Roll insulation: types and features of roll insulation. Features of rolled thermal insulation materials Rolled insulation for walls

Roll insulation: types and features of roll insulation.  Features of rolled thermal insulation materials Rolled insulation for walls
Roll insulation: types and features of roll insulation. Features of rolled thermal insulation materials Rolled insulation for walls

The widely used thermal insulation boards have been replaced by roll insulation materials, which are more convenient and have improved functionality. Such products are suitable for finishing roofs, walls, engineering communications, ventilation shafts and other surfaces complex shape. Rolled insulation has improved technical performance compared to mineral wool in slabs and is characterized by increased density and rigidity.

The flexibility of the insulation will help you in as soon as possible carry out insulation work on your home

Flexible thermal insulation in rolls

The material is affordable and has excellent performance properties. The scope of its application is repair finishing and capital construction, when there is a need to increase the thermal insulation performance of surfaces:

  • balcony;
  • basement;
  • gender;
  • floors;
  • attic.

Which insulation retains heat better:

There are insulation materials roll type based on mineral wool, which are glued to the walls directly under the wallpaper. Their main purpose is to increase the temperature inside the room, reducing natural heat loss during the cold season. Additionally, such materials prevent the development of mold and mildew and the formation of high humidity. The uneven surface is perfectly masked due to the soft insulation, which does not require finishing work.

Characteristic features and differences of insulation:

The versatility of roll thermal insulation based on mineral wool determines wide scope its use . It is indispensable in the modern construction industry, creates a durable working layer of insulation that protects from the cold:

  • Living spaces;
  • offices;
  • warehouses at enterprises;
  • outbuildings;
  • baths and saunas.

Insulation, soundproofing of walls under wallpaper:

Soft thermal insulation is not damaged by regular contact with ventilation ducts and pipelines. Due to its sufficient flexibility, it covers tightly uneven surfaces, can be laid at sub-zero temperatures.

Material advantages

Thermal insulation in rolls designed to take into account the shortcomings, which characterize similar material in slabs. It has a number of positive aspects:

  1. Minimization of thermal conductivity even among models belonging to the budget class.
  2. A large assortment of roll insulation, the basis of which is various types of mineral wool. They differ in performance characteristics.
  3. No damage from rodents, fungi, microorganisms.

Availability large assortment insulation, will allow you to choose the best one for you
  1. Resistance to temperature changes, unfavorable atmospheric phenomena while maintaining the original thermal insulation properties.
  2. Noise-reducing feature, resulting in increased sound insulation in the furnished room.
  3. Resistance to open fire.
  4. Easy installation that even an inexperienced craftsman can handle.

Like others universal materials, soft insulation has a disadvantage. They are characterized by increased vapor conductivity, which will help to eliminate additional layer vapor barriers.

Main types and characteristics

The main component of the materials described is usually mineral wool. It, in turn, is presented in several versions:

  1. Slag-like. The insulation is made from waste from the metallurgical industry. It is characterized by strength characteristics, while being the cheapest and most accessible product.

Slag wool is one of the cheapest materials, providing good thermal insulation
  1. Basalt wool. The peculiarity of insulation in rolls for walls and other surfaces is that they are produced using rock melting technology. Then thin layers are formed from the resulting contents, woven into a single carpet.
  2. Glass wool. The heat insulator is created from pre-melted broken glass. This approach to production process significantly reduces the final price of the described products.

The disadvantage of glass wool is the increased fragility of the fibers, which cause itching.

Each of the designated insulation materials has a specific set of characteristics. But in any case, they all represent an improved version of standard mineral wool. For example, glass wool exhibits excellent resistance to high temperatures: a heat insulator made from it can withstand up to +400°C. Exceeding this mark entails complete destruction of the material with the impossibility of restoration.

Which insulation is better:

As for the highest rates of thermal conductivity and density, they are typical specifically for roll insulation made of glass wool. It tolerates vibrations well, does not smolder or burn, and absorbs sound vibrations.

Throughout the entire service life, there is no shrinkage of such material.

