Do-it-yourself interior wooden staircase. How to build a wooden staircase to the second floor - manufacturing technology - diagram and video. Video - DIY wooden staircase

Do-it-yourself interior wooden staircase.  How to build a wooden staircase to the second floor - manufacturing technology - diagram and video.  Video - DIY wooden staircase
Do-it-yourself interior wooden staircase. How to build a wooden staircase to the second floor - manufacturing technology - diagram and video. Video - DIY wooden staircase

A country house can be one-story or have 2-3 floors - much here is determined by the financial situation of the owners. Usually, if there are enough funds, people prefer to build two-storey houseusable area it comes out more, and it takes up as much space on the site as a one-story building or a little more. Construction of any two-story house can't do without a ladder. Wood is one of the most suitable materials for its manufacture. A wooden staircase will suit any interior and become its decoration. Today, wooden stairs for a summer residence can be ordered from specialized companies or made independently.

The main types of stairs are, of course, marching and turning. Straight stairs are marching structures, they are the easiest to assemble, but they take up a lot of space, so this option is more suitable for a large house.

A flight of stairs with risers and interesting railings made of timber, mesh and metal rungs. There is little use of side supports; their deficiency is compensated by the use of a mesh. The hall on the first floor is spacious, the use of a flight of stairs is quite appropriate here

The rotary staircase is compact; it can be spiral or marching. Installation turning staircase allows you to save space, especially screw designs, but the downside is that it’s not easy to make them yourself.

Spiral staircases look much more original than marching staircases; such a staircase itself is a central detail of the interior, but for its manufacture you need to attract specialists

The main stages of staircase construction

Work on creating a staircase begins with the choice of material. Pine, beech, birch, ash, oak are the wood species that are best suited for this - they look beautiful in the interior and are durable in use. An oak staircase is the most expensive and durable, but pine is comparatively inexpensive material with good characteristics.

Stage #2 – carrying out calculations and drawing up drawings

Before you start designing, you will need to calculate the dimensions of the staircase and make a drawing of it. For your home, you can make a stringer staircase with risers, balusters and railings. We will look at how to build a staircase without turns with a single-flight climb.

First you need to prepare the installation site. If you neglect this point, the ladder may be installed incorrectly, and over time, creaking and gaps will appear. Uneven floors and walls lead to incorrect load distribution, which leads to deformation of the structure.

Knowledge of basic norms is necessary to do necessary calculations. Ideal Angle the rise of the march is 45 degrees, but if there is not enough space, it can be reduced to 30-40 degrees.

Scheme of construction of a wooden flight of stairs with risers. Simple design can be used both inside the house and outside when building a porch

Then you need to calculate the length of the stairs. Here we have to remember school course geometry. The formula for calculating the hypotenuse will help you right triangle: c = √(a2 + b2). Here c will be the length of the side bases, a will be the height from the floor to the second floor, b will be the distance between the point where it is planned to place the first step to the second floor level, which will need to be projected onto the floor.

Depending on the height and internal structure At home, the staircase can be single-flight or double-flight. The height of the risers is 290 mm. The width of the steps is no more than 25 cm, 3 cm goes to the ledge. If the steps are high, or the number of steps in a march exceeds 18, you can make a small platform (700/1000mm). The width of the march should not be less than 80cm, ideally it should be a meter wide.

According to established standards, the height of the railing is from 90 cm to a meter. It will be much easier to work if everything necessary calculations you will indicate on the drawing of the future staircase.

Stage #3 – preparation of tools and organization of work

Tools and materials that will be needed for the work: a meter, a pencil for marking, a hammer, a square for marking stringers, a hacksaw, boards for steps, risers, stringers, screws, nails, timber for railings and balusters.

First, the side bases are made. We measure the angle of contact with the floor from the bottom edge of the board, draw a horizontal line. From the line, use a square to measure the width and height for each step to the top, then measure the angle of contact with the 2nd base. We mark the second board in the same way. We cut out the patterns with a hacksaw and fix them in in the right place using screws.

The next stage is cutting out and nailing the risers to the base. They should fit perfectly against the stringers without distortion. After the base is completed, the steps can be installed.

The steps can be made from a solid board or you can use two narrow boards 15 cm wide. What you choose is up to you, but the tree must lie firmly and evenly. The boards are fixed with screws and nails

Stage #4 (optional) – installation of railings and fences

Railings are an important part of any staircase; they make ascent and descent safe, and serve a decorative function, adding completeness to the staircase structure. A simple option that will look good is timber railings. We cut out meter-long balusters. Two balusters will be straight supports, the rest need to be sawed and shortened by 5-10 cm at an angle of 45 degrees. The side supports are nailed to the steps, and grooves can be cut into them. A beam is placed on top, serving as a handrail.

Options for summer cottage stairs: 1 – marching with risers, 2 – without risers, 3 – rotating design, 4 – light wooden staircase, 5 – light spiral staircase made of wood and metal, 6 – spiral staircase with steps along the support pillar

If you want to create original staircase, the railings can be made from a different material - order wrought iron railings for a wooden staircase, metal or even tempered glass. Carved details will also give the staircase an attractive look.

Rotary staircase made of wood and metal. Forged railings and metal supports go perfectly with wooden steps

Marching staircase with a small platform. The platform will be convenient with a large number of steps. A staircase without classic risers looks lighter. The design looks aesthetically pleasing, despite its simplicity

The staircase may not have railings, but this option is rare - it is dangerous for children to walk on such stairs or to carry bulky objects up.

If you wish, you can make a staircase without railings - for example, like this staircase-cabinet, where the space under the stairs is used for business purposes - in such a unique cabinet you can place dishes and other small things, and the design as a whole looks very original

Like this simple staircase It will work if you follow these instructions. The design is ready, and if you coat it with varnish and skillfully select the decor, then it will look attractive and aesthetically pleasing, despite its simplicity.

Low-rise construction, if we're talking about O residential buildings, implies the construction of at least two-level buildings. Therefore, to move to the second floor you cannot do without an internal staircase. Purchasing a ready-made kit, firstly, will be quite expensive (at least 35,000 rubles), and secondly, it must be adapted to specific premises before installation, or reconstructed (remodeled). And this means additional costs and time.

