How to conduct a meeting on September 1. First parent meeting. Advice for a young teacher. he can't do what can be done together

How to conduct a meeting on September 1.  First parent meeting.  Advice for a young teacher.  he can't do what can be done together
How to conduct a meeting on September 1. First parent meeting. Advice for a young teacher. he can't do what can be done together

I became a class teacher in my second year of working at school. While my more experienced colleagues zealously rejected the monster called “Classroom Management,” I was tormented by curiosity and a desire to try myself as a mentor. Now I am a class teacher with very little experience, only two years, but perhaps my experience can be useful to young colleagues who visit my site.

In the first year of work, oddly enough, the most difficult thing for me in class management was not communicating with children, not cool watch and off-site events and not even the gigantic amount of paperwork that classroom management is associated with. The most difficult thing for me was communicating with my parents: how to behave correctly when communicating with them, how to present myself so that they would not associate my small age with a lack of professionalism. Therefore, remembering the famous phrase “You never get a second chance to make a first impression,” I paid great attention to preparing for my first parent-teacher conference.

5. Make a presentation

Of course, not all teachers have the opportunity to make a presentation due to the lack of appropriate equipment in their classrooms. But, if there is such an opportunity, do not miss it. Display the agenda on a separate slide. Show everything you talk about. Take photographs of the student teachers who will work in your class from the school website, say a few words about each: work experience, awards and achievements, tell a little about their requirements. Show textbook covers, options school uniform And so on.

4. Write (by hand) a summary of the entire meeting and memorize it

Good preparation, in my opinion, is always better than improvisation. Describe the progress of the meeting point by point: introduction, textbooks, classrooms, subject teachers, etc. Write down each point in detail. Memorize it!

3. Psychological characteristics schoolboy

In my case, the main topic of the meeting was “Adaptation of a fifth-grader,” because during the transition from primary school to eldest child is experiencing enormous stress, and so are the parents. If you have become a class teacher for middle school students, naturally, it would not be superfluous to talk about the features adolescence. And if you are in first grade, then the topic for discussion is vast! It's the same with high school. Invite the school psychologist to the meeting, social teacher. Prepare and distribute memos to parents (for example, “Memo to parents of fifth-graders”), which will indicate possible psychological problems that they may encounter and ways to solve them. Where to get all this from? I developed my handbook with the help of a school psychologist and after a long time self-study works of various psychologists and teachers.

2. Teachers and parents are allies

Please forget everything horror stories about “inadequate” parents who terrorize poor teachers day and night. Being a teacher is very difficult, but being a parent is easier? If you want your work to be respected, respect the work of others. Let parents know that you are their reliable ally in the fight for a bright future for their children. Let your parents know what your job is class teacher, is to make school life for children as comfortable as possible. And most importantly, let them understand that without their help, you cannot cope with this alone. A child will achieve success only when teachers and parents have the same educational goals and the same ways to achieve them.

Before I announce the first place, let me tell you more about several useful tips, not included in my top five:

- Take care of the comfort of parents. Place a cup with pens and pencils on your desk, and put sheets of paper nearby in case your parents want to take some notes for themselves, but forgot to take a notepad with a pen. Warn them, show them that this has been prepared specifically for their convenience;

- it wouldn’t hurt to also prepare disposable cups and mineral water if there is no cooler in the office;

- Prepare a questionnaire for parents. The information in it can be completely different. I created my questionnaire based on the information that I might need to compile various reports throughout the year. Give this form to your home for parents to fill out. calm atmosphere without haste (my version of the questionnaire for parents can be downloaded);

- think about your appearance. “One meets people by their clothes...” - no one has yet canceled this simple truth.

  1. Smile!

“My teacher, smile at me now, while I am growing and need your smiles. And I will smile at you when I become an adult, and you will need my smiles” Shalva Amonashvili. I have never seen such advice in any pedagogy textbook. But please smile, dear colleagues. Always. No matter what. No matter what time we live in. A time when drug addiction among children and youth, childhood alcoholism, smoking, and child cruelty are terrifying. This is a time of revival of national hatred and fascism among young people. THIS IS THE TIME OF CHILDRENLESS PEDAGOGY, the time of the dominance of soulless and mind-corroding tests and the so-called Unified State Examination. This is a time of humiliation of the teacher, devaluation of the most important profession of a teacher for society! But still, no matter what, smile. Let parents know that in such a turbulent time, their children are in good, loving and caring hands.



Topic: “First time in first grade”

Target : introduce parents to the new world of school;coordination of family and school requirements.


    introduce parents to the teacher and his life values;

    introduce parents to each other;

    introduce the difficulties of a child's transition to school life and give recommendations and practical advice on successful adaptation of first-graders.

    introduce parents to main areas of work during the adaptation period of a first-grader;

    together, with the help of practical and logical actions, develop the basic patterns in the participation of parents in the educational process;

    parent survey;

    selection of the parent committee, distribution of responsibilities.


    Pencils, paper, pen.


    Blank sheets of paper.

    The flower is large (for a group), the flowers are the same shape (for each).

Progress of the meeting


It all starts with a school bell:
The desks set off on a long journey.
There, ahead, there will be steeper starts
And they will be more serious, but for now...

Hello, dear moms and dads! I am very pleased to meet the parents of my new students. The moment of the first meeting is always joyful and exciting. And, of course, not only you are worried, but, to be honest, so am I. Will we like each other? Will we find mutual understanding and friendship? Will I be able to meet your expectations? Will you be able to hear, understand and accept my demands and help our little first-graders? The success of ours depends on this. collaboration. We are meeting some parents for the first time, others we already know. I'm glad to see you all. In order for us to feel comfortable together, let's get to know each other a little. Each of you, tell your group neighbors what your name is and write on one flower petal how best to address you (by name, by first name and patronymic.)


Very good. We got to know each other a little. Now let me tell you a little about myself.


Family and school are the shore and the sea. On the shore, the child takes his first steps, and then an immense sea of ​​knowledge opens up before him, and the school charts a course in this sea... But this does not mean that it should completely break away from the shore”…. L.Kassil.

Start of schooling - the most important stage in the life of a child and his parents. What does learning success depend on? What can help a student develop more fully? What role do parents and teachers play in the formation educational activities?