Among the unpleasant aspects, irritation of human skin upon contact with fiberglass wool and slight instability to moisture are noted.

The presence of pros and cons of each material will help you choose best material for: home, cottage, bathhouse

Thermal insulation rolls made of basalt wool also withstand high temperatures and are characterized by sufficient density and thermal conductivity. Excellent resistance to high humidity. Even when completely wet, the original quality indicators are maintained. This material is completely environmentally friendly, does not cause irritation upon direct contact, and does not cause allergic reactions.

The heat insulator made of slag wool can withstand temperature loads not exceeding +300°C. Otherwise, the slag melts and the structure of the described building product is completely destroyed.

Rolled thermal insulation materials differ in parameters and functionality. It all depends on the product brand, manufacturer, and buyer requirements when making a custom product.

The role of the foil surface

The main feature of such insulating devices is the presence of a thin, but durable coating from foil. In this way, the material is protected from negative effects. ultraviolet rays and high humidity, which is very important when equipping production premises, kitchens, bathrooms, baths, saunas.

Foil insulation withstands high temperatures well

Laying of foil insulation is carried out in accordance with special technological process. Between thermal insulation and finishing material a gap of 1−1.5 cm is necessarily created. This is very important, because when elevated temperature the insulation maintains a given degree by transmitting it to back wall and subsequent return back to the walls, but not into the room.

Compared to roll materials made of slag wool, glass wool and a basalt base, the foil product must be fixed to the lathing. The layers are overlapped, and their joints are carefully treated with insulation.

When choosing a material, consult with a specialist, he will help you choose the best material

Before buying soft thermal insulation for finishing a room for any purpose, you need to take into account some tips that experts share. The features and type of surface being treated are important, which can be brick, concrete, wood, etc. You should not lose sight of such an aspect as the thickness of the base if we're talking about about external insulation. In this case, the frequency and intensity of precipitation plays an important role, temperature regime by season.

Rolled heat insulation made from any type of mineral wool must be sold in undamaged packaging. Otherwise, moisture accumulates inside the material, worsening the quality of the product. When choosing the material to be described, its main functionality and purpose are taken into account.

Insulation in rolls is a popular finishing product. They are easy to use and improve the thermal insulation of rooms. for various purposes, keeping it at the proper level for many years.

Knauf insulation:

Insulating boards do not show adequate effectiveness when insulating large areas, as well as pipes and ventilation ducts. This is due not only to their technical parameters, but also to high density, as well as rigidity, which eliminates the possibility high-quality coating elements with complex geometry. In such a situation, it is more appropriate to use roll insulation, the varieties and features of which will be discussed in this material.

Materials of this group are most widespread in the domestic market. This is due not only to their excellent operational and technical data, but also to an acceptable pricing policy - such a combination is so far unattainable for competitive offers.

Flexibility makes work easier

Assortment and features of species

The term “mineral wool” is a unified designation for a whole range of heat insulators, namely:

  • basalt wool - for the production of this material, the technology of melting certain rocks with the subsequent formation of the finest fibers on their basis, woven into a single carpet;
  • glass wool is a material, although it is considered obsolete, but still has a fairly high demand due to its affordable cost. For its production, remelted broken glass is used;
  • slag wool - it is based on waste obtained in the metallurgical industry. Due to this, such insulation in rolls has a lower cost than basalt and glass wool.

Material Specifications

Each type of mineral wool has its own distinctive features and characteristics. So, glass wool resists perfectly high temperatures, up to 450 degrees - after exceeding this parameter, the material is destroyed irreversibly. The highest density is 130 kg/m3, thermal conductivity values ​​vary in the range of 0.038–0.046 W/m*C.

Glass wool is not flammable, it does not even smolder, it perfectly absorbs vibrations, resists sound vibrations and does not shrink even after long-term use. At the same time, the material is not moisture resistant, and getting it wet completely eliminates the entire spectrum positive characteristics. It is worth noting the fragility of glass wool, as well as the fact that contact with human skin causes severe itching.

