The problem of continuity of preschool and school education. The problem of continuity between preschool and primary education

The problem of continuity of preschool and school education. The problem of continuity between preschool and primary education

The problem of continuity between preschool and primary education relevant at all times. It reflects the contradictions between representatives various professions and social positions. These are the educators preschool institutions and school teachers, scientists and practitioners, educators, psychologists and parents.

An expression of continuity is the establishment of the relationship between the tasks, content, forms and methods of raising and teaching children in preschool educational institutions and schools.

The essence of succession is revealed by philosophy, which considers continuity as an objective pattern of development. Continuity is defined as a specific connection between at different stages or stages of development, the essence of which is the preservation of certain elements of the whole, individual aspects of its organization when the whole as a system changes: in the new, the elements of the previous stage of development are always successively preserved.

Based on this, the continuity of the preschool educational institution and the school can be defined as a meaningful two-way connection, which presupposes, on the one hand, the direction educational work in preschool educational institutions for the requirements that will be presented to children at school in order for preschoolers to achieve the required level general development, on the other hand, the teacher’s reliance on the level of development achieved by older preschoolers.

In concept continuing education it is said that each stage of education should be a direct continuation of the previous one and the basis for the next one. The implementation of this project is designed to integrate all subsystems of education: preschool educational institution - school - university. The creation of a preschool educational institution - school - university model in terms of continuity of education involves the establishment of successive connections between these subsystems.

In this sense, continuity is, firstly, the definition of general and specific goals of education at given levels, the construction of a single content line that ensures the development of the child and his transition to the next stage of education, and secondly, the connection and consistency of each component of the methodological system (goals, tasks, content, methods, means, forms of activity).

This understanding of continuity provides:

at the preschool level - preservation of the self-worth of a given age period, cognitive and personal development of the child, his readiness to interact with the outside world; development of leading activities as fundamental neoplasms of preschool childhood;

at the initial stage - reliance on the current level of achievements in preschool childhood; individual work in cases of accelerated development; special assistance in correcting unformed preschool childhood qualities; development of leading activities as fundamental neoplasms of the younger school age.

Let us consider the content of successive connections in the “preschool educational institution - primary school” subsystem. The grounds for succession are:

1. Development of curiosity in a preschooler as a basis cognitive activity
future student;

2. Development of the child’s abilities as ways of independently solving creative problems
(mental, artistic) and other tasks. Formation of intellectual
abilities (spatial modeling, use of plans, diagrams,
signs, symbols, substitute objects);

3. Formation of creative imagination as a direction of intellectual and
personal development of the child. Wide use role-playing games, games -
dramatization, construction, various types of artistic activities,
children's experimentation;

4. Development of communication - the ability to communicate with adults and peers.
The development of communication is ensured by creating conditions for joint

activities of children and adults, the development of partner ways of interaction between an adult and children as a model of interaction between peers, teaching children means of communication that allow them to make contacts, resolve conflicts, and build interaction with each other.

The continuity between the preschool educational institution and the school has a complex structure. Several main directions can be distinguished in it.

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The problem of continuity of preschool and primary general education

Currently, our country is experiencing a huge number of political, economic, environmental and social problems. Cardinal transformations in historical and cultural development and socio-economic life required a change in the educational paradigm. The direction of the reforms taking place in Russian education, should lead to the creation of such a system, the basis of which is formed by the ideas of self-development of the individual, expanding his capabilities in choosing his life path. These tasks help to solve the adopted Federal State Educational Standards (FSES).

But problems in modern education enough.

I would like to touch upon the problem of continuity of various levels of education, which has existed for a long time and is relevant at the moment, including preschool and primary general education, which has a significant history. The issue of continuity was and is considered in the works of L.S. Vygotsky, D.B. Elkonina, A.V. Zaporozhets, A.P. Usova, L.A. Wenger, G.G. Kravtsova, E.E. Kravtsova, G.A. Zuckerman, K.N. Polivanova, N.I. Gutkina and others. Professor V.T. Kudryavtsev notes that over the past 20 years the problem of continuity of preschool and school education Not only did she not receive permission, but she became even more acute. One of the main reasons, in his opinion, is that the search optimal ways continuity is carried out mainly within the traditional educational system, while this problem can be correctly posed and resolved within the framework of a developmental focus. According to V.T. Kudryavtseva, resource child development, laid down in a preschool educational institution, cannot be “mothballed at school, it must be in demand and multiplied there, and the school is called upon to set the bar development of preschool educational institutions" The problem is that traditionally the “order” for preschool educational institutions is measured by a set of requirements for the child’s level of school readiness, which implies the ability to read, write, count, and follow instructions. In this case general question The continuity of preschool and primary school education is replaced by a narrower problem of preparation for school. In fact, successive connections should ensure the child’s successful mastery of different types of activities and areas of knowledge based on the basic personal culture laid down in preschool childhood. In accordance with this, in preschool education the grounds of continuity are highlighted, to which, according to A.G. Asmolov, the following prerequisites can be attributed:

