The project "space" for children of the preparatory group. Synopsis of the OOD on "Artistic Creativity" topic "Space" in the preparatory group plan-outline of the lesson on application, modeling (preparatory group) on the topic Modeling for Cosmonautics Day senior group

The project "space" for children of the preparatory group. Synopsis of the OOD on "Artistic Creativity" topic "Space" in the preparatory group plan-outline of the lesson on application, modeling (preparatory group) on the topic Modeling for Cosmonautics Day senior group

Topic: "Our astronauts"

PURPOSE: To teach to sculpt a human figure in a constructive or combined way.

OBJECTIVES: To convey the movement of the astronaut so that it becomes clear what he is doing - floating in zero gravity, walking on the moon, or greeting aliens. To form the ability to plan work to implement the plan, to foresee the result and achieve it.


Before class, I air out the group room. The assistant does wet cleaning. I arrange tables for classes in rows in front of the board. I fix illustrations of astronauts on the board. I prepare material for modeling for each child. I put a disc prepared in advance in the music center.


Pick up illustrations about space. Talking to children about space and astronauts individually and with groups, finding out what the children know about it. Reading to children of individual episodes from newspapers and magazines about astronauts. Conducting directly educational activities "cognition" and "artistic creativity."

MATERIAL: Colored plasticine, stacks, boards, napkins, buttons, threads, illustrations with astronauts.


caregiver : (reads a poem by Y. Serpin "Rockets")

No time to play today

We are busy with other

space rockets

We work together.

We will color them brightly -

Let them fly now!

The brave astronauts

Playing kindergarten.

Educator: - Guys, why in April we celebrate the day


Children: On this day, the first astronaut flew into space for the first time.

Educator: - Who was the first astronaut?

Children: Yuri Gagarin.

Educator: - What qualities should an astronaut have?

Children: Strong, brave, friendly...

Educator: Look, we have a real "Cosmodrome" in our group. But look, something is missing here.

Children: There are no astronauts.

caregiver : That's right, the most important thing is missing - those who go flying on spaceships. There are no astronauts. Look at the board, these are astronauts. You want to sculpt astronauts in flight uniforms - in overalls, in space suits, mittens, boots.


"We're going to the planet

And built a rocket

One two Three

You will fly today."

(Shows sculpting techniques: The human figure is molded in a combined way. From a whole piece of plasticine, a part for the head, a part for the hands are pulled out, a cylinder is cut with a stack to get two identical legs at once. Then softer details are molded: headphones, an antenna, mittens (smooth or round the hands), shoes (slightly wrap the legs, make the feet), an oxygen cylinder on the back.

Anastasia Viktorovna Mikheeva
Outline of a modeling lesson in the preparatory school group "Conquerors of Space"

Outline of a lesson in the field of artistic creativity (sculpting)

in preschool group

Theme: "Conquerors of space"


1. To consolidate the knowledge of children about the profession of an astronaut;

2. To form the ability of children to construct a holistic image (cosmonaut) from separate plasticine parts;

3. Develop the ability to complete the task in the exact sequence;

4. Cultivate respect for the work of adults.

Educational areas: cognitive development, social and communicative development, artistic and aesthetic development, speech development, physical development.

Vocabulary work: space suit.

Preliminary work: a conversation about the upcoming holiday - the day of cosmonautics; viewing illustrations on the theme "Space", reading poems.


Demonstration: a ready-made model of an astronaut, illustrations depicting a rocket.

Handout: plasticine of 3 colors according to the number of children, stacks.

ICT: video - rocket takeoff at the cosmodrome (1 min 30 sec).

Lesson progress:

I. Introduction.

1. Clarification of the topic of the lesson

I ask the children about a person of what profession is this riddle?

He is not a pilot, not a pilot,

He is not driving a plane,

And a huge rocket

Children, who, tell me, is it?


I invite the children to listen to my story about the profession of an astronaut and correct me if I confuse something in my story.

2. Word game "Say the opposite"

An astronaut flies into space on a small rocket (large).

He explores space, where there are few stars and planets (many).

The astronaut must be weak (strong, cowardly (brave), stupid (smart, lazy (hard-working) and distracted (attentive).

3. Motivation for activity

I invite the children to go to the spaceport and watch how rockets are launched into space.

I show a picture of a rocket at the spaceport.

I'm talking about the fact that not a single astronaut remained at the cosmodrome. I ask the children what we can do, how to help our country explore space.

I suggest looking at the materials that the children have on the tables. I ask how we will sculpt the astronaut.

I show the finished model of the astronaut and specify the method of modeling. I give the children a step-by-step demonstration of work (see appendix). I clarify that the spacesuit is a special clothing for astronauts.

In order to prepare our astronauts for space flight, we ourselves need to undergo special training.

4. Physical education "Cosmonauts"

In the clear sky the sun shines,

Put your hand to your forehead, cover your eyes from the sun

The astronaut flies in a rocket.

Stretched - hands up, depict a rocket

And below the forest, fields -

We bend down, look out for forests, fields

The earth is spreading.

We spread our arms to the sides, showing how wide the earth spreads

II. Main part.

In the course of independent work, I provide individual assistance. With the help of instructions and prompting questions, I regulate the activities of children, I teach them to give a verbal report on their actions.

What should be molded first?

How do we make the body?

What have you already done?

III. Final part.

I suggest that the children put our astronauts in a rocket and send them into space. Children evaluate the work of each child, justifying their answer.

Showing a video of a rocket launch.

I ask the children what we did today, what profession we sculpted, why we created it, in what way.

I end with a poem:

He is an example for all the guys, he is called a hero.

The cosmonaut proudly wears such a title.

To become an astronaut, you need to work hard:

Start the day with exercises, study well.

There are many different tests to come.

Those who fly into space must pass them.

He should know the secrets of any profession -

After all, at such a height, do not ask for advice.

Pilot, doctor, astronomer, engineer, photographer,

And besides, he is a gardener, and also a cartographer.

He will accurately depict mountains, rivers, hills.

The fishermen will determine where the herrings are swimming.

We will send him greetings, let him warm:

“Everyone on Earth is waiting for you - come soon!”

Related publications:

I invite you to a tour of the Darwin Museum. The exhibition "Animals in Space", dedicated to star travelers - animals, is open here.

In my group, the kids do not yet know how to do everything, but they are always included with interest in any creative process. So this time I decided to please.

This year, on April 12, we celebrate the anniversary date of Cosmonautics Day. On the eve of the holiday, the guys and I held an open lesson in non-traditional.