As for basalt wool, such rolled thermal insulation can withstand temperatures up to 700 degrees. Its thermal conductivity is 0.035–0.045 W/m*C, and its density reaches 220 kg/m3. The material is resistant to moisture; slight wetting does not affect its parameters at all. Basalt wool is an environmentally friendly and non-irritating material.

Slag wool has the largest mass, and its density reaches 400 kg/m3. The material is characterized minimal thermal conductivity– 0.046–0.048 W/m*C, and the highest temperature it can withstand is 300 degrees – its increase causes melting of the slag wool and destruction of its structure.

The dimensions of the materials largely depend on the manufacturer, but most often they have the following standard sizes:

  • length – varies between 3-6 m or more;
  • width - standard indicator 0.6 and 1.2 m, although products of individual brands may have a width of 1.22 m and 0.61 m;
  • thickness – 50, 100 and 150 mm.

Foil insulator and its properties

It is worth noting that manufacturers often cover the heat insulator on one side with a layer of foil, which makes it possible to protect the coating from negative impact ultraviolet rays and moisture penetration. Its use is advisable when insulating a room from the inside, while the base can be made of the most different materials.

Optimal solution for internal thermal protection

Types of insulation and features of each type

The backing is made from foamed polyethylene, cork or expanded polystyrene. Expanded polystyrene is an affordable and very practical rolled foil insulation that does an excellent job of sound absorption, is not hygroscopic and can dampen even minor vibration manifestations.

The Thermo-Tap heat insulator has excellent reviews among consumers, the roll length of which reaches 10 m with a width of 0.5 m. Practice shows that such insulation perfectly resists fungus and moisture, but at the same time has lower thermal insulation values, inferior in this aspect products made of foamed polyethylene.

It is impossible not to mention the cork base for the heat insulator. The material is characterized by high strength, light weight, excellent aesthetic properties and absolute harmlessness to humans. For rooms with increased level humidity, it is recommended to use a cork backing with wax impregnation. The length of the roll does not exceed 10 m, its width is 0.5 m.

Cork backing used for flooring

Foam-based polyethylene is a fabric consisting of tiny cells filled with air, covered with a layer of paper on top, which is attached by lamination. Thanks to this, it is possible to achieve the most durable and reliable connection with any type of base.

Thermal insulator with frost protection

The most common type of foam insulation is Polifom, produced in rolls with the following dimensions: length - 14 m, width - 0.5 m, thickness 5 mm. Its density is 30 kg/m3, it perfectly absorbs sounds up to 22 dB, while offering a minimum thermal conductivity of 0.039 W/mK.

External coating and its relevance

External covering may be foil or have a metallized coating. Each option has its own characteristics, and its use may be justified in a given situation. Thus, metallized material retains steam well, but does not have the highest heat reflection rates.

It is indispensable when carrying out insulation work in bathrooms and shower rooms, as well as other rooms with high humidity levels. It is worth noting that such spraying does not have high strength - even a slight mechanical impact is enough to damage its integrity.

Rolled insulation with foil has excellent heat-reflecting properties and is resistant to various external influences. It can be placed behind radiators without any problems in order to retain more heat inside the room.

Easy installation

As for the disadvantages, foil insulation has poor vapor permeability, does not withstand direct contact with concrete, and the cost of a product with a thick layer of foil will be quite impressive.

The main advantages of foil insulation

Among the main advantages of foil heat insulators, the following are particularly worth noting:

  • excellent thermal shielding performance, about 97%;
  • good functionality and the possibility of using not only walls, ceilings and floors, but also all kinds of industrial units for insulation;
  • minimum weight roll and ease of installation without the need to arrange frames and other structures. Fastening is possible with construction adhesive or regular polyurethane foam;
  • reasonable cost;
  • environmental friendliness and safety.

Inter-crown heat insulator and its features

There are also inter-crown roll insulation, which is a rather specific solution designed to fill voids in the inter-crown space. The crown is a level in a house made of timber or logs. No matter how well the installation is carried out, including using profiled timber, there remains free space between the crowns, which is precisely filled with this type of insulation.

