The writer Sergei Esin died. Yesin, Sergey Nikolaevich Esin Sergey Nikolaevich Russian writer biography

The writer Sergei Esin died.  Yesin, Sergey Nikolaevich Esin Sergey Nikolaevich Russian writer biography
The writer Sergei Esin died. Yesin, Sergey Nikolaevich Esin Sergey Nikolaevich Russian writer biography

Sad news came from Minsk. Sergey Nikolaevich Esin died. A prominent writer, former rector of the Literary Institute named after A.M. Gorky, who in recent years headed the department of literary skill at the institute. An amazing person, a talented prose writer and publicist, a connoisseur of the Russian theater, a wise teacher, who was loved by the students of his seminars. He gave exactly thirty of his life to the Literary Institute.

Sergey Esin's novels "Imitator", "Vremenitel" and "Guverneur" are bright phenomena in the literature of "perestroika". Photo: Photoxpress

In the early 1980s, when I was studying at Saratov University, I borrowed from the library a binder of the magazine "Youth" for the last years, and in No. 3 for 1979 I read the story "R-78" by an unknown prose writer Sergei Yesin. She's stuck in my memory for the rest of my life. The story seemed to be the most ordinary, and its hero did not represent anything special. Ordinary Muscovite. But such a powerful wind of talent, such artistic energy, blew from the style of the story that it was impossible not to remember it, as well as to lead other then young writers of "Youth" Dina Rubina, Anatoly Tobolyak, Karen Shakhnazarov.

My full-time acquaintance with him happened in 1987. I just graduated from the Literary Institute, became the secretary of the selection committee. Light, fast, beautiful, it flew into our office and immediately filled all its space. He himself was like his early prose...

And then there were the sensational novels "Imitator", "Vremenitel" and "Guverneur", which we all read and which became one of the most striking phenomena in the literature of the "perestroika" era. During the shooting of the White House in 1993, Sergei Nikolayevich took an independent position, which was reflected in his novel "The Eclipse of Mars". In general, independence from the pressure of the so-called "public opinion", not to mention the literary environment, has always distinguished him. At times this hurt wide popularity, but he was not afraid of this. It seems to me that in life he was afraid of only one thing: to lose his beloved wife. He was married to the famous film critic Valentina Sergeevna Ivanova. She was seriously ill for many years, and only people close to Sergei Nikolayevich knew what a knight he proved to be at that time. She passed away in 2008.

He endured this too. Every time I met and talked with him, I felt what inner strength, what powerful energy lurks in this man, outwardly calm. And not without reason the biography of V.I. Lenin, written in 2002 (a daring and unpopular act for that era), he called "The Death of a Titan". Strong, large-scale personalities were close to him ... He himself was like that. This will remain in our memory.

Direct speech

Alexey Varlamov, writer, rector of the Literary Institute:

A huge loss for literature, for the Literary Institute. In my mind, it has always been a swift, flying person. In his eighties, he drove a car himself, took off up the stairs to the department of literary skill. He worked until the last day. During this year he visited Yekaterinburg, St. Petersburg. Now we represent the House of National Literature at the Literary Institute in Minsk. Last night we were talking about life and literature. He laughed, joked, was cheerful, as always. And in the morning... he didn't wake up.

The loss is terrible. But his books remained, the wonderful Diary, which he kept and published annually since 1985, remained. Only now do you understand what a great thing he did while working on this "Diary". I am sure that he is destined for a long life, as well as other works of Sergei Nikolaevich.
Eternal memory to him.

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ESIN, SERGEY NIKOLAEVICH(b. 1935), Russian Soviet writer. Born December 18, 1935 in Moscow in an intelligent family. After graduating from the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University (1960) he was an actor in the theater, worked on radio and TV; was the editor-in-chief of the magazine "Krugozor". Since 1987 teacher, then professor of the department of literary skill, since 1992 - rector of the Literary Institute. A.M. Gorky.

After the release of the collections We only live twice(1976) and By the light of a small spotlight(1979) attracted wide attention with the novel Simulator. Notes of an ambitious man(1985), who discovered a kind of romantic triptych united by a common problem, which also includes novels Timer(1987, another name for this “love and friendship novel” is Gladiator) and spy(1989, other titles - running backwards, or Eschatology). In the center of attention of Esin, an analytical writer, restrainedly respectable in style and merciless in socio-psychological denunciation, is the modern creative intelligentsia, with its eternally new complex of love of fame and envy, thirst for power and dependence, with its formidable temptation to be tempted by well-paid lies and shameful compliance with the arrogance of modern "conquistadors", as the author himself calls them - businessmen from art, appropriating someone else's work, talent and time. The intensity of the internal monologue characteristic of Yesin's prose, which allows us to trace with the utmost care all the stages of the struggle of the hero high and low in the soul, the ups and downs of the painful suppression of the voice of conscience, the rejection of calling in the name of "vocation", from true creative breakthroughs for the sake of external success, which makes it possible to determine the reasons the discord of the human in a person, the violation of harmony between the self-esteem of the character and the opinion of others about him, makes us see in Esin's work a drama of ethical principles, akin to the drama of the ideas of modern scientific fiction, in which the aspect and the result of its consideration are more important than the situation itself. The skeptical and ironic assessment of the modern domestic intelligentsia with its hypocrisy, ignorance, conformism and greed forms a fundamentally new interpretation of this layer of Russian society, which claims to be an independent, selfless and disinterested mentor of the people.

