What time of year is it best to install windows? At what stage of construction should windows be installed (Part 1). Is it dangerous to cool the apartment during installation?

What time of year is it best to install windows?  At what stage of construction should windows be installed (Part 1).  Is it dangerous to cool the apartment during installation?
What time of year is it best to install windows? At what stage of construction should windows be installed (Part 1). Is it dangerous to cool the apartment during installation?

Many people are interested in the question: is it possible to install windows in winter? And really, is it possible? In fact, not everyone thinks about this. As a rule, when the opportunity arises to change the windows to more modern ones, then they do it. And in winter you can still get a discount, because the companies that do this don’t have that many orders in cold period. Also, the windows themselves will be manufactured faster for the reasons stated above. In general, everything seems to indicate that there is no need to wait for the warm season. Well, of course, the house will be cold during installation, but then you can warm everything up. It doesn't seem to be a problem. In addition, if the installers know their job, the work will be completed promptly.

But is this really so? In this article we are just going to raise the question - is it possible to pose plastic windows in winter?

The Teplo Doma company offers its assistance in installing and repairing windows. It doesn’t matter to us when you need our services: in winter or summer. Our specialists always strive to do their work efficiently. We are responsible for everything we do. If you have decided to change your windows, then all you have to do is contact our online consultant.

Installation of plastic windows in winter

Do they install windows in winter? There is a myth circulating on the Internet that installing plastic windows in winter is strictly prohibited. Many people willingly believe in this, without going into details. For most, the main thing is that everything works for a long time and does not create problems. And asking some unnecessary questions is unnecessary.

However, there is one small “but” - In winter, plastic windows can be installed. Nobody forbids you to do this. Even according to GOST this is allowed. Of course, there are some nuances and rules. If you follow them, then no problems will arise. There are recommendations from the window manufacturer, and experienced installers are also aware of them.

For example, a window that has just been delivered cannot be installed. Why? The fact is that in the cold, plastic tends to shrink. After installation, the window will heat up from the room and may leak. That is why, before installation, it is necessary to metal-plastic structures We lay in a warm room for some time.

Is it possible to install plastic windows in winter? Yes, but not at -15 degrees. Why not? The thing is sealing rubber. In the cold it will stiffen, and it will be very difficult for installers to make an accurate connection of the sash. Although, on the other hand, if the double-glazed window warms up in the room, then it is unlikely that it will freeze so much even when open window opening. Therefore, in principle, there is nothing to worry about.

Another thing is cooling the apartment. After all, during installation you will have to completely open the window opening.

Is it dangerous to cool an apartment when installing windows in the winter?

But really, what should we do about it? Even the most efficient craftsmen will not be able to do the job so quickly as not to cool the room. Right? With an open window, the room will become colder every second. So?

Many owners first begin to worry about their expensive repairs. After all, most materials intended for interior decoration, not suitable for use in sub-zero temperatures. That is why a logical question arises: “Is it worth installing plastic windows in winter?”

All this looks like horror stories that for some reason scare gullible citizens. Where should the room come from? subzero temperature? After the old window is dismantled, the film is immediately stretched in its place. The door to the room closes. Work with a completely open opening lasts no more than 30 minutes. In practice, the room temperature drops by only 10 degrees. If you don’t want this either, you can simply turn on the fan heater, and then the temperature regime will remain without much change.

Winter installation and its quality

In fact, the quality of installation, both in winter and in summer time depends mainly on the experience of the craftsmen carrying out renovation work. Also, do not forget about the quality of the materials used. But the question is definitely not appropriate here: at what temperature are windows installed in winter? From all this it follows that problems may begin with windows installed in the summer within a month, and metal-plastic structures installed in the winter will serve faithfully long years. Or maybe everything will be the other way around.

In general, installation of plastic windows in winter is not much different from work carried out in the warm season. Although there are still some nuances:

  • First you need to dismantle the old windows.
  • Then comes the preparation of the opening: cleaning it from ice, snow and dirt, heating it with a hairdryer. The latter is done for better adhesion of the polyurethane foam to the surface.
  • Installation of the box.
  • Foaming. In this case, special frost-resistant polyurethane foam is used.
  • Insulation of slopes.
  • Window sill installation.
  • Equipping windows with fittings and adjusting them.
  • It is advisable that the temperature outside is not below -15 degrees.

Window testing

After installing a window, every owner considers it his duty to check its operation. And it is right. You need to make sure that plastic windows can be installed in winter. By the way, it is worth noting that checking the operation of windows in cold weather is much easier. After all, it’s warm inside and cold outside. You can immediately feel whether it is blowing or not.

So, first you should check the window for tightness. For this you will need a regular A4 sheet. You need to pinch it with the sash and then try to pull it out. Naturally, the attempt should not be successful. The sash should be checked on each side.

You can find out if it is blowing from a window using an ordinary candle. Set it on fire and drive around the perimeter. If there is a delay somewhere, then the installers should not be released.

Important! The window should close tightly, there should be no blowing from it, and the sash should not catch anything. If noise continues to be heard from the street, then most likely an installation error was made.

But in order not to worry again, you should contact a company that has already proven itself on this issue.


When is it better to install windows: winter or summer? Whenever is convenient for you. In winter you can “run into” a good deal, and in summer it is more comfortable to carry out repair work. If we are talking about the quality of installation, then a good specialist no matter when to install. Although, as already noted, it is not recommended to carry out work in severe frosts.

That's probably all.

Where to order window installation in winter in Moscow?

We present to your attention the services of the Teplo Doma company. Our specialists will install and repair windows equally well both in summer and in winter. winter time. Only unscrupulous craftsmen can blame the time of year for the fact that a window does not perform its functions. We all understand this and want you to understand it too. If you want the work to be done efficiently and quickly, then contact us. Right now you can discuss this question with our consultant.

Is it possible to install a plastic window in winter?

Korovin Sergey Dmitrievich

Master of Architecture, graduated from Samara State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. 11 years of experience in design and construction.

Modern windows are installed not only to replace old wooden ones; they are often preferred in the construction of new housing. What to do if the process of installing a window unit falls on winter period? Is it possible to install plastic windows in winter or will this process have to be postponed until spring?

When to install windows

Of course, it is best to do a leisurely replacement or installation in the warm season under normal conditions. weather conditions and positive temperatures. But, if the construction of a new house has been delayed, then it is also possible to install plastic windows in winter. The same applies to replacing old windows with new ones. Have your own positive points this season, but you need to take into account some nuances. So is it possible to install plastic windows in winter?

Advantages of winter installation

Windows in our country are a seasonal product. Most consumers try to have time to complete installation in the spring. summer period when it is more convenient. Most often, window installation companies during this period work with increased load, so owners have to wait longer for their order to be completed.

In winter, the demand for installation and construction work drops sharply

Installing windows in winter, on the contrary, gives an advantage in the quality of order fulfillment. Majority construction work, including window installation, is less in demand during the cold season. At this time you can find interesting offers for manufacturing and installation window systems: promotions, discounts and others. In addition, the installers will not be in a hurry, since the schedule is not so tight, which will affect the quality of the installation. These are the main advantages with which you should not be afraid to install windows in winter.

Nuances of the cold season

It is important to consider the temperature at which the installation is carried out. It is prohibited to install plastic windows in winter at temperatures below -20 degrees. In this case construction foam, which is used as a sealant, will contain a large number of ice crystals, and the quality of such an installation will be much lower. And after a while, consequences such as freezing and mold will appear.

Also, if there is too much frost (-15 and below), the seals of opening windows become less elastic, which can lead to poor adjustment of the sashes.

The sealant for PVC windows loses its quality during installation work at temperatures below 15 degrees

If you plan to install plastic windows in a new building in winter, then permissible temperatures air, all work can be carried out without problems.

Another thing is replacement in residential premises. It is worth considering that installation time is 30-40 minutes for each double-glazed window, and the rooms will cool down. To do this, unlike in the summer, you need to dismantle and replace double-glazed windows in stages.

In winter, after delivery of double-glazed windows, they need to be kept in the house for 24 hours at room temperature so that all elements warm up. This is done in order to avoid thermal deformation.

Another option for winter installation is to carry out the so-called warm installation of window systems.

Winter installation technology

Installation of window units in winter is complicated by low temperatures and high humidity. It is necessary to somehow neutralize these negative conditions. To do this, installers can use two methods for winter installation of double-glazed windows.

The simplest winter installation

As mentioned above, in winter some nuances must be observed in accordance with the time of year.

In the cold season, frost-resistant polyurethane foam must be used to seal joints.

  • Firstly, for sealing you need to use polyurethane foam with frost-resistant components in the composition.
  • Secondly, in the cold season, a “heat” gun is used when foaming joints. It is used to warm up the layer of applied foam on the street side. And only then do they start filling the gaps from the inside with foam. This is done to ensure that all voids are properly filled with sealant (foam).
  • Thirdly, this step-by-step installation. That is, having dismantled the old one, they immediately installed a new one, and so on one by one, working with each opening.
  • Fourthly, the mounting tape is attached in warm conditions. If possibilities allow, then before removing the old ones.
  • And fifthly, hydro- and vapor barrier tape(PSUL) is also heated by a “heat” gun during installation.

Using a heat gun, the joint surfaces and PSUL tape are heated

This is the most basic “winter” technology for installing double-glazed windows, without which it is impossible to obtain a high-quality result.

Warm installation

The use of such technology will increase the cost of installing windows, but its use can smooth out the conditions winter season.

Warm installation diagram

What does the technology of warm installation of plastic windows provide?

  • Warm installation of windows is a mandatory external sealing of the opening. To protect the installation site, a protective screen is attached to the opening on the street side. Thermal screen for window installation keeps heated air in the room and prevents freezing installed double glazed windows. In addition, such protection will not allow excess moisture to enter.
  • For compaction, as with conventional winter installations, frost-resistant polyurethane foam is used.
  • Compliance with internal sealing of the joints between the frame and the opening is mandatory. Inside there is silicone (a sealant that prevents moisture from entering). The middle layer will be polyurethane foam, which acts as a sealant and insulates the joint. From the outside, all gaps are covered with waterproof tape.

Installation of windows in winter involves a work algorithm similar to the usual one for installation in the warm season:

  • The opening closes;
  • dismantling old frames;
  • preparation of the opening surface;
  • installation work;
  • finishing of slopes.

