What is the name of the tree with large pods. Catalpa tree: planting and care, description. Preparing catalpa for winter

What is the name of the tree with large pods. Catalpa tree: planting and care, description. Preparing catalpa for winter

Plant catalpa (lat. Catalpa) belongs to the genus of the Bignoniaceae family, whose representatives grow in North America, the West Indies, Japan and China. The Indians used the bignoniform catalpa species as medicinal plant for the treatment of malaria and whooping cough, calling it "catoba", and the Italian doctor and botanist Scopoli, who first described this genus, without malice distorted its Indian name - "catalpa". According to various sources, the genus has from 10 to 38 species, some of them are grown as ornamental plants in different regions of the world, including Ukraine, Belarus and southern Russia.

Planting and caring for catalpa (in short)

  • Bloom: from the fifth year of life for 3-3.5 weeks in mid-June or early July.
  • Landing: in spring (before the start of sap flow) or in October.
  • Lighting: bright sunlight.
  • The soil: to fill the pit, a mixture of humus, sand is prepared, leaf ground and peat in the ratio 3:2:2:1.
  • Watering: weekly, in dry weather - more frequent. Water consumption - 2 buckets per mature plant. If the season is relatively cool and with rain, then watering can be reduced to 2-3 times a month.
  • Top dressing: twice a season, 5-6 liters of a solution of rotted manure (1:10) are added to the near-trunk circle of each plant, Nitroammophos is fertilized in the spring, and potassium-phosphorus fertilizer is applied in the fall.
  • Pruning: sanitary and formative pruning is best done in early spring, until the buds open.
  • Reproduction: summer cuttings and seeds.
  • Pests: spanish flies, horntails.
  • Diseases: verticillium wilt.

Read more about growing catalpa below.

Catalpa tree - description

Decorative catalpa is a picturesque deciduous or evergreen tree up to 20 m high. rounded crown. The leaves of many catalpas are opposite, sometimes whorled, heart-shaped, long-petiolate and very large - about 30x17 cm. . Catalpa fruits - pod-shaped hanging boxes up to 40 cm long - are filled with numerous flying seeds. Flowering of catalpa begins in mid-June or early July, and the original fruits of the plant remain on it all winter.

Planting catalpa

Catalpa planting and care are carried out in accordance with the general rules for growing any ornamental tree. One to two year old catalpa seedlings can be purchased at garden centers or directly from nurseries. They plant catalpa in the spring, before the start of sap flow, or after leaf fall in sunny places protected from the wind, since large, but very delicate leaves of the tree can be damaged in drafts. It is desirable that in the area where the catalpa will grow, groundwater lies at great depths. Catalpa needs a lot of space: a distance of 4-5 m should be maintained between it and other plants. The composition of the soil with which you will fill a hole 1 m deep and 70 cm in diameter should be something like this: sand (2 parts), humus (3 parts) , peat (1 part) and leafy ground (2 parts). To this soil mixture should be added 50 g of phosphate rock and 5 to 8 kg wood ash. The acidity of the soil should be in the range of 6.5-7.5 pH.

At the bottom of the pit you need to lay a fifteen-centimeter layer drainage material, which may consist of broken brick or rubble, then fill the hole almost to the top fertile soil with this mixture, after that, the roots of the seedling are lowered into it, the remaining space of the pit is filled with fertile soil, the surface is lightly tamped and watered abundantly. Try to position the seedling in the pit so that its root neck, when planted, is slightly above ground level, in the expectation that after watering the soil will settle and the neck will be at surface level. When the water is absorbed, mulch the trunk circle organic material, best peat.

Catalpa care

How to grow catalpa in the garden

Catalpa is moisture-loving, therefore it needs weekly watering, especially in hot and dry weather. If you make the plant thirsty, its leaves will lose turgor and hang, which will damage the decorativeness of the catalpa. Approximate water consumption - 2 buckets per adult plant. In cool or rainy summers, and also provided that the near-stem circle of the catalpa is mulched, you can water the tree 2-3 times a month. After watering or natural precipitation, it is easier to loosen the soil in the near-stem circle to a depth of up to 30 cm and get rid of weeds. In dry heat, catalpa is moistened more often.

Growing catalpa involves regular feeding of the plant: twice a season, a solution (1:10) of rotted manure should be added to the soil at the rate of 5-6 liters per adult tree. Catalpa responds well to spring top dressing Nitroammophos and autumn feeding with potash and phosphorus fertilizers: at this time of the year, the tree does not need nitrogen.

pruning catalpa

Pruning catalpa is best done in the spring, until the buds begin to swell on the tree: remove frozen, damaged, diseased and dry branches. A plant is usually formed with a trunk height of 1.2-2.0 m, above which the catalpa branches into a low spreading crown of 4-5 skeletal branches. In the future, the skeletal branches of the tree, if necessary, are shortened, and the thickening branches and shoots are cut out.

Pests and diseases of catalpa

Catalpa is resistant to both pests and diseases, but sometimes, if it is weakened, Spanish flies can cause trouble for it, from which the plant can be rid of by double treatment with Decis or Fastak pyrethroids. It is worse if stem pests of horntails settle on the catalpa - hymenoptera insects whose adults look like hornets. Females lay their eggs in catalpa wood, and the larvae that emerge from them make passages in it and clog them with drill flour. Trees damaged by larvae of horntails weaken and begin to dry. As a rule, catalpas in which horntails live cannot be saved. But you can save the tree with the help of prevention: healthy and strong plants are not affected by horntails.

