Radish planting and care in open ground culinary recipes. Radishes: planting and care in open ground, growing from seeds Ripening period of radishes in open ground

Radish planting and care in open ground culinary recipes.  Radishes: planting and care in open ground, growing from seeds Ripening period of radishes in open ground
Radish planting and care in open ground culinary recipes. Radishes: planting and care in open ground, growing from seeds Ripening period of radishes in open ground

In early spring, radishes are the first vegetable that appears on the table. This is where the gardening season begins. It came to Russia from Asia during the reign of Peter the Great and became very popular. Nowadays, it is grown in central Russia and the Moscow region. Radishes are rich in minerals, thanks to them, the vegetable is useful for people suffering from low hemoglobin. In addition, the vegetable can have an effect on internal organs person. Many newcomers to gardening want to know how to properly plant radishes in the spring. open ground.

Agricultural technology of culture

Radishes grow as a one- or two-year-old plant. Most gardeners prefer to grow those radish varieties that produce seeds in the first year of growing season. Root vegetables can have completely different forms:

  • round;
  • elongated;
  • flat-round;
  • oval;
  • similar to a spindle.

In addition, the vegetable can be distinguished by the color of its surface. It comes not only red, but also white, yellow and even purple.

In the open ground

Depending on where radishes are grown, they are planted in greenhouses or in open ground.

When sowing, you need to take into account that radishes like to grow when the days are short. For this reason it is sown in early spring. The type of radishes will depend on how moist the soil is. The use of fertilizers will help increase the quantity of ripe radishes and their quality. Most vegetable growers believe that radishes are unpretentious plant. But if you do not follow all the rules that tell you how to plant radishes in open ground, then you may be left without a harvest.

Dates of sowing and germination

Correct adherence to sowing dates is important. Many gardeners use lunar calendar, others trust their observations and intuition.

Despite the fact that the vegetable feels good at night temperatures of five or six degrees and can withstand late frosts, it is still better to sow it in last days March or already in April. It is then that the rays of the sun warm the earth well. In order to independently determine the time of planting radishes, it is best to use the hint of temperature changes:

  • the soil temperature has warmed up to only +10 degrees - this means that seedlings will not appear soon;
  • the soil has warmed up from +10 to +15 degrees – radishes will sprout in seven days;
  • at soil temperatures from +18 to +22 degrees, seedlings will appear in a couple of days.

Therefore, the best time for rapid germination and the formation of root crops is when the soil is warmed to +22 degrees and above. If the sowing was done under temperature conditions, then the first harvest can be harvested for the table in just a few weeks.

So that all spring period you could pamper yourself with a juicy vegetable; radishes need to be sown at short intervals, at least after seven to eight days. At the end of May, it is no longer advisable to sow this vegetable, since the days become longer and the weather in summer is drier, which adversely affects the formation of radishes. In addition, a plant sown under such conditions will only shoot arrows. It will be possible to get fresh radishes only in the fall, when the days become short again. Besides, in summer period There are many chances that young radishes will attract pests.

Interesting. Due to the fact that radishes sprout and grow very quickly, they were chosen to be grown in the International space station. At the same time, it is on this vegetable that experiments and studies of the genetic structure are carried out in order to make it possible to grow vegetables in zero gravity conditions.

The soil

Like many other vegetables, radishes like to grow in soil rich in humus. Before sowing radish seeds, the soil must be properly prepared. However, it is best to do this in the fall. First of all, you need to determine the type of soil. If this clay soil, then it must be made light and loose. To do this, you need to add a small amount of peat or coarse river sand, as well as organic and mineral fertilizers.

Planting seeds in tilled soil

When sowing radishes in open ground, you also need to choose the right site. It is best if it is located on the south side of the garden. In this case, the soil warms up much faster and the crop will receive enough light.

Culture propagation

There are two ways to remove seeds from radishes at home:

  • you need to replant the root crop to another place;
  • use the parent plant without transplanting.

Using the first method, you can get seeds from those plants that you like both in color and taste. To obtain seed, radishes are sown very early and covered with film. This will allow the plant to give fast shoots. After the radish has grown, you need to carefully dig it out from the ground and trim the leaves so that petioles remain, no larger than five centimeters in size, and plant it in another place, but on the south side of the house.

On a note. Once the plant takes root again, it will produce a tall stem that can reach eighty centimeters in height. This will be the testis. It must be fenced with stakes and tied up so that it does not fall under the weight of the filled pods.

Ripe pods become yellow color and open up. At this time, they are cut and hung in the shade with the top down to ripen the seeds. But you need to place a container under it so that the seeds that fall out of the pods are not lost. Take the seeds out of the pods already late autumn. To do this, you just need to knead them with your hands.

