The consumer is obliged to provide a reserve type of fuel. The need to implement a backup fuel system

The consumer is obliged to provide a reserve type of fuel.  The need to implement a backup fuel system
The consumer is obliged to provide a reserve type of fuel. The need to implement a backup fuel system

V. Markin, LLC “Gazenergoset-St. Petersburg”

Rising energy prices and the development of competition in the market for goods and services forced many managers and owners industrial enterprises pay attention to the problem of reducing energy costs, increasing the reliability and quality of energy supply. Considerable energy saving opportunities for industrial enterprises that have their own power plants, are concluded in the use of reserve fuel. Unfortunately, this reserve has so far remained outside the area of ​​serious attention of companies implementing energy efficient projects.

The problem involves several basic issues:

– Why is it necessary? reserve fuel?

– How is it customary to solve the problem of reserve fuel at present?

– What should be an effective backup fuel?

– What are the ways and how much does it cost to solve the problem?

This article discusses options for solving the problem of backup fuel for industrial enterprises in the North-Western region that have natural gas. Large thermal power plants for centralized heat supply and gas-consuming installations for the population remain outside the scope of consideration.

Why do you need backup fuel?

In the North-West region, natural gas accounts for more than 80% of the fuel burned. This is the only type of fuel supplied centrally unified system pipelines. There is no gas on the free market, but it is constantly and habitually present in the “pipe”. A clear stereotype has emerged - there is always gas in the pipe, and it will remain so for a long time.

Gas consumers rarely face a situation when gas pressure in distribution networks drops or the gas is turned off altogether. If an emergency occurs on a large gas pipeline, then eliminating it, according to Gazprom’s unspoken standards, takes no more than three days, and for Lentransgaz – actually less than two days. However, it is known that wear and main gas pipelines, and distribution networks are extremely high, and gas transportation loads are constantly increasing. The high probability of possible accidents on gas networks is now being discussed publicly. Unfortunately, this usually happens in connection with another scandal due to an accident.

Indicative in this regard is the accident on the Ural-Bukhara gas pipeline at the end of September 2002, when the third largest city was left without gas Sverdlovsk region Kamensk-Uralsky. It was then that the statement was made general director“Uraltransgaz” D. Gaidt: “In addition to the population, all consumers must have backup fuel.” For many regions of Russia, alas, the picture is typical when big cities, such as Kamensk-Uralsky, do not have a reserve branch, and thousands of kilometers of main pipes are in disrepair.

Based on the experience of Gazenergoset-St. Petersburg LLC, we can say that customers are extremely surprised when they receive the simplest justification for the effectiveness of investments in fuel reservation. These justifications are most clearly demonstrated by calculating losses and lost profits in the event of a gas outage. At large food enterprises, where steam consumption per technology is 7-10 t/h, such costs can reach up to 40-50 thousand dollars/day due to downtime alone, not counting spoiled raw materials in the production cycle. Calculations made for metallurgical enterprises show losses that are several times higher, even if it is possible to avoid the “goat” in the furnaces; the worst case has much more dramatic consequences, measured in other orders of magnitude.

The analysis shows that the start-up costs of creating a fuel reservation system do not exceed the losses of three to five days of downtime without gas.

But, having convinced the customer of the need to think about the problem of an efficiently operating backup fuel, he needs to be offered not only fuel oil (with combustion in domestic gas-oil burners), but fuel of today’s level, with consumer properties close to natural gas.

How is it customary to solve the problem of reserve fuel at present?

Due to established stereotypes, resolving issues of reserve and emergency fuel, if any arise when drawing up technical specifications for design, most often falls on the shoulders of designers. The customer usually does not delve into the elaboration of such decisions, considering this to be of secondary importance and of little significance; usually his wishes to design organization come down to minimizing costs for this item. Designers conscientiously carry out the will of the customer and include in the project the cheapest, in terms of start-up costs, options for backup fuel - fuel oil or diesel fuel - and the corresponding fuel system. These solutions have been templates for many decades, directly recommended in outdated SNiP.

When the time comes to operate an energy facility and it turns out that current costs, for example for heating fuel oil, range from 7-10% (theoretically) to 20% (actually) of the total generated thermal energy, then it may be too late and costly to redesign the backup fuel system . Diesel fuel, used as a reserve fuel if necessary, is quite expensive, and its price varies along with motor fuels.