The protective screen ensures reliable and high-quality installation of PVC windows in winter

Use of technology warm installation more preferably in winter. A protective screen in combination with materials will ensure better installation without additional risks (destruction of the seal, the appearance of mold and mildew) in any type of building (brick, panel or block house) . In addition, the use of triple protection during warm installation will increase the tightness, which will reduce heating costs.

Additional work

Required condition high-quality installation both in winter and in summer there will be finishing of the slopes of the window opening following installation.

Why are these needed? additional work? Main function finishing slopes is protecting the gaps between the window and the opening from temperature changes and moisture. Foam is an excellent sealant and insulation material, but it is very sensitive to ultraviolet rays and humidity. If you do not close the gaps, in a month the sealing layer will lose its properties, and by spring it will begin to collapse.

It is better to finish the slopes of a window opening with insulation

After installation work comes finishing work. It is best to make the slopes warm, that is, with additional layer insulation (foam, mineral wool) . In the schematic drawing you can see one of the options for insulating the internal opening. It's not very high costs. But in this way the thermal insulation of the window will be improved.

How good is the installation?

How to understand that the windows were installed without violations of technology?

  • The glass unit does not fog up and does not freeze.
  • There are no drafts from under the frame or sash. When installing windows, they are adjusted and set to seasonal settings. You can check for a draft by holding a lit match or lighter to the window. If the light does not fluctuate or go out, then the sealing is correct.
  • The sash opens easily without the use of significant effort, the same applies to switching to ventilation mode.
  • When opening or pressing the frame there is no play in the entire system.
  • There should be no gaps between the profile and the window opening.
  • All joints with sills and window sills are carefully sealed with silicone.

The installer is obliged to check the quality of work and ensure warranty service double-glazed windows

Also, during operation over a significant period of time (several seasons), the frame should not sag or become loose in the opening. And all the fittings work correctly, without jamming or malfunctioning. If there are violations listed in the list, then you need to contact the installer company. Typically, all manufacturers and installers provide a service guarantee and such defects are eliminated free of charge.

The answer to the question whether it is possible to install plastic windows in winter is yes, but taking into account some nuances. One of them is compliance temperature regime. Installation of PVC windows in winter is a more technologically demanding process, but it is possible, just as in summer. In addition, correctly installed plastic double-glazed windows will significantly reduce heating costs.

Window installation in winter: debunking myths

One of the most common questions from our clients is: is it possible to install plastic windows in winter? This process, carried out in winter, is surrounded by all sorts of rumors and myths. However, despite this, in the cold PVC structures installed quite often. Let's figure out whether it's worth doing this and what benefits the client will receive if he decides to install double-glazed windows in the winter.

Selecting the season for installation

So what time of year is best to do this? In fact, there are many pros and cons to installing windows in summer and winter. Let's look at each in more detail.

Installation of a plastic profile in summer

If the renovation of an apartment is carried out in the warm season, then replacement of windows should be carried out before finishing. And this has a significant advantage. In summer, you can open the doors and dry the room, remove odors building materials. And most people prefer to do this process before the onset of cold weather. Therefore, it is during the period from spring to autumn that there is a real boom in such services.

Winter installation

Many will be surprised, but if we're talking about about installing double-glazed windows, then winter time has much more advantages.

First of all, during installation, all the problems of the room are immediately noticeable: drafts, freezing, wall features. Experienced master will immediately notice all this and eliminate it with the help of high-quality replacement of window structures.

Another advantage of installing such products in cold weather is the reduction in prices during this period, as well as the holding of various promotions.

The only possible drawback that exists is the difficulty of installation when it is minus 15 or lower outside. In this case, you will need to use special frost-resistant foam.

Installing plastic windows in winter: debunking myths

According to ordinary people, there are numerous disadvantages when it comes to the need to install PVC windows in the cold season. In fact, most of these statements are nothing more than myths.

Myth 1. During the installation process, the temperature in the apartment will drop significantly.

The temperature in the room where the work will be done will indeed drop, but not so critically. For dismantling the old one and installing new design It will take no more than 25-30 minutes. This time is clearly not enough to completely freeze the entire apartment.

Myth 2. The properties of building materials deteriorate in the cold.

A number of worries are associated with the fact that during the cold season, not all materials fully fulfill their options. For example, polyurethane foam may not set or, even worse, crumble after drying.

However, here everything depends on the team of workers who install the plastic window. Winter is not a reason to deny yourself the pleasure of putting warm double glazed windows. It’s just that during this period it is important to use so-called winter installation products, which reduce to zero all the disadvantages inherent in their summer counterparts.

By the way, every self-respecting window company has a line of winter materials. The only caveat is the hardening time of the foam at very low temperatures. It may take up to 12 hours to reach maximum cure.

Myth 3. There is no difference in price between winter and summer installation.

This is far from true. Considering that most people prefer to order such a service in the warm season, in winter there is a high probability of downtime. To attract clients, many companies reduce the cost of their services by up to 25%. In addition, the production time for structures at sub-zero temperatures is much faster for the same reason - fewer orders.

Warm window installation - what is it?

If you are still afraid to install plastic profile in winter, you should pay attention to this technology. Not every person is delighted to carry out installation on a frosty sunny day. Whatever one may say, the cold will break into the apartment even during these 25 minutes, during which the doorway remains open. And here the warm installation technology will become a real salvation. What is it?

This unique method does not have all the disadvantages inherent in installation at very high sub-zero temperatures. You can use it even if there is severe frost outside and standard installation is impossible. During warm installation, a special screen is installed in the opening, which protects the room from freezing. Let's talk in more detail about this procedure.

As we said earlier, the opening remains open for 25 minutes. If you use this modern technology, then for such a period the master installs a special heat shield. It is fixed using detachable clamps, and there is no need to drill the walls, which means that the exterior and interior of the building will not be damaged.

Along the contour there is a pneumatic frame, which is filled with air until the entire window niche is covered with a screen. Experts tighten detachable clamps to press the protective screen as tightly as possible to the wall of the house. As a result, the cold has no chance to penetrate inside the building.

And only after this is dismantling carried out old frame followed by installation of a new double-glazed window. After the structure is installed, the screen is removed. As a result, the apartment owner is satisfied modern window PVC and heat preservation in the room.

Installing double-glazed windows in winter with Okna-Star

If you are thinking about buying windows, but snow and frost are stopping you, don’t worry about it! Our company carries out installation according to the best technologies, which allows you to perform such work at any sub-zero temperatures.

  1. A high-quality installation creates a comfortable microclimate in the room.
  2. All products are made from modern, strong and durable materials.
  3. The craftsmen are true professionals in their field, with extensive work experience and high qualifications.
  4. The cost of our products and services is quite acceptable for everyone.
  5. All kinds of promotions, discounts and bonuses.
  6. Individual approach to each order.

Call us now! Do not deny yourself the pleasure of installing warm and beautiful double-glazed windows, even if the weather outside is frosty.

Is it possible to install plastic windows in an apartment in winter?

It must be admitted that apartment or house owners rarely think about heating their homes during the hot season. You can probably say this about yourself. But when the rooms become really cold, strong drafts are felt, blowing out all the heat, and the window is covered with frost, people begin to worry that it would be a good idea to replace the old windows with high-quality and more insulated ones. The frost on the glass then turns into water, which flows down the window sill and spoils the wall cladding.

In this case, it is important to understand whether it is possible to install plastic windows in winter? The answer is yes, however, when carrying out such work, certain rules must be followed.

Is it dangerous to replace windows in winter? Opinions

During the period when the old window is removed and a new one is installed, the room can become very cold. At the same time, according to buyers, materials for interior decoration deteriorate, because they are not prepared for sudden temperature changes. You will encounter this problem if you decide to replace a window with an unqualified team. Installation will take a lot of time. Otherwise, the work will take no more than half an hour. During this time, nothing will happen to the new renovation, whereas heat-loving plants Apartment owners recommend protecting from frost.

When deciding whether it is possible to install plastic windows in winter, you will need to prepare the room. For this purpose, products and surfaces that may be damaged are covered with moisture-proof materials. This applies to books and technology. If you are wondering whether it is possible to install plastic windows in winter, reviews about this are worth reading. From them you can find out that the room where the glass unit is being replaced is closed tightly so that cold air did not penetrate into other rooms.

Features of winter window installation

If you still haven’t decided for yourself whether it’s worth replacing double-glazed windows in the winter, then you should consider some of the advantages of carrying out such work in the cold season. The advantage is that you can find big discounts on installing windows in winter, because most consumers prefer to do it in the summer. The demand for plastic windows is falling, and manufacturers are making concessions to increase the number of customers.

When thinking about whether it is possible to install plastic windows in winter, it is worth familiarizing yourself with state standards, from which you can find out that such work is carried out at any time of the year, but you need to take into account that the temperature outside the window should not fall below -15 °C. Wind speed is also important; it should not be more than 8 m per second. Otherwise, sealant and foam, as well as other building mixtures may freeze and become fragile. Therefore, before calling specialists, you need to check the weather forecast and choose a suitable day.

If you still haven’t decided for yourself whether it’s possible to install plastic windows in winter, then you should remember about the internal climate. Sometimes such work is carried out in new buildings. Brought double-glazed windows must be acclimatized at positive temperatures. Typically, window transport vehicles have an open body. When exposed to cold, low-quality plastic may shrink. If you find such a defect, then after installation is completed the windows may “float” and lose their rigidity, as well as their original shape.

Effect of cold on materials

Without exception, all modern companies whose activities are aimed at installing plastic windows are engaged in winter installation double-glazed windows. However, before you call the specialists, you should ask which manufacturer’s profiles they use. For example, the Veka company positions its products as windows that are not afraid of any frost.

Professionals emphasize that the problem can be expressed in polyurethane foam. It expands as it flows chemical reaction. Upon contact with water, polymerization occurs. The colder the air, the lower its humidity will be. As a result, low temperatures can cause the foam to simply not work and remain in a preserved state. When it gets warmer outside, the material will begin to swell with all the ensuing consequences.

The problem exists, but is easily solved by using sealants and foams special purpose. It is important to ask whether specialists use winter compounds that allow installation down to -25 °C. Some mounting foams have an even lower temperature limit.

When consumers decide whether it is possible to install plastic windows in an apartment in winter, they often learn about the fact that when such work is carried out, a protective screen is sometimes installed in the opening. It prevents cold wind from entering the room. But this approach is relevant when the frost outside is unbearable.