When collecting your own seed, consider the following guidelines:

  • hybrid radish varieties will not produce the expected seeds;
  • if you need to collect seeds from radishes, then it is best to plant the parent vegetable away from other cruciferous plants, since they have the ability to cross-pollinate;
  • the seeds have good germination even after six years.

If you are interested in how much seed is needed for sowing, then you should remember that ten grams contain a thousand seeds.

Sowing radishes

Before planting radishes, so that they grow large and juicy, you need to select the highest quality seeds. This is done in the following ways:

  1. Pour into a bowl with seeds fresh water room temperature. Leave for half an hour and after the empty seeds float, the water is drained. High-quality ones - need to be dried before sowing;
  2. A saline solution is made in a ratio of fifty grams of salt per liter of water. Pour the seeds over it and mix. After a few minutes, the empty seeds will rise to the surface. The water needs to be drained good family rinse and dry.

To prevent diseases, seeds can be filled with a solution of potassium permanganate. Before sowing, they need to be washed and dried. Many gardeners practice treating seed material with growth stimulants. This way the seedlings will emerge faster.

Strict selection of seed material

Before planting radishes in early spring, it is best to harden the material. To do this, the seeds need to be wrapped in wet gauze and kept for 24 hours. After this, they are placed in the refrigerator for no more than four hours. Afterwards, the seeds should again lie for a day at room temperature. Then put it back in the refrigerator for four hours, you need to alternate hardening in this way until the seeds hatch.

The finished seed material is sown in the ground. It should be known that the growth process was activated with the help of hardening. Sowing is carried out according to the following rules:

  1. Grooves are made one centimeter deep. The distance between rows should be at least ten centimeters;
  2. Pour water into the furrows and wait for it to be absorbed;
  3. Seeds are sown at a distance of five centimeters from each other;
  4. The furrow is covered with earth and compacted;
  5. The surface of the bed is watered.

Important! To ensure that radishes sprout quickly, it is recommended to cover the beds with film in the evenings. In the morning the film needs to be opened.

In the case when the plot at the dacha is very small and you want to grow your own vegetables, but at the same time save every piece of land, the question arises: how to plant radishes and leave room for another crop? In this case, radish sowing can be done using egg trays. The soil in the garden bed is watered abundantly and after the water is completely absorbed, a tray is placed on the bed and pressed down. A seed is sown in the holes left by the cell and covered with a layer of soil and compacted so that there are no voids.

Radish care

Don’t think that once you sow the seeds, you can forget about them until the harvest. To get a good harvest, you need to properly care for the beds. Care consists of:

  • watering;
  • weeding;
  • fertilizer.

Radish is a crop that loves moisture. Therefore, it needs to be watered twice a day. After sowing, watering is done at intervals of two or even four days. After germination, the amount of watering increases. IN hot weather Radishes begin to be watered in the morning and evening.

Water twice a day

In order for radishes to grow large and juicy, they need to be loosened and weeded from weeds. In addition, the seedlings need to be dressed. To reduce your labor, it is recommended to mulch the bed. To do this, use straw, peat or rotten leaves. This will stop the weeds from growing, and the moisture will evaporate more slowly.

A vegetable needs fertilizing only if it is sown in infertile soil. To do this, use a mixture of:

  • compost;
  • humus;
  • ash;
  • saltpeter;
  • superphosphate;
  • granular potassium.


Radishes are not harvested at the same time. This is done in several stages. Choose root vegetables that have reached a diameter of no less than one and a half centimeters. The radishes are cleared of soil, the leaves are cut off and packed into bags. After this, the radishes are placed in the refrigerator. The vegetable can be stored for no longer than three days. Before use, it is washed and served.

Planting and caring for radishes in open ground is not a difficult task. Even a novice gardener can cope with this. The only thing that is required is to properly care and not forget about watering.

Radish- a fast-growing vegetable spring time with a high content of vitamins, especially useful for the body after winter.

This cold-resistant crop can withstand frosts down to -2 degrees, but grows best at temperatures of +15 +18 degrees.

Let's take a closer look: how to grow radishes in open ground, caring for radishes from sowing seeds to harvesting.

Radish is a root vegetable with a diameter of 2.5 cm, with thin skin and a sharp taste. The color of the root vegetable can be red, pink, white-pink.

In order to enjoy radishes all summer long, they must be planted in stages throughout the summer, from May to August.

Timing for sowing radishes in open ground

Radishes can be sown in open ground from the end of April to the beginning of May. And in order for the vegetable to be constantly available, it should be sown in parts with an interval of 10-20 days.

