How long to cook potatoes for various recipes: tips and tricks. How long does it take to cook potatoes in soup? Features of cooking new potatoes

How long to cook potatoes for various recipes: tips and tricks.  How long does it take to cook potatoes in soup?  Features of cooking new potatoes
How long to cook potatoes for various recipes: tips and tricks. How long does it take to cook potatoes in soup? Features of cooking new potatoes

In their jackets, baked, fried, boiled, how and how long to cook potatoes correctly so that they retain their useful composition and acquired excellent taste. Now it is difficult to imagine that everyone’s favorite root vegetable was previously considered tasteless, poisonous and was grown only for the sake of pretty flowers in flower beds. In many homes, potatoes have long been a favorite product from which a wide variety of dishes are prepared. Knowing a few secrets of preparing root vegetables, you can get a truly magnificent dish for every taste.

Potatoes in their skins or skins are often boiled to prepare various salads and as an independent dish to accompany your favorite herring (salka, herring). To ensure that the potatoes turn out tasty and cook quickly, it is good to choose root vegetables that are the same size and smooth. The type of potato also plays an important role and affects the taste. So, “American” is suitable for boiling in skins - a vegetable that was one of the first to be bred and popularized in the 18th-19th centuries. You can choose a different variety, but it is better for these purposes to use a root vegetable that contains little starch.

How long to cook jacket potatoes will depend on how the product is prepared. So on the stove the cooking time is 17-22 minutes after boiling the water; in a multicooker the cooking time is a little longer - about half an hour. The quickest way to cook jacket potatoes is in a microwave oven, in just 7-8 minutes.

Before cooking the tubers, they must be thoroughly washed under running water, then put it in a saucepan (if cooking on the stove) and add water. You can take any liquid - cold, warm or boiling water.

To prevent the root crop from bursting, add a little salt to the water.

You can check the readiness of the potatoes by piercing them with a fork or toothpick. Typically, cooking time ranges from 17 to 45 minutes (depending on the type of vegetable).

Good ripe potatoes, properly cooked in salted water, can be eaten without taking off their “uniform”. If peeling is intended, then better vegetable pour in briefly after cooking cold water so that the skin is easier to remove.

Rules for boiling potatoes for mashed potatoes

Even though mashed potatoes are frequent guest in the diet, it is not always possible to prepare it with ideal consistency and taste. Sometimes, instead of an airy, aromatic dish, you can get a sticky substance similar to batter. The secrets of the best chefs will tell you how to properly cook potatoes for mashed potatoes.

Unlike cooking tubers in their jackets, for mashing you need to choose varieties with a high starch content. You can preserve this substance in full if, after cleaning, you immediately put the washed vegetables in a pan, and do not leave them in water for long time. Experienced housewives It is recommended to boil the product in boiling water - this way it will cook evenly and will not lose starch.

To make the tubers cook faster, you need to cut them into 2 or 4 parts (depending on size), place them in deep container and pour in the liquid so that it is slightly higher than the vegetables themselves.

Garlic or onion placed on top of vegetables will help improve the taste of the product.

You need to cook the root vegetable for about 25 minutes, then drain all the water into suitable container(it will be useful for seasoning the dish) and remove the onion, you can leave the garlic. The potatoes should be mashed immediately after cooking, otherwise they will harden and become like a sticky mass after processing. The liquid remaining after cooking the vegetable is mixed with milk and gradually added to the puree, mashing it with a masher. At the end you must add required quantity butter to give the dish a light airy taste.

You can improve the taste of everyone’s favorite dish by seasoning the potatoes with processed cheese, sour cream or mayonnaise. A beaten egg will help make it denser and more nutritious, and frying onions and carrots will give it a rustic taste. Dill, green onions or tarragon will not spoil the taste of the dish.

How long to cook potatoes in soup?

Despite the fact that potatoes are not a dietary product, everyone eats them every day, including them as part of first courses. The duration of cooking of this product will depend primarily on its variety. So how long should you cook potatoes in soup? Typically this time ranges from 15 to 30 minutes. If you grate vegetables on a turk, the cooking time will be 10-15 minutes, no more.

