Maternal lineage. How to pray for your family. When is the best time to practice connecting with your Family?

Maternal lineage.  How to pray for your family.  When is the best time to practice connecting with your Family?
Maternal lineage. How to pray for your family. When is the best time to practice connecting with your Family?

October 27th, 2017

Session with a new hypnologist

When Grandma Seraphima left this life, I began to dream about her very often. The plot of dreams was repeated with minor variations over the years. And for a very long time I believed that I understood her unspoken order - to engage in spiritual development. It turns out that this was only the first step to accomplishing more difficult task- remove karma from our family.

My lesson is to remove from my consciousness the restriction of the matrix that having a child out of wedlock is a crime.

I set this limit for myself a long time ago. There, in the distant past, I gave birth to a child - a girl out of wedlock, but fearing the shame and contempt of others, I drowned the child. Since then, all the women of our kind have never been happy in marriage, they were abandoned, cheated on, beaten and raped by alcoholic husbands, bandit husbands, despot husbands and idiots. And many were never able to get married or meet their loved one.

My daughter in this life was also born out of wedlock, which from the point of view of that time was still a fairly serious violation of the generally accepted norms of the matrix, a sin. Knowing that I alone would have to raise and drink the cup of human contempt, I still took this step and took full responsibility upon myself. I had already destroyed the matrix limitation. Regression helped me realize this. Today I managed to fulfill part of the karmic lesson - to cleanse the family line through the female line. As a gift I received from the Guardian of the clan the Crown of Love, family happiness and well-being.

The day before the session, I conducted a meditation to restore connection with my Family. I met the Guardian of the Family, the Elder Woman of our Family, the Elder Man of our Family. I asked for blessings from St. Women of the Family and Protection and patronage from Art. Men of our Kin. She accepted their Gifts with great gratitude and recognition. I never suspected that this was possible. That the Strength and Power of the Family is so real.

Task: to understand the reason why in our family all women and men are unhappy in love, unlucky in family relationships, can't find a pair, etc.
The session turned out to be very unusual in terms of the strength of the sensations received, the emotions experienced, and completely unpredictable in terms of the results. There were, as it were, two parts, externally independent of each other, but in themselves very bright and significant.

Part one:

I'm in outer space in dancing with the stars. They are around me like glowing balls. And I'm in the same situation myself glowing ball. I am waiting for the command for my next actions.
The presenter suggests starting with cleaning. I make a request to the crystal navigator: what to pay attention to.

So the left hemisphere is something here that is asked to pay attention to. Small ball. Strong impulses immediately went to the superciliary points at the bridge of the nose, eyes, points under the ears, submandibular points. The impulse was so strong that I could not speak; my jaw spasmed every word. The crystal navigator broadcast a painfully powerful “Calm down. Everything is fine. Be patient"

After some time, the Rodnichok crystal began to work and the entire structure immediately appeared: both hemispheres of the brain are connected by an arc with small balls at the ends (something in shape close to headphones). An energy impulse came from the Rodnichka - an information package into the headphones and then transmitted further throughout the body. The flow was alive, luminous, vibrating: the shoulders, the clearly felt right ovary, knees, feet. coccyx. Everything seemed to be on fire. A glowing outline began to appear around the eyes, then inside the eyeballs.

Pupils - recently on one of the dives I discovered mesh marks on my pupils. It was said that this was a temporary protection for people from the radiation from my eyes. I still can't always control my emotions. Could have caused damage. Now the mesh has disappeared, and a circle of multi-colored tiny crystals has formed around the pupil of each eye. Now the whole body was enveloped in a luminous mesh. Each cell shone with its own crystal. It was an amazing state. I saw my reflection there - among the stars. The Star Outline of a Luminous Man with his hand raised as a sign of victory, there... far away among the stars.

Part two: searching for your “lost” - the Feminine “I”:

I'm back in my star ball. At my request, the Elder Woman of our Clan sends me to the place where there was a failure in the program of my feminine “I”.
Bonfire. Round dance of girls. I am among them. Suddenly, the outline of a Shadow appears behind me. The shadow does not lag behind me and soon merges with my body. Darkness. I have a blindfold over my eyes. I'm looking for someone: looking for my destiny, looking for myself. There's a fire again. I'm alone. I feel very bad. Something happened to me. Something scary. Darkness again. Birches. Spring and joy are all around. The first flowers and birdsong. I'm by the river. In the hands of a newborn baby.

Girl. I hold her to my chest and wash her with my tears. This child should not live. This child has no father. It would be better for her to die than to be an outcast, the daughter of a woman despised by everyone. The water takes the child and carries it into oblivion. In front of me is a huge black clot, taller than human growth - everything that has accumulated over all my incarnations in female body. I put him in a cocoon. My mammary glands seem to swell with the flow of milk from all the Mothers. He is alive. He is my child - my creation. He is my anger and my hatred, my jealousy and my betrayals, mistakes and suffering... My experience of living with a wounded animal - my feminine self

I can't just destroy him. What to do? A powerful beam filled with love and compassion bursts out from the Spark. A ray of self-forgiveness, forgiveness of all women and recognition of the right to Life.