In most cases, it is more expedient to make the stairs to the second floor with your own hands, especially since the time frame will be approximately the same. The simplest and inexpensive option- wood construction. This article will explain in detail all the nuances of choosing lumber, drawing up a drawing of a staircase and the features of its assembly.

In relation to a private house, the two most common are spiral staircases and marching staircases. The first option is quite complicated, and it is unlikely that you will be able to implement it yourself without practical skills and experience in this area. You will have to make specific engineering calculations, which means you cannot do without the help of a professional at least at this stage of preparation. Focusing only on diagrams available on the Internet is not entirely correct. They do not take into account the specifics of a particular structure, so they will definitely have to be processed taking into account the characteristics of its dimensions, layout and a number of other factors. And the installation of a spiral staircase itself, especially a wooden one, is far from a simple process.

For DIY assembly optimal solution– marching wooden staircase. Based on the height of the ground floor room, there can be one or two spans (rotating structure).

But in details, even completely identical stairs can differ greatly. And this is easily explained by the fact that making it yourself involves an element of creativity. Since all private houses differ in many respects (dimensions, ceiling heights, layout, internal content), following any single standard is futile. By the way, the author has already drawn the reader’s attention to this. Therefore further – only general recommendations, which will help you competently draw up a drawing of a wooden staircase, taking into account all the features of the structure, and install it locally.

general information

There are several options for the execution of flight stairs. Their main varieties are shown in the figures below. It is not difficult to decide which modification to choose for installation yourself, knowing all the features of the house and the premises of the first and second floors.

When describing any product or prefabricated structure, one cannot do without special terminology. The following pictures explain well what the main elements of the staircase are called.

Preparation of materials

  • When choosing a wood type, if you focus on a reasonable quality/price combination, it is recommended to give preference to pine or larch. The latter is even better, as it is less susceptible to rotting. In addition, as liquid is absorbed, it only becomes stronger. Since in any living space there will definitely be fumes - this is more than relevant, especially if there is a kitchen in the adjacent room. All other species - cedar, oak and a number of others - are unlikely to belong to budget options wooden stairs.
  • The durability of the structure largely depends on the degree of drying of the lumber. If the wood is not sufficiently processed in this regard, then such a staircase will “lead” quite quickly. Drying boards with your own hands is both a troublesome and complicated process. You will need not only a place to store them, but also knowledge of all the features of the technique. We will have to ensure constant temperature, high-quality ventilation, and so on. The conclusion is clear - it is not advisable to save on material for a wooden staircase. That is, if you purchase boards, then only high degree dryers, although they are more expensive.

Calculation of the main parameters of the stairs


When determining this parameter, you should focus on such points. Firstly, will it be convenient to move up the stairs at the same time, towards each other? Secondly, will it be possible to move large loads (furniture, furniture) from floor to floor? household appliances and so on). For a private home recommended width of internal stairs – 130±20.

Stair height

When calculating this parameter, inexperienced “home craftsmen” are guided by the ceiling of the room on the first floor. This is not true. When drawing up a staircase drawing, not only this parameter is taken into account, but also the total thickness of the ceiling and floor of the second room (together with finishing). That is, the last step should be on the same level as it.

Span height

This refers to the distance between the steps and the ceiling of the second floor. It is clear that moving up the stairs, constantly bending your head, is not an option for saving space. Mostly, masters focus on 200. This is enough, since rarely anyone’s height exceeds this value.

The steepness of a wooden staircase

The optimal slope is 40±5º. Exceeding this value will complicate the climb to the second floor for elderly people, small children, as well as those whose physical capabilities are limited for some reason. But a flatter design also has a number of disadvantages. The consumption of wood increases, and much more space for its installation will be needed. Here you need to choose the most suitable option for a particular home.


  • Tread. You should focus on a person’s foot size 45, then everyone will be able to walk comfortably on the stairs. Based on this, the recommended width of steps is within 28±2.
  • Riser. Optimal value, regardless design features wooden stairs, 18±2. It will be convenient for both children and tall people to move around it.
  • Number of steps. This requires calculation. The distance between adjacent ones is determined simply - the thickness of their boards + risers. When a fractional value is obtained, it is rounded to the nearest whole value. All that remains is to divide the height of the stairs by it.

What to consider:

  • The dimensions of all steps of the flight of stairs must be identical. That is, it is enough to make calculations for only one.
  • If there are more than 18 steps, then it is recommended to provide a platform in the staircase design (hence, at least 2 flights). It is called differently - viewing, rotating, intermediate - but it needs to be mounted. Another question is where exactly should it be located - strictly in the center of the flight, closer to the beginning of the stairs? It’s worth thinking about here, taking into account the features of the house and the convenience of moving to the second floor.

Stair length

This final stage calculations. Initial data – parameters of steps and their number. As practice shows, when you independently draw up a drawing of a staircase, it often does not fit the estimated length of the room on the first floor. How to proceed? There are several options:

  • Add one march. This solution is more complicated, since you will have to install an additional platform, and, therefore, re-do the basic calculations.
  • Provide several turning (winder) steps in the staircase design. The option is simpler and more convenient to do it yourself. This is what is most often implemented.

Features of installing a wooden staircase

Regardless of its design, all basic technological operations identical. If you understand the nuances of constructing a single-flight staircase, then assembling it according to any other scheme will not be difficult.

Specifics of preparation of components

Steps. For them, board sections are selected that do not have any defects in the form of chips, cracks, or curvatures. Their recommended thickness, taking into account the expected loads, is 35±5. It is no longer practical, since both material consumption and the total weight of the structure increase. Less is undesirable for safety reasons when moving up stairs (taking into account the loads being carried).

At the stage of preparing the steps, it is necessary to round off the sharp edges of the board fragments to eliminate the risk of injury. In addition, their front surface and the ends must be carefully polished - no chips, burrs, and so on. It will come in handy for you here. The length of the steps is selected depending on the chosen design of the wooden staircase. But their projections beyond the stringers by more than 3 (cm) are undesirable.

