Modern style bedroom project. Bedroom design. Bedroom interior in fusion style

Modern style bedroom project.  Bedroom design.  Bedroom interior in fusion style
Modern style bedroom project. Bedroom design. Bedroom interior in fusion style

To register beautiful bedroom, you need to think through every element of the interior in detail. For a better choice, you can use information on the Internet and arrange a relaxation room on your own.

Description of the design of a beautiful black and white bedroom

For perfect combination use at least two different shades. Black and white tones will look beautiful when decorating a bedroom. This choice It is better to use it if your future room has a Scandinavian idea.

  • A beautiful bedroom design in a black and white palette has whole line useful tips.
  • The room is decorated with the most unusual decorative details. Select furniture items with a complex configuration, and lighting with lampshades.
  • Be sure to select bedside tables, cabinets and the bed itself only in white.
  • The floor covering should be black.
  • Curtains in red or green shades are hung on window openings.

The article presents photos beautiful bedrooms which can serve as a basis for this or that design.

Incredible interior of a relaxation room in light color

A beautiful bedroom interior in a light palette is suitable for a classic and vintage style. Characteristic colors help create weightlessness and homely warmth in the room.

For the bedroom in dark colors some nuances are characteristic.

  • Under no circumstances should curtains on windows be white. The most beautiful curtains Dark shades with drapery are suitable for the bedroom of this option.
  • An excellent addition would be antique furniture.
  • Embroidered paintings will look beautiful on the walls.

Decorating a beautiful bedroom

If you choose all the interior details correctly, you can get the most beautiful bedroom. You can completely change the look of a room with even the smallest touches.

Owners of their homes very often ask the question of how to make a beautiful bedroom. Now let's figure this out.

To transform a lounge room, quite different fabric textures are sometimes used. Having chosen a beautiful bed for the bedroom, it will be important to hang a canopy over it.

Roman or Japanese curtains are suitable for windows.

It is important in our business to use lighting devices that provide high-quality light. LED garlands are suitable for additional lighting.

Beautiful small bedroom

Most unusual design can be implemented even in a small room. Experts recommend using a pull-out bed and a wardrobe.

A transparent table and bedside table will save several square meters. Furniture in oriental design can create a beautiful small bedroom.

In order for the final stage to bring joy, you need to know a few simple recommendations.

  • Finish the walls better materials light and warm shades.
  • A mirror on one of the walls can play important point in your relaxation room.
  • Laminate or parquet flooring is laid horizontally to visually enlarge the space.
  • For a beautiful ceiling in the bedroom, you should use a simple design that will not weigh down the room.
  • It is better to sew curtains from fabric with large patterns.
  • If there is a family member living in the house who likes to read an interesting book, then you should not use a huge shelf to store them; nowadays there are many models of small shelving.

Anyone can create the beautiful bedroom of their dreams with their own hands.

The main thing is to know the basic concepts of design. Having turned to designers for help, they will conduct a short consultation on what exactly is right for you and how to combine shades.

Experiment, use your imagination and everything will work out.

Photo of a beautiful bedroom

The interior of an apartment or house can tell a lot about its owners from the first minute, as it clearly implements and reflects their inner world. But the bedroom design will reveal all the secrets and taste preferences, because this room is the heart of every home. The bedroom is a place of privacy, relaxation and sleep, which is why it is hidden from prying eyes and various gatherings.

Working on creating a beautiful and unique interior the bedroom should be entrusted to specialists, but for those who are so eager to create comfort in the house with their own hands, we suggest that you read our article and find a photo of a bedroom design for clear example dream rooms.

How to make your bedroom beautiful and cozy

Developing a bedroom design is quite complex and painstaking work. Create a room in accordance with all requirements and wishes, with full functionality and unique design– difficult for a person without experience and certain knowledge. Self-incarnation Turning your desires into reality can result in disappointment and wasted time.

Where to start renovating a bedroom? To begin with, you need to think through everything carefully and provide for everything down to the smallest detail. the main task- create a room conducive to relaxation and tranquility.

Basic principles of bedroom planning

  • Room location. It’s great if you have the opportunity to choose a room for a bedroom, since the geographical location of the room plays a big role in proper rest.

