “Wintering birds”

Target: To form and consolidate knowledge about wintering birds.

Tasks. Educational: consolidate knowledge about wintering birds; continue to learn to distinguish wintering and migratory birds; evoke a desire to learn new facts from their lives; expand and activate the vocabulary of topic« Birds» . Educational: to form a kind and caring attitude towards wintering birds. Developmental: improve the ability to establish cause and effect relationships, attention, memory, holistic perception.

Material. For the teacher: tape recorder and audio cassette with recordings of forest voices birds; colored silhouettes birds(bullfinch, tit, sparrow, dove, crow, magpie, waxwing, owl, crossbill, woodpecker) with stands; wooden feeder; a tray with rowan berries and rose hips, maple, sunflower and pumpkin seeds; millet, buckwheat, bread crumbs, lard; letter from Soroka in an envelope. For children: coloring pages topic, trays with schematic details of parts of a magpie made of black paper (beak, wing, head, paws, tail) And white (torso). On the wall - posters: "Winter forest", "Winter Hut", under them there is a cardboard feeder and a tree branch.

Educator. Right. It was summer and birds they sang loudly and beautifully. Autumn has come, and many birds flew away to warmer climes. What are they called? birds? That's right, migratory ones. Name the migratory birds.

Children. Geese, rooks, cranes, starlings, swallows...

Educator. And some the birds stayed for the winter. What can they be called?

Children. Wintering.

Junior teacher (included). You have received a letter from a magpie! Hands the teacher a large envelope with the address “Kindergarten "Sun". For children senior group ».

Educator (reads the letter).

"Dear Guys! I invite you to an amusing trip, in which you will learn a lot of interesting things about us, wintering birds, and most importantly, help us survive the winter. To make your journey interesting, complete my tasks! Ready? Then sit down!”

Children sit at the tables and complete the first task Magpies: "Fold bird There are details of body parts on the tables birds, from which children collect bird. The child who completes the task first does the same on the board.

Educator. Which you folded the bird?

Children. Magpie.

Educator. What parts did you put it together from?

Children. Body, head, wings, tail, legs.

Educator. Let's let's think about it: Why does a bird have a beak, wings, paws, feathers, tail, claws, eyes, neck? (Answers.) Is that all? the birds are the same? What is the difference? (Answers.) That's right, size, color, shape of body parts, etc. Well done! We completed the first task. Now let's go to the forest clearing. To do this, you need to stand up, turn to the right and take six steps forward, clap behind your back three times and sit in a semicircle on the mat.

Children follow the instructions for an exercise on spatial orientation and complete the second task Magpies: “Guess the riddles and tell us about the answer!” Children guess riddles, the teacher takes out a colored silhouette birds and puts it on the table. Children talk about birds. The teacher complements their answers interesting facts from life birds.

First riddle

He knocks all the time, he hammers trees,

But it doesn’t cripple them, it only heals them.

Woodpecker - doctor of the forest kingdom, cleans tree bark from larvae harmful insects. With a strong, straight, sharp beak, it extracts beetles - bark beetles and caterpillars - from under the bark of trees and licks them with a long tongue covered with sticky saliva. And the woodpecker also loves feast on: plucks spruce or Pine cones, secures it in the fork of a tree and peels it out delicious seeds. The woodpecker has stiff tail feathers and short legs, with two toes facing backwards. This helps it move vertically along the tree trunk.

Second riddle

The trees are sleeping, the grass is sleeping,

But she doesn't sleep all night.

Mom teaches kids

Catching mice at night.

Owl - predatory bird. She hunts at night and sleeps during the day, hidden in a deep hollow. Sees great in the dark. And an owl's hearing is fifty times better than a human's. Lush plumage protects it from the cold, and rounded wings and a wide short tail help it fly silently. The sharp claws of an owl are designed so that bird can firmly grasp prey and deftly climb tree trunks.

Third riddle

Bird on a big pine tree

It chirps to us: “Kle-kle-kle!”.

The hard beak looks like a cross,

Eats seeds from cones.

The crossbill has an amazing beak - very strong, thick, compressed from the sides, in the shape of a cross. It allows you to easily and quickly extract seeds from pine and spruce cones - the main food of crossbills. What’s also surprising is that they hatch their chicks in the winter, during the harshest January frosts. The chicks are saved from the cold by a deep nest with thick walls, insulated with a carpet of down, feathers and hairs. The mother crossbill does not fly out of the nest until the chicks fledge. At this time, her caring father, the crossbill, feeds her.

Educator. Where do these people live? birds?