Development of curiosity in a preschooler as the basis for the cognitive activity of a future student;

Development of the child’s abilities as ways of independently solving creative (mental, artistic) and other tasks as a means of being successful in various types of activities, including academic activities.

Formation of creative imagination as a direction of the child’s intellectual and personal development..

Development of communication as one of the necessary conditions for the success of educational activities and the most important direction social and personal development of the child.

In the concept of developmental education (V.V. Davydov, V.T. Kudryavtsev) the leading idea is preschool education is to introduce children to the world of human culture through its open problems. At present, as V. T. Kudryavtsev notes, a “vector of movement” has emerged from the pedagogy of everyday life (traditional) to the pedagogy of development (innovative), with which the strategic line of modernization of preschool education is associated. On a multidisciplinary basis, he creates a developmental preschool education project, the purpose of which is to create conditions creative development children 3-6 years old as their basics mental development and, in particular, the formation of preschoolers’ readiness for developmental schooling.

Valuable is the statement of V. T. Kudryavtsev that an important task is the development and maintenance of specific cognitive motivation and intellectual emotions in children. According to the researcher, at the preschool stage it is not the prototypes of educational activity that are formed, but its universal psychological prerequisites. The key one is a developed productive imagination - the core of a preschooler’s creative potential, which is genetically linked to theoretical (logical) thinking junior school student.

The main objectives of primary general education: development of the student’s personality, his creative abilities, interest in learning, the formation of the desire and ability to learn; education of moral and aesthetic feelings, emotional and value-based attitude towards oneself and others. The solution to these problems is possible if we proceed from a humanistic conviction based on data educational psychology: all children are capable of learning successfully in primary school, if you create the necessary prerequisites and conditions for them, in which preschool teachers will undoubtedly help us, primary school teachers.

However, in recent years, to please parents and schools, preschool educational institutions have begun to copy the goals, objectives, forms and methods of operation of primary schools. In fact, classes in the senior and preparatory groups began to duplicate the first grade. And as a consequence of this, a decrease educational motivation, loss of children’s interest in learning, which affects children’s adaptation to school and further successful learning.

We often hear from parents: “My child reads, counts, writes - he is, of course, ready for 1st grade!” But “Being ready for school does not mean being able to read, write and count. Being ready for school means be ready to learn all this" Wenger L.A.

Therefore, the adoption of the Federal State Educational Standard in preschool institutions since September 2015 helps us to correctly understand the essence of continuity between kindergarten and primary school. This is the preservation and consistency of the content of education, goals and objectives that are implemented within the framework of educational programs at various levels, and not the baggage of certain knowledge with which a child must come from kindergarten to school. In connection with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standards, the views on child readiness to schooling.

On at this stage development of our society, such personality traits like, initiative, creativity, and most importantly, a willingness to learn throughout your life. I think everyone will agree that these skills develop from childhood. Therefore, the most important task of the teacher is: create conditions for the formation of cognitive motives for learning. Today, it is not so much the amount of acquired knowledge and skills that is valued, but the desire to acquire new knowledge and the ability to apply it in practice. The child’s personality and his readiness for independent activity comes to the fore. Thus, for a modern graduate of a preschool educational institution, the ability to meaningfully use a cognitive tool, and not just possess it, becomes important.

With the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, the result of mastering the educational program of preschool education is the formed integrative qualities of the child. The integrative qualities of a preschooler’s personality are the basis for the formation of universal educational actions of a primary school student.

This will ensure a gradual transition from preschool childhood to primary school for children with different starting capabilities. This will make it possible to realize the main goal of continuity between the two ages: ensuring successful adaptation of the child to schooling, the development of his new social roles and new leading activities.

What are the main tasks of continuity between kindergarten and school? First, it is necessary to ensure a painless transition for children from preschool education to primary school.

