Crack in the wall of a panel house: what to do for an effective solution. Cracks in the walls of a panel house How to repair cracks in a concrete wall

Crack in the wall of a panel house: what to do for an effective solution.  Cracks in the walls of a panel house How to repair cracks in a concrete wall
Crack in the wall of a panel house: what to do for an effective solution. Cracks in the walls of a panel house How to repair cracks in a concrete wall

The walls are subject to various deformations and traces of destruction are formed on them. The solution to the question: “how to repair a crack in a wall” cannot be put off. It is necessary to find the cause of the defect and eliminate it. After this, quickly and correctly strengthen the wall at the defect site and veneer it.

Causes and dynamics of defect formation

There are many reasons why cracks form on the wall. Basically, this is poor quality work done during construction and poor material that does not comply with technical documentation. Ignoring the results of geological exploration or not conducting soil tests accounts for approximately half of the reasons for the formation of large defects in the facade. Among the most common causes of wall destruction:

  • the use of raw material when laying walls;
  • soil subsidence;
  • high groundwater level;
  • weak foundation cannot withstand loads;
  • deepening the foundation less than level soil freezing;
  • violation of construction technology;
  • poor quality of building materials;
  • unprotected façade made of hygroscopic material;
  • lack of waterproofing between the base and the wall.

Strengthening cracks in the wall should begin with identifying the cause of their formation and, if possible, eliminating it. You should monitor the dynamics of the expansion of the gap for several days and seal it as quickly as possible.

Strengthening mixtures are selected based on masonry materials, and depend on the location inside or outside.

Installation of beacons

Experts recommend installing beacons on cracks in the wall immediately after detecting a defect and observing the result for 8 - 10 days while everything is prepared necessary materials to prevent further destruction. Gypsum and solutions based on it are used as beacons, special devices and strips of paper.

Before installing beacons on a crack in the wall, you need to clean the place where they are attached. Otherwise, the beacon will slide off along with the plaster.

Paper strips are stretched across the break and glued on both sides. When the walls move, they tear.

Gypsum beacons are placed indoors. Mix the plaster with water until it reaches a thick putty consistency. The composition is made into something like a dumbbell with wide edges and a narrow middle. A beacon is attached across the defect. You can put marks on it on both sides at a certain distance. Then use them to measure the size of the displacement.

For external use, a cement-gypsum mixture is used. It is less susceptible to moisture.

Professionals are armed with various instruments, including micrometers that are mounted on the wall and record the slightest displacement in hundredths of mm in both directions.

Defects in the base and their elimination

The base is in direct contact with the soil, constantly flooded with rainwater and covered with snow. Cracks form in the lower part of the house more often than in the walls.

Cinder block and other building blocks

Defects in a block base occur mainly due to the mobility of the soil underneath. If the foundation is weak, it is advisable to strengthen it by digging a ditch along the perimeter next to it to the full depth and filling it with mortar. This will strengthen the foundation of the house, and cracks will appear much less frequently. When poured from the roof of a corner of a building, it begins to sag, warping the base and causing deformation.

How to repair cracks in a cinder block wall after eliminating the causes of foundation subsidence:

  1. Remove plaster and other finishes.
  2. Clean out the cracks, remove all pieces that are not held firmly.
  3. Remove dust and sand with a damp sponge.
  4. Hammer the anchors into the crack with a hammer. Secure them with dowels on both sides.
  5. Connect the anchors with wire if the crack is narrow. If it is wide, secure the metal mesh.
  6. Fill the crack cavity with cement-sand mortar from the outside and gypsum or gypsum-cement from the inside.
  7. A layer of plaster is applied over the mesh. After drying, it is cleaned with fine sandpaper, leveled and further finishing is done.

Slag filling base and walls

The reason for the formation of cracks in a slag-filling house is haste and violation of technology. After installing the formwork, the solution was poured quickly, without tamping it or releasing the resulting air bubbles. Over time, these internal voids become stress concentrators and cracks form along them.