It is produced exclusively in narrow rolls, and it is always made from natural and harmless materials, among which:

  • batting;
  • jute;
  • flax and others.

Laying of material is carried out not only during construction work, but also after several years after their completion - as the wood is used, it dries out, which necessitates additional caulking (driving insulation into existing cracks using a wide chisel and mallet).

Manufacturers of thermal insulators and their products

Most in demand The consumer uses roll insulation from several manufacturers.

Knauf is a German brand whose products do not contain formaldehyde, which gives finished product absolute safety and harmlessness, relevant when carrying out installation work.

Such insulation materials do not harbor rodents and insects; they have a wide range of products, a long service life and can be used for insulating not only apartments, but also country houses(cottages).

Isover is a French manufacturer offering wide choose roll insulation with excellent performance characteristics, including those with foil coating. The product is suitable for carrying out insulation measures both indoors and outdoors; it is not subject to combustion and can be extinguished in a fire.

Insulation for external and interior work

URSA - Spanish insulation materials under this brand are characterized by long period operation with full preservation of the main technical parameters. The manufacturer guarantees the highest quality of its products and their effectiveness in both private and industrial construction.

"TechnoNIKOL" - Russian manufacturer offering products High Quality at very affordable and reasonable prices. These roll insulation materials are produced at the latest equipment with the involvement innovative technologies and techniques, which makes it possible to guarantee not only quality, but also a long service life.

When going shopping, it is worth remembering the following aspects of your choice:

  1. Suitable for indoor and outdoor use various variations insulation.
  2. The surface that will be covered with roll insulation also matters. There is a fundamental difference between the materials used to insulate the ceiling and walls. Each of these bases has its own insulation.
  3. It is also important to remember what material the walls are made of. Thermal insulator for wooden base may not be suitable for concrete base and vice versa.
  4. When choosing the thickness of the material, it is worth taking into account temperature conditions V winter period and climate features for a particular region.
  5. Before purchasing, you should definitely familiarize yourself with quality certificates and other permitting documentation on the selected roll insulation, and in addition, make sure the integrity of the packaging. Moisture, even in small quantities, can negatively affect the calculated parameters of the material and its properties.

Choose quality material trusted manufacturers

Insulation in rolls is available on the market in a wide range. Each of them has its own characteristics, positive and negative characteristics. The choice of a specific option is up to the user, but if there are difficulties, you should not rely on chance. It is better to seek help from professionals and save your nerves and money.

Wall insulation with roll insulation is most often used in cases where the wall area is significant and there are long straight spans. In this case, it is possible to achieve significant savings in material costs and performance compared to insulation in the form of slabs or mats. A variety of insulating materials are supplied in rolls, from mineral wool to pressed cork. Each of them has its own advantages in specific conditions. Installation of roll insulation is not a complicated operation and does not require highly qualified workers or expensive equipment.

Main types

Experts highlight the following features and types of insulation supplied in rolls.

Based on material, insulation materials are divided into several types:

  • Mineral (, glass or slag wool). Typically used for external walls.
  • Polymer - based on foamed plastics. Used to insulate walls from the inside and outside.
  • Cork - from the pressed bark of the cork tree. Rolled cork insulation for interior walls attaches under the wallpaper.

Mineral and polymer roll insulation can be covered on one side with aluminum foil to reduce thermal conductivity and improve waterproofing. Thin layer foil reflects over 95% thermal radiation, returning heat to the insulated room. Foil not only reflects heat well, but also increases the strength of the material.