If you noticed in the second half of summer that on the lower part of the crown of the catalpa the leaves began to droop, turn yellow and fall off, it is possible that it is suffering from wilt - verticillium wilt. This is a severe fungal disease, as a result of which the plant sometimes loses foliage on only one side and this makes it look one-sided. At an early stage of the disease, it can be cured if the tree is treated with Topsin-M, Fundazol and watered under the root with Maxim or Rovral. For preventive purposes, catalpa is treated with fungicides Previkur, Quadris or Falcon.

Catalpa in the Moscow region

If you want to start growing catalpa in the middle lane, then you need to start with the choice of planting material: you need winter-hardy seedlings. The most frost-resistant species is the magnificent catalpa. Catalpas ovoid and bignoniform are also acclimatized in the middle lane. Of the varieties of bignoniform catalpa, they grow well in the Moscow region Aurea (a variety with golden leaves), Picta (a form with variegated, variegated foliage), Nana catalpa (non-flowering compact form plants) and Plena (a variety with double flowers).

For the successful cultivation of catalpa, certain conditions must be met: seedlings should be placed on well-lit and moistened neutral loams on the south side of buildings or dense coniferous plantations, provide them with protection from the wind and shelter for the winter, at least for the first 2-3 years. Further winter-hardy varieties catalpas can not be insulated for the winter, and if they freeze in any year, they will easily recover in the next growing season.

Reproduction of catalpa

Catalpa reproduces well by seeds that do not require special processing, and summer cuttings.

Growing catalpa from seeds

Soaked for 8-12 hours warm water catalpa seeds are sown for seedlings in February or March. You can sow them in the fall, without pre-soaking. Sowing is carried out in grooves, after which the seeds are sprinkled with soil and covered with a film or glass. Contain crops at a temperature of 20-22 ºC, providing them with good lighting without direct sun rays, regular watering and airing. The catalpa that has grown over the winter from seeds is planted in open ground in the spring, after warm weather is established. As a rule, this happens in the second half of May.

Reproduction of catalpa cuttings

Cuttings are harvested in the second half of summer. Catalpa cuttings about 8 cm long with several buds are cut from mature trees, planted in a substrate of peat and sand, and covered with a transparent cap to create a greenhouse effect. Care for rooted cuttings is the same as for catalpa crops. As soon as you notice that new leaves began to appear on the cuttings, the rooting process can be considered successfully completed. Planted cuttings in open ground, like catalpa seedlings, in the second half of May.

Types and varieties of catalpa

Not many types of catalpa are grown in culture, and we will present them to you now.

Or bignoniform catalpa in nature grows along the banks of the rivers of North America. This tree is up to 20 cm high with a spreading, wide-rounded crown and thin-lamellar light brown bark. The light green leaves of plants of this species are noteworthy, shaped like lilac leaves, but much larger: they reach 20 in length and 15 cm in width. The leaves are bare from above, pubescent along the veins from below, when rubbed they emit bad smell. White fragrant flowers plants up to 5 cm long with red-brown specks and two yellow stripes in the throat are collected in loose pyramidal inflorescences up to 30 cm in length and up to 20 in width. Flowering lasts about three weeks. The fruits of catalpa bignoniform are narrow pod-shaped boxes up to 40 cm long with small seeds. In culture, this species since 1726 has several decorative forms:

  • golden (aurea)– catalpa with bright yellow leaves;
  • Kene- a tree with yellow leaves in green veins and with a dark spot in the middle of the leaf plate;
  • low (nana)- bush form with a spherical crown.

Or beautiful catalpa originally from the east of North America, where it grows along the banks of lakes and rivers. It reaches a height of 30 m beautiful tree with a wide-pyramidal crown and a slender trunk covered with gray thin-lamellar bark. The leaves of this species, shiny green and smooth on the upper side of the plate, up to 30 cm long and up to 15 cm wide, are located on long petioles and open earlier than the leaves of other types of catalpa. On the underside, they are slightly pubescent. Fragrant creamy-white catalpa flowers of magnificent length up to 7 cm with a wavy edge, decorated on the inside with purple-brown dots and two yellow stripes, form wide panicles 15-20 cm long. The fruit is a box up to 56 cm long, cracking when ripe into 2 leaves. Cultivated since 1800. the most famous decorative form is an:

  • powdery, or powdered- the leaves of this plant are decorated with many cream or white spots.

Originating from Central China, it reaches a height of 10 m, but in culture it grows no higher than 3.5 m, and in the middle lane due to frequent freezing it does not exceed 1.5 m. The crown of this plant is tent-shaped, spreading, the leaves are three-lobed, dark green, 20-30 long and up to 15 cm wide. The flowers are fragrant, creamy white with a purple throat, collected in paniculate inflorescences up to 25 cm long. The fruits are pod-shaped boxes up to 45 cm long. This species is demanding on fertility and soil moisture and light-loving.

