Admit it, you ate the pie. Summary of an open lesson in the senior group “Journey to the land of folklore. Competition “You can’t say all the tongue twisters”

Admit it, you ate the pie. Summary of an open lesson in the senior group “Journey to the land of folklore. Competition “You can’t say all the tongue twisters”

Olga Romanovskaya
Abstract open class V senior group"Journey to the Land of Folklore"


Educational: introduce characteristic features Russian folk folklore;

consolidate knowledge about genres and types of Russian folk art.

Developmental: develop curiosity, speech skills.

Educational: cultivate interest in cultural heritage Russian people.

Integration of educational regions: communication, socialization, reading


Vocabulary work:

Activation: nursery rhymes, jokes, tongue twisters, teasers, counting rhymes, folk games.

Enrichment: folklore.

Preliminary work: acquaintance with the genres and types of Russian folk

creativity (learning proverbs, sayings, nursery rhymes, reading fairy tales).

Equipment: route map, letter, snowflakes pictures with fabulous

characters, projector.

Progress of the lesson

Organizing time:

Educator: Guys, tell me which one country we live in?

Children: Russia.

Educator: What is Russia famous for? Why do people know about her in so many countries?

What is she rich in?

(Children's answers: famous for samovars, gingerbread, weapons, crafts, folk


Educator: What else is Russia famous for, you will find out by guessing riddle:

Friends of different heights

But they look alike

They all sit next to each other,

And just one toy. Matryoshka)

Educator: And our region is also rich folklore. Do you know what it is folklore.

(Folklore folk art, most often it is oral; artistic

collective creative activity people, reflecting their life.)

Children: These are songs, proverbs, sayings, nursery rhymes, jokes, riddles, tongue twisters,

games, round dances, fairy tales.

Educator: Who composed them?

Children: People:

Main part:


As has been the case with us for a long time,

So that everyone can live happily and cheerfully,

So that no one cries and no one gets bored,

The people themselves composed songs and jokes for themselves.

Our grandfathers and grandmothers told us

How they danced and danced in circles.

How they laughed, joked, sang sonorous songs,

They taught their children to sing from the cradle.

(There is a knock on the door and a letter is brought in).

Educator: Children, they brought us a letter. Who could have given it? Let's let's open it and

Let's find out who it's from.

(Teacher opens the letter, takes out a route map).

Educator: What a miracle! Look, some kind of map. Yes, there's another letter here (is reading).

Hello, dear grandchildren! I know that you love fairy tales very much and want to visit my sister Skazka. Complete my tasks and I will take you to visit her. And so that you don't go astray,

I am sending you a route map.

Wish you luck!

IN good hour and see you later! Your grandmother Riddle.

Educator: We today let's travel and get to know our better folklore.

Oh, there are some squares, pictures, arrows here.

What does it mean? (considering)

Children: This is our plan trips!

Educator: Everything is very simple. Forward!

Where does the first arrow point?

Children: The arrow indicates that the square is with a smiley face. This means that something fun and funny awaits us.

The teacher reads the task: Tell me, what are nursery rhymes and jokes? Tell them.

Nursery rhymes:

And ta-ta, and-ta-ta,

A cat married a cat,

For the cat Kotovich,

For Ivan Petrovich.

They began to bury the cat,

Ring all the bells.

Ti-li-l don,

Ti-li-l don,

The goat house caught fire

The goat jumped out

Her eyes bulged.

A chicken is running with a bucket,

I ran to the oak tree,

Bit my lip

Ran to the city

Singed my beard.

I'm going - I'm going to see my grandmother, my grandfather.

On a horse, in a red hat,

On a level path,

IN old sweetheart,

Over potholes, over bumps,

Everything is straight and direct,

And then suddenly. into the hole


Fedul, why are you pouting your lips?

The caftan is burned!

Can it be fixed?

Yes, there is no needle!

How big is the hole?

All that was left was the collar and the sleeves.

Did you eat the pie?

No, not me!

Was it delicious?

Educator: Guys, who can tell me what a nursery rhyme is? (A nursery rhyme song that accompanies playing with a child’s fingers, arms and legs.)

What is a joke?

(Joke (from bayat, that is, to tell)- a poetic, short, funny story that a mother tells her baby.)

Educator: Guys, you completed the task. Well done! We can move on. Where

is the arrow pointing to us?

Children: A square in which a snowflake is drawn.

Let's hit the road!