Such facts become obvious to the customer after the first operating experience, but for designers it is more convenient not to see these facts - not to complicate their lives. In addition to the above, there are a number of disadvantages of such solutions, for example, different efficiency of dual-fuel burners when switching from one type of fuel to another (from gas to heavy oil products), low level process automation, especially for domestic equipment.

What should be an effective backup fuel?

Today, based on existing experience in operating energy facilities with autonomous gas supply with the use of gas both as the main and as a reserve fuel, we can talk about the urgent need to break stereotypes in solving the problem under discussion. And from an economic point of view and, of course, in terms of consumer properties, gaseous reserve fuel has many advantages:

- consumer properties;

– economic efficiency;

– environmental cleanliness.

Consumer properties. First of all, full automation of the operation of power plants is associated with gas as a backup fuel. A number of technological processes do not tolerate other types of fuel. For example, such processes include gas drying in high-speed glossy printing machines. The smelting processes of non-ferrous metals at metallurgical plants that process scrap non-ferrous metals are also sensitive to the type of fuel. And in this case, when transferring to reserve fuel, full automation, close chemical composition fuel and complete compatibility of the entire chain of main and backup fuel supply of the technological process. IN gas burner liquid fuel cannot be supplied, and dual-fuel burners are used at all stages of metal processing - furnaces, tuyeres, converters, chutes, drying stands, recovery boilers, etc. - it is irrational to bet.

Another typical example of fuel reservation is gas turbine power plant(GTPP). Natural gas is used as the main fuel, and only liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) or liquefied natural gas (LNG) as a backup fuel can ensure high reliability and economic efficiency of the station. The project for the construction of a gas turbine power plant in Yekaterinburg with two 9 MW gas turbine units, in agreement with the corporation financing and implementing this project, provides for the use of propane-butane backup fuel. This backup fuel solution is likely to become typical for other regions of the country.

The level of consumer and technological comfort when using gaseous fuels is today one of the most important arguments when talking with a customer. If at the enterprise for heating industrial premises at high altitudes, progressive gas infrared systems are used heating systems or gas air curtains direct action, then the only thing right choice backup fuel is liquefied gases.

Market potential liquefied gases big enough. First of all, we can talk about LPG, known to everyone as propane-butane. LNG can also be used, but due to the low storage temperature (-164°C), the use of this type of fuel as a reserve fuel is very limited. Pre-design studies have been completed to use it to cover peak and emergency loads as a damper-storage unit at a gas liquefaction plant at a gas distribution station (gas storage and regasification). This type of enterprise is characterized by weekly cycles of fluctuations in gas consumption with “overkill” during working hours and the ability to effectively accumulate liquefied gas at night and on weekends. To improve the operating efficiency of the entire system as a whole, it was proposed to sell liquefied methane for gasification needs residential buildings in nearby settlements. this work is under consideration by the customer. The LNG market in our country is still in its infancy, and the example given is rare and not yet very typical.

LPG is a liquefied gas consisting of two-thirds propane and one-third butane, like methane, which is a paraffinic hydrocarbon. Unlike LNG, it is transported and stored for a long time at natural temperatures, so it is well suited for backup. This gas is familiar to consumers, but more like domestic gas for the population. At the same time, the LPG market is quite developed and dynamic. It is, to some extent, focused on the prices of the motor fuels and petroleum products market and is little dependent on the dynamics of natural gas prices.

To burn propane-butane, there is no need to replace the burner; a simple adjustment in the gas line or a separate gas line to the burner is sufficient. This is due to the fact that the calorific value of the vapor phase of this gas is 2.8 times higher than that of methane, and if 9.5 m3 of air is required to burn 1 m3 of methane, then 25.9 m3 of air is required to burn 1 m3 of propane-butane mixture .

Economic efficiency. As already noted, the price market for propane-butane is quite stable and suffers more from the actual limitation of supplies to the domestic market than from rising prices. For comparison: over the past year, the average annual price of this gas has increased by no more than 10-12%, while natural gas has risen in price in 2002 alone, officially by no less than 40%, and indirectly, taking into account the limitation of supplies of conventional gas and supply of commercial gas to consumers, the price increase is even more significant. To be fair, it should be noted that regional markets tied to “their” suppliers. For example, the petrochemical plant in Kirishi, the main supplier of propane-butane in the North-West, took preventative measures and caused prices to jump by 20-25%, but this phenomenon is temporary, lasting one to two months, and has no direct relation to the economy of reserve fuel.

