Plant hoof. Useful and medicinal properties of European hoof. Species and varieties

Plant hoof.  Useful and medicinal properties of European hoof.  Species and varieties
Plant hoof. Useful and medicinal properties of European hoof. Species and varieties

There is such a category of plants that are little known and inconspicuous in their natural habitat, but as soon as they are placed in the garden, they immediately bloom (literally or figuratively) and show all their hidden "talents".

Kopyten, he is azarum, one of them. Distributed throughout Europe, South East Asia and not only. Settles in moist shady places, mainly in coniferous and mixed forests. It has varieties, but with us, you will often meet evergreen species- European.

It is easy to recognize the azarum: the leaves are heart-shaped (resembling a hoof) or spear-shaped, long-leaved, forming a creeping carpet on the ground, less often curtains.

The European hoof, beloved by gardeners, has leathery dense leaves of rich green color.


Azarum european(Asarum europaeum)

  • Habitat: throughout Europe and in the south of Western Siberia.
  • Color spectrum: dark green glossy leaves forming a carpet.
  • Height: up to 10 cm
  • Growing conditions: in the shade of the garden, where the soil is always moist.
  • Peculiarities: evergreen perennial with leathery reniform leaves, medicinal plant.

Azarum tailed(Asarum caudatum)

  • Habitat: Western North America
  • Color spectrum: light green juicy color of foliage
  • Height: 10-15 cm.
  • Growing conditions: shade, partial shade, moist humus soils, frost resistance up to -18 Celsius.
  • Peculiarities: evergreen perennial with pubescent leaves up to 15 cm long, kidney-shaped with pointed tips, winters well under snow in the Middle lane, quickly recovers when frozen.


European hoof is a poisonous and, as it happens at the same time, medicinal plant. It causes a gag reflex in people who take alcohol (such a wonderful reaction!) and is widely used in traditional medicine. But in order to feel negative impact, you need to at least eat it :)

The wild hoof blooms inconspicuously, under the canopy of its own leaves, but its flowers, although small, are rather entertaining.


The shady paths of the garden are best framed with an azarum border. A dense cushion will ideally shade the paving material or the mulch layer of the garden path and will not give a single chance to weeds. The relatively rapid growth of the creeping rhizome will allow you to densely fill the space in just three to four years.

The same feature of growth determines the use of wild hoof in the design of the near-stem zone of trees.

Small stature and high decorativeness provided the azarum with a place in the front rows of the parterre of the garden.

And the hoof looks great against the background of stones.


The best and, perhaps, the only use of azarum in a mixborder is the lower tier and foreground of a shady flower garden.

Many gardeners like to use plants on their plots that decoratively cover the soil under the trees and form a green and elegant carpet on it. The most common and unpretentious among them is the European hoof. It is a perennial, low and evergreen plant.

In nature, there are more than 60 species of this pretty grass. The most common and well-known are the Siebold's hoof, which grows mainly in the Far East, and the Canadian hoof, originally from the USA and Canada. The plant got its name from interesting shape a bright green leaf that resembles the outline of a horse's hoof.

For many years of reign in the gardens and forests of the European part of Russia, the European hoof has been awarded many different names. Majority folk names associated with its healing and beneficial properties:

  • ipecac. Infusions and decoctions prepared from the root of the hoof are used to stimulate vomiting;
  • wild pepper or wild ginger. If you pick a leaf of a plant and rub it with your fingers, you can feel its bitter taste;
  • core. Clove tincture normalizes cardiac arrhythmia. In a number of countries, European wild ginger is used in pharmacological preparations used in chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • fever grass. Wild hoof has an excellent anti-inflammatory and expectorant effect and is effectively used to treat acute respiratory viral infections, bronchitis, and a lingering cough.

Also, this plant is referred to as butterbur, earthen incense, undergrowth and turpentine root.

Note! The plant contains the poisonous component "azaron", the hoof should be used with extreme caution and only under the supervision of the attending physician.

Women during pregnancy and lactation, as well as young children, should not use preparations containing this perennial.

European hoof (Asarum europaeum) since ancient times it has been successfully used by healers and healers. Even the legendary scientist Avicenna prescribed the root of the hoof to his patients for the treatment of dropsy, hepatic ailments, and as a means to increase potency.

Botanical characteristics of the hoof

The plant has a brownish recumbent stem, which is covered with small hair roots and creeping roots of a larger size. Young shoots with roots spread along the ground and take root - this is how a small neat bush is formed, which gradually occupies more and more space. The plant grows up to 5-15 cm.

The hoof grass has small single flowers of a dark red hue in the shape of a bell. Perennial flowering can be missed if you do not look under its wide leaves. Flowers bloom in late spring, and a month later the bell flower turns into a small box with seeds. Very often, the seeds are taken away by ants who love to feast on them. It is with the help of ants that grass is pollinated by seed.

The flowers of the plant are bisexual, i.e. they contain both pistils and stamens. Due to this property, self-pollination of grass can occur if the ants have not done this.

AT winter time perennial leaves are well preserved under snow cover, after wintering, some of them fall off the stem. The remaining last year's leaves are dark in color, they are thick and shiny. Young leaves are lighter and more tender.

On a note! To use the ungulate for medicinal purposes, its roots and leaves are usually used.

Roots should be harvested in spring or autumn. Leaves are best collected during flowering or immediately after it. However, they will not lose their properties, even if they are collected until the arrival of autumn. Clove leaves are dried in the shade, with good air ventilation or in dryers at a temperature not exceeding 35 ° C. The resulting raw materials are kept in glass containers, but not more than 1 year.