These and many other questions concern parents of first-graders. Of course, there is no definitive answer to all questions, but you can select the necessary information, advice, experience, and recommendations that will help you avoid mistakes in raising and educating your child and help him become successful.

Dear parents, let's go back in time for a few minutes.

On first nice day

September day

I entered timidly

Under the school arches.

First textbook

And the first lesson -

This is how it begins

School years.

Do you remember your September 1st? What was that day like? What was the name of your first teacher? What memories do you have with this person? What feelings did you experience on this day?

Do your children want to go to school? What do they expect from school?

Let's check if your kids are ready for school before starting a conversation about the difficult period of school adaptation.

I present to your attention a small test.

Test for parents.

Mark each affirmative answer with one point.

1. Do you think your child wants to go to first grade?

2. Does he think that he will learn a lot of new and interesting things at school?

3. Can your baby independently engage in some painstaking work (painting, sculpting, assembling a mosaic, etc.) for some time (15-20 minutes)?

4. Can you say that your child is not shy in the presence of strangers?

5. Can your child coherently describe a picture and compose a story based on it in at least five sentences?

6. Does your child know poetry by heart?

7. Can he name the given noun in plural?
8. Can your child read, at least syllable by syllable?

9. Does the baby count to ten forward and backward?

10. Can he add and subtract at least one unit from the numbers of the first ten?

11. Can your child write the simplest elements in a checkered notebook and carefully draw small patterns?

12. Does your child like to draw and color pictures?

13. Can your child handle scissors and glue (for example, make paper appliqués)?

14. Can he assemble a whole picture from five elements of a picture cut into pieces in a minute?

15. Does your baby know the names of wild and domestic animals?

16. Does your child have generalization skills, for example, can he name apples and pears using the same word “fruit”?

17. Does your child like to spend time independently doing some activity, for example, drawing, assembling construction sets, etc.

If you answered yes to 15 or more questions, which means your child is quite ready for school. You did not work with him in vain, and in the future, if he has difficulties in learning, he will be able to cope with them with your help.

If your baby can handle the contents 10-14 of the above questions, then you are on the right track. During his classes, he learned a lot and learned a lot. And those questions to which you answered in the negative will indicate to you what points you need to pay attention to, what else you need to practice with your child.

In the event that the number of affirmative answers 9 or less, you will have to devote more time and attention to activities with your child.

Entering school is a turning point in the life of every child. Start schooling radically changes his entire way of life: he must work systematically and hard, follow a daily routine, obey various norms and rules of school life, fulfill the teacher’s requirements, etc. All children, along with overwhelming feelings of joy, delight or surprise about everything that happens at school, experience anxiety, confusion, and tension. A period of adaptation to school, associated with adaptation to its basic requirements, exists for all first-graders.

Adaptation - The process is quite long and difficult. And not only the first-grader experiences difficulties, but also the parent and teacher. And if we understand them, if we learn to feel each other, we will make this process easier for everyone, especially our children. The difficulty or ease of adaptation depends on the characteristics of the nervous system; temperament; character traits; adaptive abilities; adequate experience.

Workshop game “Basket of Associations”

Dear moms and dads! I have a basket in my hands, on which you can see the beginning of the phrase “SCHOOL IS...”.

I invite everyone present to write down 1 association word on a piece of paper and attach it to the board.

Analysis of answers: “ What is school for you? “What is school for a child?”

Information 1. Let's realize that school is the first institution of socialization of a child, in which he masters the necessary social experience. And in this experience three main points can be distinguished:

    knowledge and skills

    interaction with peers (with people close social status)

    interaction with teachers (with people of higher status in a given situation).

Which one is the main one? (parents' answers, arguments)

It is clear that it is impossible to single out the main thing: the success of their development is interconnected. At the stage of a first-grader’s adaptation to school, these are the three main areas of work for teachers and, I hope, parents.

What is important for a child in the first days of school? ... Be able to meet other children.

Exercise 1. Dating from the role of adults. I suggest you say your name and 1 quality starting with the first letter of your name.

Task 2. Acquaintance from the role of children. Game "Palm".


Good afternoon.

Finally we met.

If anything, I'll help you.

Information 2. It is important for children to be able not only to get to know each other, but also to establish friendships. Kids do it different ways. Which ones? …(They offer games, join in those offered, attract attention with buffoonery, fights, etc.)

Task 3. From the role of children, draw a verbal portrait of a child with whom you want to communicate and with whom you do not want. Think about which portrait is closer to own child and what to do to bring it closer to the desired model.

(Each person has 2 pieces of paper with + and - signs. Write down 1 quality each and attach it to the board under the corresponding inscriptions: “I WANT TO COMMUNICATE”, “I DON’T WANT TO COMMUNICATE.”)

Information 3 . When a child behaves in a way that adults like, when he pleases them, they tend to praise him and reinforce this behavior. Otherwise, the child will feel in a situation of uncertainty and insecurity: why do some adults praise this, while others do not notice or even scold.

Task 4. Parents in groups discuss what they will praise or scold the child for, and choose the 3 most significant, in their opinion, moments. The teacher does the same. Analysis.

The task of parents is to support first-graders in their desire to succeed.

1. Piggy bank of school SUCCESSES

Place a glass (plastic) jar or transparent box in a special place. From now on, this is a “piggy bank of school successes”, into which “good deeds, small successes will be added: praise for a good answer, a beautifully written stick, letter, etc.). Not by themselves, of course, but in the form of something material. For example, the same grains of large beans or large shell pasta.

As soon as the “piggy bank” is full, surprise your son or daughter with a pleasant surprise and... return the beans or shells to their usual kitchen place. Let it all start over again. It’s better if the reward for a full piggy bank is not doing it in advance given to the child promises (I’ll buy it, give it as a gift, etc.), and something that may not be expensive at all, but surprising and unexpected.

It is better to choose the volume of the piggy bank so that filling it, on the one hand, does not stretch over endless months, and on the other, does not become a matter of five days.

Yes! Never take anything from the piggy bank as punishment for comments or dirty work done. Firstly, this can make the filling process almost endless, and therefore pointless, and secondly, it is simply unfair.

2. In each work, be sure to find something to praise the children for. Remember that praise and emotional support can significantly increase a person's intellectual achievements.