On April 12, Cosmonautics Day, the guys and I felt our involvement in the holiday, which was celebrated by the whole country. We "flyed" on space.

Purpose: To systematize and enrich children's knowledge about space, space flights, astronauts. Tasks: educational: 1). Consolidate knowledge.

MDOU kindergarten No. 32 in Rybinsk. Plan - summary of the GCD on teaching literacy in a group preparatory to school on the topic: “Sounds G - K, letters.

Abstract of entertainment for Cosmonautics Day for children 5-7 years old

Nersesyan Naira Igorevna, teacher of the MBDOU "Kindergarten of a general developmental type No. 144", Voronezh

Purpose: educators of senior and preparatory groups, primary school teachers, parents, children 5-7 years old
Target: the formation in children of ideas about space, the solar system and its planets, space exploration by people.
Tasks: Continue to deepen the understanding of the planets of the solar system in a form accessible to children.
To expand children's knowledge about space transport.
To acquaint with the history of the creation of the first space satellite, about the inventor of the spacecraft S.P. Korolev, about the founder of the science of astronautics (K. Tsialkovsky).
To consolidate children's ideas about the first cosmonaut - Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin.
Raise civil and patriotic feelings in children.
Activate children's vocabulary.
Emotionally perceive the texts of the poem and music.
To develop creative imagination, fantasy, the ability to improvise, listen carefully, cultivate mutual assistance, a friendly attitude towards each other.
Preliminary work: Examination of pictures about space, planets, comets; memorization of the poem ‹‹Yuri Gagarin››, counting rhymes ‹‹Stargazer››, lyrics of the song ‹‹Grass near the house››; conversation ‹‹Planets of the solar system››; video footage ‹‹The first cosmonaut of the world››, presentation.
Equipment:: a projector, pictures of the planets of the solar system, a magnetic board with magnets, plasticine for modeling.
Vocabulary work: space, outer space, orbit, planets, astronaut, telescope, porthole, meteorite, spaceport, astronomer, rocket, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.

Lesson progress:

Educator:: Painted space in black,
Because there is no atmosphere
There is no night, no day.
There is no earthly blueness here,
Here the views are strange and wonderful:
And the stars are all visible at once,
Both the Sun and the Moon.

A man looked into the starry sky, and he wanted to know what kind of stars they are, why they are so bright? And scientists came up with special devices, thanks to which you can observe the stars. What are these instruments called? (Telescopes). People wanted to know if there is life on other planets? But in order to find out about this, it was necessary to fly to these planets. And how to do this, we will find out when we solve the crossword puzzle. He is unusual. For each correct answer, a picture will appear on the screen. When we find and write all the words, we will read the word in the red cells vertically.
Crossword (with pictures)
1. What did the heroes from the fairy tale ‹‹Aladdin and the magic lamp ›› fly on? (flying carpet)

2. Winnie the Pooh once with the help of which rose into the air for honey? (balloon)

3. What is the name of a person who walks fast in fairy tales? (fast walker)

4. The aircraft on which aliens fly. (Flying saucer)

5. In fairy tales, on whom do witches fly? (broom)

6. The aircraft on which Baba Yaga flew. (mortar)

What word did you get? (rocket).
I want to introduce you to a man who has been drawing different rockets all his life. The famous scientist Konstantin Tsiolkovsky fell in love with the stars from early childhood (shows a portrait of Tsiolkovsky on the screen).

K. Tsiolkovsky liked to observe the stars through a telescope. There were no airplanes, no helicopters, no rockets then. When Kostya was little, he loved to fly a kite into the sky. Once it happened that his mother gave him a balloon? Little Kostya attached a box to it, put a beetle in it and sent it flying. He believed that people would fly into space sooner or later, and he continued to draw diagrams of rockets. Tsiolkovsky is the founder of the science of cosmonautics.
And only many years later, another scientist-designer Sergei Pavlovich Korolev was able to design and manufacture the first spacecraft based on the schemes and sketches of Tsiolkovsky. (Portrait of Korolev on the screen).

In the ship, at first, not people were sent into space, but whom? (animals) Let's remember what animals were sent into space?
Children: At first, rats, mice, and later monkeys and turtles were sent into space.
Educator: But people dreamed of manned flight into space, so they wanted to test the safety of flight on our four-legged friends. Whom did they send into space? (dogs). What were their names? (Belka and Strelka)

Only after these dogs began to send people into space. But before sending, they were prepared. They were in physical training. Let's show how they prepared.
Physical education minute ‹‹Rocket››
One, two, there is a rocket,
Three, four - plane,
One, two - clap your hands,
And then for each account.
One two three four-
Hands up. broader shoulders.
One two three four-
And they looked like in place
Slowly they sat down together.
Educator: You coped with the exercises. Can you solve the riddles?
To arm the eye
And be friends with the stars
Milky way to see
We need a powerful ... (telescope)
Telescope hundreds of years
Studying the life of the planets.
Will tell us everything
Smart uncle ... (astronomer)
He is an astronomer,
Knows everything!
Only the best visible
The sky is full ... (moon)
A bird cannot reach the moon
Fly and land on the moon
But he can do it
Make fast ... (rocket)
The rocket has a driver
Weightlessness lover.
English: astronaut
And in Russian ... (cosmonaut).
Educator: And who was the first cosmonaut of the Earth? (Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin)
(The teacher shows a portrait of Gagarin)

Educator: What do we know about him? (children's answers)
Y. Gagarin at school studied for one five, went in for sports, jumped with a parachute. He was courageous, smart and brave. When he graduated from the flight school, he became a military pilot.Yu. Gagarin found out that a detachment of cosmonauts was being recruited, wrote a letter to Moscow with a request to accept him as a cosmonaut, and he was accepted. After a long preparation, the day of the space flight arrived. After the flight, Gagarin became known all over the world.
Video footage - Launch of the first earth satellite

Educator: In memory of the first flight, we celebrate Cosmonautics Day every year on April 12th.
(The child reads a poem about Gagarin)
Yuri Gagarin
In a space rocket
With the name East
He is the first on the planet
I was able to rise to the stars.
Singing songs about it
Spring drops:
Forever will be together
Gagarin and April.
Educator: But the astronauts not only work, but also sing. Let's sing a song of space travel (sing the first verse with a chorus).
The song of the group Earthlings ‹‹Grass near the house ›› sounds.

