Types of watering nozzles: which one is better? Sprinkler, pump and other accessories

Types of watering nozzles: which one is better? Sprinkler, pump and other accessories

A device that sprays water and various aqueous solutions has long been actively used in the most different areas. In every home there is the simplest version of this device, used for watering indoor plants. Any gardener and summer resident cannot do without it in his activities.

In almost all areas National economy You can find such devices that differ only in their design.

1 How does a water spray work?

The movement of liquid through the atomizer tube occurs due to pressure differences. The liquid leaving the hole enters the gas environment. In this case, a directed jet with a rough surface is formed.

The water jet is split into individual droplets by surface tension and the increasing stress inherent in the resulting turbulent flow. In order to increase the instability of the water jet, artificial roughness and centrifugal forces can be used. At high speed Due to the movement of the jet, not single droplets of water are formed, but the water flow is split into small particles of different sizes.

1.1 How to make a household sprayer with your own hands

Now there are no problems with purchasing a sprayer. It can be found in every hardware department of the store. But you can save money cash on his purchase.

Since the design of the water sprayer does not present any difficulties, it is quite possible to make it yourself. Available materials will be used, which are always available in every household. The algorithm for assembling the unit with your own hands is as follows.

  1. We find a suitable empty container made of glass, plastic or metal. The vessel should be held comfortably in the hand.
  2. We select a shutter for the found vessel. Cork can also be made of any material, preferably wood or plastic.
  3. We find the tube and insert it into the neck of the vessel. As a tube, you can take a cocktail tube, a medical hose for droppers, pen refills, etc.
  4. One tube is located in the vessel, and the second is located outside. The design of the connections should resemble the letter “T”.
  5. Finally, using any pump, air is pumped into one of the edges of the tube, under the pressure of which a stream of water emerges from the second edge of the tube. Instead of a pump, an ordinary rubber bulb can also be used.

The second version of a water sprayer used for watering a lawn, flower bed or vegetable garden can be made with your own hands from a plastic bottle. The manufacturing sequence is as follows.

  1. In normal plastic bottle any container, make small holes with an awl.
  2. The edge of the watering hose is inserted through the neck of the bottle.
  3. The place where the hoses enter the bottle is sealed so that excess pressure is created inside the container.
  4. After connecting the second edge of the watering hose to the source of water supply, it will be sprayed through the holes in the bottle under pressure, irrigating the place where the structure is installed.

A self-made sprinkler can fully replace purchased analogues in terms of functionality.

1.2 Powerful water sprayer using improvised means (video)

2 The use of water sprayers in firefighting

In systems automatic fire extinguishing Water is often used as an extinguishing agent. Two types of water installations are used:

  • sprinklers, used to extinguish local fires, turn on automatically;
  • deluge type, used to extinguish large fire areas, activated by the operator.

Sprinkler systems operate when the temperature slightly exceeds the established norm. The water supply pump through the pipeline starts. A spray of water spreads near the fire.

Deluge systems are activated directly in the event of a fire. Water is supplied to the pipeline under high pressure. By spraying water with droplets larger than in the first case, a water curtain is created.

A modern way of extinguishing fires is a fire extinguishing system finely sprayed water. Water jet under action low pressure breaks down and transforms into a fine mist of water. This explains the effectiveness of this method. Water consumption in this option is minimal.

2.1 Application of sprayers in agriculture

Mainly in agricultural production, sprayers are used that operate due to the pressure of the working fluid. The nozzle channel of the sprayer narrows and the liquid accelerates in it. At the outlet of the spray channel, the pressure decreases. The liquid disperses in the direction determined by the shape of the nozzle. The spraying process itself is as follows:

  • initial formation of a smooth film;
  • the film loses stability and becomes wavy when exposed to air;
  • disintegration of the film onto the thread;
  • disintegration of threads into drops of different sizes;
  • formation of a torch of sprayed liquid from droplets.