Risers. They are not load-bearing elements, and often play only a decorative role. You can save a little on them by using a 10 or 15 board. By the way, some wooden stairs can be assembled without them. Such structures look even more impressive, and, in addition, cleaning the spans is greatly simplified.

Stringers. This supporting elements for the entire staircase, so the lumber for them should be chosen especially carefully. Particular attention is paid to the equality of all parameters. Both stringers must be like “twin brothers”, otherwise the staircase after assembly will turn out to be asymmetrical, with distortions, curvatures, and so on. The pictures show some options for stringers.

The feasibility of making fencing elements with your own hands is questionable. It’s good if it is possible to process balusters and handrails using machine tools. Otherwise it's better to buy ready-made samples. Taking into account the fact that they (especially in a side view) are what first catch your eye, such costs are completely justified.

The nuances of installing a wooden staircase

Fastening stringers. Fixing the outer one on the wall is only possible if the base is strong enough (a house made of brick, timber, etc.). In other cases, the entire staircase structure is mounted on racks.

To prevent movement of the lower part, a support block is installed on the floor of the first floor. The top of the span is attached to the ceiling itself (you will need to make a cutout in the beam along its width) or “fastened” to it with anchor bolts. The stringers themselves must also be fastened together so that they do not “lead” during the drying process of the wood. For example, like this.

Risers. If it is decided to use them in the staircase design, then they are attached to stringers.

Steps. To avoid mistakes, their installation begins from the bottom of the structure. Side fastenings are on the support beams; if there are risers, then at least at one point (in the center) on them.

Balusters. First, only two are mounted - upper and lower. A cord is stretched between them. Using it as a guide, it is easy to install along the flights of stairs and align all the others.

Fastening handrails. When it comes to wooden stairs, this does not a priori mean that these elements must also be made of wood. Making them from it with your own hands is quite difficult. Here you will need not only experience, but also the appropriate tool. Options for handrails are plastic or metal.

Final stage

After checking the symmetry of the structure and the reliability of all connections, a number of measures are carried out:

  • Sanding of all structural parts.
  • Impregnation with special compounds (against fire, rot, wood-boring insects).
  • Surface design. The painting option is not for a private home. It is advisable to treat the stairs with a tinting composition, and on top or with a wax-containing solution. But this is at the discretion of the owner, depending on general style room decoration.

Modern cottages and private houses require the presence of 2 or more floors, and the topmost of them can be either residential or non-residential premises. In any case, a ladder is required.

Make your own reliable interfloor or attic staircase made of concrete or metal structures is quite heavy, which cannot be said about wood.

Even a novice master can assemble it.

From this article you will learn what types of wooden stairs there are, what are their differences, what material is used to make the spans. In addition, each of you will be able to make a wooden staircase to the second floor yourself - in the article we will provide approximate calculations and photos.

Types and types of structures

There are several species wooden staircase designs:

  • Marching stairs. Easy to manufacture and convenient to use, but require large area premises. A flight of stairs can be placed along the wall or mounted in the middle of the room;
  • . Usually located in limited space. Because throughput The structure is very small, it is better to move through it one at a time. A spiral staircase (if you build it yourself) will cost much less than other structures, and will last about the same;
  • Combined stairs. Can be used in the construction of a private house, if the layout allows. Most often, flight stairs are made with a screw element.

Types of structures wooden stairs are the following:

  • Stairs on pain– the steps are attached to huge hanging bolts (balusters);
  • stairs on the bowstrings– the flight of stairs is mounted to a beam with special cutouts on inside end-to-end;
  • stairs on stringers. Stringer is an inclined beam on top of which steps are attached.

What kind of wood can a staircase be made from?

Material selection for depends on the preferences of the owner of the house or apartment, the characteristics of the tree and the cost of it. Various breeds have their advantages and disadvantages:

  1. Maple. A staircase made from this type will be the strongest and most durable. Color – light brown. The disadvantage of a maple staircase is its high price.
  2. Larch. The color of the structure is golden yellow or dark yellow with brown veins. Great tolerates impacts external factors. A larch staircase will be strong and solid.
  3. Oak. The peculiarity of oak stairs is that the older they are, the darker the shade.
  4. Spruce. The most popular material due to its low cost. Spruce wood has a uniform structure and light shade.
  5. Pine. Due to the low density of wood, it is very easy to process. Additional benefit pine is low cost material. The disadvantage of a pine staircase is its short service life. It is best to install a pine staircase in the country house where it will be used seasonally.

Pros and cons of wooden stairs

Wooden stairs have their advantages and disadvantages. Let's take a closer look at them.

Positive sides:

  • Low cost of building materials;
  • environmental friendliness of wood;
  • ease of processing;
  • possibility of DIY installation;
  • light weight;
  • aesthetic appearance.

Disadvantages of wood:

  • Low strength compared to concrete or metal stairs;
  • tree - natural material and it tends to deteriorate and change. Therefore, after some time, preventative work may be necessary;
  • fire hazard of the material.

Materials for making stairs

For installation of stairs to the second floor You will need:

  • Bars for steps;
  • beams for risers (leg supports);
  • boards;
  • beams width 30 - 40 mm;
  • beam for stringer – 50*240 mm;
  • screws, self-tapping screws;
  • wood glue;
  • building level, square, tape measure;
  • handrails and, but it is better to purchase them at a hardware store.

Staircase calculations

If you decide to make a wooden staircase with your own hands, think over the nuances of the design: determine its dimensions, calculate the number of steps and supports. It is important to initially imagine what function the staircase will perform: connecting the floors or leading to the top of the attic. (Information about self-insulation attics can be read).

Draw diagram It’s also easy to do it yourself. Most often, a straight flight of stairs is made. It connects the first floor with the second, and reaches a height of several meters. For convenience, the angle of inclination of the structure should be equal to the value in 30-40 degrees.

Note! Wooden houses give significant shrinkage in the first two years after construction, so the angle of inclination may change.

So, for your convenience, we will provide basic calculations elements of the staircase (using the example of a wooden one) standard designs:

  • Base length - 3.5-4 m;
  • flight of stairs - 2.5 m;
  • width of steps – 30 cm;
  • height of steps – 15-20 cm.