Educator: So many snowflakes! A whole snowdrift! Let's collect them!

Oh, there are sayings and proverbs written on snowflakes here, but not completely.

There are proverbs about laughter, jokes, fun, there are about work, work, there are about home,

economy, about human relationships.

We need to remember the continuation of the proverbs and sayings we started.

Be careful! I say the beginning, and you say the ending.

Listen to Russian proverbs.

You will know a lot - (soon you'll grow old) .

What's on your mind (even in the language).

It's good to visit (and home is better).

old friend - (better than the new two).

Not without difficulty (take the fish out of the pond).

Do you like to ride - (love to carry sleighs too).

Don't dig holes for others: (you'll fall into it yourself).

Educator: It was a good game. What other proverbs and sayings do you know?


There is a hut in the dark forest (hands above head)

Standing backwards (turns around).

In that hut there is old lady

Grandmother Yaga lives (put their hands down).

Crochet nose (point to the nose,

The eyes are big (show eyes)

Like coals are burning (shake head!

Wow, she’s so angry (they shake a finger,

Your hair is standing on end (raise your hands up!

Children: A square in which the mouth and tongue are drawn. What does this mean? Nothing is

written. Maybe Granny Riddle wants us to tease each other?

(Children stick their tongues out at each other.)

Educator: I know funny tease:

Vanya, Vanya - simplicity, I bought a horse without a tail!

I sat down backwards and went to the garden!

Do you know?

Vova, Vova the little one!

I ate watermelon at my grandmother's.

Grandma swears

Vova unlocks!

This, grandma, is not me!

This is your cat.

Antoshka - potato,

straw leg,

Himself from the nails,

Elbow head.

Boris - barberry,

Hanging on a rope.

When the rope breaks,

So Boris will turn over.

Educator: I know patter:

The clatter of hooves sends dust flying across the field.

Let's stretch our tongues!

You can’t say all the tongue twisters, but we’ll try.

Children, do you know tongue twisters? What tongue twisters do you know?

Speak them out.

Bull, blunt-lipped, blunt-lipped bull.

The white bull's lip was blunt.

The Christmas tree has pins.

Greek rode across the river.

He sees a Greek - there is a cancer in the river.

The Greek put his hand in the river

Cancer by the hand of the Greek - DAC!

Educator: Your tongues are good, you mastered the tongue twisters! It's time


Men in old times loved to play the game "Golden Gate". Let's play too.

First you need to choose the drivers. Who knows the counting rhyme?

Aty-baty, the soldiers were walking,

Aty-baty, to the market.

Atty-batty, what did you buy?

Aty-baty, samovar.

How much does it cost?

Aty-baty, three rubles

Aty-baty, what is he like?

Aty-baty, golden. Aty-baty, the soldiers were walking,

Aty-baty, to the market.

Atty-batty, what did you buy?

Aty-baty, samovar.

How much does it cost?

Aty-baty, three rubles.

Aty-baty, who's coming out?

Aty-baty, it's me!

Folk game "Golden Gate"

Progress of the game:

Two players are selected, stand opposite each other, hold hands

and lift them up, forming "gates". The remaining players stand in a chain (take

by the hands or put their hands on each other's shoulders) and pass under the gate, saying


Golden Gate -

Come on in, gentlemen!

The mother will pass first -

He will see all the children!

Saying goodbye for the first time

The second time is prohibited

And for the third time -

We won't miss you!

Educator: What other folk games do you know?

Children: Folk game "Malanya".

Progress of the game:

Children stand in a circle, in the middle of which there is a child representing a grandmother.

Malanya (you can put a scarf on it). Children in a circle begin to sing funny

song, accompanying it with expressive movements.

At Malanya's, at old ladies,

Lived in a small hut:

Seven daughters and seven sons!

Seven daughters and seven sons!

All without eyebrows. (covers eyebrows with hands, children repeat)

With eyes like these, (eyes open wide,

With ears like these (pull back ears.)

With such noses (show nose).

With such a head (raise their hands above their heads, interlock their fingers.)

With such a beard (bow at the waist).

We didn't drink anything, we didn't eat anything,

We sat all day

They looked at her and did this! (Grandma Malanya threatens, jumps, makes “horns”, etc.

Children repeat her movements.)

Children: The arrow points to the square in which the question mark is drawn.

Educator: The next task is riddles about fairy tales. Listen carefully.

Fairytale riddles:

There is neither a river nor a pond - where can I drink water?