Pharmacological properties and uses of the herb

The chemical composition of the European hoof contains a sufficient amount of biologically active substances and micronutrients. For example, essential oils, various useful resins, organic acids and their salt components, tannins, alkaloids, starch, etc. The evergreen perennial for medicinal purposes can be used both independently and in combination with other healing plants and herbs.

European hoof is used as an emetic, sedative, diuretic and choleretic agent. In addition, the herb helps:

  • effectively deal with human helminths;
  • remove chronic inflammatory processes in the body;
  • improve digestion, used to treat gastritis, enteritis, some liver diseases and stomach ulcers;
  • fight epilepsy, relieve headaches and some neurotic conditions;
  • treat purulent acne and wounds, eczema and other inflammatory processes of the skin;

In addition, the essential oil extracted from the roots of the perennial is successfully used in dentistry, perfumery and the food industry.

Magical use of grass

The medicinal herb is used by traditional healers and official medicine for the preparation of tinctures, decoctions, powders, medicinal ointments and creams for external use.

However, the plant is often used for more than just medicinal purposes. Magic also recognizes his healing abilities.

Dried leaves of grass fumigate the house to purify it from unclean forces. To protect against the evil eye or damage, small dry roots of the plant are often hidden in wearable amulets and amulets. It was also customary to hang a dried hoof over the door to protect animals from the evil eye.

Alcoholism treatment, prescriptions

In Rus', this herb was successfully used to get rid of alcoholism. Moreover, the healers knew the recipes that were used when the alcoholic did not recognize his problem, i.e. treatment was carried out without the knowledge of the drinker. This recipe has survived to this day.

Recipe 1. One tablespoon of dry root is poured into a glass of water, simmered for 5 minutes and left for an hour. In order for the patient to receive the infusion without suspicion, 1 spoon of the product is diluted with 200 grams of vodka and allowed to be taken 2 times a day on an empty stomach.

Taking such a “mysterious vodka”, the patient develops vomiting and, as a result, an aversion to alcohol. After 3-4 treatments, alcohol will cause vomiting even without the use of hoof tincture.

There were also special methods of treatment when a person himself wanted to stop drinking and get rid of this addiction. Over time, the recipes for the treatment of alcoholism with the help of a green perennial were not lost, but only improved and slightly modified.

Recipe 2. Take 1 tsp. hoof and mixed with 2 tsp. green walnut skin. A teaspoon of the resulting mixture is diluted in 4 liters of wine and infused for 14 days. Take on an empty stomach 1 glass a day. This recipe also causes a feeling of nausea and vomiting, and as a result, self-medication occurs, by voluntarily giving up alcohol.

However, due to the fact that the plant contains the poisonous component "azaron", self-use of herbs from drunkenness is strongly discouraged. An overdose of the drug is unacceptable - it can lead to serious consequences and complications. Herb hoof from alcoholism is allowed only in special anti-alcohol collections that combine herbs and plants that are compatible with each other, which weaken cravings for alcohol and have a general healing effect. In particular, the StopAlcohol-Elite phytocollection has proven itself well, which, in addition to hoof, includes tansy, wormwood, and others. unique plants northern and western parts of Russia.

Flower in garden design

AT natural conditions wild hoof grows in the forest. On garden plot cultivars of the plant will be indispensable and full-fledged participants in the shady places of the garden, as well as decoration for the design of alpine slides.

The grass is harmoniously combined with other lovers of shady areas of the garden. For example, a European hoof will look great if an ornamental fern or small coniferous bushes grow nearby. Hoof adorns the garden for almost the entire season: in early spring after the snow melts, the perennial will delight the owner with its green bushes, and with the onset of cold weather it will go green and alive under the snow. The hoof does not require special care, loves watering and care. Timely removal of weeds will be useful.

Another advantage of grass is its reproduction on the site. To do this, you need to cut off the delenka from the main bush and plant it in a new place. The plant prefers humus-rich soils - loamy and clayey. You can breed at any time.

It is worth getting to know such a wonderful and useful plant and decorate your garden with neat European hoof bushes.

In the article we discuss the hoof - its variety European hoof, description, places where the hoof grows, chemical composition and medicinal properties. You will learn how to use a hoof decoction for alcoholism, whether it will help with cancer and what attracts landscape designers this is a plant.

Hoof (Asarum) is a herbaceous flowering evergreen plant of the Aristolochiaceae family. In Russia, the most common species is European hoof or European hoof (Asarum europaeum).

Claw synonyms - emetic root, wild pepper, emetic, earthen incense, hare root, core, gryzhnik, fever grass, vomit, wine root, hoof, chicken paw, undergrowth, turpentine root, black ranunculus, dry aquarius.

What does it look like

Appearance (photo) hoof The European hoof is a herbaceous perennial plant with a branched cord-like rhizome. At the hoof, the height is from 10 to 15 cm. The short creeping stems of the plant end in two hoof-shaped leathery leaves that cover the ground with a continuous glossy dark green carpet.

The tops of each stem produce bell-shaped flowers less than 10 mm in diameter each spring. Because of their size, they are rarely seen in European hoof photos. Clefthoof flowers have an original coloration - brownish-green on the outside and reddish-brown inside, as well as a unique vanilla smell. It is he who attracts the main pollinators of the plant - ants.

After pollination of the grass, the hoofer appears a fruit - a hexagonal box with a huge number of small wrinkled seeds.

Where does it grow

European hoof is a shade-loving plant that prefers clay and loamy soils rich in humus. Where does European hoof grow?

  • broad-leaved and spruce-broad-leaved forests;
  • thickets of hazel;
  • spruce, aspen and birch forests in the north.

The European hoof distribution area is the European part of Russia, the south of Western Siberia, Ukraine, Belarus and Altai.

hoof root

In medicine, the root and leaves of the hoof are used. The plant is almost completely considered a medicinal raw material, however, in folk medicine, the root of the hoof and its leaves are used.

