Ceiling decorative plaster application. Do-it-yourself ceiling finishing with decorative plaster and video instructions. Preparation and beacons

Ceiling decorative plaster application. Do-it-yourself ceiling finishing with decorative plaster and video instructions. Preparation and beacons

Ceiling plaster does not apply complex types repair work. For a novice builder, it is quite possible to cope with such a task with his own hands. As for decorative plaster of walls or ceilings, the situation here is somewhat more complicated. However, with great desire and the right approach to the process itself self-execution such work is quite possible.

Decorative plaster allows you to create patterns of a wide variety of shapes.

Do-it-yourself decorative plaster on the ceiling requires not only the right approach, but also compliance with the basic rules. After carefully reading the instructions, from which you will learn about some of the nuances of the work process, you can safely begin plastering the ceiling with your own hands.

Decorative plaster of the ceiling or walls: features

When performing decorative plaster on the ceiling or walls, you will have an excellent opportunity to create any texture you like, since the material you have to work with is very plastic. It is worth noting here that this coating has many undeniable advantages, one of which is the elimination of some defects in the ceiling and walls (irregularities, cracks or noticeable joints of slabs). Wallpaper, as practice shows, cannot cope with this in all cases.

Plastering the ceiling with your own hands requires the following materials and tools:

Schemes for applying plaster to the ceiling.

  1. Decorative plaster. This material There are 3 types: for interior decoration, For exterior finishing, universal plaster (suitable for working with interior and exterior decoration).
  2. Hammer.
  3. Several types of spatulas.
  4. Availability of a container for preparing the material.
  5. Half graters.

How the plaster will lie on the ceiling depends on its composition. Taking into account some features of the material, it is possible to create the most amazing and bizarre textures.

When laying decorative plaster on the ceiling with your own hands, you cannot use the option that is used for exterior decoration. The reason is that their properties are slightly different. In order to decorate a ceiling or wall indoors, the plaster must have an appropriate purpose. In this case, it is appropriate to use a universal option.

Do not forget that the material may differ in its composition. Here you can act at your own discretion and taking into account your capabilities. As a rule, the main criteria to be guided by are the price and quality of the material.

Among the most common options are:

  1. Application of a polymer mixture.
  2. The use of a silicate mixture containing liquid potassium glass.
  3. Decorative coating mineral mixture, which is made on the basis of lime and cement.

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The process of applying decorative plaster

Tools for plastering works.

Before you begin finishing the ceiling with decorative plaster, you need to level the surface using a specially designed putty.

You can also use the drywall installation method.

As a rule, decorative ceiling plaster is performed using the same types of tools. The technique of applying the material does not change. This way you can achieve the result you want.

For novice builders who are faced with performing such work for the first time, the task may seem quite difficult. To ensure that the result does not disappoint you, it is very important to act strictly following all recommendations.

  1. Plastering the ceiling will be done correctly if you take into account the following nuances:
  2. Before you begin applying decorative plaster, the surface should be carefully prepared. First of all, it is necessary to achieve such qualities as absolute cleanliness and dryness. This way you will prevent the possibility of mold and mildew. As mentioned earlier, this type of finishing does not require perfectly leveled surfaces. In order for the plaster to adhere as firmly as possible, it is recommended to first apply a layer of primer to the ceiling or walls.
  3. Carrying out work with this type of plaster can be compared to the process of applying putty. The material should be applied with smooth movements, the spatula should be moved along the surface from bottom to top. Next, the applied layer is leveled.
  4. The most important stage is creating the invoice. To carry out this task, you can use a plastic grater, roller and spatula.

Before applying decorative plaster, the ceiling must be leveled with putty or drywall.

Applying various options, you can create all kinds of effects. So, by moving the tool in a circle, you can get a pattern that looks like a shell. If you use a plastic grater, using rotary or translational movements You will get circular or straight grooves.

You can even achieve spectacular designs using simple circular or semicircular movements. Acting with the same movements, while using various instruments, appearance the surface will be completely different. To make the surface more even, you can use a regular spatula.