Installation of double-glazed windows in a house under construction. Is it worth starting work in winter?

When it comes to installing double-glazed windows in a residential building in winter, a great many questions may arise. Their number increases when the consumer thinks about whether it is possible to install plastic windows in winter unheated room? The answer here is also yes.

However, you should only use materials that are designed to withstand sub-zero temperatures. Their polymerization occurs when difficult conditions, but the properties do not change. As a result, you will be able to get windows that will not “cry”. This is what buyers most often worry about when they plan to update the double-glazed windows in an apartment or house. But at the same time, you should be prepared that the company sometimes increases the price of expensive foam.

Additional complications

The problem can also be expressed in the fact that the room will have to be cleared of all pieces of furniture and plants, which is not always possible. This is due to the fact that the old windows will not have to be removed until the new ones are in place. This is due to the fact that the count will be in minutes.

Is it worth it?

When you know the answer to the question of whether it is possible to install plastic windows in the winter in a house under construction, you should think three times about the feasibility of carrying out such work. There are several other ways to improve indoor comfort. You can implement internal insulation or use economical modern heating devices. And then, after waiting for spring, call specialists who will not disturb the comfort of the household.


If you want to install double-glazed windows when the temperature outside the window has dropped below zero, you should contact a qualified company. Its specialists are trained and prepared for such work. They will carry out everything quite quickly, and the house will remain “naked” for a minimum time.

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Modern windows are installed not only to replace old wooden ones; they are often preferred in the construction of new housing. What to do if the process of installing a window unit falls in the winter? Is it possible to install plastic windows in winter or will this process have to be postponed until spring?

When to install windows

Of course, it is best to do a leisurely replacement or installation in the warm season under normal weather conditions and positive temperatures. But, if the construction of a new house has been delayed, then it is also possible to install plastic windows in winter. The same applies to replacing old windows with new ones. There are some positive aspects to this season, but you need to take into account some nuances. So is it possible to install plastic windows in winter?

Advantages of winter installation

Windows in our country are a seasonal product. Most consumers try to have time to carry out installation in the spring and summer, when it is more convenient. Most often, window installation companies work under increased load during this period, so owners have to wait longer for orders to be completed.

In winter, the demand for installation and construction work drops sharply

Installing windows in winter, on the contrary, gives an advantage in the quality of order fulfillment. Most construction work, including window installation, is less in demand during the cold season. At this time, you can find interesting offers for the manufacture and installation of window systems: promotions, discounts and others. In addition, the installers will not be in a hurry, since the schedule is not so tight, which will affect the quality of the installation. These are the main advantages with which you should not be afraid to install windows in winter.

Nuances of the cold season

It is important to consider the temperature at which the installation is carried out. It is prohibited to install plastic windows in winter at temperatures below -20 degrees. In this case, the construction foam, which is used as a sealant, will contain a large number of ice crystals, and the quality of such an installation will be much lower. And after a while, consequences such as freezing and mold will appear.

Also, if there is too much frost (-15 and below), the seals of opening windows become less elastic, which can lead to poor adjustment of the sashes.

The sealant for PVC windows loses its quality during installation work at temperatures below 15 degrees

If you plan to install plastic windows in a new building in winter, then at acceptable air temperatures all work can be carried out without problems.

Another thing is replacement in residential premises. It is worth considering that installation time is 30-40 minutes for each double-glazed window, and the rooms will cool down. To do this, unlike in the summer, you need to dismantle and replace double-glazed windows in stages.

In winter, after the double-glazed windows are delivered, they need to be kept in the house at room temperature for 24 hours so that all the elements warm up. This is done in order to avoid thermal deformation.

Another option for winter installation is to carry out the so-called warm installation of window systems.

Winter installation technology

Installation of window units in winter is complicated by low temperatures and high humidity. It is necessary to somehow neutralize these negative conditions. To do this, installers can use two methods for winter installation of double-glazed windows.

The simplest winter installation

As mentioned above, in winter some nuances must be observed in accordance with the time of year.

In the cold season, frost-resistant polyurethane foam must be used to seal joints.
  • Firstly, for sealing you need to use polyurethane foam with frost-resistant components in the composition.
  • Secondly, in the cold season, a “heat” gun is used when foaming joints. It is used to warm up the layer of applied foam on the street side. And only then do they start filling the gaps from the inside with foam. This is done to ensure that all voids are properly filled with sealant (foam).
  • Thirdly, this is a step-by-step installation. That is, having dismantled the old one, they immediately installed a new one, and so on one by one, working with each opening.
  • Fourthly, the mounting tape is attached in warm conditions. If possibilities allow, then before removing the old ones.
  • And fifthly, the hydro- and vapor barrier tape (PSUL) is also heated by a “heat” gun during installation.

Using a heat gun, the joint surfaces and PSUL tape are heated

This is the most basic “winter” technology for installing double-glazed windows, without which it is impossible to obtain a high-quality result.

Warm installation

The use of this technology will increase the cost of installing windows, but its use can smooth out the conditions of the winter season.

Warm installation diagram

What does the technology of warm installation of plastic windows provide?

  • Warm installation of windows is a mandatory external sealing of the opening. To protect the installation site, a protective screen is attached to the opening on the street side. A heat shield for installing windows holds back the heated air in the room and prevents the installed double-glazed windows from freezing. In addition, such protection will not allow excess moisture to enter.
  • For compaction, as with conventional winter installations, frost-resistant polyurethane foam is used.
  • Compliance with internal sealing of the joints between the frame and the opening is mandatory. Inside there is silicone (a sealant that prevents moisture from entering). The middle layer will be polyurethane foam, which acts as a sealant and insulates the joint. From the outside, all gaps are covered with waterproof tape.

Installation of windows in winter involves a work algorithm similar to the usual one for installation in the warm season:

  • The opening closes;
  • dismantling old frames;
  • preparation of the opening surface;
  • installation work;
  • finishing of slopes.

The protective screen ensures reliable and high-quality installation of PVC windows in winter

The use of warm installation technology is more preferable in winter. A protective screen in combination with materials will ensure better installation without additional risks (destruction of the seal, the appearance of mold and mildew) in any type of building (brick, panel or block house). In addition, the use of triple protection during warm installation will increase the tightness, which will reduce heating costs.

Additional work

A prerequisite for high-quality installation both in winter and summer will be the finishing of the slopes of the window opening following installation.

Why is this additional work needed? The main function of finishing slopes is to protect the gaps between the window and the opening from temperature changes and moisture. Foam is an excellent sealant and insulator, but it is very sensitive to ultraviolet rays and humidity. If you do not close the gaps, in a month the sealing layer will lose its properties, and by spring it will begin to collapse.

It is better to finish the slopes of a window opening with insulation

After installation work comes finishing work. It is best to make the slopes warm, that is, with an additional layer of insulation (foam plastic, mineral wool). In the schematic drawing you can see one of the options for insulating the internal opening. This is not a very big expense. But in this way the thermal insulation of the window will be improved.

How good is the installation?

How to understand that the windows were installed without violations of technology?

  • The glass unit does not fog up and does not freeze.
  • There are no drafts from under the frame or sash. When installing windows, they are adjusted and set to seasonal settings. You can check for a draft by holding a lit match or lighter to the window. If the light does not fluctuate or go out, then the sealing is correct.
  • The sash opens easily without the use of significant effort, the same applies to switching to ventilation mode.
  • When opening or pressing the frame there is no play in the entire system.
  • There should be no gaps between the profile and the window opening.
  • All joints with sills and window sills are carefully sealed with silicone.

The installer is obliged to check the quality of work and provide warranty service for double-glazed windows.

Also, during operation over a significant period of time (several seasons), the frame should not sag or become loose in the opening. And all the fittings work correctly, without jamming or malfunctioning. If there are violations listed in the list, then you need to contact the installer company. Typically, all manufacturers and installers provide a service guarantee and such defects are eliminated free of charge.

The answer to the question whether it is possible to install plastic windows in winter is yes, but taking into account some nuances. One of them is maintaining temperature conditions. Installation of PVC windows in winter is a more technologically demanding process, but it is possible, just as in summer. In addition, correctly installed plastic double-glazed windows will significantly reduce heating costs.

It must be admitted that apartment or house owners rarely think about heating their homes during the hot season. You can probably say this about yourself. But when the rooms become really cold, strong drafts are felt, blowing out all the heat, and the window is covered with frost, people begin to worry that it would be a good idea to replace the old windows with high-quality and more insulated ones. The frost on the glass then turns into water, which flows down the window sill and spoils the wall cladding.

In this case, it is important to understand that the answer is yes, but when carrying out such work, certain rules must be followed.

Is it dangerous to replace windows in winter? Opinions

During the period when the old window is removed and a new one is installed, the room can become very cold. At the same time, according to buyers, materials for interior decoration deteriorate, because they are not prepared for sudden temperature changes. You will encounter this problem if you decide to replace a window with an unqualified team. Installation will take a lot of time. Otherwise, the work will take no more than half an hour. During this time, nothing will happen to the new renovation, while apartment owners recommend protecting heat-loving plants from frost.

When deciding whether it is possible to install plastic windows in winter, you will need to prepare the room. For this purpose, products and surfaces that may be damaged are covered with moisture-proof materials. This applies to books and technology. If you are wondering whether it is possible to install plastic windows in winter, reviews about this are worth reading. From them you can find out that the room where the glass unit is being replaced is closed tightly so that cold air does not penetrate into other rooms.

Features of winter window installation

If you still haven’t decided for yourself whether it’s worth replacing double-glazed windows in the winter, then you should consider some of the advantages of carrying out such work in the cold season. The advantage is that you can find big discounts on installing windows in winter, because most consumers prefer to do it in the summer. The demand for plastic windows is falling, and manufacturers are making concessions to increase the number of customers.

When thinking about whether it is possible to install plastic windows in winter, you should familiarize yourself with state standards, from which you can find out that such work is carried out at any time of the year, but you need to take into account that the temperature outside the window should not drop below -15 °C. Wind speed is also important; it should not be more than 8 m per second. Otherwise, the sealant and polyurethane foam, as well as other building mixtures, may freeze and become brittle. Therefore, before calling specialists, you need to check the weather forecast and choose a suitable day.

If you still haven’t decided for yourself whether it’s possible to install plastic windows in winter, then you should remember about the internal climate. Sometimes such work is carried out in new buildings. Brought double-glazed windows must be acclimatized at positive temperatures. Typically, window transport vehicles have an open body. When exposed to cold, low-quality plastic may shrink. If you find such a defect, then after installation is completed the windows may “float” and lose their rigidity, as well as their original shape.