Very tasty water in a hoof hole.

What is the name of this fairy tale? ( "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka")

An arrow flew and fell into a swamp,

And in this swamp someone caught her.

Green girlfriend - Princess.. .. (Frog)

Who is wearing a smartly warm fur coat,

With a long white beard.

Helps good people

And ruddy and gray! ( "Morozko")

Gobbling up rolls

The guy was riding on the stove.

Rode around the village

And he married the princess. ( "According to the pike's command")

The cunning guest goes around so often and takes something with him.

He will lie down, sleep and outwit his owners. ( "Fox with a rolling pin")

Friends built a house

We lived happily until the evening came

Bear, Mishenka - friend

He was both low and wonderful, tall. ( "Teremok")

Educator: Guys, you did a great job!

We went through a difficult path and completed all the tasks of Grandma Riddle.

As people say: Finished the job - go for a walk!

We remembered what it is folklore, remembered nursery rhymes, jokes, proverbs,

counting rhymes, folk games, teasers, so Grandma Riddle brought you to

sister Skazka. And she prepared a fairy tale for you "Swan geese".

Watching an animated film "Swan geese".


  1. Summarize and systematize students’ knowledge of oral folk art;
  2. To stimulate interest in folk art, to cultivate love and respect for folklore;
  3. Develop all types of folk art, identify talents and talents.

Equipment: model of a train, entertaining and illustrative material, travel route, exhibition of books on oral folk art.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

2. Setting the topic and goal.

Today we are going into difficult times, but an amusing trip– into the world of oral folk art. Let's take a trip on a fabulous train. Our route will pass through the following stations:
“Tall Tales”
“Egorkin’s tongue twisters”
"Fairy tales"

3. Repetition. Genres of oral folk art.

To get on our fairy-tale train, you must identify a riddle, a counting rhyme, a tongue twister, a joke, a lullaby, and a proverb among the works of oral folk art. (The names of the genres are presented on cards on the board.)

1st student:

Learn good things, bad things will not come to mind. (Proverb.)

2nd student:

One two three four five.
We'll play hide and seek.
Stars, month, meadow, flowers.
Come and drive! (Counting book.)

3rd student:

White cotton wool floated somewhere. (Mystery.)

4th student:

Lyuli, lyuli, lyulenki,
Little blue little ones are flying,
The ghouls are flying over there, over there,
They bring Masha a dream, a dream. (Lullaby)

5th student:

Sasha sewed a hat for Sanka. (Patter)

6th student:

-Did you eat the pie?
- No, not me!
- Do you want more?
- Want! (Jokes)

Well done! We completed the task. So, let's begin our journey.
Music is playing.
Children perform movements to music:
- Start the engines!
– Let’s start the countdown:!
- Tu-tu! Go!

4. Journey into the world of oral folk art.

Station “Poslovitsyno”

- Read the proverb:
The proverb is a helper to all corners.
– How do you understand the meaning of this proverb?

(Children's answers.)

1st student: A proverb is a genre of folklore, a short saying that contains some kind of teaching.

2nd student: The proverb advises, teaches, instructs. People respect proverbs and often use them in their speech. This makes their speech vivid and figurative.

Proverbs quiz.

- Continue:

  1. He who reads a lot...(knows a lot).
  2. You’ll get up late... (you’ll do little).
  3. Don’t have a hundred rubles... (but have a hundred friends).

A game. Guess the proverb using two words.

  1. Scythe - stone (I found a scythe on a stone.)
  2. Labor is laziness (Labor feeds a person, laziness spoils.)

Station “Zagadkino”

A girl appears - a mystery.

- From a book page
I went to visit you,
So that you can figure me out, friends!
I was in a hurry, and this happened,
That broke into pieces
There is no way to collect it.
Help, help!
Put me together from pieces!
And then you figure it out
Remember me and know!

A game. From the words written on the cards, put together a riddle and solve it.

A red river hung over the rocker

The red yoke hung over the river. (Rainbow)

Girl – Riddle:
- Guys, do you know any riddles?
Let's hold a competition “Who knows more riddles?”
(Children ask each other riddles.)

Station “Nebylitsy”

- And now meet:
Two brothers are coming towards us,
And both are from Arbat
Thomas da Erema.

Children read fables in their faces.

Thomas and Erema(together): Hello! And here we are both, Thomas and Erema.


They heard the nursery rhymes, they came running to you guys,


We are smart guys.