Catalpa fargesa (Catalpa fargesii)

Under natural conditions, it is found in the warm forests of Western China. This is a deciduous tree up to 20 m high with lilac leaves resembling entire opposite simple leaves green color on petioles up to 10 cm long. The pubescence on the underside of the leaf plate is thicker than on the top. Flowers up to 3.5 cm long, pink or pinkish-purple with dark purple spots on the inside of the corolla, collected 7-15 pieces in paniculate inflorescences. Flowering of this species begins a month earlier than other catalpas. The species is highly decorative.

Catalpa belongs to the representatives of the genus Bignoniaceae. AT wild nature it grows in eastern India, Japan, China and North America. In ancient times, this unusual tree was used by the Indians, who prepared remedies from it to help fight such dangerous ailments as whooping cough and malaria.

General information

They called it "katoba", however, a little later it was renamed catalpa by the Italian scientist and botanist Scopoli. It was he who first studied and described the catalpa, opening this exotic plant to the world.

The genus Bignoniaceae combines from 10 to 38 species of catalpas. Some of them are cultivated in the southern strip of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, while the rest can only be seen in the wild.

Catalpa is an unpretentious and fairly easy-to-care plant, so if you want to decorate your garden plot, giving it beauty and unusualness, then it is exactly what you need.

Catalpa species and varieties

- In the wild, the tree can be found in North America. It grows on the banks of rivers. The plant reaches a height of 20 meters. Catalpa has a spreading crown about round shape. The bark of the catalpa is thinly lamellar with a light brown color. The leaves are large, light green, resembling a lilac in appearance.

The inflorescences of the plant have a pyramidal shape. They are up to 20 cm wide and 30 cm long. Inflorescences consist of small fragrant flowers white color with red-brown dots. The flowering period is 20 days, after which long, narrow fruits in the form of pods with small seeds begin to form.

- The birthplace of this variety of catalpa is North America. An adult tree reaches a height of 30 meters and has a broadly pyramidal crown with large light green leaves and thin gray bark.

The inflorescences of the plant are panicle-shaped and consist of small, pleasantly smelling cream-colored flowers with purple specks. Catalpa fruits are small boxes that crack when ripe and drop seeds to the ground.

The crown of the tree has a pyramidal shape. The trunk is covered with thin gray bark. The leaves are large dark green. The inflorescences are creamy with yellow stripes and dark dots.

The aroma of flowers is vaguely reminiscent of apple. Catalpa blooms for only a month. Grows in fertile soil and loves importance. This type plants are frost-resistant and have good resistance to diseases and pests.

- is a small, slowly growing tree with a spherical crown with a dense light green leaf. In height, the catalpa reaches from 4 to 6 meters.

Flowering time from June to July. Flowers are collected in large inflorescences with pleasant aroma and soft beige with yellow stripes and brown specks. The fruits of catalpa are narrow, long, having the appearance of pods.

- this variety was bred by crossing the ovoid and ordinary catalpas. The tree reaches a height of 16 meters and has a luxurious rounded crown with a light green leaf cover. The inflorescences of the catalpa are loose and large, consisting of small white flowers with purple specks on outside petals.

The plant is native to Central China. An adult tree reaches a height of 10 meters, but when grown in a garden plot, the catalpa does not grow more than 4 meters.

She is the owner of large, pleasantly smelling white flowers with a purple throat collected in large brushes. The fruits of the plant resemble thin and long pods. For the growth and development of catalpa, you need a lot of light and nutritious soil.

- an adult tree reaches a height of 10 meters. It has a dense pyramidal crown with large, very unusual leaves. When the leaf plates are just blooming, they have a purple hue, but after a month, they change their color to light green.

The plant blooms with small flowers, similar to white bells with purple specks, collected in large and long brushes. The flowering time of catalpa falls in the middle of summer and lasts only a month.

- the tree has straight stems with a dense leafy cover of a light green hue. The height of the tree reaches 8 meters. Catalpa blooms for a month with large tassels with small white inflorescences with a purple throat. Seeds are thin and long pods that ripen in mid-autumn.

- the homeland of the plant is Northern China. The variety is named after the German botanist Alexander Bunge, who is the discoverer of this variety. The tree has a pyramidal crown with luxurious large dark green leaves. Catalpa inflorescences are small. They consist of 3-12 white small flowers with purple specks, after flowering, pod-shaped fruits appear.

It is a tree with a height of 8 to 10 meters. In the wild, its height can reach 20 meters. The crown of the catalpa is dense, having a pyramidal shape. The leaves are large and dark green. Small flowers are collected in large, racemose, pleasantly smelling white inflorescences with purple specks. The flowering time of the plant is in the middle of summer.

- this variety of catalpa reaches a height of up to 8 meters and has a dense, pyramidal crown with large light green leaves. The tree blooms in June. The flowers are small, fragrant, collected in large white inflorescences with brown spots.

- the tree grows up to 20 meters and has a round crown with spreading branches. The leaves are large, light green in color with a slight pubescence. The plant blooms in the middle of summer with beige-white flowers with a purple throat, collected in loose large brushes. After flowering, long pod-shaped fruits are formed.

- in the wild, the plant is found in the forests of Western China. The height of the tree reaches 20 meters. It has a wide, dense, spherical crown with a dense dark green leaf cover.