Children. In the forest.

Educator. What can they be called?

Children. These are forest birds.

Then the children complete the third task Magpies: “Let’s play!”(organized outdoor game "Birds").

Birds sitting in a nest (children crouch)

And they look at the street (turn head to the sides).

They want to go for a walk

And everyone flies quietly (children "scatter", flapping their arms like wings).

Sitting in the nest again (children crouch).

Then finger gymnastics is performed “Sing - ka, sing along - ka, ten birds - a flock”. Children pronounce words, bend their fingers, starting with the little finger; At the end, they clench their fingers into fists.

Sing - ka, sing along - ka, ten birds - a flock.

This bird is a nightingale,

This bird is a sparrow

This bird is an owl, a sleepy little head,

This bird is a waxwing,

This bird is a crake,

This bird is a starling, a gray feather,

This one is a chaffinch, this one is a swift, this one is a cheerful siskin.

Well, this is an evil eagle.

Birds, birds, go home!

Children sit in their places in a semicircle and complete the fourth task Magpies: “Guess and name it!”.


We differ in color

You will meet us in winter and summer.

If we flap our wings -

We'll be in the blue sky.

We can twitter

Caw, sing and coo.

Feed us in winter...

Children, who are we? Name it!

Children call wintering birds(finch, tit, sparrow, magpie, crow, pigeon, waxwing, the teacher displays their colored silhouette images. Children note characteristic features birds, the teacher supplements the answers if necessary.

The bullfinch has a bright red chest, and its wings, tail and cap are black. It feeds on berries, extracting seeds from them.

The titmouse is a small bird, its belly is yellow, its back is greenish, its head is black, and its cheeks are white. In summer it feeds on insects and plant seeds, and in winter it flies closer to human habitation.

The sparrow's back is brown, with wide longitudinal black stripes, its tail and wings are dark brown, and its head is gray.

The magpie has a black head and wings. The tail is also black, long and straight like an arrow. Magpies – birds are necessary and useful. They save trees from beetles and larvae, they pick up all kinds of garbage with their beaks, like street sweepers.

Crow - large bird. The head, beak, throat, wings, tail and legs are black, and the chest and back are gray.

Crows are omnivores birds.

Waxwings have elegant, pinkish plumage. Brown. The head is decorated with perky silver-pink tufts. And on the wings there are bright red even stripes. Waxwings love ripe berries rowan, hawthorn.

Then the children complete the fifth task Magpies: "Arrange birds. There are posters hanging on the wall "Winter forest" And "Winter Hut", under them is a feeder made of cardboard, a tree branch.

Educator. Guys, choose one at a time bird, call her and find her a place in the forest or on a feeding trough, near human habitation.

Sample: “The crossbill lives in the forest, it feeds on the seeds of pine and spruce cones”.

Educator (talks about why some birds in winter they fly closer to humans and human habitation). Wintering birds They don't just eat insects, worms, they eat seeds various plants, and near people’s homes they find crumbs of bread and cereals, and in the cold season they can do without live food. But on a short winter day birds do not have time to find food in sufficient quantities, especially in snowstorms, frosts, and also after thaws, when on tree branches and shrubs ice crust, and then winter feeding saves them from death. Guys, we can help you wintering birds? what is needed for this? (Answers.) Now let’s stand up, turn to the right, take five steps forward, look first up, then to the left, bend over, look into the closet.

Children complete the sixth task Magpies: "Find the item!". Find a wooden feeder and a tray with prepared food for birds: rose hips, unsalted lard, millet, seeds, white bread, oats, etc.

Educator (together with the children he says what is on the tray). here is food for everyone taste: soft bread crumbs, nourishing, delicious seeds, healthy rolled oats, delicious ripe berries, nutritious, fresh lard.

Children carry the feeder to the table where the figures stand birds, and complete the seventh task Magpies: "Fill the feeder for wintering birds» . They fill the feeder, saying who they want to treat and what.

Sample: “I’ll sprinkle some seeds for the sparrow, because they’re tasty and filling.”.

Then the children complete the eighth task Magpies: “Name the rules of feeding birds. Call the rules (the teacher helps if necessary): feeders are hung in quiet places on tree branches, bushes; fill them every day; during severe frosts and snowfalls, add more feed; feeders are regularly cleaned of husks, litter, and snow; never feed birds black bread and salted lard.

Educator. It's time to complete the last, ninth task Magpies: “Don’t yawn – answer the questions!”. So, questions.

What do they call birds, which do not fly to warmer climes? (Wintering.)