And at that moment all the blackness disappears. I am surrounded by my Family. Joy, grace. I hug my “murdered” child. Happiness! The Senior Woman of the Family puts a wreath of white flowers on my head with the words “From now on and forever and ever to you and the descendants of our Family.”

Reality is multidimensional, opinions about it are multifaceted. Only one or a few faces are shown here. You should not take them as the ultimate truth, because, and at each level of consciousness and. We learn to separate what is ours from what is not ours, or to obtain information autonomously)

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    MATERNAL CLAN, one of the socio-economic units of primitive society, an exogamous group of blood relatives on the maternal side... encyclopedic Dictionary

    One of the socio-economic units of primitive society is an exogamous (see Exogamy) group of blood relatives on the maternal side, aware of their unity, which is manifested in generic names, totemism and designations of M. r.... ...

    In primitive society, an exogamous group of blood relatives on the maternal side. Recorded by many tribes at various levels of pre-class society (certain aborigines of Australia, Melanesians, etc.). (Source: Dictionary... ... Sexological encyclopedia

    genus- genus, a term used to designate various unilinear kinship associations (see Unilinearity), the members of which trace their origins to a single ancestor and which are typical of pre-industrial societies. Characteristic for Russian and... Encyclopedia "Peoples and Religions of the World"

    Clan, 1) a group of blood relatives descending along the same line (maternal or paternal), for the most part recognizing themselves as descendants of a common ancestor (real or mythical), bearing a common family name: in R. it was observed ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    ROD, a group of blood relatives descended from a common ancestor and bearing a common family name. Kinship is calculated on the maternal (maternal) or paternal (paternal) line. It arose at the boundary of the Upper and Lower Paleolithic.... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Modern encyclopedia

    A group of blood relatives descended from a common ancestor and bearing a common family name. Kinship is calculated on the maternal (maternal) or paternal (paternal) line. It arose at the boundary of the Upper and Lower Paleolithic. Childbirth... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Genus (kinship)- ROD, an exogamous group of blood relatives who trace themselves back to a common ancestor. Kinship is calculated on the maternal (maternal) or paternal (paternal) line. The clans united into tribes. The tribal organization is typical for... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    I (Rod) Edouard (31.4.1857, Nyon, Switzerland, 29.1.1910, Grasse, France), Swiss writer. Wrote on French. From 1878 he lived in Paris and was close to the naturalistic school. The author of intimately psychological novels and stories that express... Great Soviet Encyclopedia


  • Tribal life in the present, recent and distant past. Experience in the field of comparative ethnography and legal history, Kovalevsky M.M.. Readers are invited to an ethnographic study of the outstanding Russian sociologist and historian M.M. Kovalevsky (1851-1916). The book examines the ancestral Bytarian peoples before...

A feature of the institution of hereditary power has always been the consideration of two lines: paternal and maternal, and the maternal line has very long and often predominant traditions.
So, if, for example, we turn to the Roman tradition, the same one in which women did not have their own names (See A.G. Kuzmin “Old Russian names and their parallels” // Where did the Russian land come from, M., 1986, volume 1), it turns out that the Romans traced their origins to Aeneas the demigod. Aeneas's divine status was inherited from his mother Aphrodite Aeneas, after whom Aeneas was named.
Rhea Silvia, the mother of Romulus and Remus, was descended from Longus Numetor, a descendant of Aeneas. And this is what made Romulus and Remus legitimate in the eyes of the Latins. That is, origin from the Goddess.
Mstislav-Harald Vladimirovich, the son of Vladimir Monomakh and the Saxon Gita, received the middle name Harald, in honor of his grandfather Harald Godwinson, with a clear hint, as a contender from the Anglo-Saxon dynasty, who could be “called from the outside” if such an opportunity presented itself.