In accordance with the agricultural operation being performed and local conditions, the following basic forms of spray patterns are used:

  • flat torch;
  • full cone;
  • jet;

Achieved required form spray pattern by installing appropriate nozzles in the sprayer, which come in different types.

Such sprinklers are used to water and treat plants with various chemicals.

2.2 Using spray devices at home

Every household uses water taps and shower heads. If you install a special aeration spray nozzle on the faucet, you will achieve significant savings by water consumption. Regardless of the pressure of 6 or 10 l/min, installing an aerator will save up to 60% of water. High efficiency is achieved by hitting the maximum surface area minimum quantity water.

Using an economical shower head that operates on the turbo effect principle (splitting the water stream into small ones) will save water up to 55%.

Water spraying is used to humidify rooms in hot weather. Two types of humidifiers are used:

  • with disc sprayers and nozzles;
  • with spray nozzles.

In both cases, water is sprayed into an aerosol. Thermal energy from the surrounding air turns water droplets into a gas state. This spray has an adiabatic (cooling) effect on the room temperature. The humidification unit consumes a minimum of electricity.

To wash your car, spray units such as Karcher and others are also often used. The operating principle is based on the creation high pressure in the working tank, as in . At the same time, for the convenience of directing the jet and adjusting the flow power, a spray gun is used. Washing machines of this design are energy- and water-saving.

A spray bottle is very common in everyday life. They are equipped with bottles of toilet waters, perfumes, deodorants, air fresheners and other perfumery products. They cannot do without them when packaging products. household chemicals. Cans of household insect repellents, glass and grease cleaners are also equipped with spray nozzles.

Medical inhalation drugs are used in the form of sprays. Here, too, you can’t do without a sprayer. IN medical institutions By spraying special solutions, work surfaces are disinfected and the premises are completely disinfected.

Various spray nozzles are used when performing painting works during repairs, during paint and varnish treatment of car bodies.

Hairdressers and cosmetologists use spray bottles in their field to moisturize their hair and face.

Having considered only individual examples of the use of sprayers, the conclusion is obvious - these devices have widely become part of human life.

Man has always strived for technology because it allows him to be lazy. Also modern people They try to spend time usefully and at the same time relax. As rules in nature, you can best enjoy relaxation, and even better if it is quiet and beautiful garden. But as a rule, it is necessary to work on such places, if only to maintain their beauty.

This is where a person’s intelligence and laziness come to the rescue, because why work at full capacity if you can come up with something? auxiliary tools and make your life much easier. Such devices include sprinklers.

With the help of this simple device, artificial rain appears on your site, and most importantly, unlike ordinary rain, the sprinkler will distribute the water evenly and much softer than rain. They are also far superior to watering cans and hoses. This is because after watering from the same hose, a puddle forms on the soil, due to the fact that the pressure from the hose is much stronger and it hits the plant with a thick stream of water.

While the sprinkler directs several small streams upward and before they fall to the ground, the streams have time to break into many small drops. Raincoats are very easy to use. You need to connect it to a hose and install it at the watering site, after which it will do everything for you.

There are a large variety of sprinklers; they must be selected based on the irrigation area. Since each sprinkler has different areas spraying moisture. In addition, you need to pay attention to two other important characteristics: the jet pressure and the water drop volume regulator.

For example, if the sprinkler has small droplets, then it can water your soil without any damage to the soil and the plant, in addition, small droplets are better absorbed into the soil, therefore, moisten it faster.

Also, when choosing a sprinkler, it is necessary to start from the plant that it will water. If you only have seedlings of future fruits, then a weak sprinkler is perfect for you, since during this period it is necessary to exclude all possible damage for the plant, otherwise it can simply be ruined.

There are also sprayers, they are great for those plants that are contraindicated from getting moisture on the leaves. In this case, the sprayer will only water root system, while all the moisture from the plants will have time to evaporate in the sun.