It is better not to sow radishes in June, since this month has the longest days and the radishes enter the reproduction stage, forming arrows, without producing root crops. For normal development, radishes need 13 hours of daylight.

Radish seeds germinate at a temperature of +2 degrees.

The best predecessors in the area for growing radishes are cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes, and beans. It is advisable to change the place for radishes every year.

Sowing radish seeds in the ground

The most important condition for growing radishes is that they should not be planted densely. Therefore, the radish planting pattern should be 5 x 5 cm - between plants and between rows.

To do this, make shallow grooves and lay out radish seeds. Seeds are sown to a depth of 1 cm, sprinkled with soil and watered using a watering can with a diffuser.

Caring for radishes in open ground

Radish shoots appear in 3-4 days.

Basic care for radishes consists of timely watering, loosening row spacing and weeding.

During the first time after emergence of seedlings, the area with radishes need to water frequently, otherwise the root vegetables will be bitter. But don't overdo it excessive watering Root vegetables may crack.

In spring, radishes are watered every day after 17-00 or early in the morning. If it is not hot enough, water once every 2 days. Optimal humidity soil should be up to 80%.

Radish feeding on fertilized soils it is carried out once a season, on poor soils 2 times. Add a small amount of nitrogen so that root crops grow, not tops. For normal development, add 10 g of superphosphate and potassium fertilizers, 10 g ammonium nitrate and 1-1.5 liters of wood ash.

Harvest on time do not keep root vegetables in the ground in the hope of getting a large mass, the root crops may become hollow. Refer to the ripening dates indicated on the packaging for the radish variety.

The radish harvest should be selected selectively as it ripens unevenly.

Video - Tricks for growing radishes

Radish pests and diseases

The main pests of radishes are mole cricket and cruciferous flea beetle. The cruciferous flea beetle is very dangerous at the early stage of plant development and can destroy seedlings in a few days. To repel fleas, use a solution of wood ash - 2 cups per 10 liters of water, add 50 g of soap. Spray the plants with the prepared solution.

You can do it easier and scatter the ash over the radish area.

The following diseases are dangerous for radishes: bacteriosis and blackleg. Choose varieties for planting that are resistant to these diseases.

If you find diseased plants, remove them from the site.

Plants affected by blackleg- the plants' leaves turn yellow and curl, the bases of the stems turn black - treat 2-3 times with an interval of 7 days with an infusion of onion peels (20 g of peels are poured into 1 liter of hot water and left for 24 hours).

Popular varieties of radish

Varieties that ripen in 18-20 days– Firstborn, 18 days, Ilka, Saksa, French breakfast, Heat, White Fang.

Mid-season varieties with ripening periods of 30-35 days– Helios, Vera, Quantum, Zlata, Duro.

Late-ripening varieties with a ripening period of 36-40 days– Red Giant, Champion, Ice Icicle, Rumpouch, Dungan.

The earliest vegetable crop growing in the garden is radish. This is an unpretentious root vegetable that is valued for its unique taste and benefits for the body. Growing radishes in open ground does not cause much trouble; any beginner can handle it. However, to obtain good harvest you will have to take into account some of the subtleties of agricultural technology. Growing radishes at home the right approach will give any gardener real pleasure.

Due to its early ripening and cold resistance, radishes can grow in open ground with early spring until late autumn. In the south of the country you can harvest from the beds up to 4 times, in colder regions - 2-3 times. The timing of planting and ripening of vegetables depends climatic conditions and varietal characteristics.

Early ripening and early ripening radishes are sown in the spring, at the end of March or in April, when the soil is already slightly warmed up and average temperature air is about 15°C. The ripening of the crop occurs 17-21 days from the moment of sowing. Popular varieties are: 16 days, Heat, Presto, Carmen, French breakfast, Saxa.

Mid-season varieties are preferred in June-July. Accordingly, the seeds are sown 30-35 days before harvesting. Cardinal, Rebel, Ilko, Duro, Rubin distinguished themselves here.

Late-ripening varieties give the most bountiful harvest, which can be stored for up to two months. The crop is planted in August in open ground or in a greenhouse. Representatives of this group are considered to be the Red Giant, Rampoush, Ice Icicle, and Wurzburg.

Preparing for sowing

The key to growing vegetable crops is site preparation. Unfortunately, even experienced summer residents People often forget that autumn is the best time to tidy up the garden and apply fertilizer. Then the soil will rest over the winter, the fertilizers will dissolve and saturate the soil - the site will be ready for seasonal work. In spring, the main focus should be on crops and their care.