Why in winter many animals and birds from the forest thicket huddling towards human habitation? (Easier to find food.)

Which bird hatches chicks in winter? (Crossbill.)

Who is called "doctor of the forest kingdom"? (Woodpecker.)

Why do you need to feed in winter? birds? (In winter, feed the birds don't have enough.)

Did you enjoy the trip? (Answers.)

Educator (reads the second part of Soroka’s letter). "Dear Guys! Today you have successfully completed all my tasks, learned about what we are like, birds, different, what benefits we bring, and how you can help us. I hope that, while watching us, you will receive pleasure and joy, and that you will find a feeding trough comfortable spot and you will take care of us all winter. And I hope that you will tell other children about us. I am giving you, friends, small gifts. Your Magpie."

The teacher gives children gifts from Magpie - coloring pages « Birds» .

Educator. Let's fulfill Magpie's wishes? Let's take this feeder to our site. And I also think we need to tell children from other countries groups about wintering birds. Let's make an album « Birds» and give it to the guys. In this album we will place your drawings, applications and stories about birds and that how to take care of them.

Children take the feeder to the site, find a place for it and feed it. birds daily. Gradually creating an album « Birds» and give it to middle school children groups.

Lesson objectives:

1. Update children’s vocabulary according to lexical topic « ».
2. Expand ideas about what do birds eat in winter.
3. Learn to answer the speech therapist’s questions in complete sentences.


1. Develop auditory perception, auditory attention, auditory memory.
2. Development of temporary representations.
3. Development of tactile sensations and fine motor skills of the fingers.
4. Development of visual perception and memory.
5. Improving the ability to change words in the instrumental case.


1. Develop interest in the activity through use visual material, game moments.
2. Cultivate a love for birds and a desire to take care of them.
3. Cultivate perseverance, hard work, and the ability to maintain attention throughout the lesson.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.

Guys, what time of year is it now? (Winter)

Which winter month outside? (January)

Who can tell us? ( White bird with number 2).

What winter month is January? (second), and which was the first, before January? (December)

Who helps us determine the day of the week (the cockerel on the support diagram).

2. Main part:

Guys, what holiday was it recently? (Recently it was New Year).

The holiday passed, and I found a gift.

But it's not signed. Let's guess who it's for!

The speech therapist takes out a beautiful holiday box. There are bags in it. Children, who can guess what is in the bags by touch?

The children come out one by one. If someone cannot guess, someone else tries.

1 bag of seeds.

2 bags - dried berries

3 bags - pieces of lard.

4 grain bags.

What's in the bags? (food).

Who is it for? (For birds). Why do birds need food? (it is difficult for birds to get food in winter, there is little food)

Is it easy for birds to live in the forest in winter? (it’s difficult, they’re cold, hungry)

Is it easy for them to find food where there is a lot of snow?

(It is difficult to find food in the snow; there is a lot of snowfall).

Birds in winter die not from frost, but from hunger. It's hardest to find food in the cold.

3. Lesson topic message:

Today we will find out which birds these gifts are for. Who needs food in severe frosts?

Arrival of the first bird.

- Guess the riddle:

The back is greenish,

The belly is yellowish,

There is a black cap on the head,

Yes, and a stripe tie.

The belly is yellowish,

There is a black cap on the head,

Yes, and a stripe tie.

4. Working with a riddle.

What kind of belly does this bird have? (yellow)

What kind of back? (greenish)

What's on her head? (little black cap)

What's on her chest? (tie)

Who in the class will find a titmouse?

(children in the class look for a hidden tit and place it on the board).

Is this the right bird? Does she have a black cap? Does she have a yellow chest? Do you have a tie?

Arrival of the second bird.

And this bird hid. She turned into a geometric figure.

Which one? (circle). What circle? (red). What is the name of this bird? (bullfinch)

How did the figure tell you that it was a bullfinch?

(the bullfinch has a red chest and is round in shape).

Who will find the bullfinch in the class? (children find a bullfinch and place it on the board). Why was it called that? What other word is heard in the name of this bird? (snow). Why was she called that?

What kind of chest does a bullfinch have? What does he look like? (on an apple, red ball).

Arrival of the third bird:

Guess this bird by its singing. (Music sounds - birds singing).

What bird is chirping? (sparrow). What kind of bird is this? (small, gray-brown). Find this bird in the classroom.

Fourth bird:

And another agile bird with black and white feathers. Feathers can have a green or gold tint. It is also called white-sided.

What does white-sided mean?

What can we call all these birds in one word? (wintering). Why were they called winterers?