Types of sprinklers and their areas of application

The most primitive type of sprinkler is the pistol. It is extremely easy to use. To work with it, you just need to connect a hose to it, but watering the plants will not be carried out without you, since you will need to go through all the beds yourself.

But there is a plus to this, since you know your plants better and know what’s good for them. fits better on this moment. And thanks to the many different adjustments on the watering gun, you can water the plant as safely as possible.

Some guns have replaceable nozzles, as well as a built-in chamber for fertilizers. Thus, water will reach the plants already from nutrients. In addition, it is easy to clean; if the gun becomes clogged, it can always be easily disassembled. Since all its attachments are removable.

Static sprinklers

Often used in watering lawns, gardens, trees and bushes. Exists a large number of modifications to this species, but they all have one thing in common: they do not have a rotational element. Hence their name - static. This sprinkler is capable of uniformly watering a large area.

They are often installed in pairs or more. They are attached to one hose and secured to the ground. Thus, with one hose you can water a large area of ​​land, without any effort.

Rotary sprinklers

The rotary sprinkler consists of a fixed base and an upper watering part. The top is capable of rotating around its axis. The operating principle of this sprinkler is very similar to a fan. Since there are blades installed in the upper part, thanks to which not only watering of the territory is carried out, but also self-rotation.

Water from such a device is supplied at an angle; due to rotation, watering of the territory is not carried out simultaneously. There are many models, but the main elements are the working blades. If, when choosing a rotary sprinkler, we start only from the blades, then only three modifications can be distinguished. The first has two blades, the second has three working blades and the third has four working blades.

But this sprinkler also has a drawback. It gets clogged very quickly. Because of complex design, cleaning such a sprinkler is almost impossible and you just have to throw it away. In order to avoid such situations, it is best to take a sprinkler with a built-in water filter. Thanks to the filter, the water will be purified and impurities will not be able to clog it.

Pop-up sprinklers

This type of sprinklers belongs to automatic watering systems. They are installed underground, but not very deep. They must be placed so that the top of the sprinkler sticks out slightly from the ground.

When water begins to flow to the sprinkler, the tip comes out of the structure and irrigates the area; after the supply stops, it goes underground again. With this device you can water small area territories. Most often it is used for watering lawns and lawns.

DIY sprinkler

You don't have time to buy a new sprinkler, but you're constantly tired of watering your garden with a watering can. Then you can make your own sprinkler.

In order to create a sprinkler we need:

  • Plastic liter bottle;
  • Needle, awl or pin;
  • insulating tape;
  • A plastic tube with a diameter smaller than the neck of a bottle.

First you need to remove the cap from the bottle. The next step in creating will be the holes through which the water will come out. To do this we need an awl, a needle or other sharp objects.

Afterwards, you need to take a pipe or plastic hose and wrap it with electrical tape, this is necessary so that the pipe is fixed in the bottle and we are sure that after strong pressure our sprinkler will not fly off to the side. Once you have secured the hose to the bottle, you can proceed to the next step.

Also, for better bonding, you can fix the hose and bottle by wrapping them with electrical tape one more time on top of the bottle. After that, all that remains is to install our brand new sprinkler. We find a suitable stick. We install it where we need to water the plants. We attach our sprinkler to the stick. We attach a hose to the tube that comes out of the neck and supply water through it.

It is best to secure the hose and bottle using plastic clamps, since they are not expensive, accessible and easy to use. After we have installed everything, you can safely supply water and enjoy how the garden is watered without your effort.

A spray gun, the second name of which is a sprayer, is a specialized technique designed for spraying any type of liquid on any surface. During spraying, the liquid becomes small droplets, which makes it possible to obtain the maximum uniform application liquid mixtures onto any surface. In addition to liquids, the sprayer is suitable for spraying various powder mixtures and suspensions. Such a sprayer, which today is actively used at home, as well as in agriculture, can be bought at any store. The range of such equipment is quite wide.

