Designing situations that develop the child’s emotional and value sphere. Presentation on the topic: “Designing situations and events that develop the child’s emotional and value sphere (the child’s culture of experiences and value orientations).” Action planning

Designing situations that develop the child’s emotional and value sphere. Presentation on the topic: “Designing situations and events that develop the child’s emotional and value sphere (the child’s culture of experiences and value orientations).” Action planning

Present the results in Table 1.

Table 1

My professional achievements

Description of the experience

Planning and conducting training sessions

Calendar-thematic plan, pedagogical projects

I have developed and implemented pedagogical projects in Homeland Studies, moral and partisan education of children

Designing situations and events that develop emotional value sphere child (culture of experiences and value orientations child)

Card index of game situations

I use situations in GCD, regime moments, organization of cultural practices




At the next stage, you start working with professional deficits, identified in the process of self-analysis and self-assessment of their activities. Return to the compiled list of competencies (work actions) that you rated as “0” in order, if necessary, to adjust the selection of deficiencies that you plan to work on eliminating in the current year and in subsequent years. You can include in this list competencies that are rated “1” but that, in your opinion, require development.

Present the results in Table 2:

table 2

My professional deficiencies




To design an individual professional development plan for a teacher, it is important to determine goals. To do this, try to answer the following questions:

What competencies can I help my colleagues master?

What competencies do I want to master (develop)?

What results do I plan to achieve?

For example:

My professional development goals for 2016:

Goal 1 disseminate successful experience (practice) in implementing the following competencies:

-Formation of skills related to information and communication technologies

-OP design

Goal 2 – master (develop) the following competencies:

-Interaction with preschool employees;

-Formation of motivation to learn;




Table 3



(labor actions),

mastery of which

relevant for me


result of competence development


deadlines in 2016


Forms of work

to overcome deficits

Forms for presenting the results of mastering competence


1. Formation of skills related to information and communication technologies (hereinafter referred to as ICT)

Use of ICT in a holistic EP

2 b.


Attending master classes, seminars, webinars

Presentation, video tutorial



Plan section " Analysis of the results of implementing an individual professional development plan» is focused on the implementation of a reflective-analytical function based on the results of work for the year and allows the teacher to determine the degree to which the goals of their own professional development planned for the academic year are achieved. Based on the results of the analysis, the teacher annually adjusts the individual professional development plan.

The results of the analysis are recorded in Table 4.

Table 4

Analysis of the results of implementing an individual professional development plan


Approximate form

individual professional development plan for 2016 (2016-2018)

teacher of MBDOU "" ... district ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 1

My professional achievements

Competencies (labor actions) rated “2”

Forms for presenting results confirming high level possession of competence

Description of the experience

Labor function “General pedagogical function. Education"

Labor function “Educational activities”

Labor function “Developmental activities”

Labor function “Pedagogical activity”
on the implementation of preschool general education programs"

Participation in creating a safe and psychologically comfortable educational environment educational organization through ensuring the safety of children’s lives, maintaining the child’s emotional well-being during their stay in an educational organization

A complete developmental subject-spatial environment in the group

Layouts and projects for children. parents a comfortable environment in the group

Together with parents, we developed... Islands were created...

System of work to preserve and strengthen psychological health preschoolers as part of valeological education.

Project "World of Emotions"

Goal: to develop children's understanding of diverse world emotions; teach children to understand their feelings and the feelings of other people; learn to establish cause-and-effect relationships between life events, experiences and facial expressions; give an idea of ​​how to distinguish and name different emotional states; teach how to use a kind of “alphabet of feelings”; cultivate the ability to feel the mood in music and color.