Depending on the type of plants that are grown as seedlings, the soil mixture can be made up of different components mixed in certain proportions. But in all cases it is necessary to comply with the initial requirements for seedling substrates. You can read more about how to prepare soil for seedlings in our separate

Radish seed prices

radish seeds

Choosing a suitable location

Radishes prefer light, loose, fertile soils with acidity close to neutral. If the soil is heavy and clayey, it is diluted with sand and peat during digging - this is a prerequisite, since dense soil the root crop will not be able to form. Ideal option are sandy and loamy soils.

The area should be open, but protected from the wind. Shaded places are not suitable - this is favorable for the tops, but not for the root crop. Lighting needs to be good, but not too long, no more than 12 hours a day. For this reason, in regions with long daylight hours, shaded areas after 5 pm are chosen to avoid bolting.

Radish predecessors

Radishes are one of those crops that grow well in a new place. Therefore, for its sowing, areas are chosen where legumes, nightshades, onions, and garlic previously grew. Bad predecessors are cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, radishes, turnips, mustard, horseradish, which have the same pests as radishes. Planting after them risks loss of harvest.

Advice: onions and garlic are ideal neighbors for radishes, as they repel cruciferous flea beetle- the main enemy of radishes. They can be used in joint plantings with radishes.

Preparing the site in the fall

Autumn work in the garden begins with the obligatory clearing of the intended area from remnants of vegetation. Under no circumstances should this vegetation be sent to compost pit, since it may contain pest larvae. It is best to burn it, of course, in compliance with all the rules established by the new law on waste burning.

After clearing the area, they begin to dig it up. Fertilizers are first spread on the site of future beds - peat is best suited. If humus is used instead of peat, then at a rate of no more than 1/2 bucket per 1m2 - you cannot abuse it, since an excess of nitrogen will only result in lush greenery in the beds.

If desired, add potassium salt and superphosphate, 1 tbsp each. l per 1m2, then the area is dug up deeply and left until spring. If the soil is too acidic, lime is added to the soil, but it cannot be combined with organic fertilizer(humus), since nitrogen is lost in this process. If necessary, replace lime wood ash or dolomite flour.

Preparing the site in spring

In the spring, with the onset of thaws, approximately 2-3 weeks before sowing the seeds, the area is dug up again and the hatching weeds are removed. Additionally, add a bucket of compost and 300 g of wood ash for each square meter. If the soil is oily, then add a little peat. Then the area is leveled with a rake and covered with black polyethylene so that the earth warms up faster. Immediately before sowing, the polyethylene is removed and furrows are made.

Peat prices

Video - How to prepare a site for sowing radishes

Radish seeds before sowing

Of course, you can sow dry, unprepared seeds, but then you should not expect a rich harvest. Germination will be uneven and susceptible to disease, and most root vegetables will be unattractive and unpalatable. This result is not worth the effort, so you need to do everything right from the very beginning.

Table 1. How to prepare seeds.

Seed selectionRadish seeds, like other crops, must be sorted out to leave the largest and healthiest ones. This is usually done manually, but a coarse sieve can be used to select specimens with a diameter of 2 mm - only large seeds contain a sufficient amount nutrients to produce strong shoots. The seed must be fresh, from the last harvest.

The best seedlings are produced by seeds with a diameter of 2-3 mm

SoakSoaking the seeds before planting is an impetus for their awakening. Traditionally, they are soaked in plain water, but biostimulants such as Zircon, Epin, and Ecogel are also used. Application similar means enriches seeds with nutritional elements, increases resistance to diseases and fungi. In this way, you can “reanimate” even old seed. Soaking is done by wrapping the seeds in a damp cloth 8-12 hours before sowing.

Warming upWarming up helps additional protection seeds from pathogens, increasing resistance to external factors. To do this, they are placed in hot water, after which they are removed and dried on a cloth. This procedure is carried out immediately before planting. Seeds cannot be stored after soaking and heating.

BubblingBubbling seeds is not a mandatory procedure, but its use can speed up germination by 1.5-2 times. The essence of the procedure is to soak the seed in water and simultaneously saturate it with oxygen. This requires a 1 liter container, an aquarium compressor and a seed funnel. During the process, it is important to ensure that the air stream is always in contact with the seeds, otherwise there will be no effect. Bubbling replaces the usual soaking procedure and lasts 8-12 hours.

You can sparge seeds without a funnel by correctly directing the compressor divider

And although at first glance everything is clear with the sowing dates, in relation to the most early landings there is one caveat - the ground must be warm enough for healthy seedlings to appear. Otherwise, condensation forms on the seeds and they dry out, which provides favorable soil for the development of pathological microbes. The result is weakened sprouts and a weak harvest.