Necessary calculations

    1. We define height of the stairs. Average value from ceiling to floor – 250 cm. To this value you need to add the thickness interfloor covering. Its average 35 cm. We get:
      250+35=285 cm
    1. calculate number of steps: divide the height of the stairs by the height of the steps. It is better to take the last value (i.e. the height of the steps) as average - 17 cm. We get:
      285 cm/17 cm =16.76

The value is rounded to big side. Total we get 17 steps.

    1. define step width. It is believed that the permissible tread width (flat facing part of the step) can range from 22-40 cm. IN Russian practice To calculate the width of the step and rise (risers), use the formula: a + b = 47 cm, Where A- riser height, b- step width. We get:
      47-16.67=30.3 cm

The value is rounded to 30 cm. - this is the width of the step.

    1. The width of the flight of stairs must be a multiple of the width of the step. In our case, this value can be equal to 60 cm, 90 cm, 120 cm. etc.
    2. calculate length of stairs. The length of the staircase is equal to the product of the number of steps and their width. We get:
      17*30= 480 cm
  • calculate stringer length. We make calculations according to the Pythagorean theorem: the sum of the squares of the legs is equal to the square of the hypotenuse. That is A²+B²=C². In this formula:
    A– height of the stringer,
    IN– length of flight of stairs,
    WITH– stringer length. We get:

230400 + 81225 = 311625
The root of this number is 558.23 cm. Can be rounded to 560 cm.

Advice! If it is difficult to make geometric calculations, you can draw a staircase on paper on an appropriate scale and measure the angle and length of the base.

Assembling the stairs

Before you begin assembling the stairs to the second floor, you need to decide place for installing stringers (load-bearing structure flight of stairs). Installation stairs (in our case, a marching structure) includes several stages:

    1. Installation of stringers. Bottom part We fasten the stringer with a support beam. From above we cut the stringer into the ceiling beam.
  1. grinding stairs, coating with a protective composition.
  2. varnishing And painting. To do this, use a roller or brush. Paint over need a ladder in 2-3 layers, each subsequent layer must be applied after some time so that the previous layer has time to dry.

Cost of a finished staircase

Those who decided to buy ready wooden staircase or make it order, should be aware that the cost will depend on the complexity of the design and the type of wood.

For example, the most common design of a flight of stairs with a turn 90 degrees pine will cost 60-80000 rub.., from birch – 100,000 rub..,made of oak – 150,000 rub..

You can order a wooden staircase in a specialized store or on company websites. Manufacturing On average it takes up stairs 5-10 working days.

It’s up to you to make a wooden staircase yourself or order it from specialists. Self-installation It's not a quick process, but it has its advantages. First of all, this saving Money and visual Quality control building materials.

This is how to make a wooden staircase with your own hands video.

If you plan to make a wooden staircase with your own hands - step-by-step instruction with photos, videos and installation projects posted on this portal will be an excellent guide to this issue. To prepare for the process, you need to stock up necessary tool and materials.

Wooden march between the first and second floor

Materials and parameters

Lumber: board 40 and 25 cm wide, 4 to 2.5 cm thick, beams 5x5 cm, wood glue, paints and varnishes, galvanized tie rods, screws and corners. The equipment used includes a hand-held circular saw, a screwdriver, brushes, abrasive sandpaper, a clamp, a chisel, and a grinder.

For correct placement, the slope is determined to be 25 - 40 degrees. The gap between the steps is 19 cm. The tread width is 25 cm or more. The height of the handrails is 90 cm. The string of the structure is made from pine edged boards with parameters 40 cm wide and 4 cm thick.

Wooden staircase installation

Installation of a regular straight staircase

  • Here you can find out the best way, which is used to create a wooden staircase with your own hands, a video with step-by-step instructions will allow you to build the structure as quickly and correctly as possible:
  • Marking of areas for installation of treads is provided by means of a circular using a template. To do this, cuts are made 1 cm deep. Using a chisel, the mass of wood between the cuts is removed. The finished bowstring is mounted on the workplace.
  • The bowstrings are fixed using screws to floor surface. To do this, you should stock up on a screwdriver and galvanized metal corners.

Solid wood staircase

  • Steps are cut out of boards 25 cm wide using a circular saw. The thickness of the steps is adjusted to the width of the span, no less than 2.5 cm. The end parts are processed with a grinding machine for more reliable fixation with the bowstring.
  • The steps and strings are assembled using wood glue. The end parts of the steps and the grooves in the bowstring are smeared. Galvanized rods with threaded ends are used for the screed. Nuts with wide spacers are screwed onto them.
  • Two boards are fixed to the installed rack at a level of 90 cm. They will provide the functions of handrails.
  • 3.5 inch steel stand.
  • Solid wood 1x8.
  • Wooden elements 1×12.
  • Connectors in the form of racks.
  • Supports for handrails.
  • Handrails with specified parameters.
  • Metal base for steps.
  • Welding machine.

Spiral staircase: Materials for making

Timber staircase structure

Step-by-step installation

In the design under consideration, the distance between the floors is 3 m. Then the total height is divided by the selected size of the steps and their number is obtained: 300 cm ÷ 18 cm = 16.6 pcs.

The top position will end with the 17th step (rounded result). The width of the steps along the inner edge is 10 cm. Calculation of the outer edge begins with determining the outer diameter of the stairs without handrails.

The middle post and 2 steps form a cross-section of 172 cm. To determine the circumference, you need to multiply the diameter of the staircase by 3.14. Then 172 cm x 3.14 = 540 cm. Since 17 steps are to be installed, 210 ÷ 17 = 32 cm. To create an overlap of 2.5 cm, the width of the steps on the outside is 35 cm.

Pine staircase

Support part

The screw device is created using a central metal support and bases for the steps. For a central post with a diameter of 20 cm, 400 cm are cut off. Of these, 300 are allocated for 17 steps, 90 cm for the fence at the top and 10 cm protrude for the reserve.

The pillar is marked at the points where it is planned to erect steps, that is, every 17.64 cm. The upper part is crowned with a thick round plate welded to the pillar. At the bottom, a square platform is created with a height of 1 cm and dimensions of 30 by 30 cm. Gaps are made at each corner of the platform for anchors and fixed to the base.