Effect of cold on materials

Without exception, all modern companies whose activities are aimed at installing plastic windows are engaged in the winter installation of double-glazed windows. However, before you call the specialists, you should ask which manufacturer’s profiles they use. For example, the Veka company positions its products as windows that are not afraid of any frost.

Professionals emphasize that the problem can be expressed in polyurethane foam. It expands during a chemical reaction. Upon contact with water, polymerization occurs. The colder the air, the lower its humidity will be. As a result, low temperatures can cause the foam to simply not work and remain in a preserved state. When it gets warmer outside, the material will begin to swell with all the ensuing consequences.

The problem exists, but it is easily solved by using sealants and special-purpose foams. It is important to ask whether specialists use winter compounds that allow installation down to -25 °C. Some polyurethane foams have an even lower temperature limit.

When consumers decide whether it is possible to install plastic windows in an apartment in winter, they often learn about the fact that when such work is carried out, a protective screen is sometimes installed in the opening. It prevents cold wind from entering the room. But this approach is relevant when the frost outside is unbearable.

Installation of double-glazed windows in a house under construction. Is it worth starting work in winter?

When it comes to installing double-glazed windows in a residential building in winter, a great many questions may arise. Their number increases when the consumer thinks about whether it is possible to install plastic windows in an unheated room in winter? The answer here is also yes.

However, you should only use materials that are designed to withstand sub-zero temperatures. Their polymerization occurs under difficult conditions, and the properties do not change. As a result, you will be able to get windows that will not “cry”. This is what buyers most often worry about when they plan to update the double-glazed windows in an apartment or house. But at the same time, you should be prepared that the company sometimes increases the price of expensive foam.

Additional complications

The problem can also be expressed in the fact that the room will have to be cleared of all pieces of furniture and plants, which is not always possible. This is due to the fact that the old windows will not have to be removed until the new ones are in place. This is due to the fact that the count will be in minutes.

Is it worth it?

When you know the answer to the question of whether it is possible to install plastic windows in the winter in a house under construction, you should think three times about the feasibility of carrying out such work. There are several other ways to improve indoor comfort. You can carry out internal insulation or use economical modern heating devices. And then, after waiting for spring, call specialists who will not disturb the comfort of the household.


If you want to install double-glazed windows when the temperature outside the window has dropped below zero, you should contact a qualified company. Its specialists are trained and prepared for such work. They will carry out everything quite quickly, and the house will remain “naked” for a minimum time.

Within half an hour after the old structure is removed, a new one will appear in the opening. Its position will only need to be oriented vertically and the gaps filled. If you are wondering whether it is possible to install plastic windows in winter wooden house, then you should take into account that experts advise waiting until spring. But if you want to make your home truly cozy and warm tomorrow, then you should choose the profiles of well-known companies. One of them is Veka, which recommends installing its windows in the Far North and Siberia.

Installing plastic windows in winter: important points and installation features

Few people associate the winter period with construction or repair work. But if you are interested in installing plastic windows in winter, then this time provides several undeniable advantages. Why it is still possible to install windows in winter and how to do it correctly is what “Dream House” will tell you in this article.

Installation of plastic windows in winter

Why is it profitable to install plastic windows in winter?

The main advantage of winter installation of plastic windows is low cost. Since most people still strive to complete labor-intensive renovation work during the warm season, with the arrival of winter, window installation companies have to make seasonal discounts. In addition, as a rule, workers in winter are less busy with orders, so they will be able to devote more time to you. However, an attractive price is by no means the only advantage of winter window installation.

Quite often, situations arise when, having installed windows in the warm season, during cold weather the owners notice some problems, for example, plastic windows sweat, leak, condensation forms between the sashes, etc. This happens either due to the use of low-quality components, or due to errors made during installation. When installing windows at low temperatures, all defects are immediately noticeable, which, accordingly, makes it possible to correct them on the spot.

When wondering whether it is possible to install windows in winter, many are afraid that the room will freeze. Of course, in winter it is not very comfortable to be in a room without windows, but you need to take into account that the window opening will be completely open for no more than one hour. In such a short period of time, even at sub-zero temperatures, the room will not have time to freeze out.

Is it possible to install plastic windows in winter?

Installation of plastic windows in winter

How to install windows in winter

According to established standards, installation of plastic windows is possible only at temperatures above -15°C. The fact is that at very low temperatures rubber compressor and the window profile become inelastic, which can lead to errors during installation. However, if window installation is urgently needed and the air temperature is below -15°C, then a special protective screen or heat gun will be used to carry out the work. These features do not in any way affect the quality of installation and functionality of the structure, however, the cost of installing a window using a protective screen or a heat gun will be several times higher.

Window installation in winter has several characteristic features. Since the window frame cools significantly during transportation of the structure, it is recommended to carry out installation work the next day, that is, the window structure should remain in the room for approximately 24 hours. This is necessary for better installation of windows. When exposed to low temperatures, the plastic shrinks slightly, but as it warms up it will begin to expand, which will lead to deformation of the lines and disruption of the functionality of the window. In addition, being exposed to the cold for a long time makes the plastic more fragile, which complicates the entire installation process.

Installation of plastic windows in winter photo

Preparing to install metal-plastic windows in winter

In winter, when installing plastic windows, it is necessary to take into account changes in the properties of polyurethane foam and tape.

At sub-zero temperatures, the surface of buildings and structures decreases by several degrees, which causes a decrease in the adhesiveness of the mounting tapes necessary for insulating openings. Because of this, even before starting installation work, it is necessary to warm the surface of the adhesive tape to at least 15 degrees above zero. In addition, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the surface of the joints, since even a small amount of frost will make it impossible to attach the tape. To reduce the steps preparatory work, experts recommend fastening the tapes to window frame even before the installation process. It is best if this operation is performed before dismantling the old window. If you notice that the tape is still frozen, you need to warm it up as soon as possible with hot steam at a distance of at least 15 centimeters.

Correct installation of plastic windows in winter

The qualitative features of a plastic window largely depend on the mounting foam. For winter installation, you need polyurethane foam, which contains antifreeze additives, promoting rapid hardening.

The joints are filled with foam after the structure has been installed and secured with tapes. During installation, it is necessary to prevent cold air from entering the surface of fresh polyurethane foam, since in this case it will no longer be possible to hermetically fill the joints. To eliminate possible errors, in winter it is recommended to carry out this operation in two stages. First, the joints are filled in cold zone, using a “heat gun”, then a second layer of foam is applied to the warm zone.

Window installation in winter

High-quality installation of plastic windows in winter

How to check the quality of window installation

As already noted, after installing plastic windows in winter, its quality can be checked immediately after completion of the work.

The first step is to carefully inspect the polyurethane foam for the presence of “bubbles”, deformations and cracks. With high-quality installation and design, the window should open and close easily. When closing, the window should fit snugly against the frame, without forming gaps, and the handle should turn freely in any direction.

The following signs indicate errors were made during installation:

  • bringing your palm to the seal, you feel cold air;
  • the window jams when opening/closing;
  • gaps or gaps are noticeable between the wall and the frame of the window structure;
  • when opening the window frame profile moves.

In addition, a clear sign of poor quality design or errors during installation is low room temperature. Even in the most severe frosts, the temperature in an apartment or house with closed plastic windows cannot be lower than +18°C.

Is it possible to install windows in winter?

Installation of windows in winter photo

As you can see, installing plastic windows in winter is more than possible. However, in order to avoid possible installation errors, as well as significant inconvenience for apartment residents, experts recommend carrying out this work in winter at temperatures from 0 to -10°C.

Is it possible to install plastic windows in winter?

Many people are interested in the question: is it possible to install windows in winter? And really, is it possible? In fact, not everyone thinks about this. As a rule, when the opportunity arises to change the windows to more modern ones, then they do it. And in winter you can still get a discount, because the companies that do this don’t have many orders during the cold period. Also, the windows themselves will be manufactured faster for the reasons stated above. In general, everything seems to indicate that there is no need to wait for the warm season. Well, of course, the house will be cold during installation, but then you can warm everything up. It doesn't seem to be a problem. In addition, if the installers know their job, the work will be completed promptly.

But is this really so? In this article we are going to raise the question - is it possible to install plastic windows in winter?

The Teplo Doma company offers its assistance in installing and repairing windows. It doesn’t matter to us when you need our services: in winter or summer. Our specialists always strive to do their work efficiently. We are responsible for everything we do. If you have decided to change your windows, then all you have to do is contact our online consultant.

Installation of plastic windows in winter

Do they install windows in winter? There is a myth circulating on the Internet that installing plastic windows in winter is strictly prohibited. Many people willingly believe in this, without going into details. For most, the main thing is that everything works for a long time and does not create problems. And asking some unnecessary questions is unnecessary.

However, there is one small “but” - In winter, plastic windows can be installed. Nobody forbids you to do this. Even according to GOST this is allowed. Of course, there are some nuances and rules. If you follow them, then no problems will arise. There are recommendations from the window manufacturer, and experienced installers are also aware of them.

For example, a window that has just been delivered cannot be installed. Why? The fact is that in the cold, plastic tends to shrink. After installation, the window will heat up from the room and may leak. That is why, before installation, it is necessary for metal-plastic structures to lie in a warm room for some time.

Is it possible to install plastic windows in winter? Yes, but not at -15 degrees. Why not? It's a rubber seal issue. In the cold it will stiffen, and it will be very difficult for installers to make an accurate connection of the sash. Although, on the other hand, if the double-glazed window warms up in the room, it is unlikely that it will freeze that much even with the window opening open. Therefore, in principle, there is nothing to worry about.

Another thing is cooling the apartment. After all, during installation you will have to completely open the window opening.

Is it dangerous to cool an apartment when installing windows in the winter?

But really, what should we do about it? Even the most efficient craftsmen will not be able to do the job so quickly as not to cool the room. Right? With an open window, the room will become colder every second. So?

Many owners first begin to worry about their expensive repairs. After all, most materials intended for interior decoration are not suitable for use in subzero temperatures. That is why a logical question arises: “Is it worth installing plastic windows in winter?”