We are naughty guys.


In general, we live wonderfully!


Today we will tell you funny tales in person.


Come on, Erema, let’s sit down at the gate.
Let's amuse the people.
(Both sit down.)



You love to joke with Thomas,
So love yourself.
Yerema was raised -
They tore their stomachs.
(They turn away from each other.)

Erema (pushes Foma): Get started!

Thomas: No, you start!

Thomas and Erem A (together): Let's start together, and you sing along!

Foma sings a ditty:

Along Ketovskaya street
A cat is riding a chicken.


And the fox is on the rooster,
And Erema on a pig!


A village was driving past a man,
Look, the gate is barking from under the dog!


Nonsense, nonsense!
These are just lies.
Both Erema and Thomas -
Masters of lies!


Enough for you guys
No need to talk.


You guys better
Come out and dance!

Physical education break.

(A dance is performed to the Russian folk song “On Mount Kalina.”)

Station “Egorkin tongue twisters”


Tell a tongue twister
Harder than climbing a hill:
“Grass grows in the yard
There’s firewood on the grass” –
You definitely won't tie me down
You can't say for sure.

Competition “You can’t say all the tongue twisters.”

The class is divided into two teams.
The teacher speaks tongue twisters into the ears of the first players (similar to the game “Telephone”).
The winner is the team that managed to complete the transfer of tongue twisters earlier and more successfully.

Tongue Twisters:

  1. Open the gate, Varvara.
  2. The crow missed the little crow.

Station “Skazochnaya”

The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows!

– How do you understand the meaning of these words?


The floorboard is creaking about something,
And the knitting needle can’t sleep again.
Sitting on the bed, pillows
Ears are already pricked up...
And immediately the faces change,
Sounds and colors change.
The floorboard creaks softly,
Fairy tales are walking around the room...

The Storyteller and the Storyteller appear in costume.

- Guess what our names are.

Storyteller: My name is the same as that of the hero of the fairy tale “At the Pike’s Command.” (Emelya.)

Storyteller: And my name is like the heroine of the fairy tale “The Frog Princess.” (Vasilisa the Beautiful.)

Game “Say the Word”


Once upon a time there were seven guys -
Little white goats
Mom loved them
Milk (drinking).
Here teeth click and click
A gray (wolf) appeared.
I put on a white skin
In a gentle voice (sang).
That beast sang like a goat:
- Unlock, children, (the door).
Your mother has arrived
I (brought) milk for you.
We will answer without prompting
Who managed to save the guys?
We know this from a fairy tale:
("The wolf and the seven Young goats").

Storyteller: Can you cope with my task? The names of the fairy tales are encrypted here. Decipher them.

“BKKLOOO” (“Kolobok”)

“EETKOMR” (“Teremok”)

Storyteller: Well done! Now try to complete the “winged” expressions found in many fairy tales.

  1. Go there - I don’t know where,... (bring something - I don’t know what).
  2. Soon the fairy tale will tell….(it won’t be done soon).
  3. I was there, drinking honey and beer (it flowed down my mustache, but didn’t get into my mouth).
  4. In some kingdom,………..(in some state).

- Guys, now it’s time for us to return. Take your seats and go.

5. Lesson summary:

Our journey has now ended. Did you like it? Let's remember which stations we visited and name the genres of folklore.
Well done! See you again!

- You did you eat the pie? - No, not me!

Was it delicious? - Very.

Where are you, brother Ivan? - In the upper room. –

What are you doing? - I’m helping Peter.

What is Peter doing? - Yes, it’s on the stove.

Hello, Filya!

Hello, Ulya!

- What Mom sent it?


Where are they?

I put them under the bench.

Oh, Phil, you're an eccentric.

-And you How are you, Ulya?

I would put them in the oven, you would come, I would feed you.

OK, Next time I'll do that.

Legs, legs, where have you been?

We went to the forest to pick mushrooms.

What have you guys been working on?

We collected mushrooms.

And you, little eyes, helped?

We searched and looked, looked at all the stumps.

Where are you going, Foma? Where are you going? - I'm going to mow hay.

What do you need hay for? - Feed the cows.

What do you need cows for? - Milk.

Why milk? - Feed the kids.


Little kitty, where have you been? - She was tending the horses.

Where are the horses? - They left the gate.

Where is the gate? - The fire burned.

Where is the fire? - The water flooded.

Where is the water? - The bulls drank.