Consolidation of knowledge. Choral pronunciation of bird names. (Spelling pronunciation).

Now let’s check how many of you remember wintering birds.

Game “Which bird flew away? »

5. Physical exercise:

Anyone who is touched by a magical bird feather turns into a bird.

Birds are walking around the clearing. They jump. They fly. And now the birds have cleaned the feathers and pecked the grains.

And now the feather turns us into children again. (The speech therapist touches the children with a feather)

Guys, look what a snowdrift the blizzard has created! What's in the snowdrift? (a feeder is hidden under the white cloth).

The speech therapist opens the fabric and takes out the feeder.

Do you know what this strange house is? (feeder).

Where is she from? (someone did). Why do you need a feeder?

(Bird food is poured into the feeder.) Let's take a feeder and put gifts for the birds there.

6. Communication of new material.

Guys, do you know what birds like to eat?

(Birds love crumbs, grains, seeds).

Tits love lard most of all, but it should be unsalted. The reference diagram is displayed.

What does the bullfinch like? The bullfinch's favorite delicacy is rowan berries, viburnum, rose hips, and seeds. The reference diagram is displayed.

Sparrows love a variety of food, but especially seeds. But before you treat the birds, the seeds need to be slightly flattened. For example, ride on them glass bottle. The reference diagram is displayed.

What does a magpie like? Magpie loves grain most of all.

And now we will treat our friends.

Who will you give pieces of lard to? (I give pieces of lard to the tit).

Who will you treat with seeds? (I will treat the sparrow with seeds).

Who will you give the berries to? (I will give the berries to the bullfinch).

What can you treat a magpie? (You can treat a magpie with grain.)

What birds are gathered at our feeder? How can they be called in one word? (wintering birds)

7. Practical activities.

Would you like each of you to have a portrait of a wintering bird? Today we will trace the birds using a stencil. To make the bird beautiful and even, you need to firmly hold the stencil with your left hand so that it does not get lost. And with your right hand circle the bird. Then finish drawing it (eye, legs, wing).

What birds did you meet during the lesson?

Why were they called hibernators?

Exhibition of children's works.

Dubok Dina Vladimirovna
Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 18"
Abakan, Republic of Khakassia

Material and equipment: audio recordings (the play “January” from P. Tchaikovsky’s cycle “The Seasons”, voices and singing of birds), cards with images of migratory (swallow, nightingale, stork, rook) and wintering (crow, magpie, woodpecker, tit, dove) birds, 2 easels, stickers on easels (sun, snowflake), kokoshniks with images of a woodpecker, bullfinch, tit, magpie, cut cards with images of waterfowl, vegetable oil; sheets of A5 paper, brushes according to the number of children, a container of water.

Progress of the lesson

The play “January” from P. Tchaikovsky’s cycle “The Seasons” is performed. The teacher reads to the children S. Marshak’s poem “Winter” to the music:

Educator (V.). What time of year is the poem talking about? (Children's answers.) What did winter bring with it? (Children's answers.) They say that winter can be different: sometimes it is joyful, sometimes it is grumpy or even angry. What do you think natural phenomena does winter express its joy? (Children's answers.) What about anger? (Children's answers.)

The teacher reads out a short excerpt from K. Ushinsky’s story “The Mischief of the Old Woman of Winter.”

IN. Who was discussed in this passage? (About birds.) How do birds behave when winter comes? (Some birds flew to warm countries.)

Those birds that remain have their own secrets for surviving the winter. I suggest you go to the park and see how birds live in winter. What will we go on? (Children offer their own options.) Let's go skiing. (Imitate movements in a circle to the music.)

There are many birds in the park. What are their names? (Wintering birds.) What wintering birds do you know? (Children list.) What are the names of birds that have flown to warmer lands? (Migratory.) Name migratory birds. (Children's answers.)

Game "Birds"

Children are divided into two teams - a girls' team and a boys' team, and captains are selected using a count. The music of P. Tchaikovsky “The Seasons” sounds, the children complete the task: girls choose cards with images of migratory birds and place them on an easel marked with a sun, and boys place cards with images of wintering birds on an easel marked with a snowflake.

IN. Now the captains will check that the task was completed correctly.

1st child.

I'm wearing a bright red beret,

In a gray satin jacket,

I'm a friend to all the trees,

And everyone calls me... (woodpecker).

2nd child.

Red-breasted, black-winged,

I love pecking grains.

With the first snow on the mountain ash

I'm flying to you again. (Bullfinch.)

3rd child.