Catalpa blooms in June. Purple or pink flowers with an orange throat are collected in large, loose, pleasantly smelling brushes. After flowering, long and thin fruits are formed in the form of pods.

Catalpa landing and care in the suburbs

Planting a catalpa and caring for it is not much different from any other ornamental tree. Catalpa seedlings can be purchased from a nursery or grown from seeds on your own. It is necessary to plant a young tree in a garden plot in the spring, before the sap flow begins, or in the fall, when the trees shed their leaves.

To land a catalpa, you need to find a site with good illumination, which will be closed from winds and drafts. This is necessary because the tree has an extremely fragile leaf cover, which is easily injured during gusts of wind and strong drafts.

It will also be a plus if the groundwater on the site is as deep underground as possible. Catalpa loves space very much, so a distance of at least 5 meters must be kept between a young plant and other trees.

Planting catalpa in spring

The landing pit should be 100 centimeters deep and 70 centimeters wide. Drainage in the form of crushed stone or broken brick should be laid at the bottom of the pit. The thickness of the drainage layer should be about 15 centimeters.

When the drainage is laid, soil is poured on it, a little more than half the pit in volume. Then a tree is placed in the substrate, having previously straightened the roots. The remaining void is filled with soil and slightly compacted.

After the planting is completed, the tree is watered abundantly. It is necessary to ensure that, after absorbing moisture, the root neck descends to the level of the soil surface. Also, the trunk circle should be mulched with peat or straw.

Campsis is also a member of the Bignoniaceae family. It is grown during planting and care in the open field without much hassle, if you follow the rules of agricultural technology. You can find all the necessary recommendations for growing and caring for this vine in this article.

Watering the catalpa

Catalpa loves water very much, so watering should be systematic and carried out once a week. In the dry season, it is increased to two times. If the tree does not have enough moisture, its foliage will lose its elasticity and sag. To water an adult tree, you need to use 20 liters at a time.

If the summer is cool and rainy, watering should be reduced to twice a month. The same amount of watering is necessary for a mulched catalpa. After making water under a tree or after rains, the earth around the trunk should be loosened, while simultaneously removing weeds. With prolonged drought, the frequency of watering should be increased.

Soil for catalpa

The soil for catalpa should consist of humus, leaf soil, sand and peat in a ratio of 3: 2: 2: 1. 7 kilograms of ash and 50 grams of phosphate rock should be added to this substrate.

Land for planting a plant should have an acidity of not more than 7.5.

Catalpa transplant

Catalpa is transplanted in two cases: if an adult tree has grown and there is not enough space for it on the site, or if it is necessary to transplant a young plant from a pot into open ground. Tree transplantation can be carried out both in spring before the start of sap flow, and in autumn, when the tree sheds foliage.

It is better to transplant a tree together with a clod of earth with which an adult tree or a young seedling grew before. The planting hole is dug to the same depth as when planting catalpa, the composition of the soil mixture also does not change. After transplanting, it is necessary to compact the soil and water the plant abundantly.

Top dressing catalpa

Fertilize the tree should be systematic. For this purpose, a solution of rotted manure diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10 should be added to the soil where the catalpa grows. An adult tree needs 6 liters of such top dressing, and a young seedling needs 2 to 3 liters.

Top dressing is carried out twice a season. In the spring, nitroammophoska is introduced into the soil under the tree, and in the fall - phosphorus and potash fertilizers, since at this time the plant needs nitrogen.

Flowering catalpa

Catalpa buds appear in late March - mid-April. It all depends on which strip of Russia the tree grows in. The flowering period begins in mid-June and lasts about a month.

Catalpa flowers resemble exotic and beautiful small orchids that smell like apple flowers. The petals of the flowers have wavy edges and a white or cream hue with yellow stripes and purple dots in the throat. The size of the flowers reaches up to 7 centimeters. They are collected in large and long inflorescences, reminiscent of "candles" of chestnuts.

Catalpa pruning and shaping

Catalpa pruning is carried out in the spring, until the moment when the buds swell. When pruning, only injured, dry, frozen or damaged by diseases or pests branches are removed.

Usually, a tree is formed by creating a stem with a height of 120 to 200 centimeters, above which the tree will branch out, forming a sprawling, low crown, consisting of 5 skeletal branches.

After a certain period of time, if necessary, the skeletal branches are shortened, and the thickening stems are removed. As a result, a dense, beautiful rounded crown with light green leaf plates is formed.

Preparing catalpa for winter

Catalpa does not tolerate cold. Young trees are especially "afraid" of them. For this reason, the tree should be prepared in advance for winter. For this purpose, it is necessary to wrap the trunk with burlap, and cover the soil around the tree with a thick layer of dry foliage and cover with spruce branches. Thus, it will be possible to avoid freezing of the root system. With the onset of spring, when the frosts completely stop, the tree is freed from shelter.

It should be taken into account the fact that as it grows and develops, catalpa becomes more and more frost-resistant and tolerates winter better. The most frost-resistant variety is the ovoid catalpa, and the weakest, freezing almost to the ground, is the Aurea catalpa. However, this variety is capable of completely regrowing over the summer.