The Anglo-Saxon “conquest” of Britain itself took place when the Briton’s prince, Wrothingern, married Rowena, the daughter of the Saxon leader Hengist, and Hengist, becoming Worthingern’s father-in-law, simultaneously became the eldest over Worthingern (See L.P. Grot, “How power was inherited and rulers were “summoned”.” September 15, 2011).
Among the Celts and Celtic peoples, the inheritance of power was directly related to the maternal line, and in marriage the woman personified the earth, that is, she was the embodiment of the country (See Philip I, “Celtic Civilization and Its Heritage,” Prague, 1961; See T. Powell "Celts. Warriors and Mages", M., 2012).
In Central and Eastern Europe dominated by the cult of the Great Goddess-warrior and ruler (See Grotto L.P. "Spring women's holidays- the oldest tradition"03/08/2014).
Based on the dictionaries of Preobrazhensky, Vasmer, Sreznevsky, and the works of A.G. Kuzmin, the word “Rus” itself is quite confidently reconstructed as “Goddess”. The attitude of the Rus towards Olga, who was forgiven for her personal baptism and attempt to baptize the country (See “Acts of the Rus. The Lost Kingdoms of Europe”), practically treated her as a representative of ANOTHER world, as a sacred ruler, whose family is higher than that of Igor (See. Tsvetkov S.E. "Russian land. Between paganism and Christianity", M., 2012). Svyatoslav’s persistent desire to reconquer Bulgaria, that is, the lands of Danube Rus, as the inheritance of his mother, allows us to once again state that it was Igor’s marriage with Olga that was the key to power in Kyiv, the outpost and the sacred center of Danube Rus in the Dnieper region, since it was Olga who personified the Russian land itself. Moreover, both in the Dnieper region and on the Danube. Accordingly, her origin was VERY noble. Perhaps (a purely speculative assumption. I.L.) Olga traced her descent from Odoacer or from Iron the son of Arthur, who, according to the Thidrek saga, became the riks of the Rus, again on the basis of inheritance through the female line after the death of Valamir (?) / Vladimir the Red Sun (See Veselovsky A.N. “Russians and Viltins in the Tidrek-saga” (various editions). Whether this is true or not, the very fact of inheriting power in the Dnieper and Danube regions through marriage and kinship with Olga completely excludes every single insinuation of “Eternal Svearika” It remains to be regretted that the literally pushing in of a false pedigree obscured the REAL genealogy of Olga and Igor, which has to be restored with great difficulty (See S.P. Tolstov." Ancient history The USSR in the consecration of Vernadsky" // Questions of History, 1946, No. 4; See Shmurlo E.F. "Course of Russian History. The emergence and creation of the Russian state", Revised 2nd edition, St. Petersburg, 1999; See Kuzmin A.G. "The Tale of Igor's Campaign" about the beginning of the Russian land, M, 1963; See Veselovsky A.N. "Epics" about Volkha Vseslavich and poems about Ortnit" // Russian folklore, St. Petersburg, 1993, volume 27).

If one of the descendants begins to think and delve into his family: not only who and when he was, but who and what the ancestor did, what qualities, especially negative ones, were present, for example, cruelty, anger, aggression, violence against people (this is ancestral karmic burdens), then you need, without hesitation, to find it in yourself or in your children and urgently begin to correct everything. Here's what you should do with yourself today: working with family, through yourself, transform everything, change and create something new, make yourself brighter, so that the race acquires light. Through these actions, burdens are transformed.

Many people work with their family and pray constantly, and if at the same time they experience Love, then work with family will be effective using any method. The effectiveness of prayer, if a Person prays constantly, is present only on certain planes. Today it is important to translate prayer into gratitude. And if through prayer he experiences negativity, pity, selfishness, claims, aggression, how can he help the family - he needs to clarify the family, but he himself is in the negative. First, develop yourself, lighten up, get stronger, in order to lighten the race through yourself.

One of the effective works with family on the transformation of weights, programs - this is your development in the direction of high energies on. Through your enlightenment, you help your family and your descendants, and this is a priceless inheritance that you leave for them.

Independent work with family

For greater sensations and a feeling of connection with the family, it is advisable to place your hands in front of you, fingers up, like antennas, pressed against each other. Don't put it down until you're done work with family. Manifestations of body sensations are individual for everyone (tingling, tingling, swaying).

  • Imagine a paternal lineage. Say: “I bring Love and Gratitude for the enlightenment of my paternal family, the message of Love, Light” (5-10 minutes).
  • Imagine a maternal lineage. Say: “I bring Love and Gratitude for the enlightenment of my family on the maternal side, the message of Love, Light” (5-10 minutes).

Time working with family A person chooses at his own discretion. The lighter the descendant, the faster the lightening of the genus occurs.

In the book you can find more information according to birth programs:

  • How many generic programs are there and how do they work?
  • What are Soul Contracts?
  • What types of contracts are there?
  • How do Human contracts work?
  • How does the energy of an earthly Man reach the race?
  • And much more about a new approach to conceiving, giving birth, and raising children.
Once upon a time, people had an idea of ​​their family tree and tried to pass on the experience of their ancestors. Now interest in one’s roots is growing again, but many are discovering such a sad fact as “Ivan, who does not remember his kinship...” Time and space inexorably separate relatives, memory is erased, and the chances of learning about the fate of ancestors are gradually reduced to zero. Meanwhile, scrupulously paying attention to events own life, I would like to know how the behavior and actions of our grandparents affect the life of an individual.