Little fidget

Yellow-breasted bird

I eat lard and wheat,

And my name is... (titmouse).

N. Gubskaya

IN. What do we call the brave birds that do not fly away from us in winter? (Wintering.) What are birds most afraid of in winter? (Children's answers.) The worst thing for birds is not the cold, because by winter they grow down under their feathers, but hunger. Where do you think they get their food in winter? (Children's answers.)

Game “What can we treat you with” (with a ball)

Sparrow - crumbs.

Tit - lard.

Pigeon - millet.

Waxwing - seeds.

Crow - bread crust, etc.

A “magpie” (a girl in a kokoshnik) flies in and says: “News, news! Letter for you!" Gives it to the teacher. The envelope contains cut cards with images of waterfowl: duck, goose, swan.

IN. Who is this? I don't understand. Let's go to the tables and try to fold the cards.

Children go to their tables and collect cut up waterfowl cards.

IN. What kind of birds did you get? (Waterfowl.) How are these birds different? (Children's answers.) Do you know how waterfowl protect their feathers from getting wet, because they have to stay in the water for a long time? (Lubricate with fat, which is located in the tail part oil seal.)

Conducting the experiment

IN. Let's check. Take a sheet of paper and fold it in half. Spread one part vegetable oil, leave the other one as is. Apply a drop of water to both sides of the leaf. What did you find? (Water rolls down the surface of the oiled sheet, and the unoiled part has absorbed the water and the paper has become soggy.)

Conclusion: fat repels water.

IN. Guys, it's time to return to kindergarten.

Children on “skis” return to kindergarten to the music.

IN. Guys, did you enjoy your walk in the park? (Yes.) What birds did you meet there? (Children's answers.) How can they be called in one word? (Wintering.)

Guys, birds are our friends! Take care of them.

An audio recording of birds singing is heard.

N. Chernitskaya,
teacher of the highest category

Kobyakova Tamara Vasilievna

Teacher, MBDOU "Kurtukovsky kindergarten", Kemerovo region

Kobyakova T.V. Lesson summary on the topic “Wintering birds” // Owl. 2017. N3(9)..07.2019).

Order No. 31966

Educational objectives. Improving the skill of ordinal counting within ten. Development of ideas about connections and relationships between standing numbers: knowledge of the previous and subsequent numbers for each number in the natural series within ten. Formation of the ability to count in twos. Develop the ability to solve a problem using mathematical symbols. Improving temporal representations. Improving the skills of orientation on a plane and in space, ideas about the change of seasons.

Developmental tasks. Development of mathematical thinking, speech activity, speech hearing, finger motor skills, coordination of speech with movements, finger motor skills.

Educational tasks. Cultivating a positive attitude towards educational activities, cooperation skills, independence, initiative.

Methodical techniques:

Gaming (use of surprise moments);

Visual (use of illustrations, handouts);

Verbal (reminder, instructions, questions, individual

Encouragement, summing up

Equipment. Magnetic board, whatman paper with a painted rowan and bullfinches, whatman paper with a drawn birch tree, 30 planar images of tits, pictures for the game “Bird Year”, for each child, sheets of paper with examples, containers with numbers and mathematical signs, simple pencils according to the number of children, sets of colored pencils according to the number of children, tape recorder.

Preliminary work. Examination of slides depicting wintering and migratory birds. Learning poems, physical exercises “In the winter forest”, “Bullfinches”, finger gymnastics: “Birds”, “Bullfinches”, composing and solving problems in joint activities, writing numbers in notebooks, album sheets, solving puzzles.

Progress organized educational activities

1. Organizational moment.

Creating a positive emotional background of GCD. Improving the skill of counting by ear.

1. Entering the day.

Guys, I'm very glad to see you. Please, children, stand in a circle.

All the children gathered in a circle,

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tightly

And let's smile at each other

Hold hands and give each other a smile. Now look at our guests, give them a smile.

Guys, when I was on my way to class, a magpie flew up to me and

she began to chatter: “I was in the forest today, I don’t understand anything, I can’t see the birds at all. Has trouble really come to the forest?

But you and I know why there are no birds in the forest now. Is it true?

Want to help a magpie?

You already know that there are people who study birds. Who remembers the name of this profession?

An ornithologist is a biologist who studies birds. He observes their behavior in the forest, city and zoo.

Want to play ornithologist?

Today, I am a senior ornithologist, and you are researchers.

Guys, who will we be today? - ornithologists.

Katya, who are we today?

Bogdan, who are we today?

Then let's go into the forest together and help Magpie figure it out and understand what is happening in the forest.