The current situation of the cost of 1 Gcal per various types The table illustrates the fuel considered as a reserve in relation to natural gas.

The table below clearly shows not only the competitive capabilities of propane-butane in relation to LNG, fuel oil or diesel fuel, but also the lowest price increase over the year for this type of fuel.

Comparative characteristics main types of reserve fuel
Type of fuel Net calorific value,
Price with delivery, rub./t
(prices for August-September 2003, in brackets - the end
summer 2002)
Price increase, % Cost of 1 Gcal without
accounting for efficiency equipment, rub./Gcal
Reduction factor for the cost of 1 Gcal on natural gas
Natural gas 47,77 1305 (1035) +26 114,5 1
LNG at gas station 48,19 4500 (1443) +311 391,3 3,4
Mazut M100 38,18 2800 (1938) +44 307,3 2,6
LPG 46,09 5000 (4500) +11 454,5 3,9
Diesel fuel 42,65 9000 (5772) +56 884,0 7,7

As for the significantly lower price for heating oil, taking into account the difference in efficiency. burner devices and “in-house” costs, fuel oil is practically at price parity with LPG, significantly inferior to the latter in terms of consumer properties.

Ecological cleanliness. The environmental friendliness of gaseous fuels compared to heavy oil fuels is obvious. This is primarily the absence of pollution during transportation and unloading, as well as significantly lower emissions harmful substances when burned as fuel in boiler houses. When burning LPG percentage CO in emissions is only 10-15% higher than when burning itself clean fuel– natural gas – and the amount of hydrogen sulfide is minimal.

What are the ways and how much does it cost to solve the problem?

Solving the problem of backup fuel for industrial enterprises is not limited to working with direct customers horizontally. This is just one of the areas, it is the simplest, and Gazenergoset-St. Petersburg LLC has been working on it for more than one year. In our opinion, given the dynamic changes in gas market, in choosing the main and reserve fuel, one should not rush into the waves of naked commerce. Many of potential customers and have no idea about modern energy efficient technologies And alternative types gaseous fuel. The problem of reserving natural gas as the main type of fuel and, as a consequence, the problem of reliability, uninterrupted heat and power supply, and energy-efficient use of fuel cannot only be a problem for the consumer. Today, the Committee on Economics, Industrial Policy and Trade of the Administration of St. Petersburg is actively discussing the development of a concept for an energy saving program for industrial enterprises. In this regard, the need to form and develop a market for primary and reserve fuels is obvious. The energy sector of such a metropolis as St. Petersburg uses natural gas as fuel for more than 90%; at thermal power plants and large power facilities, the issue of backup fuel has somehow been resolved, and for the majority of industrial enterprises, which in total consume at least 35% of the natural gas supplied to city, the problem of reserve fuel has not been solved or has not been solved effectively.

How much a regional solution to this problem costs depends on the composition of the events and participants. How much does the solution cost? this issue for a specific enterprise, it is easy to calculate.

For example, for a 1 MW boiler house:

Maximum hourly flow rate – 39 m3/h;

Two tanks of 8 m3 each – 16 m3;

Evaporators and regulators on tanks;

Reserve fuel reserve – 3.5 days;

The total cost is about 30 thousand dollars (excluding construction and earthworks for underground version);

Project statistics show that on average the costs of constructing a reserve fuel system for enterprises using thermal energy or directly fuel for the technology, are comparable to losses from three to five days of downtime. The service life of the reserve fuel system is several decades; during this time there is a high probability that it is correct decision fuel reservation will pay for itself more than once.

How is the problem of reserve fuel solved?

Due to established stereotypes, solving the issues of reserve and emergency fuel, if they arise when drawing up technical specifications for design, most often falls on the shoulders of designers. The customer usually does not delve into the elaboration of such solutions, considering the issue to be of secondary importance, and minimizes the costs of solving it. Designers conscientiously carry out the will of the customer and include in the project the cheapest, in terms of start-up costs, backup fuel options: fuel oil or diesel fuel. These solutions have been templates for many decades, specified in outdated SNiP.