Mineral basalt wool in roll


Rolled insulation materials are characterized by the following main parameters:

  • Environmentally friendly. All models on the market must comply with safety requirements for installation, operation and disposal. They must contain small quantities harmful substances, these substances should not be released from the insulation during its storage, installation and during use. The packaging indicates the disposal method. The materials are resistant to organic solvents and other active substances.
  • Fire and bioprotection. Mineral insulation does not burn on its own and prevents the spread of flame. Foam materials can resist fire certain time. The materials prevent the formation of mold and repel rodents.
  • Air and vapor permeability. Key Features. They show how much air or water vapor at a certain temperature can leak through a unit area of ​​material. Vapor permeability is necessary in order to remove excess moisture from the room to the outside through the walls and their ventilation systems.
  • Strength. An important characteristic of insulation under wallpaper. Touching, including with hard objects, should not damage the wallpaper.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of rolled material are:

  • Versatility. Suitable for thermal insulation of any surfaces. For complex spatial shapes, including curved ones, you can cut out a suitable piece.
  • Minimum requirements for surface preparation before installation.
  • Gain in terms of material price and work productivity during insulation large areas walls, especially straight sections.

Roll materials have disadvantages.

  • High labor intensity when laying in frequent lathing; additional time is required for cutting.
  • Low rigidity does not allow them to be used where it is necessary to withstand significant loads.

In general, the advantages compensate for the disadvantages, which explains the high popularity of roll materials among consumers.

The materials are harmless to health provided they are correct operation and compliance with fire safety regulations.

Popular brands

The domestic market has no shortage of roll materials. IN various types different manufacturers are leading.


The German company produces excellent mineral insulation materials. They are free from formaldehyde and other harmful substances, and thanks to the specially designed fiber structure, they do not provoke allergic reactions. However, the manufacturer recommends carrying out installation work with thick gloves. They perfectly muffle noise and are impregnated from insects, rodents and mold.

Mineral wool Knauf 1220Х6148Х50
  • Dimensions 1220Х6148Х50 MM (15 m2).
  • Thermal conductivity: 0.037 W/(m°K).
  • Density 12 kg/m3.
  • Cost 1100-1200 rubles.


The French company launched production at local sites. Offers a wide range of rolls with thicknesses from 20 to 150 mm, allowing you to retain heat in all weather conditions. There are many foil models that can be used in rooms and buildings with high humidity.

Isover Klassik 50 mm thick
  • Size 50*1220*5490mm.
  • Packaging 13.4m2, 0.67m3, 2 mats.
  • Thermal conductivity 0.04 W/(m*K).
  • Density 10.5 kg/m3.
  • Price from 750 rub.


Easy to install material is different for a long time services, excellent fire-fighting properties.

For wall insulation, the Ursa Geo M11 model is offered.

Ursa Geo M11 for wall insulation
  • Size 7000x1200x100 mm.
  • Average density – 11 kg/m³.
  • Flammability group NG.
  • Thermal conductivity – 0.040 W/(m°K).


Foamed roll material is available in thicknesses from 3 to 20 millimeters. Works well in conditions high humidity. Not subject to rotting. Very light, easy to install. Foil models resist strong gusts of wind (provided correct installation). Characterized by excellent vapor permeability.

Foamed polyethylene
  • size 8 mm (18 m 2) wide. 1.2m;
  • weight 8 kg;
  • price 850 – 1100 rub.

It is a good choice for wall insulation, including loggias, attics, attic spaces. It has low density, which makes transportation and handling easy and convenient.

The manufacturer claims a service life of 30 years.


The heat-insulating layer is made of foamed polyethylene. Several types of penofol are available:

  • A – foil on one side.
  • B – foiled on both sides.
  • C – on one side there is foil, on the other there is a layer of adhesive applied to facilitate installation.

Available in thicknesses from 2 to 40 millimeters, foil thickness is 30 microns. It does not emit any harmful substances and is recommended for insulating children's rooms.

B. Double-sided filming
  • Foamed polyethylene Penofol V-10 15000x1200x10 mm.
  • Vapor permeability: 0.001 mg/(m h Pa).
  • Density: 35 kg/m3
  • Thermal conductivity: 0.049 W/(m*K).
  • Cost 1400-1600 rubles.

What to consider when working

Insulation with mineral roll materials can be carried out at any time of the year, it is only important to ensure that the material is protected from precipitation.