Where are the bulls? - They went over the mountain.

Where is the mountain? - The worms have drained.

Where are the worms? - The ducks pecked it.

  • Little kitty, where have you been? - At the mill.

  • Little kitten, what was she doing there? - I ground flour.
- Little kitty, what did you bake from flour? - Gingerbread cookies.

  • Little kitty, who did you eat gingerbread with? - One.

  • Don't eat alone, don't eat alone.
Wolf and fox

A gray wolf met a red fox in a dense forest.

  • Lizaveta, hello!
    How are you, Toothy?

  • Things are going well, my head is still intact.
- Where have you been?

On the market.

What did you buy?


How much did you take?

There was a tuft of fur, the right side was torn off, the tail was chewed off in a fight...

- Who nibbled off?


Is he alive, dear kumanek?

I barely dragged my legs.

How are you doing, fox?

I was at the market.

What did you see there?

I counted ducks.

How much was it?

Seven from eight.

How many has it become?


Where are these ducks?

It's in my stomach.

Sparrow, what are you waiting for?(A. Taraskin)

  • Sparrow, what are you waiting for?
    Can't you bite the bread crumbs?

  • I noticed the crumbs a long time ago
    Yes, I'm afraid of an angry cat.
Shoemaker (arranged by B. Zakhoder) (Polish song)

Was there a shoemaker?

Did you sew boots?

- Shiel!

Who are the boots for?

For the neighbor's cat!

Cat(G. Sapgir)

Cat, what's your name? - Meow.

Are you guarding the mouse here? - Meow.

Meow, do you want some milk? - Meow. –

How about a puppy as a friend? - Frr!


- Did we go with you? - Let's go. - Did you find the pie? - Found.

Did I give it to you? - Gave.

Did you take it? - I took it.

Where is he? - Who?

Pie. - What other pie?
The Mistress and the Cat (V. Levanovsky)

  • Why are you black, cat?

  • Climbed into the chimney at night.

  • Why are you white now?

  • I ate sour cream from the pot.

  • Why did you turn gray?

  • The dog rolled me in the dust.

  • So what color are you?

  • I don't know this myself.
Hedgehog(V. Fetisov)

    Tell me, dear hedgehog,
    Why is hedgehog fur good?

  • That's why he's good, little fox,
    What you can't take with your teeth.
Hare(G. Sapgir)

Hare, hare, what are you doing? - I’m chewing the stalk. - Why are you happy, hare? - I'm glad my teeth don't hurt.

Hello kitty(Nastya Emelianenko)

  • Hello, kitty! How are you?
    Why did you leave us?

  • I can't live with you
    There is nowhere to put the tail.
    Walk, yawn...
You step on the tail.
For what?


Why do we need ears?

To listen to fairy tales.

And the eyes?

See pictures.

Put on your boots.

To play football.

So as not to chat.
What time is it (translation from French by N. Gernet and S. Gippius)
- What time is it now? - It strikes twelve.

Who told us? - A familiar cat.

A mouse Where? - In his nest.

What are you doing? - She sews pants.

To whom? - To my husband.

And who is her husband? - Baron Kukarekuk.

Pit (O. Grigoriev)

  • Did you dig a hole? - I was digging.

  • Did you fall into a hole? - Fell.
-Are you sitting in a hole? - Sitting.

Are you waiting for the stairs? - I am waiting.

A pit of cheese? - Cheese.

Like a head? - It's intact.

So, alive? - Alive.

Well I went home.
English song(arranged by S. Marshak)

  • Little girl, tell me where have you been?

  • I visited an old grandmother at the other end of the village.

  • What did you drink at grandma's?

  • I drank tea with jam.

  • What did you tell grandma?

  • “Thank you” and “goodbye.”

Frog's purchases(V. Orlov)

    Where are you coming from?

    A frog frog?

  • Home from the market
    Dear girlfriend.

  • What did you buy?

  • A little bit of everything:
    I bought a kva-empty
    Kva-salt and kva-rtoshka.

New thing

Who did you buy polka dot chintz? - Dad is who.

What kind of craftswoman sewed it? - Mom is who.

Who and dressed up in new clothes? - Masha is who.
Bear(G. Vieru)

  • Where are you going, bear?

  • Look for a Christmas tree in town.

  • Why do you need it?

  • It's time to celebrate the New Year.

  • Where will you put it?

  • I’ll take it to my house, to my place of residence.