Advice! For very early plantings, there is a proven method of preparing seed: the seeds are poured into a cloth bag, buried in the ground to a depth of 20 cm and left for a week. There they are soaked (not damped out), after which they are slightly dried, mixed with sand and sown in the ground.

Sowing seeds in open ground

Table 2. Traditional sowing of radishes.

Making furrowsThe furrows for radishes are made shallow, up to 2 cm. If the soil is heavy, the planting depth can be 1-1.5 cm, so that air can reach the seeds for development. It is better to make furrows from east to west. This way the beds will be better illuminated in the first half of the day, and will not overheat during the hottest hours.

We water the place of future plantingsWhen the furrows are ready, they are carefully and well watered with plain water, with the expectation that the next watering will be only after the emergence of seedlings. After this, the bottom can be sprinkled with wood ash as additional feeding and protection.

Lay out the seedsIt is better to lay out the seeds individually every 5 cm. With this calculation, thinning will not be required, and as the seedlings grow, they will not interfere with each other - the root crops will form normally.

Sprinkle the grooves with soilSprinkle the crops only with dry soil. It is undesirable to be wet, since a thick crust forms on the surface - an obstacle to future shoots, which cannot be loosened due to the likelihood of damage to delicate sprouts. The furrows are filled, lightly compacted and mulched a little with peat or sawdust on top.

Video - how to sow radishes

Sowing with a marker

The principle of sowing radishes remains traditional with one exception: the seeds are placed not in furrows, but in holes made with a marker. A marker is a board or a group of connected boards, from which protrudes teeth 1 cm high, located every 5 cm. The marker is applied to a flat piece of ground, pressed into the soil, and then removed. There are many holes left on the ground where the seeds are planted. Planting using this method gives up to 5 kg of yield per 1 m2.

Pre-winter sowing

If you plan to plant radishes for winter, then you need to prepare the beds already in October. To do this, choose an area with a southern or southeastern slope that will not be flooded during the spring melting of snow. Dry seeds are planted with the onset of stable frosts, around November. However, you can also sow in the middle of winter directly into frozen ground. Then the harvest can be obtained in early April.

Sowing in egg containers

This method has become popular, as it allows you to rationally arrange the seeds on optimal distance from each other. In addition, egg containers protect plantings from weeds and at the same time act as mulch, retaining moisture in the soil.

The technology for sowing radishes in egg containers is as follows:

  • The collected containers are heated in the oven at 70°C or wiped with alcohol to disinfect;
  • Using a stationery knife, cut off the bottoms of individual cells on one side;
  • The trays are laid out on the ground with their bottoms cut down, slightly pressing into the soil so that the soil appears slightly upward;
  • Using wire, they make kind of staples and secure the containers with them so that they are not torn off by the wind;
  • Place the seeds in cells (one seed is enough) and sprinkle with sand or peat.

Further care for radishes consists only of watering - thinning, weeding, loosening and mulching are not required.

Growing and care

In good weather, seeds germinate in 3-5 days. If the seedlings are dense, they need to be thinned out immediately until root system undeveloped. They only leave strong shoots every 5-6 cm. Otherwise, radish care is usual:

  • maintaining humidity;

With a lack of moisture, root crops become bitter, and if you add elevated temperatures, the plant will sprout and the root crop will not form at all. The optimal soil moisture for radishes is 75-80%, so in hot weather it requires daily watering. better evening. The soil should be constantly moist and not dry out, then the radishes will be juicy and large.

  • loosening the soil and weeding;

Lack of loosening is detrimental for radishes - watering compacts the earth, as a result of which the root crop is blocked from accessing air and moisture. Therefore, at first, you need to periodically lightly fluff up the soil to a depth of 3 cm. In the future, the depth of loosening can be increased to 5-6 cm, while simultaneously removing hatched weeds.

  • feeding;

At the growth stage, radishes are fed if for some reason the soil was not fertilized before sowing. In this case, preference is given to complex mineral fertilizers, which are scattered over the beds or embedded in the soil during loosening. Repeated feeding is carried out when signs of deficiency of any element are observed. For example, lush greenery indicates an excess of nitrogen, which means you need to fertilize with potassium and phosphorus.

  • hilling.

You can hill up radishes while loosening. This helps prevent the plant from bolting and promotes the formation of roots of the correct shape.