At the same time, the problems of the intelligentsia are extrapolated by the writer to the whole society, thus acquiring the character of “world eschatology, i.e. teachings about the purpose of the Cosmos and history and their end ”(a dictionary definition put by the author in the epigraph Run...). That is why Yesin's assertion is true (which can be rightly attributed to his other works), that, for example, Simulator– “the novel is not about the artist”, but about the system.

The game of authenticity, the imitation of temporary workers, the fuss that kills talent, and the real thing, revealing itself on the example of a writing environment well known to the author (here, reminiscences with the novel Master and Margaret and M.A. Bulgakov and even a play Domestic cat of medium fluffiness G.I. Gorin and V.N. Voinovich), in the novel Retreat from the novel, or In the season of pickling cucumbers. Pedagogical studies and reflections on the art of becoming a writer(1984) develop into a touching and sadly sarcastic picture of the world, the gradual "turning into existence", the domestication of the Russian intelligentsia in an autobiographical story Memoirs of a forty-year-old, stories Industrial conflict, co-author, stories The escape, Main pair, Relative, visitor, Serious purchase(all 1984), novel to himself master(1985), play flexible plate(1984) and others, while revealing the author's desire to play with time and space, cinematically close-up and literary collage, mystical and fantastic motifs, elements of journalism and documentary.

The leitmotif for Esin the problem of moral choice (with the author's invariable attraction to justice as the foundation for preserving honor and dignity) is also projected onto his socio-historical works - as based on the fact and as close as possible to reality, addressing the revolutionary events in Russia at the beginning of the century (novel Konstantin Petrovich, 1987, dedicated to V.I. Lenin), and historical-fiction dystopia (“one-party novel” Incident or Effect twins, 1992). Esin's journalism is also devoted to the internal political processes of the 1990s (collection of articles Culture and Power, 1997).

In Esin's story word technique(1990) shows the interaction of life material and the artist's multi-variant fantasy, the purpose and meaning of which are not always predictable even for the author himself.

Sergey Nikolaevich Esin(born December 18, 1935, Moscow) is a Russian writer and journalist.

short biography

He graduated in absentia from the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University (1960). He worked as a librarian, photographer, journalist, forester, artist, editor-in-chief of the Krugozor magazine. Since 1969 a member of the CPSU. The first major publication is the story “We Only Live Twice” (1969), published under the pseudonym S. Zinin in the Volga magazine. Member of the Writers' Union of the USSR since 1979. In 1981 he graduated from the Academy of Social Sciences under the Central Committee of the CPSU in absentia and in the same year resigned from the post of editor-in-chief of literary broadcasts of the All-Union Radio in order to devote himself entirely to literary work. Since 1987 teacher, in 1992-2006 also rector of the Literary Institute. Member of the Board (since 1994), Secretary (since 1999) of the Writers' Union of Russia. Vice President of the Academy of Russian Literature.

In many of Esin's works, the object of study is a Soviet citizen, whose interests are limited by material well-being and the desire to occupy a higher position ... the transmission of thoughts and reflection of the characters prevail over the plot.

Wolfgang Cossack

Wife - film critic Valentina Ivanova (1937-2008).

Awards and prizes

  • Honorary title "Honored Artist of the Russian Federation" (2000) - for services in the field of art
  • Honorary Worker of Higher Education of the Russian Federation
  • Medal of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation "90 years of the Great October Socialist Revolution"
  • Prize of the Government of Moscow (1995)
  • Order of Friendship (1996)
  • International Prize named after M. A. Sholokhov in the field of literature and art (1999)
  • Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (March 29, 2004) - for a great contribution to the development of national culture
  • Bunin Prize (2008)
  • Gorky Literary Prize (2009)
  • Prize "Venets" (2012) of the Writers' Union of Moscow
  • Certificate of Honor of the President of the Russian Federation (July 31, 2013) - for the achieved labor successes and many years of conscientious work
  • Golden Delvig Award (2014) - for many years of literary activity and the creation of works that have become milestones in Soviet and Russian literary life