Board steps

Placement of steps

The steps are attached to the central support in the marked areas. Each subsequent step overlaps the previous one by 2.5 cm so that the supports for the connection can be fixed. They attach one step to another. This can be done using metal or wood. Then all the bases of the steps are fixed to the central support. Wooden steps are placed on the bases. Gaps are made in the places connecting the supports.

Then you can screw 3 railing posts onto the step so that there is a gap of no more than 10 cm between them. After installing the posts, you can fix the handrails. When purchasing material, it is important to observe the ability to form bends in the direction of the stairs.

Hardwood steps

When carrying out decorative processing, you can paste over metal support wood materials. Varnish coatings are used to finish the steps. They are applied over a primed surface.

Attention! Widely used wooden steps in combination with glass, metal and plastic handrails.

For installation of structures, adhesive compositions with different types fastenings. However, their design may place too much stress on the product.

Do-it-yourself wooden staircase - step-by-step instructions, calculations, photo and video installation

If you plan to make a wooden staircase with your own hands, step-by-step instructions with photos, videos and installation projects posted on this portal will be an excellent guide in this matter. To prepare for the process, you need to stock up on the necessary tools and materials. Wooden march between the first and second floors

Create your own dream staircase!

Pivot staircase made of pine with winder steps

For any private house with several floors, a staircase is mandatory element. But in addition to its utilitarian function, this element also has important aesthetic significance. And if you made a wooden staircase with your own hands, this is also another argument in favor of the talents and excellent taste of the owners of the home. The same can be applied to beautiful porch, which is even easier and faster to work on.

In this article we will briefly introduce you to how you can independently and economically go through all the stages from drawings and calculations and get an original staircase or porch in your home.

Invitation step design

Why wooden?

"Blind" spiral wooden staircase

If we compare wood with other materials for construction, its advantages are immediately obvious. This material is relatively inexpensive, easy enough to process even for a beginner and allows you to vary well the design features of the porch or interfloor stairs, so do them color scheme. You can easily verify this by looking at photos of finished products in our collection or a training video on their calculations and production in thematic articles on the site.

An economical option in home construction is usually pine. It is classified as a type of inexpensive soft wood. If you decide to make a wooden staircase with your own hands from this wood, keep in mind that it also has disadvantages:

  • it quickly loses its texture stability, which is why the steps will constantly creak during operation;
  • it darkens and partially loses its aesthetic appearance.

Most often, pine is used to make it yourself wooden porch. In the photo below you can see that such a porch is quite common in country houses with an elevated foundation or in country house construction.

For the front flight it is customary to use more expensive types of wood - oak/beech and larch.

The first will give the structure strength and solidity, while the second is characterized by increased moisture resistance. The price of such wood is easily compensated by its durability.

High porch on foundation

What will you need for the stairs?

First of all, you should create the concept itself future design. Any construction of wooden stairs with your own hands comes down to 2 technological options:

  1. Spiral staircases. This option is the most ergonomic, because even one and a half square meters floor. They also win in terms of stylish design, a version of which you can choose from numerous photos available on our website and made by yourself. The only problem is that it will be very difficult for beginners to make competent calculations of such a design, blanks according to the drawings and install it.
  2. Marching stairs. This classic version with spans and railings. The construction of a marching model is within the capabilities of anyone who takes the time to watch our thematic videos on wooden stairs created with their own hands. This design, indispensable for a porch or country house, can be mounted on stringers or bowstrings (the first option is the simplest).

Having decided on the model, all that remains is to stock up on materials and the necessary carpentry tools, which must include a screwdriver.

Beech quarter turn staircase

Main stages of construction

For clarity, we have compiled a list of the main steps for successfully creating a flight of stairs.

Carrying out calculations

Accurate calculations that allow you to determine the dimensions of a staircase or porch, their location, the amount of building materials, and the correct drawings are already 80% of a successful result in the staircase business! There are truisms here that should always be adhered to:

Drawing of a 2-flight span

  • the slope of the stairs for comfortable ascent should not exceed 45 degrees;
  • the site should be equipped only if the number of feet in the span is more than 10;
  • standard tread (step width) is from 25 to 35 cm;
  • the height of the riser should not exceed 16-18 cm;
  • convenient march width – 1.2 m;
  • The safe height of the railing is about a meter.

When making wooden stairs with your own hands, calculations are much easier if you use special computer programs from the category " construction calculators", guaranteeing the accuracy of calculations.

Having calculated the parameters, you can start making your own drawings for a wooden staircase. If you do not have sufficient experience in this matter, then you can take photos of similar drawings as an example.

Marking and manufacturing of structural elements

Work with blanks for an interfloor staircase or porch should begin by marking them using a ruler and a special corner. This procedure should be approached very responsibly, because even a slight distortion of the calculations can ruin steps, railings or balusters.

Afterwards you can move on to cutting out the steps and risers. The best way to do this efficiently and quickly is with a special electric saw with adjustable angles and depth of cut. A standard step that will replace the stencil will help simplify the procedure. The thickness of the board for treads and risers should not be less than 40 mm. Do not forget about the sufficient width and good margin of safety that the porch steps should have. If the steps are ready, you can work on stringers or bowstrings, for which timber with a thickness of at least 50 mm is used.

Simple design without risers

Assembly and installation of stairs

After all the elements are ready, the stringers are attached to the floor and ceilings and for strength (depending on the location of the stairs) they can be additionally fixed to the wall or reinforced with a board in the area of ​​​​every third step. Then, according to the markings, steps and risers are attached to the beams. Here it is necessary to align all horizontal and vertical angles exactly at 90 degrees. Secure the parts using wood glue and self-tapping screws. of stainless steel, while high-quality gluing of all joints will not allow the stairs to creak.

The final part of the installation is the installation of railings and balusters. Here you can cheat a little and buy finished goods in the store for the simple reason that these elements can be manufactured perfectly symmetrically and with high quality without special machine impossible at home. For safety reasons Special attention

attention should be paid to the strength and reliability of fastening of these supporting parts.

To have a complete understanding of the sequence of work, the detailed installation process can be previewed on video or use photos in step-by-step instructions.