Automatic sprayer

Let's consider the principle of operation of such equipment as a garden water sprayer. The principle of its operation is as follows: a stream of water begins to move along the nozzle of this technique through a difference in pressure. There are models where this function This is the part of the device called the ejector. Water particles begin to move with the help of a steam jet. The flow of water creates a directional jet that has rough surface. This jet begins to break up into tiny droplets as the pressure characteristic of turbulent flows and with the help surface tension. To increase erratic water jets, it can be used as an artificial hump. At very high speeds of water movement, instead of creating single drops of water, you can see the fragmentation of the flow into small particles of various volumes.

Paint sprayers

Types of sprayers

Let's consider the main types of such a device as a spray gun:

  • A spray bottle with a bulb for perfumes such as perfumes, eau de toilette, deodorant and other products. You can even make such pear sprayers yourself. Until today, in many hairdressing salons, perfume is applied using a device such as a small spray bottle or bottle with a “pear”.
  • Medical-grade nebulizers that are used as atomization sprays special drugs and medicines.
  • Spraying equipment, which has a special nozzle, is used in painting and painting works, as well as in other areas human activity for applying varnish, paint, ink and ink. Through the formation of uniform thin layers manual type A spray gun that you can make yourself is quite often used in airbrushing for cars. They are usually called a spray gun - this is an electric spray gun. Such electric spray guns are often used to apply paint to any surface.
  • Garden sprayer for rural work, which is also called a sprayer. It is quite often used to spray soil and flowers. In addition to ordinary water, pesticides or fertilizer solutions are mainly used as a liquid.

Garden sprayer

The sprayer also comes in:

  • Auto

Automatic models of such devices include electric version, which can be used on a full-fledged line, in flow series of production, if there are huge volumes of the same type of product. Such a sprayer, together with a compressor, makes it possible to maintain fairly increased requirements, which extend towards the surface to be painted.

  • Manual

A hand sprayer is characterized by reduced efficiency. Only a hand sprayer will allow you to apply paint and varnish mixtures to difficult surfaces where complex shape. The manual type is mainly used in small-scale production and where it is necessary to constantly change shades of colors. Such manual option will be useful in gardening work Oh. In addition, the manual sprayer is very convenient. It can be used on small surfaces, but for larger ones it is better to use the automatic option.

Homemade sprayer

Let's look at how to make a spray bottle with your own hands. Such a garden unit is indispensable in any household where there is garden plot With vegetable crops and flowers. This homemade sprayer is a very useful device in household. What can this sprayer be used for? A homemade spray bottle for flowers is simply an irreplaceable tool - you can water plants, wash glass, clean walls or other surfaces.

Homemade spray bottle

Today, you can also purchase a ready-made garden sprayer at any store, however, in order not to waste money, you can make it yourself from scrap materials. You've probably noticed more than once how gardeners hold spray bottles in their hands and spray plants - trees, shrubs and flowers - with them.

Such a simple garden unit can help in the fight against pests, insects that spoil horticultural crops. The easiest way, of course, is to purchase such a garden unit, however, sometimes it happens that when you are on personal plot it is not at hand or you simply did not take it with you. IN in this case, you can use any available material that you have in abundance in your household.

Now let’s take a closer look at how you can make a garden sprayer with your own hands from scrap materials:

  1. First you need to find an empty container; it can be either plastic or glass. The material doesn't matter. It is important here that the container can be easily held in your hand. As soon as you find such a dish, you need to insert a stopper into it, it’s better to let it be wood material, but ordinary plastic can also be useful.
  2. Then find a tube that needs to be inserted into the neck of this container. For this, straws from cocktails, juices or much more can be useful, it doesn’t matter - they can even be ordinary gel pen refills. One of these tubes must be placed in the bottle, and the second must be located outside so that the design of the associations looks like the letter “t”.
  3. Then, if you don’t have a pump at hand, you can use an ordinary rubber bulb, with its help you need to pump air into one of the ends of the rod.
  4. The end result will be a spray bottle made by you from scrap materials.

