Professional skills of an HR manager. HR specialist (Human Resource): features of the profession and necessary qualities. HR manager: personal qualities of a specialist

Professional skills of an HR manager.  HR specialist (Human Resource): features of the profession and necessary qualities.  HR manager: personal qualities of a specialist
Professional skills of an HR manager. HR specialist (Human Resource): features of the profession and necessary qualities. HR manager: personal qualities of a specialist

Any transport company provides cargo transportation services. But a transport and logistics company can provide you with much more services. They will select not only for your cargo required transport, but will also develop the optimal route of movement. Logistics does not include simple delivery of goods, but a built chain of all services that exist in the field of cargo transportation. Experienced, qualified logisticians organize high-quality and fast delivery of cargo from start to finish. The company's logisticians will provide sea, air, rail or road transport for your cargo.

The correct choice of transport is the key to successful transportation of goods. To decide on transport, you need to know the size, volume and nature of the cargo, and only after that start looking for transport. It is also important to take into account the timing of cargo transportation, as well as the financial situation of the client. Valuables, important documents, items intended for urgent delivery, etc., are best delivered by air. If the client has time, it is more convenient to deliver intercontinental cargo by sea. Rail transport is convenient for transporting any cargo, but for delivery directly to the customer, road transport is required. Therefore, within one country, at the moment, motor transport is the most best option for cargo transportation.

Problems solved by logistics specialists

One of the services of a transport and logistics company is route selection. A professional logistician, when choosing the cargo route, calculates all the options and chooses the most optimal option. After all, the cargo not only needs to be delivered quickly, but also kept safe and sound. This service is considered the most complex of all provided by the company. It is necessary to take into account all obstacles and other nuances that may arise along the route. The speed and cost of the cargo transported depends on the correct route. You can use the services of a transport and logistics company at.

7klogistics All cargo transportation must be properly executed and have accompanying documents. If the cargo crosses the border, then the responsibilities of the logistician include the need correct calculation time of customs procedures. The fact that the goods will be delivered to the consignee on time depends on the competent actions of the logistician. The responsibilities of a logistician also include monitoring cargo transportation. Modern equipment

, installed on transport, facilitates the task of tracking cargo in transit and the logistician can determine the location of the transport with an accuracy of up to a minute. Therefore, we can confidently say that the logistician profession is the most important in a transport and logistics company. As the economy develops, the number of enterprises in its various sectors also grows. Therefore, it is necessary to store and transport more and more various kinds

products. This activity must be organized by a certain specialist - a logistics manager, whose job responsibilities we will consider in this article.

What does a logistics manager do?

Logistics specialists are in demand today in many enterprises. This position involves activities related to the control of resources, their production and sale. At the same time, tasks related to the optimal transportation and storage of these resources come to the fore. There are so many of these tasks, and they are so diverse that the responsibilities of a logistician in different industries will also vary.

Warehousing manager

  • A specialist whose responsibilities primarily include warehouse control must perform the following functions:
  • Organization of storage of products in a warehouse complex, based on its characteristics.
  • Determining the order in which goods are placed.
  • Selection of optimal warehouse equipment.
  • Optimization of warehouse space and others.

Transport logistics manager

The responsibilities of a transport logistics manager will vary slightly. These include:

  • Planning transportation routes and the procedure for transporting certain goods.
  • Choosing a cargo carrier.
  • Preparation of relevant documents.
  • Constant monitoring and tracking of the transportation process.

General terms of reference

In addition to highly specialized ones, there are also general ones in the field of logistics that fall on each of them:

  • Forecasting and financial control
  • preparatory work tracking the optimal direction, searching for suppliers.
  • Providing and monitoring storage processes.
  • A competent scheme for transporting cargo, taking into account its specifics.
  • Product insurance.
  • Optimization of cargo distribution inside warehouse and its shipment.
  • Preparation of necessary customs documents.

In small businesses, all responsibilities fall on the shoulders of one person. But large organizations engaged in diverse areas open entire logistics centers in which each specialist plays a clearly defined role.