  • "We only live twice", 1976 (compilation)
  • "By the light of a small spotlight", 1979 (compilation)
  • "R-78" // "Youth", 1979, No. 3 (story)
  • "Memoirs of a forty-year-old", 1984 (compilation)
  • "Imitator" // "New World", 1985, No. 3 (a novel about an artist of average talent who has achieved recognition by imitation, copying and portraits of functionaries of the highest rank)
  • "Your own boss", 1985 (novel about the life of a seasonal worker)
  • “Road to Smolny. July-October 1917, 1985, supplemented by ed. titled: Konstantin Petrovich, 1987 (novel about Lenin)
  • "Gladiator", 1987 (compilation)
  • "Time" // "Banner", 1989, No. 1-2
  • "Types", 1990 (compilation)
  • "A wreath to the geodesist" // almanac "April", Sat. 2, 1990
  • "Casus, or the Twinning Effect". One-party novel // "Moscow Bulletin", 1992, No. 2-5 (dystopia)
  • "Standing at the door" // "Our Contemporary", 1992, No. 4
  • "Eclipse of Mars" // "Youth", 1994, No. 10
  • "Retreat from the novel", or "In the season of pickling cucumbers", 1994
  • "Stories", 1995
  • "The Governor", 1996 (novel)
  • "Culture and power", 1997 (collection of essays)
  • "Lenin. Death of a Titan, 2002 (novel-biography)
  • “At the turn of the century. Rector's Diary, 2002
  • “Ah, abroad, abroad ...”, 2006 (the book includes the novels “Hurghada” and “Marburg”)
  • "A random pattern. Sergei Esin - Mark Averbukh. Intercontinental Conversations", 2009
  • "Tverbul, or Den of Fiction" (novel), 2009
  • Marquis (novel), 2011
  • "Inventory of the property of a lonely person" (novel), 2014

ESIN, SERGEI NIKOLAEVICH(b. 1935), Russian writer. Born December 18, 1935 in Moscow in an intelligent family. After graduating from the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University (1960) he was an actor in the theater, worked on radio and TV; was the editor-in-chief of the magazine "Krugozor". Since 1987 teacher, then professor of the department of literary skill, since 1992 - rector of the Literary Institute. A.M. Gorky.

After the release of the collections "We Only Live Twice" (1976) and "By the Light of a Small Spotlight" (1979), he attracted wide attention with the novel "Imitator. Notes of an ambitious man" (1985), which opened a kind of romantic triptych united by common problems, which also includes the novels "(1987, other names of this "novel about love and friendship" - "Gladiator") and "Spy" (1989, other names - "Running in the opposite direction, or Eschatology"). In the spotlight Yesin, a writer-analyst, restrainedly respectable in style and merciless in socio-psychological denunciation, the modern creative intelligentsia, with its ever-new complex of love of fame and envy, thirst for power and dependence, with its formidable temptation to be tempted by well-paid lies and shameful compliance with impudence modern "conquistadors", as the author himself calls them, - businessmen from art, appropriating someone else's labor, talent and time. The tension characteristic of prose Yesin an internal monologue that allows you to trace with the utmost care all the stages of the struggle of a hero high and low in the soul, the ups and downs of the painful suppression of the voice of conscience, the rejection of a vocation in the name of "vocation", from true creative breakthroughs for the sake of external success, which makes it possible to determine the causes of human discord in a person, violation of harmony between the self-esteem of the character and the opinion of others about him, makes you see in the work Yesin a drama of ethical principles, akin to the drama of ideas in modern scientific fiction, in which the aspect and the result of its consideration are more important than the situation itself.

The skeptical and ironic assessment of the modern domestic intelligentsia with its hypocrisy, ignorance, conformism and greed forms a fundamentally new interpretation of this layer of Russian society, which claims to be an independent, selfless and disinterested mentor of the people.

At the same time, the problems of the intelligentsia are extrapolated by the writer to the whole society, thus acquiring the character of "world eschatology, i.e. the doctrine of the purpose of the Cosmos and history and their end" (a dictionary definition put by the author in the epigraph of "Running ..."). That is why the statement is true Yesin(which can rightly be attributed to his other works), that, for example, "Imitator" - "a novel not about the artist", but about the system.