One, two, three, turn around and find yourself at the edge of the forest!

(Children turn around and find themselves at the edge of the forest).

Here we are in the forest.

How beautiful! Silence. What is this noise? What's all the fuss among the trees?

Guys, these are birds. But where are they?

And here it is unusual tree. (Children approach the tree on which "sitting" birds).

Look what a lively flock has settled on the tree.

The birds in this flock are different.

Let's get to know them better.

Name these birds. (Bullfinch, magpie, crow, tit, sparrow, woodpecker, crossbill, waxwing, pigeon, owl...

-How do we call all the birds in one word? (wintering birds)

-Now let the boys count the birds

-How many birds are there in total on the tree? 10 (ten)

- what kind of account is this - straight

And the girls will count backwards.

- Listen to the next task. A crow is larger than a dove, a dove is larger than a sparrow. In what order should the birds be placed according to their size?

- Children. You need to place the crow first, then the dove, and after that the sparrow.

- You completed the task correctly.

(I invite the children to go and sit at the tables).

Educator: you have a sheet of paper on your table, take it closer to you. And on your table there are birds, now we will place them on birch branches, and you listen carefully.

Place the tit on the top left branch. Sparrow on the lower right branch. Bullfinch on the middle branch. The crow is on the lower branch - the left one. Owl on the top right branch. Well done guys coped with the task.

Game "Birds are flying." Improving computing skills. ideas about connections and relationships between series of standing numbers: knowledge of the previous and subsequent numbers for each number in the natural series within ten.

Children complete the task independently on sheets of paper on which doves are drawn carrying examples in their beaks:

Educator: Flying over us, the pigeons showed us these examples. To do this, you need to remember a series of numbers from one to ten, and insert the missing numbers into the examples, then color the pigeons.

Game "The bullfinches have arrived."

Development of ideas about connections and relationships between adjacent numbers: knowledge of the previous and subsequent numbers for each number in the natural series within ten. Prevention of dyscalculation.

(I invite you to approach the flannelgraph, on which is attached a Whatman paper with an image of a rowan tree with bullfinches sitting on it).

Bullfinches flew to us from the north, they were tired of long journey and rest on rowan branches. They sit on branches in groups of three. You see that the birds sitting on the edges have numbers on their breasts, but the birds in the middle have no numbers. You need to remember the order of numbers from one to ten and insert the missing numbers.

After answering, children take turns going to the flannelgraph and writing in the corresponding number with a marker. The same explanations are given for all groups of numbers. The rest of the children complete tasks independently on pieces of paper.

Game "Tits on a Birch". Formation of the ability to read in twos.

(I place a flat image of two tits on the top branch of the tree.)

The nimble, cheerful tits have started a game, and they invite you and me to play it. How many tits are there on the top branch of a birch tree?

Children. There are two tits on the top branch of a birch tree.

Place two more tits on the branch below on the left than on the upper branch.

(The called child completes the task - puts four tits on a branch).

Children. There are four tits on this branch.

Place two more tits on the branch below on the right than on the branch on the left.

(The called child completes the task - puts six tits).

How many tits are there on this branch?

There are six tits on this branch.

Place two more sparrows on the branch below on the left than on the branch on the right.

How many tits are there on this branch?

There are eight tits on this branch.

Place two more tits on the lower branch on the right than on the branch on the left.

(The called child completes the task).

How many tits are there on this branch?

Children. There are ten tits on this branch.

How did we get each subsequent number in this game?

Children, we added the number “two” to the previous number.

Name the number of tits on the branches, in the order in which you planted them.

Children. Two, four, six, eight, ten.

Great! You counted by adding two to each previous number, that is, you counted in twos. You did very well!

Physical exercise “In the winter forest”

Early morning on the cannon Walking with high knees

We hung the feeder Palm-fist (hit) 4 times

For goldfinches and titmice, Wave your arms up and down (2 times).

And for all the hungry birds. Unite thumb left and right hand with other fingers (4 times).

You don't eat from the palm of your hand. Wag your index finger.

Grains, seeds and crumbs. Bend the fingers of the left hand using index finger right hand.

Fly to the edge, wave your arms up and down.

A treat awaits in the feeder. Show the palms of both hands, slightly tilting the body forward.

Game "Bird Year". Improving understanding of the changing seasons. Updating the names of the winter months.

Children approach a table on which there are four multi-colored sectors of a circle and cards with images of birds.

The next game is called "Bird Year". You will listen to poems about birds and place the corresponding pictures on different sectors of the circle that represents the year. But first, assemble a circle of parts so as to correctly show the alternation of seasons, and name the seasons in order.