Balusters with metal pin

Product processing The manufacture of the staircase is completed by protecting its elements from rotting. This, after sanding the board, can be done using paint, varnish or stain, thanks to which the stairs will be protected from external environment and will not make annoying squeaking noises. Internal structures will help to fit best into the interior varnish coating

. The photo shows that beautiful spiral staircases are always varnished. For porch steps, it is good to use several layers of drying oil and paint. Also, to prevent their wear and extend their service life, it is advisable to protect the wood with a special one that is resistant to moisture and abrasion.. It would not be amiss to equip the porch with a canopy above it to protect it from snow and rain. Both in the photo and in life, such visors give the design even greater completeness and unity of style.

We hope that the presented material has convinced you that making wooden stairs yourself is not such a difficult process. If the article interests you, please rate or comment on it in the fields below.

Do-it-yourself wooden staircase: photo, video, drawing, calculation

A wooden staircase created with your own hands will bring great satisfaction. Have a good drawing and follow our instructions.

How to make a wooden staircase to the second floor with your own hands

Single-story buildings in the private sector are erected only to provide economic activity, and are used as auxiliary buildings. A full-fledged residential building with at least 2 floors. Therefore, without such functional element, like the stairs to the second floor, is indispensable.

The problem of moving from one level to another can be solved simply - buy ready set and install it yourself.

Its cost starts from approximately 33,000 rubles (pine, 14 steps, turning staircase with two flights). Do-it-yourself installation is easy. The problem is different - how will it fit into the interior, will it be necessary to make adjustments? individual elements or partial reconstruction of the 1st floor?

Many companies provide services for the production of sets according to customer drawings, but as practice shows, such stairs are 1.5 times more expensive. That is why, most often, the most acceptable option is to make a wooden staircase with your own hands, from scratch.

How to do this, what to pay attention to - this is what this article is devoted to.


Before moving on to consideration of design features, it is necessary to “decipher” some specific definitions. The main elements are shown in the diagrams.

  • Step. Its horizontal part is called the tread, the vertical part (it may not exist) is called the riser.
  • Support beams. If the steps are adjacent to them with their end parts, then this is a bowstring. If they “overlap” the beam and their edges protrude beyond it, then it is called a stringer.
  • Railing supports. They are more often called balusters or pillars. For screw design the term rack is used.
  • Fasteners. In some types of stairs, the steps are fixed directly to the adjacent wall using special bolts - bolts.

Types of staircase designs

For self-made the simplest ones are marching ones. For a private house they are installed in one or two bays. Spiral staircases for self-assembly much more complicated (discussed here). In addition, the production of the necessary calculations for them has its own specifics.

Features of calculating staircase parameters

The following are general recommendations that it is advisable to follow when designing an internal staircase. Since all houses (and premises) differ in architecture, dimensions, and layout, there cannot be any single template in principle.

The optimal slope of spans is in the range from 35 to 450. More than steep stairs it is much more difficult to climb (especially for people with limited mobility, the elderly or small children). And carrying large, heavy items from floor to floor will also become more difficult.

A flatter design is inconvenient because it will require more space for its installation, since the length of each span will increase. And what specific angle to choose is at the discretion of the owner.

It is unlikely that anyone in a private house will move from floor to floor as part of a “group of comrades”, so when drawing up a diagram it is advisable to focus on the dimensions of one person. A staircase with a width of about 1.2 - 1.5 m for a private house is a completely acceptable option. And walking on it, and even carrying pieces of furniture will be quite convenient.

Step parameters

  • Tread. It should completely fit a person’s foot (based on size 45), so optimal width steps - within 250 - 300 mm.
  • Riser. In order to make it convenient for people of any height and age to move, its height is taken within the range of 150 - 200 mm. Quite sufficient, regardless of design.

On a note! All specified dimensions are absolutely the same for each step of one staircase. Otherwise, there is no need to talk about ease of movement.

Stair height

Defined as the distance from flooring ground floor to the ceiling + floor thickness. For example, 270 + 40 – 310 (cm).

Number of steps

The height of the structure (310) is divided into the sum of the size of the riser and the thickness of the tread board, and then rounded up to a whole value (up). For example, if a “magpie” is used, then 20 + 4 = 24 cm.

Total – 310: 24 = 13 (steps).

Recommendation: for stairs with more than 18 steps and a steepness of 450, special platforms should be installed. Depending on their purpose, they are called differently - rotary, viewing, intermediate. Consequently, the staircase itself will already consist of separate flights (flights). They can be of the same type, or made according to various schemes, since the site is not necessarily located exactly in the center of the structure.

Stair length

It is not difficult to determine, knowing the number of steps and the size of each tread. These values ​​are multiplied. If the steps have protrusions, they are not taken into account.

Sometimes calculations show that such a design “does not fit” in a particular room. In such cases, either the number of marches is increased, or so-called winder (turning) steps are installed.

Span height relative to floor

It is necessary to focus on human height + a small margin. The optimal design is considered to be one in which the distance between the outer steps and the ceiling is at least 2 m. Otherwise, a tall person will have to bow his head at the end of the flight.

In most cases, the type of wood chosen is pine. It is inexpensive, but it is not characterized by durability. Larch is in many ways preferable. The presence of a special resin in its structure makes the material even stronger when absorbing moisture. And this is important for a home staircase, given the specifics of its operation. All other options, for example, oak, cedar, maple and a number of others cannot be called budget.

Before you start working with wood, it must be thoroughly dried. Further shrinkage of the material (including twisting) will lead to the ladder literally falling apart.

Work procedure for installing stairs

Let's take a closer look simple example- single-flight stairs. This option can be considered basic, since the algorithm of actions is the same, regardless of the number of spans.

Preparation of structural elements

  • Stringers. The main requirement is that they must be absolutely identical. The board is only solid, without defects, no less than “forty”. Accordingly, cuts are made in advance for the steps.
  • Steps. The edges must be rounded, as sharp edges increase the risk of injury. The board chosen is absolutely flat, carefully processed (polished). The length is calculated so that their edges protrude beyond the stringers by no more than 2 - 4 cm. Thickness - in the range of 300 - 400 mm.
  • Risers. They do not experience significant load, since it falls mainly on the support beams. In order not to increase total weight span, 15 boards are enough for them.