In order to obtain a certain effect, not only the method of applying the material and the tool used are important. The plastered surface can be given a granite, marble or mother-of-pearl color. But this task requires professional skills.

After waiting for the plaster to completely dry, the surface must be carefully treated using wax. This way you will not only get glossy finish, but also provide it additional protection. In addition, this will significantly reduce the maintenance requirements for the decorative surface.

Finishing the ceiling with decorative plaster creates a durable, stable coating on the surface, which also has waterproof, heat-insulating and antiseptic properties. Also, the use of such material allows you to obtain planes that imitate natural marble or the texture of any other stone.

The technology of application when designing decorative and textured plasters requires special precision and accuracy.

Indeed, despite the elimination minor defects, significant surface imperfections will clearly stand out against the general background.
So, how do you do decorative plaster on ceilings with your own hands?

If we take the definition, then decorative plaster is a viscous mixture intended for finishing residential surfaces. But the zest of the material is given by its fillers, which form coatings that are special in appearance.

There are the following types of plaster used for decoration:

Each variety forms its own surface using mineral and organic fillers.

Structural plaster

Most shining example- “bark beetle”, which is most often used in decorating the facades of buildings. The peculiarity of such a mixture is that, in addition to binders, there is a mineral additive - quartz chips ranging in size from 0.5 to 3 mm.
After applying structural plaster, it is necessary to form its relief manually. Using pebbles, you can get three-dimensional patterns.

Textured mixtures

This is a plaster containing binders with mineral and organic additives: mica, wood fibers, small stones. The combination of fillers ultimately gives the effect of a three-dimensional image. If you use various stamps or forming rollers, then textured images can be formed on the surface.

Venetian plaster

Contains fine marble chips. The mixture also contains a binder. When applied to the surface, a smooth, uniform coating is formed that replicates the appearance of natural marble.

Flock mixtures

Plasters for interior ceiling decoration, allowing you to get an image in the style of a mosaic. The effect is achieved by applying three layers: a binder-adhesive composition, multi-colored and different-sized stones, and a varnish coating.
The mixtures differ in their composition, which in one way or another affects the installation methods and the final result.

Classification by composition

In addition to fillers in the form of mineral chips or organic additives, an important component that affects the properties is the binder.
According to this criterion, the following options for decorative plasters are distinguished:


Typically, acrylic resins are used as a binder component, which makes coatings resistant to humidity and temperature changes.


The base of silicone components gives plasticity to the applied plaster, and also improves vapor permeability properties and water resistance.


They contain components such as liquid glass and alkalis. Such components make it possible to obtain coatings with good antiseptic properties, plasticity, water resistance and vapor permeability.


The main binder used in these types of plasters is lime; clay and mineral additives may also be included.

To improve properties, additives can be used: acrylic, polyurethane, and epoxy resins, strengthening the coating, giving it resistance and durability.

Mineral chips (quartz, granite), in addition to texture, make it possible to obtain a layer that is resistant to abrasion and has smooth/rough surfaces.
Waterproofing and antiseptic properties are improved due to the preservatives, thickeners and others included in the mixture.
An example of complex multi-component mixtures is Venetian plaster, which, in addition to a strong, durable coating, has an original appearance in the form of a marble surface.
The compositions of decorative mixtures ultimately impart a lot of positive qualities.

Positive and negative properties of plasters

Using this type of ceiling surface design allows for many positive properties to be achieved.
Practical component. Coatings formed with decorative plaster are very easy to keep clean; they can be washed and wiped.
Antiseptic properties. The plastered surfaces will be reliably protected from the formation of mold and mildew on the surface.
Water resistance. Increased level humidity does not harm the finishing of decorative plaster.
Versatility. The material can be applied to Various types bases: brick, concrete, drywall and others.

Environmentally friendly. The mixtures do not contain harmful and toxic compounds.
Extensive range. A variety of mixtures with different fillers allows you to create different types of textured images.
However, there are no ideal construction and finishing materials; finishing mixtures also have their drawbacks.

  • High price;
  • High requirements for surface preparation;
  • Experience with the material is required.
  • Impossibility of laying certain types of plaster (wood, gypsum, etc.) on hydrophobic substrates.