Children assemble a circle by connecting the light blue, light green, red and yellow sectors in order.

Children. Winter spring Summer Autumn.

Right. Now winter is coming, remember the names of the winter months.

Children. December January February.

Right. Listen to the poems your friends have learned.

1st child

Here on the branches, look.

Bullfinches in red T-shirts.

Fluffed the feathers

Basking in the sun.

Children. On light blue.

Why do you place the bullfinches on the light blue sector?

Children. This poem describes bullfinches that come to us in winter. (Children place the picture on the light blue sector).

Right. Now listen to an excerpt from the second poem.

2nd child.

Screams are heard in the distance

The cranes are flying away.

A flock is melting in the blue sky.

They fly away, they fly away...

Choose a picture for this poem. (Children complete the task).

Where should this picture be placed?

Children. We will place it on the yellow sector.

Explain your choice.

Children. The poem talks about cranes that fly away to warmer lands. So it's autumn.

It's right. Listen to the following poem.

3rd child.

In the trees of the forest -

Rook village.

As the wind begins -

The trees are all swaying.

The trees are swaying.

And the whole village is with them.

Choose a picture for this poem.

- (Children complete the task).

Which sector will you place this picture in?

Children. We placed it on light green.

Why did you place this picture on the light green sector?

Children. This poem talks about rooks that flew from warm countries and built nests. And this only happens in the spring.

Right. Listen to the last poem.

4th child.

Swifts are circling over the river...

The hot air trembles so much

That the sun sways in it,

That the sun bathes in it.

Choose a picture.

(Children do the picture).

Why does this particular picture fit the poem you just read?

Children. This picture shows swifts circling in the hot air.

Which sector will you place the picture on?

Children. We'll put it on the red sector.

Why did you put a picture of swifts on the red sector?

Children. The red sector represents summer.

Well done! You have mastered a new and difficult game.


What did you learn today?

Children. Today we inserted missing numbers into a series, counted by twos, inserted missing numbers into examples, learned to compose and solve a problem, played the game “Bird Year”.

You were attentive and smart. I can be proud of you, you are real scientists - ornithologists, you know a lot about birds.


  1. Vasilyeva M.A. From birth to school: a program of education and training in kindergarten. M.: Mosaic-synthesis, 2012.
  2. Pozina V.A. Pomoraeva I.A. Formation of elementary mathematical representations. The system of work in the kindergarten preparatory group. M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2013.

Lesson notes for the 2nd junior group

Subject. "Wintering Birds"

Goal: developing the basics of interaction with nature (looking at birds without harming them)

Educational area “Cognition”.

1. To develop children’s interest in birds, recognize them by their appearance,

2. Improve the ability to solve riddles, write a short description story,

3. Develop observation and attention when looking at birds at the feeder,

4. Develop the ability to compare, establish simple cause-and-effect relationships,

5. Cultivate a caring attitude towards birds, a desire to feed them in winter,

6. Foster respect for nature,

7. Develop the ability to admire the beauty of nature.

Educational field “Communication”

1. Improve the ability to solve riddles, write a short description story,

Educational field “Artistic creativity”

1. Teach children to draw with their palms,

2. Clarify and consolidate children’s knowledge of colors,

3. Develop imagination when drawing in an unconventional way,

4. Develop interest and a positive attitude towards drawing.

Educational field “Socialization”

1. To develop in children a desire to play outdoor games with the teacher,

Lexical material:

Activate in the dictionary: parts of the body of a bird (head, beak, eyes, tail, body, wings, paws, names of birds (sparrow, crow, magpie, dove, names of the colors of the spectrum.

Enter into the dictionary: feeder, name of wintering birds (tit, bullfinch).

Materials and equipment for the lesson:

Demonstration: An envelope with a letter, a feeder, bird food, illustrations of wintering birds.

Handout: Special paints light shades for drawing with your hands, oilcloths, water in a bowl for rinsing hands, napkins for wiping hands, saucers with paint, felt-tip pens for each child, a sheet of Whatman paper.

Preliminary work:

- observing birds and their habits;

- selection of paintings depicting wintering birds;

- making an envelope with a letter;

Interaction with teachers preparatory group;

- selection of riddles and poems about birds.

Conducting GCD:

The teacher tells the children that early in the morning, when she came to kindergarten, she received a letter (shows the children the envelope)

— Do you want to know what is in the envelope? Let's open the envelope and see what's in it. The teacher takes a letter from the envelope and reads it to the children: “Hello, we are guys from the preparatory group. Yesterday we had a competition of feeders, we hung them in all areas, and in your area too. When you go for a walk, you will see our tree feeders."