When the time comes to operate an energy facility and it turns out that the current costs, for example, for heating fuel oil, theoretically amount to more than 7-10% of the total generated thermal energy (in fact, up to 20%), then it is too late and expensive to redesign the backup fuel system. Diesel fuel turns out to be quite expensive, and its prices jump along with the prices for motor fuels.

These are obvious facts. But for the customer they become obvious after the first operating experience; it is more convenient for the designer not to see them - not to complicate his life. In addition to those mentioned, it is necessary to indicate the disadvantages of such solutions, for example, dual-fuel burners have different efficiencies when switching from one type of fuel to another (if one fuel is gas, and the other is heavy oil products), low level of automation of the process, especially for domestic equipment.

What should be an effective backup fuel?

Today, having experience in the construction of energy facilities with autonomous gas supply, where gas is used as the main and as a backup fuel, we can talk about the urgent need to break stereotypes in the issue under discussion. It should be taken into account that in terms of consumer properties, gaseous reserve fuel has many positive aspects: first of all, it is economic efficiency and environmental friendliness.

There is probably a need to consider these arguments in more detail. Why gas? Because its consumer properties are immeasurably higher than the same properties of other types of fuel. It is thanks to the use of gas as a backup fuel that the operation of power plants is fully automated. A number of technological processes in various types of production do not allow the use of other types of fuel. For example, gas drying in high-speed printing machines for glossy printing or the process of processing scrap non-ferrous metals, in which gas is used as a backup fuel, etc.

Another typical example of fuel backup is a gas turbine power plant (GTPP). No other backup fuel provides such high reliability and economic efficiency other than liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) or liquefied natural gas (LNG), using natural gas as the primary fuel. In Yekaterinburg, the construction of a gas turbine power plant is being planned, in which two gas turbine units of 9 MW each will use propane-butane as backup fuel. This decision to use gas as a backup fuel is likely to become typical for other regions of the country.

If an enterprise uses advanced gas infrared heating systems or direct gas-air curtains to heat high-altitude industrial premises, then the only correct solution in terms of choosing a backup fuel is liquefied gas.

The level of consumer and technological comfort when using gaseous fuels today is one of the most important arguments when talking with customers. The potential of this fuel market is quite large.

About what types gas fuel Can we talk about using it as a backup? First of all, liquefied hydrocarbon gas (LPG), known to everyone as propane-butane, it is also possible to use liquefied natural gas (LNG) - liquefied methane (due to the low storage temperature (-164 ° C), its use as a reserve fuel is very limited). For one of the projects, studies were carried out on the effective use of LNG as a damper-storage when installing gas liquefaction equipment at gas distribution stations on the territory of the enterprise, storage and regasification to cover peak and emergency loads. This project is characterized by a weekly cycle of fluctuations in gas consumption with “overshoots” during working hours and the possibility of effective accumulation liquefied gas at night and on weekends. To increase the efficiency of the entire system as a whole, it is proposed to use liquefied methane for the needs of gasification of residential buildings in nearby populated areas. The LNG market in our country is still in its infancy, so this is a rare and not yet very typical project.

With the use of LPG, the opposite is true. This is a liquefied gas consisting of two-thirds propane and one-third butane, like methane, a paraffinic hydrocarbon. Unlike LNG, it is transported and stored for a long time at natural temperatures, so it is well suited for backup. It is more familiar as household gas to the population. The LPG market is quite developed and dynamic. It is, to some extent, focused on market prices for motor fuels and petroleum products and is little dependent on the dynamics of natural gas prices.

To burn propane-butane, no replacement of burners is required; a simple adjustment in the gas line or a separate gas line for the burner is sufficient. This is due to the fact that the calorific value of 1 m3 of the vapor phase of this gas is 2.8 times higher than the calorific value of methane, and if 9.5 m3 of air is required to burn 1 m3 of methane, then 25 m3 of propane-butane mixture is required to burn 1 m3. 9 m3.

Energy saving in modern conditions has proven its relevance. Owners of large and small businesses pay great attention to energy efficient projects and their implementation in the enterprise. And this is not only due to the constant rise in energy prices. What is also important here is such an advantageous point as the possibility of reducing the cost of the goods produced, which, under equal conditions, gives an advantage in competition on the sales market.