Rights and responsibilities of a logistics specialist

Of course, a logistician has not only responsibilities, but also rights. For example, he can make a request for any materials and documents regarding his activities. A logistics specialist has the right to cooperate with third-party institutions to resolve issues within his competence. And also represent the interests of your organization related to professional activities in front of third-party enterprises.

Logistics provides for serious liability, not only administrative, but also material, for the property entrusted to him, and in some cases, criminal. For improper performance of his work or his manager’s assignments, he may face serious trouble. In addition, the logistics manager has specific official powers, which he has no right to use unlawfully or for personal purposes.

The logistician is responsible for safety precautions. If violations in its compliance are detected, he is obliged to take measures and prevent a threat to the activities of the enterprise or the health of its employees. Labor discipline must be observed with the same rigor.

Who evaluates the activities of a logistician?

There are several higher authorities here. How well a specialist copes with his functions is controlled by various bodies. In addition to the immediate superiors, who are always on alert, control is carried out by a special certification commission. She, of course, monitors the results of the logistician’s activities not every day, but periodically. As a rule, based on reports submitted for a certain period.

In addition, the key criterion for evaluating a specialist’s work is its quality. The success of the work and the prospects for further career growth depend on how clearly and timely he completes the tasks assigned to him, and how strictly he adheres to the instructions.

Job responsibilities

To fully understand who a logistics manager is and what he does, it is enough to compare this position with other similar ones in the same industry:

  • The responsibilities of the director or head of the logistics department include setting tasks and general management, distributing the budget, finding ways to develop and increase the company's growth volumes.
  • A business analyst selects the optimal warehousing or transportation scheme, coordinates related services and manages logistics processes in the warehouse. He also looks for ways to improve the efficiency of the enterprise.
  • The leading logistics manager plans purchases and draws up schedules for the arrival of goods, analyzes the sales market, and manages warehouse logistics, develops pricing policies, prepares statistical data and submits relevant reports to management.
  • The job description of a logistics manager for a specific department consists of planning trade turnover between warehouses, determining its volume and content, and optimizing inventory.
  • The dispatcher of the logistics department is involved in the formation of transportation routes, monitoring deliveries, preparing transport documents, taking into account fuels and lubricants and other nuances.

As you can see, each logistics manager has his own job responsibilities, and their scope depends on the position held and the specifics of the enterprise itself.

What skills will be important when writing a resume?

If you are looking for a job as a logistics manager, it's worth knowing key requirements requirements for candidates:

  1. Professional education. It is not necessary to have an education specifically in the field of logistics; it is also good if you are an economist or a specialist in the field of customs. Having an international certificate or advanced training diploma in your industry will be a serious advantage.
  2. Good communication skills. This is especially important for a logistics manager whose job responsibilities involve communicating with many people. The ability to establish contacts with clients and partners, including foreign ones, will definitely be useful to you. Of course, excellent knowledge will be a plus foreign language.
  3. A logistician must be able to calculate the situation in all its nuances, as well as organize its implementation according to the most optimal scheme.
  4. Stress resistance. The job description of a logistics manager, unfortunately, requires being in a state of stress. There is constant pressure from management, dependence on suppliers, and delays by transport companies... in these conditions it is important to remain calm and self-possessed.
  5. Ability to take responsibility. This is important to understand first of all: the logistician bears a huge burden of responsibility. In fact, it is he who is obliged to guarantee successful activities company, without downtime and force majeure situations. It is important not to be afraid of great responsibility, but to be proud of it. Mentioning this in the resume of a logistics manager will give the candidate for the position solid weight in the eyes of the employer.

Where to go to work and where to start?

Many specialists begin their professional activity from small. If you manage to get a job just as an assistant in a small department, that's not bad. Initially, your responsibilities will mainly include documentary work, including processing information on logistics processes.

In a relatively short period of time, you will not only be able to gain practical experience, but also to understand the tasks and functions of general logistics, which will help you choose your own, highly specialized industry. After choosing a specific direction, it will be easier to start a full-fledged career.

If everything goes well, and if you have diligence and leadership abilities, in just a few years you can “grow” to the head of the department.

Today, the demand for logisticians is very high. Any logistics center will be happy to hire an intelligent specialist; in some regions, the number of vacancies is even several times greater than the number of candidates. You can “try your hand” by sending your resume to a large trading or manufacturing holding company, transport company or organization for warehousing issues. Highly specialized professionals are the most in demand: for example, in the customs industry or the field of procurement and sales.