Secondly, to contribute to the development of an emotionally positive attitude towards school in a preschooler.

And thirdly, to ensure continuity in the development of the child’s integrative qualities.

Continuity between preschool and primary school education is carried out in various directions, which forms two of its models: traditional and developmental.

In modern education, the developmental model of continuity is relevant, which has the following qualities:

Flexible compatibility of variable up to school curriculum like with different types developmental school programs (systems of D.B. Elkonin - V.V. Davydov and L.V. Zankov, etc.), and with the results of mass school innovations to change traditional educational content in the form of original programs.

Focus on developing the creative abilities of preschoolers in various types activities (play, free communication, visual arts, construction, theatrical performance, etc.), which ensures a natural and organic laying of the basis for school readiness.

A comprehensive account of the psychological characteristics of a child’s transition from preschool to primary school age (crisis of 6-7 years).

Focus on the key strategic priority of lifelong education - the formation of the ability to learn (primary general education) and its fundamental prerequisites (preschool education).

Taking into account the basic provisions of the developmental model of continuity, one of the expected results of its practical implementation can be considered the formation in children of the prerequisites and foundations of the ability to learn, which manifest themselves at different levels of education in various forms:

Unselfish curiosity and the desire to “conduct experiments” on the phenomena of reality (preschool stage);

Adequate requests for educational assistance from the teacher (the stage of introducing the child into school life);

Educational independence when mastering new material (setting an educational task, self-assessment of one’s own educational capabilities and achievements - primary school).

How is this solved in practice?

In the city of Volkhov, the problem of continuity and cooperation between kindergartens and primary schools has been puzzled since 1996. It was then that the Volkhov City Gymnasium was created, training in primary school which was and is being carried out only according to development programs (systems of D.B. Elkonin - V.V. Davydov and L.V. Zankov). This cooperation began with the Children's Educational Institution "Kindergarten No. 7" Iskorka", where a group of developmental orientation and preparation of pupils for school life, with which the gymnasium teachers developed a plan of interaction and cooperation. This was facilitated by the following prerequisites: continuity curricula and their content, learning through posing a problem and finding ways out of these situations, experimentation, modeling, widespread use practical activities etc. These traditions of interaction have become widespread. Now for several years we have been interacting with all the gardens in Volkhov. Every year a succession plan is drawn up, which includes not only joint seminars, but also mutual visits to classes and lessons, excursions to the gymnasium, “Fun lessons” with preschool children, meetings with parents, with a psychologist, “Days” open doors", joint events.

Currently, programs have been developed and are being implemented for both kindergarten and primary schools, which provide for the principles of continuity and continuity of the educational cycle.

But the sole task of the teacher and educator is also to ensure that the child’s adaptation to school is painless and quick, because this rather lengthy process requires the baby to adapt to changes, new factors and conditions, mobilizing a system of adaptive reactions. To solve these problems, since the creation of the gymnasium, the "School early development", which is the necessary link between preschool and primary education. Its purpose is precisely to help the child adapt to the new conditions of school life.

Teachers should become familiar with the forms and methods of work in preschool institutions, since the psychological difference between a six-year-old and a seven-year-old child is not so great. I think that if teachers of both educational systems take a more profound and serious approach to solving the problems of continuity, then the result of these activities will be the successful adaptation of children at school.


1. Asmolov A.G., Burmenskaya et al. How to design universal learning activities in elementary school: from action to thought: a manual for teachers / edited by A.G. Asmolova.-M.: Education, 2008.

1. Wenger, A.L. Peculiarities of mental development of children 6–7 years of age / ed. D.B. Elkonina, L.A. Wenger. – M.: Pedagogy, 1988.

2. Davydov V.V., Kudryavtsev V.T. Developmental education: theoretical foundations for the continuity of preschool and primary school levels // Questions of psychology. - 1997. - No. 1.

3. "Order of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation dated 10/17/2013 No. 1155 “On approval of the federal state educational standard preschool education".

4. “Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 6, 2009 No. 373 “On the approval and implementation of the federal state educational standard for primary general education.”

5. Chashchina O. Yu., Allerborn S. N. Continuity of levels of preschool and primary general education within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard // Young scientist. - 2015. - No. 21.