Compare the child’s successes with his previous failures, and not with marks in a notebook; You need to overcome difficulties, starting with one, and not fight with all of them at the same time;

To rid your child of shortcomings, notice them as little as possible.

40 ways to praise a child (in the form of a reminder to parents)

    Well done!



    Much better than I expected.

    Better than anyone I know!





    This is exactly what we have been waiting for a long time.


    Well said - simple and clear.


    Extra class.


    You're a miracle!

    You're on the right track.

    You did a lot today.


    Already better.


    Good girl!


    Great start.


    You've figured it out.

    I am proud of you.

    You do it smartly.

    I'm just happy.


    Working with you is just a joy.

    I can’t do this without you.

    I knew you could do it.

    I'm proud that you succeeded.

    I couldn't have done better myself.

    This is exactly what you need.

    Every day you succeed


    I'm proud that you succeeded!

    You're on the right track.

    Your help is very important to me.

Do not skimp on praise, learn to highlight an island of success in a sea of ​​mistakes;

To praise the performer, to criticize the performance.

Information 4 . Important problem– teach the child to react to conflicts, because in a child’s environment they will certainly exist. Some parents believe that conflicts are unacceptable. They indicate poorly organized upbringing. Psychologists believe that the complete absence of conflicts will lead to the formation of self-doubt.

It is important for parents to respond competently to a message about a conflict that has occurred in a child. The main thing here isdo not promise the child to punish the offender or blame him, but provide the child with support – a resource with which he could resolve the conflict on his own.

Information 5. It is important for a child at school to find mutual language not only with peers, but also with adults. The teachers around him are carriers of certain values, which determines their direction. educational work. The child will be comfortable if the teacher’s value basis is close to that accepted in the family. But there is only one teacher, and there are many families who send their children to the same class. Therefore it is worth agreeing value bases education in order to accept certain provisions common to the entire class and strive for their implementation both at school and at home.

Task 5. Think and say what qualities parents want to cultivate in their child first of all. (On separate sheets of paper on the board.) Discuss and rank in order of importance.

Task 6. The image of a teacher whom I trust. (alliteration)

Dear parents, now I will ask you for each letter of the word “TEACHER” to select the quality that the person to whom you are giving your child should have ( work in groups). Now, of all the proposed qualities, name those that, in your opinion, a teacher should have. What quality do you put first?

Training 1.

Dear parents, show mepalm . Now try making a clap with one palm.Tell me, did you manage to fulfill my request? Why? Need a second hand. The clap is the result of the action of two palms. The teacher is only one palm. And no matter how strong, creative and wise she is, without a second palm (and it is in your face, dear parents), the teacher is powerless. From this we can derive the first rule:

Only together, all together, we will overcome all difficulties in raising and educating children.

And remember the most important thing. Your children are now my children. But they are MINE for only four years, and YOURS for the rest of your days. You are preparing for your dignified old age today, and I am ready to help you with this... Let's take care of each other, help, hear and listen to each other, and we will succeed.

Training 2 (colored pencils)

Take everything one flower at a time. Color them. ( On the tables there are flowers of the same size, color, shape, colored pencils, felt-tip pens.)

Now compare your flower with the flowers of your neighbors. All the flowers were the same in size and shape.

Tell me, after you have painted a flower, can you find two completely identical flowers? (No.)

We, adults, UNDER THE SAME CONDITIONS, do everything differently.

Hence our second rule:

Never compare your child with another! Recognize your first grader’s right to individuality, the right to be different. Never compare boys and girls, do not set one as an example to the other: they are different even in biological age - girls are usually older than their peers. There is no one or something better or worse. There is OTHER! We will compare, but these will only be the results of the same child yesterday, today and tomorrow. This is called MONITORING. We will do this in order to KNOW HOW AND WHAT TO DO WITH THIS TOMORROW. We will do this in order to grow every day. And not only in studies, but also in actions. Listen to the advice of a psychologist.

Tip one:the most important thing you can give your child is your attention.

Listen to his stories about school, ask clarifying questions. And remember: what seems not very important to you may turn out to be the most exciting for your son or daughter. If your child sees your interest in his affairs and concerns, he will feel supported. By listening carefully, you can understand what your child needs help with and what you should talk about with the teacher (without the child).

Tip two:your positive attitude towards school and teachers will make the adaptation period easier for your child.

Even if you personally, as parents, have some questions for teachers, it seems to you that something needs to be done differently, all friction should remain between adults. Negative or disrespectful statements about school and teachers “in the family circle” are very harmful; this will significantly complicate the adaptation period, undermine the child’s peace of mind and confidence in care and harmony between important adults.

Tip three:your calm attitude towards school worries and school life will greatly help your child. Seeing parents calm and confident, the child will feel that there is no need to be afraid of school.

Tip four: Help your child establish relationships with peers and feel confident.

This is especially important for children who have not attended kindergarten. Explain the rules of communication with peers, teach them to help friends. Praise him for his sociability, enjoy your school acquaintances. Explain that adults' attention is distributed equally to everyone. Learn to be friends.

Tip five:Help your child get used to the new school routine.

The child gets used to school not only psychologically, but also physically. With the start of school, the workload increases sharply. nervous system, spine, hearing, vision. If before this you adhered to the daily routine, then try to gently introduce the “updated” one. Help me learn to live according to a new schedule.

Tip six:parents' wise attitude towards school results will eliminate a third of the child’s possible troubles. You should know that training in grades 1 and 2 is grade-free. And the results of “magic rulers”, emoticons, and medals cannot be converted into points. And even more so to transfer these results onto oneself, to perceive them as a blow to parental self-esteem. School success is important, but it's not your child's entire life. Praise your child for successes and help with difficulties. Teach your child to adequately evaluate himself and his work.

Tip seven:A child should not be terrified of making a mistake. It is impossible to learn something without making mistakes. Try not to develop a fear of making mistakes in your child. The feeling of fear is a bad adviser. It suppresses initiative, the desire to learn, and simply the joy of life and the joy of learning. Remember: for a child not to be able to do something and not to know something is a normal state of affairs. That's why he's a child. This cannot be reproached.