When the temperature changes, condensation forms in the bubbles. Freezing, it expands the concrete particles and destroys it. Several steps are followed to seal a crack in the wall of a cinder-fill house.

  1. Clear the gap, increasing its width and depth.
  2. Remove all crumbling fragments and sand.
  3. Use a wet sponge to remove all dust.
  4. Fill the void with cement mortar.
  5. Place a metal one on top reinforced mesh with a margin of 40 - 50 cm in all directions. Secure it with dowels.
  6. Plaster the entire area with cement-sand mortar.

Further finishing is carried out in accordance with the rest of the plinth. It is advisable to cover the top with a moisture-resistant material to prevent moisture from entering and slow down destruction.

Often the cracks in slag-filling plinths can be through. In this case, they are sealed on both sides, compacting the cement mortar well into the void. Other materials are also suitable for sealing cracks in the wall. If it is not load-bearing or is lightly loaded, polyurethane foam is used. After hardening, its excess is cut off to a depth of 2 mm, the mesh is attached and everything is plastered.

Exterior wall repair

Horizontal cracks in the walls pose less of a risk of house destruction. The reason for their formation is related to the design of the house:

  • different depths of the foundation of external walls and under partitions;
  • lack of connection between internal and external walls;
  • poor quality masonry;
  • closely located groundwater wash away the foundation;
  • wind movement of the roof.

Typically, a thin, winding crack, several mm wide, runs along the perimeter. It is cut up, cleaned of dust and primed. After this, fill with sealant.

An armored belt is made around the perimeter from a metal strip and anchors. After this, you should similarly seal the crack in the wall from the inside during repairs.

Note! Vertical defects in a load-bearing wall are dangerous, especially if they continue to expand.

Restoration of façade plaster

Timely repair of cracks in the plaster of external walls significantly extends the service life of the building. If the finishing technology is violated and the proportions of the components of the plaster are not observed, the facade resembles dry soil. How to remove cracks in plaster walls outside. It is impossible to cut them all apart; it is easier to completely remove the plaster.

  1. Clean the wall with a wire brush to remove any loose particles.
  2. Coat with primer deep penetration. Use a coarse brush and rub the primer in different directions.
  3. Secure polypropylene or fiberglass mesh.
  4. Apply a thin layer of plaster. If you need to level out large differences, plaster in 2 - 3 layers, cleaning and covering with primer.
  5. Cover the walls water-based paint or make another façade finish.

Small cracks in plaster themselves do not pose a danger. But it hits them rainwater, which destroys the wall covering. In winter, it freezes, penetrating deeper into the plaster and then the masonry. This is why it is necessary to repair a crack in the plaster on the wall.

Strengthening brickwork

Small cracks in the brickwork that formed instead of spilled mortar are sealed to prevent water from entering and further destruction. They need to be cleaned with a wire brush, dirt must be blown out of them and sealed with sealant or polyurethane foam using a thin nozzle on the gun.

Fix a crack in the wall brick house more than 1 cm wide, especially if it continues to expand, it is necessary to use ties.

  1. The wall is grooved perpendicular to the crack or along the horizontal seams between the bricks. Holes are drilled along the edges of the recess.
  2. The reinforced metal rod is welded with the letter “P”, the crossbar is equal to the length of the selected recesses. The side pins go into the hole.
  3. WITH inside The cross member is welded. The excess is cut off.

Such through staples are placed at a distance of 20 cm from each other along the entire length of the crack.

Local cracks in the wall that do not expand are best removed by re-laying bricks. Disassemble all broken bricks from top to bottom. Place a new one in its place, with bandaging - moving the bricks.

What is the best solution to seal cracks in the walls of a house to prevent it from leaking out? Plasticizers must be added. For external walls it is lime and Bustilat glue. Their content in cement mortar should not exceed 10%.

Concrete wall

Solid and waterproof concrete slab not eternal. Over time, defects form in it. The façade must be inspected periodically. It is easier to repair small cracks in the wall than to repair a crumbling panel.

  1. Use a jackhammer to clear out the crack.
  2. Cover the exposed metal fittings with a primer to prevent them from rusting.
  3. Seal the crack with a solution of cement and water.
  4. Plaster the top with river sand added to the cement.