All this looks like horror stories that for some reason scare gullible citizens. Where should the sub-zero temperature come from in the room? After the old window is dismantled, the film is immediately stretched in its place. The door to the room closes. Work with a completely open opening lasts no more than 30 minutes. In practice, the room temperature drops by only 10 degrees. If you don’t want this either, you can simply turn on the fan heater, and then the temperature regime will remain without much change.

Winter installation and its quality

In fact, the quality of installation, both in winter and in summer, depends mainly on the experience of the craftsmen carrying out repair work. Also, do not forget about the quality of the materials used. But the question is definitely not appropriate here: at what temperature are windows installed in winter? From all this it follows that problems may begin with windows installed in the summer within a month, while metal-plastic structures installed in the winter will serve faithfully for many years. Or maybe everything will be the other way around.

In general, installation of plastic windows in winter is not much different from work carried out in the warm season. Although there are still some nuances:

  • First you need to dismantle the old windows.
  • Then comes the preparation of the opening: cleaning it from ice, snow and dirt, heating it with a hairdryer. The latter is done for better adhesion of the polyurethane foam to the surface.
  • Installation of the box.
  • Foaming. In this case, special frost-resistant polyurethane foam is used.
  • Insulation of slopes.
  • Window sill installation.
  • Equipping windows with fittings and adjusting them.
  • It is advisable that the temperature outside is not below -15 degrees.

Window testing

After installing a window, every owner considers it his duty to check its operation. And it is right. You need to make sure that plastic windows can be installed in winter. By the way, it is worth noting that checking the operation of windows in cold weather is much easier. After all, it’s warm inside and cold outside. You can immediately feel whether it is blowing or not.

So, first you should check the window for tightness. For this you will need a regular A4 sheet. You need to pinch it with the sash and then try to pull it out. Naturally, the attempt should not be successful. The sash should be checked on each side.

You can find out if it is blowing from a window using an ordinary candle. Set it on fire and drive around the perimeter. If there is a delay somewhere, then the installers should not be released.

Important! The window should close tightly, there should be no blowing from it, and the sash should not catch anything. If noise continues to be heard from the street, then most likely an installation error was made.

But in order not to worry again, you should contact a company that has already proven itself on this issue.


When is it better to install windows: winter or summer? Whenever is convenient for you. In winter you can “run into” a good deal, and in summer it is more comfortable to carry out repair work. If we are talking about the quality of installation, then a good specialist does not care when to install. Although, as already noted, it is not recommended to carry out work in severe frosts.

That's probably all.

Where to order window installation in winter in Moscow?

We present to your attention the services of the Teplo Doma company. Our specialists will install and repair windows equally well in both summer and winter. Only unscrupulous craftsmen can blame the time of year for the fact that a window does not perform its functions. We all understand this and want you to understand it too. If you want the work to be done efficiently and quickly, then contact us. Right now you can discuss this issue with our consultant.

Is it worth installing plastic windows in winter?

We hear from window manufacturers that winter installation has many advantages, but nevertheless we prefer to leave this process for the warm season. It would be great if there was confidence that everything would go smoothly and installing windows in winter would not result in additional problems.

By the way, we can say that winter is a time when we generally have fewer worries. After all, in the summer you want to spend more time with friends and family, travel, especially since summer ends very quickly. So why waste time replacing windows in the summer, if you can do it perfectly in the winter, and just enjoy it in the summer and have more free time?

Benefits of changing windows in winter

Oleg Kolkutin, head of the installation department of the IRTYSH WINDOWS company, will talk about the advantages of winter installation and the features associated with installing windows in winter :

1) Better price. Everything in winter window companies they offer good discounts and this is really an opportunity to buy windows at more favorable price. What's the catch? A very large discount is a clear sign that the company will save on the quality of materials. For example, a company spends 50% of the money received from the client on the purchase of materials. The remaining 50% goes towards payment fixed costs: rent, taxes, wage employees, and these expenses are constant, that is, they cannot be reduced. Therefore, the discount is mainly given due to the price of materials: cheaper seals, fittings, thinner metal, etc. Conclusion: if you see a suspiciously large discount, you should be wary and ask the manufacturer in more detail about the quality of the materials offered. However, a discount of 10-15% is just healthy competition, and there is hardly anything bad hidden behind it.

2) The quality of the window is immediately obvious. In warm seasons, it is difficult to objectively judge the quality of installed plastic windows, because, first of all, they should protect your home from the winter cold, and when it is warm outside, you can only evaluate sound insulation, which is secondary. Yours true face Any windows are immediately shown only in winter. What's the catch? Yes, indeed, in winter you can immediately evaluate the result of the work: is there any ventilation, are the windows freezing, etc. However, what will this actually change? The result is the same - you still have to call the company’s employees again so that the work is completed in full and efficiently. Conclusion: if the work is done by professionals, then it is of the same quality both in winter and in summer. To maintain heat in the room during the cold season, you can use special installation with closing the opening special material by type of tent.

3) Unforeseen circumstances during the installation process. Perhaps the most unpleasant thing is when the new window does not fit, and the old one has already been dismantled. Even if the company does everything warranty obligations and make a new window correct size, stress is guaranteed for you. Anyone can make mistakes and such cases cannot be reduced to zero. However, if the company is professional, it will never allow a situation where the client is left without a window. In our company, before dismantling a window, installers check the new window for compliance with the dimensions of the opening. In this case, the maximum that you will have to endure if the window does not match the size of the opening is rescheduling the installation to another date!


The conclusion that can be drawn is: it doesn’t matter what time of year you plan to install windows. It is important which company you hire to do this work. And if you turn to professionals, then you really have the opportunity to buy good windows on favorable terms and install them in a shorter time.

Is it possible to install a plastic window in winter?

Korovin Sergey Dmitrievich

Master of Architecture, graduated from Samara State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. 11 years of experience in design and construction.

Modern windows are installed not only to replace old wooden ones; they are often preferred in the construction of new housing. What to do if the process of installing a window unit falls in the winter? Is it possible to install plastic windows in winter or will this process have to be postponed until spring?

When to install windows

Of course, it is best to do a leisurely replacement or installation in the warm season under normal weather conditions and positive temperatures. But, if the construction of a new house has been delayed, then it is also possible to install plastic windows in winter. The same applies to replacing old windows with new ones. There are some positive aspects to this season, but you need to take into account some nuances. So is it possible to install plastic windows in winter?

Advantages of winter installation

Windows in our country are a seasonal product. Most consumers try to have time to carry out installation in the spring and summer, when it is more convenient. Most often, window installation companies work under increased load during this period, so owners have to wait longer for orders to be completed.

In winter, the demand for installation and construction work drops sharply

Installing windows in winter, on the contrary, gives an advantage in the quality of order fulfillment. Most construction work, including window installation, is less in demand during the cold season. At this time, you can find interesting offers for the manufacture and installation of window systems: promotions, discounts and others. In addition, the installers will not be in a hurry, since the schedule is not so tight, which will affect the quality of the installation. These are the main advantages with which you should not be afraid to install windows in winter.

Nuances of the cold season

It is important to consider the temperature at which the installation is carried out. It is prohibited to install plastic windows in winter at temperatures below -20 degrees. In this case, the construction foam, which is used as a sealant, will contain a large number of ice crystals, and the quality of such an installation will be much lower. And after a while, consequences such as freezing and mold will appear.

Also, if there is too much frost (-15 and below), the seals of opening windows become less elastic, which can lead to poor adjustment of the sashes.

The sealant for PVC windows loses its quality during installation work at temperatures below 15 degrees

If you plan to install plastic windows in a new building in winter, then at acceptable air temperatures all work can be carried out without problems.

Another thing is replacement in residential premises. It is worth considering that installation time is 30-40 minutes for each double-glazed window, and the rooms will cool down. To do this, unlike in the summer, you need to dismantle and replace double-glazed windows in stages.

In winter, after the double-glazed windows are delivered, they need to be kept in the house at room temperature for 24 hours so that all the elements warm up. This is done in order to avoid thermal deformation.

Another option for winter installation is to carry out the so-called warm installation of window systems.

Winter installation technology

Installation of window units in winter is complicated by low temperatures and high humidity. It is necessary to somehow neutralize these negative conditions. To do this, installers can use two methods for winter installation of double-glazed windows.

The simplest winter installation

As mentioned above, in winter some nuances must be observed in accordance with the time of year.

In the cold season, frost-resistant polyurethane foam must be used to seal joints.

  • Firstly, for sealing you need to use polyurethane foam with frost-resistant components in the composition.
  • Secondly, in the cold season, a “heat” gun is used when foaming joints. It is used to warm up the layer of applied foam on the street side. And only then do they start filling the gaps from the inside with foam. This is done to ensure that all voids are properly filled with sealant (foam).
  • Thirdly, this is a step-by-step installation. That is, having dismantled the old one, they immediately installed a new one, and so on one by one, working with each opening.
  • Fourthly, the mounting tape is attached in warm conditions. If possibilities allow, then before removing the old ones.
  • And fifthly, the hydro- and vapor barrier tape (PSUL) is also heated by a “heat” gun during installation.

Using a heat gun, the joint surfaces and PSUL tape are heated

This is the most basic “winter” technology for installing double-glazed windows, without which it is impossible to obtain a high-quality result.

Warm installation

The use of this technology will increase the cost of installing windows, but its use can smooth out the conditions of the winter season.

What does the technology of warm installation of plastic windows provide?

  • Warm installation of windows is a mandatory external sealing of the opening. To protect the installation site, a protective screen is attached to the opening on the street side. A heat shield for installing windows holds back the heated air in the room and prevents the installed double-glazed windows from freezing. In addition, such protection will not allow excess moisture to enter.
  • For compaction, as with conventional winter installations, frost-resistant polyurethane foam is used.
  • Compliance with internal sealing of the joints between the frame and the opening is mandatory. Inside there is silicone (a sealant that prevents moisture from entering). The middle layer will be polyurethane foam, which acts as a sealant and insulates the joint. From the outside, all gaps are covered with waterproof tape.

Installation of windows in winter involves a work algorithm similar to the usual one for installation in the warm season:

  • The opening closes;
  • dismantling old frames;
  • preparation of the opening surface;
  • installation work;
  • finishing of slopes.

The protective screen ensures reliable and high-quality installation of PVC windows in winter

The use of warm installation technology is more preferable in winter. A protective screen in combination with materials will ensure better installation without additional risks (destruction of the seal, the appearance of mold and mildew) in any type of building (brick, panel or block house). In addition, the use of triple protection during warm installation will increase the tightness, which will reduce heating costs.