  • Why didn’t you cut it down in the forest?

  • It's a pity, I'd better bring it.

Ant(A. Taraskin)

  • Ant, wait, wait.
    Why are you rushing home?

  • Why can't you see, dragonfly?
    A thunderstorm is coming.
If I rush home, It will rain torrentially.
Snegirek(Yu. Kapotov)

  • Where are you from, little snowman, did you fly into our forest?

  • I came from the north, delicious berries wanted.
Yuch- yuch-yuch, Chu-chu-chu, I sing a loud song.

We have snowstorms, blizzards are angry. You won't be afraid of them?

I will not be afraid of them, let them sweep and be angry.

I saved the warm red casing for winter.
Spring(O. Vysotskaya)

Well, spring, how are you? I have cleaning to do.

  • What do you need a broom for?

  • Sweep the snow off the hill.

  • What do you need streams for?

  • Wash debris from paths.

  • What do you need rays for?

  • For cleaning too.
    I'll dry everything a little -
    I will invite you to the holiday.
Coward(E. Charushin, E. Shumskaya)

The hedgehog asks the bunny:

  • Why are you crying, little bunny?

  • I was very scared
Met a wild beast

He is green, bug-eyed,

I've never seen anything like this.

Tell me, little river...(V. Orlova)

  • You tell me ,
    forest river,
    Why are you
    Sound like that?

  • In the morning above me
    The titmouse sings -
    That's why it's ringing

  • You tell me,
    forest river,
    Why are you clean
    Like this?

  • In a clear voice
    The titmouse sings -
That’s why the Water is pure!

  • You tell me,
    forest river,
    Why are you
    Is it blue?

  • In the spring
    Titmouse bathing
    That's why it's blue

Frogs talking(translated by S. Marshak) (Czech folk song)

Kuma, are you coming to us?

To us, to you, To us, to us!

I jump to the water, I want to catch it.

Who-who, godfather?

Crayfish, carp and catfish.

Once you catch it, will you give it to us?

How not to give? Of course I will!

Novice bull (V. Viktorova)

The bull came out into the meadow. The goat was met by a bull.

Hello, I'm a bull
I'm new to the meadow.

Show me quickly

Where is the tastier weed?

Meh, - I’ll tell you in response, -
There is no tasteless grass.

Weed is always good if you chew slowly.
Ears(E. Moshkovskaya)

- Doctor, doctor,
What should we do?
Wash ears

Or not wash?

If you wash

How should we be:

Wash frequently

Or less often?

The doctor answers:

The doctor answers angrily:

Why(A. Vlasov)

Why does the prickly hedgehog look so much like a Christmas tree?

Because the hedgehog borrowed needles from our Christmas tree.

Why does the squirrel's tail stretch out to its full length?
-So that this squirrel flies like a rocket.

  • Why does the mole dig its underground passage everywhere?

  • You know, the sweetest thing in the world for a mole is darkness.

  • Why don't beavers have either saws or axes?
-They don’t need axes, beavers have sharp teeth.

  • Why does only a rhinoceros grow a horn on its nose?

  • So that, having decorated his nose with a horn, he would be called a rhinoceros.

Fox and mouse(V. Bianchi)

Little mouse, little mouse, why is your nose dirty? - I was digging the earth.

Why did you dig? - I made a mink.

Why did you make the mink? - To hide from you, fox. - Little mouse, I’ll lie in wait for you. - And I have a bedroom in my hole.

If you want to eat, you will come out. - I have a storage room in my hole.

Little mouse, little mouse, I’ll ruin your hole. - And I’m a stranger to you - and I was.

Magpie and bear(according to N. Sladkov)

Bear slowly crawls out of the den (the playing child gets up fromoyour chair) stretches, yawns, rubs his eyes, looks around. He notices Soroka and slowly walks towards her.

A magpie flies easily from a tree (the playing child jumps from his chair), flies towards the Bear, smoothly flapping its wings.

Magpie (Tilting his head to the side). Hey, Bear, what are you doing this morning, eating?

Bear (slowly moves his head to the sides). I ? (Stopped and thought.) Yes I eat!

Magpie (blinking in surprise). What about during the day?

Bear (makes the same head movements). And I eat during the day.

Magpie (jumping in surprise). And in the evening? Bear (waving his paw). And I eat in the evening.

Magpie (eyes widened in surprise). And at night? Bear. And I eat at night.