In the presence of large quantity small cracks on concrete wall indoors, coat with concrete primer, glue fiberglass and putty.

Elimination of wall defects indoors

Often small cracks in the masonry appear in the finishing: wallpaper breaks and comes off, tiles swell. Repairing cracks in an apartment wall begins with removing the cladding and plaster. Cleared up brickwork, the cracks must be cut out and filled with sealant. Then lay a strip of sickle mesh on top and putty. After drying, clean and plaster.

Cracks in plaster

During repairs, small cracks in the wall are repaired. If a vertical gap has formed, and before restoration work far away, the wall should be restored.

Foam blocks, aerated concrete and other lightweight materials

A crack often appears in a wall made of foam blocks, how to repair a warm, soft material. All blocks made with air inside are suitable as a good heat insulator. The material is not designed for heavy loads. During construction residential buildings foam blocks are used for the inner layer of masonry and they have little effect on the strength of the house structure.

How to repair cracks in a foam block wall? Gypsum solution with the addition of PVA glue as a plasticizer - up to 5% and reinforcing polyethylene or plastic fiber.

  1. Clean out the defect with the corner of a metal spatula or a construction knife.
  2. Cover with primer.
  3. Fill with solution.
  4. Secure serpyanka or polypropylene mesh.
  5. Cover with a layer of putty.

After drying, clean and then finish the wall by painting or wallpapering.

Features of working with plaster

Gypsumite blocks are used to create soundproofing and lightweight partitions. If there is no foundation under interior walls, then you can lay it on beams, choosing hollow slabs. How to repair cracks in plaster walls. The name itself suggests the material. The cracks are sealed with a solution of gypsum with PVA or Bustilate. Small defects and gaps between the slabs can be filled with sealant or gypsum adhesive.

A beautiful corner instead of a torn gap

Depending on the size of the defect in the corner, it is reinforced with metal corners or only mesh. A large gap, especially if it grows, requires urgent repair.

  1. Clean up.
  2. Select areas at a distance of 20–25 cm on both sides of the gap for fastening the corners.
  3. Drill holes, hammer in dowels and secure the metal corners with sides on different walls.
  4. Fill the large gap with foam if the wall is made of brick or foam block. Concrete joint with cement and water.
  5. Lay serpyanka or fiberglass.
  6. Plaster.
  7. For even angle insert a perforated metal corner – profile – into the plaster.
  8. Putty, clean.

If the house is made of panels and defects have formed at the joint, you must inform the homeowner and require him to carry out external repairs and seal the panel joints.

Drywall needs to be replaced

Used to level walls, they swell from moisture and warp. When they dry, tears in the outer coating form on them. Close up fine mesh defects can be putty. But a sheet repaired in this way will not last long.

How to repair cracks in plasterboard walls? Small defects can be repaired with acrylic. The deformed septum is restored by replacing the swollen gypsum board. The leaf is carefully trimmed. If installed, the fastener is removed. In its place another plate is placed or glued to the wall. The joints between the sheets are sealed.

If defects are formed due to drying out of the gypsum plaster, you can glue fiberglass as a reinforcing material.

Minor defects can be corrected yourself if they are related to the plaster. If the appearance is associated with deformation of the main structure, then you need to seek help from specialists.

Exterior materials for cracks

  • Neomid Professional ─ universal putty. For deep cracks and potholes. Contains reinforcing fibers.
  • SEMIN Fibrelastic ─ elastic putty for external and interior works. Especially for “breathing” cracks and joints.
  • Profix ─ mounting and putty mixture. This is a flexible putty with easy application.

Crack mixtures for interior work

  • SEMIN Rebouchage ─ filling putty for interior work.
  • UNIS Highlight-thick-layer ─ gypsum putty. Universal, easy to apply, crack-resistant. Warranty up to 15 years.
  • TERRACO Handyflex ─ super elastic crack filler.