The use of foam materials mounted on an adhesive layer depends on the air temperature. Usually the limit is down to –10C. Issued and special adhesives, effective down to –20C.

Before insulation begins, minimal surface preparation is required:

  • Dismantle pipes, electrical wiring, lamps, decorations, plants, etc.
  • Clean the walls from remnants of old coatings, debris and dust.
  • Install sheathing for mineral insulation.
  • Level and clean the surface for gluing foam thermal insulators.

Installation does not require special equipment; the tools you will need are:

  • construction knife;
  • stapler;
  • screwdriver;
  • hammer;
  • double sided tape.

It is more convenient to carry out installation and cutting of roll insulation together by two people, especially for large volumes of work. Small volumes can be done by one master.

Insulation process

The sequence of operations when installing mineral insulation is as follows:

  • A vapor barrier film is attached to the prepared wall.
  • A sheathing made of wooden blocks or metal profiles. The recommended guide pitch is 50 or 60 cm.
  • Rolls are cut in accordance with the selected pitch. The cutting must be carried out so that the insulation fits tightly between the guides and, when straightened, provides a better fit to the guide.

Disc dowel

When insulating large areas, the best efficiency is shown not by insulating boards, but by rolls of insulation. The same applies to pipes and ventilation ducts. Their main difference is increased density, and a consequence of this is high rigidity of the coating, which allows for much better insulation of objects with non-standard geometry.

Features of the species

There are several types of insulation, mainly divided by composition.


One of the most common Russian market is a thermal insulation material based on mineral wool. This is mainly due to a combination of price and technological properties of the material itself. It is very easy to use. It is advisable to choose a white, soft and self-adhesive material for the timber.

The name "mineral wool" is inherent in many thermal insulation materials, which differ in their composition and properties. Not particularly popular is insulation, which is made by melting certain rocks to form certain fibers. During manufacturing, these fibers are woven into a single carpet; this wool is called “basalt”. Any resident of Russia and the CIS is familiar with the term “glass wool”.

This thermal insulation material is an outdated technology, but due to its price it is still in demand today. It is made by melting broken glass into single fibers. There is also cotton wool obtained by melting waste from the metallurgical industry (slag wool).

Due to the raw materials used in its manufacture, its price is much lower than that of glass wool or basalt wool.

Characteristics, pros and cons

Vata is different from each other technical characteristics. Glass wool has a high temperature threshold of 450 degrees, after which the material becomes irreversibly damaged. The density of glass wool is 130 kg/m3, and the thermal conductivity is about 0.04 W/m*C. This material it is not flammable, it does not smolder, and has a high threshold of vibration and sound absorption.

Over time, there is virtually no shrinkage, including options with long-term use.

The disadvantages include the fact that when water gets in, everything disappears. positive properties of this material. Glass wool is a rather brittle and brittle material. Upon contact with skin, it causes irritation and itching, which is difficult to remove.

If it gets into the organs of vision, it can seriously harm them, as well as if it gets into the nasopharynx. You need to wear closed clothing when working with such material.

Basalt wool can withstand high temperature(up to 710 degrees). Its thermal conductivity is about 0.04 W/m*C, density varies between 210 – 230 kg/m3. Unlike glass wool, this material is not afraid of moisture and does not lose its properties. When contacted with skin, roll insulation does not cause irritation or itching.

Slag wool has the greatest mass and density. Its density ranges from 390 to 410 kg/m3, and its thermal conductivity is about 0.047 W/m*C. However, its temperature maximum is much lower (about 300 degrees). The slag melts, and during the melting process its structure is destroyed, irreversibly.

The sizes of these materials vary, depending on the manufacturer's standards. However, the most common ones are:

  • length from 3 to 6 m;
  • standard width is 0.6 or 1.2 meters.

Some manufacturers make other width sizes (0.61 m). The thickness of the wool is standard (20, 50, 100 and 150 mm).