Educator: 54 years have passed since Gagarin's flight. People learned a lot about space, about planets. What do you know about space? What is space? (This is an immense space, where there are many planets, orbits, meteorites, satellites, stars, galaxies...). Name the planets that make up the solar system?
What is the coldest planet? (Pluto) Why is she cold? (Further away from the Sun). What is the hottest planet? (Mercury). Why is it the hottest? (Closer to the Sun). What is the fifth planet? (Jupiter). Name all the planets in order.
(The teacher shows all the planets on the screen).

Planets in order in verse:
All the planets in order
Call any of us:
Once - Mercury,
Two - Venus,
Three - Earth,
Four is Mars.
Five - Jupiter,
Six - Saturn,
Seven - Uranus,
Behind him is Neptune.
He is eighth in a row.
And after him already, then,
And the ninth planet
called Pluto.
(Arkady Khait)
Educator: How many planets have you counted? (9) The Astrologer came to visit us today to talk about the planets. But he is very afraid of noise! Do you want to see him? (quietly yes). Just don't scare him with your noise.
planets video

Educator: And now let's play. For this we need hoops. Let's spread them out in a circle and hold hands. We will choose the commander of the ship with the help of a space rhyme.
The Stargazer lived on the Moon!
He counted the planets.
Mercury - one, Venus - two,
Three is Earth, four is Mars,
Five is Jupiter, six is ​​Saturn,
Seven is Uranus, eighth is Neptune,
Well, farther than all - Pluto,
Who does not know - get out!

A fast rocket is waiting for us,
To walk the planets
What we want
Let's fly to this one.
But there is one secret in the game:
There is no room for latecomers!
(Everyone scatters in hoops. There are fewer hoops than children. We repeat several times).

GCD on modeling for the senior group

"Space rocket"

Goal: Strengthening modeling skills in a constructive way. Creation of a model of a spacecraft from plasticine.

  1. Repetition of methods and techniques of modeling. Organization of independent work of children.
  2. Development of creative abilities. Expanding horizonsMethods: practical, visualEquipment: plasticine, stacks, boards, napkins. Sketches, sketches, photographs of a spaceship (rocket), tables of modeling methods and techniques. GCD progress 1. Organizational moment. - Guys, take your seats at the desk.2. Introductory conversation. - Guys, guess the riddle:"The peas scattered into a thousand roads" (starry sky)- What is space? - Space is a universe where there are many planets similar and unlike our planet Earth. What planets do you know? (Venus, Jupiter, Saturn…) We remind you that: many people dreamed of flying into space, but Yuri Gagarin, the cosmonaut of our country, was the first on the planet Earth to fly into space (1961 on April 12); 108 minutes lasted his flight; About 50 years ago, the road to space was opened to people. In 1963, the first woman, Valentina Tereshkova, flew into space.3. Presentation of the topic of the lesson - Today I invite you guys on a space journey to the distant planet "Mars" - the red planet, where it is located and what it is you will learn later. In order to fly to the planet Mars , each of you must build your own spaceship from plasticine.Using the knowledge of working with plasticine.Now you will become the main designers, artists, engineers and designers all rolled into one.You have seen what kind of spaceships scientists build, but spaceships are also fabulous. 4. Explanation of new material 1. In order to build a spaceship, I will take a sheet of paper and a pencil. Draw on the sheet the ship to be built. Determine how many parts my apparatus consists of. Select materials, tools that I will need. Proceed Whoever finds it difficult to come up with their own ship can work according to the proposed schemes Demonstration of ship modeling 2. Each of you can draw up your own fly your spaceship. 3. show the consistent process of modeling according to pre-prepared schemes 4. - give the opportunity to complete the task not only according to the proposed schemes, but also show your creativity and imagination 5. Practical work - provide individual assistance in the process of independent work; 6. The result of GCD - Spaceships are ready to travel to the planet Mars. The planet welcomes guests - I allow the guys to land on the planet, pay attention to the accuracy and safety of the landing. - How events will develop further on the planet Mars, we will come up with you at the next lesson. And for today our journey is over. - Share your impressions about our trip? What difficulties did you encounter?

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 8

municipal formation "City of Donetsk"

preparatory school group №3
"Forest clearing"

educators: Stepanenko D.V.
Masterovich O.A

Donetsk 2017

Project "Cosmos"
Project type:
- training
- research
- gaming
Duration: short-term (3.04-15.04 2017)
Project participants: educators, children, parents.
Target: the formation in children of senior preschool age of ideas about outer space, the solar system and its planets, space exploration by people.


1. Continue to expand children's understanding of the diversity of the cosmos. Tell children about interesting facts and events in space.
2. To introduce the first pilot-cosmonaut Yu.A. Gagarin.
3. Develop creative imagination, fantasy, the ability to improvise; to cultivate mutual assistance, a benevolent attitude towards each other, pride in the people of this profession, in their homeland;
4. Involve parents in joint activities.

Project relevance:

“Humanity will not remain forever on earth, but, in the pursuit of light and space, it will first timidly penetrate beyond the atmosphere, and then conquer all the circumsolar space”
K. Tsiolkovsky
Several decades ago, few of yesterday's boys did not want to become an astronaut. This dream is not at all relevant for today's children. Meanwhile, space pirates, star wars and other alien creatures are the heroes of their favorite cartoons. Fictional characters misinform preschoolers, talking about non-existent planets, and often cause them negative emotions, contribute to the development of fears. Therefore, it is important to competently build work on the formation of children's ideas about space.

Stages of project implementation

Stage 1

1. Revealing the initial knowledge of children about space.
2. Information of parents about upcoming activities.
3. Selection of literature about space, presentations, photographs, posters.

Stage 2

1. Spending space week in a group.
2. Work with parents on a given topic.
3. Organization of plot-role-playing, didactic and outdoor games, individual and group work.


1. Organization of an exhibition of works about space (joint work of children and parents)
2. Collective panel "Space Journey"
3. Visit to the museum

4. Quiz "Space"

5. Exhibition of joint drawings with parents "Solar system"

Preliminary work:

1. Prepare presentations about space, the solar system, astronauts.
2. Pick up a photo - a collection on the theme "Space".
3. Pick up fairy tales, poems, riddles about space, rocket, stars, music.
4. Prepare coloring pages according to age.

Conversations using presentations.