1. Contribute to the development of the emotional and value sphere of preschool children.

2. Teach children to recognize schematic images of emotions, involve children in their reproduction.

3. Strive to ensure that children are able and learn to respond adequately to situations and events.

4. Teach preschoolers to perceive the world realistically.

5. Promote psycho-emotional correction.

6. Teach children to control their emotional behavior and refrain from impulsive manifestations.

7. Give parents an idea of ​​the child’s emotional world. Teach them to influence the emotional sphere of the child.

Relevance: We live in an era of socio-economic instability in society, which leads to an increase in the number of preschool children with behavioral and emotional-personal development disorders. In many children, self-esteem decreases and the level of aggression increases. To help overcome these difficulties, to teach children to adequately respond to situations and events, to navigate the states and moods of the people around them, to teach them to regulate their emotional behavior, I developed the “World of Emotions” project as a component of valeology education in the system of work to preserve and strengthen psychological health pupils of our preschool educational institution.

The uniqueness of the work system: Originality I see my work system in the fact that by developing the emotional and value sphere of pupils, I rely on their personal social experience , using various, including non-traditional forms of work with children and their parents, since only through immersion in life situations You can develop in your child the ability to manage emotions, take care of his mental health, teach him to empathize and understand the feelings of others.

Working methods:

  • Conversations on the topic “The World of Emotions” (examination of pictograms).
  • Lesson on the topic “School of Emotions”.
  • Didactic games: “Bones the Clown School”, “Create the Mood”, “My Day”, “Find a Pair”, “Gather a Little Man”, “Kaleidoscope of Emotions”, etc.
  • Creating and maintaining a diary of the mood of the child and the teacher.
  • Solving problem situations like: “What needs to be done to change the child’s mood?”, “What needs to be changed to make the day happy?” etc.
  • Emotionally expressive exercises: “What is the mood of the fairy tale”, “Rainbow of mood”, “Why am I cheerful?”, “Why am I sad.”
  • Joint work with the music director of the preschool educational institution (listening to musical works and correlating them with a certain emotional state: Beethoven “Moonlight Sonata”, Brahms “Lullaby”, Fried “The Merry Violinist”, Strauss “Waltz”). Carrying out a joint child-parent holiday “New Year's Tale”.
  • Classes on visual arts on the topic “The World of Emotions” (the relationship between color and the emotional state of children). Exhibition creative works children on the topic of the project.
  • Exercises psychological relief: “I am calm”, “Apple tree”, etc.
  • Work with parents (consultations, conversations, work for round table on the topic “Development of the emotional sphere in preschool children.” Conducting a workshop with them on the topic “Psychological health of preschool children”).

Project problem:

As practice shows, in many preschool institutions work is planned in such a way that priority is given intellectual development child, relegating the formation of the emotional sphere to the background, as a result of which the harmony of development of the future personality is often disturbed. Emotions perform an adaptive and evaluative function. They are related to the needs of the child, they represent the conformity of the child’s behavior with his basic needs, interests and values. Therefore, emotional and sensory reactions, the emotional and sensory states of a child are considered the main catalyst for realizing one’s individuality, one’s “I”.

Expected results of the project:

1. Influence the development of the emotional and value sphere of pupils, increase their level of emotionality and ability to control their emotions.

2. Change the attitude of parents to the problem of “Psychological health of preschool children.”

3. Boost professional level teachers.

Efficiency markcarried out in 3 directions: teacher, children, parents, through conversations, observations, study and analysis of the project results. After the end of the project, a survey of participants is conducted to assess the effectiveness of the project.


The system of work to preserve and strengthen the psychological health of preschool children within the framework of the “World of Emotions” project allows:

1) develop the emotional and value sphere of pupils, increase their level of emotionality;

2) develop in children the ability to regulate their emotional behavior;

3) teach children to respond appropriately to various situations, events, manifestations of emotions of others;

4) involve parents in solving the problem of preserving the psychological health of preschool children;

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

1 slide

Slide description:

Designing situations and events that develop the child’s emotional and value sphere (the child’s culture of experiences and value orientations) “Our true guilt before children lies in a semi-spiritual, non-spiritual attitude towards them”