For those who wake up with the first rays of the sun, ideal option The bedroom design will include windows facing east, but if you are one of those who like to wake up late, choose a bedroom with windows facing west.

  • Soundproofing. A bedroom for sleeping and relaxing - don’t forget, that’s why complete serenity and silence should reign here.

For effective noise insulation, walls, floors and ceilings should be finished special materials(soundproofing substrates, canvases, granular mixtures, sealants.) Double-glazed windows on the windows and a massive interior door will also keep the room quiet.

  • Atmosphere of harmony and comfort. A pleasant atmosphere in the bedroom has special meaning, it’s nice to be in such a room, nice to sleep, nice to wake up. It is very important that the room fully meets your requirements and wishes; it should be easy and comfortable.

Advice! Use natural materials in the bedroom interior - this will create a special, sophisticated style and will bring required charge energy.

  • Furniture. What furniture should be in the bedroom? Everyone has their own opinion on this question; for some, it is important to have a large bedroom set - a wardrobe, chest of drawers, nightstands, and so on. Others have different preferences; they want freedom of space and a minimum of furniture. But one thing is equally important for everyone - the bed! The sleeping place should be comfortable; your well-being, mood and quality of rest depend on it.

Should be given Special attention choice of mattress padding and mattress pad. Don't try to save money on this quality mattress will serve you faithfully for many years.

Modern bedroom design (photo)

Modern design strives for minimalism, while its main goal is the coziness and comfort of the room. Enough minimum set furniture, if it meets all the requirements of practicality and functionality for its owners.

Today, designers give preference to solid shades of walls and simple, uncomplicated shapes of furniture.

Noble yellow
The color goes well with light and dark tones

For wall decoration in this style they use plain wallpaper with a light, unobtrusive texture; walls are also often covered with water-based paint. The color scheme is light and calm - all shades of light, pastel colors.

If in a bright bedroom there is a desire to focus attention or highlight one of the walls, such a technique will not be superfluous and will not disrupt the overall harmony of the room.

However, in in this case, you should take into account that in addition to light walls, the room should have neutral-colored furniture. As a rule, they accentuate the wall behind the head of the bed, thereby emphasizing the main advantage of the room - the bed.

The layout of a small bedroom requires a special approach; square meters Not many succeed. The basic rule that should be strictly followed is the use of only light shades in the bedroom interior.

Light colors are capable of real magic; they add volume to the room, fill it with light and give the necessary lightness.

Important! It is not at all necessary to use only white color to decorate the walls; the entire palette of pastel colors will be suitable to achieve the desired effect.

Create paradise in the apartment you can use frescoes on the walls and natural shades

Taking advantage of some secrets and design tricks, you can independently create a comfortable full-fledged bedroom from a small room.

The simplest and most reliable way to visually enlarge a room is to install mirrors. Even if there is mirror cabinet, you should install several more mirrors, including a full-length wall mirror.

The reflected light will fill the room with air, making it airier and more spacious, thus creating a visual illusion and losing boundaries. Using this principle, you can work with mirror tiles on the ceiling and at the head of the bed, use stained glass on windows and doors.

Glossy stretch ceiling with proper lighting will help achieve an incredible transformation of the room. With its help, the room “grows” in all directions.

Advice! Photo wallpaper on one of the walls of a small bedroom will become bright accent, attracting all attention to yourself.

Multi-level lighting and Spotlights will help achieve the necessary comfort by distributing light evenly to all corners of the room, thereby saturating it with the necessary warmth.

Organization of storage of things and accessories in the bedroom

  • Mirrored wardrobe. Allows you to store a large number of things, visually expands the space of the room, while remaining invisible.
  • Corner dressing room. By highlighting one free corner in the room, you can solve serious problem with a lack of storage space, while maintaining maximum usable space. Installing a sliding door with interesting design you will receive not only a partition dividing the bedroom with a dressing room, but also a transformed room.

Decorative brick on the wall - practical and modern look wall decoration

  • Smart partition. By building a U-shaped or straight partition behind the head of the bed, you immediately get 2 full zones - for sleeping and a dressing room.

Such a partition will not only correctly divide the territory, but will also become the main wall for fasteners open hangers. On the opposite wall you should install racks or open shelves for linen and other clothes.