If the tubers are coarsely chopped, they will cook longer, while small ones will cook much faster. Most housewives add potatoes to soups different sizes. Small pieces will boil during the cooking process and make the broth more saturated, while large pieces will retain their shape and will delight you with excellent taste. For “cabbage”, the tubers are boiled separately and added at the very end of cooking the dish. This is necessary so that the acid, traditionally added to the soup, does not make the vegetable tough and unpleasant to the taste.

Considering that root vegetables cook on average for about 25 minutes, you need to correctly add other products into the boiling broth step by step. So, rice cereals are often placed together with the vegetable or a little earlier, but vermicelli is added 3-5 minutes before the dish is ready.

Principles of boiling peeled potatoes in a saucepan

Peeled potatoes in a saucepan are prepared for various dishes, both first and second. Depending on what everyone’s favorite root vegetable will be prepared for, the principles of its preparation depend.

  1. Young potatoes are first peeled from the thin top layer, washed under running water and placed in a saucepan. You can remove the top part with a knife or an ordinary kitchen sponge, using the hard part for this. Large vegetables should be cut into several parts before cooking; small ones can be boiled whole. Water is poured over the product so that it is no more than 1 cm higher; salt should be added 5 minutes before the end of cooking. The finished tubers need to be seasoned with oil, after draining the remaining water, add herbs and seasoning to taste.
  2. If potatoes are boiled as a side dish, then they must first be washed and peeled, making sure to remove the “eyes”. Then you should make the tubers approximately the same size, put them in a container, pour water just above the vegetable and turn on the heat. When the water boils, reduce the heat slightly and cook the product under the lid until tender, which will take about 20-30 minutes. Before turning off, you need to salt the water, boil for a few more minutes and turn off the heat. Ready-made root vegetables can be mashed into IMLI puree and served whole, seasoned with fried vegetables or butter.

For soups, it is recommended to use potato varieties with a medium starch content, and for mashed potatoes - with a high starch content. This root vegetable can be combined with any vegetables, meat or fish. Properly prepared, it will never get boring and will become a regular guest on the family table.

What modes to use in a multicooker?

In a slow cooker, potatoes are stewed, fried, boiled, steamed and baked. That is, prepare it in any way, independently or with the addition of other products. The duration of cooking will depend on how much the root vegetable is chopped. The cooking method will play an important role - this will fry the product faster, but steaming it in a special form will take a little longer.

Boiled potatoes with onions can be prepared in the “baking” mode. In this case, first, a little oil is poured into the multicooker bowl, then chopped onions are laid out, chopped potatoes and spices are added. All this is poured with broth or tomato diluted with water, and cooked in the selected mode for a little more than 35 minutes. In the “baking” mode, you can cook potatoes with meat by frying first meat product in the appropriate mode 8-12 minutes.

If you plan to stew potatoes with vegetables or mushrooms, then first they are cooked in the “baking” mode, and then in the “pilaf” mode. Puree soups traditionally need to be prepared in the “stewing” mode with the inclusion of “frying” at the beginning.

In pressure cooker and microwave oven

You can cook jacket potatoes in the microwave in just 8-12 minutes. To prepare a peeled young vegetable it will take less than 7 minutes, in cellophane for full power The root vegetable cooks in 9 minutes maximum.

If you stew potatoes in a microwave oven, then it will take 20-30 minutes, and what more capacity, the more time it will take. You will definitely need to pour the sauce over the vegetables so that they do not dry out so much during the cooking process.

In a steam pressure cooker, the product is cooked for about half an hour. desired mode. In the water a little less than 30 minutes. It is important to consider that the older the vegetable, the longer it will take to cook, regardless of the method chosen.

Now it’s no secret to everyone how to cook potatoes different ways Right. Using simple tips and advice, you can get a huge amount from a simple and budget product. delicious dishes on every day.