2 slide

Slide description:

3 slide

Slide description:

4 slide

Slide description:

Do you think it is necessary to help your parents? Answer options High school students, % Teachers, % -Yes, if financially possible 11.5 13 - No need, let them handle it themselves 0.5 0 - Necessary, only in an exceptional situation 2.5 1.5 - Always and with everything they need 40 54 - No need, parents should care and help children throughout their lives 0.5 0 - Attention, care, help with household chores 44 31 - It’s hard to say 1 0.5

5 slide

Slide description:

How, in your opinion, should we deal with terminally ill newborns? Answer options High school students, % Teachers, % -It’s hard to say 25 37.5 - Raise them at home as a full member of the family 32.5 28.5 - Give them up for education in a specialized institution 3.5 4 - It’s best not to immediately give them the opportunity to live, so that they did not suffer or torment loved ones 17 12 - Raise them at home, periodically placing them in medical institutions 16 12.5 - Place in a specialized institution, periodically taking them home 5.5 4 - Do not take them from the maternity hospital 0.5 1.5

6 slide

Slide description:

How, in your opinion, is it advisable to deal with sick old people? Answer options High school students, % Teachers, % -Leave them with their families, providing all possible help and enduring all the inconveniences 45 64 - Send them to comfortable houses for the elderly, so that they receive health care and visit them as often as possible 29 13 - Ease their old age and suffering medical supplies(euthanasia) 3 1.5 - Leave them at home and not pay attention to them 1 0 - If possible, hire a person to help care for them 14 16 - Entrust the care of them to the state 1 0.5 - Don’t know 7 5

7 slide

Slide description:

Is it possible to violate marital fidelity for those who are married? Answer options High school students, % Teachers, % -Possible and even useful 6 3 - Possible, if there is no love or understanding in a marital relationship 41 25 - Of course, impossible 11.5 22 - Impossible, since in our time there is simply an epidemic of transmitted diseases sexually 2.5 3 - Impossible, since it is offensive to the other spouse 15 28 - You can get carried away and cheat, but not destroy the family 16 11 - It’s hard to say 8 8

8 slide

Slide description:

You found a wallet with money and a passport. What will you do? Possible answers High school students, % Teachers, % -I’ll take the money and send my passport by mail 20.5 7.5 - I’ll consider myself lucky: I’ll take the money and throw away the passport 6.5 1.5 - I don’t know 10.5 13.5 - I’ll return both the money and the passport 33.5 55 - I’ll return the money and passport, but I’ll ask for a reward 11 5.5 - I’ll take the money, but I’ll demand a ransom for the passport 3 1 - I won’t even lift my wallet so that there’s no temptation 15 16

Slide 9

Slide description:

While turning around in your car, due to your inexperience, you damaged a car standing on the side of the road. What will you do? Variants of answers High school students, % Teachers, % -If the owner is not there, I will leave as soon as possible 22.5 10 - I will leave, but if they find me, I will pay for the repairs without talking 35 12 - If they find me, I will not admit guilt, so as not to pay for the repairs 1, 5 0 - I’ll find the owner and pay as much as he says 5 4 - I don’t know 12 32.5 - I’ll wait for the owner and, if he asks, I’ll repair the car 12.5 26.5 - I’ll leave, but I’ll leave my phone number 11.5 15

10 slide

Slide description:

You have been asked to give a letter to a friend, but the envelope is not sealed. What will you do? Possible answers High school students, % Teachers, % -I, of course, will read the letter. I am interested in everything that happens to people close to me 5 3 - The letter is not sealed, which means people want me to read it. I will read 5 5 - If the letter is not sealed, it means people trust me. I won’t read 40 57 - If I’m interested in the contents of the letter, I’ll ask about it, but I won’t read it secretly 36.5 20 - I won’t read it out of harm’s way 3.5 7 - I don’t know 4.5 5 - I’ll read it, why not and no 5.5 3