  • Another good option- This sliding decorative panel on a hidden dressing room. The peculiarities of the layout of this wardrobe are that it is hidden by false walls and decorated to match the overall design of the room; the door to the wardrobe will be a sliding panel.

Such a panel is practically an ordinary sliding door, but unlike interior doors it has a more spectacular and original look.

  • Wardrobes above the bed. This type The furniture looks very beautiful and organic, and also saves a lot of room space.

Basically, such a cabinet is placed on the entire wall behind the head of the bed. Options are selected from your own preferences, with a combination of open and closed shelves.

  • Shelving and combined niches. This is the simplest, yet functional solution for a small room.

  • Podium bed with storage niche. You can solve the problem of storing things for a long period of time thanks to a bed podium.

Carrying out such a design will not be difficult for experienced specialist. The options can be varied - drawers, drawers or hidden niches.

It should be noted that the decor in the bedroom plays a very important role; decorate the walls with photo frames with family photos or favorite paintings. Such small but important little things will add warmth and comfort to the atmosphere of your room.

Now you know how to make your bedroom interior beautiful, fashionable, stylish, and most importantly functional. Good luck with your remodels! Search, try, experiment and you will definitely succeed.

Every owner of his own home wants to arrange the interior of his living space, which will have a zest.

What is its manifestation? First of all, in the originality, individuality of the interior, in something that goes beyond the usual traditions and deep-rooted limitations.

All people are unique, so the design of housing should be unique.

For example, someone’s bedroom is perceived as a place of complete peace on the sea coast, then if you add a couple of elements reminiscent of beach holiday, this room will become a very beautiful bedroom, according to its owner.

The owner’s character transforms the interior

If homeowners do not show character when arranging the interior, then even the most beautiful bedroom will not have a sense of individuality. How does it manifest itself in the interior space?

First of all, it is important to study yourself as a person, for example, with the help of psychology.

If you are an active, efficient and enterprising person, then you probably find it difficult to fall asleep quickly.

Therefore, a beautiful small bedroom with elements in the form of ornate patterns will suit you with a calm, darker color palette; all this will add mystery to the design, calm you down and help you fall asleep quickly.

Light colors are suitable for sensible and calmer individuals. beautiful ceilings in the bedroom there are walls decorated with natural motifs (photo wallpapers with picturesque nature, ikebana) in order to completely take a break from mental work, and, as you know, nature helps well with this.

Naturally, here are only some examples that demonstrate human characters and the most suitable interior for them.

We also suggest looking at photos of beautiful bedrooms on the website, among the variety of which you will certainly find a suitable interior and arrange your relaxation room that matches your character.

Decorating a modern bedroom

There are many options to transform your bedroom to bring maximum comfort to it. Let's talk about already furnished bedrooms.

First step. Let's look at the room differently. Look around your own bedroom and jot down in a notebook the things you don't like. Perhaps you don't like a narrow passage between the bed and the chest of drawers, or a very dark room.

Second step. We decide on one of the most amazing places. Most likely, in the process of functional distribution of the bedroom and the role of the furnishings in it, you did not take into account aesthetic aspects.

Therefore, forget about practical issues and plunge headlong into creative process. Think about a place that impressed you with its beauty. Perhaps it's a mountainous area or a magnificent castle you visited while traveling abroad.

Third step. With this theory completed, we begin to revive the beautiful bedroom design.

If, nevertheless, you are fascinated by the decoration of an ancient palace, then, focusing on what you saw, create beautiful interior bedrooms, it won’t be difficult.

For these purposes, you can hang a canopy over the sleeping place. At the same time, you don’t have to exactly repeat the elements of the decor you like.

Most likely, a few embroidered pillows, like in that room, will be enough.

The scenic spot is a little more problematic. How can you transfer the attractiveness of a place you like?

For example, if you have good photo this area, then order photo wallpaper with this place to stick on one wall surface.

And the remaining walls can be painted with the same color scheme of the amazing landscape. An excellent addition would be a beautiful bed in the bedroom with a bedspread in a shade that matches the color of the walls.

Another example could be a native interior from childhood. In this case, surround yourself with objects close to your heart.

For example, a traditional blanket. On your chest of drawers or nightstand, place an antique vase with wildflowers, of which there are many in the area where you ran as a child.