- Do you want to see the feeders? Then let's get dressed for the street...

Having gone out to the site with the children, the teacher invites the children to carefully look around and find hanging feeders.

He praises the guys who were the first to notice the bird feeder on the site.

- Who knows who the feeder is for - this feeder is for birds, in winter, when it’s cold and there’s a lot of snow outside, it’s difficult for birds to find food, so people hang feeders and pour bird feed into it

The teacher invites the children to listen to R. Bukharaev’s poem “Feeder”.

Slowly, slowly the snow is falling.

Quietly it's snowing Human.

In a hat and in his fur coat,

The red sled is being carried along.

The bird feeder in the sled turns yellow:

For sparrows, pigeons and tits.

The snow is falling, falling, falling,

Good journey to you, man!

The teacher removes the feeder from the tree and accompanies his actions with a story.

— The feeder is made of wood, it has a bottom where food is poured: grains, seeds, bread crumbs. It has a roof that protects the food from snow. The feeder also has a rope with which it is hung from a tree.

Why do you think the children hung the feeder on the tree? The birds fly high, where it will be easier for them to see the food, and on the tree no one will stop them from pecking at the grains - neither cats nor dogs will get them.

The children of the preparatory group gave us a feeder so that we could feed the birds. The teacher invites the children to take pre-prepared bird food and pours it into the feeder, explaining to the children: “Bread crumbs need to be kneaded with your hands, because birds have a thin and sharp beak - they can only peck small food.”

After the children have poured food into the feeder, the teacher hangs it on the tree again... When birds fly up to the feeder, the teacher draws the children’s attention to this.

“Guys, look at this bird,” he points to the sparrow. What kind of bird is this, who knows? What does a sparrow have? What color are his feathers? What is the sparrow doing? Do you want to play the game “Birds Are Flying?” You will all be birds, and I will say words, and at the word “Ay” you will fly away... The birds sit, peck the grains and fly away.

A bird sat on the window:

Stay with us for a while,

Sit down, don't fly away.

The bird flew away - “Ay! "(the game is repeated 2-3 times)

- What fast, dexterous birds! What other birds can fly to our feeder?

Now I will tell you riddles about these birds:

Breast brighter than the dawn

Who? (at the bullfinch)

Like a fox among animals,

This bird is the smartest of all.

Hiding in the green crowns,

And her name is... (crow)

Guess which bird

Lively, perky,

Agile, agile,

The shadow is ringing: shadow-shadow.

What a nice winter day! (tit)

Who flies, who chirps -

Does he want to tell us the news? (magpie)

Guess this bird is jumping along the path,

As if he's not afraid of cats -

Collects crumbs

And then jump onto the branch,

And he chirps: Chik-chirp! (sparrow)

- What a great fellow you are, you guessed all the riddles. Do you want to draw birds in a group?

The teacher returns to the group with the children. Children sit freely on the carpet, and illustrations of wintering birds are hung on the wall.

- Today we saw a lot of birds that flew to the feeder on our site. Let's remember who we saw. They can also fly in: magpie, crow, bullfinch. The teacher draws the children's attention to the hanging illustrations.

- This is a bullfinch, what is it? - This is a small bird, it has a red breast, a head, a beak, eyes, and wings, a tail, and paws. - This is a crow, it is a large black bird, with a gray breast, it has a large beak on its head, wings, a tail, and large paws. Tell us what all birds have?

- Do you want us to draw a lot of birds, which we will then feed with grains?

Children go to tables on which light-colored paint is prepared, poured into shallow saucers. An oilcloth was laid down, water for washing hands was poured into bowls.

- Now we will draw a small bird with our palms. To do this, we need to make a print of our palm on a piece of paper. Look, I move my thumb away like this (demonstration, I press the rest of my fingers together. Then I lower my palm into the paint and gently press it to the paper. Look at the print I got. Remind me how to put my palm on the sheet.

While working, helps children spread their fingers correctly. After the children have made their prints, they wash their hands and continue working. Then the teacher shows how to finish drawing the bird’s beak, legs, and eyes. Invites children to finish drawing the bird using felt-tip pens.

- Now draw the eye and beak on the bird’s head and paws. So it turned out to be a real bird.

If desired, children can add grains to their bird.

- What great fellows you are! What beautiful birds they turned out to be!

— What did you like most today? What interesting things did you learn?