11 slide

Slide description:

You have learned that a misfortune has happened to the family of your neighbors, very rich people. Which line of behavior is closer to you? Answer options High school students, % Teachers, % -I will be happy, because I consider myself no less worthy of a rich life, which I do not have 13 1 - I will probably be happy: this is retribution, because it is impossible to become very rich in an honest way 1.5 1 - I will express my sympathy and -I will offer my services as a neighbor 32.5 40 - I will offer my help - maybe it will be well paid 3 1 - I don’t know 4.5 5 - I will express my condolences, as is customary, but in my heart I will be glad that “the rich cry too” 3.5 1 - I sincerely sympathize with them: in grief there are neither rich nor poor 42 51

12 slide

Slide description:

“Our true guilt before children lies in our semi-spiritual, non-spiritual attitude towards them.” S.L. Soloveitchik

Slide 13

Slide description:

Have spirit and know how to nurture it! Have spirit and be able to pass it on to your child!

And her leading mother is a psychologist Anna Bravoslavskaya, which answers your questions. If you have a question for a psychologist, you can send it to Anna by email [email protected] .

Hello, dear blog moms!

I received many letters from you after the article about . So, I would like to dwell on the topic of emotions in more detail.

So, how to develop intelligence is more or less clear. But what to do with emotions? How to develop them? And is this necessary?

It is simply necessary to develop the emotional sphere of a child. This became obvious to the general public after the publication of the book “ Emotional intellect" a few years ago. As it became known, numerous studies have shown that to achieve success in life, IQ is not so important as EQ.

This indicator includes such important concepts as empathy, intuition, the ability to establish and maintain a wide network social contacts and strong emotional connections, etc.

But even if we leave aside the notorious success, it is obvious that the more developed the emotional sphere, the more better person“built-in” into society, the more fruitful and rich his relationships with others, the higher his satisfaction with life in general. Not to mention the fact that people who are new to their sensory sphere are much more susceptible to serious illnesses, including oncology.

There is such a psychological term - alexethymia - it means a person’s inability to name the emotions he himself experiences. So, when studying patients with various diseases moderate severity, most of them (up to 80%) exhibit alexethymia.

How can we contribute to the development of the child’s emotional sphere? First, let's start with ourselves. You need to learn to monitor your state and articulate your emotions, especially negative ones. Best fit here "I-statement" is a method of communication conflict situations, in which any phrase must begin with the words “I” and “me.” For example, not “How could you?!”, but “I am very unpleasant when...”. Or instead of “Why do you...” - “I’m very upset that...”, etc.

If you comment on your condition, your child will gradually begin to better recognize your emotions, and at the same time his own. Of course, in the same way it is good to comment on the states of other people, cartoon characters, books, etc. “How do you think he felt when...”, “why did she do that?”, “how did you understand that she felt that way?” etc.

This is how a sense of empathy and compassion is fostered. In addition, it is good to play out feelings and emotions together with toys and dolls. You can play out entire scenes and don’t forget to feel sorry for the dolls, sympathize with them or rejoice with them.

After some time, you will likely find that you can anticipate your behavior in a certain situation. For example, that a state of fatigue is accompanied by severe irritability, etc. In such cases, you can warn your family that you need time to recover, and that outbursts of discontent should not be taken personally.

Children can also be given time and space to deal with unpleasant conditions. In addition, it is from us that children learn ways to express their emotions: what does mom do when she’s upset? How angry is dad?

Our emotions are connected to our body; if we suppress their manifestations, the emergence of psychosomatics is inevitable. But you are the one who can show your child that when you get angry, you can hit, but not a person, but a pillow or a door frame. That when you are very happy, you can and should hug, or at least jump and wave your arms. 🙂

The more shades of emotions your child knows and distinguishes, the richer his emotional life will be. Studying a dictionary of synonyms, as well as special games with cards, books dedicated to emotions, and psychotherapeutic fairy tales will help here.