Beautiful curtains for the bedroom, the color of which you have liked since childhood, will also come in handy. This way you will fill the room with the warmth and comfort of your home.

We have offered several options on how to make a beautiful bedroom. And if you have found something of your own, then immediately get to work creating the bedroom of your dreams!

Photo of a beautiful bedroom design

Each home has a room where you can relax and unwind as much as possible. The bedroom serves as a place of relaxation. You can see the design of the bedroom with photo options for its design in this article. We have collected for you the most interesting interiors and fashion trends!

Rules and elements of bedroom design

The bedroom can have any style solution that suits your tastes and preferences. It is often decorated in a classic, Scandinavian, or country style. But this room, regardless of style, should fulfill its main purpose - to be conducive to rest and provide the opportunity to relax as much as possible.

This is achieved with the help of plain, soft colors or non-irritating ornaments and patterns of textiles, walls and ceilings, soft lighting, and a minimum amount of furniture, the main item of which is the bed.

Let's consider how to combine the style of this room with its functional purpose using the example of the design of walls, furniture, floors and ceilings, as well as textile solutions.

Color solution

The choice of the color background of the bedroom, which is created by painting the walls, is associated with its style. Of all the variety of existing color shades For the walls of this room, it is advisable to choose white, coffee, beige, gray, turquoise and black.

You can use a combination of several contrasting colors with caution, while not forgetting about the inadmissibility of using too bright tones together.

Designers believe that the most good choice white walls for a large bedroom, because it opens unlimited possibilities for interior solutions. It will suit any style.

You can play up the white color with bright paintings, panels, curtains and other interior items that match the style. White color walls fits well into modern styles, for example, it is organic in minimalism.

White walls are appropriate for rooms with large window openings. Contrasting colors are suitable for small windows.

In a small bedroom, when choosing a color background, light shades should prevail.

Painting walls

For small bedrooms, designers advise using light, cool colors to paint the walls; they visually increase the size of the room. For example, blue and gray walls make a good backdrop for furniture and do not clutter up the space. These shades are best used for a northern room.

It is not necessary to paint all the walls the same color. You can revive and enlarge the space by decorating bright color only one wall located next to the bed.

The wall behind the bed is painted in a muted lilac shade, which is supported by textile elements: curtains, bedspreads, pillows. This design is suitable for a room facing west.

The walls and ceiling, if it is not white, must match in tone. In this case, the ceiling is covered in a lighter shade, then it will not visually put pressure and reduce the height of the room.

Furniture in design

The main item in the bedroom is, of course, the bed. The entire look of the bedroom depends on its location in this room. There are general rules for arranging a sleeping place that must be followed for any style in this room.

What is important to know when registering

  • the bed does not need to be placed opposite the entrance to the bedroom;
  • when placing it, provide a place from which front door you can lie down and look around;
  • It is not advisable to arrange a sleeping place opposite a mirror; the bed should not be reflected in it;
  • V large bedroom It is better to place the bed in the center of the room;
  • its location in the corner is allowed if there are no window openings;
  • To sleeping place sufficient passage must be provided, unobstructed by nearby furniture;
  • The height of the bed can be any, but it should not be close to the floor; a minimum clearance must be provided between their surfaces;
  • Near the bed you need to provide a place for a bedside table; in the case of a double bed located in the center of the room, it is better to install bedside tables on both sides.

The rest of the furniture, regardless of style, is placed along the free walls. This room, as a rule, is also a place where personal items are stored. Therefore, in addition to the bed, it should have built-in or attached wardrobes; if the room allows, you can put a chest of drawers.

It is better to choose it low if it is wide enough, or high if the chest of drawers is narrow. The dressing table with a figured mirror, illuminated by the muted light of a table lamp, looks cozy.

At your request, you can place other necessary items, for example, hang a TV on the wall, put coffee table and other items.

If the bedroom is very small, then you can hang shelves next to the bed to place the necessary items on them. The head of the bed is located by the window. In this case, this is acceptable, because the window is located high enough and it is small.

Furniture designs for different styles may differ in shape, style and material. For example, for an interior in Greek style will suit massive wooden furniture carved shape and dark color. It can be supplemented with different shelves hung along the walls.