Magpie. And when do you not eat? Bear. Yes, when I’m full!
Magpie (flapping his wings in surprise). When are you full? Bear (slowly spreads his paws to the sides). Never. (Waves his head negatively.)

Didactic games with ready-made dialogue texts

Teach children to ask and answer questions. Progress of the game

Choose (appointed by lot) leading player. A dialogue ensues between them, the other participants in the game:

  • Ding-ding-ding.

  • Who's there?

  • Mail.

  • Where?

  • From Ryazan. (Called any city.)

  • And what are they doing there?

  • They dance (sing, laugh, swim, fly, jump, croak,
    quack, dive, drum, wash, saw, etc.).
All players must depict the named actions. Those who did not have time or depicted the action incorrectly pay forfeit. At the end of the game, forfeits are played out.

poppy seed

Goals. Strengthen in children the ability to ask and answer questions one by one, and develop the topic of conversation.

Material. Crow costume elements.

Move games

Crow is chosen from the participants in the game. The rest pass the pebble to each other. The child who received the pebble asks Crow a question:

  • Crow, Crow, where did it fly?

  • To the blacksmith's yard. (To the farrier.)
The pebble is passed on next child, and he asks the question:

  • What do you need a blacksmith for? - Forge braids.

  • What do you need braids for? - Mow the grass.

  • What do you need grass for? - Feed the cows.

  • What are cows for? - Milk.

  • What's the use of milk? - Give the shepherds water.

  • What are the shepherds for? - Herd boars.

  • What are wild boars for? - Digging a mountain.

  • What are mountains for? - There is a poppy seed on those mountains.

  • For whom is the grain? - Guess it!
The crow asks a riddle. Whoever guesses the riddle first becomes the Crow. The game dialogue is repeated, and the new Crow asks the next riddle.


Target. Teach children to ask and answer questions.

Progress of the game

Participants in the game choose the owner and two buyers. The rest of the players are paint. Each paint comes up with a color for itself and names it to its owner. Then the buyer comes:

Knock Knock!

Who's there? - Buyer.

Why did you come? - For paint.

For which? - For blue.

If there is no blue paint, the owner says: “Walk along the blue path, find blue boots, wear them and bring them back!” If the buyer guesses the color of the paint, he takes it for himself. The second buyer arrives, the conversation with the owner is repeated. So they take turns sorting out the paints. IN The buyer who collects the most colors wins.


Goals. Development to live the ability to pose a question in such a way as to achieve the desired answer and consciously select words, avoiding “forbidden” words.

Progress of the game

The leader goes around the players and says:

They sent us a hundred rubles. Buy what you want, don’t take black, don’t take white, don’t say “yes” or “no!”

After that, he asks the children various questions, trying to get someone to utter one of the forbidden words during the conversation. Leading

Conducts a conversation something like this: “What is sold in the bakery?” -

"Bread", "Which one?" (black and white) - “Soft.” - “Which bread do you like better, black or white?” - “Everyone,” etc. The one who uttered the forbidden word gives the driver a forfeit. At the end of the game, everyone who is left without a forfeit buys it back.

Didactic games in which children construct dialogues
Have we seen everything? 5

Goals. Familiarity with the question as a form of obtaining information and knowledge; activation of speech search activity.

Matter. Picture with images various items chips.

Progress of the game

The teacher says: “Today we will compete to see who can see more in the picture and who will ask more questions. What is a question? We ask a question when we want to know something. For example Sasha, what did you do this morning? I asked to find out what you were doing this morning. We will ask questions based on the picture. Look at it carefully. Think about what questions you can ask to make sure you don't miss anything that's depicted? picture. The only rule is that the question cannot be repeated. No chip is given for a repeated question.”

Thinking time is 1-2 minutes.

Then the children ask questions. The teacher gets involved in the process if they ask mostly stereotypical questions. This is done so that the children change the wording and to show that the teacher is an equal participant in the game. The teacher asks: “Can I ask a question too?” and gives the wording of his question based on the picture.

At the end, the result is summed up: whoever received the most chips wins. It is necessary to praise everyone who participated and say that next time they will definitely be able to ask more questions. Mark those who did not ask a single question and say that they will succeed next time.

5 E. Baranova. Learning to ask questions // Preschool education. - 2005. - No. 12. - P. 12-20.
What's in the wonderful bag?

Goals. Familiarity with the question as a form of obtaining information and knowledge; activation of speech search activity. Material. A bag, any simple object geometric shape, familiar to the child (for example, a piece of soap); ball

Or any other item that serves to transfer it to each other, chips .