Catalpa from seeds at home

When growing catalpa from seeds, you should first stratify them. It is necessary to sow seeds in late February, early March. Before sowing, the seeds should be soaked in warm water for 12 hours. You can also sow them in the fall, but in this case, you do not need to soak the seeds.

In the prepared soil, small grooves are made into which the seeds are laid out and sprinkled with a layer of substrate. A box with seedlings is covered with a layer of film and cleaned in a lighted, warm place. The temperature for good germination of seeds should be at least 25 °.

Crops must be protected from direct hit sunlight, systematically water and ventilate. Seedlings that have grown in a year can be planted in open ground when the threat of frost has passed.

Catalpa propagation by cuttings

When growing catalpa using cuttings, planting material should be prepared in July. The cuttings should be 8 centimeters long, and they must also have from 2 to 4 buds. When harvesting material for planting, you should choose an adult catalpa.

In order for the roots to appear on the cuttings, they need to be planted in the ground, which will include peat and sand, then cover the box with the cuttings with a film and put them in a warm and bright place. Hoopoe for cuttings should be the same as for seedlings. When the cuttings take root, young foliage will appear on them. Ready-made young animals can be planted in open ground in mid-May.

Diseases and pests

Catalpa is resistant to both diseases and pests. But while the tree is young and weak, it can be attacked Spanish fly . To destroy the pest, it is necessary to spray the young catalpa with the Decis or Fastak insecticide.

Also young plant threaten and horntails , which settle on the trunk and in their own way appearance resemble hornets. They bite through the bark and lay their eggs there, and when the larvae hatch, they begin to feed on the catalpa, as a result of which it weakens and dries. Mature trees are not threatened by the horntail invasion. Spraying with Actellik insecticide will help to destroy this insect.

Catalpa can get sick verticillium wilt , which strikes first lower part crowns, and then, covers the entire leaf cover. With verticillium, the leaves begin to turn yellow, wither and fall off. You can get rid of this disease of fungal ethology by watering with drugs such as Maxim and Rovral. The crown can be treated with "Fundazol". For prevention, the plant is sprayed with Previkur.

Exotic catalpa will decorate any garden plot, contributing to the total landscape composition, originality and aesthetics. And when proper care behind a tree, it will delight for a long time with its decorative effect and unusual delicate flowers with a pleasant apple aroma.

Do you want to surprise your friends and acquaintances? Plant a tree with the name catalpa (unless, of course, the climate allows - more on that below).

Catalpa is useful as a decoration for a dacha, a site - there is no “fruit” benefit from it, and useful qualities and the properties of catalpa are also not noted.

And here decorative qualities her on top. Catalpa grows very quickly, resistant to a variety of adverse conditions, requires minimal maintenance. It will look good both in the foreground as a single planting and as a component in alley plantings.

The large flowers of the catalpa are beautiful and openwork, from a distance they are very similar to the foxglove flower, and the inflorescences in which they are collected practically do not differ from the chestnut ones (meaning the flowering horse chestnut).

Due to the large leaves of the heart-shaped form, the catalpa received the name "tree with elephant ears."

Biological features of a tree

Catalpa (lat. Catalpa) is a plant that belongs to the bignoniaceae family. In total there are 10 types of catalpas. Of these, on the territory of our country are grown in southern regions only 4.

All representatives of this genus are very beautiful and, as a rule, deciduous (less often evergreen - a lot depends on climatic conditions) plants. The crown of almost all is round, very shady due to large leaves.

The decorativeness of catalpa also lies in the fact that its leaves do not turn yellow in autumn, but remain green almost until frost.

Catalpa flowers are white or cream. Collected in large inflorescences. The fruit is also amazing - a green pod, resembling an icicle and containing a large number of seeds flying after opening, remotely resembling dandelion. Catalpa fruits containing seeds can sag all winter.

Common types of catalpa

In yards, cottages and plots, you can most often find magnificent catalpa (Catalpa speciosa) and bignoniform catalpa (Catalpa bignonioides).

Both of them are imported from North America, their homeland. I must say that there they can reach a height of up to 30 meters! In our conditions, it is rare to find a catalpa whose tree exceeds 10-12 meters.

The trunk of the magnificent catalpa is almost always slender, covered with gray bark with thick plates. The crown is pyramidal, wide, very dense.

The leaves of the magnificent catalpa bloom earlier than in other species. Catalpa vleikolepnaya grows very quickly - growth can reach one meter per year.

This species is relatively photophilous and drought-resistant, therefore it does not tolerate close relatives. ground water, as well as any flooding, including spring ones. So if your site is located in the flood zone, planting a catalpa is not recommended.

"Catalpa bignoniform"- the species is characterized by its spreading branches and a wide crown of a round shape. The bark, in contrast to the magnificent catalpa in the bignoniform, is light brown in color, also lamellar, although the plates are thinner. The leaves are very large and wide, pubescent below and glabrous above.

Growth to. Bignoniform is slower. Unlike its predecessor, it makes higher demands on humidity. It also tolerates frost to a large extent.

The most famous catalpa cultivars are beautiful "Pulverolenta", "Aurea" (better known as a shrub grown in parks up to 2 meters high), "Koehnei" and "Nana" ( dwarf form catalpa, spherical, characterized by increased winter hardiness in the conditions of the South of Russia, successfully grown by gardeners even in the middle lane, Moscow region).