When planning an interior, designers offer many options for lighting solutions for this room. It is preferable to have two types of lighting: overhead and local, which must be present near the bed.

Overhead lighting is usually used at the entrance to the bedroom in dark time. A sconce or some other night light often serves as a local one near the bed.

Hanging bright lamps directly above the head of the bed, especially a chandelier, is prohibited not only from an aesthetic point of view, but also for safety reasons. With such an arrangement of bright light sources, they will hit your eyes, making it difficult to relax before bed.

It is better to hang lamps that will diffuse light and provide soft lighting. Instead of a chandelier, it makes more sense to use built-in lamps in the room.

Beautiful velvet curtains

In addition to creating an intimate, isolated environment, curtains play a huge aesthetic role in the bedroom interior. Well-chosen curtains that match general style this room evoke positive emotions and create a positive mood for the whole day. When thinking about the design of curtains in the bedroom, it is important to consider not only their functionality.

It is important to decide for yourself what is more important to you: protective function curtains or their decorative component. Do you need curtains that are too thick and do not allow sunlight, protecting from noise and external views if the room is on the ground floor, or they are necessary for aesthetic impression and decoration.

It all depends on the chosen room style and the location of your home and bedroom windows. In order not to make a mistake when choosing curtains, you need to clearly imagine their appearance on your windows along with other elements of the chosen interior style.

In modern style solutions often used roller blinds. Roman blinds are also popular. The bedroom in which the Japanese style is chosen looks original.

For lovers of country style, you should give preference to natural fabrics. It can be linen or cotton with drapery elements.

For a room with a classic style, heavy curtains are combined with a light transparent veil. Characteristic element is

With the development of new technologies in the field of building finishing materials and furniture production, painting of plastered walls and floors, expensive, labor-intensive, and difficult to maintain parquet, bulky bedroom sets and heavy curtains have become a thing of the past. They were replaced by textured plaster, creative wallpaper, dropped ceilings, laminate, carpet, modular furniture, blinds and roller blinds. They are easy to install, practical and easy to maintain. Panoramic windows add light and create a feeling of large space.

Furniture from natural wood at the peak of popularity, and can consist of separate modules that can be easily transformed and swapped, creating an exclusive composition each time. With their help, the space of a modern bedroom becomes not only functional, but also stylish. Along with environmentally friendly materials, furniture made from MDF and plastic is also used when filling the bedroom to reduce the cost.

Maintaining harmony in color scheme, it is possible to obtain a single object from disparate objects sleeping space, meeting new trends in decoration. The boundaries of modern styles are in close contact with each other; the style direction is sometimes discernible only by the placed accents of furniture and decorative details used in the design.

Space zoning can be achieved using modular systems, due to the use of organically built lungs sliding partitions, decorative designs, screens or curtains.

Dressing rooms, bathrooms and study rooms, as well as boudoirs can be moved outside the bedroom, or vice versa, if the area allows, be part of it,

or a continuation in the attached loggia or balcony.

To visually divide space, designers also actively use podiums, raising part of the floor surface of one zone relative to another by several centimeters.

Another planning solution for highlighting conventional boundaries is the use ceiling beams and consoles that do not interfere with the arrangement of furniture and the passage of light, but only visually highlight part of the room.

To highlight the bedside area in a modern design, textured wallpaper or plaster, wood, leather and stone imitation, or open shelving can be used.

The interior of a modern bedroom can easily be made stylish and fashionable by using a variety of finishing materials and combining them with various lighting options.

The colors of finishing materials and furniture must be decided in advance; they should not cause negative perception. The interior of a modern bedroom can and should be thought out in such a way that it is psychologically comfortable.

How smaller area allocated to the bedroom, the lighter the palette used, the use of pastel colors visually expands the space.

Shades such as yellow and cream, blue, peach, olive, light green and mint will help you get a positive charge.

To express the interior of a modern bedroom, you can add several details of a more saturated color to these shades. There should be no excess here, overload bright colors does not promote restful sleep.

Once the correct background shade has been selected, you can emphasize the modernity of the bedroom design with the following interior solutions:

  • combining materials;
  • bright lighting;
  • large multifunctional furniture of simple shapes;
  • accents based on contrast;
  • using glossy wall surfaces;
  • creating relief shapes and volumes.