1. Conversation "What is space."
Purpose: to give children an idea about the planets of the solar system, the sun, stars, the first flight into space, to find out the knowledge of children on this issue.
2. Conversation "Blue Planet - Earth".
Purpose: to explain to children what a telescope is, outer space, to show how beautiful our Earth is from space.
3. Conversation "The moon is a satellite of the Earth."
Purpose: to find out the ideas of children about the moon, the month, to expand knowledge about the lunar surface, atmosphere.
4. Conversation "Family of planets".
Purpose: to expand children's ideas about the planets of the solar system
5. Conversation "The sun is the source of life on Earth."
Purpose: to clarify children's knowledge about the sun, its shape; explain what it is.

    cognitive development
    Subject: I want to be an astronaut.
    Purpose: to introduce the biography of the first cosmonaut Yu. A. Gagarin; expand the understanding of modern professions; to tell about the work of Russian cosmonauts in space today. To introduce our cosmonaut, compatriots Yu.Usachev.

    Topic: “Modeling from plasticine. Rocket".
    Purpose: to teach children to sculpt a rocket using a toy as a nature; convey the shape of the parts of the toy: oval, round, cylindrical; transfer the proportional ratio of parts and details; to learn to unite the fashioned parts into one whole, to tightly connect them by gluing one part to another.

    Speech development
    Subject: V. Stepanov "Yuri Gagarin" - the first cosmonaut
    Purpose: to introduce the biography of Yu. Gagarin. learn to comprehend the content of what is read; to cultivate a sense of pride in the first conquerors of space; lead to an understanding of such moral and volitional qualities as kindness, perseverance, fearlessness, diligence.

    cognitive development
    Topic: “Design. Astronauts at the rocket.
    Purpose: to study the name of the components of the rocket; independently design a rocket and figures of astronauts from natural material, follow the rules for safe work with piercing and cutting objects.

    Artistic and aesthetic development
    Topic: “Application. Flight to the moon".
    Purpose: to teach to convey the shape of a rocket using the technique of symmetrical paper cutting, cut out figures of people in spacesuits from paper folded in half; to consolidate the ability to complement the picture with objects that are suitable in meaning; develop a sense of composition, imagination.

Final quiz

"Cosmos" and an exhibition of children's and parent's drawings "Solar system" A trip to the museum. HALL "Cosmos".

Outdoor games: (see appendix 1)

- "Fast rockets are waiting for us"

- "Space relay"

- "Rocket launcher"

- "Sun and rain"

- "The sun is a champion."

Role-playing games:

Purpose: to expand the subject of story games, to introduce the work of astronauts in space, to cultivate courage, endurance, to expand the vocabulary of children: "outer space", "cosmodrome", "flight", "outer space".
"Space flight"
The botanical garden needs new rare plants. The director of the botanical garden offers to follow them to one of the planets of the solar system.
"Hospital for astronauts"
Purpose: to form the ability of children to divide into subgroups in accordance with the plot and, at the end of a given game action, to unite again into a single team. Display in the game knowledge about the surrounding life, show the social significance of medicine; to cultivate respect for the work of medical workers, to fix the rules of conduct in public places.
"Space trip".
Purpose: to promote the development of the ability to expand the plot based on the knowledge gained in the classroom and in everyday life, to enrich the experience of children with knowledge and gaming skills that will allow them to independently organize the game in the future. Formation of skills to combine various thematic plots into a single game plot.

Didactic games: (see Appendix No. 2)

- "Restore order in the solar system"
- "Find the extra"
- Pick a constellation.
- "Find the missing rocket"
- "Add a word"
-Where are the missiles going?

Reading fiction:

Purpose: to acquaint children with literature about space; foster cognitive activity.
- Ya. K. Golovanov "The Road to the Cosmodrome",
- V. Kashchenko "Constellation of Dragons",
- P. O. Klushantsev “What the telescope told about”,
- O. A. Skorolupova "Conquest of space",
- N. Nosov "Dunno on the moon"
- poems about space.
- riddles about space.

Individual and group work:

The development of fine motor skills (coloring pictures about space).
- collecting puzzles (theme "Space puzzles")
- laying out pictures from counting sticks
- drawing on the croup.
- individual work on the development of speech game “Say the opposite”


1. Crafts from plasticine "Rocket"
2. Exhibition of works about space (joint work of children with parents).
3. Competition of readers "Poems about space"

four . The final quiz "Connoisseurs of space"

Attachment 1

Outdoor games:

"Fast rockets are waiting for us"

Hoops-rockets are laid out around the hall. Their number is several pieces less than the players. Children join hands and walk in a circle with the words:
- Fast rockets are waiting for us
To travel to planets.
What we want
Let's fly to this one!
But there is one secret in the game:
There is no room for latecomers!
After the last words, the children scatter and take their places in the “rockets” (if there are a lot of children, then two or three people can sit in one rocket) and take different space poses. Those who did not get a seat in the rocket choose the most interesting and beautiful astronaut poses. Then everyone gets back into the circle and the game starts all over again.


The game is played under the accompaniment of a music director.
Purpose: development of imitation of the movements and speech of an adult - repetition of the sound "U".
- We launch a rocket "UUU!": Hands above the head in the shape of a cone,
- Started the motors "R-rr": movement in a circle one after another
- Buzzed: "Whoo!": Hands spread out to the sides.
- They flew to the gas station: sat down - hands forward, refueled - lowered their hands.
The game is repeated several times at the request of the children.

"Rocket launcher"

Children lay out the hoops in a circle, run freely around the hoops and say the words:
Fast rockets are waiting for us
For flights around the planets.
What we want
Let's fly to this one!
But there is one secret in the game -
There is no room for latecomers!
The teacher removes a few hoops. The game is repeated until one hoop remains.


Children freely sit in the hall, make a “swallow” and stand as long as possible. Children standing on the second leg sit down. The child who stands on one leg the longest wins.

"Sun and Rain"

Purpose: to teach children to walk and run in all directions, without bumping into each other, to teach them to act on a signal.
Children sit on benches. The teacher says: "Sunny", the children walk and run around the entire site. After the words "Rain. Hurry home!” children in their places.

The sun is the champion.

The chosen child facilitator recites a "cosmic" rhyme, during which the children become one of the planets:

An astrologer lived on the moon.
He kept records of the planets:
Once - Mercury,
Two is Venus
Three is Earth
Four is Mars
Five is Jupiter
Six is ​​Saturn
Seven is Uranus
The eighth is Neptune.

Children put on hats with the image of the planet that fell out to them according to the counting rhyme, they begin to move to the music, and by the sound signal they line up in the desired sequence relative to the sun, which is depicted by one of the preschoolers.