Diseases and pests

Radishes have a short growing season, so disease problems rarely occur. However, if the conditions of growth and care are violated, the plant can be affected by diseases such as:

  • clubroot – develops from growing too much acidic soils. It appears in the form of bumps and growths on the fruit, yellowing and wilting of foliage. Treated by liming the soil. There is about 1 liter of lime milk per plant;

  • vascular bacteriosis - occurs when the crop is over-watered and damaged by fungi. It manifests itself in the form of blackening of the veins on the leaves - the leaves turn yellow, crumble and fall off. As a measure to prevent the disease, it is necessary to observe crop rotation and disinfect seeds in hot water;

  • mosaic is a viral disease of radish in which the plant is completely destroyed. Manifests itself in the form of the formation of necrotic spots on the leaves. The carriers are aphids, weevils, and mites, so, first of all, you need to fight them.

Radish is a fairly cold-resistant crop. It can withstand frosts down to -2 0 C. Optimal temperature for growth +18 0 C. Let's consider everything possible options sowing

Radishes begin to be sown in open ground from late April to early May. To ensure that the vegetable is always on your table, sow the seeds in parts with an interval of 10-20 days. Radishes can be sown virtually all summer, with the exception of June. Why? Let's find out now.

Video about growing radishes

June has the longest days. The optimal length of daylight for normal development of root crops is 8-10 hours. If the length of the day increases to 14 hours, the plant begins to move from development to reproduction. The radishes will go into arrows, will not produce root crops, or they will be very small and tough. Early varieties have time to ripen before the onset of long days. There is no point in sowing late-ripening varieties. They do not have time to gain weight and go into the arrow. To get a decent harvest, you need to choose the right variety that will not fade in color from the summer heat, or provide shading at the planting site. If it is impossible to create such conditions on the site, then it is better to continue growing radishes in mid-July - September, when daylight hours begin to wane. In this case, the radishes do not shoot, the fruits grow large and tasty. You can also sow radishes before winter, but we will talk about it a little later.

Radish photo

So, we have decided on the sowing dates. Now let’s decide what varieties we will sow. Sow in spring early radishes Early red and 18 days>. There are many varieties that are intended specifically for summer sowing. They will take longer to grow but form larger root crops such as Octave, Red Giant and Red Giant. Already at the beginning of September you will receive the first juicy fruits. Some late-ripening varieties, such as Red Giant, can be stored in the cellar for up to 2 months. The most popular varieties:
  • 18 days – an ultra-early early ripening variety forms an elongated root crop cylindrical weighing up to 17 g with a pink upper part and a white tail. The white, dense pulp has a slightly pungent taste.
  • Zhara is an early ripening variety, ripening 18-20 days after germination. The round, red-raspberry root vegetable has a mildly pungent taste and has juicy, tender flesh.
  • French Breakfast is an early ripening variety, ripening in 21-23 days. Red-crimson root vegetables are cylindrical in shape with a white tip. Tender, dense pulp with a slightly pungent taste.
  • Carmen – early variety forms a round, red fruit with a slightly pungent taste in 20 days.

Radish in the photo

  • Cardinal is a mid-early hybrid that produces a rounded red root crop in 25 days. The variety is resistant to flowering.
  • Red giant is a mid-season variety for long-term storage. Carmine-red root crops take up to 3-40 days to form and reach a weight of up to 150 g. The ripening period is 30-40 days. The white-pink dense pulp is pleasant to the taste.
  • Octave< – среднеспелый сорт. Белый округлый корнеплод с нежной мякотью без пустот с маслянистым привкусом.
  • Red giant - late-ripening variety for long-term storage. Pink-red large, elongated cylindrical root vegetables reach a weight of up to 300 g. The white juicy pulp has a pleasant sweet-sharp taste.
Many gardeners are concerned about the question: will radishes really take 18 days to ripen in the time stated in the name? Experience shows that radishes of this variety can be harvested 23-25 ​​days after germination. The plant forms a root crop in 18 days under certain weather conditions and temperature.

All radishes with a white tip, for example 18 days, French Breakfast, should not be kept in the ground in anticipation of the root crop gaining more mass. The fruits subsequently tend to become hollow.

When grown correctly, radishes crunch and squirt with juice when cut. The pulp is without fibers and voids.