Logistics as a science deals with the study of material and intangible flows and has many subspecies. Transport logistics deals with provision using various types transport. Today, the share of costs for transporting goods is about 50% of total logistics costs. At the same time, the quality of transportation can have a significant impact on reducing transport costs, in a share comparable to the cost of cargo transportation. That is why transport logistics is the most important link in modern business.

What are the rights and responsibilities of a freight logistician?

The very concept of “transport logistics” was first voiced during the Pan-European Congress held in the capital of the GDR in 1974. It was then that the main goals, objectives and areas of application of the new direction in business were recorded. If we describe transport logistics in publicly available terms, then this is the organization of delivery of any consignments of goods to a specific destination within a specified time frame, while the task comes down to minimizing transport and related costs through optimization. The market for logistics services in developed countries emerged as a separate area in the 90s, and since then its volumes have been growing according to law. arithmetic progression(about 20% annually). In Russia, this direction began to develop as a market economy became established and continues to progress to this day.

It should be noted that in terms of the pace of development, domestic transport logistics still lags behind the Western one, which is due to a lack of business culture. It also affects the lack of business plans in logistics companies that would sufficiently transparently delimit the rights and responsibilities of specialists this profile. There are other factors that have a negative impact on the development of the Russian transport logistics:

  • reasons destabilizing the economic situation in the country;
  • lag in the pace of development of industrial production;
  • insufficiently high level of MTB;
  • frankly poor state of transport infrastructure.

But there are also reasons for optimism, since the introduction of new facilities included in the supply/sales system is slowly but surely being established. The training of specialists of the relevant profile does not stand still either. And although for now the transport logistician high level The profession is still in short supply, but there is a shift in this direction. Transport logistics as a business area is divided into internal, responsible for transporting goods between divisions and branches of one company, external (when goods are delivered from the manufacturer to representatives of the distribution network) and international (international cargo transportation).

  • unimodal, when one type is used for delivery of goods Vehicle;
  • multimodal, when one organizer is responsible for organizing cargo transportation, and the delivery of goods itself is carried out using different types transport, while the official carrier is usually the type of transport that accounts for the majority of the route, and the rest are clients;
  • intermodal, the peculiarity of which is the presence of one organizer and several types of transport used. In this case, the organizer is responsible for the procedure for transporting inventory items from the starting point to the final point through intermediate (transshipment) points. The scope of responsibility is cumulative and is divided evenly between all carriers participating in the process;
  • mixed, the main characteristic of which is the use of two types of vehicles (for example, automobile and marine). One of the vehicles is used to transport cargo to the location of the other, without transshipment with intermediate storage of goods;
  • combined, working according to the same scheme as mixed ones. But using more types of vehicles.

What are the responsibilities of a transport logistician?

The difference between a transport company and a transport and logistics company is quite obvious: the task of the former is to transport goods in accordance with the provided route sheet, the functions of a logistics company are much broader: organizing the delivery of goods in such a way as to meet deadlines and minimize the costs of the cargo owner. This task can only be accomplished by a sufficiently experienced and qualified cargo transportation logistician. What is the job of a freight logistician? List of main responsibilities transport logistician includes the following items:

  • formation and implementation of control at all stages of the transport chain, including determining the method of transportation, optimizing the route taking into account large quantity various factors, coordination of the work of cargo transportation participants;
  • managing the process of storing goods, loading operations(including receiving cargo, its crushing and planning of placement in warehouse areas, monitoring the timeliness of shipment);
  • maintaining automated document flow (most often using the 1C complex);
  • accounting operations - drawing up contracts, invoices, monitoring the implementation of contractual clauses, generating reports, analyzing the total costs of the logistics component;
  • monitoring the work of drivers at all stages of cargo transportation;
  • chartering transport on optimal terms for the customer;
  • documentary support of foreign trade activities, including preparation in accordance with current customs legislation, formation of customs declarations, preparation of approvals regarding the supply of non-standard/dangerous goods, control over the payment of customs duties.