As you can see, making a sprayer will not be difficult, since you can find the materials in your garden plot, and such a unit will definitely come in handy for any type of garden work - watering flowers and other plants, spraying fertilizers on plants and any plantings, you can also use it use for other purposes - for painting walls or your vehicle.

In summer, it is important to water the garden promptly. Every summer resident has at least once thought about making a sprinkler for watering the lawn with his own hands. Such designs are necessary in order to be able to assemble good harvest With own garden, since on dry days it is impossible to do without watering.

The effect of the sprinkler is reminiscent of natural rain, so the design has a positive effect on the growth of plants in your own area. In this case, the soil will not become crusty after drying, and it will not need to be loosened after watering. Drops of water can gradually moisten the earth. The method is very different from watering with watering cans, which often wash away the soil near the roots. It is worth understanding that this can cause significant harm to plants. The life-giving liquid, which drips onto the leaves and penetrates to the roots, will give them an impetus for growth.

To be able to control the watering of the garden, you will need to use devices that operate not only manually, but also automatically. Such structures are capable of irrigating specific areas of soil at the required time and in required volume. First of all, you need to decide where the liquid will come from. When groundwater located at a short distance, it is recommended to drill your own well on the site. To supply water upward, you need to use a pump structure submersible type. Through the hoses, the liquid will flow into the irrigation system, after which the garden will be watered.

If it is not possible to make a well, you can use a barrel-type liquid storage tank. To do this, you will need to prepare a tank with a volume of at least 200 liters. It will need to be placed in the garden, and then filled with water, which will flow through the water supply. You will need to make a recess in the tank, the dimensions of which correspond to the dimensions of the pipe. The latter will need to be inserted into the tank and hoses that lead to the territory’s irrigation system will be fixed to it.

Structures can be vertical or drainage. The latter will feed the root system with water. In most cases they are used vertical structures, since during the operation of the irrigation device it will be covered big square glaze.

Existing types of sprayers

One of the common types of sprinklers is a fan device for the garden. Under the influence of liquid pressure, structures are able to automatically rise above the soil by about 30 cm. After switching off, the structure will lower down to ground level. Fan devices are capable of watering a limited length of area. The liquid jet can change distance. In the case of a fixed jet length, nozzles can be used to change only the angle of inclination of the liquid. There are several types of nozzles that differ in the range and angle of the jet of liquid for irrigation. They can be distinguished by colors:

  1. 1 Red devices have a watering range of 2 m and a lift angle of 15°.
  2. 2 Devices Brown have an irrigation range of 2 m, while the lifting angle is about 5°.
  3. 3 Green devices have a watering range of 3.5 m, a lifting angle of 15°.
  4. 4 In gray devices, several fans are installed that rise by 28°. The jet range in this case is more than 5 m.

Other building options

Another option is an umbrella device. The pipes are immersed in the soil to a depth of 35-40 cm. The structures are equipped with retractable sockets. They rise above the soil surface during watering. A tent that is formed from liquid is used for irrigation big trees and bushes. It is also advisable to use the design if watering needs to be done near the roots of plants. Sockets that are built into pipes make it possible to perform spot humidification using hoses for a specific sector.

Another option is rotary lawn sprinklers. These models are the most economical. They are sold on the market in several modifications: small, medium and maximum range. Such structures are sprayed with a stream of up to 20 m. The irrigation angle can be adjusted. The design can rotate a full turn, which is a big advantage. On rotor designs nozzles are used, due to which the liquid will be consumed evenly.

Pulse sprinklers can be used if the area is large. This type of irrigation is used for targeted irrigation of an area. The design consists of three horns, each of which will rotate independently. Elements can be customized individually, which is an added benefit.

How to build a structure yourself?

Such structures can be used not only for irrigation. You can protect the crop from pests and diseases by spraying with chemicals. The device can be used for different purposes.

To build a device with your own hands, you will need to prepare the following elements:

  • plastic container;
  • spray;
  • wooden stick;
  • rubber hose 3-4 m long;
  • pump structure.