The problem of continuity of preschool education and the education received by children in primary school is an “eternal” problem of domestic education. No one disputes the need to solve it, but there is no clarity. When approaching this problem, it is necessary to honestly answer a number of questions: 1) what is meant by continuity (identity of methods, content, or otherwise)? 2) who will monitor this continuity (who is such a great specialist to successfully understand the intricacies of preschool education and modern technologies teaching primary schoolchildren)? 3) in what units should this continuity be measured? And a completely blasphemous “childish question” - why is continuity needed?

Modern primary school makes such demands on the mental development of a child entering the first grade, which are directly related to the quality of mental activity, to the presence in the future student of more than a simple stock of ideas, called “outlook” and expressed in pedagogical requirement taking into account the level of general intellectual development. The child must be prepared for the social position of a schoolchild. The latter allows us to include among the significant factors such as the level of development of communication skills, moral-volitional and emotional readiness, not forgetting the quality of higher mental functions (memory, thinking and imagination). In this regard, the continuity of preschool and school education must be approached from a different perspective, clearly defining the basic concepts.

What is meant by the term continuity? One of the principles of didactics is the principle of consistency or systematic education. In this case, continuity can be interpreted as adherence to a scientifically based sequence in the acquisition of education, since it is continuous.

Is there such continuity in a traditional school? Of course there is. The school directly continues to use the experience that the child has accumulated, either thanks to or in spite of preschool education. In this case, the school exploits, and for quite a long time, those mental qualities of the individual that developed in preschool childhood, and does not pursue development. Thus, the emphasis is on memorization, repetition, and imitation of the teacher. And this happens because the central mental function that ensures development in preschool age is memory. It leads all other cognitive processes of the preschooler. But in elementary school, development should already provide “new thinking” - logical or theoretical. Of course, this goal is set, but it is difficult to achieve within the framework of traditional training.

  • 1) “substantive” continuity, when, for example, foreign language, studied over one to two years in kindergarten, continue to study in the first grade based on what has been completed;
  • 2) technological continuity, when in educational program The preschool educational institution has a pedagogical technology that does not contradict the school one and can be enriched in the future, without causing internal protest in the little schoolchild, who for some reason must forget that he already “knew how to do everything”, that he already reads and counts, and again long and hard draw hooks and add and subtract within the first ten. If a preschool educational institution (PEI) operates according to an innovative program, more favorable conditions are created for technological continuity, since teachers can reorient themselves to higher goals, taking into account the other capabilities of preschool education graduates.

Who will monitor the succession besides the deputy. primary school director? This can be done by a school practical psychologist. To do this, he needs to have experience in studying the psyche of preschoolers and primary schoolchildren, know the programs of preschool educational institutions and primary schools, and most importantly, conduct psychocorrectional work, helping children cope with the normal difficulties of this period of childhood.

It is very important for the school administration to organize cooperation with a psychologist and preschool teachers, which can, for their part, provide very valuable information about individual characteristics the personality of each of its graduates. The study of psychological and pedagogical literature suggests that a higher effect in this regard is associated with the implementation of the principles of developmental education. Thus, the average indicators of the level of intellectual development among current six-year-olds from innovative preschool educational institutions are significantly higher than those demonstrated by children coming to psychological diagnostics from other preschool educational institutions with a traditional program. This, in particular, allows us to implement the conflict-free pedagogical technology of L.V. Zankov’s system and obtain good results in the training of almost all graduates of preschool educational institutions with the “Development” program.

What to do with those classes that are formed from children who attended preschool educational institutions with a traditional program?

Observations show: one of the main reasons for difficult adaptation to school (and, accordingly, difficulties in solving problems of continuity) is a sharp change in the style of communication between adults and children. The authoritarianism characteristic of teachers, the edifying position (“This is how it should be,” “You must”), and negative assessments suppress children’s initiative and give rise to self-doubt in them. Therefore, first-graders lose interest in learning and become anxious, which has a negative impact on the psyche. In addition, the leading activity of 6-year-old children remains play. Therefore, in the first grade, special techniques and methods are needed to promote the gradual formation of skills in educational activities. And it is important to teach teachers this. It is advisable that six-year-olds study in kindergartens, since only here it is possible to ensure the psycho-emotional comfort of the child, his needs for nutritious nutrition, sleep, interesting recreation, etc. It is equally important that in kindergarten it is possible to evenly distribute the load on the child throughout the day and provide an individual approach to everyone. Unfortunately, recently they are increasingly being transferred to a regular primary school.