Foil material

Often one side of the insulation is covered with a layer of foil material. This allows you to protect the coating from moisture and ultraviolet rays. Most often, such materials are used for internal insulation premises, the cotton wool itself can be absolutely anything. The types of such material are varied. These include polystyrene foam, cork, and polyethylene.

The most popular material on the market is polystyrene foam. It is very practical and inexpensive. Copes perfectly with sound insulation and vibration. The length of the roll is usually 10 m, the width does not exceed 0.5 m. This material copes well with moisture and fungus. However, in terms of thermal insulation, it is significantly inferior to foamed polyethylene.

Thermal insulation with cork is characterized by high strength, low weight, harmlessness and good appearance. For wet areas It is recommended to use cork flooring with wax impregnation. The dimensions of this material are the same as those of expanded polystyrene. A fairly good material is foamed polyethylene. It consists of small cells filled with air, with cardboard or paper along the edges.

The substrate is secured by lamination. Due to this, it is possible to achieve the most durable and reliable connection with any type of base. Roll insulation has good thermal conductivity characteristics. Depending on the purpose, there are foil and metallized coatings.

For vapor reflection, a foil type of material is more suitable; for vapor containment, metallized spraying is required.

Spraying is very fragile and is damaged by small mechanical impacts. The foil material has excellent heat-reflecting characteristics. He is less susceptible mechanical damage. Today, silver material with a reflector is quite popular.

Manufacturers and selection criteria

One of the leading companies producing roll insulation is German companyKnauf. Distinctive feature products - no formaldehyde. In addition, the materials are characterized by ease of use. This company provides installation instructions for almost every roll, which will allow novice builders to do their insulation work better. Due to the composition, insects (beetles, ants) and rodents (rats) will not be able to settle in such thermal insulation.

The French brand is no less famous Isover. This company has a huge selection of roll-type insulation. Foil rolls are also available. The products of this company are used for insulation interior spaces, as well as outside buildings.

Due to its composition, it is fire-resistant; in the event of a fire or brief ignition, it does not support combustion and goes out on its own.

The most common company in the European part of Russia is the Spanish company URSA. Its products are somewhat cheaper than French ones trademark, the assortment is in no way inferior to it, which makes the materials in demand among the buyer. The company provides a very long warranty on its products; it is better to check the exact warranty figures immediately before purchasing.

Most cheap insulation produces a domestic brand "TechnoNIKOL", which is aimed at middle-income people. The quality of this material is incomparable with foreign analogues, but the insulation is in great demand among people involved in own construction dachas or private houses. Due to the price, this is the favorite thermal insulation among management companies and other organizations that want to do something voluminous for little money. The mineral wool “Warm House” is also distinguished by its quality.

When purchasing, it is important to remember that for different types rooms require different insulation, just as ceiling insulation is extremely undesirable when applied to the floor (and vice versa).

Wall insulation has its own characteristics, because the purpose of each type of insulation is slightly different, as are the properties. Some points also depend on the material of the structure on which the roll insulation is attached. It is necessary to look at how moisture affects the material in order to take this into account when choosing.

Installation technology

The technology for installing roll insulation is slightly different from slabs. They begin to insulate the walls or floor initially. The walls are mainly made of slabs, as is the straight ceiling. Therefore, often, floors and pitched ceilings-walls are suitable for insulation and installation. When insulating the floor, it is worth looking at what type of insulation is available.

Insulation in foil is mainly used, but sometimes rolls of insulation are covered with ordinary heat-insulating foil or metal film. The insulation should extend 1 cm away from the walls. This is due to the fact that when temperature changes, the material contracts and expands. Absence free space in metallized or foil insulation leads to its deformation and damage over time.

Ceiling (pitched) insulation is attached between the rafters, cutting out a little more in order to insert it better between the boards. They are inserted strictly from bottom to top to avoid voids. After installation, the surfaces are clamped with main profiles or boards for application of additional (for example, vapor barrier) materials on top. The work is carried out especially carefully.