But, the prevailing positive traits decorative mixtures make them one of the most popular materials in design premises.

How to choose the right mixture

Mixtures for ceiling decoration are sold in the form of ready-to-use and dry compositions requiring self-cooking. The finished mixtures can be immediately applied to previously prepared ceilings; in addition, acrylic resins are usually the basis of such plasters. This feature makes them universal, that is, they can be laid even on surfaces that are afraid of water: wood or drywall.

Dry formulations must be prepared for use by adding a certain amount of water and thoroughly mixing. This requires skill, because it is not always possible to immediately obtain the consistency needed for the job. And the base in the form of water limits the use of dry decorative plasters on hydrophobic bases.

Dry mixtures are cheaper than ready-made ones, but it is worth considering that the first option has one color - white. To obtain the surface required in terms of scale, the ceiling will have to be additionally painted, or the plaster itself will have to be tinted during preparation.
Another point is the drying speed, ready-made mixtures are acrylic base You can paint it the very next day after application, but in the case of dry ones it will take at least a week.
Choosing various compositions It’s better to pay attention to samples from famous manufacturers, their certified materials are truly high quality.

Technologies for applying decorative plaster to the ceiling

The tool is selected for decorative plaster depending on the types and methods of application. Dry mixtures are prepared by mixing with a mixer attachment on a drill. The main device for laying decorative plaster is a straight trowel, or as it is also called Venetian.

For structural types of material, you also need a plastic grater, which is used to form the surface texture. When choosing the necessary tool, you must first study the manufacturer’s recommendations for using a specific material.
Methods of applying decorative plaster depend on its type.

Application of structural plasters

Initially, you need to prepare the mixture, after which you begin to lay it.
The mixture is applied to the surface of the trowel with an auxiliary spatula. After that, the tool is set at an angle to the ceiling surface of 30 degrees, and the composition is pulled along the plane. A layer of structural plaster is laid with a thickness corresponding to the size of the mineral chips (0.5-3 mm).

When using structural finishing materials, after laying them, you need to begin forming the texture. This is done using a plastic grater, moving it along the plastered surface to create a certain pattern.
Structural coatings can be painted after the material has dried. The paint is applied in at least 2 layers with breaks between approaches.

It is important to know that when working with structural mixtures, it is best to use a helper. While one is laying the plaster layer, the other is rubbing the applied mixture, forming a pattern!

Working with textured plaster

In addition to a straight trowel, to form a pattern on the surface of the coating, it is advisable to use a shaped roller with a grooved roller. The technology for applying to the ceiling is as follows.

At the first stage, the finished mixture is applied, like its structural analogue, with a straight trowel.
Patterns can be applied with a roller, but trowels, brushes, rags and other texture-forming devices are also used.
Textured plaster for the ceiling is painted after drying.

How to apply Venetian

The operating technology is as follows:
Laying is done in several layers, applying the plaster with a spatula, and using a straight trowel to level and form the layers.
The total thickness of the coating is maintained within 5 mm; how many layers can be accommodated is decided individually. Each individual layer is laid at intervals of 12 hours.
After laying, they perform the “ironing” procedure by rubbing the surface with a trowel. And after final drying it is sanded with fine-grained sandpaper, and coated with wax.

The versatility of this material, which is used not only inside homes, but also for decorating facades, is captivating. This process is more complicated and requires more skill than in the case of walls. And that's not the point various technologies work (they are exactly the same), but rather in the inconvenience of carrying out wet processes on a horizontal base. But if you have tried your hand at decorating walls, then DIY decorative plaster on the ceiling doesn't seem like a difficult task .

Features of the material: photo design

This type of finishing is a heterogeneous mass with various inclusions present in it. Thanks to this, the finished surface can imitate natural marble, silk fabric, granite, metal and other additives. The material is varied in texture and shades. At the same time, it does not pose any danger to the environment, and the surface created with its help can last. long time.

Types of finishing with decorative plaster

Binder components play a decisive role in shaping the finishing characteristics.

The most famous of them:

  • polymers;
  • silicone;
  • silicate;
  • minerals.