DIY repair

Often during repair work you have to deal with unpleasant defects. They are discovered while re-sticking wallpaper or leveling a wall for painting. You can deal with minor flaws yourself. When there are more defects outside than inside the house, it makes the job more difficult. Of course, it is difficult to deal with the cause, but you can try to hide this defect.

Puttying cracks in a monolithic house

To “cure” defects in monolithic walls, you will need the appropriate tools and materials:

  • sealing composition (sealant, foam) and concrete solution;
  • putty knife;
  • sanding mesh and holder for it;
  • brush with stiff bristles;
  • jointing tool.

First you need to widen the flaw by beating the edges with a hammer to better adhesion cracks with putty. Clean the defect from dust and pour sealant into it, then level the seam concrete mortar. What to cover with? You can, of course, use only the solution, but the sealing compound will not allow it to appear anymore. After drying, you need to sand any unevenness well.

What is the best way to cover up cracks in a load-bearing block wall?

Smooth cracks appear on the masonry when it is not reinforced. There are several putty options for wall repair. Let's look at some ways to eliminate the defect.

1 way:

  • clean and, if necessary, expand the crack;
  • clean from dust;
  • using metal E-shaped anchors secured with dowels, strengthen the crack between the blocks;
  • add pieces of broken cinder block to the solution (the smaller the better) and plaster the defect.

Method 2

  • widen the crack;
  • prime;
  • seal with mortar.

For small cracks, it is permissible to use tile adhesive, mounting foam or special foam for blocks.

If there is a straight crack in the corners, how to fix it correctly

A straight corner crack must first be opened, primed with a tenacious “Soil-Contact” primer and the seam sealed. To do this, take the Isogypsum putty on a spatula and rub it well into the flaw. Place a mesh on top of the putty. After drying, smooth out all uneven surfaces.

Repairing cracks in brickwork: how to remove them

  • Repairing cracks in brickwork begins with cleaning from dirt, dust, chipped bricks, fallen mortar and other unnecessary elements.
  • It is good to wet the crack, since the base of the brick tends to absorb water. By throwing the solution, it will penetrate deeper into the crack.
  • Cover the wide part of the defect with mortar, and fill the narrow part with sealant from a “gun”.
  • Since the sealant has White color, and the solution is gray, you need to give the crack an aesthetic appearance. To do this, apply glue with a spatula. tiles. It tolerates temperature changes well, is frost-resistant, and moisture-resistant.
  • After drying building material, rub the seam, smooth out the unevenness.

Repairing cracks in a concrete wall of a panel house with cement mortar

  • First, check the condition of the crack, widen it with a hammer and chisel.
  • Use a compressor to blow off all the dirt.
  • Depending on the brand of cement, prepare a solution. To do this, mix sand, cement, water, beat until mushy.
  • Lubricate the defect with PVA glue for better adhesion of the crack to the solution.
  • Fill the hole with mortar to the level of the wall.
  • Smooth out the seam.
  • After drying, clean up.

If there are cracks in a new house, how to repair them

  • Use a special tool to widen the crack.
  • Clean it from dust.
  • to improve the adhesion of the putty.
  • Seal the seam with putty using a putty knife.
  • To prevent recurrence of formations, glue with sickle tape.
  • Hold the top of the tape with one spatula, and smooth the tape with the second.
  • Reapply putty and allow time to dry.
  • After 24 hours, sand the surface of the seam.

Walls are vertical load-bearing and enclosing structures. They withstand force and non-force impacts. Therefore, they must be strong, durable, and withstand temperature and humidity conditions.

What to follow when repairing cracks: main rules

To load-bearing capacity and the enclosing properties of the walls have been preserved long time, you need to be guided by " General recommendations on crack repair technology."

Repair of cracks is carried out after drawing up a map of defects and defective statement, which confirm the results of the examination, the reasons for their manifestation.

When choosing unpleasant formations, you need to consider:

  • wall material;
  • number of flaws;
  • defect width;
  • branching of flaws;

Only then carry out repair work:

  • embroider;
  • clean from dust;
  • Rinse;
  • fill with suitable plaster.