Appendix 2

Didactic games:

"Restore Order to the Solar System"

Purpose: To consolidate children's knowledge of the location of the planets in order in the solar system, memorizing the names of the planets. We lay out the models of the planets on the carpet, and the leader reads poems about the planet to be found. Whoever recognizes it takes it and puts it into orbit behind the Sun. All planets must take their place in the system. Finally, name each planet.

All the planets in order

Call any of us:

Once Mercury,

Two... Venus,
Three... Earth,

Four... Mars.

Five ... Jupiter,

Six ... Saturn,

Seven... Uranus,

Behind him ... Neptune.

There are 5 pictures on the card. 4 pictures from one group, the fifth is extra. You need to find an extra picture and explain your choice.

"Choose a constellation."

Connect the constellation with the desired picture with lines.

"Add a Word"

Our main rule
Carry out any (order).
Do you want to become an astronaut?
Must know a lot.
Any space route
Open to those who love (work).
Only friendly starship
Can take with you (in flight).
Boring, gloomy and angry
We will not take to (orbit).
Clear skies are beautiful
There are many fables about him.
You won't let me lie
It looks like animals live there.
There is a predatory beast in Russia,
Look - he's in heaven now!
Glows on a clear night -
Big Dipper).
And the bear is with a child,
Kind, sweet little bear.
Glows next to mom
Ursa Minor).
Planet with a purple tint.
In the coloring of the military, boastful.
Like pink satin
The planet is glowing ... (Mars).
To arm the eye
And make friends with the stars
Milky way to see
We need a powerful ... (telescope).
A bird cannot reach the moon
Fly and land
But he can do it
Make fast ... (rocket).
The rocket has a driver
Weightlessness lover.
astronaut in english
And in Russian ... (cosmonaut).

"Find the Missing Rocket"

Where are the rockets going?

Count how many rockets fly to the right, how many to the left, up and down.

Appendix 3
Summary of the GCD for the preparatory group "I want to be an astronaut"

Targets and goals:

To acquaint children with the biography of the first cosmonaut Yu. A. Gagarin; to expand the understanding of modern professions, the planets of the solar system, space travel, the work of man in space; consolidate children's knowledge about the properties of lenses; enrich the vocabulary of children (dictionary: meteorite, space suit, telescope, space satellite); to cultivate respect for the work of Russian cosmonauts, the desire to be like them.

Preliminary work:

Material :


Organizing time:"What are the stars?" - if they ask you.

Answer boldly: "Hot gas!"

And add that, at the same time, always

Vigorous reactor every star!

Educator: Today we will talk about space, its founders and great people who were pioneers, 2011 was the anniversary year of astronautics. It was on April 12, 1961 that Yu. A. Gagarin flew. And now we consider this day - the day of cosmonautics. The earth is our home in the universe. Let's look at a globe and a map. Our planet is round and only on it there is life. And who tried to invent a rocket?

For many years BC, the philosopher Archytas moved a wooden figurine of a dove under the jet action of steam. Then the Chinese tried to invent an apparatus (such as fireworks). K. E. Tsialkovsky thoroughly developed this topic at the beginning of the 20th century and

S. Korolev - during the war years he created weapons of the Katyusha type and designed the first rocket launcher.

Examining illustrations, guessing riddles:

Miracle bird, scarlet tail.

I flew around a flock of stars! (Rocket)

What can not be done in space? (fall, etc.)

In space, through the thickness of years, an icy object flies.

Its tail is a strip of light. What is the name of the object? (Rocket)

White flowers bloom in a fan, and fade in the morning. (Stars)

Conversation of the educator about the discoverers of space.

A story about Yu. A. Gagarin. An ordinary person of sports hardening.

Hardworking, smart, kind. After the war, they received the profession of a foundry worker. But since he loved the sky, he dreamed of flying, after graduating from an aviation school he became a pilot. Sitting in the chair of Gagarin's spaceship, he said: "Let's go." He first saw the Earth from a cosmic height. Following him, another cosmonaut, German Titov, flew into space. Among the astronauts was a woman - Valentina Tereshkova.

Questions for children:

1. Who invented the rocket?

2. Who was the first space explorer?

3. Who else flew into space?

4. What should an astronaut be like?

5. What is the shape of the earth?

Fizminutka"Sports workout"

The teacher unfolds the easel and invites the children to read what is written on it. Children read: astronaut, rocket.

Educator: And now we will conduct a sound analysis of words, determine the stressed sound, the number of syllables and make a sentence with these words.

Doing work by children.

Finger gymnastics "Cosmonaut"

Word games "One - many"

Station - many stations.

Moon - many moons

Astronaut - many astronauts.

"Name it in order"

What? – river

There is nothing? – missiles

See what? - the river

Come to what? - rocket

Satisfied with what? - rocket

Thinking about what? - about the rocket In the dark sky, the stars shine (squeeze and unclench fists)

The astronaut flies in a rocket (rub palm on palm)

The day flies and the night flies (Squeeze and unclench fists)

And looks down at the ground (depict binoculars)

He sees the fields from above (spread his hands to the side, palms down)

Mountains, rivers and seas (raise your hands up, depicting the height of the mountains)

D / I "Fold the rocket" - (Children lay out a rocket from cubes, cut pictures, geometric shapes)

Puzzle "Which sound is missing?"

Educator: And now I suggest you fashion a rocket, if anyone can a Martian or an astronaut. Clarify modeling techniques, consider a model of a rocket, clarify its details.

Doing work by children.

Analysis and summary of the work.

Synopsis of GCD for the preparatory group “Application. Flight to the moon"

Topic: "Flight to the moon".

Colored paper application.

Tasks : Teaching kids how to make and cut rockets in a rational way:

divide the square into three triangles (the large triangle is the nose of the rocket, two small ones are the wings).

Develop combinatorial skills. Improve the breakaway technique: depict the “tails” of a comet and fire from a rocket nozzle.

Raise interest in the knowledge of the world and the reflection of the received ideas about geometric shapes (rectangle, triangle, circle).

Materials, tools, equipment:

Sheets of dark blue, purple, black paper, paper forms for cutting and gluing rockets, colored paper, scissors, glue, brushes.

Course progress.


G. Lyagzdyn's poem "Cosmonaut".

I would need. I really need it I really need it, I really need it

Be brave astronaut Become brave astronaut.

I would like it, I really need it. I would need, I really need

To fly to two bears! To fly to two bears,

If I gain strength, I will stay with the bears,

Wrap and on the moon, Their gingerbread to treat.

