We become invisible in real life in stages. People who can become invisible

We become invisible in real life in stages.  People who can become invisible
We become invisible in real life in stages. People who can become invisible

There are situations in this life when a person wants to remain unnoticed. Often only the heroes of fairy tales and films get such an opportunity. However, there are many stories in which people tell how they themselves became invisible for a while or felt the presence of an invisible person next to them.

Let's see if it is possible to become invisible in real life.

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History and theories

Some books mention that the peoples of the South and North America, some yogis, Australian Aborigines and members of the Rosicrucian order (a society of scientists, philosophers and mystics, founded in medieval Europe), practiced the so-called "controlled invisibility" through the regulation of their consciousness and some psychological training.

Also, physicists from Britain worked on the issue of invisibility. They tried to explain this phenomenon by means of a "holographic quantum model of reality perception". Edgar Mitchell, one of the authors of this model, stated that human mental activity is of a quantum nature, and the perception of surrounding objects is a two-way process. When a person observes any object, his consciousness enters into "resonance" with this object. The result is the recognition of the proportions, shapes and density of the object. If there is no "resonance", the brain cannot identify this object, even if the person being tested sees it with his eyes.

Theoretical studies of British scientists also showed that the "cloud", consisting of free electrons can absorb light rays. A person or object located in such a cloud can become invisible, because the rays of light will not be reflected from it and will not be refracted. However, today it is impossible to create such a cloud.

"Invisibility" can now be created thanks to various technical means that provide camouflage. it different kind electronic gadgets, special materials and a combination of both.

Book practice

Another option for achieving invisibility is psychological training. A certain Eric Dege wrote a book that teaches this to anyone. He divided the entire learning process into three stages, each of which requires an impressive amount of time allotted for training.

First stage

The first stage includes the following steps:

  • The person needs to be in convenient location where there are no external stimuli and close your eyes.
  • You need to try to feel the body invisible to others. You can also imagine your immersion in events from the past, while positioning yourself invisible. Now you need to imagine future events in which you need to feel invisible.
  • After five minutes, you need to focus on any one part of your body, for example, on the fingers. The eyes must be kept closed. Imagine that the fingers become transparent, with time you will be able to see what is behind them.
  • When you can imagine the fingers completely transparent, you need to try to fix this situation on as much as possible. for a long time. Your thoughts may go astray and there is a possibility of an uncomfortable state. Do not be upset if this happens - take a break and try again. At first, representing the body part invisible will be difficult and the duration will be several seconds. You need to practice until you can keep this state for more than five minutes. It all depends on the individual, some weeks are enough for some, and some do not even fit in a few months.

Second phase

The second stage of training should begin after you have learned to hold the state of finger transparency in your imagination for five minutes. A small feature: it is recommended to perform the following exercises on an empty stomach.

  • It will not be superfluous to consolidate the material learned from previous actions. That is, you need to imagine your fingers invisible for as long as possible. Perhaps this exercise can be improved by trying to extend the imaginary invisibility from the fingers to the rest of the body. Try to involve the whole body in this process.
  • If you do everything right, you will be able to imagine yourself completely invisible within about five minutes.
  • Repeat the exercise should be about 15 times a day, three weeks in a row. All thoughts should be focused only on the implementation of these exercises. If someone interrupts you, the exercise must be started from the very beginning.

Third stage

When 3-4 weeks of hard and diligent training are over, you will be able to fix your perception on thoughts about the invisibility of the body. This will mean that the time has come to move on to the third stage.

  • To complete the exercise, you need to find a close friend or relative. The person should treat you with understanding and be tactful and polite. You must trust this person completely.
  • When such a person is found, ask him to be with you, but at the same time, do not interfere in any way. That is, a person should behave as quietly as possible. His task will be to record those moments in time when it seems to him that his ability to see you is changing.

Thus, we found out that with due perseverance, there is a chance to become invisible at least to the people around. Since the technique described above will not be able to teach you how to hide, for example, from video cameras.

How to become invisible?