Radish in the photo

  • Method No. 1
What soil is needed for sowing? Radishes prefer loose, moist soils. Before growing radishes, you need to prepare the site: dig up, add rotted manure, break up the clods, and level the soil. It is important to remember that the plant does not tolerate fresh manure. Under no circumstances should you fertilize the soil with fresh soil. Better garden bed under early radish prepare in the fall. Add 1 bucket of rotted manure per 1 m2 to the soil. Before sowing, we water the soil well and make shallow rows. When the seeds are planted deeply, the root crop changes shape. The optimal planting depth is 1 cm. Radish seeds are sown at a distance of 5 cm from each other, laid out individually. The beds are made one after another at a distance of 10 cm or more. After the seeds have been spread out, close the bed and press it firmly with your palm so that the soil comes into more contact with the seeds. This way they will germinate faster. Under good weather conditions, seedlings appear within 3-4 days. So that the radishes sown in April grow good and juicy, cover the crops with film from 5 pm until the morning.

The photo shows the preparation of a place for planting radishes

  • Method No. 2
How to grow radishes when space is limited personal plot very little? For limited areas good results gives the use of a special marker. On the board, teeth are made to a depth of 1 cm according to the 5x5 pattern. Thus, 400 seeds are placed per 1 m2. It turns out to be continuous sowing, not in rows. Radishes grow one to one. Before sowing, the soil should be moist, homogeneous and free of lumps. If the area is skewed, the cloves will not leave imprints. We place the marker on the soil and walk along it, pressing it into the ground. The marker leaves holes. We recapture the land that sticks to it. Even holes are formed into which we place the seeds, cover them with earth and press them with our palm. With this sowing, you can get up to 5 kg of harvest from 1 m2.

Photo of a seeder for sowing radishes

When sowing radishes before winter, choose a flat area with light sandy or sandy loam soils with a slope to the south or southeast. The site should not be flooded by spring waters. The rows are cut in the second half of October. When persistent frosts occur, sowing with dry seeds begins. The most best time from November 5 to 20. The seeds are covered with peat or humus.
  • Method No. 4 (winter sowing)
Winter sowing in December - February directly into frozen soil ensures early emergence and harvest 2 weeks earlier than in spring. The beds are prepared in October. Cut grooves 4-5 cm deep. In winter, snow is removed from the ridges, seeds are laid out and covered with compost or peat to a depth of 2 cm.

Crop care

Proper cultivation Radishes require compliance with some rules. After sowing, radishes are watered every day. Dry topsoil is death for young seedlings. You also need to regularly weed and loosen the soil. To make it easier to care for wet soil lay mulch in a layer of up to 2 cm. Use humus or peat as mulch. Weeds are removed regularly. Radishes are very moisture-loving. The optimal soil moisture should be 80%. This is a lot, so the plant must be watered often. At rare watering root vegetables become bitter. In case of insufficient humidity and elevated temperature the plant goes into an arrow, flowering appears. As a result, radishes do not form root crops. If the soil moisture is uneven, the fruits will crack.

Video about growing and caring for radishes

If the seedlings are dense, then it is necessary to thin them out, leaving one sprout per 5 cm. But, it is advisable to immediately sow the seeds at a certain distance from each other, since thinning damages the delicate roots of neighboring plants. Harvesting is carried out as they ripen. If the size of the root vegetable has reached normal size, carefully pull it out and serve it to the table.

For most people, radishes are their favorite spring vegetable, without which they cannot cook various salads and dishes. Thanks to the content large quantity vitamins and microelements, consuming this vegetable will bring many benefits to the body. Self-grown radishes will be of great benefit, since they do not contain nitrates.

Video about super way growing radishes:

general information

Radishes are annual or biennial plants and belong to the cruciferous family. Annuals are European varieties, and two-year-olds are Japanese or Chinese.

Description of appearance:

  • The leaves are simple, petiolate, entire or lyre-shaped, with a pubescence of hard hairs, collected in a rosette;
  • Leaf sizes vary from 5 to 20-25 cm, with a wide variety of colors from light green to rich green;
  • Taproot type of root system;
  • Flowers with a diameter of 1.5 cm, white, pinkish or purple;
  • After flowering for 30-35 days, fruit pods are formed from 2.5 to 7.5 cm long, each containing 6-12 round light brown seeds;
  • A root vegetable with a diameter of 1.5-10 cm can have an islandy taste due to the mustard oil content, or be juicy without bitterness;
  • The root vegetable is round, oval-cylindrical or elongated cone-shaped, like a carrot;
  • The root vegetable has a red, pink, yellow, white, purple or green color. There are also specimens with a white tip;
  • The pulp is snow-white, white-pink or pink in color;
  • The average weight is determined by the variety and varies from 5 to 35 grams, but there are giant root vegetables weighing up to 100 grams.

Tricks and secrets for growing radishes:

When to sow?