If you notice a crack in the house, you need to monitor its changes: whether it expands or remains the same. When design changes have occurred, you need to seek advice from specialists. Only they will be able to professionally assess the condition of the surface and recommend measures to prevent and eliminate them.

Useful video on the topic

Cracks in walls are a fairly common occurrence. Their appearance may be caused by whole line reasons, for example, shrinkage of the house. It is natural that when they are discovered, the question arises: how to repair a crack in the wall correctly? A small defect can be a harbinger of a big disaster, even leading to the destruction and deformation of the entire building, so you need to act as quickly as possible to avoid the appearance of new defects and prevent the growth of existing ones. An important point is precise definition the reasons that caused the destructive process. Without eliminating it, there is no point in hoping to solve the problem.

Causes of wall cracking

Before repairing a crack in the wall, it is necessary to find out the destructive factors that served as the basis for the occurrence of this undesirable phenomenon. One of the options for classifying cracks according to the main possible reasons process - shown in the table below.

Types of cracksPossible causes
1 temperaturearise due to periodic or sudden fluctuations, or because the foundation freezes
2 deformationnon-compliance of existing loads with design loads
3 constructiveuse of mortars in the construction of structures Low quality or grades of material that do not correspond to existing loads
4 shrinkageare formed as a result of construction work near the building associated with digging pits, trenches

Plasterboard partitions become deformed when in direct contact with water or when used in wet areas.

The nature of the location on the walls of the house and the parameters of the cracks indicate the reasons for their formation. Their direction is influenced effective loads, For example:

  • the presence and location of numerous cracks in the wall of the house on their surface indicates wear and tear of the materials;
  • cracks widened at the top are evidence of foundation subsidence, and cracks thickened towards the bottom are evidence of the action of significant vertical loads.

Based on depth and direction, defects are divided into:

  • inclined;
  • horizontal and vertical;
  • straight and curved;
  • surface and through;
  • closed.

Based on the size of the cracks, the following types are distinguished:

  • small - up to 5 mm;
  • medium - 5-10 mm;
  • wide - more than 1 cm.

Repairing cracks, both internal and external, should begin with identifying the cause. An analysis of their appearance will help with this.

Checking cracks for the possibility of further growth

When starting to work on concrete walls (or those built from other materials), you need to make sure that they are stable, because if the faults grow, then it makes no sense to cover them up until the destructive process stops.

It is possible to determine how cracking occurs in a simple way. Then proceed like this:

  • glue plain paper onto the seam and monitor its integrity for a certain period of time;
  • Apply a layer of plaster and wait for the result.

If the applied coating remains intact, then the defects are covered. With further deformation of the surface, it is necessary to look for the cause in order to stop the growth and seal the gap.

Tools and materials for work

To seal cracks at home, you will need to prepare a working tool and collect the material with which they will be closed. Everything you might need is summarized in the following table.

You can also use it to stir the solution. construction mixer and a concrete mixer.

In every specific case You will need certain tools and materials. Their use is influenced by the operating conditions of the surface being repaired and the nature of the problem itself.

Crack repair technology

Having discovered a defect in a concrete wall (stone, plasterboard), it is necessary to begin repairing it as quickly as possible. Work begins only after the destruction process has stabilized.

How to properly and with what to repair a crack is determined by its size and location inside or outside the house. The base material also matters.

Considering these factors, general scheme works on various surfaces with flaws of different scales comes down to the following actions:

  • widen the gap;
  • remove debris, dust, and other contaminants;
  • perform priming;
  • reinforce;
  • Seal the recess with mortar.

Use a brush or vacuum cleaner to remove dust. You can also wash off the debris with water, but then you need to wait for it to dry. working area. For bases from different materials There are some nuances to the work.

Removing defects from brick, concrete and plaster walls

Small cracks up to 1 cm are sealed in the same way. Step-by-step instruction the work is reduced to the following points:

  • embroider the furrow with a hammer and chisel;
  • cleanse work surface from garbage;
  • prime;
  • use a hammer drill to drill holes for dowels (approximately every 40 cm) to secure the reinforcing mesh;
  • after its installation, it is covered with a layer of cement-sand plaster;
  • facing material is applied.