The device can be assembled independently in 10-15 minutes. When everyone is ready necessary elements, you can proceed to assembly. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. 1 Attach the sprayer to the stick.
  2. 2 In a plastic container near the neck, you need to make a hole with a nail, and then place a screw in it. You will first need to drill a hole in this part. The screw is secured with a nut. To prevent leaks, you can install a rubber gasket.
  3. 3 You need to fill the container with water from the barrel.
  4. 4 The extreme part of the hose must be put on the screw, which is located in the container. The other end should be attached to the pump structure.
  5. 5 You will need to insert a spray nozzle into the neck of the bottle.
  6. 6 Next, you need to pump air into the container to create pressure. The stream can be adjusted by turning the valve.
  7. 7 The diameter of the irrigation will depend on the length of the rail that will be selected.

Quite often the structure sprays water in large jets. To eliminate this, you will need to prepare several frames from ordinary ballpoint pens. The holes in the container must be made so that their size matches the diameter of the handle. After this, the bases will need to be inserted into the recesses so that they do not dangle. The ends of the handles are sharp, which will ensure smooth irrigation of the area. Instead of ballpoint pen You can use any other means at hand.

To make an irrigation controller, you will need to prepare an ordinary valve, which is used to turn on and control liquid in water supply systems. Using such a controller, you can regulate the liquid pressure. A similar part is mounted in the bases of the hoses. The valve must open smoothly: this is the only way to ensure dynamic control of the liquid pressure. Instead of a controller, you can use a ball valve.

For large areas, you can use a system that is made from a large number of hoses and a container or barrel to store the liquid. To make similar design with your own hands, you will need to prepare the following elements:

  • container stand;
  • device for preparing holes;
  • long hoses;
  • valve;
  • tank 200 l.

In this case, the controller is not used. The tank will need to be installed at a height of 1.5 m. Any iron product can be used as a stand. It is not allowed to use wooden structures, as it will be humid next to the barrel. Hoses will need to be connected to the container, and a valve should be installed on the base of the mount. The hose is passed through the beds. A large number of holes should be made on the hoses in the upper part. You need to insert handles into the holes. The bends must be secured with staples.

It is not difficult to make such a design yourself. To do everything right, you need to adhere to technology and follow the sequence of actions.

So that plantings in a vegetable garden or flower garden can be watered not with a stream of water, but by spraying it evenly, special sprayers are traditionally used, which are inserted inside the watering hose. Many options for such nozzles can be bought today, but if this does not work out, you can always make a homemade sprayer from a piece of pipe.

Here is one option on how to make a water sprayer with your own hands for watering your garden. The simplest fan sprayer is made from a piece of metal tube - brass, aluminum or steel. One end of such a tube is flattened with a hammer to a narrow slit of uniform width 1-1.5 millimeters.

In order for the gap to be neat and uniform in width, it is first placed in the pipe metal plate suitable thickness. After flattening the end of the tube, the plate is removed and irregularities and burrs are removed from the edges of the slot with a file or needle file. If the second end of the tube fits into the hose too loosely, it can be wrapped with electrical tape.

How to make a water sprayer with your own hands

The slot sprayer is also made from a piece of pipe, one of the ends of which is either put a plug on the thread, or tightly plugged with a reliable wooden plug.

A narrow (about 1 mm) oblique slit is made in the pipe wall at an angle of approximately 45° to the axis of the tube. The edges of the crack are well processed with a file so that there are no burrs on them. Such a slot allows you to spray water in a fan in a sector of approximately 120° at a distance of three to seven meters, with a water pressure in the hose of 1-2 atmospheres.

In order to ensure irrigation of water along the entire circumference, three such slots are made in the pipe at different levels of the tube, which should slightly overlap each other. In order for watering to be carried out directly under the sprayer, the water pressure in the hose is reduced.

You can simply make a water sprayer with your own hands for watering your garden if you couldn’t buy a special nozzle.