Many dream of hiding from prying eyes. You can do this by becoming invisible. But how close is science now to making an object invisible? In addition, the question of the very term of the concept and its formulation is still controversial. Invisibility does not mean transparency, which implies the process of passing photons through matter. Meanwhile, it is transparency that becomes the goal of the majority. scientific research in this region. We will talk about all this in our article.

Become invisible: myth or reality?

Today, science is struggling with a task that only the heroes of books and films can do so far. What is invisibility and how to become invisible? Scientists define it concept as the ability of an object to absorb light without reflecting it. It is to these developments that modern optical science is striving. The fact is that the light that falls on us is reflected from our body and from all visible objects. However, it has been proven that invisibility can be achieved by changing the reflected spectrum of light. It is necessary to create conditions so that the reflected light from a person is in the range of the spectrum that is inaccessible to human vision. It is known that this can be achieved in different ways, but the technological basis for similar experiments so far poorly developed.

At its core, light is a wave or a stream of particles. The frequency of a wave determines its visibility. So, human body does not accept, for example, infrared range radiation. From this we can conclude that if the reflected light goes into a lower range, then it becomes imperceptible, and therefore invisible, which, in fact, is what we need.

Developments in the field of optics

optical illusions

To begin with, let's recall the methods that allow us to "simulate" invisibility. Ordinary optical illusions They are means of deceiving our eyesight. For example, any skilled magician can perform a trick with a talking head. The viewer sees the head, but the body does not see. The secret is that the body of the assistant is covered with well-placed mirrors that reflect the surroundings of the stage. AT right light and at the right angle creates a feeling of invisibility of the body.

Environmental camouflage is another optical trick. For some species of living creatures of our planet, camouflage is a direct way to survive in an aggressive environment natural selection. So, the chameleon is able to change its color based on the environment. He does this by changing the pigmentation of his skin, which is a physiologically sound way.

Serious scientific research

As we said above, modern scientists have found a way to follow to study the properties of invisibility - the reflection of light in the range invisible to humans.

Our Russian scientist Gadomsky Oleg Nikolaevich can be proud of the latest development in this area. On the this moment he has already patented new way conversion of optical radiation. Gadomsky developed the method only in theory; things had not yet reached practice. In short, his idea is as follows: the object that we want to hide from the eyes of the observer must have absorption properties Sveta. To date, science knows such matter - these are colloidal gold particles. In theory: covering any object with a thin continuous layer of similar particles, we will get a stunning result. Light that hits an object under this shell will not be reflected back to our receptors in the eyeball, but will get stuck in the shell.

As an intended result, Gadomsky described that the observer would see a shapeless dark mass, which, by the way, cannot be called invisibility in pure form. From this it can be concluded that modern science yet far from invisible. In addition, there is confusion in terms. The ability to pass photons of light through itself without delaying them is transparency. But the effects described by Gadomsky are the absorption of photons, as a result of which the light is not reflected by the object onto the visual receptors of the observer.

If we imagine some kind of electronic invisibility cloak, then, based on recent research, it will most likely consist of a fine matter of gold nanoparticles obtained as a result of the interaction of electrodes of the same gold.

Failed Inventions

Returning to the invisibility cloak, we can recall the invention of the engineer Suzumu Tachi (Tokyo University). This researcher came up with the idea of ​​a camouflage studded with miniature cameras and displays. Based on relay technology environment. The downside was that these devices themselves are visible and immediately betray their owner.

A group of researchers at the University of Texas has achieved significant results in the field of achieving invisibility. An experimental hamster was injected with a substance that made an area of ​​his skin invisible for 20 minutes. After that, the animal died due to the rejection of this substance and the death of living tissues of the body. However, research continues in this direction.

One of the traits of a ninja is invisibility. The warrior of the night easily and imperceptibly, like a shadow, sneaked into the most fortified castles, silently killed or disarmed the guards, unnoticed by anyone could go all the way and only a few could notice him.

The invisibility of night warriors was determined by many factors: the time of day, special clothing, technical devices, and, of course, the shinobi themselves. The ninja of the ShadowLaw clan use all the skills that are available to them to complete the tasks and today they will reveal to you some of their secrets so that you will learn how to become invisible.