Chemical composition

At the roots of the hoof, the medicinal properties and contraindications are due to the unique chemical composition:

  • glycosides of the cardiac group;
  • alkaloid azarine;
  • tannins;
  • resinous substances;
  • mucus and resin;
  • starch;
  • organic acids;
  • essential oils;
  • flavonoids;
  • phenolcarboxylic acids.

Medicinal properties

The hoof of the European root has a wide pharmacological effect:

  • expectorant;
  • emetic;
  • hemostatic;
  • soothing;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • laxative;
  • antipyretic;
  • diuretic;
  • anti-sclerotic.

Cleft hoof root is used to treat scabies, festering ulcers and wounds. It regulates the activity of the stomach and the menstrual cycle, helps with cystitis, nephritis, sciatica, jaundice, hypotension, dropsy, migraine, heart failure, malaria, eye diseases, epilepsy, neuroses and hysteria.

The root of the hoof from alcoholism has gained great fame - the reviews of those who have been treated with a decoction of the hoof speak of its high efficiency.

How to collect

In prescriptions for medicines based on European hoof, the instructions for use include only dried raw materials. The plant contains dangerous organic compound azaron terpenoid. In large quantities, it causes death of a person. Drying the ungulate root significantly reduces the amount of asarone.

If you want to dry the plant yourself, follow the recommendations:

  1. Start harvesting the roots in autumn or early spring.
  2. Sort the raw materials, rinse thoroughly and cut into pieces.
  3. Spread the roots out on clean bedding under a shed or in a room that is well ventilated and out of the rain.
  4. After drying, store raw materials in paper bags or glass jars with tight fitting lids.
  5. If it is not possible to dry the roots on outdoors, put them on a baking sheet and dry in the oven at a temperature of up to 50 ° C.

Some recipes call for hoof grass, more specifically leaves and flowers. Collect them in May during the flowering period until mid-June. Sort the leaves, remove the spoiled ones and dry in the shade as well as the roots. Keep away from roots.

How to apply

Most often, European hoof is used to treat alcoholism. The effect of therapy resembles the effect of drugs - alcoblockers. When a person consumes alcohol at the same time as taking the plant, he begins to vomit severely. After several such receptions, a persistent reflex is created in an alcoholic - he feels unwell due to the taste and smell of alcohol alone.

If you properly prepare and use European hoof from alcoholism, reviews say that a persistent aversion to alcoholic beverages occurs in a couple of days. Although the timing of the appearance of this effect is individual in each case.

Also, a decoction or tincture of wild hoof is popular in the treatment of cancer. In this case, it must be combined with taking a decoction of cocklebur and do not start treatment without first consulting a doctor.

Decoction for alcoholism

A decoction of wild hoof causes a persistent aversion to alcohol. The most popular prescription for medicine is a decoction of European hoof from alcoholism based on a dried root. He possesses the large quantity bitter essential oil, which causes a gag reflex.

Before brewing hoof for alcoholism, make sure that children and other family members do not have access to the decoction. Add liquid to drinks or food in the strictly indicated dosage. Do not make too much alcohol decoction of the plant and do not store it for a long time.

Keep in mind that vomiting will only start when the person takes alcohol. It does not matter where you mixed the root - in cognac, wine, vodka, coffee, soup, porridge or roast. If on the same day an alcoholic drinks even a glass of alcohol, he will become ill. If he just drinks hoof tea, he will feel good all day long.


  1. Coffin root - 1 tbsp.
  2. Water (boiling water) - 220 ml.

How to cook: Grind the roots of the plant, pour boiling water, put the dishes on low heat and boil for 5-7 minutes. Remove the dishes from the stove, cover and leave for 60 minutes, then strain the drink through cheesecloth.

How to use: Add 2 tbsp. per 500 ml of liquid or 500 g of food.

Result: Claw root for alcoholism when mixed with an alcohol-containing drink will cause nausea and vomiting. After a few days, a constant gag reflex causes a strong aversion to alcohol.

The herb hoof for drunkenness is also effective and helps a person to stop drinking quickly. Try making a hoof wine tincture for alcoholism.


  1. Grass hoof - 1 tsp
  2. Walnut skin - 2 tsp
  3. Wine - 4 l.

How to cook: Grind the grass of the plant and the skin of the walnut fruit. Mix the ingredients and pour 1 tsp. wine blends. Insist 21 days.

How to use: Give 1 glass 60 minutes before meals 1-2 times a day.

Result: Herb hoof from alcoholism weakens a person's craving for alcohol, reduces his alcohol dependence and heals the body.

Decoction for oncology (from cancer)

At the 4th stage of oncological disease, an infusion of hoof grass helps, if it is combined with a decoction of cocklebur. Keep this remedy for no more than 2 days. Be careful with the dosage and preparation scheme, as the plant is poisonous.


  1. Grass hoof - 1 tbsp.
  2. Water - 1 glass.

How to cook: Grind the herb in a coffee grinder, fill with water and place on water bath for 30 minutes. Leave the decoction for 30-60 minutes. Don't strain.

How to use: Take 1 tbsp. 4 times a day before meals. The course of treatment lasts 3 months, then take a break for 3-4 weeks.

Result: Infusion on the herb hoof increases the tone of the body, has a positive effect on the heart, returns the patient energy and vigor.

Hoof in landscape design

The hoof is used in landscape design Wild hoof in landscape design is in great demand because of its decorative leaves, which form a beautiful low carpet in the garden. It complements other plants well and serves as a spectacular backdrop for ferns, kupena and others. shade-loving plants with matte light leaves.

European hoof looks good next to anemones and blueberries. It is used for monoplanting, planting in the form of flower beds around trees.