At all small cracks fill with sealant using a syringe, as in the photo below.

Splits larger than 1 cm are considered dangerous. They are sealed in the following sequence:

  • remove broken bricks;
  • clean the recess;
  • on new cement-sand mortar lay whole bricks with wire;
  • fix the reinforcing mesh, or mount metal plates on the anchors, stitching the cracked area.

If it is not possible to dismantle cracked masonry elements, then do this:

  • trim the edges of the seam;
  • remove pollutants;
  • the formed recess is filled with polyurethane foam;
  • when it dries, remove it 2 cm deep;
  • plastered with cement composition.

In a similar way, small and large gaps and cracks are filled on concrete, stone, and plastered bases. So, it is enough to seal the grooves in the plaster with a solution similar in properties to the applied coating.

To eliminate minor defects indoors, they are usually used gypsum putty and sealants. For larger defects, cement-sand compositions are also used when repairing external walls. After sealing the seam, it is advisable to plaster the entire surface, and then apply a finishing coating that has good reinforcing properties, for example, glass wallpaper.

Sealing through cracks and defects in drywall

Through faults are serious violations of the integrity of partitions, often requiring strengthening of the entire wall.

In general, by doing preparatory work After cleaning the opening and removing loose elements, proceed to the following steps:

  • filled with cement-crushed stone (fine-grained) mortar;
  • install metal plates on anchors (dowels);
  • plaster the working area;
  • create a finishing coating.

The plates can be applied on both sides of the wall using through bolts for tightening. Then the holes for the bolts are filled with plaster mortar.

In this way you can both decorate cracks on the wall and strengthen it.

As for drywall, it is a very moisture-sensitive material. If the sheets are deformed, they will need to be replaced. They will not return to their original form.

Common cracks in drywall can be covered:

Another option for getting rid of the problem is to cover the damaged area with fiberglass, followed by applying a layer of putty.

Compared to surfaces made of other materials for gypsum boards, the following nuances should be taken into account:

  • the solution is applied to the seam and thin layer onto adjacent sheets, covering 5 cm from the edges to be sealed;
  • the frozen mass is polished.

The best option is to plaster the entire surface of the deformable wall using. It is very good when faced with a material that can additionally reinforce the base.

Cracking occurs on different types surfaces: concrete, stone, plastered, brick. Also, cracks may appear on drywall and partitions made from various blocks.

The methods outlined show how to repair cracks in the wall of your apartment, which have different sizes and arise on bases made of different materials. The technology in all cases provides general order actions. Only some of the materials used differ. All operations can be easily performed with your own hands without the help of specialists.

You can study the technique of sealing cracks on the wall in detail in the video below.

Due to the movement of soil layers, the entire structure tilts, now in one direction, then in the other. But the building itself stands solidly, due to good things.

If a crack appears in the wall of a house, this may mean that the foundation is doing its job very poorly. But there are many other reasons why cracks can occur even without the foundation being destroyed.

If the supporting soils do not evenly accept the load, the tape will deform more than the walls of the building can withstand.

It's easy to do:

If the markers remain intact or the cracks widen or narrow, this means that the foundation is fulfilling its purpose well, and there was tension in the wall materials that spilled out in the form of cracks.

To strengthen the wall in the emergency area, use:

  1. Carbon fiber reinforcement or steel mesh, from the outside;
  2. Metal frames or anchors;
  3. Reinforcing elements that are laid along grooves;
  4. The injection method is used.

To solve this problem it is necessary to equip a drainage system.

If no measures help, then the problem of cracks must be looked for in the foundation.

The reason for this is not only the formation of cracks on the building, but also significant flaws in the foundation.

Faults that have formed locally in the foundation must be repaired immediately.

It is not necessary to exclude the possibility that the cause of the cracks may be an initial miscalculation in the design or non-compliance with the requirements during the construction of the building.

So before you start construction, consider all the nuances. Well, if troubles do occur, then after reading this article you will know what to do.