However, behind all this hype, in the matter of energy conservation, very much is overlooked. important question, namely, reserve fuel. Today we either have an outdated use of fuel oil or have nothing at all. And the second, unfortunately, is more common. Business managers are often unwilling to invest money in a backup energy supply system, basing their reluctance on incorrect conclusions.

The cost of a mistake in energy security planning

Many believe that since today the percentage of gasified enterprises is high, and most new enterprises are designed taking into account the use of natural gas, the gas supply system is a priori reliable and there is no need to introduce a backup energy supply system. But this is far from true! The cost of such a mistake can be very high. Let's look at just one example of the fallacy of this opinion.

In September 2005, as a result of an accident that occurred on a section of the Ural-Bukhara gas pipeline, one of the largest cities in the Sverdlovsk region, Kamensk-Uralsky, was left without gas. The head of one of the industrial enterprises of this city appealed to Gosgortekhnadzor with a demand to compensate for the damage caused. As a response, he was asked to file a lawsuit against the gas workers. To this, the answer came from Uraltransgaz LLC that everyone should have backup fuel except the population.

This example eloquently shows that one should not rely on the reliability of gas pipelines. Many of them are worn out and require repairs, and backup gas pipelines are not always available. Therefore, the presence of reserve fuel at enterprises is mandatory. This means that it is worth considering this issue in more detail.

What is reserve fuel and why is it needed?

Considered from the perspective of gasified enterprises, this is an alternative to natural gas. Used in case of gas supply interruption, in order not to interrupt the production cycle. As can be seen from the example above, the lack of alternative energy supply can lead to serious losses.

Let's say a large food enterprise According to the technology, it uses steam from 7 to 10 tons per hour. Having carried out the necessary calculations, it was found that during downtime, up to 40 thousand dollars are lost every day. And these are only direct losses, without loss of value of damaged raw materials. For metallurgical enterprises, the amount of losses increases several times. In addition, at metallurgical enterprises there is a risk of completely ruining production if the metal solidifies at certain stages of production. All this shows that maximum attention must be paid to solving the problems of alternative fuels, and therefore energy security.

How to solve the problem of reserve fuel now

Business owners, as a rule, have little interest in the efficiency of the energy replacement system. When ordering the development of such a project, they put forward the only condition: minimum costs. Designers willingly fulfill this wish and opt for outdated systems using fuel oil or diesel fuel. Then, when the time comes to use the reserve, such short-sighted managers realize that the effectiveness of outdated systems is low. Warming up fuel oil takes up to 20% of the generated heat, and the cost of purchasing diesel fuel, given the scale of consumption, is enormous. However, there is no time to redo the energy replacement system.

What efficiency properties should backup fuel have?

Having analyzed the situation with energy substitution, we came to the conclusion that for gasified enterprises the optimal alternative is liquefied gas. LPG (liquefied petroleum gas - propane-butane mixture) or LNG (liquefied natural gas). And that's why:

  • high consumer properties;

  • economic efficiency;

  • environmental friendliness.

Consumer properties. It is with gas, as a backup fuel, that full automation of the transition from the network to the reserve and vice versa is possible. Same burner type, same Chemical properties fuel. Plus, at some enterprises it is impossible to use any other fuel other than gas. An example is the work of a non-ferrous metal remelting enterprise. The production line - furnaces, converter, tuyeres, chutes, recovery boiler, drying stands, etc. - is designed for the use of gas fuel. The use of another, in this case, will violate technological process production.

It turns out that the cost of implementing an energy replacement system for a large gasified enterprise is less than the losses from unplanned downtime. The benefit from introducing a liquefied gas reserve is direct. Considering that the service life of the backup energy replacement system is practically unlimited and directly depends on the quality and timeliness repair service, we can safely say that investments in it will pay off more than once.

In many developed countries (USA, Canada, etc.), the use of LPG as a backup power source for boiler houses running on natural gas is a standard solution. Despite the obvious advantages over traditional alternative backup power sources (diesel fuel, heating oil, coal), it is, nevertheless, not widespread enough in Russia.

LPG is cheaper than fuel oil and diesel fuel, and is much more environmentally friendly. The LPG storage park does not need to be heated in winter, which reduces operating costs. It is much more difficult to steal, which is also important in Russian conditions. When used, the transition from natural gas to a mixture of air with the vapor phase of LPG is carried out almost instantly and unnoticed by the consumer.