Move games

The game can be played in addition to the lesson.

Educator: “Children, I have something in my bag. Want to guess what's in there? To guess, you need to ask questions. And I will answer them. We will ask questions one by one: whoever gets the ball and hands will ask the question. Everyone who asked a question takes a chip. Remember that questions cannot be repeated. At the end of the game, we'll see who has the most chips. Begin!".

He holds the ball to one of the children and invites them to ask a question. Next, the ball is passed around the circle or to the child who asks.

If the children guess right, ask why they think so. If they guess wrong, at the end of the game you will be prompted: this item is needed so that your hands , the body and face were clean; You can find a riddle about this item.

At the end of the game, the number of chips received is counted.

Question with a hint

Jokes for children very necessary and important. After all, jokes not only help entertain and amuse kids. If children are capricious or upset, jokes help to console and calm the children. And also children's jokes Help kids get to know the world around them. And since such acquaintance occurs during the game, it is interesting, exciting and pleasant for kids. And, therefore, effective.

Well, let’s finally decide what it is: children's jokes? Jokes are funny short stories for children. They are very similar to short fairy tales in verse. Therefore, in jokes, as in fairy tales, various folklore characters are often used.

By the way, jokes are not only a product of folk art. Look, for example, written by A. Prokofiev

Thumb boy. (children's jokes)

Thumb-boy, where have you been?
- I went to the forest with this brother,
I cooked cabbage soup with this brother,
I ate porridge with this brother,
I sang songs with this brother!

Cowardly bunny. (Jokes for children)

Little Bunny
He ran across the field,
Ran into the garden
I found a carrot
I found cabbage -
Sits, gnawing.
Hey, someone's coming!
In a damp dark forest
An owl sits on an oak tree
Yes, he plays the trumpet.
Down the pipe, down the pipe:
The blacksmith is coming from the forge,
A blacksmith carries two hammers.
Yes, it hit all at once.
- Where are you, brother Ivan?
- In the upper room.
- What are you doing?
— I’m helping Peter.
- What is Peter doing?
- Yes, it’s on the stove.
Gulya, little dove,
Little blue Gulya,
Dear everyone.
Because of the forest, because of the mountains
Uncle Yegor is coming.
Himself on a horse
In a red hat
Wife on a ram
In a red sundress.
Children on calves
Servants on ducklings.
Senka is lucky,
Carry me on a stick
Go on foot yourself
Turn it over!
Pockmarked hen
I pounded all the oats,
I sowed millet
The peas were winnowed.
Crow, cockerel,
golden comb,
Jumped onto Masha's pole,
Pecked a pancake.
Titmouse, titmouse,
Sparrow sister.
Thief Sparrow
Climbed into the barn -
Peck millet
With your nose.
-Maiden, maiden,
Go down the water
-I'm afraid of the wolf
I'm afraid of the fox
I'm afraid of the bear.
-Wolf at work,
Fox in the swamp
Soap dress
Valek lowered it.
She laughs herself
The crest is shaking.
There is a stump in the swamp,
He's too lazy to move.
The neck doesn't move
And I want to laugh.
A hare was running through the swamp,
He was looking for a job
Yes, I didn’t find a job,
He cried and left.
Don, don, don!
The cat's house caught fire.
A chicken runs with a bucket
Flood the cat's house.

Cat's House (children's jokes)

Tili-tili, tili-bom,
The cat's house caught fire.
The cat jumped out
Her eyes bulged
I ran to the market.
She told me about the fire.
Men at the market
The Armenians left behind,
They stomped with their bast shoes,
The tubs were clapped.
Sodom rose up all around:
They rushed to put out the cat's house.
With a watering can across the street
A speckled chicken is running.
The frog jumps with a bucket.
And behind her is a rooster with a hook;
Hit the pipe with a hook
And they plundered the cat's house.
Young blackbird
I walked along the water
I found a young girl.
Young -
Not big,
About an inch herself,
Head with a pot.
They sat down next to each other
We sat quietly.
The night has come -
They flew away.
— Did you eat the pie?
- No, not me!
- Do you want more?
- Want!
White hare,
Where did you run?
- To the oak forest.
- What were you doing there?
- He tore the bark.
- Where did you put it?
— I cleaned it under the deck.
Bunny, you are a bunny,
Short legs
Morocco boots!..