Psychologists who consider themselves to be supporters of a personal approach to learning, including I.S. Yakimanskaya and others, emphasize the special importance individual approach to the child and require the construction of a completely different, practically new education system, starting from the first stage of education (primary school).

What else prevents a six-year-old preschooler from being truly ready for school?

Firstly, as was noted in the first years of the existence of six-year-old classes, every “extra” month, especially for boys, significantly affects not only psychophysiological characteristics, but also indicators of intellectual development.

Secondly, a certain “immaturity” of mental new formations manifests itself in unstable combinations, which leads to the fact that “as many six-year-old children as there are as many problems.” Thus, children can literally be “trained” by parents and even tutors not only in relevant knowledge, skills, and abilities, but also “learned” the answers to test questions.

Thirdly, testing procedures cannot be endlessly complicated. A number of tests may seem of little value, since they are focused on the “yesterday” of a preschooler, and not on identifying the depth of the zone of proximal development of intelligence in six-year-olds.

Fourthly, the famous domestic psychologist P.Ya. Galperin warned that a program formed according to a program isolated from the practice of a preschooler logical thinking does not act as a fact of development. Children can reproduce not only what needs to be remembered, but also perform some logical operations, immediately “getting into trouble” when performing tasks on classifying or comparing homogeneous objects. The problem is also aggravated by the threat of overload, as the number of children who are weakened and often ill is growing. Purely social reasons also have a negative impact.

It is very important to find out the possibilities of a psychologist’s “flexible response” and determine the basic methodological principles on which a modern program should be based educational institution. Otherwise, the psychologist’s requirements will not be accepted for implementation by preschool teachers or primary school teachers. If the children turned out to be “conditionally mature”, it is necessary to introduce a special corrective academic subject, to ensure the technological side of continuity, in fact, during the first year of school-type education.

Modern preschool programs(for example, “Rainbow”, “Development”, “Childhood”) are focused primarily on the education and comprehensive development of the child, as well as the formation of skills in educational activities in play, experimentation, observation, etc. In elementary school programs, the main goal is to teach children specific skills (writing, reading, etc.) and accumulate knowledge on certain topics. It is assumed that issues of student education are resolved indirectly, only through educational material and only during class time. This is probably also the reason for the problems that arise in the continuity and adaptation of children to school.

Thus, to ensure continuity, you need:

  • 1. coordinate the content of kindergarten and school programs and create unified technologies (for educators to introduce undistorted scientific knowledge, but taking into account the age capabilities of children, and for teachers - based on taking into account the psychological characteristics of children 6-7 years old). These techniques must first be taught to future teachers.
  • 2. in organizational terms, succession is more effectively carried out within the framework of a complex of a single institution such as “school-kindergarten” (one teaching staff selects the most suitable programs). Within one institution, it is much easier to think through uniform forms of classroom and extracurricular work for teachers with children aged 5-8 years, taking into account their age and individual characteristics.

So, continuity should be built:

  • *taking into account the age and psychological characteristics of children 5-8 years old;
  • *for the common purposes of raising and educating children;
  • *on the unity of the requirements of adults (teachers, psychologists, parents), consistent with the chosen educational program;
  • *providing schools and kindergartens visual aids, methodological developments for teachers, children and parents.

In addition, in middle and high educational institutions More attention should be paid to psychological issues of continuity.

The problem of continuity between adjacent parts of the education system has always been one of the central problems of domestic pedagogy. Modern pedagogical literature has accumulated significant material on the problems of continuity between educational levels (B. S. Gershunsky, S. M. Godnik, Yu. A. Kustov, A. A. Merk, etc.). The results of these studies made it possible to determine the theoretical, organizational and methodological foundations of continuity, and the technologies for its implementation in the conditions of continuous education.

A number of scientists believe that continuity should be understood as the internal organic connection of general physical and spiritual development on the border of preschool and school childhood, internal training to the transition from one stage of development to another (L. A. Paramonova, A. G. Arushanova). Other scientists consider the main component of continuity to be the relationship in the content of the educational process (N.V. Nizhegorodtseva, V.D. Shadrikov). Some characterize continuity in the forms and methods of teaching based on the concept of educational and game activities (P. M. Yakobson, E. D. Margulis, A. V. Dolgopolova, etc.). Judgments are often made that continuity should be carried out in all areas, including goals, content, forms, methods, and implemented through the interaction of all professional levels, including the work of a kindergarten teacher, school teacher, preschool psychologist, school psychologist, etc.