Thermal insulation of walls is a task that must be approached with special attention, because cladding materials have different properties and “principle of operation”, and in the market it is very often presented that no matter what insulator you take, there will be “Africa” in the room. In reality, this is not at all true and you need to deal with each proposal in detail so as not to waste money, effort and time in vain.

Nowadays several types of insulation are usually used:

  • in the form of rolls;
  • rigid polystyrene foam boards;
  • dense mats made of mineral wool.

The last two options are quite clear in principle - they really are efficient technologies, but also more expensive. But the roll category of materials is not so clear - this is where you need to understand in detail.

First, it is worth considering the main theoretical point.

What types of roll insulators are there?

The first type of insulation, made in the form of rolls, is mineral wool materials. The cotton wool itself is on the following basis:

  • Made from cullet and quartz. This is the so-called glass wool, which is so often found in Soviet-built houses.
  • From rocks (for example, basalt);
  • Cotton wool from blast furnace waste.

It is recommended to use slag insulation only on the outside of walls, since there it does not cause any harm to health. But basalt products, in principle, can be laid indoors, the main thing is to put a vapor barrier on top of them so that small fibers do not get into the air.

As for whether to insulate walls with basalt wool from the outside or better from the inside, there is also no definite answer. The fact is that the material is afraid of moisture and if you install it from the side of the facade, you need to make a good external protection(for example, from a vapor barrier and metal profile). And this is expensive - if you already have such means, then it is better to use polystyrene foam or cotton wool in the form of slabs.

But in general, basalt roll insulation is still more relevant for use on the indoor side, because it lasts longer and is of better quality. The main principle of action here is heat retention, that is, cotton wool prevents it from quickly escaping.

The second group is thermal insulation made of foamed polyethylene or polypropylene. The material is also produced in the form of rolls and comes in two types:

  • with foil coating;
  • with metallized outside.

The first insulation is good because it has a good level of resistance to mechanical stress and reflects heat well. Due to this, the solution is suitable for indoor use, for example, you can install the sheet behind radiators to retain heat. Disadvantages include poor vapor permeability and the fact that foil of sufficient thickness is expensive.

In addition, this thermal insulation is not suitable for direct contact with concrete walls- alkali simply corrodes the foil.

Metallized products allow steam to pass through well, but they do not reflect heat effectively. It is relevant to use for covering the walls of shower rooms and rooms with high humidity. By the way, the coating here cannot be called resistant at all - the slightest mechanical impact and the metal begins to “peel off” from the base of the insulation. Now we can move on to the most important question.

So which option is better to choose: cotton wool or polyethylene foam?

The main point that is important to understand is that foamed polyethylene or polypropylene in the form of rolls is precisely thermal insulation, that is, a material whose purpose is to slightly improve the characteristics of walls, and not to fully insulate them. Regardless of where it will be fixed - from the inside or from the front part.

But basalt wool is already a real insulating layer. True, if used indoors, the wall will still freeze, but noticeably less heat will escape from the room.

It turns out that foam propylene from the inside will give less effect than cotton wool, since the temperature will only rise by a degree and a half. And even if you perform external installation, the “picture” will be the same, but with only one positive thing- the wall will freeze a little less and condensation from the room will disappear.

At the same time, the material has an undeniable advantage - it is cheap and very easy to install. Working with cotton wool is more difficult and more expensive since you will need to make a false wall (usually drywall) to protect basalt fibers, and in addition, it is important to take care that moisture does not get into the structure of the material. If this happens, then the effect of all the work done will be zero, since all the thermal insulation qualities will very quickly disappear.

Here it seems that cotton wool is better anyway (because it’s “warmer”), but everything is decided by the nuances of the situation. Yes, cotton wool seems to be good, but what is the point in it if, for example, you need to insulate a shower room not in the house, but, for example, in the country and you don’t want to invest? The obvious budget solution in this case is a metallized insulator - stick it on the wall and forget it.

But in the case of a more or less capital approach, but again in the absence of noticeable financial resources- it is better to opt for mineral wool and insulation from the inside. It turns out that ideal option No, and you need to make a decision only based on the specifics of the project.