Boiled potatoes are a universal side dish for any dish and one of the most popular ingredients. festive salad. It would seem that preparing it is so simple that even a first-grader can handle it. But it happens that you do everything according to the knurled pattern, and the puree turns out lumpy, sticky and gray. Or the slices that should have been smooth and not mushy end up looking more like watery potato porridge. To prevent such mistakes from happening, you need to know how to cook potatoes in a saucepan according to all the rules. Yes, yes, it turns out that this is a whole science! Let's delve into it together!

Culinary rules for cooking delicious potatoes in a saucepan

  1. Before cooking, be sure to wash the tubers from any remaining soil, even if you plan to cook them without peeling. After cleaning, they are washed again.
  2. Potatoes with green spots on the skin should not be cooked or eaten. It contains dangerous substance- alkaloid solanine. Although when heat treatment it breaks down into components and does not pose a potential danger to human health; it is better to use only high-quality vegetables for food.
  3. Potatoes with a starch content above 15% are ideal for mashed potatoes. It boils well and kneads well into a soft, tender puree without lumps. These tubers are distinguished by a yellowish core and rough skin. Popular “starchy” varieties: Lorch, Lasunak, Sineglazka, Idaho, Golubizna, Vestnik, Adretta, Elizaveta, Belosnezhka, Lugovskoy, Belorussky, etc.
  4. Tubers with an average amount of starch in the composition (about 15%) are suitable for preparing salads, soups and cooking in whole pieces. These include: Leader, Gourmet, Handsome, Alvara, Nevsky, Red Scarlett, Udacha, Nikulinsky. The vegetable retains its shape well, so it is suitable for boiling and subsequent slicing into salads and snacks.
  5. To cook the puree, pour the potatoes hot water or put it in a saucepan with boiling liquid. This way it will boil faster and better. If it is necessary to maintain the shape of the pieces, the prepared tubers are filled with cold water and placed on the stove. The gradually heating liquid will partially wash away the starch, and the slices will remain intact.
  6. An overwintered vegetable is not suitable for cooking in its jacket. In progress long-term storage V potato skins harmful elements accumulate. Therefore, to prepare okroshka, Shuba or Olivier, it is advisable to peel the potatoes and boil them whole.
  7. In principle, you can salt potatoes at any stage of cooking. To make it boil better, add a small pinch of sugar to the pan after boiling.
  8. To make the dish tastier, add a whole peeled head to the potatoes. onions; garlic; several sprigs of greenery tied with thread; dry spices; celery, parsnips, parsley root, etc.
  9. After the water boils, the heat should be reduced so that the liquid gurgles quietly. This way the potatoes will cook evenly and won’t remain raw inside.
  10. The water must be drained immediately after turning off the fire. Otherwise, the potato pieces will absorb moisture and become watery.
  11. Slices or tubers are checked for readiness by piercing them with a knife or fork. A sharp object should easily penetrate the pulp of the vegetable.
  12. A piece of butter added to the water will help speed up the cooking process. Fat will increase the boiling point of water, therefore, the products in it will reach the desired condition faster.

Cooking delicious potatoes for fluffy mashed potatoes


Preparation procedure:

Wash and peel the potato tubers. Cut them into 6-8 pieces, equal pieces. Rinse again. Boil water (about 2 liters). Dip the potatoes into them. After boiling again, add salt and 1/2 tsp. Sahara. Turn down the heat. Cover the pan with a lid with a steam vent. Cooking time - 20-30 minutes (until fully cooked). The vegetable will boil well and become soft.

Drain the water. Put a piece of butter. Add a little more salt if necessary.

Warm the milk. You cannot add cold food to the puree - it will take on a grayish tint. Crush the potatoes. Add milk in portions, adjusting the consistency of the puree. To completely get rid of lumps, rub the mixture through a fine metal sieve.

Delicious, tender, soft mashed potatoes are ready!

How to cook unpeeled potato tubers (for salads, okroshka or side dish)

Required Products:

Step-by-step preparation with photos:

This cooking method is used to prepare a simple homemade side dish for salted or marinated fish. This is also how potatoes are prepared for later adding to various salads. The jacket does not allow the core to boil, so it is easier to cut it evenly and beautifully. Select tubers of approximately the same size, without defects and large quantity processes. Wash the soil thoroughly. Place in a saucepan.