It is forbidden to use the root or grass of the hoof in the following cases:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • age over 65 years;
  • any form of hypertension;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • nervous or physical exhaustion.

Do not give decoctions and tinctures of ungulate in a double dose. Otherwise, you will seriously harm the health of a person and possibly cause his death.


Asarum europaeum European hoof belongs to the Aristolochiaceae family of the Asarum genus and unites more than 70 plant species.


Common types of hoof, in addition to the European variety:

  • Asarum asaroides - hoof-shaped hoof;
  • Asarum campaniflorum - bell-flowered hoof;
  • Asarum balansae - Balansy's hoof;
  • Asarum canadense - Canadian hoof;
  • Asarum macranthum - large-flowered hoof;
  • Asarum blumei - Blume's hoof;
  • Asarum himalaicum - Himalayan hoof.

For more information about the hoof, see the video:

Claw infographic

Photo hoof, his beneficial features and application
Hoof infographic

What to remember

  1. The hoof is herbaceous plant with small hoof-shaped leaves, which spreads along the ground in a continuous dark green carpet.
  2. The chemical composition of the plant is toxic substances, the concentration of which decreases if the hoof is dried.
  3. How to use the hoof from alcoholism - add a decoction of the plant to alcohol or coffee, porridge, roast on the day when the alcoholic is going to drink.
  4. For oncology, make a decoction of hoof grass and take it for 3 months.

Properties wild plant ungulates have found use in the treatment of alcohol dependence. Despite their poisonous properties, grass hoof from alcoholism helps quite well. This plant is found in the forests of the middle climatic zone of Eurasia. It is also known as hoof, European hoof, black ranunculus, azarum and by other names. Perennial with a powerful sprawling root system, short stems and large heart-shaped (or spade-shaped) leaves.

The root of the hoof, like its leaves, has long been used for food poisoning, since the decoction of this plant causes a strong vomiting urge, which helps to empty the stomach. In addition to this, this plant has proven itself as effective remedy from drunkenness.

How does this herb help with alcoholism?

This plant contains substances that form a persistent aversion to alcohol. With the joint use of a decoction of the hoof with alcohol, severe vomiting and an aversion to alcohol appear. After several times of joint use, a gag reflex to alcohol in a person appears already without a hoof.


If you regularly give an alcoholic a decoction of wild hoof, he will not be able to drink, since the attacks of nausea and vomiting will be so strong that he will no longer be able to drink ethyl alcohol. This is one of those cases where the treatment of alcoholism can be carried out without the knowledge of the patient.

Some wives secretly add hoof to their husbands in order to get rid of drunkenness in the family, and in many cases this really works.

An important advantage this tool is the treatment of mental dependence on alcohol. The hoof causes an aversion to alcohol on a psychosomatic level. It no longer seems to a person that drinking is healthy and pleasant. On the contrary, in an alcoholic who has been treated with hoof, the psychological associations associated with alcohol become unpleasant, negative and shocking. A person begins to feel alcohol as a terrible poison, which in essence it is.

An infusion of this plant can also be used occasionally, as an emetic in case of alcohol poisoning, or an overdose when you need to urgently clear the stomach.

The hoof from alcoholism helps due to its valuable chemical composition, which includes a unique healing combination chemical substances. The leaves and roots of the plant contain:

  • Bornylacetate;
  • Azaron;
  • Methyleugenol;
  • Flavonoids;
  • Useful amino acids;
  • Starch;
  • Organic acids and their derivatives;
  • Essential oils;
  • Tannins and other components.

The effect of this plant on the human body is very multifaceted and has not been fully studied. The hoof is widely used in medicine for various diseases, including as a cure for alcohol addiction.

There are many recipes and ways to take European hoof from alcoholism. The most effective and proven of them:

  • A decoction from the root of the hoof. The most reliable and potent recipe. It is necessary to strictly adhere to the dosages so as not to overdo it, since the content of active substances in the root is significantly higher than in the foliage. 1 teaspoon of the crushed root of the plant is boiled in 1 glass of water, then brewed for half an hour, filtered and cooled. The decoction should be consumed in a tablespoon with food, drink, no more than once a day. You can also add it directly to alcohol.
  • The ground root is brewed in a Turk with coffee. The presence of wild hoof in the drink is practically not noticeable. You can drink coffee with hoof no more than once a day. It takes 5-10 such techniques for a person to develop an aversion to ethanol.
  • Tincture on hoof leaves. A teaspoon of crushed dry leaves (sold in a pharmacy) is poured over a bottle of wine and infused for two weeks. Use 100 ml once a day. After a week of use, a persistent rejection of alcohol is developed.
  • The ground root or crushed leaves of the plant can be added to hot food in an amount of no more than a quarter teaspoon at a time.

A gag reflex to alcohol will appear only if a person drinks alcohol in parallel with the hoof. As a rule, a person becomes so ill that there is no desire to repeat this state. Such an association is imprinted in the brain for a long time and nervous system and the person does not touch the booze. If you do not drink alcohol, then the hoof itself does not manifest itself in any way.

Grass hoof from alcoholism is not suitable for everyone. Due to a severe reaction with alcohol, treatment with this plant is not suitable for people:

  • Suffering from pathologies of the liver and gastrointestinal tract, hypertension, heart disease.
  • Those who have suffered a stroke, heart attack, as well as in the presence of oncological diseases.
  • Herb hoof is contraindicated in pregnancy and lactation in women

Refusal of alcohol

The use of this plant in the treatment of alcohol dependence, mainly gives a positive result. As a rule, only a few episodes of joint use of hoof with alcohol are enough for a person to permanently acquire disgust and even fear of drinking.