In 1996, the Board of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation for the first time registered continuity as the main condition of lifelong education, and the idea of ​​​​the priority of personal development as the leading principle of continuity at the stages of preschool - primary school education. The continuity of kindergarten and school presupposes the establishment of a relationship between its links in order to consistently solve the problems of teaching and upbringing - the relationship of educational content, educational work, as well as methods of its implementation. Essential in continuity is the relationship between the previous and subsequent educational stages and the preservation certain features of previous experience in the future. According to experts, the key to continuity is the contradiction between the leading lines of education and training of preschoolers and children of primary school age.

Promising approaches to the development of continuity between preschool and primary education are currently reflected in the content of the Concept of Lifelong Education. This strategic document reveals promising directions for the development of preschool primary education, it contains continuity between preschool and primary general education is considered at the level of goals, objectives and principles for selecting the content of lifelong education for children of preschool and primary school age. The document also defines the psychological and pedagogical conditions for the implementation of lifelong education at the indicated stages of childhood. The concept proclaims a rejection of the dictates of the initial stage of school education in relation to preschool, affirms the individualization and differentiation of education, the creation of an educational and developmental environment where every child could feel comfortable and develop in accordance with their age characteristics.

The leading goal of continuity in the Concept is the implementation of a single line of child development at the stages of preschool and primary school education, giving pedagogical process holistic and consistent. The relationship between preschool and primary education, according to the Concept of Lifelong Education, involves solving the following priority tasks at the childhood stage:

  • – introducing children to values healthy image life;
  • – ensuring the emotional well-being of each child, developing his positive worldview;
  • – stimulation of communicative, cognitive, play and other activity of children in various types of activities;
  • – development of competence in the field of relationships to the world, people, oneself; inclusion of children in various forms of cooperation (with adults and children of different ages);
  • – formation of readiness for active interaction with the outside world (emotional, intellectual, communicative, business, etc.);
  • – development of the desire and ability to learn, formation of readiness for education at the main level of school and self-education;
  • – development of initiative, independence, cooperation skills in various types of activities;
  • – improvement of achievements preschool development(throughout primary education);
  • special assistance on the development of qualities that were not formed in preschool childhood;
  • – individualization of the learning process, especially in cases of advanced development or lagging behind.

This goal is specified in the objectives of the education levels:

  • a) at the preschool level:
    • – ensuring the emotional well-being of the child;
    • – development of initiative, curiosity, arbitrariness, and the ability for creative self-expression;
    • – formation of basic knowledge about the world around us;
    • – introducing children to the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle; development of competence in various forms of cooperation (with adults and children of different ages);
  • b) at the primary school level:
    • – improving the achievements of preschool development;
    • – formation of readiness for active interaction with the outside world (emotional, intellectual, communicative, business, etc.);
    • – conscious acceptance of the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle and regulation of one’s behavior in accordance with them.

Thus, the continuity of kindergarten and primary school provides, on the one hand, for the transfer of children to school with a level of knowledge, skills, general development and education that meets the requirements of school education. Forming readiness for learning in primary school means creating the prerequisites for children to successfully master the school curriculum and for each child to join the student body. At the same time, workers in preschool institutions (primarily methodologists and educators) must be familiar with the requirements that are presented to children in the 1st grade and, in accordance with these requirements, prepare preschoolers for systematic learning at school, including special educational tasks and exercises in the learning process, gradually increasing the degree of their difficulty and thereby forming the prerequisites for educational activities in preschoolers.

On the other hand, continuity provides for the school to rely on the achieved level of preschool education. Moreover, we must remember that in this regard there are certain costs. In particular, when entering school, a child is required to read fluently, operate with numbers within a hundred, and much more. As a result, increased loads lead to overwork in children, deterioration in their health, decreased educational motivation, loss of interest in learning, etc. They are the cause of children's neuroses and other undesirable phenomena during the transition to school education. At the same time, the game and other specific preschool age types of activities are replaced by lesson classes, which further aggravates the situation.

In this regard, teachers must take into account not only the level of special pedagogical readiness of children for school, but also the level of their psychological and physical readiness. They must have a clear understanding of the specifics of teaching and raising children in kindergarten and organize educational activities that include gaming techniques, forms and means often used in kindergarten. The use of gaming technologies in the first grades contributes to better adaptation of children to school learning.