As you can see, the range of responsibilities of a logistician is quite extensive and requires experience and relevant knowledge.

Freight logistician who is a full-time employee large company, is forced to communicate daily with dozens of people, including client representatives, carriers, partners, and contractors. This presupposes that the specialist has certain qualities: resistance to stress, knowledge human psychology, the ability to communicate in the language of any category of interlocutors, from loaders to company executives. In other words, a logistics specialist must be a true generalist in his own way.

A cargo transportation logistician must know the geography of the main flows of goods supplies, have knowledge of customs/transport legislation, study the basics of insurance, be a good specialist in accounting, tax, and finance, have knowledge of at least English language(knowing a few more will be a huge plus). Considered mandatory Fluency office software package, as well as knowledge in the field of document management. A good transport logistician should be able to quickly and correctly solve the most complex problems arising in the process of cargo transportation.

List of requirements for a transport logistician

Logistics is difficult to enclose within the framework of a specific business structure, since its field of activity covers a huge number of diversified organizations and companies related to production, transport, trade and other areas. That is why the logistics profession is becoming more and more in demand. At the same time, it imposes on the owner of this specialty increased requirements, imposing corresponding responsibility.

The main responsibility of a logistics logistician for cargo transportation is to competently and promptly organize the delivery of goods, which are vital for the implementation of the customer’s production cycle, as well as to coordinate its transportation from the loading point to the final storage point. A high-level specialist must have sufficient knowledge to find a way out in the event of any force majeure circumstances related to the delivery of a specific batch of goods.

Possessing the skills to organize the process of delivering goods is included in the basic requirements for this profession. A transport logistician is also required to be able to organize and control the most effective conditions and methods of warehousing and storing products for various purposes. Experience in cooperation with customs and transport services, including sea/river and air carriers, as well as the Ministry of Railways. Large logistics companies are literally hunting for specialists who have experience collaborating with international carriers, are well versed in ways to automate logistics infrastructure, and are able to work with large-scale cargo flows.

This trend can be explained by a significant decrease in the role of imports of consumer goods, as well as the emergence on the market of logistics services of companies specializing in customs clearance of cargo for various purposes. Any company engaged in macroeconomic activities expects a logistician to have the ability to integrate the functioning of corporate divisions in order to ensure high efficiency and reduce the cost of the cargo flow. The job description of a logistician for cargo transportation also requires fluency in a computer and the 1C software package, good knowledge of document flow of any type and scale, and sufficient experience in related fields.

The labor market is still experiencing a shortage of specialists in the field of logistics who meet all the listed requirements, but wages for logisticians are much higher than for representatives of many other technical specialties.

Job responsibilities of a transport logistician

A freight logistician is a specialist whose main task is to optimize transport flows. The scope of his activities covers all stages of cargo transportation, from drawing up optimal schemes and traffic routes for cargo escort and registration of acceptance documentation. Due to the complexity of the tasks assigned, the logistics manager belongs to the management team. This position accepts specialists with higher education(economic/technical) and desired experience practical work in this area. A freight logistician must know:

  • regulatory framework relating to all aspects of logistics activities;
  • basics of business process planning;
  • basic principles for building optimized logistics systems and connections;
  • basics of transport/customs legislation;
  • modern principles of organizing cargo transportation schemes involving all types of vehicles;
  • methods of inventory management;
  • fundamentals of the science of drawing up business plans, agreements, agreements, contracts;
  • methods for analyzing demand for the company's products, ways to study market conditions;
  • how to prepare transport, supply, customs, warehouse, financial documentation;
  • methods logistics analysis and the corresponding mathematical apparatus;
  • basics of financial and marketing management;
  • basic knowledge in the field of sociology, psychology, business communication skills;
  • The responsibilities of a cargo transportation logistician include knowledge of safety regulations and compliance with safety regulations when carrying out cargo transportation.