Grass hoof has feature: this is the only plant growing in our area, which, after application, leads to vomiting. It has been used for this purpose since ancient times. After excessive eating or drinking, the herb was inhaled as a powder to induce vomiting in a person and therefore empty a full stomach.

Before getting acquainted with the healing properties of the hoof, you should also find out contraindications. The plant is completely prohibited for pregnant women - when it is taken, there is a high risk of miscarriage! The hoof is also contraindicated for children under 15-16 years old.


European hoof - perennial grass up to 10 cm high. The creeping root creates branches (on which a new plant grows annually).

The recumbent stem is hairy and scaly. Leaves (2-4 pieces on one stem) are petiolate, heart-shaped, rounded above.

The color of the leaves on the upper side is dark green, on the lower side it is lighter. Flowers - about 15 mm in diameter, grow separately on short overhanging stems, almost directly from the rhizome.

The flower has a bulbous shape, consists of 3 petals, concave inward. The flower has 12 stamens (2 rows of 6 stamens). The fruits are oval capsules with seeds.

Where does it grow?

There are about 90 plant species. Areas of growth - Eurasia and North America. Most species grow in East Asia. Up to 39 species have been recorded in China alone. One species grows in Europe, the European hoof (Asarum europaeum).

In our country, the places of growth are represented by lowlands and foothills (about 1360 m above sea level). In some areas, grass is very rare or completely absent. In general, it grows in Europe from Central France to the Central Urals, in the south of Europe - only in the mountains.

Interesting fact
The seeds of the plant contain a white mass - a delicacy for ants. It is the ants that contribute to the spread of the hoof.

Poisons and other active substances

In particular, the hoof root contains a number of substances that provide the plant healing properties and health risks:

  • silica;
  • azaron;
  • tannins;
  • resins;
  • slime;
  • starch;
  • glycoside;
  • organic acids;
  • minerals.

Azaron acts irritatingly and muffles the activity of the central nervous system. In the case of uncontrolled intake of the plant, sharp vomiting and diarrhea occur, irritation of the kidneys occurs, dilation of the pupils; a poisoned person feels a strong weakness, death occurs in the collapse! In most cases, the contained poisons do not have fatal consequences, they are relatively quickly excreted from the body with vomiting or diarrhea.

How is grass harvested?

The root is collected more often (collection is carried out in the spring or late autumn), less often - leaves (June-July) and the whole plant (August). The rhizome contains the largest amount of active (and toxic) substances.

Dry grass and root should be at temperatures up to 35 ° C. You can use artificial dryers. During drying, part of the medicinal properties of the herb is lost, but at the same time, toxicity decreases.

For storage, fold the dried raw materials into paper or fabric bags. Keep away from moisture and sunlight.

Therapeutic effects

Do not forget that the plant is toxic! Its use is best avoided by supporters healthy lifestyle life, using herbs to strengthen the body (it is advisable to choose a more suitable plant).

Claw should be taken with great care, preferably under the supervision of an expert.
Previously, European Claw was used to induce vomiting, but in these cases it was dosed at the level of toxicity; such an application is not relevant today.

Modern folk medicine sometimes uses the herb to treat dry cough (in smokers) or upper respiratory catarrh. The hoof enhances the activity of the heart muscle, relieves pain in sciatica, lumbago, migraine, constricts blood vessels (increases pressure), soothes, acts as a diuretic, increases intestinal motility (eliminates constipation).

Claw-based preparations

Today, the hoof is used exclusively in folk medicine. Due to toxicity, it is not part of the drugs used in official medicine!

The exception is root powder and dried herb. Both products are sold in the amount of 100 g.

  1. "Powder from the root of the clove" is recommended, in particular for women - it is taken with milk (up to 0.5 g - at the tip of a knife - poured into 50 ml of milk) 1 time per day to regulate menstruation.
  2. "Grass hoof" is useful for men - mix greens with milk; you should get a slurry applied to the inguinal region (compress time - 1-2 hours). Such a compress will increase potency and help strengthen local muscles.

Folk recipes and methods of treatment

Carefully! Before you drink medicines from the hoof, consult your doctor! Carry out therapy under the supervision of a specialist.

The most well-known use of the herb today is in the treatment of alcoholism. Unfortunately, drunkenness is not shunned, neither men nor women ...

Alcoholism treatment

There are 2 therapeutic methods, depending on whether the person wants to get rid of alcohol addiction, or whether he has to be treated secretly.

Treatment without the knowledge of the patient
5 minutes cook 1 tbsp. crushed root in 250 ml of water. Strain after 1 hour of infusion. Store in refrigerator. The agent should be added to vodka for an alcoholic (1 tbsp / 200 ml of alcohol). The full course includes several procedures (about 5-6). This treatment causes vomiting after drinking alcohol and an aversion to alcohol.

Conscious Treatment
For self-therapy, you can use both the above recipe and prepare a tincture of wine. Mix wild ginger with green walnut skins (1:2). 1 tbsp mix pour 2 liters of wine. Leave for 2 weeks. Drink a glass 1-2 times a day. During therapy, a number of unpleasant sensations arise (vomiting, depression). These manifestations force to stop drinking.

Cough treatment

The herb's benefits include cough relief. To prepare the medicine, pour a handful of dried herbs into 1 liter of boiling water. Take 4 times a day for 1 tbsp.

weight loss

By increasing intestinal motility and improving digestion, the plant promotes weight loss. To get rid of excess weight, an infusion of leaves is recommended: 1/6 tsp. raw materials pour 250 boiling water. Strain after 15 minutes of infusion. Have a drink. Continue the course for 2 weeks.


There are several ways to prepare a cure for constipation. You can use the above recipe or brew the root: 1/2 tsp. for 250 ml of boiling water. After infusion (15 minutes), strain and drink. Stop treatment after relief of constipation.