Fill with cold drinking water. You can salt it right away. But keep in mind that the “uniform” does not allow salt to pass through to the core. Therefore, potatoes boiled with their skins turn out practically unsalted, but do not crack. Cook for 15-25 minutes after the liquid boils in the pan until fully cooked. A knife will go into cooked potatoes easily, like cutting into butter.

If the potatoes were boiled for subsequent chopping into cubes (into okroshka or some kind of salad), keep them in cold water for 1-2 minutes or transfer them to ice. This will make it easier to remove the peel and retain its shape better. To serve as a side dish, it is advisable to let the potatoes cool naturally.

Features and process of cooking in pieces

You will need:

How to cook:

Depending on whether you want whole pieces or boiled, choose a variety - starchy or medium. Place the peeled and washed potatoes in a saucepan. At this stage, you can add onions, garlic, dill, parsley or other seasonings.

Pour in enough water to cover the slices by about 2 fingers. Place the pan on the stove. Bring to a boil over moderate heat. If you want to keep the shape of the slices as much as possible, pour a spoonful of vinegar or pickle brine into the water. Also, after boiling, you can pour out about a third of the water and replace it with new, cold water. There is no need to cover the pan with a lid. In this case, the potatoes will boil more. Cook for about 15-20 minutes.

This is the kind of potato you get if you take all the listed measures to preserve its shape.

And such a side dish will come out if you follow the rules for cooking crumbly potatoes.

Potatoes are one of the most popular and beloved vegetables in our country and abroad. Since ancient times, it has been considered the main dish. The average resident of an ancient village could boil potatoes in their jackets for as long as possible, and he would not get tired of them. In villages, jacket potatoes were considered a common and permanent dish. And all because to prepare it, it was enough to wash the tubers in water, pour them into a cast iron pot and, after adding water to the dishes, cook on the stove. While the stove was heating, the food was being prepared.

Ode to potatoes

This unique vegetable is perhaps the only one that we add to salads only cooked. Raw potatoes It doesn’t happen in salads or other dishes. Humanity knows many ways to prepare a huge number of dishes, the main element of which is potatoes. But depending on what dish we are going to prepare or are already preparing, the time it takes to bring the potatoes to the desired condition may vary.

For young housewives

Nowadays, not every housewife knows how long to cook potatoes in mudir. Some people won’t even understand what “uniform” they are talking about. we're talking about. For such ignorant novice cooks, it should be explained that the jacket is simply the skin of the tuber.

Recipe for boiling in jacket

We calibrate the potato tubers, previously washed with a brush. Then those potatoes that are approximately the same size are placed in a saucepan, filled with cold water and cooked after boiling for twenty minutes to half an hour. The duration of boiling potatoes depends on their size. After cooling and cleaning, you will have a useful and necessary product for salad. Salt can be added during the cooking process, or not added at all - this is a matter of individual taste. Now you won’t have to worry about how long to cook potatoes in their skins.

Peeled potatoes

Some culinary masterpieces require peeled and cooked vegetables. How long to cook peeled potatoes is easy to calculate. If boiled in its jacket it boiled for up to thirty minutes, then peeled in a saucepan should be cooked for almost the same amount of time. Look at the situation in the saucepan with potatoes. Poke a toothpick or fork into the potatoes twenty-five minutes after boiling. If you don’t hear a characteristic crunch and the fork goes in easily, then the vegetable is ready.

Cooking potatoes in a slow cooker

Fans and admirers of the multicooker and potato side dish often have a question about how long to cook peeled potatoes in the multicooker. To prepare tasty and healthy potatoes in this case, you will need about thirty-five minutes in the “Steamer” or “Steam” mode. The choice of mode depends only on the manufacturer and design of your multicooker. Although they have the same principle. Place the peeled potatoes on a tray for steaming. Naturally, pour half the volume of water into the bowl. Place a tray on top, salt the potatoes and close. In half an hour, your multicooker will tell you the good news that the delicious and healthy potatoes are ready. When you have a slow cooker, you no longer have to rack your brains and think about how long to cook the potatoes after boiling. The smart unit will do everything almost independently.