Advice - for a private house it is better not to install risers, since cleaning a staircase of this (closed) type is much more difficult.

  • Handrails, balusters. It is unlikely to be possible to make them yourself so that the staircase becomes not only a means of transportation, but also a decoration of the house. Therefore, these structural elements should either be purchased in a store or ordered from a workshop.

Assembling the stairs

Wall marking

In accordance with the installation diagram and drawing.

Fastening support beams (stringers)

The upper part of the march is fixed in different ways (whatever is more convenient). Option No. 1 - cuts are made in the floor beam. Option No. 2 - metal stops are used, which are secured to the beam with anchors. In any case, the connection point between the structural elements should be as reliable as possible.

To secure the bottom of the stringers, a support beam is mounted on the floor. To the wall - fixation with anchor bolts.

Installation of risers

If they are mounted, they are screwed to the stringers.

Laying steps

They are fixed both on the support beams and on the risers (at least at one point, in the center).

For ease of operation, the installation of steps begins from the bottom. The options are shown in the diagram.

Installation of balusters

First of all, the extreme ones are fixed - at the top and bottom of the march. A “string” is stretched between them, focusing on which, you can mount the remaining racks.

Installation of handrails

They are fixed on each of the racks, which are located on the march. They can be made from almost any material - metal, plastic, not just wood.

The article outlines only general order actions and basic recommendations were given. Having decided on a specific staircase design, you should study all available material on this topic, since for different models there are some nuances of both installation and calculations of individual components. For example, rotary steps, which can be either rectangular or segmental.

You can watch the video instructions for making a wooden staircase:

But the general operating regulations are described in detail, and the author hopes that this article will help the reader in the matter of independent construction. Good luck!

How to build a wooden staircase to the second floor - manufacturing technology - diagram and video

Modern private country houses are growing like mushrooms, or rather like pine trees or even sequoias. Not uncommon today country houses two or even three floors. There are also houses with an attic. Not to mention two-level apartments. In order to go upstairs you need stairs or an elevator. The latter, of course, is self-indulgence, although it has its place. We’ll talk about how to make a wooden staircase on your own.

One might assume that this is not so difficult, but in reality such work has its own subtleties and requires knowledge of the matter. After all, you don’t need just any staircase, but a structure that is beautiful, durable and so safe that it can be safely used for a long time.

How to make a wooden staircase yourself

Stairs for country house, dachas or cottages are often made of wood. Right choice durable wood is a guarantee that the staircase will last a long time. At the same time, the environmental component is of no small importance.

Types and types of staircase designs for a private house

The choice of staircase is often limited by the available space for its installation, and of course the budget. But, be guided better convenience location and aesthetic preferences. Among existing structures The most common wooden staircases are marching and spiral.

Spiral staircases

A spiral wooden staircase to the second floor of a private house is a convenient option when space is limited. Such a ladder can be placed on a heel of 1.5 meters. True, it can only be used to move one person up or down. It will no longer be possible to lift something large, such as furniture.

In addition, the wooden spiral staircase has complex design, and its construction requires more labor.

At the same time, many nuances have to be taken into account: check the structure for strength, first of all, the supporting racks must be reliable.

The complexity of the design is due to the fact that the main parts have to be calculated taking into account all the design features.

They can handle this kind of work better. experienced specialists. It is difficult to do it yourself without special skills and tools.

Marching stairs

Wooden staircases for a home can be single-flight, two-flight, three-flight and multi-flight (each of them is used in certain conditions, which depend on the number of floors and area of ​​the building).

Marching stairs are divided into straight and rotary according to their orientation. Can be placed along the wall or as independent design in the middle of the room.

It is worth noting that the installation of a straight staircase requires sufficient free space, as it takes up a lot of space. In general, this type of design is much easier to implement independently compared to the screw version.

Straight marching wooden staircase

If the number of steps is more than 10, it is recommended to divide the staircase into two parts, connecting them together with an intermediate platform. If necessary and to save space (this depends on the characteristics of the room), the staircase can go up from the intermediate platform with a turn, the so-called staircase with turning steps (trapezoidal steps, which are also called winder steps).

A staircase that turns 90 degrees is called a quarter turn. The half-turn staircase has a rotation angle of 180 degrees.

When the turn is 360 degrees, then this is already a variant of a circular or spiral staircase. Although, in principle, this is ordinary marching staircase With winder steps and rotated by * degrees.

Rotary marching staircase made of wood

Combined stairs

Depending on the layout and design of the house, it is possible to install a combined staircase structure, which will consist of two or more types of stairs. For example, a flight of stairs on a certain flight is complemented by a screw element supported on bowstrings or stringers. Of course, such a design is very complex and requires precise calculations.

Types of wooden stairs

Before choosing one design or another, you should sensibly assess your capabilities. It would be better to have a simpler straight staircase, but reliable and made of quality materials than an intricate screw or combined one, for the construction of which there may not be enough money or effort.

And of course, space is of decisive importance, so that later it does not turn out that the stairs will take up more than half of the house.

Start with measurements and calculations. Draw a drawing or order from specialists. You can even create a 3D model of the future staircase and clearly see the location in your layout.

Interfloor wooden stairs - selection of components and load-bearing elements

It is possible that the staircase you are creating will be your first experience, then best choice there will be a straight staircase. This option is easy to manufacture, its installation and assembly are also not very complicated, and the resulting result will meet all the basic requirements for strength, convenience and durability.

Making wooden stairs with your own hands

Making a wooden staircase with your own hands is possible if you have the appropriate tools, quality lumber and experience.

Material for staircase construction:

  • Bars for steps, the thickness of which must be at least 40 mm.
  • The boards are approximately the same width and size as specified in the project.
  • Beams for tread 30-40 mm.
  • Beams for risers no less than 30 mm.
  • Beam for stringers or strings 50x250 mm.
  • You can make handrails, railings and balusters yourself, but it is better to buy ready-made ones.
  • Stainless steel screws are used for fastening.