Additional work

A prerequisite for high-quality installation both in winter and summer will be the finishing of the slopes of the window opening following installation.

Why is this additional work needed? The main function of finishing slopes is to protect the gaps between the window and the opening from temperature changes and moisture. Foam is an excellent sealant and insulator, but it is very sensitive to ultraviolet rays and humidity. If you do not close the gaps, in a month the sealing layer will lose its properties, and by spring it will begin to collapse.

It is better to finish the slopes of a window opening with insulation

After installation work comes finishing work. It is best to make the slopes warm, that is, with an additional layer of insulation (foam plastic, mineral wool). In the schematic drawing you can see one of the options for insulating the internal opening. This is not a very big expense. But in this way the thermal insulation of the window will be improved.

How good is the installation?

How to understand that the windows were installed without violations of technology?

  • The glass unit does not fog up and does not freeze.
  • There are no drafts from under the frame or sash. When installing windows, they are adjusted and set to seasonal settings. You can check for a draft by holding a lit match or lighter to the window. If the light does not fluctuate or go out, then the sealing is correct.
  • The sash opens easily without the use of significant effort, the same applies to switching to ventilation mode.
  • When opening or pressing the frame there is no play in the entire system.
  • There should be no gaps between the profile and the window opening.
  • All joints with sills and window sills are carefully sealed with silicone.

The installer is obliged to check the quality of work and provide warranty service for double-glazed windows.

Also, during operation over a significant period of time (several seasons), the frame should not sag or become loose in the opening. And all the fittings work correctly, without jamming or malfunctioning. If there are violations listed in the list, then you need to contact the installer company. Typically, all manufacturers and installers provide a service guarantee and such defects are eliminated free of charge.

The answer to the question whether it is possible to install plastic windows in winter is yes, but taking into account some nuances. One of them is maintaining temperature conditions. Installation of PVC windows in winter is a more technologically demanding process, but it is possible, just as in summer. In addition, correctly installed plastic double-glazed windows will significantly reduce heating costs.

The vacation period quite often coincides with people’s desire to make repairs to their apartment or house, and since most people choose the summer months for their vacation, renovation work is planned specifically for the summer. At the same time with general repairs Usually, plastic windows are installed or repaired, because it’s nice to immediately put the apartment in decent shape, so as not to have to worry about its appearance for several years.

But it's all about complete renovation in the house, and what if the decision was made to only install new windows? You will probably need to choose the most convenient time for the season, because the window openings will be open throughout the day. Despite the fact that the plastic profile is easy to install, in cold weather it is not so flexible, and therefore there will definitely be difficulties in installation.

In what season is it better to install plastic windows?

New technological solutions appear every year, and if a decade ago experts said that plastic windows could only be installed in the warm season, now it is possible to do this when there is a special need for it.

Of course, even now there are some issues that will require special attention, but if critical events occur, plastic windows are installed at any time.

Advantages and difficulties of installing windows in winter:

  • An undoubted advantage will be the cost of plastic windows, which drops during the season of low demand. Some clients use this moment to buy windows in advance for the proposed renovation, and plan the actual installation for the summer;
  • During installation, you can immediately check the tightness, because even a small defect will immediately appear as a draft. As a result, either the defect will be eliminated immediately, or the window will be replaced with a similar one, and no further alterations will be required;
  • Only very severe frosts can interfere with the installation, during which even heat shields do not help maintain the temperature of the window opening acceptable for work. While the windows are being installed, it will be cold in the apartment, so you need to immediately plan that you will not be able to stay in the house;
  • The polyurethane foam that is used when installing a window requires a certain external temperature, and humidity will also play an important role. Among the technological innovations, we can confidently highlight the presence of special foam for installing windows in winter conditions, but there is a limit here (not lower than 15 degrees below zero).

Advantages and challenges summer installation windows:

  • comfortable temperature and low humidity will allow specialists to work much faster, and the residents themselves will be able to stay in the apartment. The window openings will be constantly open, but this will not create difficulties, because in summer it is quite warm even in the evenings;
  • long daylight hours will allow you to install a window unit in one working day, all work will be done quickly. By evening, apartment residents will enjoy the view from the new window, since all work will be completed at once;
  • Everyone understands the benefits of installing windows in the summer, so the demand for plastic frames rises sharply, therefore, the prices for windows will increase compared to winter or late autumn.

Most favorable period for work on the installation of plastic windows - these are the last months of spring, when it is already quite warm, but there is still no rush to buy windows. If you did not purchase plastic windows in the winter, then you can purchase and install windows in the spring - it is economical and convenient in all respects.

Many people are interested in the question: is it possible to install windows in winter? And really, is it possible? In fact, not everyone thinks about this. As a rule, when the opportunity arises to change the windows to more modern ones, then they do it. And in winter you can still get a discount, because the companies that do this don’t have many orders during the cold period. Also, the windows themselves will be manufactured faster for the reasons stated above. In general, everything seems to indicate that there is no need to wait for the warm season. Well, of course, the house will be cold during installation, but then you can warm everything up. It doesn't seem to be a problem. In addition, if the installers know their job, the work will be completed promptly.

But is this really so? In this article we are going to raise the question - is it possible to install plastic windows in winter?

The Teplo Doma company offers its assistance in installing and repairing windows. It doesn’t matter to us when you need our services: in winter or summer. Our specialists always strive to do their work efficiently. We are responsible for everything we do. If you have decided to change your windows, then all you have to do is contact our online consultant.

Installation of plastic windows in winter

Do they install windows in winter? There is a myth circulating on the Internet that installing plastic windows in winter is strictly prohibited. Many people willingly believe in this, without going into details. For most, the main thing is that everything works for a long time and does not create problems. And asking some unnecessary questions is unnecessary.

However, there is one small “but” - In winter, plastic windows can be installed. Nobody forbids you to do this. Even according to GOST this is allowed. Of course, there are some nuances and rules. If you follow them, then no problems will arise. There are recommendations from the window manufacturer, and experienced installers are also aware of them.

For example, a window that has just been delivered cannot be installed. Why? The fact is that in the cold, plastic tends to shrink. After installation, the window will heat up from the room and may leak. That is why, before installation, it is necessary for metal-plastic structures to lie in a warm room for some time.

Is it possible to install plastic windows in winter? Yes, but not at -15 degrees. Why not? It's a rubber seal issue. In the cold it will stiffen, and it will be very difficult for installers to make an accurate connection of the sash. Although, on the other hand, if the double-glazed window warms up in the room, it is unlikely that it will freeze that much even with the window opening open. Therefore, in principle, there is nothing to worry about.

Another thing is cooling the apartment. After all, during installation you will have to completely open the window opening.

Is it dangerous to cool an apartment when installing windows in the winter?

But really, what should we do about it? Even the most efficient craftsmen will not be able to do the job so quickly as not to cool the room. Right? With an open window, the room will become colder every second. So?

Many owners first begin to worry about their expensive repairs. After all, most materials intended for interior decoration are not suitable for use in subzero temperatures. That is why a logical question arises: “Is it worth installing plastic windows in winter?”

All this looks like horror stories that for some reason scare gullible citizens. Where should the sub-zero temperature come from in the room? After the old window is dismantled, the film is immediately stretched in its place. The door to the room closes. Work with a completely open opening lasts no more than 30 minutes. In practice, the room temperature drops by only 10 degrees. If you don’t want this either, you can simply turn on the fan heater, and then the temperature regime will remain without much change.

Winter installation and its quality

In fact, the quality of installation, both in winter and in summer, depends mainly on the experience of the craftsmen carrying out repair work. Also, do not forget about the quality of the materials used. But the question is definitely not appropriate here: at what temperature are windows installed in winter? From all this it follows that problems may begin with windows installed in the summer within a month, while metal-plastic structures installed in the winter will serve faithfully for many years. Or maybe everything will be the other way around.

In general, installation of plastic windows in winter is not much different from work carried out in the warm season. Although there are still some nuances:

  • First you need to dismantle the old windows.
  • Then comes the preparation of the opening: cleaning it from ice, snow and dirt, heating it with a hairdryer. The latter is done for better adhesion of the polyurethane foam to the surface.
  • Installation of the box.
  • Foaming. In this case, special frost-resistant polyurethane foam is used.
  • Insulation of slopes.
  • Window sill installation.
  • Equipping windows with fittings and adjusting them.
  • It is advisable that the temperature outside is not below -15 degrees.

Window testing

After installing a window, every owner considers it his duty to check its operation. And it is right. You need to make sure that plastic windows can be installed in winter. By the way, it is worth noting that checking the operation of windows in cold weather is much easier. After all, it’s warm inside and cold outside. You can immediately feel whether it is blowing or not.

So, first you should check the window for tightness. For this you will need a regular A4 sheet. You need to pinch it with the sash and then try to pull it out. Naturally, the attempt should not be successful. The sash should be checked on each side.

You can find out if it is blowing from a window using an ordinary candle. Set it on fire and drive around the perimeter. If there is a delay somewhere, then the installers should not be released.

Important! The window should close tightly, there should be no blowing from it, and the sash should not catch anything. If noise continues to be heard from the street, then most likely an installation error was made.

But in order not to worry again, you should contact a company that has already proven itself on this issue.


When is it better to install windows: winter or summer? Whenever is convenient for you. In winter you can “run into” a good deal, and in summer it is more comfortable to carry out repair work. If we are talking about the quality of installation, then a good specialist does not care when to install. Although, as already noted, it is not recommended to carry out work in severe frosts.

That's probably all.

Where to order window installation in winter in Moscow?

We present to your attention the services of the Teplo Doma company. Our specialists will install and repair windows equally well in both summer and winter. Only unscrupulous craftsmen can blame the time of year for the fact that a window does not perform its functions. We all understand this and want you to understand it too. If you want the work to be done efficiently and quickly, then contact us. Right now you can discuss this issue with our consultant.

Is it possible to install a plastic window in winter?

Korovin Sergey Dmitrievich

Master of Architecture, graduated from Samara State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. 11 years of experience in design and construction.

Modern windows are installed not only to replace old wooden ones; they are often preferred in the construction of new housing. What to do if the process of installing a window unit falls in the winter? Is it possible to install plastic windows in winter or will this process have to be postponed until spring?

When to install windows

Of course, it is best to do a leisurely replacement or installation in the warm season under normal weather conditions and positive temperatures. But, if the construction of a new house has been delayed, then it is also possible to install plastic windows in winter. The same applies to replacing old windows with new ones. There are some positive aspects to this season, but you need to take into account some nuances. So is it possible to install plastic windows in winter?