Polymer plaster is made on the basis of acrylic resin, which increases its resistance to moisture and temperature fluctuations. As a result of applying the polymer mass, the base looks like a leather or marble surface. Silicone finishes, which contain silicone resins, are very similar in characteristics to polymer finishes. Additional advantages of this material are the finishing layer and significant color variety. The only drawback of silicone mixtures is their high price.

Silicate materials due to the presence in their composition liquid glass with a high alkali content they acquire good antiseptic properties. In addition, elasticity can be distinguished, good resistance pollution and ability to conduct steam. The color selection here is somewhat limited.

Mineral finishes are made from lime or cement. Colored clay and crushed minerals are also added to their composition. This type of ceiling design is characterized by a gradual increase in its strength over the course of use.

Types of finishes by composition

Along with binders, the finishing characteristics also depend on additional components:

  1. Acrylic. Increases the environmental safety of finishing;
  2. Polyurethane and epoxy resins. Increase service life decorative covering(due to toxicity, can only be used outdoors);
  3. Crushed quartz or granite. Increases resistance to mechanical stress;
  4. Other substances. Due to the introduction of preservatives, thickeners and antiseptics into the mixture, it acquires additional characteristics.

Separate decorative mixtures have more complex compositions. We are talking primarily about Venetian plaster, which is made on the basis of marble lime flour. The specificity of the material is the ability to create a very believable imitation of marble, for which it is used special equipment application.

Depending on the type of texture, decorative plaster can be:

  1. Structural. It is characterized by a heterogeneous granular appearance (“bark beetle”, “fur coat”);
  2. Textured. A plastic material that allows you to create interesting bas-reliefs and panels when applied;
  3. Venetian. This decorative plaster on the ceiling is distinguished by a rather complex application technology in several layers.

Main stages of work

Before applying decorative plaster to the ceiling, you should acquire the following tools:

  • container for preparing the solution;
  • perforator with mixer attachment;
  • a set of spatulas;
  • scraper;
  • trowel, grater;
  • roller, brush, sponge.

Preparing the base

It is necessary to clean off the old finish right down to the floor slab using a scraper. If we're talking about about wallpaper and putty, it is recommended to pre-moisten them with water. All protruding areas are knocked down, and any cracks found are repaired. Next a layer of primer is applied deep penetration, which will provide good adhesion for subsequent finishing. It is necessary to treat the base with a special antiseptic liquid, which will prevent the appearance of mold.

Leveling layer

Decorative plaster for the ceiling can hide only minor irregularities in the base. If there are noticeable differences, an alignment procedure will be required: this will work well for starting putty based on gypsum (Rotband, Izogypsum). Before applying it, beacons are installed on alabaster. The first plank is mounted at a distance of 20 cm from the wall, the distance between the remaining elements is determined by the length of the rule.

Having prepared the solution in a container using construction mixer, make a ceiling screed. To do this, use a trowel or spatula to throw the mixture into the gaps between the beacon strips, then tighten it with the rule (it must move strictly perpendicular to the guides).

To speed up the process, an uneven base can be covered. In this case, preparation of the ceiling surface will be reduced to applying a primer layer.

Preparing the mixture

Finishing with decorative plaster begins with the correct preparation of the solution. It goes on sale in the form. Preparation technology consists of diluting the material warm water, proportions may vary depending on the type of finish. The result should be an elastic solution, reminiscent of thick sour cream in its consistency. In any case, there are detailed instructions on the package.

Mortar laying technology

To apply the composition to the ceiling surface, use a wide spatula; the optimal place to start finishing is any corner of the room, with the strip moving parallel to the wall. To avoid falling, the laid fragment of the solution must be immediately stretched along the base. This uses the cross stroke technique. To level the surface you will need a special roller. The thickness of the decorative layer is taken such that it overlaps the textured grains.

Methods for applying decorative plaster may vary - it all depends on the material used. For example, standard modeling compositions (we are primarily talking about decorative bark beetle plaster) require instant design of the pattern, for which a notched trowel is used. The patterns of textured mixtures are formed independently. After the entire base area has been plastered, take a break to dry (about 12 hours).