And to the cheerful Martians. Such is the nature there:

I'll definitely take a look! No flowers, no bees, no honey,

Mom already bought a helmet, And then wave in cancer

I'll fly to the stars soon. northernmost planet.

I eat porridge and carrots

Even if I don't want to.

    The main part of the introductory conversation.

Today we will talk about space and make an application from colored paper.

I suggest you become astronomers. We will study outer space and observe comets and planets.

You have telescopes (a paper tube) on your table, take them and look into the distance. What do you see? (slide number 2).

Guys, this is a galaxy - a cluster of millions of different stars and planets.

Who will tell me the name of our planet on which we live? (Earth).

(Slide, No. 3).

In the vast expanses of space, our planet Earth rotates.

She is one of the planets in the solar system.

The earth and other planets are shaped like a circle. (slide number 4).

The solar system is a collection of planets and their satellites.

Revolving around a star - the sun. There are only 9 planets and they are all different

(slide number 5).

(Put down the telescopes we'll be looking at the planets).

Clusters of asteroids move between planets - boulders (slide number 6).

1 .Mercury is a small burning ball. (slide number 7).

2. The planet Venus is the brightest point in the sky.

3 .Earth is the third planet from the sun, it is a huge stone ball, most of the surface of which is covered with water.

Earth is the only planet in the solar system that has life. Our planet is in constant motion: it revolves around the sun.

4 .Mars is called the red planet.

Since from the ground it is visible in red.

We know that spaceships fly into space. And when the astronauts visited Mars and photographed it, people found out why this planet seems red. It turns out that the Martian soil is red-brown in color, and the Martian sky is not blue, as above our planet, but dull pink due to numerous particles of reddish dust.

5 .Jupiter is the largest planet (slide number 8).

6 .Saturn is easy to recognize by the rings, thanks to which this planet seems unusual and beautiful.

7. Uranus is blue in color and is a gas planet.

8 .Neptune is also blue and also a gas planet.

9 .Pluto is a small ball of greenish color.

Guess my riddle?

I walk in the sky at night

I dimly illuminate the earth

I'm bored, I'm bored alone

And my name is ……….moon. (Slide number 9)

The moon is a satellite of the Earth, it revolves around our planet and illuminates it at night.


Carpet is laid

scattered peas

No carpet to lift

Gather no peas………..(stars and sky) (Slide No. 10, No. 11).

Stars appear to us as little luminous lights. Because they are very far away.

In fact, a star is a giant ball of gas similar to the sun, which radiates heat and light.

A constellation is a pattern of stars that creates a shape.

There are 88 known constellations.

The first person who flew into space was Yu.A. Gagarin, a Soviet cosmonaut (slide number 12).

On the ship "Vostok" He made one revolution around the Earth in 1 hour 48 minutes (slide number 13).

Today, the study of outer space continues

For research, people are on the orbital station for a long time in space (slide No. 14).

Living on an orbital station is not easy, so people have been preparing for flights for a long time.

The famous cosmonaut - artist Alexei Arkhipovich Leonov painted many pictures about space (slide number 15).

Let's take a look at the night sky again.

Grab your spyglass and take a look (slide number 16).

You see how stars of unusual beauty sparkle, a comet rushes, its tail spread across the sky.

What else did you see in the night sky?

    Practical part

And now I propose to complete the application "Rockets".

For the lesson, we need squares, rectangles of colored paper of different colors, PVA glue, glue brushes, blue cardboard, scissors.

First, let's repeat the rules for using scissors.

Rules for safe work with scissors.

1. During work, put the scissors on the right with the rings towards you,

In order not to prick on their sharp ends. Blades of scissors in non-working condition must be closed.

2. Pass the scissors to the comrade with the rings forward with the blades closed.

3. When working with scissors, do not swing your arms, make sure that they do not fall to the floor. Do not put on the edge of the table.

Rules for safe work with glue.

1. Glue is a dangerous chemical. Care must be taken when working with it.

2. When working with glue, use a brush.

3. If the adhesive gets on the skin or eyes, rinse with water.

4. When finished, wash your hands and brush with soap thoroughly. with soap.

5. Take the amount of glue that is required to complete the work at this stage.

6. Remove excess glue with a napkin.


Get in the circle again

Let's play in the sun

We are cheerful rays, (Children raise their hands up)

We are frisky and hot. (They blow on their hands and hide them behind their backs)

One two three four.

Expand the circle wider. (They take four steps and clap their hands.)

And so we have a dark sky background.

Let's look at how you can make a paper rocket core.

The core consists of two, three circles, the tail is made of broken strips of multi-colored paper.


1. We take a rectangle of yellow or green color, this is the rocket body

And we stick it obliquely at an angle on the night sky, as if a rocket is flying into space.

2. We take a square and cut it diagonally into two triangles, one triangle is the nose of the rocket. Glue it to the top edge of the rocket body.

The second triangle is cut in half and glued to the rocket body

From two sides.

3. We simulate the fire that escapes from the rocket nozzle. Tear the paper into strips and pieces. Glue below the body.

4. We complete the design of the rocket by gluing the porthole into which the astronaut is looking.

We decorate the stars and planets with small circles.

The teacher hangs children's work on the board tightly to each other

It turns out the starry sky.


What was the name of this person? (Yu.A.Gagarin)

What does this date mean? (cosmonautics day)

How many planets are in the solar system? (9)

What else is in space? (stars, rockets, planets, comets, meteorites)

Pay attention to your applications, we got outer space in one word, what is it called? (galaxy).

Synopsis of the GCD for the preparatory group "Modeling. Rocket »

Targets and goals:

To expand knowledge about space, its conquerors, about the creators of the space rocket, about the vast expanses of our universe.

to form skills and abilities to logically answer the question posed, to promote the development of memory, thinking, to consolidate knowledge of vowels and consonants, to find the place of sound in a word, to determine the stressed sound (syllable, determine the number of syllables, compose a sentence, enrich vocabulary, introduce new the word “weightlessness”, to form the grammatical structure of speech, to consolidate the ability to sculpt sticks, by rolling plasticine with direct movements of the palms, to connect details, to smooth the surface of molded objects with fingers;

to form the skills of sculpting air transport, the ability to supplement crafts with small details.

Preliminary work: viewing illustrations, reading the book "The First Cosmonaut", parents' stories about space, observations in the planetarium.