In landscaping gardens and plots, the other two types of catalpa are most often used - this is the Chinese " catalpa ovoid» (Catalpa ovata) and hybrid catalpa(Catalpa hybrida) which is nothing more than a hybrid of catalpa bignoniform and k. ovoid.

Flowering catalpa

Catalps begin to vegetate actively in the middle or second half of May and stop active growth at the end of August.

Most types of catalpas fall off while preserving green color leaves.

Catalpa flowers are very beautiful and fragrant, often pure white but sometimes with a creamy tint.

The flowers are large (5-7 centimeters), often covered with dots-specks. The panicles in which the flowers are collected can even reach 20 centimeters in length, if the care of the catalpa is correct.

Catalpa most often (depending on the region, of course) begins to bloom in the 5th year after planting in late June or early July, which is in the hands of gardeners, because during these periods other trees no longer bloom.

Pods (because of which the plant was nicknamed "pasta tree") with catalpa seeds can grow almost up to half a meter in length, more often 35-40 centimeters. If not strong winds then almost all of them will hang on the tree all winter.

Photo 2: From left to right: Flowers of catalpa bignoniform, leaves of catalpa superb, pods with seeds of catalpa hybrid

Catalpa - how to grow, care

Choose a place for planting catalpa sunny, protected from cold winds - drafts, especially frosty - main enemy not only young catalpa seedlings, but even a fully grown tree.

The seedling is planted in a hole to a depth of 70 to 120 centimeters. For planting catalpa, a garden mixture of peat, sand, humus and leafy soil is well suited (ratio 1-2-3-2).

Do not be too lazy to bring 5-7 kilograms of wood ash under the catalpa seedling when planting, you can add a little phosphate rock - this will be more reliable, after all, the tree is picky.

The best for catalpa is ph7. Catalpa easily tolerates a transplant, which is best done in the spring, and early. Reproduction of catalpa can be done by layering, cuttings and seeds, which she has in abundance.

Watering is not frequent and not plentiful - 15-18 liters under a tree, no more than once every seven days, if there is no prolonged drought.

Catalpa also treats top dressing very well (growth accelerates very significantly). Top dressing is applied one, two maximum three times in one season. The same slurry is used as top dressing (approximately 5 liters per tree)

Catalpa pruning should be carried out annually, in the spring it is imperative to remove dry branches affected by frost.

After pruning, the catalpa restores the crown literally before our eyes, so grab the pruner to shape it without fear.

Young catalpas are best protected from frost with burlap, and the ground in trunk circles mulch.

In severe frosts, it is better to cover young seedlings completely, for example, just as you shelter roses from frost, at worst, cover with the same burlap. The older the catalpa becomes, the less it will need frost protection.

Catalpa is an unusually beautiful tree that can become bright and worthy decoration any household plot. The Maya Indians called it the "tree of happiness." Not carrying any fruit benefits, and not having any useful qualities, catalpa is valued for its high decorativeness and beauty, especially during the flowering period.

Catalpa: original tree

There are only 13 varieties of such a tree, and catalpa in the Moscow region is grown in only 4 species.

Catalpa appeared in Russia in the middle of the 19th century. And it was originally grown in botanical gardens as exotic plant. Gradually adapting to the climate Russian regions with their harsh winters, catalpa has become widespread and calmly tolerates temperatures of -25 degrees. Catalpa, whose photo fully conveys the beauty and originality of this unusual plant, has another name - "a tree with elephant ears", which she received for her large heart-shaped leaves. In Indian tales, they personified the hearts of warriors. The peculiarity of catalpa is to keep the greenery round and very shady due to big size crown leaves almost until frost.

Catalpa: description

Catalpa flowers are fragrant, openwork, often covered with dotted spots, very beautiful, have a white or cream color and are collected in large, chestnut-like, panicle-shaped inflorescences, the length of which can be 20 cm. Outwardly, they resemble bells; their flowering lasts a long time. Catalpa flowering occurs 5 years after planting, in June-July. This is only to the advantage of gardeners, because at such a time the trees no longer bloom.

Catalpa - macaroni tree

Catalpa is a tree whose fruits resemble long icicles. In fact, they are green pods, which contain a large number of seeds that are remotely similar to dandelion seeds and fly apart after opening in different directions. It is because of such pods, reaching a length of 35-50 centimeters with a width of about 1.5 cm, that catalpa is also called the “pasta tree” for its similarity to pasta or spaghetti hanging from branches. In the absence of winds, the fruits are able to hang on the tree all winter.

Catalpa is a tree that is characterized by a straight trunk and gray bark with thick plates. Some wild-growing forms are a source of valuable wood, which is similar in characteristics to oak wood.

Catalpa in landscape design

Catalpa (tree) grows quickly. She is not capricious and resistant to adverse conditions. Looks harmoniously as a single plant in the foreground (in entrance area office, shop or cafe, in a conspicuous place in front of the front side of the house) and in alley plantings and parks as their component.