Beware, the plant is poisonous!

Aristoloic acid, found in the herb, is a proven carcinogen (a substance that supports the formation of cancer cells). Azaron has an irritating effect on the entire body.

Contraindications include lactation! Do not use the plant without first consulting a doctor!

Harm is possible if used in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), bronchiectasis and kidney problems, kidney disease.

Watch the video, it shows how this plant grows and much more interesting ....

European hoof, widespread in the Central Russian zone and Western Siberia, is valuable medicinal plant. However, preparations based on Asarum europaeum raw materials should be taken with great care, since, according to recent data, this herb contains carcinogens with a delayed duration of action. In ornamental landscaping, this crop can be used as a groundcover.

What does the European hoof look like and where does it grow?

Description of the European hoof (Asarum europaeum L.): belongs to the family Kirkazonovye (Aristolochiaceae).

This is a perennial herbaceous plant with a creeping rhizome and stem, up to 10 cm high. The leaves are dark green in color, long-petiolate, reniform, entire-extreme. The shape of the leaf is specific - reminiscent of the imprint of a horse's hoof.

The flowers of the European hoof are red-brown, solitary, low-lying. The fruit is a six-celled capsule. Blooms in May. Fruits in June.

Where the European hoof grass grows: it is found in the middle zone of the European part of Russia, Western Siberia, prefers spruce and spruce-deciduous forests.

See what the European hoof looks like in these photos:

Growing: the plant needs moist, even damp, loose, neutral or slightly acidic soil and a shady or semi-shady place. Propagated by seeds or division of the bush. Freshly harvested seeds are sown in the summer - first for seedlings, then dive, and already grown seedlings are planted in open ground. Dried seeds before sowing need cold stratification for 3 weeks, and only after that they are sown for seedlings; do it at the end of winter. Seeds germinate in 2-5 weeks. The plant is shade-tolerant, aggressive.

What is useful European hoof

Used parts of European hoof: roots and leaves.

The high healing properties of wild hoof are due to the presence of active substances in the plant. The various parts contain: azaron - crn., in ef. oil from krn. 30-50%; bornylacetate -ef. krn oil. 12-13%; (trans-) isoazarone - crn.; quercetin (quercetin) - leaf; quercitrin; kaempferol - sheet; caffeic acid - leaf; p-coumaric acid - sheet; methyleugenol - in ef. oil from krn. 15-20%; methylisoeugenol - ef. butter krn.; alpha-, beta-pinenes - krn. (a); ferulic acid - leaf.

Collection time: leaves - May, rhizome - September.

Collection: the leaves are harvested during flowering and air-dried in a well-ventilated area. The rhizomes are dug up in autumn, washed, cut into pieces and dried in air or in dryers at 50-60°C. Medicinal properties of raw ungulate remain for one year.

The plant is listed in the Red Books of the Kemerovo, Novosibirsk and Rostov regions, the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Altai and Karelia in Russia.

Application: used as an expectorant, emetic, choleretic, analgesic and diuretic. Assign with bronchitis, gastritis with reduced secretory function, with cholecystitis and pyelonephritis.

Claw helps with painful menstruation in young women.

In Siberia, water vapor from the hoof was mixed with an equal number of sandy immortelle flowers and taken against jaundice.

It acts as a mild laxative on the intestines, so in Europe it was used as an antidote for poisoning.

In European medicine, from time immemorial, the use of hoof grass for the treatment of diseases of the nasopharynx has been practiced, for this the root was crushed into powder and inhaled like snuff.

It is believed that long-term ingestion of ungulate causes an aversion to alcohol. The pronounced emetic effect of the hoof is associated only with the use of alcoholic beverages.

Outwardly, a decoction of hoof is used for lotions for headaches; leaves in fresh and crushed - with abscesses; juice is rubbed on places affected by scabies.

Economic use of wild hoof: in veterinary medicine, it is used as an emetic and laxative for livestock. Infusions of wild hoof remove scabies and lichen in horses.

It is impossible to graze animals in places where this grass grows.

Decorative leaves and the ability to form a beautiful low, dense, shiny carpet in the shade of trees make it possible to use wild ungulate in landscape design as a ground cover. Beautiful foliage from spring to late autumn.

How to take hoof remedies

Recipes folk remedies based on European hoof:

  • decoction for scanty, irregular periods: 2 g of crushed roots per 200 ml of water, boil for 10 minutes, leave for 30 minutes, filter. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals.
  • infusion for bronchitis, bronchial asthma, epilepsy, hysteria, malaria: 2 g rhizomes per 1 cup boiled water room temperature, insist 1 hour, filter. Take 2 tablespoons 2-3 times daily between meals.
  • infusion as an expectorant: 2 g of crushed roots per 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 2-3 hours, filter, squeeze the raw material. Take 1 tablespoon 2 times a day.
  • infusion for epilepsy: 2 teaspoons of dry leaf per 1 glass of cold boiled water, leave for 3 hours, filter. Take 1 tablespoon 2-3 times a day.
  • decoction for edema as a diuretic: 4 g of dry crushed root per 1 glass of water or milk, boil for 2 minutes, filter. Take 1/4 cup 4 times a day.
  • tincture of wine for alcoholism ( Bulgarian recipe): Mix 1 teaspoon of crushed European hoof leaves with 2 teaspoons of green walnut pericarp. 1 teaspoon of the mixture for 4 liters of wine, leave for 2 weeks. Give the patient before meals 1 glass of tincture 1-2 times a day.
  • tincture for alcoholism: 5 g of crushed roots per 200 ml of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes. How to take tincture of wild hoof: 1 tablespoon per 100 ml of vodka. The course of treatment - until the emergence of persistent aversion to alcohol.
  • infusion for cholecystitis, malaria, as an expectorant for bronchitis: 1 g of hoof leaves mixed with immortelle flowers and ivy-shaped budra (1:1:1) per 1 cup of boiled cold water, leave for 3 hours, filter. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.
  • coffee for alcoholism add 1/4 teaspoon of powdered hoof root to a Turkish coffee pot with boiling Turkish coffee. Drink only in the morning 1 time in 2 days.