Material: illustrations, portraits, books, D / and “What do we know about space?”, plasticine, boards, stacks.

"In the clear sky the sun shines,

The astronaut flies in a rocket.

And below the forests, fields,

The earth is spreading."

April 12 is the day of Cosmonautics. This is a holiday, first of all, for cosmonauts and those involved in the creation of space rockets.

Who are astronauts? (answers guys)

Do you want to fly into space? (answers guys)

What can you fly there? (answers guys)

Let's go guys

Let's play astronauts

We will all fly into space.

We're going to fly

We are building a new starship.

Look at the desk. Today we will make just such a rocket (sample display).

What geometric shapes does a rocket consist of? (Squares, triangles, circles)

Where is the rocket going? (Into space, up).

And what is in the sky, in space? (stars, moon, other planets).

Finger gymnastics

We intertwined our fingers

And pulled out the handles.

Well, now we are from the Earth

We push the clouds.

Now I will show you how to make a rocket.

Roll up a cylinder and a cone

Connecting both parts

We mask the junction with a thin flagellum-sausage. Decorate the bottom of the rocket with the same strip. Let's make flaps. To do this, roll up three identical cones and flatten them so that triangles are obtained. Glue them to the bottom of the rocket.

Let's make an illuminator. Roll up a small ball of plasticine, for example, yellow. Flatten it into a cake and stick it on the hull of the ship. Then we roll up a smaller black ball, flatten it and stick it on top of the first one. Our plasticine rocket is basically ready.

Now you can decorate the rocket. We used beads and glass beads for decoration. But you can, of course, roll up small balls and sausages from plasticine or, instead of convex elements, scratch relief details with a pencil or stack.


Synopsis of GCD for the preparatory group “Yu. A. Gagarin - the first cosmonaut. Conversation. Reading of V. Stepanov's poem "Yuri Gagarin".

Program tasks: to give children new knowledge about space, the first cosmonaut - Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. Enter the words into the children's dictionary: space, cosmodrome, planet, space rocket, spacesuit. Help understand poetry. Continue to teach children to answer content questions. Develop interest in astronauts, a sense of pride in them.

preliminary work: reading excerpts from the book by Yu. Nagibin "Tales about Gagarin", examining illustrations.

Material: portrait of Yu. A. Gagarin. Subject pictures: launch of the spaceship; space rocket "Vostok" in space; a snapshot of the planet Earth (from space); astronaut.

The teacher shows a picture of an astronaut.

Children, who do you think this is? (answers).

Children examine the clothes of an astronaut, name it with the help of a teacher.

What do astronauts do? (answers).

What are they flying? (answers).

The teacher shows the picture "Start of the spaceship."

And who was the first astronaut on Earth? (answers).

That's right, the first cosmonaut of the Earth was called Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. Do you want to know more about him?

The teacher's story.

“On April 12, 1961, a Russian man was the first to fly into space, his name was Yu. A. Gagarin. He flew on a space rocket "Vostok" (shows a picture). The space rocket on board with Gagarin circled the Earth once"

What was the name of the first astronaut? (answers)

When did Gagarin fly into space? (answers)

Yes. The first flight into space was on 12 April. And so on this day we celebrate Cosmonautics Day.

Children, do you want to become astronauts? (answers).

Then let's get ready!


Children, together with the teacher, perform several physical exercises.

From space, Yu. A. Gagarin observed our planet and photographed it. Children, where do we live? (answers).

That's right, we live on planet Earth. Look how beautiful our Earth is! (picture of Earth from space).

The whole world knows the first cosmonaut Yu. A. Gagarin. Songs and poems have been written about him. Listen to one of them. V. Stepanov's poem "Yuri Gagarin".

In a space rocket

Named "East"

He is the first on the planet

I was able to go up into space.

Singing songs about it

Spring drops:

Will be together forever

Gagarin and April.

Children. Now you know who the astronauts are? (answers).

What was the name of the first astronaut on Earth? (answers).

What kind of person was this? (answer).

outcome behavior.

Synopsis of GCD in the group preparatory to school. Topic: “Design. Rocket"


Educational: to form the ability to create volumetric paper construction using the diagram and sample. To consolidate the ability to twist rectangles into cylinders, a circle into a cone.

Educational: to develop the ability to convey the expressiveness of the composition, using the features of paper as design material., develop fine motor skills of hands, coherent speech.

Educational: to cultivate accuracy, the desire to help a friend, to cultivate a caring attitude towards one's planet.

Methodological techniques Keywords: game motivation, conversation, scheme analysis, finger gymnastics, physical education minute, summary, reflection.

Equipment: hoops for outdoor play "Fast planets are waiting for us", an audio recording of a Martian's voice asking for help, an audio recording of space music Group"Space", illustrations depicting rockets, volumetric planet Mars, space debris (pebbles, corks, candy wrappers, etc., a garbage container, a model building, an easel, a tape recorder.

Handout: cardboard, colored paper, scissors, glue, glue brushes, glue jars, napkins, oilcloths, brush stands, construction schemes rockets.

preliminary work: conversations on the topic "Space", "Gagarin's feat", "Space Forces"," Space", "Planets of the Solar System", reading fiction and encyclopedic literature, drawing on the topic "Space", guessing riddles about space.

Lesson progress

caregiver: Guys, do you want to play? I suggest you play the game "Fast are waiting for usrockets »

mobile game

"Fast are waiting for us rockets for planetary travel. /Children depict movements in

Whatever we want, we'll fly to such. / weightlessness

But there is one secret in the game, / At the end of the words, the children stand in hoops

There is no place for latecomers!

/ 2-3 persons. Latecomers drop out

/ games. One hoop is removed, etc.

caregiver: Guys, look! I think I see some kind of planet

(draws the attention of children to a voluminous planet)

What do you think this planet is?

Children's answers:

caregiver: How did you guess that this is the planet Mars?

Children's answers: She is red, she has a very high temperature.

caregiver: Listen, someone is asking for help.

caregiver: Do you think we can help the Martians? How can we help them?

Children's answers:

caregiver: How can we get to the planet Mars?

Children's answers: (on therocket )

caregiver: Who creates rockets?

Children's answer: constructor

caregiver: where does he work constructor?

Children's answer (indesign office )

caregiver: I suggest you stay today designers and design a rocket to fly to Mars. I am in charge constructor I propose to consider a sample of the finished rockets.

(on the easel illustration depictingrockets )

Children examine the finished sample and compare with the illustrations.

caregiver: From what geometric shapes designed rocket?