Depending on the type of decorative plaster used, painting or waxing can be used as a finishing touch. Coloring is necessary in cases where the base material does not contain color enzymes. The paint is usually applied in two layers, taking a break to dry. Waxing is recommended to be done a week after finishing plastering work. Thanks to wax finished finishing will acquire a characteristic shine and additional protection.

For finishing decoration textured surfaces It is more convenient to use varnish instead of wax.

To summarize, it should be noted that decorative plaster on the ceiling is laid with your own hands using almost the same technology as on. The only difference is the requirements for greater application speed and compliance with safety rules when working at height. If you are unsure of your abilities or lack the necessary time, you can hire professional craftsmen to carry out this work.

Among the huge variety of finishing materials for ceilings, it is worth highlighting decorative plaster. It is durable, environmentally friendly and durable material. Decorative plaster is available in a wide variety of color scheme and has a variety of textures.

Depending on the application, decorative plaster for the ceiling may have water-repellent, heat-insulating and antiseptic properties.

Composition and structure of decorative plaster

Depending on the use, the compositions of decorative plaster may differ in fillers and additives that give the finishing material certain additional properties. Decorative plaster for the ceiling is not only stylish element interior decor, but also durable coating, protecting the ceiling from excess moisture, dampness and other adverse influences.

IN construction stores You can purchase both structural and textured.

Structural plaster

The structural plaster mixture is a white mass, which can be painted any color during the finishing process. These mixtures allow you to use specialized plastering tools to give the ceiling surface any texture, provided by design interior of the room.

Decorative plaster of the ceiling using structural plaster mixture requires certain skills in carrying out construction and finishing works.

Textured plaster

This type of decorative plaster is very convenient to use, as it is completely ready for use.

All necessary components have already been added to the composition of textured plasters, and the surface texture during application is already determined by the composition of the construction and finishing mixture.

Based on the size of the filler grains, decorative plasters are divided into the following types:

  • Large textured decorative plaster has a granule size of three to five millimeters;
  • Medium textured - granule size from one and a half to two and a half millimeters;
  • Fine textured plaster – granule size from 0.5 to 1 millimeter;
  • Finely textured decorative plaster has a granule size of less than 0.5 millimeters.

Advice. When deciding on the choice of material for, you should take into account that for application finishing plaster With a fine or fine texture, the ceiling must be perfectly smooth, since this material does not hide surface defects.

Composition of decorative plaster

Decorative plaster on the ceiling has several compositions of the working mixture:

  • Plasters that contain acrylic or polymer dissolved in water as a binder are environmentally friendly, but their wear resistance leaves much to be desired;
  • If epoxy resins or polyurethane are used as a binder in decorative plaster, then such a material is more durable, but when heated it can emit fumes that are unsafe for human health.

Advice. These coatings are not used for finishing ceilings in bedrooms and children's rooms.

  • When granite or quartz chips are used as a filler for a plaster mixture, an abrasion-resistant surface with a smooth or rough texture is obtained;
  • If you select as a filler marble chips, then the treated surface will have a rough texture that is unstable to abrasion;
  • To give the plaster mixture waterproofing and antiseptic properties The composition contains special thickeners, preservatives and antiseptics, which must be indicated on the finished packaging.

Options for finishing ceilings with decorative plaster

Depending on the design style of the room and its features, the option of decorative plaster for the ceilings is also selected.

For example, finishing the ceiling with decorative plaster in a bathroom or hall will differ in composition and texture from finishing a bedroom or dining room.

Decoration of bedrooms and children's rooms

As finishing material for bedrooms and children's rooms it is better to choose plaster mixtures based on mineral lime - this is the safest environmentally friendly pure material, which allows the ceiling surface to “breathe”.

Thanks to the huge selection of colors and textures, mineral decorative plasters are available in a variety of styles and color combinations.

Advice. Plasters on water based Do not apply to surfaces that swell under the influence of moisture - fiberboard, plasterboard and wood.

Finishing rooms with high humidity

For finishing rooms with high humidity– in bathrooms, lavatories and kitchens, acrylic-based decorative ceiling plasters with water-repellent properties are used.