Modern style suggests minimal amount decorative elements And household appliances, since the main task of correct modern decor bedroom is to create a cozy environment.

The main directions of modern bedroom design

In the guise modern bedrooms recognizable features and noticeable differences emerge. It became possible to systematize them according to certain characteristics in the use of materials, shapes and accents.

TO modern trends relate:

  • Modern classic;
  • Modern;
  • Minimalism;
  • Loft;
  • Scandinavian;
  • Techno;
  • High tech;
  • Oriental;
  • Provence;
  • Country.

Modern classic

Classic interiors suggest wealth with sophisticated luxury in modern features. Simple in form, massive furniture gives the appearance of the bedroom interior fundamentality, significance, large patterns on the surface of the walls, textile accessories and soft lighting makes the room a little pompous and elegant.

Decorative accessories are selected from patterned textiles or velvet in the form of stylish pillows and similar curtains.


Catchy and bold, somewhat aristocratic and sophisticated style involves smooth, curved lines. They are used in furniture silhouettes, repeated in contours stretch ceiling, door and window openings.

The noble wood of gracefully curved legs and side walls of furniture can be combined with marble inserts and glass surfaces. It is completely unacceptable to use “cheap” materials in modernism; it will look tasteless.

Stained glass in doorways are the most recognizable element of modernism; the light flowing through them will add mystery to the room.


Minimalism is optimal choice to decorate a small modern bedroom, but if desired, it can be used in a larger space.

The most necessary pieces of furniture, literally a bed and a nightstand, a complete absence of draperies and trinkets organize the sleeping space without the effect of clutter.


Sometimes you want to combine incongruous things, that’s exactly what it is, the loft style! Home comfort and street design elements organically interact with each other, creating the most open space with a well-organized seating area. The ideal room to embody the loft style would be a spacious and bright bedroom.

Steel lamps and blinds will perfectly complement the bedroom interior.


North – European interiors stand out from other styles with a minimum of color. This option is white on white (white walls, white ceiling and white floor), or with the addition of warm shades (laminate in light oak, walnut or maple). Textured wood and textured stucco molding are what can create a unique look, allow the interior to be elegant, and contrasting color spots not to be boring.

Eco-friendly wood and natural fabrics will contribute to sound and healthy sleep and a pleasant awakening. The photo clearly shows the combination of wood and soft fabric.

Scandinavian style stands for a minimum amount decorative items, but allows for the presence of several posters or photographs on the walls.


The techno style was originally intended for decoration appearance facades and office premises, a bedroom in this style looks not only unusual, but also not comfortable, it is more difficult to equip than other styles, and such bedrooms are most often chosen by teenagers or bachelors.

To prevent a techno-style bedroom from looking like a government institution, it is better to add at least a few loft details to it.

High tech

High-tech, as a follower of late modernism, involves the introduction of new technologies in interior design. Bedrooms in this style are functional and comfortable. Here, designers actively use modular and multifunctional furniture, which is easy to fit into any, even very unusual, room configuration.

Silver-blue, metallic gray, blue here color palette, which is inherent in the high-tech style. Combining them with beige or white will refresh and add a fresh touch, and one or two paintings with abstraction will balance and make the interior complete.


By oriental we mean Japanese and Turkish styles, the first will be completely devoid of frills, it is not just a stylization of the traditions of Japan, but a whole philosophy in red, black and white.

The materials used are wood and bamboo, curtains are always made of silk, and porcelain and stone are used as accents.

Turkish style is also oriental and involves the use of canopies and light, flowing fabrics.


A lot of trinkets and flowers in flowerpots, chintz curtains and light furniture will give the bedroom lightness and airiness, despite its size.


Country is another subspecies of rustic, associated with hunting lodges and American ranches, but this is, first of all, an eco-friendly style, as close to nature as possible. The design concept is the use of natural materials in open structures and finishing. Such bedrooms are most often equipped in country cottages. A fireplace, the façade of which is made of untreated stone, can be a wonderful accent here.

Bedroom finishing features

The direct purpose of any bedroom is to provide an opportunity to relax, sleep, and recuperate. Based on these needs, its design should promote relaxation and calm, so the interior is created balanced and harmonious.