A typical job description for a transport logistician includes items such as general provisions related to this profession, job responsibilities and rights, working conditions and responsibility of the specialist. Functional responsibilities of a transport logistician:

  • development of logistics recommendations for transport supply chain management, documentary substantiation of recommendations;
  • drawing up optimal transport routes cargo transportation;
  • ensuring delivery of consignments of goods within the agreed time frame while minimizing transport and related costs;
  • organization and control of activities aimed at processing, sending, and accompanying documentation;
  • implementation of measures to ensure the safety of transported goods with a view to their timely delivery;
  • choice the most effective types transport, control over their availability, organization of optimal transportation of goods, organization and control of loading and unloading operations;
  • preparation of instructions for the transport escort of transported goods;
  • organizing the placement of cargo in the event of its delivery to its destination, monitoring the correctness of drawing up acceptance certificates;
  • maintaining reporting and accounting using automated workstations, drawing up documents confirming compliance with cargo transportation deadlines;
  • ensuring the safety of goods during transportation and during cargo transshipment;
  • tracking the route of movement of vehicles involved in cargo transportation using modern means tracking;
  • Adoption necessary measures in the event of force majeure circumstances along the route of the goods;
  • ensuring the growth of the company's profitability by reducing the cost of logistics supplies;
  • participation in events aimed at improving the qualifications of logisticians in cargo transportation.

Responsibility of a transport logistician, service relationships

As a specialist who takes important decisions related to optimization logistics schemes company, the freight logistician is the person responsible for the following actions:

  • failure to fully/partially fulfill job responsibilities defined by the DI, orders/instructions from superiors;
  • deterioration in efficiency production process as a result of making ill-conceived and suboptimal logistics decisions;
  • distortion of the results of the logistics service;
  • violation by an employee of labor discipline, non-compliance with internal regulations;
  • inaction when situations arise for the company;
  • behavior during the performance of official duties that does not correspond to accepted moral standards;
  • waste of financial and material assets of the company;
  • providing false data to counterparties;
  • failure to meet deadlines for submitting reports to management;
  • violation of confidentiality/trade secret principles.

In the process of performing regular duties, the transport logistician interacts with the accounting department, warehouses, technical department, production and economic department, quality control department, company security service and engineering department.

According to the DI, a freight logistician has the following rights:

  • providing a specialist with a workplace that fully complies with industry standards regulatory requirements Labor protection and conditions determined by the collective/employment agreement;
  • ensuring timely payment of wages, the amount of which corresponds to the specialist’s qualifications, complexity functional responsibilities, qualitative/quantitative assessments made based on the results reporting period work;
  • the right to rest, provision of required days off/holidays, paid vacations according to the schedule;
  • the right to advanced training within the framework of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • joining trade union organizations in order to respect workers' rights;
  • the opportunity to participate in the management of the company within employment contract and current legislation;
  • the right to compensation for harm caused to health during the performance of official duties;
  • right to social insurance within the framework of current federal laws;
  • unhindered provision of documents related to the field professional interests transport logistician.

How to become a freight logistician

Domestic educational institutions still provide a minimum of opportunities to obtain a logistics specialty, so the shortage of workers in this specialty is not decreasing. A significant part of the knowledge and skills related to labor activity logistician, can be obtained by attending private courses or working in small company with an appropriate salary. General theoretical knowledge can be obtained independently by studying all possible areas of logistics science, including basic methods for drawing up routes, studying modes of transport and their features, cargo classification accepted in Russia and abroad.

If studying at higher educational institution not available in this specialty, it is possible to take courses distance learning, allowing you to become a freight logistician as a result of studying the following disciplines:

  • ESHKO course in the specialty “logistics”, including 30 classes and work with an individually appointed teacher. approximate cost The course starts at 10 USD/month. For each lesson, the student receives a journal with methodological instructions, allowing you to master your specialty offline;
  • The transport logistics course can be studied on the Lectorium portal. The training program includes studying about 50 video materials and working on 16 practical tasks. Duration of training – 16 weeks. The organizers of the course are Polytechnical Institute St. Petersburg. Training is free;
  • training courses organized by MSTU. For 400 USD you will have the opportunity to attend eight practical classes, several of which will be conducted on-site at a company that has a full-time “transport logistician” position. The program complies with the professional standard of the specialty “Logistics Specialist in the Transport Sphere.” All classes are conducted in the form of webinars;
  • the portal offers an express course adapted for the CIS countries costing 150 USD, which includes 10 hours of theoretical lessons, supplemented practical exercises. The duration of the course is 10 days.