The catalpa looks great, the photo of which conveys all the beauty of the plant, when making coastline reservoirs. You can harmoniously combine species with golden and purple leaves. AT modern world catalpa, which perfectly withstands air pollution and is characterized by drought resistance, is widely used for landscaping cities, replacing traditional poplars and lindens. All types of such trees are excellent honey plants. Catalpa can be made the center of the composition by surrounding it with a cotoneaster or hawthorn hedge, which retains its decorative effect throughout the season.

On the summer cottages and household territories most widespread received a magnificent catalpa and a bignoniform catalpa. Imported from North America, they are capable of reaching a height of 30 meters in their homeland. In domestic conditions, the most tall tree can grow up to 10-12 meters.

Catalpa is magnificent

The magnificent catalpa is a fast-growing tree, the annual growth of its trunk can be 1 meter. The plant did well in the climate. middle lane Russia. Reaching a height of 10 meters, it is characterized by a slender straight trunk, a wide crown and large, about 25 cm, oval leaves that bloom an order of magnitude earlier than in other species.

Great catalpa is drought-resistant, photophilous, negatively related to groundwater adjacent close to the surface. By mid-June, it is covered with numerous panicles of light cream and pink inflorescences, yellow striped and brown speckled. Flowering, depending on the region, lasts from 2 weeks to 1 month.

Bignoniform and ovoid catalpa

Bignonian catalpa is characterized by spreading branches forming a wide rounded crown. The height of the tree is 10-12 meters, the bark has light brown shade, lamellar, large wide leaves about 20 cm long, pubescent from above. Flowering is long, about 1.5 months, occurs in July-August. Bignonian catalpa is represented by several varieties:

  • Nana. It is characterized by a compact, spherical crown, reaching a diameter of 2-4 meters.
  • Aurea. At the beginning of the growing season it stands out with golden leaves.
  • Ken. The leaves have a green center on a yellow background.
  • Purpurea. It is characterized by red-brown leaves when blooming.

All varieties grow quite slowly; in terms of winter hardiness, Nana has the highest rate.

Catalpa ovoid is found in multi-stemmed shrub forms. Unlike catalpa bignoniform and magnificent, it has short term vegetation. Its shoots have time to become woody before the onset of cold weather, so the plant practically does not freeze. Able to withstand 29-degree frosts.

Planting catalpa

Growing catalpa should be done in a well-lit area, protected from cold winds that can break the large leaves of the tree. The seedling needs to be planted in landing pit, the depth of which is 70-120 cm. When planting several trees, the distance between them should not be less than 3 meters. A mixture of sand, peat, leafy soil and humus in a ratio of 2: 1: 2: 3 is suitable as a soil. It will be very useful to add 5-7 kg of wood ash to the planting pit. After planting, the catalpa, the seedlings of which are recommended to be immediately watered and mulched in tree trunks with peat soil, begins to grow actively with proper care for it.

Features of caring for catalpa

Catalpa, which is propagated by cuttings, layering, seeds, is calm about transplanting, which is best done in early spring. It is recommended to water the plant once a week, 15-18 liters per plant unit. Catalpa, like any plant, is good for top dressing, which is recommended to be done 2-3 times per season. The introduction of slurry will be effective (approximately under 1 tree - 5 liters).

An important element of catalpa care is pruning, aimed at removing dry branches and forming a crown. It is required to carry it out annually, in early spring.

Chinese legend

The Chinese legend of the catalpa says: once upon a time, monkeys and elephants were at enmity with each other. If monkeys were captured by elephants, they hung their tails on trees. If elephants were captured by the monkeys, elephant ears were hung on the trees. So the catalpas appeared on the planet.

Catalpa is a tree of amazing beauty. Its huge bright green leaves, similar to hearts, form a dense dome. The plant genus belongs to the Bignoniaceae family. In nature, it grows in the vastness of North America, China and Japan. In summer, the charming crown is complemented by lush pinkish-white inflorescences with a pleasant aroma. Catalpas have been growing in parks for several decades, and sometimes on household plots as a monumental decoration. Under their dense foliage it is convenient to relax and spend time escaping from the scorching sun. Due to the structural features of the catalpa, it is sometimes called "elephant ears" or "pasta tree".

plant description

Catalpa is deciduous, and sometimes evergreen tree. In culture, its height is 5-6 m, although in nature old trees grow up to 35 m. The plant rises on a single strong trunk and is distinguished by a dense spherical or oblong crown. The dark brown cracked bark consists of thin layers.

Catalpa foliage has great decorative effect. Large, smooth leaf plates up to 25 cm long are painted bright green. The most common are heart-shaped or broadly ovate leaves. The foliage retains a rich green color throughout the season and falls off in the fall without turning yellow.

At the age of 5-10 years, the trees begin to bloom. The flowering period is in June. At the ends of the lateral processes bloom many-flowered paniculate inflorescences with white or cream tubular flowers. Two-lipped corollas along the edge are dissected into soft, recurved petals various shapes. In structure, catalpa flowers are very similar to chestnuts, but much larger. Closer to the center there are red or purple dots and yellow stripes.

After pollination, long thin pods ripen with round section. Their size reaches 40 cm with a thickness of not more than 1 cm. The fruits hang on flexible legs, like green icicles. In late autumn, they darken, but remain hanging until spring. Inside the pods are oblong, bean-like seeds.