The main criterion for vertical surfaces is their clear geometry and perfectly aligned walls.

Wallpaper can be either glossy or with a velvety surface, the former will meet the requirement of cleanliness, and the latter will emphasize the purpose of the room for relaxation. Unlike the walls of the living room or kitchen, bright, flashy colors are not used in the bedrooms at all; preference is given to pastel, calm shades that are calming and incite to rest.

Frescoes and frescoes are also a current solution for wall decoration. textured finish, and transoms and door inserts can be decorated with stained glass.

Modern design allows for presence in different styles untreated stone and unplastered walls, if the designer’s idea requires it. Decorating the area at the head of the bed with wood is also a significant accent in the space of the room.


For all styles except techno and country, the bedroom ceiling should be open, without overhanging beams or slats; the only accent here would be a beautiful chandelier.

Modern trends make it possible to make a two-layer ceiling, as an option, with mirror surface, a special curtain on rollers - guides, which can be controlled according to your mood at the touch of a button. Multilayer plasterboard ceilings are a thing of the past, but stucco rosettes for chandeliers and high cornices continue to be successfully used in decoration.


Wood, cork or laminate - these are the main ones modern coatings, meeting the requirements of cleanliness and comfort. For an additional feeling of comfort and softness, the use of carpet is allowed.

Furniture and lighting

A bed and bedside tables, a linen closet or chest of drawers, and various ottomans should, first of all, be comfortable and practical. If the bedroom is not large, then the closet or wardrobe can be moved outside, but for convenience, if available free space However, it would not be amiss to fit a wardrobe into the interior of the room; built-in furniture would also be an ideal option.

Mirrors will add mystery and visually expand the boundaries of the walls, and mirrored cabinet fronts make massive furniture almost invisible. Fashion trend began to use glass bedside tables instead of the usual cabinets.

When installing lighting you can use:

  • floor lamps;
  • table and bedside lamps;
  • ceiling chandeliers.

Decor and accessories

Excessive attention to small details leads to overload, prevents you from enjoying a comfortable rest and does not allow your eyes to relax.

Can be used as the main accent on the walls decorative panels and photo wallpapers with popular themes of urbanism, abstraction or macro photography, they will also be appropriate on the facades of furniture, imitation brick or stone, wood trim are also suitable. This will make it possible to highlight the bedside area.

Curtains in the bedroom may not be ordinary, bright thread, in the form of a grid with a large cell, curtains roll type with a print selected in the same style as the furniture.

Potted plants or bouquets in vases perfectly refresh the interior.

In order to make the walls less boring, you can diversify their surface with clocks, built-in lighting, framed photographs or paintings, modern graphics and lightweight shelves made of glass or plastic.

Color spots add variety and compensate for the lack of color; they can easily become blankets and pillows, bedspreads and paintings.

Small bedroom design options

Small bedrooms, strange as it may sound, are more comfortable than large and spacious ones. Most often they are found in apartments with a standard layout. The easiest way is to decorate them in a rustic style. Natural materials, used in the decor of such rooms, give a feeling of warmth and security.

If rustic styles unacceptable, you can consider high-tech options. By maintaining balance and not overloading an already cramped space, you can get a cozy and stylish bedroom.

A modern loft implies large areas, but modernism will come in very handy. Art Nouveau is universal, furniture in this style is simple and does not clutter the room, it can even be built-in. Regarding lighting, Art Nouveau has no special requirements, so this style is appropriate for any area, the main thing to remember is that the fewer objects in a small bedroom, the visually larger it looks.

For a bedroom with an area of ​​12 sq.m., all of the above options are suitable, and here, as in the case of 8 sq.m., pompous classics with elaborate baroque elements will be out of place, but it’s easier to decorate the room in a country style, Scandinavian style or minimalism.

In the presence of large windows It will be enough to “play” with texture in the design of white walls and a white or light floor, adding furniture of the same color to the composition, and a peaceful Scandinavian interior will appear.

Swivel headboard lights can completely replace overhead lighting in a small bedroom, while built-in wall niches can replace bedside tables.

Photos of real projects

Bedroom and comfort are inseparable things; a comfortable and functional space will contribute to have a good rest and a great mood.