  • Secret one: Ninja actively use and used special psychoenergetic practices and suggestive technologies to become invisible. This is a complex process that requires a high concentration of mental and physical abilities from the ninja. So that people who are on the path of the ninja do not feel his presence, he first mentally calms down and focuses on his energy. Then, using the skills given to him by the clan, with the help of controlling the energy potential, he merges as much as possible with the environment at the energy level. That is, the enemy, even if he is nearby at that moment, will instinctively feel nothing and will continue to think that he is now alone in the room. As soon as the enemy's vigilance is lulled, the ninja begins to suggestively inspire the enemy with any thoughts or feelings. No, do not think that the shadow warrior is a professional hypnotist, but imposing, for example, feelings of hunger or thirst will prompt the opponent to move away for something to drink or go out to Fresh air. However, this technique requires a lot of concentration and time, and time is often not so much. Therefore, the ninja of the ShadowLaw clan proceed to the next step:
  • If the enemy does not need to be eliminated, then the shinobi will try to slip past while remaining invisible. Many ninjas don't like this, because such a game of cat and mouse with a bunch of hostile personalities can turn into a hunt for them. But if there are only a few people at the facility, then the shinobi secretly slips further. There are a lot of options here: blend in with the surrounding background and pass, slide along the wall, use objects to mislead the enemy. For example, being in the same room, deliberately knock over something there so that the guards run out to look at the noise, and at this time, run away from them along the wall or ceiling. Very often you have to be dangerously close to the enemy and distract him. For example, it is inaudible to walk right behind him, and when he stops or gets closer, lightly touch his right shoulder and quickly slip through his left side. Usually the chance of being seen in such a situation is very high, so many ninja eliminate the enemy. Becoming invisible in such a situation is problematic and everything is solved by other methods.
  • Elimination is not murder. Shinobi should not use the skills given to him for evil. The person who attacks the ninja is doing his job, just like himself, so you need to eliminate such a threat as quickly and painlessly as possible, while remaining invisible. To do this, the ShadowLaw ninja clan has a huge arsenal of tools. it helps a lot with, and can injure the attacker. Using ninja-to (swords of shadow warriors) in the 21st century is very strange and archaic, but sometimes you still have to. Most often, they are more for intimidation, because if a guard, a criminal, or some other person encounters a ninja who attacks with a sword, I'm afraid his funeral will be magnificent. The sword can hurt and use it as a stun tool. Most often, you have to fight hand-to-hand, but shinobi almost always attack from an ambush or from behind, so the fight lasts about ten seconds. Most the best option- knock the enemy to the ground and stun with a blow. After that, it is easy to become invisible - there is no enemy anymore.
  • Also, ninjas used and use many unique developments of their own, which we are not going to open. We only add that meeting a man in a black suit, who suddenly has a fireball from his hands and rushes at you, is very unpleasant. Especially if this ball is also filled with fragments.
Thus, to be invisible, ninjas use energy, technical means and skill of saboteurs. Now you know how to become invisible.

Many people think about how to become invisible. I want to hide from prying eyes, to be alone, or vice versa to come to the people and feel an unprecedented strength in myself: you see everyone, but no one is you. Who did not want to become invisible in order to come to their friends, classmates and just acquaintances and listen to what they are saying about you. If you really like any boy or girl, then the desire to make an invisible hat or just learn to be invisible increases several times. I want to know what the person you like is doing and thinking about you. Maybe you just want to play pranks in the same school, laugh at how the teacher and students with their mouths open look at the class magazine moving in the air. They don't know you're on top of it.

There are several ways to become invisible, but they are all costly. You will have to put in a lot of effort and be patient.

How to become invisible at home?