Words of support for first graders (in the form of a reminder)

I want to advise you HUNDRED WORDS , which you can use to make your child happy and successful:

great, well done, smart, I'm proud of you, you did a good job, great, smart, great discovery, huge success, I admire you, you good friend, outstanding work, you are making good progress, you are moving forward quickly, I respect you, you are a very responsible person, you are unique, I believe in you, you made me happy, excellent, phenomenal, a huge achievement, sensational, you - winner, we are on the right track, amazing, amazing, I knew you could do it. I love you, you have achieved great success, outstanding work, how good, how smart, you are perfection, how attentive you are, your neatness is fantastic, you are a winner, you are my joy, I am happy, I have never seen anything like it.


Live for the sake of your child, show him maximum attention, worry about every failure of the baby and rejoice in even his smallest successes. Be his friend, then the child will trust you with his most secret things.

Study with your child, unite with him against difficulties, become an ally, and not an adversary or an outside observer of the school life of a first-grader.

Believe in the child, believe in the teacher.


There was still a sheet of paper left on the table. Trace your palm on it. Write down on paper palms what you want to organize in the classroom. Give me a helping hand. Maybe you could advise me on how to build communication with your child, because you, as parents, know him better.

Maybe you can advise how to deal with some bad habits our students.

Maybe you can suggest some forms of work aimed at uniting the class.

Maybe you can organize some interesting excursion or have an educational conversation with the children.

You need to sign your sheet.





Teacher position:





Self confidence



Hard work



First Parent meeting in 1st grade
Compiled by L.V. Minina, teacher at the Municipal Budgetary Educational Establishment Center for Education.
Coal Mines"
Goal: to introduce parents to the new world of school; coordination of family requirements and
1. introduce parents to the teacher and his life values;
2. introduce parents to each other;
3. introduce difficulties
recommendations and practical advice for the successful adaptation of first-graders.
transition of the child to school life and give
4. introduce parents to the main areas of work during the adaptation period
first grader;
5. Together, using practical and logical actions, develop the main
patterns in the participation of parents in the educational process;
6. survey of parents;
7. selection of the parent committee, distribution of responsibilities.
Progress of the meeting
Slide 1.
Teacher: Good evening, dear parents! I'm glad to see you in
our first class. I understand how exciting it is for you to admit your child to school.
school. I heartily congratulate you and your children on this stage of growing up. To me
It's very nice to meet new students and their parents, but our moment
The meeting is also characterized by the fact that not only you and your children are worried, but, honestly
I admit, me too. Will we like each other? Find mutual understanding and friendship?
Will you be able to hear, understand and accept my demands and help our little ones?
first graders? The success of our joint work with you depends on this. Now
Everything will be new for your children: lessons, teacher, school friends. Very important,
so that at the same time you, loving parents, are close to your children. Now we're with
you are one big team. We have to rejoice and overcome together
difficulties, growing up and learning. In order for us to be comfortable together, let's
Let's get acquainted.
Slide 2.
The teacher meets the parents, states his name and patronymic.

Teacher: We are meeting some parents for the first time, others we already know. I'm glad
to all of you. It's nice to see parents who brought their younger children to me for
It's a great honor for me. And now, to get to know you, I will announce the list
students, and please tell me if their parents are here. (The list is read out
Take one of the sheets from your table, write your last name on it and
the child's last name in parentheses, if it is not the same as yours.
Below write how you want me to address you (by name, by name
Today we will talk about how to help a child become a schoolchild, how
make the adaptation period less difficult.
Slide 3.
“Family and school are the shore and the sea. On the shore, the child takes his first steps, and then
a boundless sea of ​​knowledge opens before him, and the course in this sea is charted by
school…. But this does not mean that it should completely break away from the shore”…. L.Kassil.
Sl. 4
Soon the first bell will ring, your children will become first graders. This
a turning point in a child's life. What is it characterized by?
Sl. 5
I will strictly enforce discipline.
Sl. 6
You must be prepared for the fact that in the first weeks…….
Sl. 7
We are facing a very difficult period of school adaptation, it
is directly related to the concept of “child’s readiness for school.” What does it include?
is this a concept?
Sl. 8, 9, 10, 11
I want to give you some tips that will help your child be successful.
Sl. 12
The basis of learning to write is the development of fine motor skills
This determines your handwriting and how quickly your hand gets tired when writing.
Sl. 13
If your child has problems with writing, it means he is underdeveloped.
fine motor skills and it needs to be developed...
Sl. 14
For mathematics…..

One of the most important subjects in junior school is reading (literature). When
a child comes to first grade, one of the complex tasks for him is
mastering fast, expressive reading.
Our task is to teach children proper operation with text. Francis Bacon said:
“We taste some books, we swallow others, and very few we taste and
we assimilate." We must teach children to “taste and digest books.” Therefore, in addition to
reading techniques we will pay great attention to understanding the text. I'm telling you this
to the fact that when preparing reading homework and weekend reading, you will
work not only on technique, but also on understanding the text. I'll give you a reminder about
working with the text correctly so that we don’t waste time on it. If you have any questions,
ask them after the meeting.
Sl. 15
A student must have a number of simple and complex habits.
Sl. 16
These habits must be formed by the time the child enters school.
school. But again, not everyone is equally ready for school, and if they are not formed, then
we need to keep working on them.
Sl. 17
How bigger baby accustomed to self-care, the easier it will be for him at school.
Sl. 18
Now let's check if your kids are ready for school.
Let's check, before we start talking about the difficult period of school adaptation,
Are your kids ready for school?
I present to your attention a small test.
Test for parents.
Mark each affirmative answer with one point.
1. Do you think your child wants to go to first grade?
2. Does he think that he will learn a lot of new and interesting things at school?
3. Can your baby spend some time (1520 minutes) on his own?
engage in any painstaking work (paint, sculpt, assemble a mosaic, etc.)?
4. Can you say that your child is not shy in the presence of strangers?
of people?
5. Can your child coherently describe a picture and compose a story based on it?
at least five sentences?
6. Does your child know poetry by heart?
7. Can he name the given plural noun?
8. Can your child read, at least syllable by syllable?
9. Does the baby count to ten forward and backward?
10. Can he add and subtract at least one unit from the numbers of the first ten?