Species and ornamental varieties

The catalpa genus is represented by eleven plant species, of which 4 are cultivated in Russia.

Spreading plant about 10 m high grows branches in the form of a funnel. Shoots form an asymmetric crown. The length of the heart-shaped leaves is about 20 cm, they are colored yellowish green, but gradually become bright green. In June, inflorescences bloom with white or yellowish flowers covered with crimson specks. The length of the corolla reaches 30 cm. In August, fruits appear in the form of pods up to 40 cm long, which turn brown in September. Varieties:

  • Aurea - heart-shaped golden leaves have a velvety surface;
  • Nana - a tree no more than 4-6 m in height is distinguished by a particularly dense, spherical crown, but has no flowers;
  • Quene - large heart-shaped foliage with a yellowish edging and a bright green center.

A tree with a wide pyramidal crown grows up to 30 m. It is covered with broadly ovate bright green leaves. The length of the leaf plate reaches 30 cm, and the width is 15 cm. Fragrant cream flowers about 7 cm long bloom in early summer. The wavy petals are covered with yellow stripes and burgundy-brown specks.

The trunk of this species is covered with light brown thin-lamellar bark. Above it rises a crown in the form of a dense green ball. The surface of large dark green leaves is smooth, and with reverse side there is a short white pile. In June, white flowers bloom 5 cm long.

This species is best adapted to severe frosts. It is an ornamental tree that grows up to 35 m. The strong, straight stem of the plant is covered with lamellar bark, and large dark green leaves reach 30 cm in length. Each leaf is attached to the branch with a flexible long petiole. Flowering begins at the age of ten. The tree produces light cream tubular flowers in early summer. A month later, it is decorated with fleshy long pods.

Reproduction methods

Catalpa reproduces by seed and vegetative ways. Any method gives good result Therefore, gardeners make the choice based on their own capabilities and preferences. Ripe fruits are cut, the seeds are removed and stored in a paper bag for up to three years. When propagating catalpa seeds, containers with loose garden soil are prepared. At the end of winter, the seeds are soaked overnight in clean warm water. After that, they are buried in the ground by 5-10 mm. The container is covered with a transparent lid and transferred to a well-lit room with a temperature of +15…+25°C. Plants should be aired and watered regularly.

Shoots do not appear very amicably after 3-4 weeks. After that, the cover is removed. Seedlings continue to grow in warmth. In the spring, after a week of hardening for several hours a day, the plants are transplanted into open ground.

In July-August, cuttings about 10 cm long are cut from young shoots. The cut is treated with Kornevin and planted vertically in containers with sandy-peat soil. They are kept outdoors, protected from drafts and precipitation. The first 2-3 weeks the cuttings are covered plastic bottles. Within a month, the cuttings will take root, but they are still too weak for wintering. They are left in a room where there is no negative temperatures. In autumn, the seedlings will shed their leaves, this is normal. New leaves will appear in the spring. In mid-spring, plants are planted in open ground.

Landing and care

For catalpa seedlings, areas with good lighting and protection from drafts are suitable. The tree can also grow in partial shade. Plants are planted singly or in groups in the form of an alley. For each seedling, they dig a hole to the depth of the root system (70-120 cm). 15-20 cm of the drainage layer is poured at the bottom. The catalpa is planted so that the earthen ball is slightly raised above the surface. As the soil is compacted, the plant will settle and the root neck will be at ground level. The distance between trees should be at least 3 m.

Catalpa prefers fertile garden soils with good breathability. Heavy, poor soils are dug up with gravel and compost before planting. It is important to avoid places with close groundwater. The acidity of the soil should be neutral or slightly acidic. Planting and transplanting a young catalpa is carried out in the first half of spring. Before the procedure, the plants are well watered, and immediately after planting, the stem circle is mulched with peat.

If the place is chosen correctly and the landing conditions are met, caring for the catalpa is not difficult at all. It needs to be watered regularly. In the absence of natural precipitation, up to 2 buckets of water are poured weekly under the root. Approximately once a month, the soil is loosened and weeds are removed.

In early spring, as well as 1-2 times during the summer, trees are fertilized with a solution of rotted manure, compost and superphosphate. Top dressing is alternated and selected in accordance with the composition of the soil.

Mature trees overwinter normally in temperate climates, but young seedlings will need additional shelter. The crown is covered with burlap, and the trunk and soil at the roots are covered with fallen leaves and spruce branches. In the spring, the shelter is removed. If frozen branches are found, pruning is carried out. Before the start of the growing season, you can engage in crown molding. Do not shorten the branches too much and stimulate thickening. If the leaves do not have enough light and free space, they will begin to shrink or develop worse. As a result, the catalpa will lose its decorative effect.

exotic looks and large leaves catalpas, and at the end of summer - long green fruits - attract a lot of attention. The glances of households and passers-by will often stop at its dense bright green crown. Large trees are used in central positions one by one, and undersized varieties good in group plantings for framing paths or along the fence. Catalpa roots strengthen slopes, so the plants are often used to landscap the precipitous shores of lakes and smaller freshwater bodies.

During the flowering period, catalpa is an excellent honey plant, and its leaves secrete special substances that repel mosquitoes. Therefore, rest under a tree in the evening will be more enjoyable.