  1. A long way that can help you become invisible. You need to go to university after school, preferably in a department related to physics. When you get the necessary knowledge, you can conduct your own research, do experiments, experiment. Scientists around the world have long been struggling with the mystery of invisibility. Some even managed to become invisible, but at a certain angle, i.e. the front of a person is invisible, but his sides are visible - this is the maximum that scientists have achieved to date. Perhaps you can do more.
  2. An easy way to become invisible in 1 second. There's no need for an invisibility cap here. Imagine that no one sees you. Maybe you already have that ability. Just try!
  3. visualization method. Here you will need more time. Imagine that you have become invisible in every detail. Think about where you would go in a similar state, what would you do. You can write all the details on a piece of paper or draw.

How to make an invisibility hat at home?

In all fairy tales and stories, a person becomes invisible when he puts on an invisibility cap. You can try to make it at home.

  1. Buy new hat. It is better to have it given to you, but if there is no other alternative, then buy it yourself. You must love the hat. You can try to sew an invisibility hat yourself.
  2. When you sew, imagine, visualize that soon you will become invisible.
  3. Put on a cap of invisibility and wait for the result. Maybe you can become invisible.

ways, how to become invisible have not been verified by us. However, miracles happen, and maybe you can too.

Music. So the question is, how do you spot a too-cool-for-school hipster hipster with a taste for the obscure? The answer is simple: by the music he listens to. Fill your player with records of unknown bands that work in extremely narrow genres if you want to earn a reputation for yourself as a person who is drawn to the unusual and unknown. Listen to the music of bands that are unknown to the general audience. The less known group you come across, the better.

  • Of course, you don't have to listen to a 35-hour album by an obscure band if it's more of a cacophony. You are trying to move away from the mainstream, not from common sense. Look for thematic resources where you can find reviews and links to the work of good little-known bands.
  • You will get a hipster bonus if you find all these records on vinyl.
  • Literature. Books are, so to speak, a source of slow-motion pleasure, unlike music and movies. However, the impression of a good book lasts longer. Reading little-known books will add those touches of mystery to your image that neither music nor movies will give you. If you don’t read just for fun (and many don’t), try to get in the habit of reading a few obscure ones every year, but still good books. This will good habit and people will be impressed by your delicate taste.

    • how to find obscure books Head to bookstores (or their websites) and look for the Newest section. As a rule, there are books waiting for you.
  • Food. Cooking is an art that we all master to one degree or another. By learning to appreciate unusual food and, accordingly, by learning how to cook it, you will not only impress others, you will also acquire a useful skill that will make your life more beautiful and will please others. If you don't know where to start, start by learning the secrets of some national cuisine. Then you can try recipes with which you are not at all familiar. Onward to the kitchen! The only way to learn is to practice cooking over and over again!

    • Delicious can be cooked even from cheap, mind you. Just read the recipes for something more or less affordable, and then you will have a chance to prepare a tasty, healthy and inexpensive meal.
  • Clothing. We will not deny, in general, people with wealth inner world they don’t shine, and therefore they are judged by their clothes. Yes, before talking to you, your appearance appreciate it, trust me. Perhaps, according to the saying, they will “see you off” according to the mind, but we cannot give guarantees. Accordingly, in order to convey to others the fact that you are a lover of the little-known, you need to dress in an unusual way. If you want to look vintage, then look for things in retro style. Do you want to look avant-garde? Then try to combine in your outfit what no one else has combined before you. Be creative, because style is your style, so use it as you see fit and enjoy regularly challenging them to the tastes of ordinary people.

    • Again, you don't have to spend a fortune. Even a local economy class store may have something in its assortment that will become a valuable element of your wardrobe. In addition, there you can easily find old, out of fashion (and therefore cheap) things of different styles.
  • Friends. For each of us in to some extent influenced by the people we interact with. They can help us form our opinion about something, show us something from a new angle, introduce us to new people and phenomena that we would not otherwise know about. It is also true that people are often judged by the kind of friends they have. If you are serious about accustoming yourself to the unusual and little known, communicate with people who share your passion for this topic. When you are seen in such a company, then be sure - and you will be considered a person who is fond of something little known.

    • Where can you meet such people? In the same place where you can find little-known literature, music and films. Indie concerts, local film festivals, non-chain bookstores, non-chain restaurants folk cuisine and so on.