There are even posters with images of various emotions in specialized stores. You can discuss how this or that feeling is manifested on the face (eyebrows are raised, the corners of the mouth are lowered...), play “depict an emotion” or, conversely, “what do I feel?”

While the child himself does not understand his own feelings very well, we can prompt him: “You are very upset, right?” or “I see you are very angry...”. Here it is important, of course, not to impose your vision, but to read the baby’s emotion and name it.

If you guessed right, the answer will be a relieved “yes!”, a deep exhalation indicating relaxation, and possibly tears that will pass rather quickly.

However, this technique is well suited for empathic listening at any age. Here it is also important to normalize the emotion, thereby reducing its degree - “of course! There’s a lot to be angry about here!” or “if I were you, I would feel the same!” Then it’s better to let the child speak.

Besides, It is very important to distinguish between sensations, emotions and feelings. Many adults admit that they themselves confuse these experiences. Sensations are of a bodily nature: hunger, fatigue, chills... Feelings are deeper than emotions: compare love and interest, irritation and rage. Confusion in their experiences leads to the fact that people do not distinguish between what they feel, and, therefore, do not know how to work effectively with their conditions.

For example, I feel bad somehow, I’ll go eat. But in fact, this is not hunger at all, but a feeling of anxiety due to troubles at work. Or: something is turning me right! Who would you fight with? Everything is just infuriating! And this is not irritation, but a feeling of sadness due to a quarrel with a girl. Negative feelings are often replaced with more acceptable ones for a given individual, and the replacement occurs the easier the less people understands himself.

All creative activities also work well for the development of the emotional sphere, but specifically as free creativity or working to music, for example. All bodily practices - dancing, swimming, massages, besils and all kinds of hugs are also, of course, good. 🙂

In addition, it is important to note that intellectual pursuits are in some way antagonistic emotional development. The fact is that our body has a limited supply of energy, and we can only spend it on one thing. It has long been proven that an excess of intellectual load in preschool age leads to depletion of the emotional sphere in the long term.

Of course, I mean extremes, and there is a fairly large continuum between obvious intellectual overload and pedagogical neglect. 🙂

In any case, I will definitely dwell on this point in more detail in the following articles.

Illustration source:

Both upbringing and education are inseparable. You cannot educate without passing on knowledge; all knowledge has an educational effect.

Tolstoy L.N.

Education is a purposeful process of training and education in the interests of the individual, society and the state. If we consider learning as an independent element, then, of course, this is a long process in which a person is involved throughout his life. In which self-education plays an important role, it helps a person independently acquire knowledge and form himself as an individual. But the educational aspect, in this case, will turn out to be a sinking element. The most important indicators personality formation is life position(relationships with other people, with oneself), social activity, manifestations of individuality. It is the family, and subsequently educational organizations, that help the child take his place in society. Parents and teachers are those who help a child develop, to prove himself as a citizen and a professional. Thus, education and learning will always be interconnected.

Society does not stand still, but values ​​remain unchanged. Unity of requirements is what comes modern society. From January 1, 2017, a professional standard for teachers will be introduced in Russia. The professional standard is based on a system of pedagogical activities, including training, education and development. If with training there is practically no misunderstanding, then education and development causes excitement. But is it necessary to be afraid of new formulations and so many fundamentally new introductions?

Educational work is pedagogical activity aimed at organizing the educational environment and managing various types activities of students in order to solve problems harmonious development personality. And teaching is a type of educational activity that is aimed primarily at managing cognitive activity schoolchildren.

By by and large, pedagogical and educational activities are identical concepts. This understanding of the relationship educational work and teaching reveals the meaning of the thesis about the unity of teaching and upbringing.

The most important criterion for the effectiveness of teaching is the achievement of the educational goal. Educational work does not pursue a direct goal, because it is unattainable within a limited time frame organizational form deadlines. In educational work, only a consistent solution can be provided specific tasks goal oriented.