11. Can your child write the simplest elements in a squared notebook, neatly?
redraw small patterns?
12. Does your child like to draw and color pictures?
13. Can your baby handle scissors and glue (for example, make appliques?
from paper)?
14. Can he assemble the five elements of a picture cut into pieces in a minute?
the whole drawing?
15. Does your baby know the names of wild and domestic animals?
16. Does your child have generalization skills, for example, can he name one
the word "fruit" apples and pears?
17. Does your child like to spend time independently doing some activity?
for example, draw, assemble a construction set, etc.
If you answered yes to 15 or more questions, then your child is quite
ready for school. You did not work with him in vain, and in the future, if you
If he encounters learning difficulties, he will be able to cope with them with your help.
If your baby can cope with the content of the 1014 questions above, then
you are on the right track. During his classes, he learned a lot and learned a lot. And those questions on
which you answered negatively will indicate to you what points you need to pay attention to
Pay attention to what else you need to practice with your child.
If the number of affirmative answers is 9 or less, you will have to
devote more time and attention to activities with the child.
Entering school is a turning point in the life of every child. Start of school
learning radically changes his entire way of life: he must systematically and
work hard, follow a daily routine, obey various norms and
rules of school life, fulfill the teacher’s requirements, etc. All children along with
overwhelming them with feelings of joy, delight or surprise about everything
what is happening at school, they experience anxiety, confusion, and tension. Period
adaptation to school, associated with adaptation to its basic requirements, there is
all first graders.
Adaptation is a rather long and difficult process. And it’s not only
a first grader, but also a parent and a teacher. And if we figure them out, if we learn
feel each other, we will make this process easier for everyone, especially our children.
The difficulty or ease of adaptation depends on the characteristics of the nervous system;
temperament; character traits; adaptive abilities; adequate experience.
Now let's talk about school.
Let's realize that school is the first institution of socialization of a child, in
in which he masters the social experience he needs. And in this experience we can highlight
three main points:
knowledge and skills
interaction with peers (with people of similar social status)
interaction with teachers (with people of higher

Which one is the main one? (parents' answers, arguments)
It is clear that it is impossible to single out the main thing: the success of their development is interconnected. On
stage of adaptation of a first-grader to school - these are three main areas of work
teachers and, I hope, parents.
You must be prepared for the fact that conflicts will definitely occur.
between children.
An important problem is to teach a child to respond to conflicts. Some parents
believe that conflicts are unacceptable. They indicate a poorly organized
education. Psychologists
believe that the complete absence of conflicts will lead to
the formation of self-doubt.
It is important for parents to respond competently to messages about what happened to their child.
conflict. The main thing here is not to promise the child to punish the offender or blame him
himself, and providing support to the child is a resource with which he could resolve
conflict yourself.
Sl. 19
It is important for a child to find a language with adults. First of all, the child must
understand the difference between an adult and your peer.
I would really like there to be no conflicts between parents, between
parents and teachers...
Sl. 20
During this difficult period, your task is to help children. Help must come.....
Sl. 21
The organization of the regime is very important point. Proper organization allows
to kid…..
Sl. 22
Now several organizational issues. Telephone!
Sl. 23
Better educational board games and crosswords.
Sl. 24
Remember! I don't write comments.
Sl. 25
Sl. 26
Show me your palm. Now try making a clap with one palm. Well
How? Either it doesn’t work out, or it’s hard and your hand gets tired quickly. Do you agree? Your suggestions…
Need a second hand. I offer you an alliance. I'm ready to give you a second palm. One
the palm is you, the other is me. Let's try (we take turns clapping: teacher

parents). I noticed that during this process everyone smiled. This is great! I wish you
always smile as we, together with you, “make cotton” in life. Cotton is
the result of the actions of two palms. Remember 1 rule, no matter how professional you are
your teacher, let him even be a master... he will never do this without your help,
what we can do together. And remember the most important thing. Your children are now my children.
But mine are only four years old, and yours are for the rest of your days. Your worthy old age
cook today, and I’m ready to help you with this... Let’s take care, help,
hear and listen to each other, and we will succeed.
Sl. 27.
Imagine - I will give you identical flowers in shape and size and offer
color them.
Do you think it will be possible to find two completely identical flowers? (No.)
We, adults, UNDER THE SAME CONDITIONS, do everything differently.
Hence our second rule:
Never compare your child with another! Recognize your first grader
the right to individuality, the right to be different. Never compare boys and
girls, do not set one as an example to others: they are different even in biological age
girls are usually older than boys the same age. There is no one or something better or worse.
There is OTHER! We will compare, but these will only be the results of the same
child yesterday, today and tomorrow. This is called MONITORING. This is what we will do
in order to KNOW HOW AND WHAT TO DO WITH THIS TOMORROW. This is what we will do
in order to grow every day. And not only in studies, but also in actions.
Listen to the advice of a psychologist.
Tip one: the most important thing you can give your child is your attention.
Listen to his stories about school, ask clarifying questions. And remember: what
does not seem very important to you, it may be the most important for your son or daughter
exciting. If a child sees your interest in his affairs and concerns, he will feel
support. By listening carefully, you can understand what your child needs help with, what
you should talk to the teacher (without the child).
Tip two: your positive attitude towards school and teachers will make it easier for your child
adaptation period.
Even if you personally, as parents, have some questions for teachers, it seems to you that
that something needs to be done differently, all friction must remain between adults.
Negative or disrespectful statements about the school and teachers are very harmful.
family circle,” this will significantly complicate the adaptation period and undermine the calm
child and confidence in care and harmony between important adults.
Tip three: your calm attitude towards school worries and school life is very
will help the child. Seeing parents calm and confident, the child will feel that
There is no need to be afraid of school.