Despite the high medicinal properties, European hoof preparations have contraindications for use:

  • The hoof is able to increase pressure, therefore, with hypertension with frequent crises, it is excluded.
  • Excessive use of its roots or leaves can cause gastroenteritis and nephritis.
  • The hoof is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

European hoof belongs to perennial evergreens family Kirkazonovae. You can also find other names for it - wild ginger, emetic root, wild pepper, sapling. Biological description gives brief description plant, and also refers it to medicinal herbs, based on the pharmacological properties and composition of the substances and elements that the ungulate contains.

This plant belongs to the ground cover species, which covers the ground under the trees with a dense thick carpet. Max Height the stem does not exceed ten centimeters, and it is painted in a brownish hue. Oppositely located leaves are formed at the tips of the stem, and between them, almost at the very ground, there is a flower bud. Claw grass is distinguished by the fact that its long-leaved, wide-bud and entire leaves are painted in green gloss on top, and the bottom of the leaves has a matte muted shade. The leaves persist throughout the winter.

European hoof has a well-developed branched and creeping rhizome.

The plant blooms in spring, depending on the air temperature, the flowers may bloom in late April or early May. They are dark purple on the inside and brown on the outside. The flowers are solitary and quite small, since they are located on the stem almost near the ground, it is quite difficult to immediately notice them under the wide green leaves.

The natural habitat is Eastern and western Siberia, Karelia and Murmansk region of Russia. In large quantities, European hoof grows in mixed and broad-leaved forests; in coniferous forests, it is much less common. The best soil for him it is loamy and clayey soil.

The description of the plant makes it easy to distinguish it among the forest variety of herbs. If on the way you come across a creeping stalk with dense leaves that outwardly resemble the shape of an animal's hoof, then you can be sure that this is a European hoof. An additional sign that definitely cannot be confused with other plants is a specific bitter smell reminiscent of pepper. It is enough to pick a leaf and grind it in your hands. And the smell will be clearly expressed.


The plant is widely used in various areas of human life. It has been used by healers for centuries as medicine from various ailments. Today, thanks to modern developments and pharmacological research, the composition of the herb was deeply studied, as a result of which the plant is actively used not only in traditional medicine, but a number of medicines are made on its basis.

In alternative medicine, the roots and leaves of the hoof are used. You can prepare them yourself. highest concentration useful substances in the roots in spring or autumn. Leaves can only be harvested during the period of active flowering of the plant.

European hoof is used as a good choleretic, diuretic, laxative, expectorant, antihelminthic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic.

Traditional medicine has long used the plant as effective remedy from alcoholism. It is also used in violation of the activity of the kidneys, liver, malfunctions of the digestive system and respiratory organs.

There is also an effective effect of the use of ungulate in heart diseases, which has been proven by official medicine and now injectable solutions based on the root of the ungulate are already being made.

This is only part of the ailments in which the European hoof is used. Traditional medicine has a large number of recipes for the treatment of various diseases with this drug. However, it is worth noting that this plant is poisonous and therefore you should consult a doctor before using it.

Today, European hoof is widely used as a groundcover in landscape design. We have already noted the structural features of the plant. Dense green leaves with a glossy tint, densely covering the soil, look great in any flower beds, Alpine rollercoaster. Today it is planted both as a single plant, under sloping trees, and in flower beds with spring flowers. Elementary care, combined with high external data, makes European hoof a fairly popular plant among landscape designers and novice gardeners.

Cultivation and care

European hoof is one of the unpretentious ground covers, which is used to decorate garden areas. Its planting and subsequent care do not require special skills, so even the laziest gardener can easily cope with these processes.

Claw planting should be carried out in light soils. If the ground where the hoof is planned to be placed is heavy, then it must be diluted with a part river sand and peat. As for the rest special requirements no. In order for the grass to develop quickly and well, it needs moisture, fertile soil and a little sun. European hoof grows well in the shade. Therefore, care should include regular watering, especially during the hot and dry summer months.

It is also recommended to carry out periodic top dressing. organic matter. European hoof reacts favorably to humus and mullein. Such care will allow you to grow an even thicker and juicier green carpet.

The hoof is actively developing and growing. Therefore, from time to time it will be necessary to restrain its spread beyond the territory allotted to it.

European hoof, due to its composition, which includes certain essential oils, is not afraid of garden pests and has good immunity against diseases. Therefore, gardeners will not have problems with this.

As you can see, hoof care is incredibly simple. It does not require much time or effort.

The European hoof breeds well. The main methods of reproduction are:

  • seeds;
  • processes;
  • dividing the bush.

Since the hoof has the unique ability to reproduce on its own, the gardener will not have to make much effort.

Its seeds are small, ripen in seed boxes under the leaves and are actively carried by ants over long distances. Therefore, you can often notice the appearance of creeping grass in an absolutely remote place from the main landing. You can collect seeds and plant them in the ground. But before sowing, they must be stratified. Therefore, it is best to plant them in the fall, then they will ripen over the winter, and in the spring they will delight with friendly shoots. If you plan to plant hoof seeds in the spring, then they need to be kept in the refrigerator for sixty days.