Exists whole line plaster mixtures for ceilings, which have a water-repellent effect, which is also necessarily indicated on the packaging with the mixture. Application of decorative plaster to the ceiling does not require pre-leveling ceiling, since the mixture is applied in a layer of at least five millimeters.

But still preliminary preparation ceiling and the elimination of large surface defects before applying the plaster mixture is necessary.

Advantages and disadvantages of plaster mixtures for ceilings

The advantages of decorative plaster include the following factors:

  • Lightweight and easy to use;
  • Decorative plaster can be applied to almost any surface;
  • Decorative plaster for the ceiling does not require careful preparation of the surface, but it is still advisable to eliminate large surface defects;
  • Decorative plaster perfectly masks minor unevenness in the ceiling surface;
  • Decorative plaster is a resistant, environmentally friendly and durable coating.

The disadvantages of this building and finishing material include the following:

  • Finishing work must be carried out by a specialist;
  • Finely textured plaster requires ideal flat surface ceiling;
  • Water-based plasters cannot be applied to surfaces that are not resistant to moisture - plasterboard, chipboard and wood.

Properly selected decorative plaster on the ceiling will help give the interior of the room unique style and grace. The main thing is that the material of the plaster mixture is selected taking into account all technological requirements.

Tinted composition for finishing walls and ceilings

Finishing the ceiling with decorative plaster allows you to create on its surface a texture or relief that cannot be achieved using other materials. That is why interest in this species finishing, only increases over time.

We will talk about what types of structural plasters are used today in interior design, how they differ, and how to create them yourself beautiful composition on the ceiling.

Modern finishing material

Before we talk about the process of decorating the ceiling, let's clarify what specialized plaster is? Note that the terms: “relief”, “textured”, “structural”, “decorative”, applied to plaster, define the name of the same material.

Types and effects obtained

Venetian plaster stands apart in the class of decorative coatings, since both its composition and the technology of application to the surface are different. If textured mixtures are produced on the basis acrylic resins, due to which they acquire such plasticity, then in the composition Venetian plaster flour from valuable species stone, plus gypsum as a binder.

For the ceiling

  • There is no such thing as “decorative plaster for the ceiling”. There are compositions for facades, interiors, and universal options, which can be used in both cases. Universal formulations are made not on a gypsum base, but on a cement base, and one of these options is microcement plaster.
  • This is a kind of analogue of the “Venetian”, only instead of marble flour, polymers are used in its production. Both options allow you to recreate the natural beauty of marble, malachite, and onyx, but it’s unlikely to be possible to do it yourself.
  • This requires special qualifications; the composition of the drawing depends entirely on the hand of the master, and is never repeated twice. As for acrylic mixtures, a variant of the texture imitating one or another natural material, is often included by the manufacturer already during the manufacturing process of the composition.
  • In such cases, the instructions on the package indicate exactly what effect you will get when applying it to the wall. Use similar formulations for independent work the easiest way, and there are many more variations of their textures than you see in the photo below.

Formation of invoice

Using a ready-made pigmented composition, you don’t need to strain your imagination too much. The main thing is to choose the right color that will most harmoniously fit into the interior.

The price varies between 1450-1600 rubles per can weighing 2.5 kg. By the way, this is half the cost of a package of Venetian plaster of the same volume.

  • But most often, textured plasters are sold in the form of dry or ready mixture white, and fillers and colors for them are offered separately.
  • This division makes it possible to create any reliefs and color compositions on the surface of the ceiling or walls. These options for decorative plasters are simply created for creativity.
  • The process of applying such a composition to the wall is essentially no different from conventional plastering. The only difference is that this coating does not require finishing.
  • Due to the plasticity of the mixture, a relief can be made on the surface not only with a special tool, but also with any available item: a sponge, a ruler, a comb.

  • From textured plaster you can, like from plasticine, sculpt three-dimensional figures, placing them around the perimeter of the ceiling, or around a chandelier. Without a certain skill, this is quite difficult to do, especially on the ceiling.
  • Craftsmen often resort to creating such decors when finishing wall niches. It looks very beautiful, especially if the panel is illuminated. After watching the corresponding video, you can get a master class from arts and crafts professionals.
  • The uniqueness of structural plaster as a finishing material lies in the extraordinary variety of textures and effects that can satisfy the most sophisticated taste. In addition, it has a good soundproofing effect.