Tip four: help your child establish relationships with peers and feel
feel confident.
This is especially important for children who did not attend kindergarten. Explain the rules of communication
with peers, learn to help friends. Praise him for his sociability, rejoice
school dating. Explain that adults' attention is distributed to everyone
the same. Learn to be friends.
Tip five: help your child get used to the new school routine.
The child gets used to school not only psychologically, but also physically. With the beginning
schooling sharply increases the load on the nervous system, spine, hearing,
vision. If you have previously followed a daily routine, then try to gently introduce “
updated." Help me learn to live according to a new schedule.
Tip six: parents’ wise attitude towards school results will exclude a third
possible troubles for the child. You should know that studying in grades 1 and 2
unmarked. And you can’t translate the results of “magic rulers”, emoticons, medals
in points. And even more so to transfer these results onto oneself, to perceive them as a blow to
parental self-esteem. School success is important, but it's not your child's entire life.
Praise your child for successes and help with difficulties. Teach your child adequately
evaluate yourself and your work.
Tip seven: a child should not be terribly afraid of making a mistake. Impossible to learn
something without being mistaken. Try not to develop a fear of making mistakes in your child. Feeling
fear is a bad adviser. It suppresses initiative, the desire to learn, and simply
the joy of life and the joy of learning. Remember: for a child there is something not to be able to do and something not to know.
this is the normal state of affairs. That's why he's a child. This cannot be reproached.
Live for the sake of your child, show him maximum attention, worry about
every failure of the baby and rejoice even in his smallest successes. Be him
friend, then the child will trust you with his most secret things.
Learn with your child, unite with him against difficulties, become an ally, and
not an opponent or an outside observer of the school life of a first-grader.
Believe in the child, believe in the teacher.

First parent meeting in 1st grade.

Target: Getting to know the teacher, the requirements of the school and the difficulties of adaptation of first-graders

1. Greeting.

Hello! I am pleased to welcome you to the first parent meeting.

2. Congratulations.

I would like to congratulate you on this happy event: your baby has become a first-grader! I really liked your children. Such open and inquisitive guys.

But, besides joy, the first year at school will bring a lot of worries. From this day on, we will have to become a single team on the school ship. I hope that sailing the ocean of knowledge will be interesting, joyful and significant in the life of every child and every family.

3. Teacher's introduction.

I have... Teacher Education, ... category. I've been working at school since... a year.

4. Difficulties in adapting first-graders to school.

Two types: physiological and psychological.


A) Changing the child’s daily routine, increasing physical activity Therefore, it is necessary to create conditions for rest and physical activity.

B) Pay attention to the child’s posture at the table when doing homework, to the lighting of the workplace to prevent curvature of the spine and the appearance of myopia.

C) Difficulty in mastering writing. The small muscles of the hand are not yet sufficiently developed, so it is necessary to help children train their hand. For this at home, more sculpting from plasticine, clay, drawing with pencils, paints, shading with a pencil in different directions, cutting along the contour, tearing paper with your hands, folding paper, putting together a mosaic, assembling from a construction set, tying shoelaces, tying rope knots, sewing buttons.

D) Organize proper nutrition with vitamins, harden children, develop physical activity as much as possible.

(It happens that a child is calm and quiet at home, but comes to school to unwind.) Walk for at least 1 hour a day, not counting the way to and from school, the school walk.

C) Nurture the child’s independence and responsibility.

Don't carry a briefcase, don't wear it at home. It’s better to go to bed early and wake up early to give you the opportunity to get dressed at your own pace.


A) children are now very anxious, so you need to talk about school only positively, and not scare them with bad marks. Form cognitive motivation. Show interest in your child's school activities. Ask him every day about the events of the day, what he did, what he learned new, what he liked that day.

B) increase the child’s self-esteem, believe in his strength, support him. The lower the child's self-esteem, the more difficulties the child has in school.

C) eliminate penalties for at least three months. Try to convince, talk. As a last resort, eliminate harmful pleasures from life: chewing gum, candy, computer, telephone, TV. Do not punish with a ban on walking.

D) Provide independence in completing homework, but also control educational activities.

D) do not forget to reward your child and not only for academic success. Remember that children are now learning in order to please you, and only then they are formed learning motivation. Don't discourage your desire to learn.

Every morning we meet at 7.45 on the street near the porch. Parents enter the school wearing shoe covers if necessary.

The first quarter there are three lessons every day from 8.00 to 11.00 - 11.20, which is necessary to facilitate adaptation.

1) 8.00 – 8.35

2) 8.55 – 9. 30


3) 10.45 – 11.20

Write applications for extended periods.

To prevent the first month of school from becoming stressful for the child, and now children are very anxious, it is not recommended to leave children at school after school, as they do not get proper rest.

Letter. Work is currently underway on the copybooks. They write hooks and sticks. Although at first glance it looks very similar to scribbles, under no circumstances tell your child about this, because he tried. The child must be supported, instilled with confidence that things will be even better in the future. Follow correct landing, workplace lighting.

Rules for writing: the letter is as continuous as possible, do not circle, do not erase, do not cover with strokes, do not cross out. Write correctly right away, compare with the model every time.

Mathematics. For now we are working in printed notebooks, then we will start regular ones. In regular ones, you cannot write in the outer cells.

Now is the period of hand development and therefore it is necessary to practice writing those elements that we write in lessons. You can get additional notebooks and practice at home. There are no homework assignments like you once did.

Technology. For classes you need to have plasticine, stacks, a cloth or napkins, and a board for modeling. Collect everything in a package and sign.

Color paper, color cardboard, scissors with rounded blades, glue, dried leaves. Everything will need to be put in a folder and can be left in the office.

ISO Watercolor paints 12 colors (not Chinese), 2 brushes thick and thin, gouache, napkins, pay attention to the paper: thick sheets so that the paper does not wrinkle from water, sheets in a folder, sign each with a pencil in the corner.

Physical training. Tracksuit, sports shoes. For the hall you need the same uniform. This is for competition and also disciplines. Buy black knitted shorts for everyone. T-shirts are better if someone at the base buys them in the same color.

6. School requirements for students’ appearance and behavior.

Strict, business-like, soft style. The boys' hair is cut and combed, there are mirrors on every floor.

The girls have braided hair, no long bangs. Nails are trimmed, unpainted, no jewelry except small earrings if ears are pierced. Shirts, turtlenecks, blouses are plain, pastel colors. Replaceable shoes are required.

Sign all things, especially those that children leave in the locker room. Appearance neat, a handkerchief is a must, useful in music lessons.

You cannot run, push, call names, fight, bite, scream, etc.

While walking, you can run around the stadium.

Cell Phones It's better not to give it. Children use them for games, leave them on windowsills, in the dining room. If necessary, link it to your briefcase and discuss use cases, call only during breaks, silent or vibrate mode.