Boil potatoes in soup

Soup is a healthy dietary lunch; it is also very tasty and filling if it contains good quantity potatoes. You won’t believe it, but sometimes there are even debates about how long to cook potatoes in soup so that it’s tasty, beautiful, and healthy. Some people prefer soup with slightly boiled potatoes, others like to see only perfect and beautiful cubes in their plate. However, how long to cook potatoes in soup depends not only on the personal preferences of the eater and the housewife. Different types this dish is supposed to different time cooking potatoes. Sour cabbage soup and rassolnik require a little more time, but if this light soup with vermicelli, then the potatoes will cook faster. It's all about the acid: if the potatoes are placed in acidic water, this prevents them from boiling quickly. You can speed up the process of cooking potatoes in sour soups. To do this, cut the required amount of product in the variation that suits you best (slices, cubes), and cook separately in plain water. How long to cook the potatoes after boiling for soup separately depends on how large you cut them. Potato strips are cooked for about thirteen minutes, and sticks and cubes for about twenty. Remembering that there are different varieties of potatoes, you need to check them for readiness during the cooking process. The most common cooking time for potatoes in soup is no more than half an hour. You can cook less, but in no case more, otherwise you will end up with a boiled mess of soup ingredients and potatoes.

How long to cook potatoes in pickle

In this soup, potatoes should be cooked for about twenty minutes. Brine can make it hard. It’s even better to leave room for the brine at the beginning of cooking and add it after all the elements are almost ready. Let the soup simmer for about five minutes, and the pickle is ready.

We cook - we don’t boil

Of course, in some cases, boiled potatoes have their own charm. But when potatoes are being prepared for adding to a salad, you need a vegetable that holds its shape. So how to cook potatoes so they don't get soggy?

  1. For such potatoes you will need varieties with pinkish and yellowish tints of tubers. They contain less starchy substance. Therefore, such potatoes will better retain their shape.
  2. We take only potatoes of the same size; if the potatoes are very uneven, then large tubers can be cut in half or into a number of pieces. Then all the vegetables will be ready at the same time.
  3. If you put salt in cold water, in which potatoes will be boiled, then such potatoes will not be boiled. Salt will prevent this.
  4. You can pierce the raw nodules with a knife or toothpick before immersing them in water.
  5. You need to cook this vegetable over medium heat. A moderate boiling process will prevent it from boiling on the outside, leaving it raw on the inside.
  6. To prevent boiling, you need to add vinegar to the water with the boiling potatoes. For one liter of water there is about a dessert spoon of vinegar. Please do not confuse vinegar and vinegar essence. For this case, you will need about half a teaspoon of vinegar essence.

What to add for a more refined taste?

Appetizing potatoes even nowadays “go away” very well from the table, especially when paired with salted herring and onions, cut into thin rings. Of course, the potatoes themselves are tasty, but sometimes it is allowed to add, for example, a bay leaf when cooking them, this will add flavor and piquancy to the dish. And if you have new potatoes, then boil them for about ten minutes in boiling water and then, after draining the water, add milk instead. Cook the potatoes in boiling milk until cooked and, placing them on a dish, season them with fresh butter and juicy young herbs.

Potatoes for human consumption must not be diseased, rotten or have green tint(comes from storage in the light) - this is very dangerous for health.

Before peeling, I always wash the potatoes with cold water to remove any dirt. It’s just more pleasant for me to clean it, although the cleaned one will have to be washed again. The peel should be cut as usual sharp knife or special knife for peeling potatoes. It is enough to scrape young potatoes with a knife. All the vitamins are under the skin, so the cut should be very thin. At this time, I place a saucepan with enough cold water to cover the potatoes completely, but no more, over high heat.