The pictures show drawings of wooden stairs

Structural elements wooden stairs Scheme of a wooden staircase to the second floor Diagram - methods of attaching the bowstring of a wooden staircase Scheme - marking the stringer of a wooden staircase Drawing of a wooden staircase to the 2nd floor of the house Wooden staircase parameters

Do-it-yourself installation of a wooden staircase:

  1. As mentioned above, you first need to think through the design, calculate the number of steps and determine the dimensions of the staircase (width, length), can be downloaded on the Internet finished drawing or do simple diagram on one's own.
  2. A standard march can be built with the steps supported by strings that run from both sides. Another fastening option involves supporting the steps on stringers, which are beams located at the bottom of the steps.
  3. All steps are first connected to strings, then the structure is strengthened with supporting bars, which are placed under the stairs at an equal distance from each other. With a sufficiently high angle of inclination of the march, there is no need for bars, although it is still advisable to install them to guarantee safety.
  4. The bottom and top of the bowstring should be attached to the walls, floor or ceiling.

Fastening stair steps to stringers

Operational and decorative qualities wooden staircase, its ability to withstand moisture and other influences, e.g. wood pests significantly increase when it is treated with a special varnish or stain. Such a staircase will not lose its original appearance for a long time. appearance and reliability.

How to make a wooden staircase with your own hands - video instructions

Photos of wooden stairs for home

Oak staircase with carved piers Rotating wooden staircase Wooden staircase with a turn for a country house Wooden spiral staircase for a summer house How to make a wooden staircase to the second floor

Modern private country houses are growing like mushrooms, or rather like pine trees or even sequoias. Today, it is not uncommon for country houses to have two or even three floors. There are also houses with an attic. Not to mention the two-level apartments. In order to go upstairs you need stairs or an elevator. The latter, of course, is self-indulgence, although it has its place. We’ll talk about how to make a wooden staircase on your own.

One might assume that this is not so difficult, but in reality such work has its own subtleties and requires knowledge of the matter. After all, you don’t need just any staircase, but a structure that is beautiful, durable and so safe that it can be safely used for a long time.

Stairs for a country house, cottage or cottage are often made of wood. The right choice of durable wood is a guarantee that the staircase will last a long time. At the same time, the environmental component is of no small importance.

Types and types of staircase designs for a private house

The choice of staircase is often limited by the available space for its installation, and of course the budget. But, it is better to be guided by the convenience of location and aesthetic preferences. Among the existing designs of wooden stairs, the most common are marching and spiral.

Spiral staircases

This option is convenient when space is limited. Such a ladder can be placed on a heel of 1.5 meters. True, it can only be used to move one person up or down. It will no longer be possible to lift something large, such as furniture.

In addition, it has a complex structure and its construction requires more labor.

At the same time, many nuances have to be taken into account: check the structure for strength, first of all, the supporting racks must be reliable.

The complexity of the design is due to the fact that the main parts have to be calculated taking into account all the design features.

Experienced specialists can handle this type of work better. It is difficult to do it yourself without special skills and tools.

Marching stairs

Wooden staircases for a home can be single-flight, two-flight, three-flight and multi-flight (each of them is used in certain conditions, which depend on the number of floors and area of ​​the building).

Marching stairs are divided into straight and rotary according to their orientation. They can be placed along the wall or as an independent structure in the middle of the room.

It is worth noting that the installation of a straight staircase requires sufficient free space, as it takes up a lot of space. In general, this type of design is much easier to implement independently compared to the screw version.

If the number of steps is more than 10, it is recommended to divide the staircase into two parts, connecting them together with an intermediate platform. If necessary and to save space (this depends on the characteristics of the room), the staircase can go up from the intermediate platform with a turn, the so-called staircase with turning steps (trapezoidal steps, which are also called winder steps).

A staircase that turns 90 degrees is called a quarter turn. The half-turn staircase has a rotation angle of 180 degrees.

When the turn is 360 degrees, then this is already a variant of a circular or spiral staircase. Although, in principle, this is an ordinary staircase with winder steps and a turn of * degrees.

Combined stairs

Depending on the layout and design of the house, it is possible to install a combined staircase structure, which will consist of two or more types of stairs. For example, a flight of stairs on a certain flight is complemented by a screw element supported on bowstrings or stringers. Of course, such a design is very complex and requires precise calculations.

Before choosing one design or another, you should sensibly assess your capabilities. It is better to have a simpler straight staircase, but reliable and made of high-quality materials, than an intricate spiral or combined one, the construction of which may not have enough money or effort.

And of course, space is of decisive importance, so that later it does not turn out that the stairs will take up more than half of the house.

Start with measurements and calculations. Draw a drawing or order from specialists. You can even create a 3D model of the future staircase and clearly see the location in your layout.

Interfloor wooden stairs - selection of components and load-bearing elements

It is possible that the staircase you are creating will be your first experience, then a straight staircase will be the best choice. This option is easy to manufacture, its installation and assembly are also not very complicated, and the resulting result will meet all the basic requirements for strength, convenience and durability.

Making a wooden staircase with your own hands is possible if you have the appropriate tools, high-quality lumber and experience.

Material for staircase construction:

  • Bars for steps, the thickness of which must be at least 40 mm.
  • The boards are approximately the same width and size as specified in the project.
  • Beams for tread 30-40 mm.
  • Beams for risers no less than 30 mm.
  • Beam for stringers or strings 50x250 mm.
  • You can make handrails, railings and balusters yourself, but it is better to buy ready-made ones.
  • Stainless steel screws are used for fastening.

The pictures show drawings of wooden stairs

Do-it-yourself installation of a wooden staircase:

  1. As mentioned above, you first need to think through the design, calculate the number of steps and determine the dimensions of the staircase (width, length); you can download a ready-made drawing on the Internet or make a simple diagram yourself.
  2. A standard march can be built with the steps supported by strings that run from both sides. Another fastening option involves supporting the steps on stringers, which are beams located at the bottom of the steps.
  3. All steps are first connected to strings, then the structure is strengthened with supporting bars, which are placed under the stairs at an equal distance from each other. With a sufficiently high angle of inclination of the march, there is no need for bars, although it is still advisable to install them to guarantee safety.
  4. The bottom and top of the bowstring should be attached to the walls, floor or ceiling.