Advantages of winter installation

Windows in our country are a seasonal product. Most consumers try to have time to carry out installation in the spring and summer, when it is more convenient. Most often, window installation companies work under increased load during this period, so owners have to wait longer for orders to be completed.

In winter, the demand for installation and construction work drops sharply

Installing windows in winter, on the contrary, gives an advantage in the quality of order fulfillment. Most construction work, including window installation, is less in demand during the cold season. At this time, you can find interesting offers for the manufacture and installation of window systems: promotions, discounts and others. In addition, the installers will not be in a hurry, since the schedule is not so tight, which will affect the quality of the installation. These are the main advantages with which you should not be afraid to install windows in winter.

Nuances of the cold season

It is important to consider the temperature at which the installation is carried out. It is prohibited to install plastic windows in winter at temperatures below -20 degrees. In this case, the construction foam, which is used as a sealant, will contain a large number of ice crystals, and the quality of such an installation will be much lower. And after a while, consequences such as freezing and mold will appear.

Also, if there is too much frost (-15 and below), the seals of opening windows become less elastic, which can lead to poor adjustment of the sashes.

The sealant for PVC windows loses its quality during installation work at temperatures below 15 degrees

If you plan to install plastic windows in a new building in winter, then at acceptable air temperatures all work can be carried out without problems.

Another thing is replacement in residential premises. It is worth considering that installation time is 30-40 minutes for each double-glazed window, and the rooms will cool down. To do this, unlike in the summer, you need to dismantle and replace double-glazed windows in stages.

In winter, after the double-glazed windows are delivered, they need to be kept in the house at room temperature for 24 hours so that all the elements warm up. This is done in order to avoid thermal deformation.

Another option for winter installation is to carry out the so-called warm installation of window systems.

Winter installation technology

Installation of window units in winter is complicated by low temperatures and high humidity. It is necessary to somehow neutralize these negative conditions. To do this, installers can use two methods for winter installation of double-glazed windows.

The simplest winter installation

As mentioned above, in winter some nuances must be observed in accordance with the time of year.

In the cold season, frost-resistant polyurethane foam must be used to seal joints.

  • Firstly, for sealing you need to use polyurethane foam with frost-resistant components in the composition.
  • Secondly, in the cold season, a “heat” gun is used when foaming joints. It is used to warm up the layer of applied foam on the street side. And only then do they start filling the gaps from the inside with foam. This is done to ensure that all voids are properly filled with sealant (foam).
  • Thirdly, this is a step-by-step installation. That is, having dismantled the old one, they immediately installed a new one, and so on one by one, working with each opening.
  • Fourthly, the mounting tape is attached in warm conditions. If possibilities allow, then before removing the old ones.
  • And fifthly, the hydro- and vapor barrier tape (PSUL) is also heated by a “heat” gun during installation.

Using a heat gun, the joint surfaces and PSUL tape are heated

This is the most basic “winter” technology for installing double-glazed windows, without which it is impossible to obtain a high-quality result.

Warm installation

The use of this technology will increase the cost of installing windows, but its use can smooth out the conditions of the winter season.

What does the technology of warm installation of plastic windows provide?

  • Warm installation of windows is a mandatory external sealing of the opening. To protect the installation site, a protective screen is attached to the opening on the street side. A heat shield for installing windows holds back the heated air in the room and prevents the installed double-glazed windows from freezing. In addition, such protection will not allow excess moisture to enter.
  • For compaction, as with conventional winter installations, frost-resistant polyurethane foam is used.
  • Compliance with internal sealing of the joints between the frame and the opening is mandatory. Inside there is silicone (a sealant that prevents moisture from entering). The middle layer will be polyurethane foam, which acts as a sealant and insulates the joint. From the outside, all gaps are covered with waterproof tape.

Installation of windows in winter involves a work algorithm similar to the usual one for installation in the warm season:

  • The opening closes;
  • dismantling old frames;
  • preparation of the opening surface;
  • installation work;
  • finishing of slopes.

The protective screen ensures reliable and high-quality installation of PVC windows in winter

The use of warm installation technology is more preferable in winter. A protective screen in combination with materials will ensure better installation without additional risks (destruction of the seal, the appearance of mold and mildew) in any type of building (brick, panel or block house). In addition, the use of triple protection during warm installation will increase the tightness, which will reduce heating costs.

Additional work

A prerequisite for high-quality installation both in winter and summer will be the finishing of the slopes of the window opening following installation.

Why is this additional work needed? The main function of finishing slopes is to protect the gaps between the window and the opening from temperature changes and moisture. Foam is an excellent sealant and insulator, but it is very sensitive to ultraviolet rays and humidity. If you do not close the gaps, in a month the sealing layer will lose its properties, and by spring it will begin to collapse.

It is better to finish the slopes of a window opening with insulation

After installation work comes finishing work. It is best to make the slopes warm, that is, with an additional layer of insulation (foam plastic, mineral wool). In the schematic drawing you can see one of the options for insulating the internal opening. This is not a very big expense. But in this way the thermal insulation of the window will be improved.

How good is the installation?

How to understand that the windows were installed without violations of technology?

  • The glass unit does not fog up and does not freeze.
  • There are no drafts from under the frame or sash. When installing windows, they are adjusted and set to seasonal settings. You can check for a draft by holding a lit match or lighter to the window. If the light does not fluctuate or go out, then the sealing is correct.
  • The sash opens easily without the use of significant effort, the same applies to switching to ventilation mode.
  • When opening or pressing the frame there is no play in the entire system.
  • There should be no gaps between the profile and the window opening.
  • All joints with sills and window sills are carefully sealed with silicone.

The installer is obliged to check the quality of work and provide warranty service for double-glazed windows.

Also, during operation over a significant period of time (several seasons), the frame should not sag or become loose in the opening. And all the fittings work correctly, without jamming or malfunctioning. If there are violations listed in the list, then you need to contact the installer company. Typically, all manufacturers and installers provide a service guarantee and such defects are eliminated free of charge.

The answer to the question whether it is possible to install plastic windows in winter is yes, but taking into account some nuances. One of them is maintaining temperature conditions. Installation of PVC windows in winter is a more technologically demanding process, but it is possible, just as in summer. In addition, correctly installed plastic double-glazed windows will significantly reduce heating costs.

Is it possible to install plastic windows in an apartment in winter?

It must be admitted that apartment or house owners rarely think about heating their homes during the hot season. You can probably say this about yourself. But when the rooms become really cold, strong drafts are felt, blowing out all the heat, and the window is covered with frost, people begin to worry that it would be a good idea to replace the old windows with high-quality and more insulated ones. The frost on the glass then turns into water, which flows down the window sill and spoils the wall cladding.

In this case, it is important to understand whether it is possible to install plastic windows in winter? The answer is yes, however, when carrying out such work, certain rules must be followed.

Is it dangerous to replace windows in winter? Opinions

During the period when the old window is removed and a new one is installed, the room can become very cold. At the same time, according to buyers, materials for interior decoration deteriorate, because they are not prepared for sudden temperature changes. You will encounter this problem if you decide to replace a window with an unqualified team. Installation will take a lot of time. Otherwise, the work will take no more than half an hour. During this time, nothing will happen to the new renovation, while apartment owners recommend protecting heat-loving plants from frost.

When deciding whether it is possible to install plastic windows in winter, you will need to prepare the room. For this purpose, products and surfaces that may be damaged are covered with moisture-proof materials. This applies to books and technology. If you are wondering whether it is possible to install plastic windows in winter, reviews about this are worth reading. From them you can find out that the room where the glass unit is being replaced is closed tightly so that cold air does not penetrate into other rooms.

Features of winter window installation

If you still haven’t decided for yourself whether it’s worth replacing double-glazed windows in the winter, then you should consider some of the advantages of carrying out such work in the cold season. The advantage is that you can find big discounts on installing windows in winter, because most consumers prefer to do it in the summer. The demand for plastic windows is falling, and manufacturers are making concessions to increase the number of customers.

When thinking about whether it is possible to install plastic windows in winter, you should familiarize yourself with state standards, from which you can find out that such work is carried out at any time of the year, but you need to take into account that the temperature outside the window should not drop below -15 °C. Wind speed is also important; it should not be more than 8 m per second. Otherwise, the sealant and polyurethane foam, as well as other building mixtures, may freeze and become brittle. Therefore, before calling specialists, you need to check the weather forecast and choose a suitable day.

If you still haven’t decided for yourself whether it’s possible to install plastic windows in winter, then you should remember about the internal climate. Sometimes such work is carried out in new buildings. Brought double-glazed windows must be acclimatized at positive temperatures. Typically, window transport vehicles have an open body. When exposed to cold, low-quality plastic may shrink. If you find such a defect, then after installation is completed the windows may “float” and lose their rigidity, as well as their original shape.

Effect of cold on materials

Without exception, all modern companies whose activities are aimed at installing plastic windows are engaged in the winter installation of double-glazed windows. However, before you call the specialists, you should ask which manufacturer’s profiles they use. For example, the Veka company positions its products as windows that are not afraid of any frost.

Professionals emphasize that the problem can be expressed in polyurethane foam. It expands during a chemical reaction. Upon contact with water, polymerization occurs. The colder the air, the lower its humidity will be. As a result, low temperatures can cause the foam to simply not work and remain in a preserved state. When it gets warmer outside, the material will begin to swell with all the ensuing consequences.

The problem exists, but it is easily solved by using sealants and special-purpose foams. It is important to ask whether specialists use winter compounds that allow installation down to -25 °C. Some polyurethane foams have an even lower temperature limit.

When consumers decide whether it is possible to install plastic windows in an apartment in winter, they often learn about the fact that when such work is carried out, a protective screen is sometimes installed in the opening. It prevents cold wind from entering the room. But this approach is relevant when the frost outside is unbearable.

Installation of double-glazed windows in a house under construction. Is it worth starting work in winter?

When it comes to installing double-glazed windows in a residential building in winter, a great many questions may arise. Their number increases when the consumer thinks about whether it is possible to install plastic windows in an unheated room in winter? The answer here is also yes.

However, you should only use materials that are designed to withstand sub-zero temperatures. Their polymerization occurs under difficult conditions, and the properties do not change. As a result, you will be able to get windows that will not “cry”. This is what buyers most often worry about when they plan to update the double-glazed windows in an apartment or house. But at the same time, you should be prepared that the company sometimes increases the price of expensive foam.