We hope that the information in this article was useful to you. We wish you good luck!

During a major or cosmetic repairs It is very useful to know how to repair a crack in a wall, because without rough preparation, further work is useless. Even a small crack requires special attention, since it will increase over time, which will entail serious consequences. When starting to eliminate a crack, it is important to take into account its width and depth, the material of the wall, since the methods and tools used in each individual case may differ. In addition, after eliminating the defect, the restored surface must be properly cared for.

Required tools and materials

To seal cracks you will need the following material:

  • wood glue in the consistency of thin sour cream, mixed with tooth powder or chalk chips;
  • strips of cotton fabric, gauze, medical bandage, soaked in PVA glue (they can be replaced with fiberglass tape);
  • cement mortar mixed with paint prevents moisture penetration;
  • lime-cement mortar reinforced with mesh;
  • sandpaper for grouting;
  • primer;
  • sealant;
  • putty mixture;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • plaster for finishing.

Preparation of cement mortar for sealing gaps, cracks, seams

Tools you will need:

  1. brush;
  2. brush;
  3. putty knife;
  4. construction mixer;
  5. foam sponge;
  6. gun for sealant and polyurethane foam.

In some cases, the work will additionally require a hammer, chisel and a hammer drill with attachments.

How to repair a crack: types of mixtures

In order to choose what to cover cracks in the wall with, you need to take into account the features of the coating:

How to dilute the solution yourself

Cracks in walls can occur both outside and inside the building. Therefore, there are two main types of mortar - plaster for external and internal work.

I. Mortar for sealing cracks outside the building

Restoring the integrity of the surface of the walls outside the building is carried out using cement mortar plaster. It is prepared as follows: use cement and sand in a ratio of 1 to 3, add PVA glue, dilute with water to a medium-thick consistency. You can use ready-made dry solutions, which just need to be diluted with water in the ratio indicated on the package.

II. Interior solution

For interior work use mortar: lime and sand are mixed in a ratio of 1 to 4, diluted with water. The consistency should be such that when thrown onto the wall, the mixture forms a dense “pancake” and not a lump.

Using polyurethane foam

Large gaps in walls, for example, made of brickwork, can be sealed using polyurethane foam. The gap is first cleared of debris, filled with primer, then foam. When the polyurethane foam “sets,” it is cut to a depth of about 20 mm, and cement mortar or adhesive is placed in this gap.

Foam is also used to seal through cracks in temporary buildings.

What nuances do you need to know when using polyurethane foam to repair cracks?

When working with polyurethane foam, you should remember that too much of it leads to an increase in the crack, and its remains should not stick out out of the gap. It is added not as a single filling, but in stages, for those areas where it is not enough. Excess foam is cut off, the gap is waterproofed, the outside is covered with cement mortar, and the inside is plastered.

Foaming a large gap between the wall and the ceiling

Crack sealing method

Repairing cracks in walls is carried out different methods, depending on the type of surface. Let's look at the details of eliminating gaps on surfaces made of various materials.

In brickwork

Sealing cracks in brick walls carried out different ways, depending on the size of the damage. If the width of the defect is up to 5 mm, you can get rid of it using cement mortar or regular tile adhesive. The gap is widened with a spatula or hammer and cleaned of dirt. The gap is treated with a primer, then filled with cement or adhesive mortar.

To eliminate cracks 10-15 mm wide, a cement-based solution is also used, but with the addition of fine sand. Sickle tape is glued over the repaired area and putty is applied.

In a plastered wall

Plaster can crack both outside and inside the house. In any case, the restoration procedure begins with widening the cracks, deepening them with a spatula or sharp knife. Next, the gap is cleaned of contaminants and primed with a deep penetration solution. When the primer has dried, place it inside the gap. plaster mixture to its entire depth. Without waiting for the solution to dry, reinforcing tape is glued over the crack and covered with plaster. For repairs, it is recommended to use a gypsum mixture.

When the plaster layer dries, it is rubbed with sandpaper for complete leveling.