You and I are the same children who are quite often frightened by the wording of the topic. The word “must” appears in the standard, but this does not mean that new inflated requirements have appeared. The standard is based on the teacher’s ability to guide the class or one of the students in the learning process through their actions. Be able to detect and implement (embody) educational opportunities various types the child’s activities (educational, play, work, sports, artistic, etc.).

Within the framework of the professional standard of a teacher, educational work by many criteria coincides with job responsibilities class teacher. This concerns the implementation of educational programs, student self-government bodies, the development of the child’s emotional and value sphere, analysis of the state of real affairs in the classroom, the development cognitive activity etc.

Pedagogical standard.

Educational activities.

Job responsibilities of the class teacher

  • Design and implementation of educational programs
  • facilitates obtaining additional education students through a system of circles, clubs, sections, associations organized at school, institutions of additional education for children and at their place of residence;
  • plans educational work in the classroom;
  • Implementation of educational opportunities for various types of child activities (educational, play, work, sports, artistic, etc.)
  • Designing situations and events that develop the child’s emotional and value sphere (the child’s culture of experiences and value orientations)
  • updates the content of the life of the class team in accordance with the age interests of students and the requirements of society;
  • promotes the development of communication skills in students, helps the student solve problems that arise in communicating with friends, teachers, and parents;
  • directs self-education and self-development of the student’s personality; makes the necessary adjustments to the system of his upbringing;
  • Assistance and support in organizing the activities of student self-government bodies
  • Development of students’ cognitive activity, independence, initiative, creativity, formation of citizenship, ability to work and live in conditions modern world, formation of a culture of healthy and safe lifestyle among students.
  • is responsible for organizing class duty at a general education institution in accordance with the duty schedule;
  • provides assistance to students in educational activities; identifies the causes of low performance and organizes their elimination;
  • together with student self-government bodies, conducts active propaganda healthy image life; conducts physical education and other events;
  • organizes the study by students of labor protection rules, regulations traffic, behavior at home, on the water, etc.;
  • Conducts awareness-raising work on healthy eating.
  • works with students of the assigned class;
  • carries out a study of the personality of each student in the class, his inclinations, interests;
  • creates a favorable microenvironment and moral and psychological climate for each student in the class;
  • Regulating student behavior to ensure a safe educational environment
  • Determination and adoption of clear rules of conduct for students in accordance with the charter of the educational organization and the internal rules of the educational organization
  • Implementation of modern, including interactive, forms and methods of educational work, using them both in class and in extracurricular activities
  • Setting educational goals that promote the development of students, regardless of their abilities and character
  • ensures safe conduct educational process;
  • promptly notifies the school administration of each accident and takes measures to provide first aid;
  • makes proposals for improving and improving the conditions for the educational process, and also brings to the attention of the head of the office and management about all the shortcomings in ensuring the educational process that reduce the vital activity and performance of the students’ bodies;
  • instructs students on safety, conducting educational activities with mandatory registration in the class register or instruction registration register;
  • participates in work Pedagogical Council schools;
  • Using constructive educational efforts of parents (legal representatives) of students, helping the family in resolving issues of raising a child
  • leads to in the prescribed manner class documentation, monitors students’ filling out diaries and grading them;
  • maintains constant contact with the parents of students (persons replacing them);
  • Compliance with legal, moral and ethical standards, requirements of professional ethics
  • Formation of tolerance and behavioral skills in a changing multicultural environment
  • Communicate with children, recognize their dignity, understand and accept them
  • complies ethical standards behavior at school, at home, in in public places, corresponding to the social position of the teacher.
  • respects the rights and freedoms of students;

For successful educational work, it is necessary to cooperate productively with colleagues, as well as to specify the tasks of the education and development of the student within the framework of his subject.

Only through the joint efforts of teachers, through academic subjects, we can not only meet the standard, but what is much more important, “educate” our future in the person of our students.