I thoroughly wash the peeled potatoes with cold water and cut them in half or into quarters, leaving the small ones whole. When the water in the pan boils, you can put the potatoes in it: this way you will save the maximum useful substances. Often potatoes are peeled for future use and they sit in cold water for hours, or even days, giving it all the vitamins - it’s generally not worth leaving them for more than half an hour.

Now, when the water boils, turn the heat down to medium and cover the pan with a lid so that the tubers cook evenly. Please note that when cooking over high heat, the potatoes may become boiled, but still remain damp inside. By the way, a tip: to reduce the cooking time for potatoes, add 1 tbsp to the pan. vegetable or butter.

It is better to salt the potatoes at the end of cooking, 5-10 minutes before they are ready, since in salted water the potatoes can boil and lose their shape. Adding a small amount of apple cider vinegar to the pan will also help prevent overcooking.

You can check the readiness of the potatoes with a thin wooden skewer or toothpick. Drain the water, place the potatoes on a dish, add a piece of butter, chopped dill - an excellent potato side dish to serve!

It is not for nothing that potatoes boiled in their skins, or “in their jackets,” are considered more useful than peeled ones. Peel in the best possible way preserves vitamins and microelements. In addition, such potatoes are best suited for cooking, baking and, indeed, as an independent dish.

For boiling in their jackets, it is better to choose potatoes of the same medium size and the same variety. Young potatoes are better. Before cooking, you should wash the tubers well, scrape them with a knife, and to prevent the peel from bursting when boiling, I pierce it in several places.

When placing potatoes in their skins, it is often recommended to place them in salted cold water to prevent the skins from bursting. Cover the pan with a lid. Cook over medium heat until the potatoes are cooked and a wooden skewer can freely pierce the tubers. The main thing is not to overcook. Next, drain the water, cool and peel the potatoes. New potatoes can be served unpeeled.

is a nutritious product of plant origin. Potatoes are included in almost any dish: soups, side dishes, casseroles, salads, used as a filling in baked goods and dishes, etc. The most common dish is boiled potatoes or mashed potatoes.

To make potatoes tasty, you need to know how to cook them properly. It would seem that he threw the peeled potatoes into a pan, filled them with water and boiled them until soft, which, by the way, can be easily checked with a knife. But it was not there. The fact is that after turning off the fire, the potatoes still cook for some time under the influence of their own heat. If you leave the potatoes on the fire, they may become boiled. Therefore, it is very important to cook any potatoes no longer than a certain time. Let's figure out how long you need to cook potatoes after boiling.

Cooking potatoes correctly

Before adding potatoes to the pot, thoroughly rinse and inspect the root vegetables, especially if you need to boil them. It is better to dispose of potatoes with rotten barrels immediately. You should also not use potatoes with herbs for cooking. Green potatoes contain chlorophyll, which is dangerous to humans and can cause poisoning. As a last resort, remove the sprouts, rot and green barrels deeply with a knife.

Rinse the peeled potatoes, place them in a saucepan and cover with cold water. Do not use for boiling potatoes warm water– this will only worsen the taste of the final dish.

Regardless of what kind of potatoes you cook (peeled or in their jackets), they should be covered with water.

How long to cook potatoes

Your reliable wristwatch will be an excellent assistant when boiling potatoes.

If you cook round potatoes in a saucepan, keep them on the fire after boiling for 20-30 minutes. Medium young potato tubers cook faster - only 15-20 minutes.

If you cook chopped potatoes, keep them on the fire after boiling for no longer than 15 minutes.

Jacket potatoes should be cooked for about 35 minutes. And chopped potatoes in soup - no longer than 20 minutes.

Potatoes can be boiled not only in a saucepan, but also using modern devices for this.

Microwave whole peeled potatoes for 10-15 minutes at 700-800 W.

In a double boiler, boil the peeled potatoes for 15-20 minutes, and the potatoes in their jackets should be steamed for 20-25 minutes.

Potatoes take much longer to cook in a slow cooker. The average cooking time in the “Stew/Soup” mode is 40 minutes.

In a pressure cooker, cook round potatoes for 20 minutes, and in a multi-pressure cooker in the “Baking” mode for only 15 minutes.