In addition to the main specialty, the future logistician for cargo transportation will have useful study related disciplines that will help you get a well-paid job:

  • Microsoft Excel, Word, 1C software package;
  • English will be required if you plan to specialize in international transport;
  • the method of effective sales will be useful in any case, since the logistician must have excellent communication skills;
  • time management will allow you to master the skills of correctly allocating time both within the framework of organizing the work of the logistician himself and within the boundaries of his official authority;
  • Personality psychology is a very useful discipline for those who have to communicate a lot with clients in order to establish useful contacts and solve logistics problems;
  • Geography is one of the basic disciplines for a transport logistician. Without the ability to navigate at least in your own region, you have nothing to do in this specialty, and knowledge of time zones and skills in working with maps will be an obvious plus.

If you are looking for options on how to become a cargo transportation logistician, the above methods will help you master this specialty without significant financial expenses.

Transportation Manager tracks the entire path of movement of goods from the point of departure to the point of destination. To ensure that the cargo is delivered on time and with minimal costs, the transportation manager needs to first plan the route, and then constantly monitor the movement process. We tried to provide for all this in this job description.

Job Description for Transportation Manager

Last name I.O. ________________
"________"_____________ ____ G.

1. General Provisions

1.1. A transportation manager belongs to the category of managers.
1.2. A person with a higher professional (technical, economic) education and at least three years of experience in transport is appointed to the position of transportation manager.
1.3. The transportation manager is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position as established by the current labor legislation by order of the General Director.
1.4. A transportation manager must know:
- resolutions, instructions, orders, other governing and regulations related to the work of the company;
- rights and obligations of employees and their work schedule;
- internal labor regulations;
- rules and regulations of labor protection, safety regulations, industrial sanitation and hygiene, fire safety.
1.5. The transportation manager is guided in his activities by:
- legislative acts RF;
- Company Charter, Internal Labor Regulations, others regulations companies;
- orders and instructions from management;
- this job description.

2. Job responsibilities of a transportation manager

The Transportation Manager performs the following job responsibilities:

2.1. Organizes and controls the execution of orders from cargo owners for the transportation of goods and related services.
2.2. Ensures the development of relationships with users of transport services, with transport and freight forwarding organizations.
2.3. Studies and forms effective demand for freight transportation and additional services.
2.4. Studies the conditions and development trends of the transport market.
2.5. Studies tariffs and demand for transport services provided, taking into account changes in tax, pricing and customs policies.
2.6. Searches for clients and negotiates contracts for transportation, freight forwarding services, and others.
2.7. Finds out the needs of consumers of transport services.
2.8. Develops programs to expand the range of transport services provided and meet the demand for them.
2.9. Analyzes information about the solvency and reliability of clients, keeps records of receivables for the transportation of goods and services provided.
2.10. Prepares, executes and endorses documents necessary for concluding agreements with clients on behalf of a transport company on the organization of cargo transportation and the provision of additional services.
2.11. Accepts applications.
2.12. Organizes, adjusts and controls the performance of loading, unloading and centralized transportation cargo.
2.13. Conducts information and reference work with clients on the rules of loading and unloading, freight forwarding and other commercial operations.
2.14. Manages the development and controls the implementation of measures to eliminate and prevent unsafe cargo during transportation, loading, unloading, sorting and storage.
2.15. Carries out operational accounting of income and expenses associated with transportation.

3. Rights of the transportation manager

The transportation manager has the right:

3.1. Receive information, including confidential information, to the extent necessary to solve assigned tasks.
3.2. Make proposals for improving work related to the provided this instruction responsibilities.
3.3. Within your competence, inform your immediate supervisor about all shortcomings identified in the course of your activities and make proposals for their elimination.
3.4. Require the management of the enterprise to provide assistance in the performance of their official duties and rights.