Additional complications

The problem can also be expressed in the fact that the room will have to be cleared of all pieces of furniture and plants, which is not always possible. This is due to the fact that the old windows will not have to be removed until the new ones are in place. This is due to the fact that the count will be in minutes.

Is it worth it?

When you know the answer to the question of whether it is possible to install plastic windows in the winter in a house under construction, you should think three times about the feasibility of carrying out such work. There are several other ways to improve indoor comfort. You can carry out internal insulation or use economical modern heating devices. And then, after waiting for spring, call specialists who will not disturb the comfort of the household.


If you want to install double-glazed windows when the temperature outside the window has dropped below zero, you should contact a qualified company. Its specialists are trained and prepared for such work. They will carry out everything quite quickly, and the house will remain “naked” for a minimum time.

Within half an hour after the old structure is removed, a new one will appear in the opening. Its position will only need to be oriented vertically and the gaps filled. If you are wondering whether it is possible to install plastic windows in a wooden house in winter, then you should take into account that experts advise waiting until spring. But if you want to make your home truly cozy and warm tomorrow, then you should choose the profiles of well-known companies. One of them is Veka, which recommends installing its windows in the Far North and Siberia.

Is it worth installing plastic windows in winter?

We hear from window manufacturers that winter installation has many advantages, but nevertheless we prefer to leave this process for the warm season. It would be great if there was confidence that everything would go smoothly and installing windows in winter would not result in additional problems.

By the way, we can say that winter is a time when we generally have fewer worries. After all, in the summer you want to spend more time with friends and family, travel, especially since summer ends very quickly. So why waste time replacing windows in the summer, if you can do it perfectly in the winter, and just enjoy it in the summer and have more free time?

Benefits of changing windows in winter

Oleg Kolkutin, head of the installation department of the IRTYSH WINDOWS company, will talk about the advantages of winter installation and the features associated with installing windows in winter :

1) Better price. In winter, all window companies offer good discounts and this is truly an opportunity to buy windows at a better price. What's the catch? A very large discount is a clear sign that the company will save on the quality of materials. For example, a company spends 50% of the money received from the client on the purchase of materials. The remaining 50% goes to pay for fixed expenses: rent, taxes, employee salaries, and these expenses are constant, that is, they cannot be reduced. Therefore, the discount is mainly given due to the price of materials: cheaper seals, fittings, thinner metal, etc. Conclusion: if you see a suspiciously large discount, you should be wary and ask the manufacturer in more detail about the quality of the materials offered. However, a discount of 10-15% is just healthy competition, and there is hardly anything bad hidden behind it.

2) The quality of the window is immediately obvious. In warm seasons, it is difficult to objectively judge the quality of installed plastic windows, because, first of all, they should protect your home from the winter cold, and when it is warm outside, you can only evaluate sound insulation, which is secondary. Any windows immediately show their true face only in winter. What's the catch? Yes, indeed, in winter you can immediately evaluate the result of the work: is there any ventilation, are the windows freezing, etc. However, what will this actually change? The result is the same - you still have to call the company’s employees again so that the work is completed in full and efficiently. Conclusion: if the work is done by professionals, then it is of the same quality both in winter and in summer. To preserve heat in the room during the cold season, you can use a special installation with the opening closed with a special material similar to a tent.

3) Unforeseen circumstances during the installation process. Perhaps the most unpleasant thing is when the new window does not fit, and the old one has already been dismantled. Even if the company fulfills all warranty obligations and produces a new window of the correct size, you are guaranteed stress. Anyone can make mistakes and such cases cannot be reduced to zero. However, if the company is professional, it will never allow a situation where the client is left without a window. In our company, before dismantling a window, installers check the new window for compliance with the dimensions of the opening. In this case, the maximum that you will have to endure if the window does not match the size of the opening is rescheduling the installation to another date!


The conclusion that can be drawn is: it doesn’t matter what time of year you plan to install windows. It is important which company you hire to do this work. And if you turn to professionals, then you really have the opportunity to buy good windows on favorable terms and install them in a shorter time.

Good question: Is it possible to install plastic windows in winter?

What to be wary of when installing windows in the cold season, and how these problems are solved

There are several factors that make winter window installation relevant. For example, clients often want to replace windows just when it gets colder, but they can't always do it in the fall. Another option is a house under construction, when you urgently need to install windows to “close the perimeter,” turn on the heating and do finishing work in the winter. In addition, window companies want to keep production and installation teams busy during the cold season, and therefore in winter they often offer good discounts on their products.

And here the question arises: at what temperature can plastic windows be installed? My window mechanic friends give different numbers. A former window installer from Novosibirsk (now a technologist at a large Moscow company) claims that in calm weather, taking all precautions, you can work down to -25 degrees. And an equally competent Moscow specialist does not recommend installation if the thermometer drops below -1 0.

Problems with winter window installation
Many people fear that when replacing windows at low temperatures, the room will freeze and damage the heating systems. In addition, the most common windows today are made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), or, as we say, plastic windows. And PVC becomes brittle at low temperatures, and there is a danger of cracks appearing due to mechanical stress on the structure during installation. Polyurethane foam, most often used to fill the mounting joints of a window block with an opening, requires water vapor for polymerization, of which there is very little in the air in winter (a lot in summer). And when low temperatures the foam may freeze before it polymerizes. It seems that the answer to the question “when is it better to install plastic windows: in winter or in summer” is clear - it is better to install windows in the warm season. Not certainly in that way.

Yes, modern sealed windows came to us from fairly warm European countries. But we live in a country with a harsh climate - look at the temperature reports below.

In the diagram: archived data on average winter temperatures in Moscow

In such conditions, you need to look at things realistically. If there construction task winter installation - install in winter. But look for compromise solutions that allow installation conditions to be brought closer to summer conditions in winter. What could they be?

Problem 1. Freezing of a house or apartment
This is a myth on the topic “when is the best time to install windows.” Qualified and experienced installers organize the process in such a way that the window opening remains open for a very short time (from 20 to 50 minutes). During this time, only the air in the room cools; the walls cannot freeze.

Of course, in winter, unlike in summer, certain measures must be taken: install not all windows at once, but one at a time. different rooms. During installation, keep the door to the corridor closed so that thermal draft exhaust ducts drew less cold air into the room. In addition, it is better to install windows in calm weather.

In the photo: a transparent heat shield for winter installation of windows. Photo from the site 4geo.ru

Protection from inconvenience
- T eflon screens
And yet, at what temperature can plastic windows be installed so that the installation is high-quality and the specialists feel comfortable working? It turns out that almost any time. In situations where the temperature is low and the weather is windy, and the customer fears inconvenience during installation, special protective screens, making installation of windows in winter quite convenient. On the Internet you can easily find videos that tell in detail about the installation and use of such screens.

Fact: Installers are inventive people. If it is not possible to purchase a professional heat screen, use various homemade screens and curtains made of film materials. And their quality is sometimes not inferior to industrial ones.

Problem 2. Embrittlement of PVC profiles
This problem is also being solved. Frozen in the warehouse and during transportation window units kept in a warm room for a day. In addition, when using thermal screens, the windows are already in a warm zone during installation. If you need to install windows in a frozen new country house, the openings are covered with film before installation and the room is heated to above-zero temperatures using heat guns.

Problem 3: Polyurethane foam freezing
Competent installers warm the foam in a water bath before use or simply leave it in a warm room overnight. To speed up the polymerization process, warm up before applying foam. window slopes using hair dryers, the foam itself is applied in two approaches, special PSUL tapes (pre-compressed self-expanding sealing tape) are used for primary sealing, the surface of the slopes is wetted before applying the foam, etc. A special “winter foam” is also produced, which, according to manufacturers, can be used down to –15 degrees (regular “summer” foam - up to +5 degrees).

Fact: The quality of window installation in winter (and not only) directly depends on the professionalism of the installers. And winter installation of windows has its advantages: due to less workload at window companies, you can get not only good discounts, but also more competent installers for your facility.

Installing windows is not enough - we need to save them
And in moderate frosts, in compliance with all the rules, competent installers installed the windows, adjusted them, and you signed the acceptance certificate. Now what? In the case of an ordinary, lived-in apartment, everything is simple: minimally damaged wallpaper can be carefully glued, you can calmly wait for the summer and make cosmetic repairs.

It’s worse when it’s a new building, where “European-quality renovation” is done with the involvement of “specialists” from the post-Soviet space. It has already become bad habit to begin such repairs with the replacement of windows. What does this mean?

In the photo: windows installed at the very beginning of the renovation may not survive to the end

1. Often, builders throw out construction waste through open doors, and by the time the work is completed, the fittings are clogged with cement and brick dust. When trying to close the sashes, their fittings can easily be damaged.

2. Carrying out "wet" construction and finishing works(screeds, brick partitions, wallpapering, using paints on water based etc.) lead to a sharp increase in air humidity and, accordingly, condensation on slopes and window designs. Moreover, this can continue for months, and the workers refuse to do even basic ventilation to reduce air humidity, because “it’s blowing for them” and “the wallpaper is warping.”

The situation is even worse large objects, where internal construction and finishing work can continue for more than one winter. These photographs show “dead” windows from Sweden. They could no longer be repaired and had to be replaced. The object is an elite residential building in the center of Moscow.

Conclusion: There is no need to start your renovation by replacing windows. If windows made of PVC and “warm aluminum” can still be washed and cleaned after finishing work, then “Euro-windows” made of wood, combined wood-aluminum and aluminum-wood windows can receive irreversible damage. The same applies to window sills made of plastic and wood: “bulls” are sometimes stewed over them, and people walk on them in dirty boots.

In the photo: an example of condensation on windows in winter when high humidity indoor air. It is better to postpone installation until the end of the finishing work, after finishing the “wet” processes and drying the premises. Otherwise, condensation on the glass and mold on the slopes will not keep you waiting long

Advice: If you have to a long period During internal construction and finishing work, including in winter, window openings must be closed with “ersatz windows” (frames made of wooden blocks, covered in two layers plastic film). This is exactly what they did during the construction of this house in St. Petersburg (pictured). After finishing the dirty and “wet” work, the “ersatz windows” will be replaced with normal ones.

Do you think in What time of year is it better to install plastic windows? Are you ready to take the plunge for winter installation? Why yes? Why not?