But if you need to plant a hoof on new flower bed and already this season to get a dense carpet and flowers, then gardeners most often use the shoots that appear in the summer. They are separated and transplanted to a new place. The same applies to the division of the bush, in early spring or early autumn it is necessary to dig up the bushes and separate parts from it, which are immediately planted in open ground in a new place.

Claw is an unsightly groundcover about 5 to 10 cm tall. It has a cord-like and branched rhizome. During flowering, a small flower appears at the top. magenta. This shrub is extremely shade-loving, which is why it can be found in the lower tier of the forest, where the least heat falls. Especially common in spruce forests and forests middle lane Russia.

Folk "nicknames"

He has many folk "nicknames". For example, it was called "hoof"because the leaves have the shape of a horse's hoof. Another interesting name- this is a "vomit". It received this name due to the strong action of infusions and decoctions, after the use of which, in many cases, severe vomiting is observed.

Also, this herb is given the name "wild pepper", because if you rub the plant between your palms and try, you can feel the bitter taste. But that is not all. In addition, the grass is called "subleaf".

This happened because he occupies the lowest tier in the forest.

The most common types

In nature, there are approximately 60 species. This plant especially likes wet and loose soil. Among the most popular species are such as Siebold's hoof, European and caudate.

Let's talk about them in more detail.

Siebold's plant originated from moist forests located in the south Far East. It differs in that it has a short root. This herb is small bush consisting of many dark green leaves. When frost comes, the leaves die off. A bush blooms in spring. It mainly grows in forests, but can sometimes be found in rockeries.

Another species is Canadian. It grows in forests located in the eastern United States and Canada. it
the plant in the process of growth forms a continuous carpet. It has a very long root. It is distinguished by a light green color and an increase in the length of the root up to several centimeters per year. The leaves of the hoof are quite large in size.

European hoof is a perennial herbaceous plant that grows in the dark forests of Europe. It has a long root, the growth of which is approximately 5 cm each year. The characteristic features of this grass are a dark green color and dense leaves.

This view is especially beautiful at the end of May, when it begins abundant flowering. During this period, the bushes thin out an indescribable soft vanilla aroma. The flowers on the outside are green tint, and inside - burgundy. Seed maturation of this herb occurs in June.

In the forest, the shrub gives the first flowers only for the 6th year of life. Has a lifespan of approximately 35 years. European hoof has found great application in the manufacture of various oils and creams. They can be prepared at home. To do this, finely chop and knead the leaves of this plant and mix them with petroleum jelly or oil. Badger fat will also be very effective. It is used as a wound healing, anti-inflammatory, anti-scabies agent.

A beautiful type of wild pepper is the tailed long-rhizome. It originated from the forests of the coast of North America. differs most large leaves than other types. The root of this plant grows the fastest. Every year it adds about 8 cm in length.

Medicinal and magical properties

All types of hoof have medicinal properties. For example, European hoof is used not only to treat diseases, but also to perform magical rites.

Previously, they fought very effectively against evil spirits by drying this grass and adding combustible mixtures to it. Then, the building was fumigated with this mixture. In ancient times, the leaves were used to make amulets, amulets against negative influences. It used to be popular to sniff tobacco. It was then that European wild pepper was added to it. It was believed that with the help of this, the therapeutic effect is enhanced.

European subleaf has the following composition: resins, tannin, starch, alkaloids, glycosides, essential oils and many others. various substances. In addition, he found wide application in medicine. The plant has a hemostatic, antipyretic, emetic, anthelmintic effect, normalizes blood pressure and cardiac activity (however, with high blood pressure and serious diseases of the cardiovascular system, it is categorically contraindicated!), Improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and helps with headaches.

To prepare a healing decoction, you need to take two teaspoons of the leaves of this type of plant and pour them with boiling water. Leave for 20 minutes, then strain and drink in small amounts (1 tablespoon 3 times a day).

An excellent healing effect has a tincture of wild hoof. It can be purchased ready-made in some pharmacological firms. And you can cook on your own. To do this, take 20 grams of raw materials, pour 200 ml of 70% alcohol. insist in dark place 10 days, filter. Drink 15-20 drops 3 times a day.

Applicable for colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis as an expectorant and restorative agent.

The most effective treatment for alcoholism is the hoof. First, the root of the hoof must be crushed and measured out one teaspoon. Pour this mixture with one cup of water and boil the mixture for ten minutes for low fire. Then, let the mixture brew, then strain it through cheesecloth. This tincture of wild hoof should be stored in the refrigerator. The medicinal product is recommended to be added to food or drink to the patient (approximate calculation for 200 ml of vodka 1 tablespoon of decoction).

The first dose should be limited to one tablespoon. As far as exposure, the dose should be
gradually increase to 2 tablespoons. After taking alcohol, the patient will experience severe vomiting. Over time, a person will experience a persistent gag reflex to alcohol. Treatment is carried out both with the permission of the patient, and without it.

However, the root of the plant is quite poisonous, and it is better to use it after the appropriate mood of the person and prior consultation with a specialist in narcology.

In the treatment of mild discharge during menstrual cycle tincture of wild hoof and infusion is also used. To prepare the infusion, you need to take half a teaspoon of dried or fresh herbs and pour them with a cup of boiling water. Infuse for 1 hour. Strain. Take 1 tbsp. 3 - 4 times a day. To combine business with pleasure, you can mix the infusion with honey.

Contraindications for use

Contraindications for use are severe diseases of the kidneys, liver, pancreas, cardiovascular system, hypertension.


  • It must be remembered that the subleaf is poisonous plant, and therefore it is only allowed to be used as directed by a doctor;
  • It is necessary to consume the plant in moderation, being careful not to overdose;
  • At one time, in no case should you consume more than two tablespoons of decoction, infusion.

Landing Features

How is the European hoof planted and cared for?