4. Responsibility of the transportation manager

The Transportation Manager is responsible for:

4.1. Failure to perform and/or untimely, negligent performance of one’s official duties.
4.2. Failure to comply with current instructions, orders and regulations for maintaining trade secrets and confidential information.
4.3. Violation of internal labor regulations, labor discipline, safety and fire safety rules.
4.4. Offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.5. Causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

  1. This job description defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of the LOGISTIST.
  2. LOGIST is a direct participant in the organization and full functioning of logistics processes at the Enterprise
  3. A LOGISTIST is appointed to a position and dismissed from a position, in accordance with the procedure established by current labor legislation, by order of the immediate supervisor (head of the logistics department, director, general director, president, logistics director) of the enterprise.
  4. Reports directly to his Head (head of logistics department, director, to CEO, President, Logistics Director).
  5. In its work, LOGIST is guided by: regulatory, methodological and other guidance materials in the field of transport and warehousing; standards and technical specifications for storage of inventory items, procurement organizations, current customs legislation, “Job Instructions”, “Regulations regulating intra-company relations”, instructions from the manager, the charter of the enterprise.
  6. Education: higher technical (economics, technical-economics)
  7. Skills and abilities: ability to analyze, plan and manage. Construction of a logistics system at the enterprise. Design and organization of information flows in logistics system. Knowledge of the logistics aspects of the enterprise (purchases, inventories, warehousing, transportation, customs clearance, insurance, distribution, information and financial flows).
  8. Work experience: from X years
  9. During the temporary absence of the logistics manager, his responsibilities are assigned to _______________.

— participation in the organization of continuity and productivity daily work logistics department
— assessment and analysis of costs associated with the execution of logistics operations
— assessment and analysis of the performance of logistics operations.
— assessment and analysis of working time spent on operations
— development of proposals for optimization of logistics processes in the company;
— compliance with the approved cost estimates and budget items;
— improvement, development and implementation of new systems aimed at increasing the efficiency of the department.

Functional responsibilities of a logistician

  1. Design and development of logistics systems.
  2. Development and implementation of methodological and regulatory materials on logistics for specific departments, definition of functions and operations. Monitoring the application of developed methodological and regulatory materials
  3. Development of forms and methods of reporting.
  4. Monitoring the correctness and timeliness of execution of assigned tasks by department employees.
  5. Coordination of internal and external relations of the company.
  6. Participation in the process of budgeting for logistics. Analysis of logistics costs and logistics costs.
  7. Analysis of the balance of cost and efficiency of logistics operations of an enterprise.
  8. Coordination and direction financial flows related to logistics processes.
  9. Coordination of document flow of logistics processes.
  10. Coordinating the interaction of the department with other divisions of the Enterprise in accordance with developed and approved technological schemes.


LOGIST has the right:

  1. Give instructions and tasks to the services subordinate to him on a range of issues included in his functional responsibilities.
  2. Require managers and employees of all departments to provide the necessary materials, reports, information for planning and organizing the work of the department.
  3. Request and receive necessary materials and documents related to the issues of its activities, subordinate services and divisions.
  4. Act as a representative on behalf of the Enterprise in other organizations and institutions on issues within its competence.
  5. Make proposals for the placement and interaction of personnel in the logistics chain of the enterprise.
  6. Conduct meetings (operatives, briefings, planning meetings) to discuss and resolve issues within the competence of the department with the enterprise services subordinate to it.
  7. Submit suggestions for improving your work.


LOGIST is responsible for:

  1. Results and efficiency of the enterprise's production activities.
  2. Failure to fulfill his functional duties and responsibilities of subordinate services regarding production activities.
  3. Inaccurate information about the status of fulfillment of production tasks by subordinate services.
  4. Failure to comply with orders, instructions and instructions from the immediate supervisor.
  5. Failure to take measures to suppress identified violations of safety regulations, fire safety and other rules that create a threat to the normal (safe) operation of the enterprise and its employees.
  6. Violation of the internal regulations of the enterprise.

Operating mode

  1. The work schedule of the logistics manager is determined in accordance with the internal labor regulations established at the enterprise.
  2. To resolve issues related to production needs, the logistics manager can travel to business trips(including local significance).
  3. To resolve operational issues related to ensuring production activities, the logistics manager may be allocated company vehicles.

Other conditions

  1. Real Job description reported to the LOGISTIC against receipt. One copy of the Instructions is kept in the employee’s personal file.

I have read the instructions ___________________