Why is such a solution unclaimed in Russia? One of the reasons is the lack of practice in using mixing systems in Soviet times. In theory, they are known quite well; a description of the principles of their operation is in many Soviet and Russian textbooks on gas and heat supply. But since we almost never produced such equipment, the experience of using it is extremely limited.

Behind last years more than 20 large facilities using LPG as a backup fuel were designed, built and put into operation by the company's specialists. In approximately half of the cases these technical solutions include mixing systems. Among them are a backup source of gas supply for the Olympic torch at the 2014 Sochi Olympics (LPG storage tank farm V = 400 m 3 ), reconstruction of the heat supply system of the Nesvetay-GRES village and four microdistricts of Krasny Sulin Rostov region(boiler house with a capacity of 19.3 MW, a mixing system with a capacity of 708 m 3 / h for propane), etc. The economics of the costs of construction and operation of backup power systems allows us to talk about good prospects for its use in Russia. And here we cannot ignore the current regulatory framework.

Reserve fuel for boiler houses is intended for use when the supply of natural network gas is limited or stopped during long period time (within the framework of the “Rules for gas supply to Russian Federation"), which is associated with seasonal unevenness in gas consumption during peak loads.

According to clause 4.1 of SNiP II-35-76 “Boiler installations”, the types of main, reserve and emergency fuel, as well as the need for reserve or emergency fuel for boiler houses are established taking into account the category of the boiler house, based on local operating conditions and in agreement with fuel supply organizations.

In practice, fuel reservation is used in boiler houses of socially significant facilities with special requirements sanitary rules and standards for central heating and hot water supply systems (primarily hospitals, schools, children's preschool institutions and so on.).

As a reserve fuel greatest distribution received liquid hydrocarbons (diesel fuel, fuel oil), liquefied hydrocarbon gases (LPG), less often - solid fuel(coal, peat, firewood). Below we propose to consider the concept of using liquefied hydrocarbon gases (usually a propane-butane mixture in various proportions) in comparison with the most commonly used diesel fuel.

In boiler houses with a relatively small supply of diesel fuel, the tank is mounted in an additional auxiliary compartment, hermetically separated from the main one. In boiler houses of greater power and/or with a large emergency reserve (Fig. 1.), fuel storage is arranged in special containers above ground or underground execution. In this case, fuel is supplied to the burners using pumps. When containers are located above ground, it is also possible to have heating elements for heating diesel fuel during cold periods.

Figure 1. Diagram of a boiler room with backup diesel fuel

In boiler systems using LPG (Fig. 2), fuel storage tanks are located below ground level. The main elements of the equipment of such a boiler house are also the technological piping of the tanks, a pumping group, evaporation and mixing systems, often combined into one unit. The steam phase is supplied to the boiler room burners through thermally insulated pipelines.

Figure 2. Diagram of a boiler room with an LPG fuel reserve

Most effective method using LPG as a reserve fuel - mixing it with air to achieve performance calorific value natural gas. In English-language literature, such a mixture of LPG and air is called SNG (synthetic natural gas). At the same time, at the moment the automation switches from natural gas to SNG, the boiler room equipment “does not notice” such a change, since both types of fuel are almost identical.

to produce synthetic natural gas SNG at the plant warehouse

Let's consider diesel fuel and LPG in terms of volume and cost daily consumption at the maximum load of boilers per 1 MW, conditionally assuming equal boiler efficiency, the cost of equipment, installation and operation of boiler houses of the same power with a reserve in the form of diesel fuel and LPG. As LPG we will consider a propane-butane mixture of the PBT brand with a propane content of no more than 60% according to GOST 52087.

Daily fuel consumption is calculated using the following formula:

V t.s. = P n x 24 / , efficiency x Qv, where

V t.s. - daily volume of fuel consumption (l; m 3)

R n - rated power of the boiler room (kW)

KPDk - coefficient useful action boilers

Qв - specific heat of combustion of fuel per calculation unit (l; m 3)

With efficiency factor = 0.95, specific heat of combustion of diesel fuel 11.9 kW/l, specific heat of combustion of the LPG mixture equal to 12.5 kW/kg, mass/volume ratio 1.76 (density coefficient of PBT brand LPG = 0.568, temperature = 0ºС) we obtain the results given in Table 1.