7. Nutrition.

Meals are mandatory two times a day for children staying in after-school care for up to 2-3 hours, and three meals a day will be provided for full after-school care up to 5 hours.

Cost 30 rubles breakfast, 35 rubles lunch. For large families, families with income less than 4900 rubles. Free meals per person are provided. For one child, 20 rubles and kopecks are allocated, so you have to pay an additional 4.5 rubles. per day, but the food differs from the paid one, especially at breakfast. This is porridge or pie with tea.

The rest of the children are often given fruit, cheese, butter, yoghurt, pies, sausages in dough for the second meal, so the children may not eat something. Put a bag in your briefcase or you can buy a roll for class to take home with you. And at home, check your briefcase to make sure nothing has rotted there.

Top up your food bill in advance

8. Writing instruments.

Thin handle.

Colour pencils.

Fan with numbers and letters.

Counting sticks.

Covers, bookmarks.

9. Organization of life in the classroom.

Drinking regime.

Towel, soap,

t. paper,

trash bags, trash basket.

Bucket for water - wash rags

Make a board for typing letters and collecting chalk crumbs.

Stickers. Unmarked.

Toys, games, books.

Flowers, flower stands, vases

A copy of the office key.

10. Conducting and organizing holidays and birthdays.

Traditionally, I spend 3-4 holidays a year with tea parties and gifts. The first is initiation into first graders, New Year, ABC holiday, 1st grade graduation.

Question about gifts for birthdays.

For tea parties you need a teapot, tablecloth, cups, plates, preferably disposable ones.

Competitions: autumn crafts, bouquets, waste paper, technical. creativity.

11. Elections committee.



Fees: Philharmonic, trips to the theater, printed workbooks

The bus is cheap

Clean once a month

Exit support

Report on funds spent on teaching aids.

12. Only adults can pick up children. Statement.

I wish you patience, success, positive emotions in your new school life, so that you can grow good son, wonderful daughter.


Topic: “First time in first grade”

Goal: to introduce parents to the new world of school; coordination of family and school requirements.

1.introduce parents to the teacher and his life values;

2.introduce parents to each other;

3.introduce the difficulties of a child’s transition to school life and provide recommendations and practical advice for the successful adaptation of first-graders.

4.introduce parents to the main areas of work during the adaptation period of a first-grader;

5.together, with the help of practical and logical actions, develop the basic patterns in the participation of parents in the educational process;

6.questioning of parents;

7. selection of the parent committee, distribution of responsibilities.


1.Pencils, paper, pen. 2. Questionnaires. 3. Blank sheets of paper.

4. Large flower (for a group), flowers of the same shape (for each).

Progress of the meeting

1. Opening remarks

Hello, dear moms and dads! I am very pleased to meet the parents of my new students. The moment of the first meeting is always joyful and exciting. And, of course, not only you are worried, but, to be honest, so am I. Will we find mutual understanding and friendship? Will you be able to hear, understand and accept my demands and help our little first-graders? The success of our joint work with you depends on this. We are meeting some parents for the first time, others we already know. I'm glad to see you all. In order for us to feel comfortable together, let's get to know each other a little.



“Family and school are the shore and the sea. On the shore, the child takes his first steps, and then an immense sea of ​​knowledge opens up before him, and the school charts a course in this sea... But this does not mean that it should completely break away from the shore”…. L.Kassil.

Starting school is the most important stage in the life of a child and his parents. What does learning success depend on? What can help a student develop more fully? What role does the parent and teacher play in shaping learning activities?

These and many other questions concern parents of first-graders. Of course, there is no definitive answer to all questions, but you can select the necessary information, advice, experience, and recommendations that will help you avoid mistakes in raising and educating your child and help him become successful.

Do you remember your September 1st? What was that day like? What was the name of your first teacher? What memories do you have with this person? What feelings did you experience on this day?

Do your children want to go to school? What do they expect from school?

Let's check if your kids are ready for school before starting a conversation about the difficult period of school adaptation.

I present to your attention a small test.

Test for parents.

Mark each affirmative answer with one point.

1. Do you think your child wants to go to first grade?

2. Does he think that he will learn a lot of new and interesting things at school?

3. Can your baby independently engage in some painstaking work (painting, sculpting, assembling a mosaic, etc.) for some time (15-20 minutes)?

4. Can you say that your child is not shy in the presence of strangers?

5. Can your child coherently describe a picture and compose a story based on it in at least five sentences?

6. Does your child know poetry by heart?

7. Can he name the given plural noun?

9. Does the baby count to ten forward and backward?

10. Can he add and subtract at least one unit from the numbers of the first ten?

11. Can your child write the simplest elements in a checkered notebook and carefully draw small patterns?

12. Does your child like to draw and color pictures?

13. Can your child handle scissors and glue (for example, make paper appliqués)?

14. Can he assemble a whole picture from five elements of a picture cut into pieces in a minute?

15. Does your baby know the names of wild and domestic animals?

16. Does your child have generalization skills, for example, can he name apples and pears using the same word “fruit”?

17. Does your child like to spend time independently doing some activity, for example, drawing, assembling construction sets, etc.

If you answered yes to 15 or more questions, then your child is quite ready for school. You did not work with him in vain, and in the future, if he has difficulties in learning, he will be able to cope with them with your help.

If your baby can cope with 10-14 of the above questions, then you are on the right track. During his classes, he learned a lot and learned a lot. And those questions to which you answered in the negative will indicate to you what points you need to pay attention to, what else you need to practice with your child.

If the number of affirmative answers is 9 or less, you will have to devote more time and attention to activities with your child.

Entering school is a turning point in the life of every child. The beginning of schooling radically changes his entire way of life: he must work systematically and hard, follow a daily routine, obey various norms and rules of school life, fulfill the teacher’s requirements, etc. All children, along with overwhelming feelings of joy, delight or surprise about everything that happens at school, experience anxiety, confusion, and tension. A period of adaptation to school, associated with adaptation to its basic requirements, exists for all first-graders.

Adaptation is a rather long and difficult process. And not only the first-grader experiences difficulties, but also the parent and teacher. And if we understand them, if we learn to feel each other, we will make this process easier for everyone, especially our children. The difficulty or ease of adaptation depends on the characteristics of the nervous system; temperament; character traits; adaptive abilities; adequate experience.