On sheets of drywall

Cracks in drywall may appear due to too thick a layer of plaster applied or damage thermal regime when it dries. Vertical and horizontal cracks occur at the joints between sheets due to weakening of the metal frame of the wall or the absence of reinforcing tape.

In the first case, the cracks form a “web”. To get rid of it, you need to remove the damaged layer of plaster and apply a new one, but no more than 2 mm thick. Each layer of plaster must dry thoroughly.

In the second case, you need to carry out a number of actions:

  1. Use a sharp knife to widen the cracks at a 45-degree angle.
  2. Fill the gaps with gypsum mortar.
  3. Apply reinforcing tape over the filled crack.
  4. The surface is leveled with plaster and sanded with an abrasive mesh before applying a decorative coating.

In a concrete wall

Cement mortar is used to fill gaps on concrete walls. The surface is prepared, cleaned of dirt, and residues are removed. old plaster, then the cracks are carefully filled with solution. Experts often recommend that before filling the gap with cement mortar, lubricate its internal cavity with PVA glue.

In case of large defects and through cracks, the cracks are filled with mounting foam, sealed from the inside with gypsum mortar, and from the outside - cement-sand plaster. Defects less than 5 mm wide can be sealed with sealant.

What to do if the crack is long and deep

How to repair a crack in a wall if it is deep? Slots wider than 15 mm are considered dangerous because... may cause wall destruction. If such gaps appear on the brickwork, the defective area is dismantled and replaced with new masonry. In this case, the bricks are laid in a special, interlocking way, strengthening the rows with pieces of reinforcement.

New masonry will help such a crack

You can protect the wall from destruction due to significant cracks by installing lintels or making metal reinforcement. This method is effective for monolithic concrete walls: metal corners are tightened with long bolts, sometimes it is necessary to install reinforcing belts along the entire perimeter of the room or building. The reinforcing belt is installed before sealing a crack in the wall - under the roof, above the foundation, sometimes in several rows.

Such a crack should be sealed with foam, cement, reinforced with a reinforcing belt

A wide and deep gap in drywall can be filled with gypsum plaster

How long does it take for the solution to dry?

Proceed to finishing walls are possible only after completely dry repair solution. Drying time depends on the material used. Gypsum plaster dries in about three days. The cement-lime mortar will need from 24 hours to two days. Cement mortar dries in 24 hours, and for facade plaster It will only take 8 hours.

When the material dries, it should create special conditions to prevent repeated cracking: air temperature not higher than +25C, absence of drafts and direct sunlight.


The final finishing after repairing cracks and cracks is carried out after the solution has completely dried. The dried mixture is sanded well, leveling it with the rest of the wall surface. Then the primer is applied until it stops being absorbed into the restored surface area. After this you can start decorative finishing– painting, wallpapering, applying textured plaster and so on.

Consistency finishing putty should be dense, but not too thick

How to care for a restored wall

A wall restored after repair must, first of all, be protected from various mechanical influences - do not move furniture too close to it, hammer nails into places where cracks have been repaired, or protect it from being hit by a door.

You need to wipe the walls carefully so as not to damage them. decorative layer coverings. If decorative coating durable, it can protect the wall from various influences, capable of causing repeated cracking, provided that the repair of the crack was carried out efficiently and the plaster was completely dry before decorative finishing works. Therefore, methods such as coating with colorless varnish are used decorative plaster, application waterproof paint on the surface of the walls, the use of wooden, plastic, gypsum panels, non-woven wallpaper.

Videos on repairing cracks in walls

The main stages of sealing a crack in a plastered wall in a video:

You can learn what materials to use to cover cracks from this video:

The appearance of cracks on the facade of a house or inside it can be caused by for various reasons: shrinkage of the foundation, improper execution of rough finishing, disruption of the bricklaying process, use of low-quality or unsuitable materials, and many others. It is important to notice their appearance in time and do everything necessary measures to eliminate defects. A fine network of cracks in the plaster is usually not associated with the danger of wall destruction, but in any case, the process of the appearance of new gaps must be controlled, as well as the increase in their size