Table 1. Cost of daily fuel consumption of a boiler house per 1 MW of power

The table shows that, with all other parameters being equal, heating a boiler room with liquefied hydrocarbon gases is almost 1.7 times cheaper than with diesel fuel. And, of course, the positive effect of using LPG increases over the period in direct proportion to the volume of use of reserve fuel.

At the same time, we do not consider the cost of heating containers with diesel fuel in winter period, which can also be a serious cost item. According to the practice that has developed in the regions, heating of containers in the cold season is often not carried out at all, which makes it virtually impossible to start a backup power system.

In addition, compared to diesel fuel, LPG has a number of other advantages:

  • liquid phase of LPG, having the same basic physical properties liquids, like diesel fuel, however, are not subject to a significant increase in viscosity under conditions low temperatures(which negatively affects the transportation of diesel fuel from external storage to the burners), since its vapor phase is supplied to the boiler room
  • the possibility of automatic transition from the main fuel to the reserve one is provided; there is no need to use more expensive combined burners in boilers to be able to burn both gaseous and liquid fuel
  • the cost of building a module is reduced due to the absence auxiliary room(which may be necessary if diesel fuel storage tanks are placed inside the boiler room)

We should also not forget about the environment. Combustion of diesel fuel entails disproportionately greater emissions of soot, sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides than combustion of SNG.

It is also necessary to take into account, unfortunately, the situation with the theft of diesel fuel, which is typical for Russia. Diesel fuel is written off and sold, and the proceeds are appropriated. It is much more difficult to steal and sell LPG on the black market.

No less important is the aspect related to the possibility of more rational management of network natural gas consumption limits. LPG allows for more flexible use during heating season the so-called “gas consumption armor”, that is, the minimum volume of gas consumption required for trouble-free operation technological equipment, subject to maximum use of reserve fuels.

We see the most promising use of LPG as a reserve in the following cases:

  • when modernizing existing boiler houses of public utility facilities to create a reserve or emergency fuel supply
  • during the construction of new facilities in conditions of limited limits on natural gas, as well as with a guaranteed prospect of growth in heat consumption and hot water in future

A steady increase in prices for liquid hydrocarbons on the domestic market, their dependence on the situation on the world market trading platforms, as well as the double growth of the domestic consumption market predicted by 2020 compared to today, make the concept of using LPG as a reserve fuel the most promising.

Features of boiler houses using LPG

In accordance with PB 12-609-03, when modernizing existing boiler houses and constructing new ones, the following points should be taken into account.

  1. Shut-off valves, as a rule, should be made of steel, taking into account climatic conditions and operating gas pressure (clause 2.4.4.).
  2. Safety design shut-off valves must meet the requirements state standards GOST 9544-2005, ensure strength, resistance to SU G and be at least class “A” in terms of tightness.
  3. Design shut-off valves must comply with the requirements of state standards GOST 9544-2005, ensure strength, resistance to LPG and be at least class “B” in terms of tightness (clause 2.4.5.).
  4. The ventilation system must provide 10-fold air exchange during working hours, with 2/3 of the ear intake air must be provided from the lower zone of the room and 1/3 from the upper zone. If there is insufficient air exchange, working with liquefied hydrocarbon gases is not allowed. Electric motors exhaust fans must be explosion-proof (clauses 5.5.16-5.5.28)

"...l) "reserve fuel facility" - a set of equipment and devices intended for storing, supplying and using reserve (emergency) fuel...”


Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 17, 2002 N 317 "On approval of the Rules for the use of gas and the provision of gas supply services in the Russian Federation"

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  • - an agreement under which, in the event of an issue of shares for preferential placement among existing shareholders, the underwriter undertakes to purchase the shares remaining after the shareholders exercise their right to purchase new ones...

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  • - Bank Cash Ratio: Expressed as a percentage of its assets, it shows how much of a bank's assets should be held in cash. In the US the reserve requirement is usually 12.5%...

    Financial Dictionary

  • - equipment located in the technological reserve required by production conditions. Only equipment that is serviceable and ready for operation can be kept in reserve...

    Large economic dictionary

  • - agreements between the IMF and a member state that enable that state to borrow currencies from the IMF for a certain amount and for a predetermined period. R.s. is the decision of the fund to open to the member state...