Children's answers: Bow cone rockets, the main part of the cylinder, nozzles from small cylinders.

caregiver: Come in design department. You have building plans on your desks. rockets. Consider them.

Diagram conversation: From what geometric figure can a large cylinder be obtained?

Children's answers: from a large rectangle, twisting it into a cylinder.

caregiver: From what geometric figure can a cone be obtained?

Children's answers: from the circle.

caregiver: It's time to get to work (on the tables are a set of geometric shapes for each child, a large rectangle, a circle, three small rectangles, colored paper for portholes, but first we will stretch our fingers.

Finger gymnastics.

During self-study, the teacher provides individual assistance.

caregiver: Let's evaluate the finished designs, is that all rockets can go to Mars.

Appreciate rockets.

caregiver: Well done constructors! All done, it's time to go. (Children pick up the made rockets move smoothly, depicting movements in weightlessness, at this time an audio recording of space music sounds)

caregiver: Here we are! Look how much garbage is around! Let's put the garbage in the star container.

Children take out the trash.

caregiver: How do you think we coped with the task?

Now it's time to return to our planet! Start countdown 10,9,8,7…. Start!

caregiver: So we returned home. What is the name of our planet? What is the name of the city where we live? How to keep our planet as clean as the planet Mars has become?

Children's answers: do not litter, do not pollute forests and rivers, etc.

Outcome Q: Where have we been today? Whom did we help today? What did they fly on? What is it made of?

Children's answers:

Reflection. What did you like? What didn't you like? Why?

Appendix 4

Leisure - a quiz for children of senior preschool age on the topic: "Connoisseurs of space"

Program content

Target: Consolidate existing knowledge about space.



To systematize children's knowledge about the planets of the solar system, astronauts, space technology

Enrich children's vocabulary (cosmodrome, spacesuit, weightlessness, telescope, etc.)


Develop children's intellectual ability

Develop strength, endurance


Develop the ability to work in a team, empathize with each other

Create an emotionally favorable atmosphere

Material: Paintings about the cosmos to match every question and riddle

Drawing by dots with numbers (rocket) for the competition of captains

Sports equipment for competitions

A board for each team with a picture of the planet and the name of the team

Stars - bonuses for correct answers

Gifts - books "Astrological Encyclopedia"

Video with the cartoon "Chip and Dale - flight into space"

preliminary work:

1. Conversation with children about space, about famous astronauts.

2. Solving riddles.

3. Reading books.

4. Drawing a rocket.

5. Rocket application.

6. Watching videos about space.

7. Viewing pictures, portraits, various space magazines.

Quiz progress

1. Introductory part. Conversation.

Teacher: Guys! Do you know what holiday the whole country celebrates today? (Cosmonautics Day). Correctly! This is a holiday of astronauts and people who are involved in the creation of space rockets. Why do you think people wanted to fly into space?

Educator: Do you guys know anything about space? Today we will have a team competition between two groups. The senior group team is called "Saturn" and the preparatory group team is called "Jupiter". You must answer the questions that I ask you, and for this you will receive stars. At the end of our quiz, we will count them, and the team with the most stars will win. But if the answers are shouted out from a place, or in chorus, all together answer, then the asterisk will climb. Therefore, be careful, and whoever raises his hand first is the one who answers.

2. Quiz. Questions.

    What was the name of the person who became interested and founded the science of space? (Tsiolkovsky)

    Why is this day called that? (On this day, a man flew into space for the first time)

    What animals have been in space? (monkeys, rats, dogs)

    And which main characters flew into space before people and returned safely? (Laika, Belka and Strelka)

    What was the name of the person who first flew into space and returned safely? (Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin)

    What spaceship did Gagarin fly on? (East - 1)

    What was the name of the person who first went into outer space? (Alexey Arkhipovich Leonov)

    What was the name of the first woman to fly into space? (Valentina Tereshkova)

    What other astronauts do you know? (German Titov, Andrian Nikolaev, Vladimir Komarov,

    And how do people find in space? (in weightlessness)

    How do they take food? (using tubes)

    What is the name of the astronaut equipment? (spacesuit)

    What planets do you know? (Jupiter, Saturn, Venus, Mars, Uranus, Mercury, Earth, Neptune)

    What character traits should an astronaut have? (strong, brave, hardy, brave, talented, smart, fast)

3. Physical education. Relay "Fast and strong"

Teacher: Guys! What do astronauts do before they go on a flight? (They are preparing, training on simulators). Correctly! We are getting ready for you too! And let's check which team is stronger, faster and more resilient?

1 task: Tug of war

Task 2: Walking with an object (ball)

Task 3: Running with an obstacle (snake)

Educator: Well done guys! You are all strong, fast, and most importantly, you have a team spirit.

4. Riddles. Game "Complete the word"

Educator: Guys, do you like to guess riddles? Today you need not only to solve the riddle, but also to find the answer in the pictures.

To arm the eye

And make friends with the stars

Milky way to see
We need a powerful ... (telescope)

On an airship
Cosmic, obedient,

We, overtaking the wind,
We are rushing on ... (Rocket)

The rocket has a driver
Weightlessness lover.
English: astronaut
And in Russian ... (cosmonaut)

The very first in space
Flying at great speed
Brave Russian boy
Our cosmonaut ... (Gagarin)

Lights the way at night
The stars won't sleep.
Let everyone sleep, she can't sleep
In the sky shines for us ... (Moon)

planet blue,
Beloved, dear.
She is yours, she is mine
And it's called ... (Earth)

He is friends with wind and water,
She is with the North Star.
They can never meet
Bear with Big ... (bear)

There is a special spacecraft,
He sends signals to Earth to everyone,
And like a lonely traveler
Flies in orbit ... (satellite)

In space through the thickness of years
Icy flying object.
His tail is a strip of light,
And the name of the object is ... (comet)

What do we see when we look out the window?
We shine with bright light ... (sun)

5. Captain's competition.

Educator: Now there will be a task for the captains. You need to complete the task correctly and quickly. And the rest of the team support their captains.

Exercise. You need to connect all the dots in order with straight lines and say what you did. Who will do the first and everything is right, that team

and get an asterisk.

Additional questions for captains:

What do astronauts fly on? (rocket)

What is the name of the place where the rocket launches from?


6. Final part. Summarizing.

Each team counts their stars. The commander tells the leader the result. The host sums up the results of the competition and presents gifts to the commanders.

7. Watching the cartoon "Squirrel and Strelka are preparing for space."