The game of authenticity, the imitation of temporary workers, the fuss that kills talent, and the real thing, revealing itself on the example of a well-known writer's environment (reminiscences with the novel "The Master and Margarita" by M.A. Bulgakov and even the play "The Domestic Cat of Medium Fluffiness" G .I. Gorin and V.N. Voinovich), in the novel "Retreat from the novel, or In the season of pickling cucumbers. Pedagogical etudes and reflections on the art of becoming a writer" (1984) develop into a touching and sadly sarcastic picture of the world, the gradual "existence ", domestication of the Russian intelligentsia in the autobiographical story "Memoirs of a forty-year-old", the stories "Production conflict", "Co-author", the stories "Escape", "Main couple", "Relative", "Visitor", "Serious purchase2 (all 1984), novel "Your own boss" (1985), the play "Flexible Record" (1984), etc., while revealing the author's desire to play with time and space, cinematically close-up and literary collage, mystical and fantastic motives, elements of journalism and documentary.

Keynote for Yesin the problem of moral choice (with the author's invariable attraction to justice as the foundation for preserving honor and dignity) is also projected onto his socio-historical works - as based on the fact and as close as possible to the reality of addressing the revolutionary events in Russia at the beginning of the century (the novel "Konstantin Petrovich", 1987, dedicated to V.I. Lenin), and historical-fiction dystopia ("one-party novel" "Casus, or the Effect of Twins", 1992). Journalism is also devoted to the internal political processes of the 1990s Yesin(collection of articles "Culture and power", 1997).

In the story Yesin"Technique of the Word" (1990) shows the interaction of life material and the artist's multi-variant fantasy, the purpose and meaning of which are not always predictable even for the author himself.

General work experience:

Work experience in the specialty:

Advanced training (last):

2011 (Kazan)


Sergei Nikolaevich Esin was born on December 18, 1935 in Moscow. He graduated in absentia from the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University (1960). He worked as a librarian, photographer, journalist, forester, artist, editor-in-chief of the Krugozor magazine. Since 1969 a member of the CPSU. The first major publication is the story “We Only Live Twice” (1969), published under the pseudonym S. Zinin in the Volga magazine. Member of the Writers' Union of the USSR since 1979. In 1981 he graduated from the Academy of Social Sciences under the Central Committee of the CPSU in absentia and in the same year resigned from the post of editor-in-chief of literary broadcasts of the All-Union Radio in order to devote himself entirely to literary work. Since 1987 teacher, in 1992-2006 also rector of the Literary Institute. Member of the Board (since 1994), Secretary (since 1999) of the Writers' Union of Russia. Vice President of the Academy of Russian Literature.

Sergey Nikolaevich Esin died on December 11, 2017. His heart stopped on the road, in Minsk, where the delegation of the Literary Institute represented the House of National Literature.

The whole life of Sergei Nikolayevich was connected with the word, and it ended in the search for young creative forces, with hopes for the broad development of our work, which is necessary for the world.

Achievements and encouragement (prizes, awards, honorary titles)

Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Honored Worker of Higher Education of the Russian Federation Medal of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation “90 years of the Great October Socialist Revolution” International Prize named after M. A. Sholokhov in the field of literature and art Order of Friendship (1996) Order “For Merit to the Fatherland”, IV degree (March 29) 2004) - for a great contribution to the development of national culture Certificate of Honor of the President of the Russian Federation (July 31, 2013) - for labor achievements and many years of conscientious work


“We only live twice”, 1976 (collection) “By the light of a small searchlight”, 1979 (collection) “R-78” // “Youth”, 1979, No. 3 (story) “Memoirs of a forty-year-old”, 1984 (collection) “ Imitator "/" New World ", 1985, No. 3 (a novel about an artist of average talent who has achieved recognition by imitation, copying and portraits of functionaries of the highest rank) "Your own boss", 1985 (a novel about the life of a seasonal worker) "The road to Smolny. July-October 1917, 1985, supplemented by ed. under the title: Konstantin Petrovich, 1987 (novel about Lenin) "Gladiator", 1987 (collection) "Temporary" // "Znamya", 1989, No. 1-2 "Types", 1990 (collection) "Wreath to the Surveyor" // almanac "April", Sat. 2, 1990 "Casus, or the Twin Effect". One-party novel // "Moskovsky Vestnik", 1992, No. 2-5 (dystopia) "Standing at the door" // "Our Contemporary", 1992, No. 4 "Eclipse of Mars" // "Youth", 1994, No. 10 "Retreat from the novel”, or “In the season of pickling cucumbers”, 1994 “Stories”, 1995 “Governor”, ​​1996 (novel) “Culture and power”, 1997 (collection of essays) “Lenin. Death of a Titan”, 2002 (novel-biography) “At the turn of the century. Rector's Diary”, 2002 “Ah, Abroad, Abroad…”, 2006 (the book includes the novels “Hurghada” and “Marburg”) “A random regularity. Sergei Esin - Mark Averbukh. Intercontinental Conversations”, 2009 “Tverbul, or Den of Fiction” (novel), 2009 “Marquis” (novel), 2011