    Large economic dictionary

  • - "...l) "reserve fuel" - fuel intended for use when gas supply is limited or stopped;..." Source: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 17...

    Official terminology

  • - equipment that is in necessary condition existing conditions production technological reserve. Only equipment that is serviceable and ready for operation can be kept in reserve...

    encyclopedic Dictionary economics and law

  • - adj., number of synonyms: 1 prayed...

    Synonym dictionary

"Reserve fuel economy" in books

Backup Guide

From the author's book

Reserve management Ahan Bey informed us that he has a reserve team of top managers. He often and openly said: “I already have a replacement ready for you, so you too will worry about who will replace your subordinates!” In Do?u? Group second most important person after


by Mellen Andrew

Backup Anyone who has ever experienced such a grim event as a computer failure understands the need to create backup copies of files (and in particular digital photos) on external media. Those who constantly have to use


From the book Rid your life of trash! by Mellen Andrew

Backup! Along with burning important information onto CDs (or DVDs) and storing those CDs in a safe place (in a fireproof cabinet at home or even in a bank safe), I recommend purchasing an external drive that connects to

4.5. The planned economy of the Bolsheviks is a socialist economy

From the book Ford and Stalin: On how to live like human beings author USSR Internal Predictor

4.5. The planned economy of the Bolsheviks is a socialist economy. Having given the definition of the basic economic law of socialism given by us at the end of section 4.4, J.V. Stalin further explains it, clearly distinguishing the goals and means of achieving them. “They say that the basic

Chapter V. Market economy overcomes planned economy

From the book Welfare for Everyone by Erhard Ludwig

Chapter V. Market economy overcomes planned economy “Economic policy began under the slogan of “free market economy” and “liberalization”. In the spring it ended with the introduction of import restrictions, representing the failure of the entire policy


From the book Organize Yourself by Count John

Backup When you deal with computer information, unlike paper information, you don't have to worry too much about saving or deleting it. However, you should not forget about its backup. Little can

4.9. Data backup

From the book How to make your own website and make money on it. A practical guide for beginners on making money online author Mukhutdinov Evgeniy

4.9. Data backup The situation when the hoster disappears along with the sites is not as uncommon as you might think. For the owner of dynamic sites, such an incident can lead to the complete loss of all sites without the possibility of their rapid recovery. The point is

3.1. Backup

From the book Free antiviruses and others free programs from the Internet! author Khalyavin Vasily

3.1. Backup Launch the Backup & Recovery 2011 (Advanced) Free program. To do this, double-click with the left mouse button on the program icon on the desktop. (Fig. 140) In the program window that opens, click on the drive on which you have installed operating system, and then the button

From the book Surviving in the Digital World. Illustrated tips from Kaspersky Lab author Dyakov Mikhail

Tip 16: Backup Computers are also mortal, and moreover, suddenly mortal. Often, losing hardware, even the most modern, is not nearly as offensive as losing an archive of family photographs, an almost completed graduation project, or, say, something you’ve been collecting for years.

Chapter 17 Backup

From the book Linux Network Tools by Smith Roderick W.

Data backup

From the book PC Failures and Errors. We treat the computer ourselves author Dontsov Dmitry

Backing Up Data In most cases, the most valuable thing on a computer is information. Information can be valuable information, and over time, every computer accumulates a huge amount of such data. Even if of special value in


From the book Data Recovery 100% author Tashkov Petr Andreevich

Backup The only way to save information for as long as possible is to make it redundant and distribute it over different media. Over the entire history of the development of computer technology, two fundamental paths have been invented. Mirroring, or

From the book Rules technical operation thermal power plants in questions and answers. A guide for studying and preparing for the knowledge test author Krasnik Valentin Viktorovich

4. FUEL ECONOMY. SOLID, LIQUID AND GASEOUS FUELS 4.1. General provisions Question 122. What ensures that all fuel is accounted for in terms of quantity and quality when it is received by the organization, spent on production and stored in warehouses and tanks? Answer. At


From the book Thermal Power Plants. Collection of normative documents author Team of authors


From the book Rules for the technical operation of thermal power plants author Team of authors

4. FUEL ECONOMY. SOLID, LIQUID AND GASEOUS FUELS 4.1. General provisions4.1.1. The operation of fuel equipment must ensure timely, uninterrupted preparation and supply of fuel to the boiler room. There must be a supply of basic and