Such coatings are durable, retain their original color for a long time, and are practical since they do not require additional maintenance. Decorative plaster of the ceiling is performed on any base: concrete, wood, insulation. If necessary, it can be repainted in a different color, or simply covered with wallpaper.

The nuances of creating a textured coating

If you decide to use it in the interior decoration of your home textured plaster, and even to do it yourself, first of all, you should follow the recommendations of the material manufacturer. Otherwise, the result may not be what you expected.

  • Also, you need to keep in mind that with the help of a decorative coating you can hide only small recesses and cracks on the surface.
  • If there are differences on the ceiling between adjacent ceilings, exposed joints, traces of rust, or dampness, the base must be prepared before applying decorative plaster.
  • In principle, this process is no different from preparing the ceiling for conventional plastering. All existing ceiling coverings must be removed.
  • Rusty stains, if any, must be washed off with an appropriate composition - modern household chemicals offers many options.

  • Dampness can be eliminated using crystallizing primer for concrete. Seal joints with modified cement mortar and seal with reinforcing tape. Differences in height will have to be eliminated using conventional leveling with a gypsum mixture, preferably a universal one. The finished base is treated with a primer, and you can begin applying the decorative coating.
  • All these recommendations apply not only to the finishing of the ceiling, but also to the walls, especially since they are often decorated at the same time, and even using the same type of plaster. This is not done, of course, in the form of a continuous carpet, but is combined with ordinary smooth painted areas.
  • If you look closely at the example photo below, you will see that the walls and ceiling of the living room are partially covered with plasterboard. As you can see, plasterboard sheathing painted in White color, and the base bases that remain visible are finished with decorative plaster. By the way, this technique is most often used in ceiling decoration.
  • A plasterboard box is installed along the perimeter of the ceiling, forming a caisson. The recess can follow the shape of the ceiling, or vice versa, change it. IN in this case, the caisson is round. More dark shade its covering solves the problem of visual perception of space, making it compact.
  • By the way, the color of cocoa with milk, in combination with white, is very pleasing to the eye, and the “antique” texture of the plaster makes the interior simply irresistible. Keep in mind that for this design everything is important: shape, color, and lighting.

The last point is especially important, since in semi-darkness, the texture and color of the decorative coating is perceived completely differently than in bright light. Even on the wall and ceiling the same color appears different.

To work with decorative plaster, you need to stock up necessary tools. Their set, as well as the technology for performing the work, depend on which particular composition you prefer. This is especially true for rollers and other devices for creating relief.

  • Before starting work on the ceiling, try creating a section of the covering, if possible, on the wall. You can also use a piece of plywood or drywall for this purpose. If you are completely satisfied with the resulting texture, you can begin to design the ceiling surface.
  • Plaster for the ceiling should not have a too liquid consistency - this is important. The amount of solution should be such that you have time to work it out during the time that the manufacturer allots for hardening. If the mixture begins to set, the “just add water” principle no longer works.
  • Applying the composition to the surface of the ceiling, as well as smoothing it, is practically no different from performing a conventional screed. As a rule, plaster needs to be applied in two layers, and they may well have different shade. Craftsmen often make the bottom layer darker and the top layer lighter. Then the drawing, due to the shade, will look voluminous.

DIY multi-color relief options

  • Professionals know how to create interesting textures simply using a spatula or grater, but in order to create a complex pattern, special tool still needed. To apply the relief, you can use a figured roller or make a wooden stamp. Buy a silicone pad, like in the picture above, glue it on work surface stamp - and you can use it. For those who have no experience in this work, such a tool will be of great help.

It takes about 24 hours for decorative plaster to completely harden, and it sets within 20-30 minutes. Therefore, the relief on finished screed needs to be done quickly. As the decorative plaster for the ceiling dries, it loses its elasticity, and it becomes impossible to correct the failed design.