In the first days and weeks of attending school, the body's resistance decreases, sleep and appetite may be disturbed, and the temperature rises.

First-graders are distracted, quickly tired, excitable, emotional, and impressionable.

Behavior is often characterized by disorganization, lack of composure, and lack of discipline.

Children are characterized by high fatigue

Information 1. Let's realize that school is the first institution of socialization of a child, in which he masters the social experience he needs. And in this experience three main points can be distinguished:

 knowledge and skills

 interaction with peers (with people of similar social status)

 interaction with teachers (with people of higher status in a given situation).

Which one is the main one? (parents' answers, arguments)

It is clear that it is impossible to single out the main thing: the success of their development is interconnected. At the stage of a first-grader’s adaptation to school, these are the three main areas of work for teachers and, I hope, parents.

What is important for a child in the first days of school? ... Be able to meet other children.

Information 2. An important problem is to teach a child to react to conflicts, because in a child’s environment they will certainly exist. Some parents believe that conflicts are unacceptable. They indicate poorly organized upbringing. Psychologists believe that the complete absence of conflicts will lead to the formation of self-doubt.

It is important for parents to respond competently to a message about a conflict that has occurred in a child. The main thing here is not to promise the child to punish the offender or blame him, but to provide the child with support - a resource with which he could resolve the conflict on his own.

Training 1.

Dear parents, show me your palm. Now try making a clap with one palm. Tell me, did you manage to fulfill my request? Why? Need a second hand. The clap is the result of the action of two palms. The teacher is only one palm. And no matter how strong, creative and wise she is, without a second palm (and it is in your face, dear parents), the teacher is powerless. From this we can derive the rule:

Only together, all together, we will overcome all difficulties in raising and educating children.

And remember the most important thing. Your children are now my children. But they are MINE for only four years, and YOURS for the rest of your days. You are preparing for your dignified old age today, and I am ready to help you with this... Let's take care of each other, help, hear and listen to each other, and we will succeed.

Training 2 (colored pencils)

Take everything one flower at a time. Color them. (On the tables there are flowers of the same size, color, shape, colored pencils, felt-tip pens.)

Now compare your flower with the flowers of your neighbors. All the flowers were the same in size and shape.

Tell me, after you have painted a flower, can you find two completely identical flowers? (No.)

We, adults, UNDER THE SAME CONDITIONS, do everything differently.

Hence the rule: - never compare your child with another! Recognize your first grader’s right to individuality, the right to be different. Never compare boys and girls, do not set one as an example to the other: they are different even in biological age - girls are usually older than their peers. There is no one or something better or worse. There is OTHER! We will compare, but these will only be the results of the same child yesterday, today and tomorrow. This is called MONITORING. We will do this in order to KNOW HOW AND WHAT TO DO WITH THIS TOMORROW. We will do this in order to grow every day. And not only in studies, but also in actions. Listen to the advice of a psychologist.

Tip one: the most important thing you can give your child is your attention.

Listen to his stories about school, ask clarifying questions. And remember: what seems not very important to you may turn out to be the most exciting for your son or daughter. If your child sees your interest in his affairs and concerns, he will feel supported. By listening carefully, you can understand what your child needs help with.

Tip two: your positive attitude towards school and teachers will make the adaptation period easier for your child.

Even if you personally, as parents, have some questions for teachers, it seems to you that something needs to be done differently, all friction should remain between adults. Negative or disrespectful statements about school and teachers “in the family circle” are very harmful; this will significantly complicate the adaptation period, undermine the child’s peace of mind and confidence in care and harmony between important adults.

Tip three: your calm attitude towards school worries and school life will greatly help your child. Seeing parents calm and confident, the child will feel that there is no need to be afraid of school.

Tip four: Help your child establish relationships with peers and feel confident. This is especially important for children who did not attend kindergarten. Explain the rules of communication with peers, teach them to help friends. Praise him for his sociability, enjoy your school acquaintances. Explain that adults' attention is distributed equally to everyone. Learn to be friends.

Tip five: help your child get used to the new school routine. The child gets used to school not only psychologically, but also physically. With the beginning of schooling, the load on the nervous system, spine, hearing, and vision increases sharply. If before this you adhered to the daily routine, then try to gently introduce the “updated” one. Help me learn to live according to a new schedule.

Tip six: a wise attitude of parents towards school results will eliminate a third of the child’s possible troubles. You should know that training in grades 1 and 2 is grade-free. And the results of “magic rulers”, emoticons, and medals cannot be converted into points. And even more so to transfer these results onto oneself, to perceive them as a blow to parental self-esteem. School success is important, but it's not your child's entire life. Praise your child for successes and help with difficulties. Teach your child to adequately evaluate himself and his work.

Tip seven: a child should not be terribly afraid of making a mistake. It is impossible to learn something without making mistakes. Try not to develop a fear of making mistakes in your child. The feeling of fear is a bad adviser. It suppresses initiative, the desire to learn, and simply the joy of life and the joy of learning. Remember: for a child not to be able to do something and not to know something is a normal state of affairs. That's why he's a child. This cannot be reproached.

4. Summing up

Live for the sake of your child, show him maximum attention, worry about every failure of the baby and rejoice in even his smallest successes. Be his friend, then the child will trust you with his most secret things.

Study with your child, unite with him against difficulties, become an ally, and not an adversary or an outside observer of the school life of a first-grader.

There was still a sheet of paper left on the table. Trace your palm on it. Write down on paper palms what you want to organize in the classroom. Give me a helping hand. Maybe you could advise me on how to build communication with your child, because you, as parents, know him better.

Maybe you can advise how to deal with some bad habits of our students.

Maybe you can suggest some forms of work aimed at uniting the class.

Maybe you can organize some interesting excursion or have an educational conversation with the children.

You need to sign your sheet.

Difficulties that first-graders may encounter.

    In the first days and weeks of attending school, the body's resistance decreases, sleep and appetite may be disturbed, and the temperature rises.

    First-graders are distracted, quickly tired, excitable, emotional, and impressionable.

    Behavior is often characterized by disorganization, lack of composure, and lack of discipline.

    Children are characterized by high fatigue