The physical and spiritual levels of children and parents may not coincide, but at the moment of conception some mysterious forces form a multidimensional structure that binds the soul of a new person to a specific space-time. The connection between children and their parents also includes karmic interaction, but sometimes the influence of parents is much less than, for example, great-grandparents.

Just as you can get injured when you come into contact with an old tree limb, so the family tree can stretch out its thorny branches. For ordinary people they become noticeable when a strange pattern of problems appears, as if passed on from generation to generation.
And what more people knows about his ancestors, the greater the chance of breaking out of the “vicious circle.”

Signs of karmic influence

Undesirable inclinations and vices that other family members also had, and to which a person submits against his will;
- similar negative events or tragedies that occurred in the fate of older family members and their ancestors;
- “feeling of victimhood.” It seems to a person that he is stepping on the same rake, although he makes every attempt to avoid negative events, does not do evil and does not provoke negative attitude from the outside;
- appearance on life path people who are suspiciously similar to each other, as well as being drawn into a similar type of relationship;
- chronic failures in personal life, inability to start a family;
- childlessness;
- a rare disease not related to age, difficult to diagnose or untreatable;
- children who are stillborn or with pathologies.

Family tree and ancestral karma

From year to year, from decade to decade, the cumulative energy of the family and the so-called accumulated family karma is formed, which is formed as a result of lives lived the whole group of people.
The family tree, as is known, is depicted graphically in the form of a tree. From the point of view of karmic theory, the trunk of this tree is the main energetic ancestral flow, and the side branches do not have of great importance and gradually “dry out” at the end of the branching. A member of the genus located in the main trunk can influence the entire genus as a whole.

Maternal line

The maternal line sets a program related to health, family and children. It has the greatest impact on daughters. Main function: memory of the clan and protection of the clan.
Types of negative programs: the negative program associated with the construction is most often transmitted love relationship and home. For example, a woman is unlucky with her husbands, or repeated unsuccessful marriages occur, or diseases of the reproductive sphere, including infertility and miscarriage.

Paternal line

A program associated with active activity usually “travels” along the paternal side. life position, intellectual abilities, achievements, career, financial stability, etc. Has the greatest influence on sons.
Main function: tasks of the kind, development and transformation.
Types of negative programs: passions and vices, spiritual degradation, not getting what you want, financial problems.

Ancestral tribes

To make it easier to track karma along the family line, for women the main pillar of the tree runs along the maternal line, and for men – along the paternal line.
According to an old fairy tale, in which three sons appear, the eldest son is a “smart kid”, the middle son is “neither this nor that”, and the youngest is a fool.
What would that mean?..
There are some considerations from specialists in the study of karmic influence. For example:

The first child in the family is the continuation of the line of the stronger parent. It is believed that the fate of the first-born should be more successful than that of other children. At least he is provided with powerful generic protection. For a long time, the birth of the first child was the most significant and even magical event in the family;

Second children no longer have as much energy potential as the first. They may be more emotional or creative than the former;

Third children open their own lineage. That is, they are the “first tribe” of their kind. Internally and externally they may differ from father and mother, and therefore are not always “understandable”.
In common people large families the very last child was called the lastborn.

The new branch is the weakest and most defenseless in terms of energy. Perhaps this is why the last one often had poor health or weak intelligence. Karmic generational program in in this case as if “discarding” the remnants of the negative.
However, if family karma is not burdened, then the last one always has the opportunity to act at his own discretion, so to speak, “run the show,” and least of all depends on the influence of the family karmic egregor.

So, - knee one... The generational stages are counted from the third child. He is the beginning of the race.
Provided that his brothers and sisters have the same parents, that is, the father and mother are both the parents of the first and second children.

Second knee. The development of the idea of ​​clan and continuation of the clan follows the fate of the child of the third child in someone’s family. Such children are responsible for the prosperity of subsequent members of the family. At the same time, more responsibility is placed on the first-born son than on the daughter.

Third knee. Branching of the family. Follows the karmic program of a child born to the bearer of the idea of ​​the clan (see “second generation”). Responsible for reproduction and family formation. Places more responsibility on the first-born daughter than on the son.

Fourth knee. The color of the genus and the culmination. Children born to the “splitter” of the clan (see third generation). This child will reap what his predecessors have sown before him. In the case of chronic failures in life, changing fate is very difficult.

Fifth knee. Transformation of ideas of the kind, or their popularization, or complete change. Crises, turning points, trials - more often take place in the life of “five-generation people”. The advantage is the ability to change fate by force of will and spirit, actions, etc.

Sixth knee. Summarizing. Change of ancestral values. In the case of powerful negativity and inaction of predecessors, as a rule, degradation occurs.

Seventh knee. Cleaners are born in this tribe. This is where the line ends. Representatives of the seventh generation may have characteristic problems: unsuccessful personal life, childlessness. If a child is born, he will continue the family line of the spouse.