This means that continuity requires constant contact and interaction between preschool workers and school teachers. In the practice of many preschool institutions and schools, productive forms of cooperation have developed:

  • – on the implementation of programs and plans for preparing preschoolers for systematic education at school;
  • – for the teacher to attend lessons at school, and for the teacher to attend classes in kindergarten in order to become familiar with the environment and organization of the child’s life and education;
  • – exchange of experience, search optimal methods, techniques and forms of work;
  • – analysis of results joint activities.

Such forms of interaction between the kindergarten teacher and the teacher have become very effective, such as mutual acquaintance with the programs (First Grade Programs and Programs for Training and Education in Kindergarten), visiting open lessons and classes, familiarization with methods and forms of work, thematic conversations about age-related characteristics of child development. Equally important are the connections between the kindergarten and school and other institutions; cooperation with the methodological office; joint participation in pedagogical councils and seminars; cooperation with the family through interaction with the parent committee; cooperation with psychological and pedagogical consultation and medical workers.

At the same time, during the school year, a stable connection must be maintained between children in the kindergarten preparatory group and 1st grade students. Familiarization of preschoolers with school, educational and social life schoolchildren helps to expand the relevant ideas of kindergarten students, develops their interest in school, and creates a desire to learn. The forms of this work can be excursions to school, visiting the school museum, library, conducting joint classes, musical and literary evenings, organizing exhibitions of drawings and crafts, etc. Establishing communication and creative cooperation between kindergarten and school - necessary condition successful solution of succession problems. However, today, in conditions of a sufficient number of research and methodological works in the field of continuity of preschool educational institutions and schools, the implementation of the idea of ​​continuity of preschool and primary education is accompanied by a number of problems.

  • 1. Insufficient consistency in the actions of various subsystems of the educational system. The formation and development of education in each subsystem is often carried out without relying on previous educational experience and without taking into account future prospects.
  • 2. Imperfection existing systems diagnostics during the transition of children from one educational level to another.
  • 3. Incomplete compliance with the psychological continuity of various subsystems of the educational system (we have to admit the fact that there are no specialists who know how to work with children 3-10 years old and combine the professional potential of educators and primary school teachers).
  • 4. Lack of uniform education and training programs.
  • 5. Lack of scientifically based grounds for selecting training content and organizing educational material by level.
  • 6. Some gap between ultimate goals and learning requirements at various stages of the educational process.
  • 7. Lack of provision of educational process in the subsystems of continuous education with educational and methodological materials and teaching aids, imperfection of existing teaching aids and etc.
  • 8. Insufficient level of training of teaching staff to work in the system of continuous education.

The solution to these problems determines the main directions of continuity of the educational process.

  • 1. The target direction is related to the coordination of the goals and objectives of raising and educating children at individual stages of their development.
  • 2. The content direction is associated with the development and provision of “end-to-end” lines in the content, the preparation of unified courses for studying individual programs. This direction involves creating at each stage the basis for subsequent study of educational material at a higher level by expanding and deepening the topic.
  • 3. The technological direction involves the implementation of continuity of forms, methods and methods of raising and teaching children. This implementation of continuity is aimed at creating new methods and technologies of training and education in the development of general approaches to organizing the educational process in preparatory group kindergarten and primary school
  • 4. From a psychological point of view, the transition period from preschool to school childhood is considered the most difficult and vulnerable. The psychological direction puts forward demands for improving the forms and methods of organizing the educational process in kindergarten and primary school, taking into account general age characteristics. Creation educational environment, promoting the emotional-value, social-personal, cognitive, aesthetic development of the child and the preservation of his individuality.

Of great importance in this case is the continuity of the style of attitude of the teacher and the teacher towards the child, which is favorable condition to build self-confidence, develop trust in the teacher, and actively participate in studies.

It is believed that the basis for the continuity of preschool and primary school education is taking into account the health and physical development of children; the level of development of their cognitive activity as a necessary component of educational activity; level of development of children's mental and moral abilities; development of communication skills, i.e. ability to communicate with adults and peers.

This area includes pedagogical and psychological diagnostics of children, drawing up characteristics of children, filling out diagnostic cards for each child, a meeting of the psychological and pedagogical council for admission to the first grade, further monitoring of the adaptation of children in the first grade, providing psychological and pedagogical assistance to children and their parents.

5. Managerial and structural-organizational direction determines the need for general leadership educational process in kindergarten and primary school, the rational establishment of vertical and horizontal connections in them.