It is optimal to sow radishes in the spring, since this is due to biological features culture. Planted no earlier than the end of March. Radish has good frost resistance; the seeds tolerate temperatures down to -5 ºС. Spring planting of radishes allows you to plant others in this area after harvesting. vegetable crops, since it is an excellent precursor for most vegetables (potatoes, cabbage, eggplant). Radishes are short growing season, and harvesting just happens to start planting the rest cultivated plants. Therefore it is possible reuse one plot twice per season.

The best varieties for home

When choosing a variety, the following conditions are taken into account:

  • Boarding time:
  • Planting site (open ground or greenhouse);
  • Region.

Suitable varieties for spring planting in open ground:

  1. "Early Red" Characterized by early ripening and high yield. Dark red root vegetables have tender flesh. Almost never shoots;
  2. "16 days." Belongs to early varieties, the growing season is 16 days. Pink root vegetables with snow-white flesh have a slightly tart taste and are almost resistant to cracking;
  3. "Heat". Also an early variety, full ripening occurs in 20 days. Raspberry root vegetables with pinkish flesh have a slightly pungent flavor;
  4. "French Breakfast" The ripening period is 23 days. Root vegetables of an elongated shape with white flesh and a delicate taste.

In the regions of Siberia and the Urals, early ripening varieties are grown:

  • "Duro";
  • "Presto";
  • "Poker F1".

REFERENCE: These varieties have increased resistance to low temperatures. Thanks to this, they tolerate short frosts well and are able to grow in unfavorable climatic conditions.

Soil preparation and fertilization

How to prepare the soil:

  • Before planting radishes, the soil is plowed and harrowed;
  • Small beds are dug up and the soil is treated with a rake to crush large lumps of earth;
  • Manure is added to the soil only a year before planting, not earlier. This is due to the poor response of radishes to fresh manure;
  • It is recommended to fertilize the soil in the fall with fertilizers containing potassium and phosphorus (superphosphate and potassium nitrate). Feeding must be done strictly following the instructions.

Timing and rate of sowing

When to sow:

  • In Siberia. In the Siberian region, the crop is planted in the spring in late April. A prerequisite is well-warmed soil;
  • In the Urals. In the Ural region, planting is carried out in mid-April, after the snow cover has melted, in completely thawed soil, and in the absence of possible return frosts;
  • IN Middle lane Russia. Planting begins at the end of March, not earlier. The main requirement for planting is the absence of frost and snow cover on the ground.

The timing of harvest depends on the variety and quality seed material. However, these periods can be adjusted by monitoring the temperature regime of the soil and air. The most comfortable temperature conditions for the growth of radish and its seeds in open ground:

  • For seed to germinate, the air and soil temperature must be from +5 to +8 ºС;
  • For radishes to grow actively, the air temperature needs to be +14 ºС, the soil temperature from +10 to +12 ºС;
  • Rapid growth will be ensured by air temperature +20 ºС, soil temperature from +16 to +18 ºС.

Planting and growing radishes in open ground

Pre-sowing preparation:

  • Before planting, the seed material must be sorted. Give preference to large seeds with a diameter of 3 mm, as they will provide good germination and a rich harvest;
  • Some gardeners ignore pre-planting treatment seed material. However, to improve seed germination, it is worth keeping the seed material for 24 hours in a damp cloth. Keeping the seeds in water (temperature + 45 ºС) for 15 minutes will also ensure early germination.

Basic landing rules:

  • On landing site make furrows 2 cm deep;
  • Sand and wood ash must be added to the bottom of the furrows;
  • An interval of 5 cm is maintained between seeds, the row spacing should be 15 cm;
  • The planted seeds are sprinkled with one centimeter of soil. Excessively buried seed material produces root crops with a fibrous structure;
  • Planting is carried out manually, using a rake and a hoe as equipment;
  • Upon completion of planting, water the beds and mulch to retain moisture in the ground.


IMPORTANT: A lack of moisture in the soil causes radishes to bloom.

How to care:

  • Moderate watering is necessary every two days;
  • Get rid of it in a timely manner weeds. If the plantings are thickened, thin out the crop;
  • During long daylight hours, be sure to reduce the period of illumination - after six o'clock in the evening, the beds need to be covered;
  • If diseases and pests are present, immediately treat the plantings with insecticides and fungicides;
  • It is not recommended to feed it with nitrogen-containing fertilizers;

Radishes have the ability to accumulate nitrates in root crops.

  • Fertilize the soil in the fall using potassium nitrate and superphosphate.

Following the rules of agricultural technology, as well as creating favorable conditions cultivation can be guaranteed to be obtained excellent harvest radishes without much difficulty. Spring growing radishes will provide a tasty and crunchy vegetable in your diet. Radishes have a pleasant taste and big amount vitamins.